The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1902, PART TWO, Page 11, Image 11

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Hhe Largest Complete Hpusefurnishing ' Establishment, in the State .
Offers in Seasonable Fur
EVERY ITEM A BUSINESS BRINGER FOR US A MONEY SAVER FOR YOU. A glance at the values we offer tells a story of unprecedented selling to
come. Just the things that the season demands are here in fullest assortment, in unquestionable quality, in desirable styles, and at prices lower than the lowest
that have ever been quoted on like merchandise. It takes months of planning and negotiating to bring about these results. We buy lavishly. We pay cash. We
take advantage of every trade condition that will tend to lower the price to you. That's why we undersell the most determined competition. That's what makes
this Portland's Fastest Growing Store. What's true of Furnishings is true of every line we offer.
No. 1. This elegant Go-Cart
has all modern improvements
adjustable back and foot,
beautifully-upholstered HO
in velours, silk parasol, JLL
No. 2. . Smart Go- C17 Gft
Cart; adjustable J 1 1 Jv
No. 3. Here's a beauty ad
justable, velour CIO CA
upholstery J) IJ.JU
This beautiful
Cart, only
Ho. 4. Full frame Rattan Go-
?.".?m. $15.00
No. 5. This beautiful design
this week only, C1 1 ft A
special at P v"
No. 6. A beauty in silk ve-
irf.'! 524.00
Here's one for $9;50 We
have a fine stock of CJo-Carts
and Baby Carriages, and in
vite inspection of them.
Iron Bed,
amel, 4
6 ft. 2 in,
white, blue or green en
ft. 6 in. wide, CO 7
. long i 9Ll J
Iron Bed, olive, cream, pink, blue C4 QfJ
or white, new design J4wJ
This artistically designed Iron Bedstead, trim
med with brass, enameled in olive, cream,
pink, ivory and gold, or moss green; 70
price reduced from $10 to... 41.JU
v.. .
Metallic Bed, In cream3
white, with, brass trim
mings v
blue, green,
... $15.00
Very desirable Iron Enameled Bed,
trimmed with brass, all the CO A ff
new rnlnrs $LJJJ
Handsome High-Top Enamel Bed,
pink, blue, apple, lavender or
white; solid brass knobs; solid and
rigid bed; special price CO 7C
this week 4 J. a J
Couch, upholstered in Russian damask, $5.00
Sofa Bed, back drops, pillow turns over, upholstered in velours
aiio.uu, in tapestry ar. ?a.uu, in aamasK 7 hll
St. Clair
Stoves and
This elegant Marie Antoinette Suit, frames finished a rich dark
mahogany, beautifully upholstered in silk damask, CI 7
$25.00. In French imported velour, at P "Jv
'3 , p
This five-piece Parlor Suit, oak frames, upholstered in COC HA
tapestry and silk plush bands, this week 4J.UU
TKe above cut correctly
represents the St. Clair Steel
Range. Prices commence at
$27.50 and go as high as $50,
according to size. We can
give you a St. Clair Florence
Range, 6 holes, all complete,
Guaranteed for 10 years.
Handsome family cook
stove, with all modern im
provements No. 8, $15; No.
8, plain, with legs instead of
fancy-base, $11; No. 7 Cook
stove, v
Remarkable Sale of
Here's that great carpet sale that Is at
tracting the attention of Portland's pru
dent housekeepers the values have never
been equaled.
Body Brussels Carpets
Blgclow & Iiowell's, in tho rich tones
of green, olives, Persian blue, all dainty,
beautiful effects; the celebrated Art Nou
veau, Egyptian and Persian designs, for
parlors, libraries, halls and dining-rooms;
the newest Spring patterns at $L35; last
Fall patterns, $1.2o per yard.
Imperial Axminster
A most alluring assortment In rich tones;
all have borders, and for the parlor can
not be excelled for charm of design and
luxurious appearance. Made and laid with
lining at 3L25 per yard.
Wilton Velvet Carpet
For durability nothing excels the velvet
carpet; they have not the luster and
brightness of the Axminster, but their
wearing qualities are excelled by no other
carpet at the price; very suitable for par
lors and libraries; price, $1.25 per yard.
Wo have the best-selected stock of these
goods in the state.
Brussels Carpetings
Perhaps no carpet has enjoyed such an
enormous sale as this line; they range
through all the effects Oriental. Louis
XVI, Floral, New Art and In such lovely
shade.; of color. A good carpet at $L10.
Smith's Tapestry
These well-known carpets we carry in
10- and S-wlre goods, at 85c and 73c, re
spectively. We say without fear of con
tradiction that the cheapest of these car
pets will give good satisfaction for seven
years. They arc In very bright floral ef
fects, and brighten up the dullest room;
made and laid, ioc per yard.
Ingrain Carpets
You can always Qnd the largest stock of
these goods In our store. We never dis
play less than 100 patterns.
The "Rajahs" are $1.00 per yard; the
extra-superfine, all-wool are standard at
75c; other all-wool carpets at COc, and cot
ton chain carpets at 50c; the Cottage car
pet, all cotton, at 25c per yard.
We carry suitable patterns of wool car
pets, for hall or stair, properly matched
with borders, at 65c per yard.
We like to sell mattings by the bolt of
40 yards, and will make you a reduction
of 6 cents per yard on any pattern in the
house; prices are, regular: Linen warp,
25c; cotton warp, 20c; straw warp, 15c;
Japanese, or 25c and 20c in Chinese da
mask matting, extra heavy.
Dresser, golden ash or white
maple, has two small draw
ers at top instead of large
one as shown, CIO Cft
special J) IL.JU
No. 211 Chiffonier, eiC Aft
quartered oak 4 U.UU
Special bargains in solid oak
Sreds: SI 6.00
The handsome Morris chair illus
trated above is of solid oak, or in
birch, mahoganized, with choice
velour cushions; special, (TC QG
one week, at 4J.JJ
Good substantial chamber suits for
everyday use; durable and well
'finished; bevel plate 10
glass v ' J Jy
Cheval Dresser, swell front, French
mirror, 32 x 40 inch. QQ
ETC., ETC. .
Fine Goods
For Little
CO pairs Nottingham Iaco Curtains. 3
yards long regular 5L75. spe- f i)C
clal at, per pair vliu
170 pairs Nottingham Curtains, 3x14
yards, regular $2.50, special at. $1 7E
per pair O 1 1 1 u
73 pairs Ruffled Net Curtains, fine heavy
net. with handsome lace insertion and
edge, regular $1.00; this week Cn tn
at, per pair . OliuU
100 pairs Genuine Irish Point, $6 A rn
grade, reduced to, per palr..... OtiuU
36 pairs Point Arabe. new ad- tfQ nn
vance styles, $12, now at. palr..OOiUU
50 pairs Calais Curtains, very high grade,
sell regularly at 515, $12, and 67 cn
$10, choice of line 0 f lUU
25 pairs Ottoman Tapestry Portieres,
handsome reversible goods, trimmed
with deep fringe, regular $5.00 On 7C
goods, at 00 1 1 J
50 pairs Bordered Tapestry Portieres, the
newest stock style. witTNip- PQ fin
plique. work, $12 kind, now at OUiUU
75 pairs Two-Tone Tapestry Portieres,
reversible, fringed In lloral and CO,
geometrical designs, $5 kind, at.. vOiUU
20 pairs Odd Tapestry Portieres, to clos
out. regular $6 kind, In steel rn en
blue and pale pink only, cut to...giv)U
1000 yards Swissollne, for making sash cur
tains, regular 15c goods, at Qn
per yard ub
E000 yards Calais Net for curtains, beauti
ful and artistic effects, regular nr.
EOc goods, reduced to Lob
1400 yards Plain Curtain Net, tho t fU
double-thread round mesh iOb
1EC0 yards Scrim, for curtains, cft
regular 12c goods Uu
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