10 THE SUNDAY OREGON IAN, PORTLAND, AtJGTJST 3, 1902. TWO USES OF WATER Manufacturing and Naviga tion at the Falls, i NO CONFLICT BETWEEN THEM Engineers to Examine With View to Goreramcnt Acquisition of Canal and Lock nt Orcsron. City Would Make River Free. The order of tho Chief of Engineers appointing a board to examine and re port upon the canal and locks at Oregon City reads as follows: By authority of the Secretary of War. and In accordance with the provisions of the river and harbor act of June 13, 1902, a board of officers of the Corps i of Engi neers, to consist of Major John Minis, Captain William C. Langfitt, First Lieu tenant Robert P. Johnston, will assemble at Portland, Or., upon the call of the senior member, to ascertain and report whetner either the acquisition of the present canal and locks at Willamette Falls. Or., or a construction of new canal and locks by the United States Government and their operation for the exclusive benefit of tne navigation of said river -would, by with drawing the waters of the Willamette River from the channels in which tnej iave been accustomed to flow or other wise. Injure in a material manner tne operations of the manufacturing ent.eJ crises now In operation or contemplated, et the falls of the "Willamette River. The board is authorized to visit such points as it deems necessary for tne proper performance of its duties. Major Mlllls, the senior member of tho fcoard. Is in charge of Tlver and harbor work in the Puget Sound district Cap tain Langfitt has charge of the Govern ment river and harbor work In the Colum bia Basin and on tho' coast of Oregon. Xiieutenant Johnston is secretary of tho 'Government Debris Commission for the State of California, which has to do with the effect of hydraulic mining upon the navigable streams of the state. No tlmo Bas yet been set for tho meeting in Port land, but it will probably take place some time this month. The date will probably be arranged this week In Seattle, where Captain Langfitt will serve with Major Millls on a board for the examination of the proposed improvement for Lake Washington. From tho earliest times in. Oregon the Falls of the Willamette hive played an important part In the development of the state. Long before there were canal and locks for the passage of steamboats past the falls there were devices for the trans fer of freight between the upper and1 lower river. First the traffic was passed through a warehouse constructed for the purpose on the west side of the river, where the first flouring mill was In the days of old Linn City. Later a portage railway about a mile long transferred freight between tho upper river steam ers at Canemah and those on the lower river landing near the present brick flour ing mill in Oregon City. The present warehouse in connection with the Imper ial Mill was built to afford an easy trans fer past tho falls; and then came the canal and locks on the west sldo of tho river, which are the subject of the exami nation authorized by Congress in the river and harbor act passed in June. This ex amination has in view the acquisition of the canal and locks by the Government and the removal of aU charges for the passage of traffic past the Falls of the Willamette. While the theoretical power of the falls has been figured at about 56,000 horse power, engineers have found that scarcely more than 25.000 horsepower is practically available at the lowest stage of the water. Of this total capacity about 13,000 horsepower is now used for manufactur ing. The Portland General Electric Com-, pany, which owns the entire property, consumes about 9000 horsepower for Us electric station, about 1000 horsepower is used by the paper mills located along the canal and about 5000 horsepower goes to the flouring mills, woolen mill and pulp mills. This leaves about two-fifths of the total capacity of the water power still ta waste down over the cataract. T The common understanding that there Is now or is likely to be a conflict be tween manufacturing and navigation In terests at the Willamette Falls is said to have no foundation in fact. Engineer Sullivan, of the Portland General Elec tric Company, estimates the amount of water necessary to operate tho canal and locks at not more than the equivalent of 100 horsepower. So small an appropriation for the purposes jof navigation can have no material effect on the mills deriving power from tho river, particularly since tho margin Is so wide between consump tion and capacity. Canal Serves Trvo Purposes. As the canal Is now arranged It serves both for a boat channel and a feedway to the water wheels of the mills located at its side. To separate the navigation channel from the feedway to the factories and electric power station would require the building of a wall from the head- WRAPPERS AND SKIRTS 6H Wrappers. Several dozen of light, 0 b dark and medium colors: regular $1.00 ones. Oflft Wrappers. 03 U this week 10 dozen more of We have added for our elegant $1.25 and $1.50 values. CO Q R Skirts. An extensive showing wZiuiJ of meltons and cheviots, me dium weights, tailor finished in Oxford gray, cadet gray and dark, desirable styles. This line compares favorably with the best $5 skirts shown by other stores but this is not a store of big profits. SEE THESE SKIRTS. LINING AND BRILLIANf INE At a Saving of 20 per cent. "1ft ft Lining 36-in. black and colored lull percaline, hne firm texture; a 20 per cent saving. 1 0P fining. 26-in. waist, black and all I Z2u colprs; select quality; 20 saving. 2 Brilliantine. Bathing and waist UU quality; grand value for this week. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED A. M. FILLED SAME DAY SECOND AND LAST WEEK OF THE TABLE WANTS 25 per cent Actual Saving. 2Cp Damask. 60-in. unbleachqd; spe ll U cial purchase; special sale. DRYING NECESSITIES 12ic Bath Towels. 20x38, U. B. 111 Heavy Huck Towels. Special &2h chance for big buyers; below cost. Mow Is the Time Now Is the Time GREAT SALE Every nook and cranny in the store will contain a bargain of some kind its Roberts Bros.' way sell all goods with the season. We will not carry goods over, let the loss be what it may. The new store, when ready, shall be a new store with a new stock. Tomorrow will be another of those busy Mondays, making the last week of this big sale fully as good as the first. PRICE GUIDE BRING THIS ADVERTISEMENT WITH YOU. ASK TO SEE THE GOODS WE MENTION. 1 En Towels. Hemmed, 20x38; buyers in dozen lots will find them below wholesale prices. DRESS GOODS At a Saving of Fully 25 per cent. 5 Ha Coverts and Venetians. 38-in., all UU wool, fast color; select shades; handsome. 1ft Cashmere. Jslack and all shades: a abiiiiiuic. ,piaciv anu an snaues; 2b about 1000 yds. for this week's' sale; a great value. 5Q Taffeta Silk. 20-in., black, pure Oil silk, a very choice quality; easily worth 75c. LADIES' AND MEN'S SHOES 25 to 35 Saving. No old styles, but all sizes and shapes of up-to-date shoes. 2.10 $1.7 $2.9 Ladies' vici kid, box calf and calf lace and Congress; a sav ing of 25 per cent. Ladies' Lace and button, vici kid; all leathers, flexible sole, patent tips, medium weight; generally advertised at $.50. Men's Shoes. Best vici kid, patent, velour and box calf, hand welt; all sizes; advance Fall styles; easy sell at $4.00. FLANNELS, PILLOWS, ETC. 4c for 26-inch Outing Flannel. 23c Flannels. Wool, shrunk, bathing suit fabric, blue; special value. 60c Pillows. Deodorized feathers; a 30 reduction; 3-lb., 18x26. 50c Blankets and better ones at a special saving of about 25. LADIES' HOSIERY 5 a For choice of a splendid lot of; 50rc novelties and staples. . Im U ports, sample line of a wholesale house. 12Jc Fast color, seamless, full shape, foot form; ease and service. LADIES' UNDERWEAR 35 per cent actual saving. 35c for elegant 50c quality muslin drawers. 8c, 15c Undervests cut from 15c and 25c. To You The policy of Roberts Bros, is very concise. Appreciating the liberal patronage of the people not the classes, but the misses, we will state to retain our old and make an army of new custom ers, our aim is to serve you with just what you require at all 'times cheap er than elsewhere, and build a growing trade for our new store. Bring Friends Tell Neighbors EMBROIDERIES AND LACES One-half and two-third .values. 5 a Yard for choice of 3000 yards of Linen Lace, 10c quality; this is h the lace sale of 1902. Remnants of Lace and Embroideries at prices that's almost like finding them. . 8hc Embroideries, 12c and 15c qualities 50 styles to pick from. 1 Tc Embroideries, select designs; very handsome; 20c value. BELTS AND PURSES At a saving of nearly one half. 25c Ladies' Belts, in leather novelties; handsome trappings. 25c Purses a lot of samples in new and desirable ideas. STAMPED WORK Pillow Shams, hemst'ehd; grand spec'1, 25c pr. $1.00 GLOVES Ladies' -Kid Gloves, in new medium Summer shades; guaranteed quality. This is a leader and has done wonders to make our glove department popular. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Chock full of bargains. Sox 5c good ones. Sox 7c better ones. Sox 9c splendid ones. Sox 1 2c good enough for any foot. We sell men's wants awful cheap. We want men's trade. Ties, tOc worth 25c. Four-ply Linen Collars, 10c counterparts of E. & W.'s 25c styles. -BOYS, YOUTH, MEN Our goods will, please, wear .and satisfy. Our styles and prices will do the selling. gates to reach down about 1000 feet along the course of -the canal. This would re store the navigation channel to the con dition It was In prior to the enlargement of seven years ago, and the water wheels would then be fed from a channel along side the boat canal. The improvement Is said to be contemplated by the Electric Company. A dam aboufr three feet tall has been erected around the rim of the cataract to hold the water from wasting too -fast over the central portion of the fall and to direct It more to the service channels on either side. The effect on navigation has been altogether beneficial. The dam Itself materially slackens the water for a distance of 23 miles up the stream, and when flash boards are added In the low water season the effect on navigation is perceptible 40 miles above the falls. The benefit to navigation is wholly incidental, but It goes to show that the navigability of the Upper "Willamette does not suffer from Improvements at the falls designed for the increase of power for manufac turing. The 'Portland General Electric Company received on account of the boat canal and locks in the year just ended about $35,000. This Is considerably more than the report of tolls made to tho Secretary of State shows, because there are other Items in It. This is Income, however, that would not come to the company If the Government should own and operate the canal and locks. - The first formal step toward canal and locks to put steamers past the Willam ette Falls was made In 1S6S, when the "Willamette Falls Canal & Lock Com pany was incorporated by N. Fiun, E. "W. Baughman and Samuel L. Stevens. Its authorized capital was $300,000, and Its purpose was declared to be "to locate and construct a canal and suitable boat locks at the Falls of the Willamette River, on the west side of said falls, so as to pass boats from Lower to Upper "Willamette River, so as to insure the speedy transit of freight and passengers up and down said Willamette River." It was specified that thl canal would com mence at a point on the west side of the "Willamette River opposite the town of Canemah and terminate opposite the town of Oregon City. By supplemental articles of incorpora tion filed February 3, 1S71, the addlUonal objects of the corporation were declared to be to collect tolls not exceeding the amount fixed by law; to purchase, hold, sell, convey, lease, and use water power and water privileges and any personal property that said corporation may deem necessary and advantageous; also to pur chase, hold, convey, etc, real estate; to build mills, factories and houses, and manage, lease and operate the same, etc; to conduct water from the Willamette Falls or from said canal, and sell, lease and dispose of "the same for any useful purpose; and to build, buy, own any op erate steamboats, etc, on the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. October 28, 1S68, an act was passed grant ing aid to the Willamette Falls Canal & Ixrck Company to construct a canal and locks at the west side of the Willamette Falls. This act granted to the company a subsidy of $150,0CO, "upon the express con dlUon that said corporation, after the completion of said canal and locks as hereinbefore set forth, shall not for a period of 10 years after the same Is com- pleted charge a greater rate of tolls Shan 75 cents per ton for all freight and 23 cents for each passenger passing through said canal and locks In steamboats or other wntcr craft." By the terms of the law $100,000 was to have been expended on the work by January J, 1S70, and tho whole enterprise completed by January 1, 1S7L The works were not constructed under this act, for the reason that the amount of aid was too small and the time for their completion too short. This law was substantially re-enacted In 1S70, except that the aid given by the state was $200,000 In gold bonds bearing Interest at the rate of 7 per cent per an num, payable semi-annually, the bonds to run 10 years or less, at the option of the state, and to be paid from the fund aris ing from the sale of land donated to the State of Oregon by tho United States for internal improvements. The limit of tolls was made 50 cents a ton for freight and 10 cents for each passenger. A bond In the sum of $300,000 was required and given that the Work would bo completed by January 1, 1873; and the work was so completed and accepted by a board of commissioners appointed by the Governor, as provided In the act. The Willamette Transportation & Locks Company was Incorporated December 28. 1875. by William Strong, W. H. Efllnger and Frank T. Dodge, and It was capltal Ized at $1.000,000. The objects of this com- pany were mainly the same as those of the Willamette Falls Cahal & Lock Com pany. By a deed dated March S, 1876, recorded In Clackamas County, the Wil lamette Falls Canal & Lock Company conveyed all its property. Including the canal and locks on the west side of the Willamette Falls, to the Willamette Transportation & Locks Company, for the sum of $500,000. Supplemental articles In creasing the powers of the latter corpora tlon were filed January 8, 1S77. The Portland General Electric Company was Incorporated August 5, 1S92, by P. F. Morcy, Frederick V. Holman and Charles H. Cnufleld. Its authorized capital Is $4,250,000. Among the objects of this cor poration, are the owning and operating of the canal and locks on the west side of the Willamette Falls, and the ownership, use and control of theVater power of the falls for any useful purpose. The Wil lamette Transportation & Locks Com pany, by a deed dated August 21, 1S32, conveyed to the Portland General Electric Company, "for and in consideration of divers good and valuable causes and con siderations and one gold dollar," certain real estate, "together with all and sin gular the canal, locks, basin, breakwater, Improvements, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, and all water power and riparian rlght3 thereunto belonging, or In any wise appertaining." The move for Government ownership of the Willamette Falls canal and locks Is In the lnterert of the producers of the Upper Willamette Valley. Not only would those-- within teaming distance of the river save the E0 cents a ton now exacted for passing through the locks, but the ef fect on rail rates would extend to points not on the river, and a large part of the commerce of the valley would gain by a free river to Portland. TO VISIT CRATER LAKE. Notable Party "Will Stnrt Wednesday Under Direction of Will G. Steel. Wednesday evening next one of the most notable parties ever to visit Crater Lake will leave this city, under the manage ment of Will G. Steel. Among others in the party will be the following: Gov ernor and Mrs. T. T. Geer, Hon. Thomas H. Tongue, Miss Cosper and Miss Church, of Salem; Miss Merriam. of Brooklyn. N. Y.; W. W. Seymour, of Tacoma; Henry L. Plttock, of Portland. Professor Fred erick Coville, chief botanist of the Department of Agriculture, and family are now at the lake, and Professor F. H. Newell, chief hydrographer of the United States Geological Survey, will Join the party at Medford. Lunch will be served at Medford. and dlnne. partaken in camp about 15 miles on the way. Friday evening camp will be established near Rogue River Falls, which will be illuminated. Saturday even ing permanent camp will be established at a point overlooking Crater Lake, and several davs spent In this romantic region. This region is full of Interesting points, many of which will be visited from the permanent camp. A carefully arranged Itinerary has been provided, but when tho party gets Into so interesting a region as Crater Lake Is win probably be torn to pieces. One night will be spent at Fort Klamath; two or three days at Pelican Bay, and one night at Lake of the Woods. Ashland will ba Teached in time to take the northbound train on August 20. and Portland will ba reached next morning In time for business. This will be the first important party to visit the new National park. Appeals From Justice Court. Notice of appeal from the Justice Court has been filed in the State Circuit Court in the suit of James Manary against Charles E. Runyon, to recover $10. Man ary complains that he had a deal on lead ing to the purchase of the Beaver Flume & Lumber Company, and that Runyon agreed to pay his expenses If It was not consummated. He alleges that the salo was not effected, and that Runyon who Is the president of the company, declined to make the expense money good. Run yon In his answer makes a general de nial, and says he advised Manary in time to save himself from any loss. In the lower court Judgment was rendered in favor of Manary for $60, and Runyon has appealed. PORTLAND-CHICAGO. fieventy hours and thirty 'minutes CTOyy Is the time of the "Chicago-Portland Spe cial" from Portland to Chicago. Leavei Portland every day at 9 A. M. Ticket ofilco Third and Washington. O. R. & N. Co, -1 u" Atreet t M V Jx V ' & -. " - - - -B' - - "" JtloOFtB'it MAP SHOWIXG CANAL AND LOCKS AT THE FALLS OF THE WILLAMETTE, OREGON CITY, WITH MILLS ON ITS BORDER AND THE CONTOUR OF THE CATRACT AND MILL LOCATIONS, OX THE OREGON CITY SIDE OF THE FALLS