? V "-' V . mxm 32 PAGES . PAGES 1 TO 8 i vol. xxi. m PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 27, 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ! BSKV1SC mBYVSk lZI Y -BT Bfl SBftVlSE IS .VBL ., Bli JmS ii 1 1 it ks 1 1 r i 1 1 Arti . I 30. KILLED IN A DUEL Frank Carlson Dies in a Fierce Fist Fieht. SEORGE BALDWIN HiSOPPONENT Dier the Affections of Tvro Girls the Yonnjr Men Q,uarrel Baldwin Is Challenged and Meets His Rival In Conlllct. Over a fancied Insult which had as Its starting point a dispute over the affec tions of two girls, who are waitresses In a North Portland hotel, two young men, named Frank Carlson and George Baldwin, fought a duel with their bare lists last night on Nlcolal street, near Twenty-fourth, and Carlson received a knock-out blow In the stomach from which he Instantly died, Baldwin sur rendered himself to Detectives Day and "Welner, and is locked up atthe city jail, charged with murder. He pleads self-defense. The inquest will probably take place tomorrow. Carlson received severe punishment about thg face, and it is thought that his nose Is broken. Bald win's face is hardly scarred. Both men's hands are cut and bruised, showing that they did their best to inflict punishment upon each other. Both the young men who fought are about 20 years old. Carlson was employed as a teamster by Churchley Bros., who have a woodyard at the foot of Davis street, and Baldwin was recently em ployed as laborer by the North Pacific Lumber Company, on Sherlock avenue and river front. The girls over whom the lighters quarreled are Ida Fiddler and Josephine .Smith, who are employed at the Villard Hotel. North Front street. It seems that young Baldwin knew the girls first, and that ho recently spent a portion of his time and money with them. A dangerous rival came In sight, how ever, when Carlson began to call on the girls, and Baldwin was told that his ab sence was better than his company. He took the matter philosophically and said, "There are others." In the language of the stret, the girls felt "sore," and they told Carlson that Baldwin had been rude to them. It is believed that after Bald win had given the girls the cold shoulder ho thought he had acted hastily, and his associates state that he did not pro pose to sit tamely by and see his rival get ahead of him. . The First Fight. About a .week ago Baldwin and Carlson met on Nlcolal street, and an interested crowd watohed their actions, for it was rumored that the two would ught . at sight. In the flst-flght that followed no great damage was done to either party, but Carlson asserted that his rival had fought unfairly, and it began to be understood that another fight, this time to the finish, would take place between them. A message reached Baldwin last Tuesday that Carlson was looking for him, and Baldwin happened to mention to two of his male relatives that he would better see Carlson and find out what his former friend and crony had against him. The two met near their respective homes, around Twenty-sixth street, and Baldwin remarked: "I hear you are looking for me. What is the trouble now. Didn't we settle it the other night?" "No. It wasn't settled the other night," replied Carlson, hot with rage, "We've got to get together and see which Is the better man of us two." Baldwin was not unwilling, and his associates say that if he had refused the challenge so given he would have been celled a coward In and around certain sec tions or .North Portland. But the fight ers drifted apart for the time being, and lifter the same night Baldwin met the two girls in Carlson's company. Some body in the crowd called put: "There's shorty (Baldwin) he can go to h ." The girls, according to Baldwin's story, called him objectionable names, and he was worked up to such a pitch that the feud was started again, in earnest. Duel Is Arranged. It was difficult last night to find the exact time that Baldwin and Carlson met face to face and arranged the time of the duel, and as to the persons who would act as their seconds, but Baldwin says that Carlson formally challenged him to a fist fight to take place last night at 7 o'clock on Nlcolal street, opposite the wood-yard of the Banfield-Veysey Fuel Company. The place is some distance re moved from the main thoroughfare, and traveled by faw people after nightfall. The ground isTWugh and uneven, and only those acquainted with the locality could have guided a stranger to the place selected as the location of the light. Once it became known that the two rash, hot-headed young men had de termined to engage in a duel, until one or the other of them had been laid out, friends on both sides did what they could to try to dissuade them from their purpose. Baldwin, as the challenged party, refused to avoid the battle, and said: "He began it. and if I don't fight now, I'll be called a coward ever after. I'm not afraid of Carlson or his crowd." Crowd of Relntlves at Battle. Early yesterday evening young Baldwin was down town with one of his brothers, and they had a light supper together, and the fighter ate fast, as- he said he wanted to be in time, and did not propose to keep the Carlhon crowd waiting. The brother did what he could to reason with Uip would-be duelist to remain down town and not go near Carlson. ,but he might as well have reasoned witl ' the wind. George Baldwin, accompanied by his father, Will iam Baldwin, who was recently foreman at the city crematory, one of his broth era, and other made relatives and acquaint ances, were at the ground at 7 o'clock sharp. It was not until about half an hour afterward that the Carlson crowd put in Its appearance, and, it turned out after ward that Carlson's friends had also done their best trying to persuade him not to fight. That had caused the delay. When both principals were on the ground ready to start, a crowd of about 33 or 40 men. young and elderly, were there. It had been rumored around the neighborhood that the fight was to come off, and curiosity-seeker were there, little dreaming that Carlson was soon to receive his death blow. "Before the fight takes place wc had bet ter ree that neither of the young men has a weapon, such as a knife or gun. I suggest this so that neither man can have any un due advantage, Then we can be sure that they won't hurt each other too seriously," said one person. whos"e name could not be J lcamcd last night. i "That's fair," was an expression heard from the little audience, and- Baldwin was j searched by a committee and relieved of 1 hia penknife and keys. Carlson was also relieved of his penknife. The fighters did not strip; they were too eager to smash each other. There was no agreement as to the duration of rounds or the selection of seconds. Both men had friends in the crowd, and they were divided into two hostile camps, each one jealous of the other. The gen eral understanding was that Baldwin and Carlson were to fight to a finish, and the next minute the fighters were at It. They'struck at each other savagely, with all the Intensity of burning hate, with their bire fists, and they clinched, broke away, and rushed at each other and ham mered away until their breaths nearly gave out. "Don't interfere. Let .them settle it." was a remark often heard among the lit tle crowd, according to those who saw the fight.. Then, having obtiined their second wind, after a brief breathing spell. Baldwin and Carlson again clored on each other, and this time it was seen that Carl son was receiving severe punishment. He appeared to be weakening, and he stepped back, and made a motion behind him. Carlson. "Knocked Ont. "He's going to draw something. Maybe THE jflPgH HJMtWWIY jjpkl ''' .. o--.:wui??a23c----i5c r l v-v h- ibks-ro a mu f I. UCP7-k TTWTOYVAVaVMIHVblliU lUfl DEPETSfcS the CHtnr0NK 'QfsST a knife or something1," tgasped Baldwin. Carlson, with all Uic appearance of a man who was knocked out, sparred feebly with his hands, and then he gasped, and pressed his right hand on his stomach, and fell. "He's fainted!" cried several voices, and seeing that Carlson did not rise to his feet, the little crowd began to melt away, satisfied that they had seen the end of the fight. Baldwin's friends hur ried him off the field, fearing further trou ble, and Carlson wasi carried into Lee Bisscl's house, nearly opposite the scene of the fight, and when the light of the lamp fell on his disfigured face the hor rified party saw that he was dead. A telephone message was sent to Coroner Finley, advising him of what had taken place, and the Coroner communicated with the police station. The patrol wagon was dispatched to the scene of the trou ble, with Detectives Day and Weiner on board, and they hurriedly examined' the body of the unfortunate young man, got what facts they could as to the direction that young Baldwin had taken, and started after him. Meanwhile the Baldwin party had split up, and young Baldwin went down town with a young man friend about 9 o'clock. He walked about, talking about the fight, and then boarded a North Portland car for home, saying he might drop into Carlson's boordlng-house, at 793 Nicolai street, and inquire how Carlson was get ting along, saying that he had no bad feeling in the matter, now that the fight was over. He dropped off the car near Twenty-third a"nd Savior streets, where he accidentally met one of his brothers, and the latter's wife, to whom the brother was only recently married. Baldwin Gives Himself Up. "George, the young man you fought with has died. You had better give your self up to the police," was his relative's anxious advice, and hearing that the patrol wagon had just passed up the street, Baldwin rapidly walked to his home, 37S North Twenty-sixth street, and surrendered himself to the detectives. The boy's father accompanied him to the police station, where he was locked up. An Oregonlan reporter Interviewed young Baldwin in his cell late last ,nlght, and obtained his version of the fight. In telling his side of the story the young man said: "It was a fair fight, and 1 lought Carlson because he fought me. I j naa io aeiena myseir. I did not use any 1 weapon, only my bare hands. I'm sorry he's dead. But he brought the trouble on himself. He must have been in weak health and in no condition for a fight." Carlson was stronger built than Bald win, and apparently capable of dealing much harder blows. Carlson was 5 feet 10 inches tall, and weighed 160 pounds. ine prisoner is slightly bunt, but wiry. J The Coroner took Carlson's body to his undertaking parlors, and when the body was examined no marks of violence were found except the marks on the face. So far as cculd be found last night there were no women present at the fight In which Carlson lost his life. An autopsy will be held today to determine the exact cause of his death. Verdict Against Bank. TACOMA, July 25.-(Speclal.)-In the case of F. M. Wade against ChrsUr Thorn and the National Bank of Com merce for malicious prosecution of a civil action against Wade and others, which has ben on trial a week in the United States Circuit Cdurt here before Judge de Haven of California, the jury brought in a verdict in Wade's favor for $36,500. T Louis D. Stlx Dead. NEW YORK. July 26. Louis D. Stlx. founder of the dry-goods firm of Stlx & Co.. Cincinnati, O., is dead at the home of his daughter. .Mrs. Samuel Wels, In this city, ageo S3 yearc HELD UP FOR MOODY Appointmentof Oregon Man is Revoked. INVESTIGATION IS TO BE HADE Other Members of Delegation Rec omnend TV. H. H. Dnfnr for For est Supervisor, Whereupon Moody Protests. OREGONIAN NEWS EUREAU, Wash ington, July 26. Eecause of charges filed by Representative Moody, the recent re appointment of W. H. H. Dufur. of Dufur, OREGONIAN CARTOONIST'S VIEW OF A FEW LEADING EVENTS OF THE WEEK mam3azas' ,i t' '&k msg m.v:s? i jIHh. ; ' ::.::. v-4iL . 5Pfc Or., to be Forest Supervisor of the ji&rih.' half of the Cascade reserve, has been re voked by the Secretary of the Interior, and this Important office is left unfilled at a season of the year when the depart ment believes it is most essential to have careful supervision and guarding of the reserve against fires. Dufur was reap pointed on recommendation of Senator Mitchell and Representative Tongue, Rep resentative Moody declining to Indorse him. After the appointment was made. Moody protested to the President, charg ing Dufur with Incompetency and general unfitness for the office, and supporting his chargo with statements from two forest rangers. He simultaneously recommend ed the appointment of M. P. Izenberg, of Hood River, who is not satisfactory to the department, because he has had no forestry experience and is therefore re garded as being unqualified for this im portant office. Meanwhile, Mitchell, Tongue and even Simon have vigorously protested against the removnl of Dufur, and show his rec ord as reported by Superintendent Orms by, making him a thoroughly competent and satisfactory officer, as he is in the eyes of the department. It is alleged that the charges are lodged by disgrun tled rangers, who have made the attack for personal reasons. The Secretary of the Interior, being unable to reconcile the other members of the delegation to Izen berg, and finding them stanchly holding out for Dufur, his decided to investigate thoroughly the charges brought by Moody. Should they not be sustained, the revocation of Dufur's appointment will probably be recalled. When head rangers are appointed, the supporters of Dufur say they have no objection to Izcnberg's. selection for such a pjace, but stoutly Insist that his inex perience disqualifies him for Supervisor. FORT HALL LAND SALE AT AX EXD. Congress Fixed Too Hlffb. a Price on Tracts Xear Pocntello. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, July 26. Assistant Land Commis- slcner Rlchnds today notified the Interior Department that the auctioning of lands within . .e five-mile limit of Pocatello, on the Fort Hall rcservatlo'n, Idaho, had l been abandoned. During the seven days that sales were conducted, only ED tracts were disposed of, from which the Gov- ernment realized $42,437. Bids were made for four additional tncts. but were subse- quentiy witnarawn. witn these excep tions, no purchasers appeared to take up the bulk of the land, which was consid ered not worth the minimum price of $10 an acre fixed by law. These surplus lands must now remain idle and unoccupied un til Congress repeals the $10 limiting pro vision. The fact that the sales were so few Is conclusive evidence to the department that the contention of the Idaho Senators that no minerals exist on these lands was correct, and that the statement was cir culated with a fraudulentMntcnt. Com missioner Richards started for Washing ton today. Missouri River Commission Reports. WASHINGTON, July 26. The Missouri River Commission, which ceased to exist June 30, 102. submits to the Chief of En gineers its last annual report. The com mission has been in existence since 1SS4. The report states that the policy of tho commission, which has remained un- changed, was for a continuous control of the river, contracting it where necessary, giving the channel proper direction and securely holding it in place, but that un fortunately the commission has not been permitted to 'carry out that plan. The report enters into an elaborate defense of the commission, based upon criticisms in the press and in the report of the House committee on rivers and harbors. Since the organization of the commission, $7,150, 000 has been appropriated for work under It. of which J240.OW has been expended -on the river above Sioux City, la. It is as serted that not sufficient improvement of the river has been made to demonstrate what could be done for the benefit of com merce. " SCHWAB IS ILL. Attacked by Nervous Prostration at Atlantic CItr. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. July 26. Charles M. Schwab, president of the United States Steel Corporation, while out driving here this afternoon suffered an attack of what Is reported to be nerv ous prostration, and tonight is under the care of a physician at his handsome cot tage on Pennsylvania avenue. Mr. Schwab came from New York today to visit his father and mother, who have been occu- t- rfr pylng 'the cottage, and his sifter, who ar rived here Friday from Lorello, Pa. Mr. Schwab had 6pent the greater part of the day at hie cottage, but In the afternoon took a stroll on the board walk. Later he suggested a drive, and, accompanied by his mother and sister, started along the Long Port speedway. When a short distance out, Mr. Schwab complained of feeling unwell, and the carriage was has tily driven to his cottage and a physician summoned. Tonight Mr. Schwab was re ported as resting fairly well. iuiiii: ur luiiAia rAfiiK. i Foreljrn. Objections to Cardinal SatollI as successor to Cardinal Ledbchowski. Page 2. Castro's armj- retreats to Caracas. Tage 17. Demonstrations continue in Franco agralnst the closing of Catholic schools. Page 17. Klntr Edward held a council meeting on the royal yacht at Corces. Page 17. Domestic. The President discussed National matters with a distinguished party. Page 1. Bryan concludes his Xew England tour. Page 2. Pennsylvania strikers under arrest escaped from deputies. Page 3. Sport. Jeffries and Fltzslmmons deny that the fight was a fake. Page 0. Butte shut out Portland, score 2-0. Page 17. Tacoma defeated Spokane, score 0-5. Pago 7. Seattle beat Spokane, score 3-2. Page 7. Portland senior-four set second place at then Nelson rrcatta. Pare 7. Portland defeated Tacoma at cricket one Inning and five runs. Page 7. Entries for the state championship tennis tour- I nament. iare .. Pacific Const. Explorer De Wlndt's perilous voyoge through the north. Page 1. Governor Geer may increase, reward for capture of Outlaw Tracy. Page 9. Executlvo Council of American Federation of Labor concludes Its session at San Francisco. Page 0. Dr. Charles Kendall Adams, cx-presldent of University of "Wisconsin, dies at Redlands, Cal. Pace 12. Big increase in run of salmon on the Lower Columbia. Paje 6. New Coos Bay railroad secures terminal grounds. Page 8. Marine and Commercial. Oriental liner Indrasamha clears for the far East with a valuable cargo. Page 10. French bark chartered at 27s, lowest rate yet for new-season wheat loading. Page 10. Canadian Pacific contemplates building a fleet of 15 vescels for transatlantic trade. Tage 10. Dealings In stocks continue, with various points of strength. Page 23. New York bank statement shows Increase In loans. Page 23. Wild flurry In oats caused a small decline Page 23. Portlnnd nnd Vicinity. Frank Carlson Is killed la flst-flght with George Baldwin. Page 1. Port of Portland Commission awards drydock contract. Page 0. Authorities begin war on bad-meat vendors. Page 2. Frank Woodward, who was killed by A. L. Beldlng. Is George Woodruff. Page 18. Work progresses on Oregon Water Power & Railway Company's plant. Page 11. Featnres and Departments. Editorial. Page 4. Adam Worth, greatest thief of modern times. Page 20. A day In the swimming baths. Page 30. Questions and answers. Page 30. Scrapbook. Page 31. Fashions and household. Page Z& Youths' department Page 28. Social. Page 18. Seaside news. Page 21. AdVs fable. Page 31. AFFAIRS OF NATION Discussed Around President's Luncheon Table. DISTINGUISHED PARTY THERE- Investigation Into Panama Canal Company's Ability to Transfer Title Catholics Talk of Friar Question. OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July 26. A dis tinguished party assembled around the President's board at luncheon in his Saga more Hill homo today. Aside from the "WKHW NbCM. members of tho house party there were: Secretary of the Navy Moody, Attorney General Knox, Senator Spooner, of Wis consin, William Bryne, United States Dis trict Attorney of Delaware, and John C. Davles, Attorney-General of New York State. It was neither quite by accident nor yet quite by design that all the mem bers of the party should have come to gether at Sagamore Hill nt the same time. Attorney-General Knox was ex pected this morning, but arrived earlier, bringing Senator Spooner with him. During the afternoon the visitors dis cussed with the President and Secretary Moody some of the details of the Inves tigation that Is to be conducted by the Department of Justice Into the ability of the new Panama Canal Company to pass a clear title to Its property to the United States. It Is expected that In a few weeks the Investigation will be in full 3Wlng. Thus far Mr. Knox has been making only the preliminary arrangements for it. As heretofore stated in these dispatches. Senator Spooner has been Invited by Mr. Knox to assist in the Investigation, but It is understood that he has not decided defi nitely whether he will take an active part In it or not. If he should, it will necessitate his going to Paris, and he Is believed not to be desirous of mak ing the trip at this- time. No details of the conference were made public. It is understood that the beef trust in quiry was adverted to briefly, and In this phase of the discussion Attorney-General Davles participated. He was particularly interested because he instituted some time ago an action against the representatives of the so-called "beef trust" in New York State. The President and Mr. Davles also dis cussed the political situation In New York with special reference to the prospect of Mr. Davles getting the nomination for Supreme Court Justice In tho Fifth Dis trict. He thinks he will secure the nom ination. In the event of his failure to be nominated, however. It Is quite likely the President will name him to succeed Judge Alfred Coxe as United States Dis trict Judge of the Northern District of New York, Judge Coxe having been ad vanced by the President to the United States Circuit bench. Should Mr. Davles obtain the nomination. It Is understood to be the Intention of the President to ap point Representative James Sherman, of New York, to the existing vacancy on the District bench. District Attorney Byrne went over the political situation In Delaware with the President. Delaware Is now without rep resentation In the United States Senate. The Legislature Is Republican, but is deadlocked upon the election of Senators. An effort is being made so to compromise the difficulties as to solve the deadlock and at a special session of the Legislature elect two Republican Senators before the terms of the present members shall have expired. This evening the President entertained at dinner, besides Secretary Moody, Eu gene A. Phllbln. ex-DIstrlct Attorney of New York City. Frank C. Travers. of this village, and Rev. Father John L. Bel ford, of St. Peter's and St. Paul's Church, Brooklyn. The three gentlemen last named are very prominent Catholics, and wre Invited by the President t discuss with him and Secretary Moody the ques tions in relation to the Administration's demand for the withdrawal of the friars from the Philippines. It has been stated that President Mitch ell, of the United MIneworkers, would pre sent to Mr. Roosevelt a protest against the decision of Judge Jackson In the West Virginia Injunction cases, but no such pa pers have reached Sagamore Hill. It Is the understanding that no protest will be made to the President. It Is not a mat ter in which he can participate at this time. It is believed that the miners will look to the courts for such vindication of their rights as they think themselves en titled to, Secretary Shaw, who passed the night BSk at Sagamore Hill, left today for New York. This afternoon Mrs. Roosevelt gave a tea on board the Mayflower to a party of her friends among the local residents and Summer visitors. PAPERS IX MEALY CASE. "Will Be Sent to Ambassador Clayton for Examination. WASHINGTON, July 26. Some weeks ago Senator Penrose filed papers with the President which he asserted tended to substantiate the charge made by Mr. Mealy, the American who has been in trouble In Mexico, against United States Ambassador Clayton, to the effect that the Ambassador was directly Interested to the extent of 100 shares In a mining cor poration antagonistic to Mealy's claims. The papers were referred to the State De partment, and now the Senator has been informed, by Acting Secretary Hill that the President has decided to send them to Mexico, inviting Mr. Clayton to exam ine them and make a report. The case of Mealy was one of the two referred to in the stirring debate in the Senate last ses sion Involving an encounter between Sen ators Bailey and Beverldge. "West Pointer Guilty of Hnzlnfr. WASHINGTON, July 26. The War De- r'i'f partment has received the "papers in the case of Alexander J:. Pendleton, Jr., who has been tried at West Point and found guilty of hazing. Pendleton was appoint ed from Arizona and is a first-class man. This Is the first case of hazing that has occurred since the law passed nearly a year ago. Intended to suppress the prac tice. The hazing took place while the cadets were In camp, and consisted of abusive language by Cadet Pendleton to a plebe while the latter was in his tent. Pendleton's defense was that he lost his temper and said more thin he intended. The case will go to the President for final review. Kerr Takes Dabcock'n Place. WASHINGTON, July 26. Lieutenant Colonel James T. Kerr, of the Adjutant General's Department, now at San Fran cisco, has been assigned to duty on the staff of General Hughes, commanding the Department of California, as Adjutant Genera! of that department, vice Colonel John B. Bnbcock, ordered to this city for duty as chfef of staff of Lleutenant-Gen-cral Miles. AN ALDERMAN KILLED. Denver Official Loses His Life in a Runaway Accident. DENVER. July 26. Alderman Andrew Kelly was killed and Supervisor Carl M. Lindqulst seriously injured in a runaway accident near Lake Wellington, about 50 miles southwest of this city, this after noon. They were members bf a committee from the City Council which left here this morning to Inspect the supply of water In Cheesman Lake, the new reservoir of the Denver Union Water Company, near the headwaters of the South Platte River. The threatened water famine In this city had Inspired the Council to send this com mittee to the reservoir, and Its report was to govern the Council in framing an ordi nance governing the use of water during the term of scarcity. The party went as far as Buffalo on the train. There con veyances were secured. When about eight miles from Lake Cheesman the roughness of the road Jolted the driver of one four-horse carryall from his sat. The horses ran, and all the occupants either Jumped or were thrown out. Alderman Kelly received injuries from which he died a short time after ward. Supervisor Lindqulst suffered a compound fracture of the left leg just above the ankle, and possibly Internal in juries. None of the others was badly hurt. CAX.VOX IX A RUXA1VAY. Three Soldiers Seriously Hnrt on Fort Douglas Parade Ground. SALT LAKE. July" 26. Three soldiers were seriously Injured at Fort Douglas this afternoon while the troops were be ing reviewed by General Funston, of the Department of Colorado. One of the horses attached to a gun of the Twenty second battery became entangled in Its harness, frightening the others, and all six bolted at terrific speed across the pa rade grounds toward Company D, of Third Infantry. When within a few feet of the company's lines. Private Rldgeway Haynes. who was riding the leader, suc ceeded In turning the horses. The caisson turned over, badly Injuring Haynes and Privates G. T. Burde'n and T. King. Haynes' head came In coptact with the tongue of the caisson, his skull was frac tured, and he received Internal injuries. His recovery is doubtful. Punishment of Friendly Chinese. TIEN TSIN, July 25. There is increas ing indignation here as a result of the degradation and punishment upon flimsy pretexts of Chinese national officials who were instrumental In saving the lives of Europeans during the Boxer troubles. 3W ERILSOFQEWiNDT I Hardships of the Great Globe- Trotter in North. FAMINE-STRICKEN IN WINTER Suffers From Shortage of Fuel for COO Miles, and Tolls Over Track less Waste of Ice Looking: for . , Route for Railroad. SEATTLE, July 26. (Special.) A special letter from Dawson to the Post-Intelligencer says: Two thousand miles by horse-sleigh, 2000 by reindeer-sleigh, and 16W by dog slelgh through the sub-Arctic, and skirt ing tho desolate Icebound, shores of the most extreme border of rigorous Siberia, is the record of Henry DeWIndt and three companions who arrived at Dawson July 16, on the finish of their globe-girdling tour begun at Paris, December 19, last. After traversing great stretches of bleak and uninhabited country, suffering from shortages of fuel for 600 miles, meeting not a human soul for two months, passing through an Isolated penal settle ment, suffering from famine in the teeth of the Arctic winter, nnd tolling over a trackless waste of Ice. the party arrived at East Cape, Siberia, near Bering Strait. Five weeks the men waited there for the United States revenue cut ter Thetis, which the American govern ment had promised to send to meet them this Spring. Trusting to the fidelity of the department, the explorers remained with the natives and were -picked up by the Thetis June IS. Shortly after their arrival at East Cape, the supplies gave out and the only food obta'nabhj from the natives was flour and molasses and on this they existed. The Thetis was anxious to look after the missing steamers Portland and Jeanle when she picked up De Wlndt and party, so she took the party hastily across tho Bohrlng Sea and landed it on the ice off Cape Prince of Wales, threo miles from shore. After much peril the men made shore and found a barren country- They wore entirely out of the track of travel of steamer or trail followers, and. 120 miles north of Nome. The steamer Sadie fortunately happened along, and, be ing hailed, took the men off In a boat and conveyed them to Nome. From Nome the party went to St. Michael, and came up the Yukon River on the steamer Han nah in 13 days, and were to leave Dawson July 17. The trip of Mr. De Windt was made for the purpose of exploiting a route and as certaining the general probability of the feasibility of a route over this far north ern stretch, S00 to 400 miles north at the Pacific terminus at the port of Vladi vostok. Mr. De Wlndt says that there Is no question a road could be run near where he went and come out near or at SrednikolynskI, southeasterly of where the De Wlndt party did. by keeping back of a coast range 50 miles from the Arc tic coast of Siberia, and be In position for crossing the Behrlng Strait to con nect with a trans-Alaskan route, which would complete the link for a band of steel highways from Paris to New York, where connection might be made with the projected line from New York to Cape Horn, thus making the most extended cir cuit of the world, which could be farther enlarged by connection on the Asiatic sldo with the great line to span Africa from the mouth of the Nile to Cape of Good Hope. . WILL DECIDE ON VICTORS Arbitrators In Joint Army and Xavy Maneuvers. WASHINGTON, July 26. The Army and the Navy have appointed their arbitra tors to make the decision In the joint maneuvers on the Atlantic Coast In Sep tember. The War Department has select ed Brigadier-General Tasker H. Bliss and Lieutenant-Colonel John P. Storty. Tho Navy has selected Rear-Admiral Philip H. Cooper, who has been on special duty In connection with the defenses of the Atlantic Coast, and Captain William Swift, a member of his general board. Major-General MacArthur, commanding the Department of the East, and Rear Admiral HIgglnson, commanding the North Atlantic station, the two officers In direct supervision of the maneuvers, have been charged with the selection of the fifth arbitrator. As already stated, umpires will be sta tioned on each of the ships, and at the forts to make decisions of individual work, but the board of arbitrators named above Is to be charged with the an nouncement of the final decision as to whether the Army or the Navy has been victorious. COLLISION IN TRAINYARD Ex-Governor MeConncll Hurt In Ac cident at Cheyenne. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July 26. The Union Pacific passenger train from Denver col lided with a freight train as it pulled into the yards here tonight, and half a dozen passengers were injured. Among the, in jured are: EX-GOVERNOR J. M'CONNELL. of Moscow, Idaho, chest bruised, one hand crushed and cheek cut. WILLIAM GILCHRIST, of Cheyenne, thrown across a seat and badly hurt. W. ROZELT, a colored cook, rib broken. The accident was due to the careless ness of the yardmaster in falling to clear the main track. SAME AS MARTINIQUE. Explosion of Costa RJcan Volcanoes Predicted. SAN JOSB, Costa Rica, July 26. The official report of the commission ap pointed to inquire into the recent eruption of the Costa RIcan volcanoes, Marlvallis and Rinclnd de la VIeja, SO and CO miles southeast of Lake Nicaragua, is alarming. Professor PIttler says: "We are In the same condition as the Island of Martinique." No alarm, however. Is felt.