$&$k ffiroititftitfttt w4l4 32. PAGES PAGES 1 TO 8 t, . . -... A VOL. XXI. NO. 29. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 20, 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SPEAK FOR LABOR Noted Leaders AddressCrowd at Cdrdray's Theater. THOMAS f. KIDD'S FINE SPEECH Officers of American Federation of Labor Talk of the Problems Xovr Confronting: the Worklnjfman. Notwithstanding: the warm -weather. Cordray's Theater was well-fllled last night by an audience that gathered to hear addresses by James Duncan, vice president, and James B. Lennon. treas urer of the American Federation of La bor, and Thomas I. Kldd, president of the Amalgamated "Woodworkers Associa tion. The meeting was called to order by George T. Harry, president of the State Federation of Labor, and around him were seated the representatives of the various central bodies. Among those who occupied chairs were Charles Mickley, George M. Orton, Horace A. Duke. Frank Calkins. J. S. Hutchinson. A. R. Lawton. N. P. Jorgenson, J. T. Morgan. Charles E. Hoyt, H. DImick. Thomas Brande, J. E. TVilson and L. D. Reed. The first speaker of the evening was Mr. Lennon, who was Introduced by President Harry. In the course of his in troductory remarks Mr. Harry said that Mr. Lennon was one of three gentlemen who represented the greatest labor organ ization the world has ever known. They were on their way to San Francisco to attend the convention to be held on the 21st, and he humorously connected the problems to be considered with the pre vailing high temperature. In conclusion, he Introduced Mr. Lennon. Hoiv to "Wipe Out Sweat Shops. Mr. Lennon said that during his trip to the West he never met with greater hospitality than was extended by Port land. The Western world offered the possibilities of a vast empire in an in dustrial senso, and it opened up a field for both men and women. Speaking of his order, he said that the principles were purely democratic There was no distinction between the East and the "West, and one section of the country re ceived as much consideration as the other. But the sweat shops and the con dition of the cotton mill operatives should receive attention. Their condition could be Improved by legislation, such as has "been promoted by all unionists, and which has served to relieve the various crafts. The workingmen had to depend upon their members for their laws, for during the past 50 years all remedial acts wpre secured through their instrumental ity. Speakin5.1Offc.the bqnpfits of unionism, he ventufl 'tna,""5ssertlon that the mem bers of the local unions were receiving more pay and had shorter hours than others who had not affiliated with the organizations. Men employed at tailor ing (his own occupation) had received an Increase of $5 per week generally, and the increase was due to unionism. Reverting to the sweat shops, Mr. Len non said that there was only ono tiring for the union men to do, and that was to crush them out. This might be ac complished by a demand for goods bear ing the union stamp, and an absolute re fusal to take anything that bore the marks of child-labor or of women driven to death in the sweat shops of New York. Kidd on Future of Unions. Thos. I Kidd. one of the vice-presidents of the American Federation of Labor, was the next speaker. "I listened to the eulogy of my friend, Mr. Lennon. about Portland, and I fully indorse all he said about your beautiful city," began the speaker. "I cannot say enough in regard to the hospitality I have met with amongst you. At the very outset, let mo state that we have met here tonight to discuss the future of the trades-union movement, as we see it. As Lennon has said, trades-unionism knows no geograph ical limitation. The workers of the world are being banded together. In recent In ternational trades-union conventions American and British societies have met as fellow-workers united in one aim, knowing no geographical surroundings, and saying: 'We are one. In future wordl's trades-union congresses we shall have, In addition to those delegates of the English-speaking Tace, delegates from France, Germany, Italy, and representa tives from every country under the sun. There will be no division. The future safety of the world depends on the future of organized labor. When nearly all the world thought that war was brewing be tween the United States of America and Great Britain over the Venezuela ques tion, British workingmen delegates said: 'If war is declared tomorrow we will not shoot down our American fellow-workers. Let the American and, British speculators who started the trpuble fight it out. They started It.' (Laughter.) "Some day war will be no more and there will be universal peace. Armies will no longer be employed, and great navies will rust at their moorings. I say. If our moneyed men and politicians want to do any fighting, let them go ahead. There is nothing to prevent them. People like Len non, myself and others are often accused of being people who stir up discontent. That is true. We are out to stir up all the discontent we can about a good many things. I never see a man with his shoul ders prematurely bent with the toll of many weary years and his hair whitened working away as he makes wealth for oth ers, and then thrown aside like a cast-oft! tool, but I am discontented. When I see little children working in the mines and in stifling factories, I am discontented. Laborers are often prevented by sickness, death of ones dear to them, loss of work and worldly misfortune, from laying up something for the inevitable rainy day, and then there Is nothing for them but the poorhouse. I am again discontented. "Strike, and Strike to "Win." "I would take children out of the mills and factories of the South and East and give them education. I would take idle men wandoring the streets and give them employment In places of the children who would then have been withdrawn from em ployment. Satisfied? When I hear a man or woman say 'I am satisfied.' I put him or her down for a 'chump.' Such people as those I have just mentioned are peo ple who don't think, who do not make the most of life. Just as soon as we say we are satisfied, we take a step backward never forward. There is no progress. It Is said that we go on strike sometimes. We do. And it is said that we, In so doing, disturb the harmony existing be tween employer and employed. We are told that we interfere with the rights of the employer, which are like the handle of this water-jug the handle is all on one side. (Laughter.) Yes. we strike, and strike to win every time. In the coal strike in Pennsylvania we sec, the idea of a man appealing for his rights to an other man who owns coal mines. The miners have struck work against 'condi tions which are just as villainous as those human chattel evils existing in the South before the Civil War. "In JHazleton, Pa., there lives a man who, for convenience sake, I shall call Mlneowner Smith. He sells coffins, and is the Poo-Bah of that place. He runs a large store. If a miner gets sick. Smith gets him a physician. When a child is born In a miner's family. Smith gets the medicine and attending physician. Does a child die. Smith gets in his work again, and when the little coffin is required, why. Smith gets that coffin. So, you see, so far as that mining tommunlty is concerned, it is a case of Smith from the cradle to the grave. Smith charges his own price and gets it. You cannot go anywhere else. I hope the coalminers will win, and will achieve one of the grandest successes that will be inscribed on the scroll of organ ized labor. Evil of Child Labor. "We are criticized because of our strikes, but we go right ahead. We are criticized from the pulpit, and I have no respect for the pulpit when Christi anity is not preached there. They tell us to take the capitalist by the hand and give him a good shake, but he does not want it. They tell us of a golden home and of a golden harp, on which we shall twang, in the sweet by and by, but wo don't want a home in that ftV off age. JUDGE WILLIAM H. TAFT "WHO HAS SUCCESSFULLY ENDED THE XEGOTIATIOJfS WITH THE VATICAX. We want one right now and here. (Laughter.) We don't wan,t the purse divided, we want the purse to get our fair share of the dividing. At Scranton, Pa., I recently- saw a labor parade be- 1 cause of the strike, and I saw a crowd of little boys walking in the procession. I said to a man near me: 'I suppose these are miners' sons, walking beside their fathers.' The man replied: 'Oh, no. These are all miners and they work In the mines. These little fellows are breaker boys.' If I had been a citizen of the great State of Pennsylvania I would have hung my head in shame at such a condi tion known to exist. Many of the boys were between C and 7 years old, and they work in the mines separating the foreign matter from the coal. They work far un derground, far from the pure air. the music of the birds, the sun. Their fingers are often split and bodies bruised, for what? Fifteen cents per day, and to make a millionaire mlneowner a little richer. Such a condition should not be al lowed to exist, and when all working peo ple are properly organized it will not bo permitted to exist. I remember seeing several little girls of 6 years of age work ing in a cotton mill in Alabama 12 hours every day. A girl of 9 years said she had worked three years in the mill. At Charleston. S. C. there was recentlv a meeting of presidents of great cotton ! mills, and they were afraid because they ! knew that the American Federation of Labor was after them. They proposed to recommend that bills be drawn for presen tation to the Legislatures of North and South Carolina, enacting that no children under 12 years of age shall work night shifts in mills, and that on the day shifts all children must be 10 years old. They thought by so doing they would prevent our going on with our work in the di rection we are proposing., but we won't etop until a law is passed forbidding the employment of any child under 14 years of age In any factory. Wc won't be bluffed. In writing for Northern capital, the representative of a cotton mill in Ala bama recently wrote: We can get adult male labor here for 00 cents' per hour. (Concluded on Second Page.) SNAPSHOTS OF itttt-0otCOlt ' ormiiiinitt'. .- '-"- ' .- ....' ' IS NOT DISPLEASED Pope Approves Negotiations Carried on by Cardinals. APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE Mfrr. Sbnrcttl, JToiv nt "Washington, ' May Get the OfO.ce If He Is Not .Appointed Archbishop of Manila. . ROME, July 19. The dispatch from Rome, published in the Daily Chronicle of London today, assorting that the pope is intensely displeased at the way in which the commission of cardinals has conducted the negotiations with Judge Taft in the matter of the friars' lands in the Philippines, and that he has annulled the proceedure of the commission and summarily dissolved it, expressing the view hat the American demands were reasonable and signifying his readiness to treat with Judge Taft personally. Is based on an entire misunderstanding of the situation. The commission of cardin als was not summarily dissolved. Its work ended with the acceptance of Cardinal Rampolla's proposition to refer further discussion of the negotiations to Manila. As all the parties agreed to this, it Is absurd to say that the pope is desirous of personally treating with Judge Taft. On the contrary, the pope has expressed the highest satisfaction with the result of the negotiations. He said: "Having start ed direct relations with Washington. Is one of the happiest events of my pontifi cate." Interest in the Philippine question now centers in the appointment of an apos tolic delegate to Manila, as It is con sidered the selection will be an indication of the real intentions of the holy see. Gov ernor Taft has unofficially intimated to the Vatican that the appointment of an American prelate would be preferred, and mentioned the name of the Rt. Rev. George Montgomery, bishop of the diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles. It Is thought to be Impossible to select Bishop Thomas O'Gorman, of Sioux Falls, S. D., because of his participation in the nego tiations here. Doubt, however, is ex pressed about the Vatican appointing an American, as the opinion is expressed In pontifical circles that an entirely Inde pendent delegate Is required properly to deal with the questions at Issue. ARCHBJSHOP OF MANILA. Msrr. Sbnrcttl May Condnct Friar Lands Negotiation. WASHINGTON, July 19. No matter how the negotiations at Rome end, even In the unlikely event that at the last mo ment the Vatican officials should accept the principal proposition advanced by PROMINENT MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS AS CAUGHT BY Governor Taft, It is believed here that It will still be necessary r tfae apostolic delegate referred to In - Cardinal Ram polla's notes to go forward .to Manila in the capacity of an appraiser of the friars' properties. Mgr. Broderick, private secretary to Mgr. Sbaretti, called at the War De partment today and had a conference with Secretary Root, the substance of which has not been made public Mgr. Brod erick's principal, Mgr. Sbaretti has not been in Washington for many weeks. -He started from Rome preceded by a declara tion that he had been named as archbishop at Manila, but when he reached Washing ton on his way to the Orient he was de .talned at the Catholic legation here. It was the original understanding that in his capacity of archbishop of Manila, if he was appointed to that post, he was to negotiate directly with Governor Taft re specting church matters in the Philip pines, including the friar lands question. The outcome at Rome, taken in connec tion with Mgr. Broderick's call, has led to the belief that Mgr. Sbaretti Is after all to be archbishop of Manila. At any rate, it is understood that he Is to con tinue his Journey to the Philippines, and if he does not fill the post mentioned, he may be still named as apostolic delegate there. Status of the Filipino. WASHINGTON, July 19. Gradually the status of the Filipino in his relations to foreign countries is being established. The State Department has finally decided how It shall take care of Filipinos outside of the archipelago. Ambassador White has established a precedent in the case of Ed ward Fancixo, a native of Manila, a rec ord of which has Just reached the State Department. This man applied to the Ambassador in Berlin, July 2, for a pass port or protection papers. The Ambas sador's certificate says : "Satisfactory proof has been furnished me that Edward Fancixo is a native of the Phlllplnes and loyal to the United States. He is entitled to protection of the Consular and diplomatic officers of tho "United States. As he is not a citizen of the United States, however, he is not en titled to a passport." Transport Sheridan Arrives. SAN FRANCISCO, July 19. Tho United States transport Sheridan arrived this morning from Manila with 612 men of the Thirteenth Infantry, 154 men of the Third Cavalry, E&4 casuals and 76 sick. The cavalry will Join the headquarters of their regiment at Fort AssJnlbolne. Montana, and the Thirteenth Infantry will be as signed to duty at Angel Island and Al catraz. Colonel Stephen W. Grosbeok, Judge-Advocate, Is a passenger on the Sheridan, and is on hs way to Chicago to be Judge-Advocate of the Department of the Lakes. . Philippine Custom Revenues. WASHINGTON1, July 19. The Bureau of Insular Affairs of the War Department has lroued a comparative statement show ing the customs revenue In tho Philip pine Archipelago for the first four months of 1902, compared with tho same period of 1901, 1SC0 and 1899, as follows: 1899 J1.215.C57 I 1900 51.SS9.234 1901 2,777,301 1902 2.891,975 TWO WEEKS' RESPITE. Quebec Judge Takes Gnrnor-Grcene Case Under Advisement. QUEBEC, July 19. Colonel Gaynor and Captain Greene, the two American con tractors, who are wanted In Savannah, Ga., for alleged frauds in Government har bor work, were given another respite of two weeks by Judge Caron in the Superior Court today. Judge Caron heard argu ments by counsel for the United States Government and for the prisoners on writs of habeas corpus issued at the request of the prisoners' legal advisers. When the lawyers had presented their cases. Judge Caron announced that he would hand down a decision in about two weeks and remand tho prisoners back to the care of the Sheriff. Gaynor and Greene occupy luxurious quarters at the Chateau Fron tenac. where they are guarded by depu ties. Should the writs be vdcated, the extradition proceedings will be heard on their merits In Quebec. THE DEATH ROLL. William G. "White. NEW YORK. July 19. William G. White, controller of the Bank for Sav ings of New York, and for the last eight years treasurer of the Union League Club, Is dead from apoplexy, with which he was stricken when aboard a steamer, en route to his Summer home at Great Neck, L. I. Mr. White had for many years been a prominent figure in the banking circles of the city. Vnn Buren Denslotv. NEW YORK, July 19. Van Buren Dens low, an attorney, is dead at his home in this city, aged 67 years. He was a Ions time connected with the editorial depart ment of the Chicago Inter Ocean, and for years was head of the Chicago Union School of Language. He was author of a work on the principles of economic phi losophy. I.cfrlon of the Spanish. War. WASHINGTON. July 19. A Joint com mittee, appointed by the commander-in-chief of the Spanish War Veterans and the Spanish-American War Veterans, has agreed on the name "Legion of the Span ish War" for the new consolidated organ ization of soldiers and sailors engaged in the war with Spain. The consolidation probably will be effected at the annual encampments in September of the two leading organizations, the Spanish War Veterans In Detroit, and the Spanish Americans in Indianapolis. LEVEES GIVE WAY Low Lands of Missouri, Iowa and Illinois inundated. FAMILIES DRIVEN FROM HOMES Crops to the Value of Fonr Million Dollars Rained Bet-ween Iveokulc and Hannibal Railroads Try to Keep Lines Open KEOKUK, la., July 19. Tho flood con ditions were much worse today, and the Mississippi River is from two to 10 miles wide for 75 miles below Keokuk" and is RETIRES AFTER LONG .bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssbsV sssssssssssssa' Jv aktkTsssssssssV bsssHHHbbsmbssssV. bsw bsbbbssvIbW aHbssbHHbssHV' Bb& bsssssHA. BSSSSSSSBBBSBBSSSSBSbw , bVw BHsSSSSBSm BSSSSSSSSSSSBsIkBBSIK bS? Bf WBSSSBHBSSSSSSa SBSSSSSSSSSBSBM&W" If l ff SBBSsff3BBa3sa K 3"B Am f HEaKSBBBBBBBl KSsBsHft s9bsskKssbJ& H? JtaWpirJsssssM vintt&l ssBBnlsXi t JSBkBSbk$ KwBBSSSSbeI J3SH0g"wr-' BSbDMHHl JsssslBEKSsBsssssaiH FSfe?i2 rlHHa t aVHsWHtSbBIEbbsssssb t&d flHfea&V HsPhBbsHHbEs91 vy ' flfl;Bfl5&& .'bssssssssVSKtIssmBbssssssbsB ssssHHbsbbBt 1 i 'dHssV PV' " "J ieA i(BSSSSSF T- B r ;'' - - - tyisssslr T SSK5' Zs&ii&t Jw - iisssssssr it 5?SS!3S43v&kJbss! MAJOR-GEXERAL JOHX R. BROOKE. . WASHINGTON, July- 10. A general order has been prepared at the War Department retiring Major-General John Brooke, who will reach the aso limit of C4 yean". Monday, July 21. "With the exception of General Miles. General Brooke Is the only officer on the active list of the Army who reached the grade of Brigadier-General during the Civil War. Ho had a distinguished record during the Civil War, entering as a volunteer Captain. Ho was made a Lieutenant Colonel In the regular Army at the time of the reorganization In 1806. and has been advanced In regular order to Major-General. Efforts were made by his friends In the last sesston of Congress to have a bill passed allowing him to retire with the rank of Lieutenant-General, but tho bill failed. General Brooke became a Major-General a year before tho war with Spain. When hostilities began he was ordered to command the large rendezvous camp at Chlckamauga. He went on the expedition to Porto Rico, and after the peace protocol, he was made chairman of the evacuation commission in Cuba. He wa3 then designated Governor-General of Cuba, holding the position until relieved by General Wood. Since that time. General Brooke has been In command of the Department of the East, with headquarters at Governor's Island. rising rapidly. Tho flood Is reaching far outlying firms, and farmers In the low lands on the Missouri side have lost ev erything but their citadels on high knolls and a few fields behind the highest levees. Damage is caused on the Illinois side be tween here and Qulncy, where there are many thousands of acres behind riverside levees which are not entirely efficient, the water working through at the side of the flood gates. The Lima and Hunt levees, opposite Canton, Mo., the most dangerous places, and which protect many square miles of corn In Illinois, are being con stantly patrolled, and 'hopes are enter tained that they miy possibly hold. The greatest damage Is on the Missouri side of tho Mississippi River, between Keokuk and Hannibal, territory covering 300 square miles, and on which the corn was estimated at SO bushels to the acre a few diys ago. Hundreds of farmers are tenants who lost crops by last year's drouth In the uplands and moved to the lowlands this year. They are now penni less and hunting work In towns and cit ies. Reports today are that In the terri tory indicated the loss will be over JI.00O, 000, chiefly to corn. In splendid contrition previously. The damage done up the Mississippi River Is greater than expected or than at first reported. One township In this coun- AN OREGONIAN ARTIST AT ty. Green Bay, is under six or seven feet 1 of water. It contains over 11,000 acres of crops." The families were driven out hur riedly, and some cattle drowned. The corn there was the very finest In- this section of the country last week. The levee eight miles north of Burlington broke. Inundating three square miles that had been considered safe. The Skunk River, the most destructive tributary of the Mississippi, is roaring down with a flood exceeded but twice in the history of the state, in 1S51 and 1S82. The water topped the record of 1S92 and has touched the highest record of 1S61. This river rises in the center of Iowa and empties into the Mississippi 23 miles north of Keokuk, greatly Increasing the flood at points below. Railroads in Iowa will bo put to great cost in tho maintenance of tracks and safety of trains. The Burlington and Rock Island systems are closely patrolled by watchmen at all bridges and culverts. No great damage has occurred to them on account of the systematic prevention, but this has been done at great cost. The Supervisors of Lee, Des Moines, Washing ton, Henry, Jefferson. Wapello and Van Buren Counties have been at work trying to save wagon road bridges, many of which have already gone out. Losses from this cause will bo very-considerable. Thousands of acres are submerged In Ap panoose County," Iowa, and there Is much SERVICE IN THE ARMY small grain caught in the fields. The crop In other "places Is chiefly corn. A new element that has appeared all over the flood section of Iowa is disease among the stock from the condition of the pastures overflowed slightly before and used after the temporary subsidence of the waters. Drouth In 3IIssIssIpl. JACKSON. Miss.. July 19. Twenty counties In Mississippi are suffering from I me eiiecis ol a uisasirous uruuui, uiiu m over one-half of this number the corn crop has been utterly ruined, while cot ton has been damaged from CO to 75 per cent. In Tallahatchie County forest fires are raging. The drouth area In the delta Is spreading, and the latest reports state that In counties where the prospects were excellent two weeks ago, there has been great deterioration. Floods In Illinois. 'LA SALLE, III.. July 19. A heavy down pour of rain has fallen in this region in cessantly for 26 hours, and the Illinois and Vermillion Rivers and tributaries have j sent a flood down the valley that has ruined many or the Dottpm-iand rarms and caused distress to the country be- t tween here and Ottawa aggregating more than 5100.000. "" " CAMP MAZAMA. GUNBOATS IN ACTION Navai Engagement Takes Place.OfF Panama. RANGER VITNESSES THE SIGHT Xnsnrsrcnts Apparently Were About to Attack the City "When the Gov ernment Sent Its Fleet Out to Meet Them. PANAMA, Colombia, July 19. The insur gent gunboats Padilla and Darlen ap peared last night between Flemonlco and Ottlquo Islands. Governor Salazar there upon ordered the government gunboats Chuchuito and Clapet to put to sea and meet them. Heavy cannonading was heard at 10 A. M., and continued until 4 o'clock this afternoon. It was heaviest at 10 this morning. At 2 o'clock, the Darlen was seen In tow of the Padilla, and it is believed that she had been hit. The gov ernment fleet was handicapped by the absence of tho gunboat Boyaca, the keet of which was being repaired, and it 13 thought probable that this fact was known by the insurgent General Herrera, who decided to attack Panama In order to prevent the government from helping General Bertlfl" troops at Agua Dulce. The United States steamer Ranger, which arrived here from Chlriqui, came within tho line of fire. During a part of, the heavy firing she was back of Flam enco Island. A representative of the Associated Press was informed by United States Consul Gudger that American interests at Pana ma had not been materially interfered with. The government gunboat Boyaca, which Is at La Boca, hurriedly completed repairs and Is going out at 5 o'clock. The Padilla has gone. The Ranger left the buy after the Padilla started, taking the same course as the revolutionary gunboat. No explanation is offered for the movement. It is thought probable that a great battle Is being fought at Agua Dulce. Whatever the result of this shall be to General Herrcra's army. General Salazar, the Governor of Panama, said to the rep resentative of the Associated Press, the revolutionary forces will suffer terrlbly and an attack by them upon Panama will be rendered impossible, even If they are not defeated. General Salazar haa blind confidence in his troops. CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER. Philippines. The Pope approves of th action of the Cardi nals' committee. Page 1. Mgrv Sbaretti may conduct the friar lands ne gotiations at Manila. Page 1. The transport Shorldan arrived at San Fran cisco with troops from Manila. Page 1. Korclsrn. A naval engagemont was fought oft Panama by Colombian and insurgent gunboats. Page 1. Prolongation of the London social season. Page 3. Dissatisfaction in England with the new Prlmo Minister. Page 17. Klmc Leopold visited King Edward at Cowes. Page 17. Domestic. Great tracts of fertile land In Missouri. Iowa and Illinois are flooded. Page 1. The miners' convention voted against, a general strike. Page '2. An order was Issued for the establishment of a military poet at Chlckamauga. Page 2. Soldiers at Leavenworth, Kan.. Indulged In a riot. Pace 3. The Hibernians Xatlonal convention adjourned after electing officers- Page 9. Sport. Louts James wins amateur golf championship of the United States. Page 12. Jeffries ami Fltzsimmons quit heavy training. Page 17. Portland Rowing Club crews leave far Nelson regatta. Page 12. Ewlng and Gosa qualify 'for finals in Mult nomah tennis tournament. Page 10. Portland beat Spokane, score 53. Pago 12. Butte beat Tacoroa, score 52. Page 12. Helena beat Seattle, score 73. Page 12. Pendleton ami Walla Walla win in the Inland Empire League. Page 12. I'neific Const. Mayor Williams, of Portland, reviews O. X. G. in camp at Albany. Tage 17. Washington County Indian War Veterans de clare for Representative Tongue for United States Senator. Page C. Marion County prune crop will be -10 per cent less than last year. Page G. There le still no trace of Convict Tracy. Page 0. Oregon men named for forest rangers on Cas cade reserve. Page (5. Marine and Commercial. Oats touch the highest price since 1S74 In Chi cago. Page 17. Stock market makes notable gain of activity, taking the week. Page 23. New York bank statement shows a gain In cash ami decrease in loans ami deposits. Page 23. French bark Marie coming to Portland from South Africa by way of Xew Zealand. Pa,;a February ships reporting out in Europe. Pago 11. Scarcity of sailors at Xorth Paclllc ports la delaying chipping. Page 11. Schooner Eldorado cleara with a big cargo o lumber for Australia. Page 11. Four salmon ships chartered for current sea son loading on the Fraser. Pase 11. Portland and Vlclulty. Labor leaders speak on union problems. Page 1. Judge John Catlln, prominent lawyer, dies. Page 0 Immigration Agent MeKlnney, of Ilarrxman lines, perfects plsns to people Oregon. Pago 17. Elks plan novel features for the Carnival. Page 21. Thugs beat Harry Vail, of South Mount Ta bor. Pase 1G. Chautauqua Assemhly closes Its seestoss. ! 10. Features and Departments. Editorial. Page 4. Social. Pago IS. Portland homes. Page 2.". Social life under the Arctic cirele. Page 2C Original short story by John Fleming Wilson. Page 2G. Mr. Dooley's letter. Page 27. Fashions. Paze 2S. ' From Ladderman to Deputy Chief. Page 29. Youth's department. Page 20. Homes and haunts of famous authors. Page 31. Serap book. Page 31. Questions and answers. Page 31. i I Ade's fable. Page 3t