THE SUNDAY OREGONIAJI. POETLAND, JUNE 29, 1902. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oresonlan'a Telephone. OREGON. Counting Room Main CC7 Managing Editor Main C3C City Editor .".. Main 100 Composing Boom ............Main CS3 East Side Office EpjLSi Superintendent Building d -s3 COLUMBIA. CounUnc Room VSi Editorial Roonu ijf Composlnc Room Enetne Room - AMUSEMEXTS TONIGHT. SHIELDS' PARK (13th and "Washington sts.) Helen Lamar, vaudeville and music. No Trace of V. A. Schilung. No trace of Victor A. Schilling, the missing city agent of the O. R. & N. Co., has so far been .discovered. From authentic accounts Mr. 'Schilling left Portland and went di rectly to British Columbia. His accounts have been checked up by the company's officers, and so far as they go they do not show any deficiency. Friends of Mr. Schilling say that his accounts cannot bo Questioned, and that he has simply gone away without notice to his family, and that he may have wandered away during temporary aberration of the mind. Before his disappearance It was noticed that Mr. Schilling appeared to be greatly worried, but he never spoke about his troubles. Special, Season commutation tickets on Bale between Portland and the beaches via A. & C. R. R., July 1. On and after July 1 the A. & C. R. R. will sell nve-rido eeason commutation tickets between Port land, Clatsop and North Beach points at rate of $15, return limit expiring October 15, and interchangeable with all boat lines between Portland and Astoria. This strictly new feature in connection with the already excellent rail transportation facilities offered between Portland and the seashore is destined to make a great hit with business men, who anticipate mak ing frequent visits to their families at the seacoast during the summer. Tickets on sale at Northern Pacific ticket ottlce, 255 Morrison street, and Union Depot. Stops a Runaway. John J." Byrne, by prompt action, prevented a runaway at the comer of Fourth and Washington streets yesterday at 12 o'clock. A team of horses attached o a truck took fright and started to run down Fourth street, when Byrne, who is an old teamster, real izing the situation at a glance, quickly caught and boarded the truck and ob tained control of the lines in time to check the animals. The truck was heavy and the horses powerful, and serious dam. age might have resulted had they gotten well under way. The Paxles Scenic Trip. Take the White Collar Line. Daily boat 7 A. M., except Sunday, foot Alder street, "Dalles" electric sign, making all landings between Portland and The Dalles, passing through the gorge of the Cascade mountains; also through the Cascade Locks, built by United States Government at cost of J4.000.000. Scenery grand beyond descrip tion. Meals excellent. Officers attentive and explanatory. The ideal trip of the tourist; also where the citizens of Port land should take their visitors. Both phones Main 331. Scotch Picnic and Games. The Port land Caledonian Club Fourth of July ex cursion and picnic to Lady's Island, in the Columbia River, will be one of the events of the season. No one can afford to miss this opportunity. To accommo date everybody and give those living in the suburbs an opportunity to attend, the hour of leaving has been changed to 9 A. M. Boat leaves Ash-street doclc All kinds of refreshments will be served on board. No need to carry a lunch. Tickets 50 cents, children 7 to 10 25 cents. Six Trains. Seats for Everybodt. Modern Woodmen Excursion, Gladstone Park, Today. . De Caprio's Band, Baseball,, Etc Southern Pacific Trains Leave East Side Depot at 9 1. 2, 6 and s o'clock. Tickets, Including All Attractions, 50 Cents. White Collar Line, July 4. Special excursion rates. Tickets sold by all agents and pursers on boats July 3 and 4, good returning July C, inclusive, at one fare for the round trip to and from and be tween all points between Portland and The Dalles and between Portland and Astoria. STou cannot afford to stay at home-at these rates. See "Dalles" electric sign foot Al der street Both 'phones Main 251. Regulator Line Steamers for The Dalles, Lyle and Goldendale, Trout Lake, Bingen and White Salmon, Hood River and Stevenson. Moffitt's & St, Martin's Hot Springs. Cascade Locks, Camp "Sheridan," Y. M. C. A. Boys, From Oak-Street Dock at 7 A. II. White Collar Li'nb Excursions. Clat sop Beach and Long Beach. Tickets sold on July 3, 4 and 5, good returning Sunday night, July 6, at $2 50 for round trip. Stop over at Astoria good on Astoria railroad and all boat lines. Leave for Astoria daily 7 A. M., except Sunday, foot Alder street. Information both 'phones Main 351. Death of Mrs. Mart C. Bundy. Mrs. Mary C. Bundy, of "Vancouver. Wash., died at 10 o'clock last night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Laura Baldwin, 13CS North Twenty-sixth street She was 56 years 11 months old, and. had resided in Vancouver since 1SS9. Owing to advances in material and la bor, the Portland Laundryman's Asso ciation, composing all the leading laun dries In the city, has decided to discon tinue all local agencies, and to allow no discounts or commissions after July 1. 1S02. The Public Is cautioned to beware of a party canvassing this locality for spec tacles representing that we will make any defect good. He is not connected .with us In any way, and we are not responsible for what he does. La Dessa, Munsell & Co. If you wish to appear correctly in the new City Directory, notify us at once of any change In your address, either busi ness or residence, since giving your name to our solicitor. R. L. Polk & Co., 522 ilarquam building. For the seashore and mountains, but first to the Old Book Store, the place to get cheap reading matter. Cash paid for Bchool books. Century dictionary and Pa cific Reporter on sale. 231 Yamhill st. Dr. Charles Reign Scovtlle, of Chi cago, will deliver a lecture, "Mohammed anism," illustrated with stcreoptlcon views. First Christian Church, Monday, evening. Admission 25 cents. A Complete Railroad in miniature, engine facsimile of standard, cars, track, 2000 feet In operation at Cedar Park to day. Sensation of the day. Greatest Novelty ever presented on the Pacific Coast-rsmallest railroad on earth. Cedar Park,' St. Johns, today. Don't miss it. Hammam BATns, 300 Oregonian building. Open every night for men. 7:S0 P. M. to 10 A. M. Competent shampoocr in at tendance. Court contract and fidelity bonds. Fi delity & Deposit Co. Surplus, $5,000,000. Puffer. Burgard & Rodgers, 251 Wash. Sunday Oregon City boats from Taylor street dock every hour from 8:30 to 6:15. Last boat from Oregon City C P. M. Cancers Cured without the use of a knife. No cure no pay. Call after 1 P M., 300 Fifth street. Y. M. C. A. Moonlight Excursion. Monday, 7:45 P. M., Salmon-street dock, 25 cents. The miniature railroad at Cedar Park Is a howling success. Go down and see It today. Walter Strauhal's Store at Long tseacn now open. New goods, low prices. Mile for 15 cents. Hasty Messenger Co. Telephones Main 53. Open all night JBuy cordwood now at special prices. The Pioneer." Both 189 'phones. New Grimes Hotel,. Seaside, open for the season. F. W. Baltes & Co.. Hnotypcrs. printers. Greatly reduced prices. .Marks Shoe Co. Broke Into, a Bishop's House. During the absence of the members of the family at Bishop Morris' bouse, 35 Everett street, last Friday night, about 9 o'clock, thieves stole a valuable gold watch be longing to a sister of the bishop and es caped. The watch was an heirloom, and had been in the family for over 50 years. Several clergymen attending the annual convention of the diocese of Oregon of the Protestant Episcopal church have made Bishop Morris house their head quarters, and, It Is supposed that as one of these guests entered the house ibout the time mentioned, he disturbed the thief, who sneaked out a rear second-story win dow with the watch and got away. The family came home shortly after this, and when they found that the wire screen cov ering the second-story window had been cut open they suspected that thieves had been In the house during their absence. A search over the house revealed that one article missing, at least is the watch, which had been left upon a bureau. The thief is not supposed by the police to be a professional of the first water, or he would not have taken a watch which can be easily recognized when he tries to dis pose of Itj Cloud Cap Inn, at timber line on the north slope of Mount Hood, is now open for the season under the old management The inn is situated 7000 feet above sea level, and is reached from Hood River via the Transfer & Livery Company. Through tickets from Portland can be purchased at the O. R. &. N. or Columbia River steamer ticket offices. Those desiring to climb old Hood will find every convenience at this delightful mountain resort Baseball, Baseball Today, 3 P. M., Baseball, Baseball Today, 3 P. M., A Very Good Game Promised. Maroons of Vancouver vs. Upchurch of Portland. Carload of Rooters Fboji Vancouver. Trilby Rankin Will Officiate. Admission 25c, Including Grandstand. Don't Fail to Be There. The Seaside House will be opened Thursday, July 10, under the management of Miss Stryker. The place has many natural advantages, and Is admitted to be one of the roost beautiful seaside re sorts on the coast To add to Its attrac tions, golf links have been laid out The management will do all possible for the comfort and accommodation of guests. Notice to Intending Seaeiders. We have again opened our branch store In Grimes' Grove at Seaside, Or. We will carry a full and complete stock of gro ceries, hardware and tinware. Call for orders and deliver goods to Gearhart Park twice each week. Goods delivered to all parts of Clatsop Beach. F. Dresser & Qo., Portland's greatest grocers. Free Baths Open Today. The Port land Public Baths will be opened today for business near Supple's boatyard, at the east end of the Morrison-street bridge. Boys will be admitted from 9 4'clock A. M. until noon, and men from 2 to 5 P. M. The. permanent location of the baths Is a matter of doubt until the County Com missioners get together. Astoria Daily Excursions. Take the White Collar Line Irom foot Alder street, 7 A. M., except Sunday. The views of the Lower Columbia are grand. The vast ex panse of waters, salmon canneries,' fish boats at Astoria, the Venice of Oregon, should be visited by all tourists before they return East Both 'phones Main 35L Flavel Open July L The splendid Summer resort. Hotel Flavel, ready for guests July 1. Go to Flavel If you want rest comfort and recreation. Rates $7, $10, 512 and $15 per week. Portland office 615 Marquam building, 'phone Main 642. We Want everybody to have a home savings bank. They make you save money and cost you nothing. Security Savings Trust Company, No. 2S6 Morrison street Only llmlttd number. -Get one while they last Bring the number of your book. Band Concert at Woodstock, 4 to 6 P. M. today. Cars leave Third and Yam hill streets 10, "50 and 50 minutes after the hour. Transfer from any part of City & Suburban Railway Company's sys tem for 5-cent fare. A Splendid Opportunitv for a physi cian who wishes to do special work and an office practice. Must be -a ybung man, with some experience and good habits. No money required. L 4S, Oregonian. Who Wants to Ride on Liberty Cak? Fifty little girls are wanted to ride on the liberty car in the Fourth of July pa rade. Apply Monday at 9 A. M. to 2Irs. Drew, Allsky building. The Breakers, that new and elegant Summer resort on North Beach, will open formally June 28. A few guests can be accommodated now. See advertisement in Summer Resorts. Great Picnic at Cedar Park, July 4. in aid of St -Mary's Orphans' Home. Un usual attractions, including the wonder ful miniature railroad, the sensation of the hour. If You Want a good paying business which will bear the closest Investigation, place yourself In correspondence with me. No agents. H 50, Care Oregonian. There will be a special meeting of the Skamania County Settlers' Association at 2 P. M. today. All members are requested to attend. Umbrellas made in Oregon; latest styles; lowest prices. Repairing and re covering. Meredith's, Washington & 6th. The smallest railroad, on earth in suc cessful operation at Cedar Parle, St Johns, today. Go down and take a ride. Excursion Rates East. Call at Chica go, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway office, 134 Third street, corner Alder. Homeseekers: Do you want a home stead? Good soil, accessible. Address J. W. Antrim, Woodstock, Or. Y. M. C. A. Moonlight Excursion. Monday. 7:45 P. M., Salmon-street dock, 25 cents. ' 50 large carnations only $1; floral pieces reasonable. Burkhardt's, 23d and GJIsan. Get your tents and camp outfits at Pa cific Tent & Awning Co., 27 North First Reopen. The Brown. See classified ad. ttlttttttlftt(ttttllfttlttttttftfl STREET-CAR ACCIDENT. MrB. "Wells, "Who Wai Injured, "Wants Xnmca of Pnaaengrer on That Car. I ana disabled and probably shall be for life, from the effects of an accident in alighting from, an open street-car on Third street, near Jefferson, on Sunday afternoon, the 14th of last July. There Is a contention between the street car company and myself as to whether the car stopped and then started again while I was getting off, or whether I care lessly attempted to alight while the car was running. I ask all persons who were passengers on the car at the time, and who desire to see the truth and right pre vail, to call upon or communicate with me at No. 151 Seventeenth street, corner Morrison, or my attorneys, Henry E. Mc Ginn or V. K. Strode, of this city. MRS. M. a WELLS. STRAIGHT HAVANA CIGAR "The Brnnjta" Three for Tvrenty llve Cents at Hnndlcy & Kellcy's. These goods -heretofore have always been sold at two for a quarter, and are good value at that price. Our price now is three for 25 cents. Before leaving for your Summer out ing, call and secure your reading matter from us. We will save you money. The Cut-Rate Cigar and News Store, 291 Washington, between Fourth and Fifth. ANNOUNCEMENT Tuesday, July 1, Messrs. Paget and Clark will open an office for the prac tice of civil engineering and surveying in room 2S Washington building. The senior member of the firm, Mr. E. W. Paget, member of American Society of Civil Engineers, well known in the city as a former City Surveyor, brings 20 years' active experience In various im portant engineering enterprises. Mr. W. L. Clark, junior member, was Jn charge of the Government contract at the Cascade Locks until its completion, when foe Immediately assumed charge of surveys in the important West Side dis trict as Deputy City Engineer of the City of Portland. WHERE TO DINE. Dainty desserts and hot-weather special ties. Portland restaurant 305 Washington. For a Sunday dinner, the Newport Res taurant Is the place to go. All the deli cacies of the season. 53 Third. Private rooms. Entrance, 2C7 Pine. First-class French dinner, with wine, 50c; cxcollently cooked. 93 Fifth street The best and most complete Sunday din ner outlay at Strouse's Restaurant 229 Washington, between First and Second. BEAUTIFIES ANY HOME. A new shipment of mantels, grates, til ing, as well as gas and electric chandel iers has been received by the M. J. Walsh Company, 245 Washington street The assortment is desirable and such as cannot fail to Interest any one building or going to build. Estimates on all kinds of electrical and gas work. Call up on either phone. JULY FOURTH FIREWORKS Now la the time to buy your fireworks. We carry the largest stock of all kinds of Fourth of July goods In the Northwest, and havo many fine exhibition sets for cities' end towns' display purposes at lowest prices. Send for catalogue. An drew Kan & Co., corner Fourth and Mor rison. THE WASHINGTON CREAMERY Is prepared to fill your orders for sweet Jersey cream for the Fourth. Wholesale and retail. Both phones. JEFFRIES AND FITZSIMMONS Tracey & Denny will place a telegraph Instrument. In their saloon, at 105 Fourth, and receive the fight by rounds. ALIi WE ASK IS C03IPARISOX. What other firm will do this? We call for, clean, press and deliver three pieces of your clothing each week, and give you a shine ticket, good for eight shines a month, at our bootblack stand. All for $L00 per month. Unique Tailoring Com pany, 347 Washington street. . . "Rich-Grade Pianos for Rent. Sold on easy installments. Pianos tuned and rrpalri'd. H. Slnsnelmrr. 72 Third r. OSTEOPATHY IN The Marquam Established 1&9. Dr. Walter A. Rogers Graduate of the A. T. Still School of Os teopathy, Klrksville. ilo. Office 532-333-534 Marqunia Bide. Phone Main 27. Dr. Gertrude L. Gates Graduate of The Northern Institute of Osteopathy. Dr. Rocers Office. C. C. NEWCASTLE, Dentist, MARQUAM BUILDING, ROOM 301 NO SHODDY ' NO SHAM HERE Dealers in sweatshop and Chinese-made suits are not our competitors. Ours are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Honest tailor work from America's greatest tailor shops.. "Stein-Blocl Co.'s" Suits . . $15 to $25 Union Latel Suits . . . $10 to $20 ilannel and Crash Onting Suits, $8.50 to $i2 Famous Clothing Co. MORRISON AND SECOND STS. 1 THE NEW THING IN BELT BUCKLES and PINS 75c, $f.00, $1.50, $2.50 MEDALLION BROOCHES AND STERLING SILVER STICK PINS. The very latest for shirtwaists. , We have lust received from "-few York the best assortment to be found in this city. They are beau ties every one of them, and we have marked the prices so low you can't afford to miss the opportu nity. Come early. They won't last. THE NEW WATCH FOB for la dles and gents, $1.50 this week. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers and Opticians. Bet. 4th and 5th 200 Morrison St. THE WHITE IS KING ANOTHER CARLOAD ORDERED TODAY. If you trc needing a setting: machine, call at our office and take a look at the latest-improved call-bearing drop-head White. New sewing machines for rent; supplies and needles for all sewlne machines. THE WHITE SErVING MACHINE OFFICE COR. SIXTH AND ALDER STS. Opposite Oresodan BHdlnjj. Oregon Phone South -J4C1. You Will Enjoy Your xcursion Better If your Kodak or Cam era is loaded with Fresh Films or Plates. Every thing needed in Photog raphy in stock. - TRY US D. M. Averill & Co. 'THE CURIO STORE. 331 Morrison St. EXTRA July 4th Trophies and Prizes "We have a choice assortment of LOVING CUPS, TANKARDS and MUGS in English pewterware, well adapted for prizes and trophies. "When pass ing our store at 2S4 Washington St., between Fourth and Fifth, see the win dow dfcplay, also ascertain how very reasonable the prices are. GEXA LENSES Are the world's best We grind them, fit eyes perfectly. Consultation free. 2S4 WASHINGTON STREET OSTEOPATHY DR. I. D. SMITH. Of A. T. SU11 School. Klrksville. Mo. Old est Osteopath In Oregon. Fourth year in Portland. Consultation free at onlce. 409 Oregonian BIdg. Lady AsslstanU Phone Oak 42L jfCnightShoeGo. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BIG SHIPMENT OF GOOD SOLID BOYS SHOES .. CALL AND EX AMINE oeoeooo0ooee9Oeeeeca lff9fttCttCMttttlf MlfilJlSaM Largest Clothiers in the Northwest jgj ia 1002 1770 If MEN'S WHITE VESTS A selection of intense interest.. .pique, duck, mercerized basket weaves, and very neat figured oxfords, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 and $4.50. EN'S STRAW PANAMA HATS IJUlllIllMMllIlllllI to zr7 mttciteft ffl&. Scientific &- Manufacturing- Gptcians- PORTUHDtOREa EDUCATIONAL. PORTLAND ACADEMY "" Fourteenth Year. "Will open Monday, September 15. The academy fits boys and girls for the col leges of the East and "West. Its pro gramme Includes courses In English, math-i-matics, Greek. Latin. French. German. cheml3iry, physics. Vocal music and drawing, i The school Includes a primary and gram mar school, which receives boys and glrl3 as early as the age of 6. and prepares them through a course of sis years for entrance to the academy. The earlier years of this course are devoted chiefly to reading, writing and spelling; the later years to arithmetic, geography, English grammar, history and reading from Eng lish literature. Vocal music is systemat ically taugnt from tho beginning of the course. One of the principals Is at tho academy daily from 9 A. M. to 12 M. For catalogue, address Portland Academy, Portland, Or. The Thoburn School The University Preparatory School for Girls. AT PALO ALTO, OAL. Prepares for Stanford and Berkeley. Spe cial courses also arranged. Tho Stanford libraries, lectures, musicales, etc, are open to the Thoburn students. Fall term begins August 14. Address the principals. Miss Catherine Harker. A. B. (Vassart; Miss Florence Hey wood, A. B. (Stanford); reference. President David Starr Jordan, of Stanford University. OREGON. PORTLAND. ST. HELEN'S HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Offtra fall academic and colieee preparatory courses, as well a thorough Primary and In termediate Instruction. Music under tlM direc tory masters. Illustrated book o information aent oa ap plication to . , . MISS ELEANOR TEIIBETTS. Principal. Mills College and Seminary CONFERS DEGREES AND GRANTS DI PLOMAS. Seminary coarse accredited to the universities; rare opportunities offered In ma fic, art and elocution. Thirty-seventh year; Fall term opens August 13. 1002. Write for catalogue to Mrs. C. T. Mills, president Mills CoIUe P. O., California. MRS. ALLEN'S SCHOOL For Boys' and Girls Second year will open Monday. September 15. 1002. Classes In Mathematics. History. English. LatlnCreek and German. Special students admitted to regular classes. For cir culars address MARGARET V. ALLEN. 012 Kelly street Portland, Oregon. Hoitt's SchooL Parents desiring home influences, beautiful surroundings, perfect climate, careful super vision, and thorough mental, moral and pb st eal training for their boys, will find all these requirements fully met at Hoitt's School, Men lo Park. San Mateo County, Cal. Send for Illustrated catalogue. Twelfth year begins August 12th. IRA G HOITT. Ph. D.. Principal. farinAr" CURED AT HOME by Internal lUUL-ui treatment, no Vnlfe, plaster or pain Book and Testimonials mailed FREE. H&son Cancer Institute. 121 TV. 42d st., N. Y. M FOR odern p Clothes NEWEST STYLES EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS ' PERFECT MAKES It's no longer a question with men who dress with care where to obtain the best clothing. Steinbach's have introduced to the Northwest a grade of clothing that fills the field once occupied exclu sively by the custom tailor. . "We can truthfully say that we carry tha only ready-to-wear clothing that Is equal to made-to-order garments. MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS....every conceivable style and material, including the new coronation weave, $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $25, $30, $35 MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS....absolutely fast dye, and perfect in every detail, $10, $12.50, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, and $30. There are braids to please every taste, and shapes to suit almost every face, in our present immense collec tion of correct styles in Straw Hats. PANAMAS finest qualities in all the most approved shapes $8.50 and $10.00 Porto Ricos and French Palms, in the most recent Alpine shapeJs, $3.50, $4 and $5.00 Rough-and-ready Braids with the new wide brims $i, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 Fine Split and Milan Braids $2 to $5 FIRE AND EVERYTHING FOR THE BOYS' ENJOYMENT JULY 4 Prions Cheaper Than Ever Before ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE " ' ESPECIALLY FOR OUR TRADE D. M. AVERILL & CO. The Curio Store ? 331 Morrison Street SUCCESS IS THE WORD WRITTEN OVERIOUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT WHY Because we give our patients complete satisfaction: First, by a thorough scientific test; second, by making lenses and adjusting them in accordance with the proper test; third, by using nothing but the best and newest styles of frames and mountings which give the best appearance and adjustment. Mffr. Jewelcra and Opticians. AGreatChance INEST MEN'S CLOTHING IN PORTLAND "We have taken 20 lines, making over 200 juiits. of our very best cassl meres. tweed3 and worsteds, that nave been selling right along at 515.00, $18.00 &nd ?20.00, and marked them at one Drlce. Remember, every garment Is cut In tho very latest styles, excellently tailortd and perfect llttmjr. These suits are of OREGON MANUFACTURE And at their regular prices -were 25 per cent lower than similar goods sold by merchants of this city. Don't wait until sizes are broken, but come at once. Salem Woolen Mills Store 85-87 Third St., between Stark and Oak Streets Corner 4th and Morrison Streets OUTING SUITS Flannels, crashes, cheviots and homespuns ....single and double-breasted styles, $9.35, $10, $12.50, $14, $15, $16.50 and $18. . if COfTtlCMT HO- illlflllflfllllllll Cor, 3& and Waaliington leimev THE