THE SUNDAr OKEGONIAN, POKTLrAJSTD, MAY 18. 1902. CAMPBELL ACCEPTS CALL 'Wllji BE PRESIDENT OP UMVER- srrr op oregox. Resents of Normal School Accept Hl Resignation With Regret Regrard- ed as a Thorough. Educator. SALEM. Or., May 17. President P. Ij. Campbell, of the Monmouth Normal School, today tendered his resignation and accepted, the presidency of the Uni versity of Oregon, a position offered him some weeks ago at a special meeting of the University Regents held In Portland. The Normal School Regents met In the Governor's office this afternoon, and ac cepted President Campbell's resignation, to take effect at the end of the present school year. A special committee was appointed, consisting of A. Noltner, I. Flynn and J. Bi Butler, to name his suc cessor, and it is understood that efforts will be made to secure an Oregon man. The Monmouth people are loth to give up Professor Campbell, who is held In high esteem by his faculty, students and fellow-townsmen. During his adminis tration at Monmouth. President Campbell has extended the sphere of the Normal School, and his call to a larger field is regarded as a just recognition of his abil ity as an educator. He possesses the qualities of an educator combined with thorough executive ability. His youth was passed In Oregon and he is conver sant with the conditions of society in this state and understands the temperament of the Western people. His collegiate ed ucation was received at Harvard Univer sity and he Is thoroughly modern in his Ideas of higher education. It is the gen eral opinion among educators that Pro fessor Campbell will prove a valuable - man at the University of Oregon. EXCHANGE SOON TO START Produce Brokers Rcfnne to Recog nize it; bat It's No Difference. "The Portland Produce Exchange will Btart up in a few days; perhaps before the first of the month," said Daniel Kel laher, president of the corporation, yes terday. "The brokers have refused point blank to sell to us. They are instigated to this by the wholesale produce mer chants, who do not like our enterprise. But we don't care. "Wait till we get our anchor In on Front street, and "we shall show them something. They said we could never carry the project this far. Now they begin to open their eyes. Con trary to what the brokers allege, our en terprise Is not retail, but wholesale. Re tailers have stock In the company; but tills does not make the market a retail one. Everybody who bus, whether he Is a stockholder or not, will buy on sl wholesale basis, the same as at any wholesale market. And the Product Ex change, unlike some other wholesale mar kets, will not sell, for example, to Jap anese restaurant? that drive up wagons without any signs dn them. The Ex change will transact a legitimate busi ness, and will differ essentially from co operative enterprises, since It will have a stock corporation behind it The ac counts of the corporation will be at all times open for Inspection, and consignors will be shown In black and white what their products sell for. As for the brok ers, we can get along without them. They are not necessary to us, anyhow. "We can eliminate them and bring produc ers and consumers closer together." L,otv Rates East. The Burlington Route is naming a spe cially low rate of fare to all points East and return. If you expect to take a trip write for full particulars. The Burlington Route runs its own through daily trains, with best accommodations, quickest time and choice of routes. R. W. FOSTER. Ticket Agent, Corner Third and Stark streets, Port land. Or. TAILOR-MADE SUITS MARKED DOWN FINE LINE OF REGULAR $18.00 SUITS MONDAY AND TUESDAY $1 185 These suits are made of good quality cheviot, in black and col ors, in the blouse and Eton style, jacket silk-lined and trimmed with bands of stitched satin, flare skirt, with graduated flounce, handsome ly trimmed. A sple'ndid suit for dress and every-day wear. A GREAT VALUE It's a treat to view our beautiful line of shirtwaists. SILVERFIELD FUR MANUFACTURING CO. 283-285 MORRISON STREET VteJZZtJgp I &fati j ( JSQ White Waistings Handsome White Waistings In pique and other popular wash materials are about as scarce as straw berries at Christmas time. Just as we were about giving up hope a long" de layed delivery of these fabrics has come to us from the makers beauti ful styles they are pique, Madras cloths and cheviots in plain or fig uredWe have never before seen such elegance in White Wash Fabrics and so reasonably priced that every woman in town can afford to have one or more of these pretty waists. 25c to 75c yard (See Tifth-street window display.) Cheney Foulards Last month we ha Id a great sale of Cheney Foulard silks so d thousands of yards but didn't sell as many as we would have liked to, so tomorrow wo place on sale the entire remaining stock at still greater reductions. Styles are this season's best and every yard the famous Cheney Bros. make. 800 vards Cheney Foulards in splendid colorings and designs, air this season's styles, yard 1200 yards of Cheney Foulards, the best 1902 pat terns, and colorings, for, yard Cheney's best Satin Foulards in a grand array of beautiful designs, superb styles, yard Pongees Plain, figured or dotted styles In immense varie " ty all grades (at silk counters). 59c 73c 87c Curtains Onethird Off W ' J. V 4.Bn TisiTv: nf T.nfta Curtains co on 3 sale tomorrow morning at prices that should be intensely interesting to ev ery economical housekeeper. We've gone through our entire stock care fully picked out the one, two and 'hree pair lots and offer you your choice at 33 1-3 pBr cent discount from regular selling price. There's Nottingham, Irish Po'nts, Brussels Net, Muslin and Novelty Cur tains to select from and re uiar prices range from 85e to $20.00 pair, your ehoice while they last at 33$ per cent off cnura floor.) BRASS AND IRON BEDS ALL SIZES AND STYLES. SHADE WORK DONE TO YOUR ORDER (THIRD FLOOR). cShz&jfe ' cg 6gBy3ytaf- Red nrPflKfl ; In pInk and JIht Dlue 'lS ful size, and fringed A special purchase iiipi tau3 of these pretty and serviceable spreads which we " offer at a very low price Just the thine: for 1 A qq jl.t-7 va brass or iron beds- -They are yours at . Go Carts We are offering our entire stock of Stationary Go-Carts at ridiculously low prices All have eushion or rubber tires -Some have sliding seat and drop back Bi? values at $2.58, $2.93, 53.57, 54.97, $5.55 Everything in Trunks and Bags on the third floor. Lace Tuckings and Al lovers I Id gl I J A v1lif ?CSZ&P J and just the styles you want for a handsome wrm weather Waist We've quantity enough for two stores, hence this great re duction right at the height of the season. Plain and lace-striped Lawn Tuck ings, great values at, fS)c Linen Batiste Tucking, Linen Embroidered All-overs, Lace - Striped and Larn Tucknus an immense variety oi styies to choose from and remarkably low priced at .23 yard All our Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery and Tucking, baautiful styles, all the $2.50vAlues ? qs for, yard . 4l.oy Men's Clothing A well-dressed man is a pride to himself and a pleasure to his friends and acquaintances It is a duty to yourself to dress as well as you can Bt gives you a better chance in life than the shabby fellow, for the world judges largely by appearance You can dress well at a very moderate cost if you buy your clothes here (Second floor). At $12.50 MHWMI JUT- Men's all - wool black unfinished worsteds and gray clay suits in all the d&sirabie styles Best tailoring throughout, and selling elsewhere at 18.00 Our price for one week $12.50. , At $18.65 Men's extra fine quality fancy un finished worsted suits Latest designs and stylos Handsomely tailored throughout Suits that the exclusive clothier asks you $25.00 for. Men's worsted Pants Latest styles $3.00 to $5.00 a pair. ' -HH m copyniajiTcaiBOl 'L. ABLER. BROS. ACa Boys' Clothing Boys' two-piece and Norfolk Suits, sizes 4 to 15 years, in new brown and green mixtures, splendidly made throughout, great K (rl values at, suit p.UU Young Men's Fine Worsted Trousers, in all the new patterns, very large variety -3 ca and Dig value at, pair poOU Boys' Fancy Percale and Madras Blouses in all the best patterns and colorings, ages 3 n sr , to iOyears yoc Scotch Flannels 340yd 2000 yards of fine 27-ln. Scotch Flannels, in light and dark colors, striped effects, suitable for waists, dressing gowns, outing suits, etc; special value at 34e yard. Webb's Towels 35c ea. 100 dozen of the famouT Webb's Irish Linen Towels, size 20x88, the ben towel of its kind on the market and sold at this store only. This lot sneclal at 25c each.- . Try a "Rubdry" Bath Towel and know what a good bath towel is 50c. Annual Sprin raSMUOHMMM X Sal e of Notions and Sewing Requisites Sewing things and Notions at a quarter to one-half off That's the story of the great Spring sale which starts off at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and continues through the week It's worth while having all the conveniences about that you can afford And you can afford twice as many when things are half price Work basket supplies for dressmakers and housekeepers Make out your lists early and comi There's scores of pennies to be saved, and the pennies make the dollars, you know Extra salespeople and twice tht usual counter space for the selling. Buttonhole Knives, each 19c Laundry Wax, cako . 2c Beeswax, cake 3c Tapelines, each . . . 1c, 4c, 6c, 80, 10c Florodora Hairpins, box 6e Belmont Hairpins, bos 4c Champion Hairpin?, box 5c Mill ward's Needlebooks 29c One bunch (100) Hairpins 4c Wire Hairpins, box 12c Hlnde's Patent Curler, box .'.22c Acme Crimping Pins, box 3c K. & B. crimped and straight Hairpins 3-in. 3c, 4-ln. 4c Assorted sizes in K. & B., box 10c "Duplex" Skirt Supporters, ea- 17c Globe Pin Books, each 3c English Pin Books, each 8c Patent Darning Eggs, each 8c Aluminum Thimbles, each lc Garman Silver Thimbles, each ... 3c Steel Thimbles, each ." 2c Tracing Wheels, .each . . .4c, 6c, 13c "Bldent" Skirt Supporters. ..... .19c Needle books, for, each 13c 1 Assorted sizes safety pins, card 2c Safety pin boote, each 4c Safety pins, card 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c Curling Iron heaters 17c Curling Iron heatera 7c Tourist curling Irons 8c Braids, in black and colors, at, piece 3c Brrsh braid, black and all colors, Washington pins, 3 papers 5c J Adamantine pins, 3 papers. 5c Meier & Frank Co. pins 4c Century gilt pins, paper 7c Cube pins 4c, 5c, 6c, 8c Desk pins, box 4c Blanket pins, each 3c, 4c Bone casing, 10c kind for 7c; 5c kind I for 3c yard 4c And hundreds of other Black pins, 3 papers 5c Black pins, card 3c and 4c Hatpins, dozen 4c and 8c Black adamantine pins, box 4c Dress shields, sizes 3 and 4; 30c val ues for 20c Fitzwell dress shields, for shirt waists, at, pair 25c 10c, 12c and 15c horn bones Sc 20c and 25c genuine bones 12c Invisible hairpins, G bunches for 5c Invisible pins, package 3c and 4c Pearl pins, card 4c Colored pins, card 4c Binding ribbon, bolt 5c Black and white hooks and eyes, sizes 3 and 4, card 3c Black dress shields, 30c and 35c - al- ues for 22c items will be found on sale. The Porch If you and the Upholstery Store can get together and have a little chat the porch may bs fitted up in fine shape by the time it's really com fortable to sit out of doors There should be some uni formity about its equipment. Porch Shades, Cushions.Rugs, Hammocks, Easy Chairs, etc. Lot's get acquainted on the Porch subject anyway. Couches 100 woll-madeB ox Couches covered in white good springs strongly built. $10.00 kinds for. ...$7.75 $7.50 kinds for $4.65 Velour covered Lounge with roll edge and head,best patterns and materials $6.65 each - ' - " - ' " .. Book Store The Cloak Store &H1 m So many splendid items in Ladies' Wearing apparel i on sale tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday that you : will feel like buying more than you can wear An aggregation of values that no economical dresser can afford to pass by. 100 Ladies' Tailor-Mads Suits, in Etamines and cheviots; Eton, blouse or jacket styles, all the most desirable . colors, handsomely made and trimmed in the H22 4.S newest fashions; regular $30 and S32 values, at Wff Early selection Is advisable if you want to selsct from the com plete variety and be correctly fitted The best high-class suit offering of the season. New Books, $1.08 Heralds of Empire, br Lant. The Kentons,by W.D.Howells The Sport of th Gods, by Paul Laurence Dunbar. At the Back of the Beyond, "by Jane Barlow. "Dorothy Vernon," by Chas. Major. This story is very Dopular and is laid In Der byshire, England, and is based upon a love romance of Queen Elizabeth's time. 2500 copies SheetMusic 5c ea. Raglans $14.85 35 Ladies' Raglans in fine coverts and cravenettes Just the thing for traveling or rainy-day wear Best ma terials and styles WeU made throughout, and the most desiraole colors All sizes The reg. $20 values Your oholoe $14.85 Cotton Waists 75 dozen Ladies' Cotton Waists in white, assort ed stripes and plain colors, all 50 this season's styles, big value P130 ca Walking Skirts Ladies' Pedestrian Skirts in gray, Oxford and blue, flaring flounce, strictly tailor-made, big value $2.42 Screen Doors and Windows The Good kinds, in many styles and sizes, and at th very lowest prices (Basement.) Silk I 'rr 1 1 A :r2 'aja umpma flftf! Waists Ladies' Silk Waists in taffeta and moire, Gib son and Maxim styles, pink, blue, white, tan, rose, red, green and black, all the regular $6.00 line in all sizes, your choice for $4.48 each Ladies Jackets Ladies' Jackets in . Eton and blouse ef fects, made in taffeta, peau de soie and fins coverts, the regular $7.50 tf5 KK to $9.00 values at . $D.OD Ladies' Novelty Dress Skirts all the latest and most exclusive styles. The $30.00 and $32.00 grade for $24.85 The $35.00 and $40.00 grade for $29.45 In the Basement 1 Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Sprinkling Cans, Water Coolers, etc. A carload of Glassware just received. Many new things. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY MEIER & FRANK COMPANY MEIER & FRANK COHPANY j HEIER & FRANK COMPANY I .. f? tf l! va se 1 1 jasrftfTtSi&KSJSP? MmegfZT$&3FHT