VWW nwgt J THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAT 18,. 1902. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Orejjoninu Telephones. OREGON. . . Counting Rocta Main 007 Managing Editor Main 630 City Editor .... .Main 168 Composing Room Main CSS East Side Office East 01 Superintendent Bulldlns .'. Red2S23 COLUMBIA. -MT Countlns Room OCT Editorial Rooms 108 Composing Boom ji Engine Room . '2M A3IUSEMENTS TOXIGHT. THE BAKER THEATER (corner Third and Yamhill etreets) Sixth, week or the 'popular Jdr. Ralph Stuart and Company. Matinee to day at 2.15, "Monte Cristo." Evening at 8:20. CORDRAT'S "Waifs." THEATER "TWO X-ITTLE ButLDiKo Contractors Arrested. I. Ij. Carter and Frank Yoodman, 'building contractors, were arrested yesterday by Sidewalk Inspector 14111s for neglecting to take out a building permit from the City Engineer's office. The deputies In the City Engineer's office have been great ly annoyed with contractors who would s not take out permits until the deputy went after them. Some would not even do It until they received a notice from the City Attorney that proceedings would be brought against them. Deputies have kept ihe City Attorney busy writing letters to contractors to take out permits, and City Engineer Chase, to put a stop to all this red tape, detailed LUlls. to arrest all con tractors who fail to get permits. No more notices will be sent out to contractors. Carter and Woodman were notified. Car ter called at City Treasurer Werleln's office and paid the $1 fee, but failed to call at the Engineer's office for the permit, so the case against Carter will probably be dismissed. Their cases will come up be fore Municipal Judge Cameron Monday at 1:30. For the National meeting of Fraternal Order of Eagles at Minneapolis, June 3 to S, the Northern Pacific will make a round trip rate of ?52 from Portland to Minneap olis and return. Tickets will be placed on sale May 23 and 29, with going limit of 10 days and good for return within CO days. Stop-overs will be allowed within limits. Tickets will be good to return via any of the direct routes. Round-trip tickets will also be sold on these dates to Chicago and return at rate of $72. Tick ets will also be sold to Omaha, St. Jos eph, Kansas City and other Missouri Hlver points at the rate of 552 for the round trip. Two through trains dally from Portland direct to Minneapolis and BL Paul without change of cars. Try the "North Coast Limited," the only electric lighted train operated In the West and the crack train of the Northwest. I Dr. McElroy's Trip. Dr. J. G. Mc Elroy will leave tomorrow via the North ern Pacific on a long-deferred trip to Chi cago and the Eastern states. It has been 25 years since the doctor left that city fpr the Pacific Coast. He went first to Ban Francisco, and then, after several years In the hospital service, in 1S83 he came to Portland. He has been so dill Bent In the practice of his profession since that time that he has notiad time to visit ihls old home, but now he has taken a real lay-off for the first time In a quarter q a century. It Is likely that before the doctor returns he will make a short visit to Quebec, Canada, his birthplace. He has' set no time for his return beyond a eomewhat indefinite "several weeks hence." Death op Mrs. Olus J. Stexared. The many friends of Mrs. Ollle J. Stenared will deeply regret to learn of her death after a lingering illness of eight months. She died yesterday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Peter son, 331 Thirteenth street. She was held In high esteem and dearly loved by all who knew her for her sunny disposition and her many acts of kindness and char ity. She leaves a husband, E. C. Stenared, na aged lather and mother, a sister and I one brother. C. C. Smith has an establishment well equipped to renovate feather beds and pillows. Has one of the best sanitary feather Tenovatlng machines on the Coast; also makes a specialty of new hair mat tresses in all grades, from 59 and upward. Renovates old mattresses and does all kind of repair work in the upholstery line. All -work guaranteed and prices reason able. Shop, Tenth and Davis; telephone Main 540. "Lest You Forget." we wish to call your attention to the fact that Mount Hood Division, Order of Railway Conduc tors, will run their 11th annual excursion to 'Salem on Sunday, June S. Only seat ing capacity of coaches will be sold, but there will be no limit to the entertaining features offered. A good crowd always goes. A better crowd Is expected, and the best time of all Is anticipated. Universal Brotherhood Organization and Theosophlcal Society, non-political nnd non-sectarian, lodge No. 124, will hold Its monthly public meeting this evening at 351 Washington street, corner Park, at 8 o'clock. Addresses on living questions, from a theosophlcal standpoint. Musical selections. All Invited. The Hon. R. B. "Anderson, of Madi son, Wis., ex-U. S. Minister to Denmark, will lecture in Norwegian at Arlon Hall, Friday, the 23d, 8 P. M. Saturday even ing, the 24th, he will deliver his famous historical discourse in English on "Amer ica Not Discovered by Columbus." To the Seaside for $L On Sunday, May 25, Portland Printing Pressmen's "Union will run a railroad excursion to Seaside. A sufficient number of cars have been procured, so that all who attend will be provided with a seat. Tickets now on sale. Dalles Boat at 7 A. M. for all Upper Columbia River points. Tourists can jnake trip to Cascade Locks, returning game day. Office and landing foot Alder street. Dalles electric sign. Both phones night or day. Main 35L Reward. Any one returning all the val uables stolen from my safe will receive a reward of $300, or amount In proportion of valuables returned. No questions asked. Wm. Holl, Room 9, Washington building. One Dollar and half round trip rate to White Salmon and Hood River. Straw berry pickers take Dalles boat foot Alder street. Dalles electric sign, dally except Sunday atTlM. Both phones Main 35L A Word to the Public. The best of the season. Excursion to Seaside. Arbutus Circle, W. O. W., June 8. Round trip h Women op Woodcraft excursion on Sunday, June 15. Portland Circle will give their annual excursion to Seaside. Every body Invited. Round trip, $1. Only seat ing capacity sold. Canemah Park Opening. Sunday con cert by Southern Pacific Band. P. C & O. cars with trailers every 20 minutes. Fare 25 cents round trip. Cars leave First and Alder streets. - Berry-Pickers for Hood River should take the Regulator Line steamers, foot Oak street, $150 for the round trip, the only line running through without trans fer. Remember the annual family outing, Cathedral Court, Catholic Foresters. Sun day, June 8. Stmr. Harvest Queen, barge. Astoria Boat leaves dally 7 A, M., ex cept Sunday, foot Alder street for Astoria and all Lower Columbia River points. Dr. James Cannane has returned from Chicago, and Is with Drs. Hickey & Hickcy, 818 De'kum building. Regulator Line steamers for The Dalles at 7 A. M. from Oak-street dock. Bee time card. Drop In, anyway. All kinds of bikes at all kinds of prices. Merrill Cycle Co., 105 Sixth. John G. Woolley and the Meneleys at 'White Temple Wednesday, eve. May 2L Mile for 35 cents. Hasty Messenger Co. Telephones Main S3. Open all night. Dr. Fehrenbach has returned from California. Office 241 First street Rambler Bicycles, big bargain. Fred T. Merfffl cle Co., 105 Sixth. Death op John F. McCraken. News has been received in Portland of the death Of John Fnrhps MrrraVon In Ron NFranclsco yesterday morning. He was' the son of Colonel John McCraken, one of Portland's well-known citizens. He was born in Portland, October 29, 1863, and lived here uptll about 15 years ago, when he went to San Francisco, where he remained until his death. About six weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. McCraken Tecelved the news that their son was sick. About three weeks ago they received word that his case had developed into pneumonia of the severest type, and went at once to his bedside and were with him until the last. Three brothers, Henry, James and Robert, and one sister, Mrs. Charles B. Hurley, of Tacoma, survive him. The deceased had a wide circle of .friends In Portland, who will receive with deep re great the news of his death. The Federated Trades of Portland are going to give their annual excursion to Salem, June 1. Valuable prizes have been secured for the bicycle races and "c-ther sports on this occasion. Everybody will go on this excursion, for they know they will be well treated. Everybody will have seats and there will be no disorderly conduct allowed on the train or grounds. The committee have made arrangements to have the asylum and penitentiary open In the afternoon, so all who wish can visit these institutions. Trainmen's Excursion, Sunday, May 25, To The Dalles and return. Round trip tickets, $1. Music by Portland, McMlnnvIlle and Albany bands. For sale at any B. B. Rich cigar stores, Woodard, Clarke & Co. drug store, Sam Rosenblatt, Talrd-and Morrison, Slg Sichel cigar store, 92 Third street. Third-Street Property. That choice quarter block on the northeast corner of Third and Pine streets. Just north of the splendid Worcester building and west of Mason, Ehrman & Co.. has been placed In the hands of the undersigned for sale. This Is beyond doubt the best Third-street property that Is vacant to build upon, at moderate price. Apply to Charles K. Henrys273 Stark street. "Slide, Kellt, Slide" Baseball Todat "Slide, Kelly, Slide" Baseball Today "Slide, Kelly, Slide" Baseball Today Game Called Today at 3 P. M. Portland rs. Helena. Everybody Will Be Therh Todat. Everybody Will Be There Todat. Professional Grounds, 24th & Vaughn. "The More you eat of the other man's the better you will like mine." I make and sell more chocolate chips than any five stores -in the city, and It ls'my ardent wish that you try all other chocolate chips manufactured; you will have a bet ter opinion of "The Carroll" and conclude my egotism Is excusable, for I know the goods. Carroll's, opposite Imperial. Bicycle Taxes Comb in Slowlt. Bicy cle taxes are coming In slowly. "Up to date the Sheriff has disposed of only SG3 tags, which means that $S68 have been collected. Deputies will probably be sent out this week to seize wheels. All per sons who ride bicycles qn bicycle paths arc required b7 law to pay the license. To the Seaside for $L On Sunday, May 25, Portland Printing Pressmen's Union will run a railrood excursion to Seaside. A sufficient number of cara have been procured, so that all who attend will be provided with a seat. Tickets now on sale. P. C. & O. Trolley Trips. Direct to the new stairway leading to Canemah Park. Cars every 20 minutes after 9 A.M. Refreshments on the grounds. Pavilion refloored for dancing. No liquors allowed In the park. Gymnastic Exhibition, Gymnastic Exhibition, Turner Hall Gymnasium, Fourth and Yamhill Streets, Friday Night, May 23. All-Star Minstrels at the T. M. C, A. Monday night, May 19. Association tal ent. See the funny end men, hear the sweet slnglpg. Reserved seats bow sell ing, 35 cents. Sunday Outings. Take your families for the river trip to Oregon City. It's the most delightful ride of vthe city. Boats leaves 8.30, 10, 11:30 A. M., 1, 3, 4:20 and C:15 P. M. Round trip, 25c Grand Entertainment and ball by the Congregation Nova Zedek Talmud Tohra, at Arlon Hall, Sunday evening, June 1, 8 P. M. Best music, fine talent procured. Don't Forget the K. O. T. M. grand moonlight excursion, Thursday evening. May 29, to St. Helens, on steamer Harvest Queen and barge Klickitat. Bob Burdette, last number Star Course, Y. M. C. A. Auditorium, Tuesday, May 20. Reserved seats 50 cents. Grand Picnic, Thusnelda Lodge, No. 1, O. D. H. S., Rohse's Park, Fulton, Sunday, May 18. Admission 25 cents. Attend the Caledonian Club's picnic on July 4 to Lady's Island on the steamer Harvest Queen and consort. Sweet Jersey cream for strawberries. Sunday delivery. Washington Creamery. Rambler and Ideal bicycles on easy in stallments. Merrill Cycle Co., 105 Sixth. Seaside Cottage, furnished, for rent now, $20. White SC9. 916 E. Yamhill. Dr. Rossman, dentist. Phone Rus. 1503. Hill block. Upper Alblna. The Famous Oldsmoblie at the Rambler Cyclery, 105 Sixth. Trap shooting Sunday at Fulton Park. Blockade sale, cut prices. Marks Shoe Co. JAIL BIRD RECOGNIZED. Chris Harris, Who Passed Bad Check. Turns Out to Be Er-Convlot. Chris Harris, the Innocent-looking In dividual who pleaded guilty to a charge of passing a bogus check on a First-street saloonkeeper, and was held In ball for the grand jury, was about to leave the City Jail for the County Jail yesterday, when he met Detective Joseph Day. The latter stared hard for a minute at the N iillfSlilii tmmSMMmEW Wmm 4 Wmkm 5919 Wm prisoner, and ultimately said: "Hullo, Chris Cole, when did you get out of the Walla Walla PenT' "Harris" was visibly embarrassed-, and after a little hesitation he admitted that Day's suspicions were correct. The po lice records show that Cole served two terms In the Oregon Penitentiary for lar ceny from a house, and one term In the Walla Walla Penitentiary for forgery. Day recognised the man from a photo graph in the rogue's gallery. Cole Is 46 years old, and by trade he is a waiter. t ' MINSTRELS AT Y. M. C. . Programme for Fine Entertainment Tomorrow. The following 13 the programme for the minstrel show, which occurs at the Y. M. C A. tomorrow evening: Pianoforte selection.. ..Prof. G. Houghton Grand overture "The Tale of a Bumole Bee" Coonvllle, Callthumplan, Howlers. George Washington Susie, alrcctor. In cluding triumphal entry and grand march of the funmakers. Bones Mr. Sidney Beck and Mr. Sam Jordan. Tambos Mr. Fred Jones and Mr. Charles Rlngler. Interloctur Mr. Montrose M. Rlngler. Tenors-Mr. G. Long, Mr. J. F. Hurl bur t and Mr. L. Davis. Baritones Mr. A. Doyle, Mr. J. W. Al stock and Mr. S. McGuire. Opening chorus "The Rag Ma La".... By our end men "Sons of Ham" A. Doyle Musical disturbance "The Lady With a Diamond in Her Tooth". .Fred Jones Tenor solo "A Gamo of Eyes"....L. Davis Paul, as she appears with a cold C. Rlngler Tenor solo "My Lady Lou". ...Guy Long "The Phrenologist Coon" S. Beck Baritone solo "Mandy Lee"....S. McGuire Black-face dissertation In song "I'm Goln' to Live, Anyhow, Till I Die" Sam Jordan Grand finale "Miss Marlah" By the entire company PART II. "The Chinamen on a Strike" Vlggers, Lelller and McKensle A few parodies F. Jones, S. Jordan Baton swinging duet ...... H. Livingston. E. Schokley Comic coon sketch Beck and Davis The peerless ring artists The Lafflcr3 Medley of popular Bongs r... Pickaninny quartet Houghton, Alstock, Doyle, Long, as sisted by Mr. Sam Jordan, and' hl3 wood-splitting song. Electrical club-swlnglng solo.H. E. Wilson Tumbling J. Vlggers and H. Bailey The little Dutch band will bid you good nicht. IN RACE TO WIN. Harry Schoof, for Councilman, Third "Ward, Making a Lively Campaign. Harry Schoof, who Is running as an Independent candidate for Councilman In the Third Ward, Is gaining strength every day. He 13 known by almost every "Voter In this- ward, as well as In the balance of the city, and his friends who are legion predict his triumphal election. WHERE TO DINE. Strawberries, Ice cream and other deli cacies. Portland Restaurant, 305 Wash. Strawberries, Ice cream. Ices, lunches and dinners at Brandos', 145 First street. t The best Sunday dinner served at Strouse's Restaurant, atv popular prices. Turkey, goose, chicken a "number of oth er good things. 223 Washington, between First and Second. SPECIAL ALE MONDAY. Housekeepers and others, who figure close on expense account should see us Monday for curtains, table linens, towels, blankets and quilts. Our regular prices will duplicate any little freak special of fered at the bargain counter. We are headquarters for dry goods. McAllen & McDonnell, corner Third and Morrison. Established IBSi. 'Phone Main 732. FLAGS AND FIREWORKS. We carry the largest stock of all kinds of flags and fireworks In the city, and other Fourth of July goods, wholesale and retail. We quote special prices and send catalogue to country lnqulrera Also Japanese and Chinese curios, matting, rugs, eta, at lowest prices. Andrew Kan & Co., corner Fourth and Morrison. WHERE TO ENJOY LIFE. The Sportsman, Tommy Tracey and Martin Denny proprietors, 103 Fourth, Is headquarters for athletes and good fel lows. Drop in. LETTER-CARRIERS' EXCUR. SION To Seaside, June 29. The carriers intend this to eclipse all previous 'excursions to Seaside. SHORT TRIP IX the Columbia. With a perfecUy clear atmosphere, no smoke or haze to roar the view, this un doubtedly is the best time of year to see the magnificent scenery along the Colum bia River. Take the O. R. As N. Co.'s train from Union depot anyNlay at 9 A. M. for Cascade Locks or The Dalles returning, leave Dalles at 1:10 P. M.. ar riving Portland at i30 P. M. Or, if pre ferred, return may be made from Cascade Locks by river steamer, reaching: Port land about 4 P M. Ticket offlce. Third and Washington streets. NOT A PEW HOURS, A WHOLE DAY. That's what you save In time in a trip to Chlcagb and the East by traveling on the "Chicago-Portland Special." Leaves Portland every day at 9 A. M., O. R. & N. Ticket office Third and Washington. 1 m i Try Dalles Diamond Flour. It has been in the lead for 12 years, and still It leads. an's 3 '. fe-4- No M '.''- IS BETTER , THAN YOURS No man's goods are better than ours, and no house TlATA tf onT7irr!loa r 4I.J. .a .211 I i .- t a. t. wxw ui ny yyhwiw uii tiu& vuasi win give yuu Deiier value for your money. Take a look at our - - J 15.00 Compare them with the high-expense dealers' $18.00 garments. You will find the difference in price only there is no difference in quality or workmanship. It is so with $18.00 or $20.00 and $25.00 suits. We are a notch below them because we are in the low-expense district. The Same Thing for Less Money Famous Clothing Go. MORRISON AND SECQND STS. TO BE SURE WE-SELL DIAMONDS Not more than any other store in the city, but oar share; and when you buy one from us you get all you pay for. A. This Diamond Diamond Ring Ring, only J10.00. like this, from S12.50 up. And others as high as you wish to pay. Keep your eye on our show wjndowfor latest novelties in jewelry. WE ARE TESTING BY5 FREE OF CHARGE with our new scientific appliances just received from Chicago. Jaeger Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, 200 KOimiSON STREET Bet. 4th and Cth, Portland, Or. THE WHITE IS KING New Sewing Machines for rent. Re pairs and needles for all kinds of sewing machines. We buy for cash and sell on small payments. Call and see the latest improved ball-bearing "White Sewing Ala chine. THE WHITE 5EWI.NG MACHINE OFFICE 124-126 SIXTH STREET. Opposite Oregonlan Building. Phone Oak 1331. give you just what in photograhic g a owest prices TRY US t L. M. AVERILL fr CO. The Carlo Store. 331 "Morrison St. Moonlight Excursion. On Saturday, June 24, a moonlight ex cursion will be given under the auspices of Royal Tribe of Joseph, a fraternal and benefit order. The steamer Albany has been chartered for the event. Everest's J orchestra will furnish music for dancing. TicKets are on sale at waiting-room, Third and Yamhill jtrcet3, 50 cents each. Try Dalles Diamond Flour. The finest delicatessens In the city use it for their finest bread and cakes. niRh-Grade Plnnos for Rent. Sold on easy Installments. Pianos tuned and repaired. II. Slnsheimer. 72 Third at. For trunks, go to the Harris Trunk Co. OSTEOPATH IN The IVlarquam Established 1S29. Dr. Walter A. Rorjers Graduate of The A. T. Still. Klrksvllle, School of Osteopathy. Office 532-5:53-531 Murqantn Bids. Phone Main 27. Dr. Gertrude L. Gates Graduate of The Northern Institute of Osteopathy. With Dr. Rogers, except Tue., Thur. ana Sat. mornings. OSTEOPATHY OH. L. ZJ. SMITH. Of A T. Still School, Klrksvllle, Mo. Old est Osteopath in Oregon. Fourth year in Portland. Consultation free at office. 409 Oregonlan BIdg. Lady Assistant. Phone Oak 42L Money Suits The Important Matter of ir "i a is Kirrnr IViClIW FOR MEN Nothing but absolutely pure wool fabrics in every piece -of -Men's and Boys Clothing, whatever the price. That fixed fact is only the foundation in the matter of right clothes. The matter of style and correctness is self evident on surface; but you need the assurance of the unseen workmanship that produces the shapeliness that lasts while the suit lasts. But, after all, the best fabrics in the world, and the most thorough tailoring would be worthless to a partic ular man without style and correctness, newness and variety and these things that appeal directly to the eye are also distinguished characteristics of Stein bach's clothing. " AND PRICE? You pay as little as you would have to for uncertain goods., MEN'S SUITS jfTOPCO ATS $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20 $22.50, $25, $30 and $35 -W Largest Clothiers in the Northwest WYFtlGHT Don't blame your feet If they ache. Temper-trying, to be sure. But why confound effect with cause? The fault Is In the shoes. Better get your next pair from us. Then you'll have com fort, as -well as style, fit and finish and wear. Best shoe values In town. "5TACY ADAMS' Kand-madc Shoes for Mca $5.00 Goddard-Kelly Shoe Comp'y SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. FELLOWS 309 Washington Street 70 Cents Sack Good Valley Flour. $4-35 100-Pound Sack Best Dry Granulated Sugar. . 20 CenU Package Flgprune or Postum CereaL 25 Cents 2 packages Grape Nuts. 5 Cents Bar Fels-Naptha Soap. 15 Cents 3 Cans Condensed Cream. ' 25 Cents ' 4 Cans Alaska Salmon. 35 Cents Box No. 1 "White or Yellow Macaroni. 5$ Cents 8-Pound Box Fresh Soda Crackers. - OREGON. PORTLAND. ST. HELEN'S HALL, SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Offers full academic and college preparatory courses, as well as thorough Primary and In termediate Instruction. Music under the direc tory masters. Illustrated boost of Information seat on ap plication to MISS ELEANOR TEBBETTS. Principal. DR. SWAIN, Dentist, Phonc'Brown 492,713 Detain BIdg. mv i ijl$t - ? h i ii Jr TiA s i Vcsr a v -x 1 7 llzi t I mi &- SVV vj vo V II I I II I I I Ml MVsSiy - X. l vvxVa . "v Nj . y J ft v S2T " v IJllOllIil C. C. NEWCASTLE, Dentist, MARQUAM BUILDING, ROOM 301 """""i a i .inrrai V1VWH Look at see If you In quality, AND HARTFORD BICYCLES STANDARD OF THE WORLD.' Prices guaranteed. Cash or install ments. Repairing a specialty. F. P. KEENAN 120 FIRST ST., Xcar Washington Notice of Appointment. PORTLAND. May I, 1903. Mr. Frank Hacheney Dear Sir: Tou are hereby appointed resident agent of the Traders? Insurance Co. at Portland. Or., and vicinity, -with full power to accept propo sals for Insurance and to perform all other acts, on behalf of this company as are given at this date In the Traders' certificate of au thority to agents. (Signed) GORDON & FRAZER, General Agents, Traders' Insurance Co. for the Pacific Coast. Notice is hereby given that Frank Hacheney has been appointed resident agent for the New Zealand Insurance Company at Portland, Or., to succeed the firm of Eugene D. White & Co. W. P. THOMAS, Manager. By C. VT. HAWXHUKST. Special Agent. Dated April 30, 1902. The office will remain la the Commercial block, rooms 314 and 315. UseRentonCoal Far Stares, $5.50 ISBesL LessSsat YULCAHCOALCO. THE "LENOX" SPRING 1902 ns Salem Woolen Mills Store 85-87 THIRD STREET Kext door nortk ol Chamber ot Commerce Ballding. f'2 SummerShirfs Have been the subject of expert study, and masterful preparation. Our broad va riety of smart and handsome shirts is un matched in the Northwest. our Dollar Negligee Shirts, and can And their match elsewhere newness and beauty. Our $1.50 and $2.00 shirts, are unmatched because many of them are actually ready made custom shirts. The style, finish, shapes, all have that character found elsewhere only in custom-made shirts. Cor. Fourth and s Morrison Sts. Is AZVf5AiVi SFRAWfMTmiff Cleans and bleaches the straw quickly, easily and without the least harm to the hands or hat. Send 25 cents, stamps accepted for one box, by mall. Originated and sold only by WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. o e o KNIGHT'S CHILDREN'S SHOES HAVE NO EQUAL IN PRICE I AND QUALITY AND I COMFORT FOR tut? t rTlCT rMco he llllj i--vi-u wiii-o ccsttcte(taat(tt Here Is Something New... A FASHIONABLE SUIT FOR SPRING MADE WITH Hand-Shaped Collar Hand-Padded Shoulders Hand-Made Buttonholes and Perfect-Fitting Trousers for $14 $15 $16 They are the cream of this sea- son's selections; lined throughout with the best Italian and serge linings garments that will retain their shape and prove satisfactory to the wearer. Remember, they can be purchased only at the tramine von)