14 THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAN, POETL'AjSTD, MAY 18, 1902. 1 FARMS. STOCK RANCHES, SUBURBAN acreage 100 acres near Columbia, 25 miles north or Portland, with house, ham and orchard ; $1750. 321 acres, 70 miles from Portland, house, barn, 80 acres cultivated, 29 head cattle, team, wagons, etc; $2750: snap; easy terms. 40 acres. 22 miles southeast of Portland; $450. 220 acres In Benton County: $2250. 163 acres, 1U miles from Monroe, well Im proved, good place; $2800. Timber land and wood proposition, several pood tracts on easy terms at low prices. Five acres near electric line; $750. 280-acre stock ranch, 25 miles from Port land; $1350. Tnls could be traded for grocery -store or Portland property. Many other good farms, stock ranches and suburban acreage tracts at right prices. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 234 Morrison st. corner 2d. FIKE FARM CONTAINING 420 ACRES, 300 suitable for cultivation, balance pasture, wltli scattering timber. The land is a little roll ing. Just enough to drain nicely, and Is divided into 20 fields, with living water In each the year round. 160 acres in grain and tame grasses, to be harvested this year; grass seed nets from $15 to $20 per acre, and can pasture nine months of the year; lots of fruits of all kinds. 8-room dwelling, barn and other buildings: 100 head of shoats. 32 Durham cows and heifers. 25 milk this year; 50 ewes and 75 Leicester lambs and S young horses; near rail and river; $32 per acre will buy this fine farm, including everything mentioned. BARFOOT & MONROE. 125 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE HOME. $1000; TEN ACRES IX cloted; rich soil; new 6-room house; living water; fruit; 11 miles from city; 1ft miles from depot C07 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. i 1C3 ACRES, ltf MILES FROM MONROE. Or,; 100 acres plow, balance orchard and pasture; small house, barn, running water; $2500. half cash. E. Maude. Mayne Island. B C. FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES. 9 MILES from Vancouver, 50 acres cleared; rest brush; new house and barn, level ground; pike road. Information. 150 Hancock St.. Fritz KltUer. 10 ACRES. CLOSE IN. ALL IMPROVED, "West Side; good buildings, 300 fruit trees, 7 head of cattle. 2 good wagons and Imple ments. Call at 240 Second, cor. Main. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS t IN WESTERN Oregon and WaUiIngton: all kinds and prices. Also choice acreage tracts. Favorable terms. W. O. Wnddel. 205 Morrison st WA5TED-UEAL ESTATE. WANTED 40 TO CO ACRES. WELL IM proved, not over 10 miles from Portland, on good road; near Gresham preferred. Address room 3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. WANTED 0 TO 10 ACRES GOOD LAND, improved, close In, East Side; state exact location and price, or no attention will be given. J 12, Orcgonian. WILL PAY CASH, $2000 TO $3000. FOR DE slrably located house and lot within walking distance of Morrison and 2d sts. A 14, Ore gonian. WANTED TWO COTTAGES AND BARN BE tween Caruthers and Porter sts.. from 4th st. down, worth about $2000. 624 S. 1st. Have customers for city and suburban proper ty. If you wish to sell list your property with me. T. A. Wood. 141 First st. i WANTED QUARTER BLOCK. EAST SIDE, inside 16th St.; also good improved home. If cheap; no agent. V 15, Oregonian. WOULD LIKE TO BUY SMALL PLACE IN Oregon or a few acres of land. Address R 10, care Oregonian. WANTED 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE NEAR car line. $600 to $900; owners only. 600 Commercial block. I , A ANTED BUILDING LOT IN NORTH Portland; must be cheap for cash; give price. G 13, Oregonian. WANTED PROPERTY ABOUT $1580 value, Alblna preferred. Address B 13, Ore gonian. "WANTED GOOD BUILDING LOTS. EAST Side; no agonts. Address R 12, Oregonian. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. FOR SALE ONE QUARTER SECTION OF timber land on Coal Creek, Cowlitz County, Wash.; the main creek runs through this claim, and It has an excellent dam site; a good opening for a small logger. Arthur H. AVatkln. Falls City. Or. SW fc. SECTION 32. T. 5 N.. R. 3 W.. 160 acres; two miles from Nehalem River; log ging stream runs diagonally through the place; will cut about 10.Oo0.Ouo fir and cedar; price, $13.50 per acre. R. Goodrich, Mis soula. Mont. 120 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND. 3 MILES from Sherwood railroad station. 3 miles from Wllsonvllle. Or.. 2 miles from Willamette River; good land, timber worth $2500; price, $15 per acre. G. B. DImick, Oregon City. SUGAR PINE CAN LOCATE SOME GOOD claims In the famous sugar pine bolt; also have fine timber lands in different parts of the state. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 600 Com mercial block. TIMBER CLAIMS AND HOMESTEADS Lo cated for $50 to $100. according to location; all locations guaranteed. Call on or address T. M. O'Connell, Cruller, 319 Chamber Com merce. HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CLAIMS WE have reliable Information on some good va cant claims. All filings guaranteed correct. Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton building. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO LOCATE A few more desirable timber claims. For par ticulars call at M. Billings' shoe store. 229 Morrison st. WE CAN LOCATE YOU ON FINE TIMBER claims near Columbia River. Room 421 Abir-gton building. WANTED-NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF practical timber cruisers. Address C 11, care Oregonian. , MUST SELL; 80 ACRES PINE AND SPRUCE timber, near river; $20Q; bargain. 392 East Morrison. A SNAP 280 ACRES OF TIMBER, 33 MDJES from Portland, only $1050. 504 Goldsmith st TIMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. 317 ALISKY bldg. I CAN SELL your timber claim. A. D. MARSHALL, 82 Third st. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 40 ACRES TIMBER LAND on Puget Sound, near deep water and R. R. What can you offer? T 12; Oregonian. WHO WANTS TO TRADE IMPROVED CITY property for Interest In excellent hardware business at Seattle? Box 740. city: FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 100 ACRES OF good land in Linn County for house and lot. Call 220 Falling building. 10-ACRE BEARING PRUNE ORCHARD TO exchange for stock of groceries. Joseph M. Hcaly, 90 Morrison st. I . AA HAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR SMALL farm In Josephine Co., Or.? X 13, care Ore gonian. FINE KIMBALL ORGAN FOR 1000-POUND horse: must be young and sound. J 14, Ore gonian. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A FULL-SIZE lot .for carpenter work. Address 247 Halsey street. FIRST-CLASS GOLD WATCH, 20 -YEAR case, for gent's wheel. D 14. care Orego nian. WANTED TO TRADE 4 LOTS IN SUBURBS for 2 fresh Jersey cows. A 12. Oregonian. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE ONE 12-TON PORTER LOCO motlve. built In 1892; new tires and other wife thoroughly rebuilt; gauge. 3-foot C-tnch; price $1200. A. J. McCabe. Fidelity bldg., Tacoma. Wash. EGGS. $1 PER SETTING FROM THOR oughbred Plymouth Rocks. Leghorns, AVy andottes, Minorcas, Light Brahmas and Langshans. J E Gantenbeln. Station B. Portland. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD Expert repairing. Office sup plies; Mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Phone Main 33. ,FOR SALE LIVERY STABLE AND OUTFIT. Including 15 head of horses and 15 rigs, building 50x100: must be sold on account of 111 health. Address M 97, care Oregonian. CAMERA. PONY PREMO NO. 6, 5X7. IN good condition; choice of three lenses; 3 plate holders, ray screen, sole-leather carry ing case; $25. Address H 12. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND BICYCLES. FROM $2 UP; all bicycles over $5 are in good repair: new bicycles from $16 up. Portland Gun Store. 231 First between Salmon and Main. PAID-UP SCHOLARSHIP IN THE INTER natlonal Correspondence School; also contract In Oregon Mutual Home -Society, nearly ma tured. G 10, Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FANCT DRIVING HORSES FOR DALE; two registered brood mares, with foal to Zambro; Also registered colts, from 1 to 5 years old. For information address M. D. Wisdom, Editor Rural Spirit, Portland. EGGS. 50c PER SETTING. FOR BALANCE -of season, from thoroughbred White Leg horns. June best month for hatching this breed. L, E. Bwetland. West ave.. Mount Tabor. Phone Union 883. ONE DRIVING MARE. SIX TEARS OLD; 1 delivery horse, 2 phaeton buggies, 1 deliv ery wagon, 2 sets harness. Model Stable, 5th and Davis sts. 42-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH. 20 H. P. Engine; standing roof; sew; finished in oak. Address Launch, care Letter-Carrier, No. 2, Tacoma, Waoh. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams, and ewes). Edward L. Naylor. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE 4 GOOD DAIRY COWS; ALSO one good cow to trade for driving horso. In quire Sheriff Frailer" place, near Kenll worth. 200 WAGONS. 250 SETS HARNESS. 100 SAD dies. Wagons and horses to hire by day or month. Tomlln&on & Hall. 211 Washington. AM LOCATING PEOPLE ON FINE HOME steads for $50; near river and railroad. C. C. Conner, 761 E. 34th St., Portland. Or. FINE HEAVY TEAM; ALSO TWO GOOD drivers, buggy, fine trap. Portland Live stock Exchange. 4th and Ankeny. FOR SALE ENGLISH SETTER PUPS; ONLY three left; going cheap. 1210 East Yamhill bU. or room 5, Worcester block. TWO LIGHT DELIVERY WAGONS. NEAR ly new; ona rubber-tired buggy, with top; for sale or trade. 61 Fifth st. FOR SALE SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES. BY Champion Ormsklrk Emerald. Jr. Inquire Bertha Britts. 1015 Raleigh st. FINE FAMILY DRIVING MARE. CALL 39 4th St., or on J. F Richard, with Closset & Doer. cor. Front and Ankeny. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF AN ELEGANT furnished 4 -room flat, complete for house keeping. 48 Union block. FOR SALE QUARTER-SAWED OAK COM blnatlon wardrobe and folding bed. Address L 12, care Oresonlan. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED POMERA nlan pup. King's Hill Kennels, Washing ton and King sts. FOR SALE IRISH SETTER PUPPY. FE male, 6 months old; pedigree. Call at 305 E. 12th st.. city. FOR SALE-A CHOICE FRESH MILCH COW; also a good double set of harness. 674 Irv ing, cor. 21st. YOUNG IRON GRAY SADDLE PONY, GOOD condition; cheap. If taken at once. Apply 410 Jefferson. UPRIGHT PIANO. TN FINE CONDITION; cost $350, will sell for $175; or would rent. 354 Alder st. FOR SALE GOOD FRESH FAMILY COW and calf. Inquire at Olson's butcher ohop. Montavllla. FOR SALE LADY'S WHEEL, GOOD MAKE; only used a short time. Address M 11, care Oregonian. AWNINGS Get prices from A. C. Pike Tent & Awning Co.. 107 N. Third. Tel. South SStJ. Awnings and tents; lowest prices. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st. Phn. N. 1811. SECOND-HAND SAFE. EASY PAYMENTS. Norris Safe & Lock Co.. cor. 2d and Stark U. A YOUNG DRIVING HORSE AND BUGGY. N. 10th St., upper side Dunne's oil works. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITER. IN GOOD repair, chear. 'Addre.-s K 12, Oregonian. FOR SALE -FEMALE FOX TERRIER. 5 months; fine stock; $5. Phone Pink 2u45. Several new and secona-h&nd wagons and bug gies, light and heavy. 51 4th. near Pine. A GENTLE PONY; MUST BE CHEAP. AD dress Children, X 14, care Oregonian. FOR SALE LADY'S- RAMBLER BICYCLE. In perfect condition; $15. 63 7th st. GOOD TEAM AND HARNESS. CHEAP; 3 farm wagon, $20. 838 Hendricks avc. LOW CONTRACT IN HOME BUILDING As sociation. Call 719 Marquam bldg. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND KXOH.iNuED at the Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill. PIANO. IN USE ONE YEAR, COST $275; A bargain. $1C5 cash. SOS Alder. THREE FRESH roVS FOR SALE. 598 Williams ave., after 5 P. M. FOR SALE ROSEWOOD UPRIGHT PIANO. Call 595 Overton st North. FOR SALE A SODA FOUNTAIN, 000 AVA ter st. Phone Front 2011. FURNITURE AND STEEL RANGE FOR sale, at 092 Front st FRESH COW. GODDARD STATION. KELP WANTED MALE. 50 MILL HANDS. $1.75 TO $2.23. PASS; grader and foreman, $75 up; 4 mill tally men, $2.50; ratchet setter, $2.50; 3 carriage men. $1.85 to $2. 15 mill hands, $2; 20 yard men, $1.75: head skidder. $00 boa;d; second faller, $2.75 up; 2 buckers, $2.50 up; 5 bark ers. $2.25 to $2.50; skid-road men.' $2.10; swampers, $2; 3 Burley drill miners, $3.75; 3 bridge carpenters. $2.50 to $3; blacksmith and shoer, $2.50 up; machinists, $3.25 to $3.50; brick setter. $2.50; clay tempcrer, $2.50. section men, $1.75; men and teams, $4 to $7; shingle boltcuttcrs, $1; woodchoppors, 80c to $1.10; farm hands and milkers, $25 to $30. Canadian Employment Co., 220 Morrison; branches. 247 Burnslde, 51 North .Third and 158 North Sixth. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN, TO call on all kinds of business houses, manu facturers, wholesale and retail stores and banks, to Introduce and sell our magnificent Advertising Calendars, comprising over 200 different styles, all original, late, handsome patterns; nothing like them ever seen before. Customers want and buy at once on seeing them; really no competition; wonderful works of art We pay largest commission. Those giving exclusive time to the work readily make $100 to $150 every week. We guaran tee them fo bo the best side line for traveling men ever heard of. Write at once, with ref erences. All commissions paid promptly. Suc cess assured. American Novelty Co., Cin cinnati, O. WANTED CLOTHING SALESMEN TO OPEN and operate sales agencies for America's Greatest Tailors. Exclusive rights, given, proper facilities furnished to right parties; woolens In the niece for display purposes sup plied if required, samples furnl&hed free; also advertising matter and stationery. A num ber of our sales agents are making from $1200 to $3500 per year. Write for terms and full Information. Address Agency. Dept A, Lock Box 800. Chicago. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN TO sell white lead; active, wide-awake men now with me are making $50 to $200 a week com missions; good specialty or side line; su perior Inducements to dealers, and large com missions paid to obtain good salesmen; no experience necessary; no expense money ad vanced. Address D. T. Weir, St Louis, Mo. SHOE SALESMEN WANTED LEADING ST. Louis shoo hduse wants reliable and com petent salesmen for Northern California, Or egon, Washington, Nevada and Montana. Only experienced men with established trade need apply. Send references with applica tion. Address P 12, care Oregonian. SALESMAN. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING, to work country merchants; best proposition ever presented; standard line; leading manu facturer; "cracker-Jack" advertising plan; Insures orders nearly every town; merchants pay for goods out of sales; commission ad vanced: averages $30 on each order. Box 576, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY PERSON IN each county to manage business; old estab lished house; solid financial standing. Straight bona-Cde .weekly cash salary. $18, paid by chtck each Wednesday, with all ex penses, direct from headquarters; money ad vanced for expenses. Manager, 359 Caxton bldg.. Chicago. NEVADA WANTED FOR NEVADA Teamsters, laborers, rock men. $2 to $2.50 per day. Ship Monday. 40 laborers, northeast, free fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 N. 2d st WANTED TRUSTWORTHY SWISS OR GER man man; must talk English; to take care of lawn; also know something about gar dening and make himself generally useful around house; with reference and what wages expected. Address C 13. Oregonian. CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. 9SS9 appointments made lost year. Prob ably 10.900 this yea- Only common school education required for examination. Cata logue of Information free. Columbian Cor respondence College. Washington, D. C. WANTEDr-AN ORGAN OR PIANO PLAYER to travel and elng illustrated songs; com pany pays board and transportation after Joining; answer quick: etate salary wanted. Address Fountain's Electric Entertainers, Box 194, Salem, Or. HELP WASTED MALE. A YEARLY INCOME FOR LIFE WITHOUT the necessity of continuous work can be se cured, by energetic successful life Insurance men and men of ability and address Just en tering business life or contemplating a change of business. A prominent life Insurance com pany, with established business, desires gen tlemen of character, energy and ability as representatives In Portland and throughout the state; precious experience not necessary: rapid promotion for successful, ambitious men, who are capable of earnest, determined work; first-class references required and all communications strictly confidential. Address Manager, X 45. care Oregonian. WANTED-WRITERS EVERYWHERE. COPY letters at home; $10 per 1000 paid; no can vasslng; send addressed envelop for copy of letter and particulars. Department 92, Egyptian Chemical Co., Drawer W, Little Rock. Ark. SALESMEN ARE AVERAGLNG $100 WEEK ly selling the Little Giant Twenty Dollar Soda Fountain; one-half of earnings paid dally; write quick. Grant Mfg. Co. (Inc.), Third and Wood sts., Pittsburg, Pa. MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS. AS OUR REP-resentatlve- State particulars as to age, pre vious employment, and name references us to honesty and ability. Allyn Romaino & Co.. 904 Olive st. St Louis, Mo. SALESMAN WANTED. HUSTLING SALE5 man for Oregon, by well-established whole sale house; high commission contract, with $25 weekly advance while traveling. Jess H. Smith Co., Dotroit. MIoh. ALL PERSONS FOLLOWING IN SKILLED or clerical lines should call and register. We can help you. No fee until situation is secured. Confidential. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 227 Washington st WANTED YOUNG MAN. NOT AFRAID TO work, for retail grocery business, compe tent to operate route. Address, giving refer ences and where last employed. Y 12, care Oregonian. DETECTIVE SHREWD. RELIABLE MAN wanted In every locality for profitable secret service. Experience unnecessary. Write American Detective Association, Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED A COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for wholesale house; must fur nish references with application; state age and salary. Address E 12. care Oregonian. Men wanted to learn barber trade; constant practice and expert Instruction until compe tent No limit to term. Catalogue free. Moler Barber College. San Francisco. Cal. AVANTED FIRhT.CLASS. RELIABLE, ALL round Job primer, ca able of taking charge of first-class office; $70.K per month; apply In person to J. S. Dllni,jer Co., Astoria, Or. WANTED BY OLD-ESTABLISHED HOUSE, experienced traveling salesman to call on general merchant. Position permanent .bond required. Box COS. St Louts, Mo. WANTED A HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTY man to sell our line to general store trade. First-class pro;.o<lon to right party. Ad dress 1615 Manhattan bldir.. Chicago. WANTED A SHREWD. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman to fill vacancy, general mercantile tratr. Apply at once, M. F. Blxlcr & Co., Ltd.. Cleveland; O. WANTED EVER WHERE, HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circular, samples, etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Adver tising Bureau, Chicago. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED trade with laige dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, H. C. Fisher. Fisher bldg.. Chicago. WANTED YOUNG MAN. TRAVELING Po sition; experience anniceasary: salary $50 month and - expenses. Piougn-Willlauu Co.. Manhattan bldg., Chicago. WANTED THREE EXPERIENCED SALES men. Regular and special line. Direct to merchant Good pay to right man. Address M 14, care Oregonian. WANTED BY STRONG FINANCIAL COR poratlon. energetic man, capable of earning $150 a month, reference. Call mornings 30U Ablngton building. WANTEDMANAGER FOR. BRANCH OF fice; talary $1800 yearly; man with $5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer, 203-7 Security Building. Chicago. A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRAVELING salesmen, by established, well-iated house; attractive, salable line. Elyslan Mfg." Co., Detroit Mich. SALESMEN TO SELL TOILET SOAP TO dealers; $100 per month salary -and expenses; experience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., St Louis, Mo. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS TROUSERS-MAK-er; highest prices; free shop. K. S. Ervln fc Co., Lt. Chambers building. Third and Alder ets., city. WANTED MEN FOR QUARRY WORK, drillers. $2.25; pick and anovel men, $2 per day. Apply D. E. Budd, 110 First st No ofiice ' fee. SOLICITORS FOR SICK AND DEATH BENE fit order. Beat seller. Biggest pay to hust lers. Write quick. S. Kothblum. Boston, Mass. WANTED MAN COOK FOR THREE PEO plc on ranch. Call today, between 12 and 0 P. M.. room 39 Calumet 7th and Alder. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LIFE UN derwrlter for executive special agent. Ad dress M. T. Kady, 605 Oregonian building. ENERGETIC SALESMAN SCHOOL SUP pltes; country work; $100 salary and com mission. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago, 111. SOLICITORS AND COLLECTORS PERMA nent, growing business; liberal contract to men of ability. 31 Hamilton building. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY salesman to take Interior trip; must have best references. D 11, care Oregonian. TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT "BY PRACTICAL railroad operator evenings, at Behnke's Com mercial College. 014 Commercial block. WANTED ACTOR (AMATEUR PRE f erred), who Is good pianist; state experience and salary expected. G 14, Oregonian. DETECTIVES EVERY LOCALITY. GOOD salary, experience unnecessary. Internation al Detective Agency. Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED GOOD. STEADY. LNDUSTRIOUS boy to drive express- wagon; fhust give good reference. Inquire at 45 First st WANTED YOUNG MAN AS GROCERY AND shipping clerk: state axe. reference and ex perience. W 15, care Oregonian. CIGAR SALESMEN AVAVTED. EXPERI encc unnecessary; good pay. Emanuel & Co., Station "J." New York City, WANTED YOUNG MAN A WRAPPER, clothing house, city. Clerics' Registration Bureau, 227 Washington st WANTED GOOD PHYSICIAN. TO TRAVEL, license to practice California and Oregon. Address A 11. Oregonian. CARPENTER WANTED TO FINISH INSIDE house. Call 252 Alder, 10:30 Sunday morn ing, or 8 A. M. Monday. BOYS WANTED FOR SOAP WRAPPING. Apply at factory, 640 Hood st Luckel, King & Cake Soap Co. WANTED SALESMAN. LOCAL OR TRAV cllng: salary or commission. Perry Nursery Co.. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED MAN FOR SMALL PLACE NEAR town, who understands care cow and garden. Call 27 North First st WANTED 23 EXPERIENCED CLOTHING, shoe and furnishing goods salesmen. Apply at once, 107 First st WANTED PLANER MEN. GRADERS AND feeders, at Eastern Lumber Company, North Front st H. baker. 2d cook, combined, $45; watters, milk hands, kitchen help. Drake. 205 Wash. AGENTS Both sexes; high salary, city, coun try. Star Mfg. Co.. 242 Washington st BOY WANTED AT WOODARD. CLARKE & Co. laboratory. Front and Pine. WANTED CABINETMAKERS. Furniture Mfg. Co.. 210 First OREGON CANVASSER WANTED. INQUIRE 63 FIRST Kt, room 6. F. W. Johansen. EXPERIENCED ABSTRACTOR WANTED Room 2. 234 Morrison st. WANTED SHOEMAKERS. CAPEN 'SHOE Co.. Oregon City, Or. HELP WANTED FE3IALE. WANTED MUDDLE-AGED LADY FOR AS Eistant housework and plain good cooking in a family of two; German preferred; good home. Cant Schneider, end of Montavllla car line. Base Line road. ONE LADY IN EACH LOCALITY RE qulred for permanent light employment at good Falory; no capital necessary. AVebstcr Chandos Co.. 04 Dearborn st, Chicago. III. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEDH homes: we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe st. Chicago, Hi. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CALIFORNIA Medicated Healing Soap. Mrs. F. M. Chase. GenertJ Agent, 84 East 34th at, Sunnyside. HELP WANTED-rFEMALE. WANTED A COMPETENT. WOMAN TO take charge of the kitchen and laundry at the Boys' and Girls Aid Society; must be competent to handle and teach the girls as signed to that work. Apply at the Receiv ing Home, on the E. Ankeny or Montavllla car line, . 29th and Hoyt sts. WAITRESSES. E. O.. SO. OR.. GRAY'S HAR- f uor; tin ior coast, roeei employer, jara; cooks, camp, hotel and B.-H.: waitresses; second girls; chambermaids; housekeepers; housework, all prices, city and country. Canadian Parlors, 22J Morrison. .. TWO LADIES TO TRAVEL TOGETHER OR singly for a few weeks, for Eastern firm; sal-. ary and. expenses paid weekly by firm; no canvassing: teachers or graduates suitable, but not necessary. Address Mrs.. Suber. Im perial Hotel, Portland. LADIES SOMETHING NEW. MAKING SO fa pillows at home; $8 to $15 weekly; ma terial furnished. No canvassing. Send stamped, addressed envelope. Household Mfg. Ca. Erie st, Chicago. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good wages. Tel. White 51. Call at Mrs. Philip Buehner, corner Haw thorne ave. and Prettyman ave., Mt Tabor. Take Hawthorne ave. car. COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, family of two, assist car child; heavy washing sent out; wages $30. Address J 11, care Oregonian, stating age. WANTED COMPETENT TRUSTWORTHY girl, from 20 to. 35. with references, for sec ond work and care of child- $30 wages. 230 Yamhill. Telephone Black 2SS1. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED LADY OR girl to do general housework and cooking. Inquire at 1668 E. 19th st, Sellwood, Or. Take Oregon City car. LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME. $4 TO $0 per week. Send stamped envelope for ap plication. Monarch Novelty Co., Dept 97, Chicago. $10 PER 1000 COPYING LETTERS AT HOME to be sent to us; two stamps with applica tion. Inter-Ocean Industrial Union, Dept 15, Chicago. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good wages. Mrs. Baltes, Catlln ave., near Hawthorne, Mount Tabor. Phone White 401. MIDDLE-AGED LADY OR GIRL FOR GEN cral housework, out of town. Inquire Parker, 2-15 Washington, 3d floor, 8 to 1 P. M. WANTED GOOD PLAIN COOK FOR GEN eral homework, family of 4; good home. Call today. No. 10 E. 13th st North. LADIES DESIRLNG HELP. AND GIRLS seeking situations, coll St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. ' WANTED GIRL THAT ATTENDS SCHOOL to assist In light housework; no cooking; small wages. Cull 315 Market st PERMANENT. PROFITABLE EMPLOY ment In city for reliable middle-aged lady of good address. Y 13, Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD COOK; NO WASHING or cleaning; good wages; small family. Call Monday. 830 Marshall, cor. 25th. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good cook; good wage3. Apply after 10 A. M 740 Kearney st EMPLOYMENT OF ALL KINDS. THE Girls' Club, room 18 Ruisel building. 4th and Morrison. Mrs. Porter. MACHINE AND OFFICE FURNISHED FOR a little work by stenographer; no objection to learner. 003 Marquam. WANTED - PUPILS IN LATIN. LITERA ture. mathematics; $5 month. Leave address, will call. H 10, Orcgonian. WANTED A FEW INEXPERIENCED girls will be taken to learn ehlrtmaklng. Factor'. 23 Front at FIRST-CLASS TAILORESS WANTED ON coats. Apply room 37 Russel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages. Apply N. W. Mallory and Alnsworth ave.. Piedmont WANTED CJIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE works. family of two. Inquire 002 E. Main, corner E. 18th. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL MOUSE work. Inquire 514 E. Burnslde, cor. 11th. J. C. Olds. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK AND care of child. Call mornings, 531 Montgom ery at. 1 waitress, X chambermaid, $15. So. Bend: do mestics, cooks, waitresses, etc. Drake, 205 Wash. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework. Call 160 E. ICth, near Belmont ACME EMP. BURHAU. 185 MORRISON. Helo free to employers. Pno'ne North 2381. Col. 287. GIRLS WANTING GOOD PLACES CALL , Working Girls' Home. 271 8d. Tel. Hood- 499. ANTED 10 EXPERIENCED SALESLA dle3. Apply Monday morning, 107 First st HAIRDRESSER: .LSO AN APPRENTICE. Paris Hair Store. 30S Washington st WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. Apply 735 Hoyt st GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; washing sent out 314 Clay st WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; wages $20. Call 3S9 Montgomery. ' WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. 593 6th st WANTED SALESLADY. STAR MANUFAC turtng Co., 242 Washington st YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; 12 month. 1CS 10th st. DRESSMAKERS AND wanted. 205 Jefferson. APPRENTICES GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 3S2 1ST street GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 93 10th. HELP WANTED MALE OP FEMALE WANTED 100.TKX) MEN AND WOMEN IN all walks of life to send for free box of our wonderful nerve tonic and vitality renewer. Mosko Silver Pills. For the purpose of con vincing the public that Mosko Sliver Pills Is positively the only absolute and safe cure for general nervous debility, weak or shattered nerves, lost vitality, insomnia or any weak ness of the nervous system, we will (during the month of May only) give away absolutely free of cost 100,000 packages of this mar velous nerve rejuvenator. Send your name and address at once and we will forward you a free box of Mosko Silver Pills. The Drexcl Drug Co., Masonic Temple, Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN TO DO COPYING AT home; $5 to $12 weekly working- evenings; no canvassing; enclose stamp. King Mfg. Co., 3 Warren ave.. Chicago. V- LEARN PROOFREADING; SITUATION SE curcd, $15 to S25 weekly. Home Correspond ence School. Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED BY GENTLEMAN FROM THE East, position as manager, buyer or sales man; 20 years experience in wholesale and retail" groceries and fruits from delivery boy to proprietor; am fuly competent to take charge of any part of the business; energetic and up to date; best of references. Address N 13, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED DRUGGIST. YOUNG MAN (26), married, wants position In drug store, in progressive, growing city. Address, with particulars; 11. A. Schumaker, Jionroe. wis. -i YOUNG MAN. WITH REFERENCES, HAV ing had experience In general merchandise store, desires position with wholesale or retail firm. JC 11. Oregonian. COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper: first-class references: desires posi tion. Addrecs P. O. Box 870, city. BOOKKEEPER, CLERK, GENERAL ALL around ofiice man. typewriter, etc.; refer ences O. K. Box 324, city. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER DESDIES A situation; has $500 to Invest or loan to em ployer. X 12, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS COLLECTOR; wilt furnish cash bond anjl reference. Ad dress T 13, Oregonian. WANTED. POSITION, BY A RELIABLE, experienced bookkeeper, collector or solicitor. D 99. Oregonian. -Miscellaneous. CAN FURNISH FARM AND DOMESTIC hands; also other help. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 2CS Everett st Telephone Black 992. GRADUATE MALE NURSE. FIVE YEARS' experience, desires position with invalid or lnane patient Q 11, care Oregonian. JANITOR WITH EXCELLENT REFER ences in the city wants work for afternoon or evening. O 13. care Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION IN ELECTRIC light or power plant; experienced. T 5, caro Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT COL ored man as first-class; all-around cook for hotel or boarding-house; sober; meats, soups, pastries, ice cream. L 14. Oregonian. POSITION WANTED B1 AN ALL-AROUND man of ability and experience, as engineer In caw mill; or would take interest In small, well-located mill. D 07. Oregonian. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY: BEST help of all kinds furnished. 311 Everett Telephone Red 994. SITUATION WANTED BY BRIGHT YOUNG boy of 15, In office or store. Address B 12. caro Oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, NOT AFRAID TO work, wishes position of any kind. Telephone West 1131. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS man as head cook. N 14, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and StcnosrrKrthera. LADY STENOGRAPHER WILL WORK 3 hours dally for $S per month, or will call at office, take letters from dictation and use her own typewriter for same. D 13, Oregonian. WANTED STENOGRAPHIC PDSCEWOaK. circular letters or copying, by reliable, ex perienced stenographer. Address W 10. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper desires position; references from well-known Eastern film. S 12, Oregonian. RELIABLE. EXPERIENCED STENOGRA phcr wishes several hours' work dally. A 13, Oregon Ian. YOUNG LADY WISHES A CLERICAL Posi tion; understands bookkeeping, cashier work. C 14, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER WANTS POSITION: BEST of references. E 13. Orcgonian. Domestic. SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD. RELLV ble girl to assist In general housowork. Ad dress H 14, Oregonian. TWO GIRLS WISH SITUATION TOGETHER; good cook and second girl. P 13, Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL AVISHES LIGHT HOUSE work and sleep at home. 2S7 N. 17th su. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER for a couple or widower; reasonable wages; write In German. A 15, Oregonian. NtxrscK. BY TRAINED NURSE AS TRAVELING companion to invalid or family; salary no object; best of roferencps. Europe, S 13, caro Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL NURSE WOULD TAKE A few more confinement cases; terms reason able. 2S6 Caruthers. WANTED BY CAPABLE GIRL. POSITION as nurse at coast: $13 wages. F 13, Orego nian. Drc.sM-nnkcrt-. ACCORDION PLAITING AND PECKING done; the latest improved machine used; also suits cut any style, stitched, ready to finish. Fit guaranteed, $2 up. Dressmaking taught, wlih perfect-fitting system; including system, $13. .Mrs. F. J. Browning room 44, upstairs, Cambridge block. 3d and Morrison. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES FEW more engagements, by day; work guaranteed. Phone Scott 1550. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL take work home; satisfaction guaranteed. K 14. Oregonian. DRESSMAKER SHIRTWAISTS MADE FOR 75c; all plain sewing reasonable. 333 3d st. DRESSMAKING; WAISTS, $1; SKIRTS, $2.30. 701 "Fourth st M)eellnneon. WIDOW LADY. EDUCATED AND CAPA ble, wants situation, June 1; tactful, dis creet, long experience In rooming - house, competent housekeeper, good cook. Mrs. Ida Wallace, box 970, city. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT . children, on June 1. employment in mining camp or country hotel; wife experienced manager and cook; man clerk or -assistant. W 12, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED MILLINER DESIRES work at home; old material worked up; charges reasonable; work called for. Address Milliner, 250 Market st SWEDISH MIDWIFE; FIRST-CLASS DIPLO ma; home for ladles, during confinement' best of care. Mrs. C. E. Bortle. 474 Jefferson st Phone North 4411. WOMAN WITH A CHILD WILL WORK cheap, seamstress; others. Working Girls' Home, 291 3d. Phone Hood 479. WANTED ENGAGEMENTS BY THE DAY; first-class work. Call at 221 Goodnough, or telephone West 944. ORDER FREE CHAMBERMAIDS, WAIT resses (union also), city or out. (Chinese.) Drake. 205 Wash. BY EXPERIENCED COOKS (MOTHER AND son), hotels or camps, one or both. 268 Co lumbia st SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enced waitress. 22S' Washington st-, rm. 21. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. OREGON phone Front 1307 WANTED PLAIN SEWING; $1 PER DAY. 446 Clay st WANTED AGENTS. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS, LINCOLN. Garfield, McKlnley; their Illustrious live, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete inside history of the villainous plottlngs of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; 60 per cent profit; freight paid; credit given; prospectus , mailed for 7 cents In stamps. 90S Star 3Idg.. Chicago. f THE TERROR AND HORRORS OF THE great catastrophe at St Pierre and Marti nique as told by surviving eye witnesses; big book, fully Illustrated. Retail price $L50; 50 per cent commission to agents. Send 10c for pottage on free outfit Illlf & Co., Cnlcago AGENTS WANTED FOR BROHARD SASH Lock and Brohard Door Holder. Workers .everywhere can earn big money. A steady demand for these goods. Sample sash lock free for 2c stamp to pay postage. The Brohard Co., Dept. 10. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WE HAVE WHAT PEOPLE want. Lamp that makes Us own gas at cost of 1 cent a day. Sells for SI. Will send small model free to those wishing to work for us. Write our Dept. B today. Em pire Gaslight Co., 150 Nassau st, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED BRIGHT, ENERGETIC men and women to represent our business in their locality. Business high grade and prof itable. No cash required. Write at once for pioposltlon. The Sprague Publishing Co., 733 Majestic bldg,. Detroit. Mich. AGENTS WANTED MALE OR FEMALE No outfit capital or experience needed. Can devote all or any part of your time to it you wish. Workera earn $100.00 per month. Ad dress O. V. Adams, 108 White block. Cold water, Mich. AGENTS FOR FOUNTAIN MARKING Brushes. Indispensable for shippers, show card makers, retailers. Quick sellers; large profits. Illustrated descriptive circulars free. P. Osgood Co., 10S Fulton st. New York. EXPENSES GUARANTEED ON COMMIS slon contract Salary If preferred. Soil to merchants generally. Make $3C00 to ""tiQOO. Good territory. Address Box 206, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. AGENTS. START MAIL ORDER BUSINESS at home; we furnish everything; parriple 340 page catalogue; 20c; 32-page .catalogue, 4c; circulars free. Dept 98, Rapid Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY, county, ',to handle 'best-paying business known; legitimate'; new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co.. 15 W. 23th st N. Y. DOME-SHAPED PERFORATED FRY PA. covers, prevent grease splashing on stove. Two styles. Other sellers. Amer. Novelty Works, Reading; Pa. WANTED AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY TO sell "Family Memorials," giiod profits and steady work. Address Campbell & Co., 333 Plum st.. Elgin, 111. WE PAY $20 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rig to introduce our Poultry Com pound. Send stamp. Javelle Mfg. Co., Dept 142, Parsons, Kan. BIG MONEY MADE IN MAIL-ORDER Bus iness; conducted by any one, anywhere. Par ticulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City. -Mo. AGENTS WOMEN REACH FOR THE DAN dy Scraper. Big profits. Large sales. Sam ple 10c. Dandy Mfg. Co,, Newark. N. J. CASH PAID FOR DISTRIBUTING CIR culars. Send stamp. American Distributer, Kansas City, Mo. W ANTED TO RENT. WANTED TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS J en suite, with hot and cold water; alpo meals; must be well located. West Side, and near business district. Addreu. naming rates. F 14. care Oregonian. A JEWISH YOUNG MAN. WELL CONNECT ed with a large business house, wants first class board and lodging. In Jewish family; willing to pay a good price. IC 10. care Oregonian. r- WANTED B' LADY WITH TWO CHIL dren, 4 and 6 years, board and room or two furnished housekeeping rooms; must have yard, any place close to car line. W 14, Orcgcnlan. . WANTED SMALL COTTAGE OR UNFUR nlffhed housekeeping rooms. East Side pre ferred; no children. Address L 13. care Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT COTTAGE ON CLAT sop Beach, near ocean; give location and price; would consider purchasing. Answer care Oregonlon, L 13. WANTED TO RENT A HOTEL FROM JULY by a young man from the East, or position as manager and steward; wife as housekeep er. P 14. Oregonian. LADY EMPLOYED DURING DAY WISHES board and room, not far from business cen ter. Address, stating price, H 13. Ore gonian. GENTLEMAN AVISHES BOARD AND ROOM, with use piano; German family preferred; state price. S 14, Oregonian. WANTED JUNE 1, FURNISHED COTTAGE or housekeeping rooms: cntral location; three adults. J 13, Oregonian. AA'ANTED TO RENT SIX TO NINE-ROOM house, within walking distance. Addreus Munger. 200 Second st WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. CENTRAL IS located; state price; references exchanged. V 14, Oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DESIRES pleasant well-furnlfthed room, close In. P. O. box 670. city. YOUNG MAN DESIRES NEATLY FUR nlshcxi room In private family; reasonable. K 13. Oregonian. AA'ANTED FURNISHED HOUSE FOR FOUR or five months; no children. Address V 12, Oregonian. Wanted Houses, store;, offices, for tenants. Rents collected, cheap. Drake. 203 AVa.h. Phone. PARTIES HAVING HOUSES FOR RENT and for uale will And customers at -10 First st. ROOM AND BOARD FOR MAN AND AVIFE In strictly private family. Q 13, Oregonian. THREE . ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEPING; bedroom furnished. E 11. care Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AA'ANTED COMBINATION BILLIARD AND pool table; must be complete and In first class condition. Inquire California AVlne House, 2JU-2J2 Washington rt. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED PER son. some one to build a family hotel of S3 or 40 rooms. In, good location. Addrecs E 10, care Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and shoes. 62 North 3d. Phone Hood 517. Orders promDtly attended to. WANTED A GOOD MARE ABOUT 1200 TO 1400 pounds; must be in good condition and c.:ap. J?'. C. Parke, 39 tienton st. W ANTED A'ERY GENTLE FAMILY HORSE, harness, with collar, cart, saddle, light spring wagon. Address Q 14. Oregonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND TWO-SEATED light surrey, made by Thomas Connolly. Ad dress O 12, care Oregonian. AA'ANTED TO HIRE HORSE AND SPRING wagon, for about 30 days. Address B 14, Oregonian. AVANTED A TRANSIT AND Y LEVEL; state price of each, with location. X 13, Or egonian. MOST MONEY PAID FOR MEN'S CAST-OFF clothing, shoes. 73 N. 3d. Tel. Green 428. AVANTED TO BUY GOOD UPRIGHT PLVNO. Must be cheap for cash. 426 Alder. AVANTED TO BUY A SET OF PAINTERS' falls. P. A. Doane. 2SC Yamhill st. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house in the city; steam heat. gas. electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Rates 73c per day, $2 per week, and upward. Fur nished housekeeping suites a specialty. "THE BARRIE," S. E. COR. SIXTH AND Stark Newly lurnished brick building; cen tral and modern; steam beat electric light and running water,, hot -and cold, in the rooms. Rates, $1 per day and up; special by week or month. THE STANDARD ROOMING-HOUSE, NEW ly furnished rooms, electric lights, hot and cold baths, corner Sixth aruj Hoyt sts., one block from Union 'Depot 'x nomas G. Alius, proprietor, late steward of st'r. Lurllne. ONE FRONT PARLOR. ONE BEDROOM, one kitchen; bath, piano; $lu. one parlor bedroom, $5- All new furniture, for house keeping. 1212 Moore ave. in Piedmont, two blocks north of "U" car junction. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; I4TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; us of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C E. ueorge. super intendent 510 Flanders st THREE FINE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping or ofiice, 149 First st, room 12. To see landlady call today, between lu A. M. and 2 P. M. COME TO 163 N. 18TH ST., THE MOST home-like boarding-house In city, loyely rooms and grounds; very convenient; reason able THE CALUMET, 7th and Alder New. mod ern, steam-heated rooms, $1 per day and up; reasonable rates per week or mo. .free bain. THE NEAVCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modern conveniences; references. THE COSMOS. 8. E. cor. Morrison and 4th Fine rooms; central; clean; quiet, and rea sonable; housekeeping suites of two or more. THE PLEASANTON. 28Sfc Third st FIiw fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; transient solicited. Phone South 251. THE MONNASTES. 285 FIRST FURNISH ed and unfurnished rooms; clean, respecta ble; rooms suitable for photograph gallery. 144 11TH ST.. BET. MORISON AND ALDER sts.; very nice, clean cheerful rooms; rea sonable; use of bah and phone. FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; In private family; use of bath and phone; central. 433 Everett NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen; board, if desired. 274 Fourth, South, opposite City Hall. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR; fireplace, phone, bath; smalL private family; reasonable. 231 12th st LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WITH alcove, furnished; private family; references required. 503M111 st FOR RENT TWO OFFICE ROOMS. INCLUD ing light, heat and Janitor service. In quire 250 Stark st CHOICE ROOMS; MODERN HOUSE; PRI Vatc family: no children; close in; rent $7. Phone AA'est 1903. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; HALF block from the Portland Hotel; reasonable rent 101 Sixth st THE SOUTHERN, COR. WEST PARK AND Yamhill sts. One suite; also single rooms Phone South 1020. ' FURNISHED ROOMS. BRICK BUILDING 171-Front st, between Morrison and Yoml hill A'Ictor House. FURNISHED ROOMS. $0 UP. IN PRIVATE family; bath and phone; transients solicited 430 Yamhill st. wu. FOUR PLEASANT, NEWLY PAPERED' . rooms on first floor; gas and bath. 324 l-ith st, near Clay. ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY FOR GEV tlemen; bath, phone; $6.50. 287 Fourth st near Jefferson. ' PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS- VERY central; moderate prices. 180 Fourth st cor. Yamhill. "' 435 ALDER. CORNER 12TH-NICELY FUR nlshed room; convenient to business- all conveniences. 4 l- COMFORTABLY FURNISHED SINGLE AND large front rooms at low rate. 320 Front 4 cor. iay. FOR RENT. Rooms. NJCEmT BURNISHED ROOM, IN PRIA'ATB ...w. l.iu or wimoui use ot Kitchen. 335 Ankeny st. P5nSNT SRON'T ROOM. 10 MINUTES' 5?i - ft?m Postfilce; rent reasonable. 313 intra st COMFOPTA3LY FURNISHED SINGLE AND large front rooms at low rate. 320U Front cor. Clay. " 207 PARK NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT alrj- front suite; also other front rooms; no children. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. AVITH AL cove and bay window, furnished. 1SS Park street. FOR KENT TWO LARGE. NICELY FIT fi nished rooms. Call 480 Burnrlde. near A as: -incton. A LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. FOR OnJ or two gentlemen. 353 AA'ashlngton st, or. litn. LARGE ' FURNISHED BEDROOM. AVITTf use of bath. 407 loth st, bet. Harrison anl Hall. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; USE BATH AND phone. 420 Burnslde ot, between xOth and llth. Furnished rooms. $t wee up. tJllman Hotel 1st & Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7:l anu Everett NEW ERIE HOUSE. 203 FIKST ST Rooms. $1 per week up. Phone Front 1283. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY D VY weekor month. S2 2d st. tbp floor, room 13! MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK ttciLD ing. steam neat, new furniture. ll Stark. THE UONITA. S9 7TH, NEAR LIBRARY Elegant, sunny room?, $2.5u week and up. 1S9 SEVENTH ST.-FOR RENT. TWO NICE iy furnished rooms; use of bath, telep.jn''. Elegantly furnished rooms; transients oollc.t-d. Uilck building. The Itojs. 211 First ..t. I THE NEWLAND. .-w: FIUST - NEWLY - " .:. riirui.ic IlKlll Iin-l DilUI. FINE BUSINESS ROuM FOR THREE months cheap. Inquire 6C9 Mnrquum. THE RAMONA. .lit Y MHILL ST.-PLEAS-ant rooms, by the daj. uwk or moru.i. 203 SECOND ST. - NICELY FURNISHED loom: phone and bath: reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE man or lady. ISI i:tth, cor. Yamhill. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR .uENT gentlcmen only. Call 16:: Park st 348 MAIN ST.-NEWLY FURNISHED rooms: gas. bath rnl telephone. TWo DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR RENT. 1S3 ucst Park; gentlemen j rvferred. 360 ALDER. COR. PARK FURNISHED room, electric light and bath. ONE LARGE FRONT PARLOR AND FOUR nice rooms upstairs. 2M llth. 166 TENTH ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM; running water, gas. bath. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOA'E ROOM. PRI vate family; 169 16th st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 449 JOHNSON ST.. between llth and 12th. A LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 192 1st. comer Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 5S3 Fifth, near Grant TWO UNFURNISHED PARLORS FOR rent 428 3d st. NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. 347 Front st. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AT 227 6th st. Rooms With Board. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HOME. NICE lawn and flowera. fine location; we would like a few nice people to room; also board. If desired. I E 14, Oregonian. THE COLONIAL. 1C3 10TH ST. SELECT family hotel; second-floor front room, oult able for two; Just vacated; first-class table. LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. WITH bay window; hot and cold water: with board; for two. 121 10th. cor. Washington. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. AA1TH BOARD, In private family; central. West Side; bath, phone; references. Phone East 77. SINGLE ROOM; ALSO PLEASANT ACCOM modatlons for several gentlemen; table first class. 475 Washington, cor. 14th. NICE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. NEAR car line and within one block of Multnomah Club. 181 17th. cor. Yamhill. LARGE ROOM. AA'ITH BOARD; SUITABLE for two gentlemen: references required. lo8 13th st. near Morrison. 533 EAST ANKENY PLEASANT FRONT rooms, with board; good location; gas, bath, telephone Blue S40. LADY HAVING LOVELY HOME IN CLOSE suburb will board lady or child. R 11, Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AA'ITH BOARD for gentlemen only; bath, phone. Clay 236. 363 2d t. A NEAT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO LA dles; home cooking; fine neighborhood. 429 Tenth st NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AA'ITH EOARD; reasonable and central; bath, phone. 333 Third st NICE. LARGE FRONT PARLOR. ON ground floor, with board. At 211 12th st. Call. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. AA'ITH OR without board. 141 AAr. Park, corner Alder. THE AVALDORF ROOMS AND BOARD; also board by day or week. 147 13th st FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD: USE phone and bath. 131 10th, near Alder. LARGE, BRIGHT ALCOA'E ROOM; ALSO parlor: very desirable. 72 N. 14th Bt ROOM AVITH BOARD: GENTLEMEN RRE ferred: East Side. 329 AVheeler st VENDOME. 13TH AND ALDER ONE SUITE nicely furnished; price reasonable. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD, AVITH hot and cold water. 225 llth st FOR ROOMS. AA'ITH BOARD. BATH AND m phone, call at 170 12th st. FOR RENT SUITE ANti SINGLE ROOMS, with board. 215 12th st A NICE ALCOVE ROOM IN BEST PART OF city. 429 10th at 9 FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 153 J3th ut Housekeeping Rooms. 51 PER WEEK AND UP. LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, with use of laundry, bath and telephone; furniture stored, money advanced on same. 1S4 Sherman. FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING and single; bath, phone and everything con venient' Phone Hood 276. 223 Market at NEWLY" FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single rooms; rent reasonable. 132 Union avc. cor. East Morrison. 338 JEFFERSON FLATS FURNISHED complete for housekeeping; gas, bath and telephone; no children; references. TWO VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS FUR nlshed for housekeeping; gas range: other room; no children. 334 Salmon. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEP ing; also a single room, for gentleman, lady. Inquire 420 Washington st. 3 LARGE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; 'bath, gas phone. 455 East Ankeny. Phone Scott 1067. TO RENT PART OF A HOUSE. 4 ROOMS furnished, on first floor, to responsible party, no Children. 406 Couch st FRONT ROOM AND SMALL KITCHEN, furnished for light housekeeping; references; no children. 403 Main st 205 WASHEN'GTON FURNISHED AND unfurnished housekeeping suites; single rooms $1.25 and up per week. ALCOVE ROOM. FURNISHED. AA'ITH OR without board, for two gentlemen; private family. 554 Couch st ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR SLEEPING OR light housekeeping: all conveniences. 203 llth st, near Taylor. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; front alcove, parlor and kitchen; bath and phone. 301 Sixth st. THE GRAND. 3S7 YAMHILL- STREET-FUR-nlahed housekeeping and lodging rooms. TTTTR ATlRrVTT fllt Tir-.i. -em 3 !-.-. rooms, ea eulte, tingle or hcusekeepUyp,