THE SUNDAY OREGONIAJT, PORTLAND, MAY 18, 1902. I JfEW TODAY. RBAIrESlATE FOE SALE BY THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 ana 7 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE INVESTMENTS e-icnn Corner Mason street and Mississippi 3XOUU avenue; lot 50x100, with a nice U room cottage; full basement; plenty fruit trees; street sewered. This place Is on the same block with the new Alblna Club building. Easy terms. CQORft A lovely quarter-block, corner Han P cock and East Second streets, with a comfortable 7-room bouse: street sewered and graveled. This Is a very desirable and convenient prop erty. Terms, half cash; balance on time. CI Cfifk Corner Beach street and Cleveland spx OU avenue; 100x100. and a nice 6-room house: both strcetB improved: one block to "Williams-avenue car. Terms, half cash, balance on easy terms, AS K A Weldler street, between "Williams and vxUU Union avenues car lines. In the best part of Holladay's Addition; 50x70, with a fine 9-room house, brick base ment; two grates and furnace; sta tionary washtubs, etc Easy terms. COnnn "Williams avenue: two-story brick; C-V UU rooms above and store below; In first class condition: pays 12 per cent. Terms, half cash. CIQKAJlfh and Hall streets fWest Side, 5JJ.OUU jractienal lot and C-room house; rents $ 17.50 per month. Easy terms. 950 950 Lot on Rodney avenue, 50x120; street sewered and graveled. This is a good buy. Two fine lots on East 33d and East Washington streets, Sunnysldc; de sirable and cheap. CfKftft Goodsell avenue, between Hawthorne vOw avenue and Mount Tabor car lines; 1.31 acres, with a 10-room house: barn 16x20: free water; fine windmill. Terms, half cah; balance on time at 6 per cent. 8 1 i I nroc Near St Johns, on the car " -tt.OJ.eo une: J300 per acre. Terms, half cash. Bargains in all parts of the city and vlcln tty. Call and let us know what you want. We are authority on everything pertaining to Portland real etate. and will gladly give clients the benefit of our advice. Maps and plats may be examined at our offlce. If you need money with which to complete purchase, we can accommodate you at lowest rates. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. Title Gnarantee & Trnst Co. C and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Grussi & Higley's Bargains in Real Estate O OC Each Two lots in Mapleville. 25x100. P " $700 Lot 50x100. South Portland. $Cft Each Two lota In Woodstock; ln ou stallments. C 1 50 House and lot in "West Portland. C Q9" Lot In Sunnyside. $375 Lot on E. 3 w-O pine, near 24th. 4j AKfi i-room house, lot 23x100. Tabasco; P xuu easy payments. 8 4-50 Bacrc tract & Powell Valley road. 5 R(( C-room house, two lots. In Monta v OUU Vina. $750 House, North Portland. C CAA House, in Montavllla. 5 rooms. JP OUU $1000 Two lots In Tlbbetts' Add. CI Kflrt Lot, North Portland. $1050 Four 31QUU lots In Alblna. 51 AAA Two bouses. Baker at. $1700 Two v-AOUU houses. Fourth St., "West Side. C1fiA 5-room house and corner lot, Wlll-v-iOuO lams arc. $1100 House, Center add. Q17HA House and lot. Sunnyside. $2100 ipHOV House and lot. East Side. $9 AAA House, cor. E. 13th and Oak sis.,' "(UUU No. 500, 5 rooms, modern. Q99AA 10-room house, 120x120. Tremont P64UU $240010 rooms. East Seventh. (SQRAO 5-room cottage, swell home. South 34UUV Portland; large grounds. Q97AA 10th and Ankeny, house, 8 rooms. 'uu $28007 rooms, corner. CQAAA 5-room cottage and lot, modern, 5JOUUU flne location. "West Side. CRriAA Highly Improved business property 3OOUV In south Portland. C19 KAA 15-room house, modern, 50x100, J?Ai,UUU near center of clty. AND PLENTY MORE SNAPS ON THE LIST. 0999 farms In almost every county In the state, all prices and conditions, cash or favor able terms. Grussi & Higlcy Heal Estate Agents and Buslness . Chance Brokers, House-Renting' and Collecting:. Money to Loan. IVotary Public. Phone, Main 305. 133 Third Street, Near Alder Very Small Payment Down Balance in Monthly Rental 15450 10 LOTS AND HOUSE. CONTAIN ing panors, ammg-room, Kitchen, pantry, two sleeping-rooms, vesti bule, spacious porches and bay window, bathroom and closets in all sleeping-rooms; city water. THREE-QUARTERS ACRE AND house, containing vestibule, parlors, dining-room, library, kitchen, pan $1750 to', bath and large sleeping-rooms, front and back porches; finely ap pointed throughout and well built. City water. ONE-HALF ACRE AND HOUSE, containing large reception-room, hall, parlor, dining-room, kitchen and pan try, on first floor. The second floor will be arranged to 'suit purchaser. City water. AT ST. JOHNS 5950 Hartman, Thompson 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4000 FULL LOT AND LARGE 8-ROOM houpe. 704 Flanders et, between 21&t and 22d; choicest location In city. A great bargain. QUARTER BLOCK ON 12TH AND Harrison. Fine location for flats. $5500 $6500 BEAUTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK on Taj lor ft; the choicest loca tion In the city for flats. $25,000 100x100 ON SEVENTH AND Oak sts.; fine hotel site. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN, 240 Stark. 90x100 Grand ave. E. Stark. This is best business property now offered for sale fpr the money. Price, $7600. J. L. WELLS & CO., 100 Grand Avenue. Four-room cottage andtfull lot on East Twenty-seventh street, near Hawthorne avenue, only $1 100, $200 down, $10 per month. Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce. $3200 Quarter; . BLOCK ON D. Burnside st. close in; half cash. C H. ULORELiL. 2SI Washington sL 11 PER CENT NET On an Investment of $0300. corner, -with three Kood houses, 10 DlocUs from City Hall. F. BRESKE. Sherlock hldg.. 83 Third sU 2BI AND LOT IN NOB HILL HAHCPC district, near 23d st.; mo. lfiUU5Uorentfcls 50; price $5250; easy terms. C. H. KOR. ELI 251 Washington st. - : Block 8, Multnomah Containing Id lotp. owned by nonresident, -will be Bold at & bargain. Apply to J, D,- WUfCOX & CO., 202tf Stark st. - NEW TODAY. ACREAGE $1500 $2750 $4500 $6500 Ten acres. Just wort of Slavln's Add. J ana adjoining tne fine home oiu.. DOfch. Ten acres, mile south of Lents, 4- room. house, bam. chicken-house, etc Fine orchard and small fruits. 12 acres directly on electric line ana close in. This is a fine nuy. Forty acres on Base Line road near Twelve-Mile House: cood house. barn, granary, windmill and water tank. Nice orchard, all In cultiva tion. UNIMPROVED LOTS C QOti Lota 40x100 In Versteeg'e Add.; close H OftO t0 su Helens road. SKftA 100x100 on E. 7th near Going St., ouu Highland. $fiAA 100x150, corner CoUax and Hendricks UVJU sts., in Piedmont, close to car line. K1AAA 50x100 on Savier at., between 25lh 51 AAA 50x100 on Thurman St., between 22nd ."PJ.UUV and 23,1 8t8 CS"1 Oftfi 50x100 on outhwest corner Thurman SI 9SA 50x100 on "Wasco st, bet E. 1st and ipj.UU E- nd sts.; close to Steel Bridge. S1 QAA 50x100 on Northrup st bet. 19th and 3-LOUU smb etB $1500 C0xl0 on r,rthraP sL, bet-21st md "! AAA 50x100 on Tenth St., bet. Jackson and 51 ftKA 50x100 on Northrup at., bet. 24th and 3100U 25th sts. 1 7ri A 50x100 on Marshall St., bet. 23d and VliVU 24th sts. Qftftfl 100x100 on north side of Marshall st., vOUUU bet. 19th and 20th eta., or will sell lots separately. Q3AAA 100x100 on southeast cor. 20th and JPOUUU xorthrup sts. 99 A A 100x100 on southwest cor. 10th and 9oVV Northrup sts. QAAAA 100x100 on southeast cor. 22nd and JP4UUU xorthrup sts. S4.l7ft 100x100 on southeast cor. 24th and jp tOV Lovejoy sts. csfinft 100x100 on northwest corner 22nd and ijuui; Johnson sts. DWELLINGS $1000 $1000 $1300 $1600 $2500 50x100 with 6-room house, Fulton Park. 33 1-3x100, with C-room cottage Sun nyside. 42xl42. with S-room house, on E. Taylor, bet. E. Od and E. -43d sts. 50x100 with 8-roosi house, on E. Ash bet. E. 22nd and E. 23d sts. 25x100 and new C-room cottage, with bath, on 24 th et., bet. Keanrey and Lovejoy sts.; concrete basement, por celain bath and all modern improve ments. 50x50, with 2 cottages, Nos. 5S9 and 591 Upshur st. 33 l-3xC0 2-3 and 7-room houke on Flanders St., bet. 15th and 10th ats. 3Sxl00. with 7-room house on Irv ing st., bet. 22nd and 23d sts. 50x100 and 9-room house on E. 17th St., near Tillamook et., Irvlngton. 50x100 and modern 9-room house on Halsey st.. bet. E. 1st and E. 2nd sts., and close to steel bridge. 50x100 and S-room house on Irving st.. bet. 23d and 24th. . 36V5xlOO and 10-roonr house in flne condition on Marshall st. bet. 19th and 20th sts. 100x100 and flne new 8-room house, cor. E. th and Preacott sts.. High land. 129x200, wlfti fins S-room colonial bouse, with all modern Improvements and beautiful grounds, corner Com mercial and Alberta, sts., near Pied mont. 50x100 on northeast comer of E. 8th and Multnomah sts.. Holladay's Add., with modern S-room dwelling. Hot water heater, flne fireplace and all modern Improvements. 50x127 on north side of Cherry et., bet. "Williams ave. and E. 1st St., and running back to "Weldler st., with 7-room modern house In fine condition. 50x100, with fine modern 9-room house on 24 th st.. near Hoyt st. 55x100. with modern 10-room house on 21st et., bet. "Washington and Ev- $2300 $3750 $3750 $3500 $4200 $4500 $4500 $4500 $4500 $4750 $5000 $6250 $6000 $7000 $7000 ereii sis. 59x100 and modern 8-room house in fine condition on west side 24th st. 50x100 and flne modern house In per fect condition on 22nd St., bet. Kear ney and Lovejoy sts. GOOD BUYS 40x100 On Pine st, bet 5th and 6th sts., with building rented at f50 per mo. 100x100 On northeast cor. 11th and Alder sts. This Is the cheapest Quar ter block in Portland. On southwest corner 13th and Gllsan stu. On "Washington st, opposite the main entrance Exposition bldg. 50x100 80x100 "HTnlfRlnnlr n 13ih st especially deslr iimijjiuiaal,ie jor wareijouse purposes. "We havo a large list of city property, and parties desiring bargains will do well to con sult us before buying. R0UNTREE & DIAMOND, 241 Stark st. corner Second. $50 A LOT BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT POINT VIEW On the St. Johns car line, within a few minutes walk of the rive and the factories. Here is an opportunity for thrifty people to lay the foundation of a home at small cost. Terms one -fourth cash; balance $5 a month. Title perfect. Title Guarantee &TrustCo. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Ground Floor. Fourth St.-side. Two Modern Homes We have two strictly modern 7 room houses just completed. These places are well built and in a first class residence locality. Prices $2750 and $2650. Call and we shall be pleased to show this property. Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce. C 07- 100x100. N. E. CORNER FAILING t OI9 and Halght, Central Alblna. This is choice, and below market price. T?no-on Sf slx An 'ot near Union ave., JCiUeilU Ol. together or separately. $OHftn Fine modem 8-room. house, with 2U wOWU full iotg 1215 Mllwaukle ave. Qf s- W. corner of Flanders, 50x A Ulii. i3U ioo afcd small house, near Custom Houses This Is a valuable corner. cQcn 100x100. high, level, sightly and $tW UU cheap, S. W. cor. 14th and Johnson. A. J). MARSHALL, Agent ' 824 Third St. "GREEN'S ADDITION" Lots for sale In thia nice, clean tract of land In South Portland, very accessible by car line, and lyln between Corbett otrect and the Macadam road. Just north and -west of the Fulton School house and Jones saw mill. They are put on the market at reasonable prices and easy terms. Large lots and CO foot street, making the tract very suitable for residence purposes. J. W. 0GILBEE, Room 11. 145 First at. 13 PER CENT NET Can be realized on an investment of $4500. I am authorized to sell a. large, new, up-to-date double house, situated In the mort desirable residence section of this city, for $4500. F. BRESKE. Sherlock bldg., 83 Third ct. FORECLOSURE SALE7 Lot C block 3. Goldsmith Addition, 234 and Northrup et., will be sold on Tuesday, May 20. at 10 o'clock, at Multnomah Courthouse, front door. e "Ifttft i. 50x100 ON JOHNSON I If 81 I III et" between 23d and L I UU LUL th: only $400 cash. , balance three years. C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington t- NEW TODAT. LEWIS AND CLARK CENTEN NIAL, A3IERICAN PACIFIC EXPOSITION, ORIENTAL EAIRAND SHOP-KEEPERS' SHOW. "Is it to be a shop-keepers' show?" Answer: "Why not a, shop-keep-ers' show?" Shake, good friend 1 We agree-a shop-keepers' show it should be. The shop-keepers put their money into the pot, and they should get it back. Why not? This talk about warships and Oriental trade is hot air as compared with profit on goods to be made. The im portant battle now to win is to have a site selected close in. Around it we will build a fence very high and leaving nothing in view but the clear, clear sky. In order to see the mountains and sights they must pass the stores to the heights. We will have it located in a near-by hole, os tensibly to save wear on the sole. Our eyes are on profits in goods and in trade, not on the impression on visitors to be made. Our neighbor states we will leave in the dark that there is a better place than a near-by park. So into a near-by park we must go to make a success of the shop-keepers' show. Prancing stal lions we will bring with bellowing bulls into the ring. We will have norny rams, woolly dams, little lambs and shepherd dogs-yes, billy goats, nanny goats and fatted hogs, wheat, oats, barley and rye, potatoes,urnips and pumpkin pie. We will erect therein many a booth with papered walls and a slanting roof. In each booth place a farm, and on it some thing warm "The original price was twenty dollars, now fifteen-five, with extra collars''; "This beautiful fiat ninety-nine cents, one-twenty-five over the fence." How mighty good our visitors will feel when they go against such an excellent deal. We will fleece them good while we have a chance ; it will in their opinions our country enhance. When they re turn to their native land they will praise us to beat the band. Then hurrah ! hurrah for a near-by park and the shop-keepers' show! To thunder with Lewis and Clark, Ori ental trade and mountains of snow I DOGET LAUREATE, For Shop-Keepers' Show. The above is intended to impress on your mind that you can get 50x100 feet of ground at University Park for $5 cash and $5 monthly. Don't fear the tough element that usually haunts the vicinity of a great exposition. University Park has had from its first platting a vice, liquor and building restriction placed in all deeds; which will keep away from that district the criminal class during the Exposition. Now is the time to get a home in University Park, the high-toned, cul tured residence suburb of Portland. It is the seat of Columbia Univer sity. It has Portland public schools, street-cars, quick service, Bull Run water, beautiful wide boulevards, graded streets, electric arc street lights, churches of all leading de nominations. Being inside the city limits, it has the conveniences of a great city. The numerous industries along the river, which is near by, will soon give employment to thou sands of people. You can now get 50x100 feet for $5 cash and $5 monthly, which will also entitle you to a $1000 home on same terms of payment. Twenty-five dollars cash and $15 monthly will stop rent for you inside of six weeks. On June 1 prices will be advanced. Come soon and get a choice location before prices advance. UNIVERSITY LAND CO., 151 Sixth Street. NORTH IRVINGTON Beautifully located, well drained, city water, splendid car service. Lots 50 x 100 feet and over, at $100 to $500 a lot. -Only one- fourth cash; balance in monthly payments' of $10 a month. Title perfect and guaranteed. For maps and plats call on Title Guarantee STrust Co. 6 and. 7 Chamber of Commerce, Or at the North Iryington Office, Cor. Union Avenue and Failing St. Take Woodlawn or Vancouver car. ipxiuxj house, northwest comer East yam- hall and East 16th. This Is a splen did buy. Can give terms. aqiyRft 100x100 and 6-room cottage. East 3S t DJ ntQ and East Washington. (CO fin Nice new C-room and attic house: 9SOUU gO0d location: East Side; part cash, balance monthly payments, coonn Nice 5-room cottage; nice location; $UUV upper Alblna. el Kftft 100x100. 7-room house, Sunnyside; vlfUv part cash; balance easy monthly pay ments. C Art A Two lots on Gantcnbeln avenue and q OOV Fargo street, Alblna. Choice corner lots on East Talyor street. Choice quarter block. East Alder etreet. $100 eacn, several lots, Woodlawn. Lots, lots. If you want a bargain In a good lot In any of the choice locations on East Side, see me before you buy. F. W. TORQLER, 100 Sherlock building. Salisbury Hill This choice property Is situated between East 20tb and East 23d. on East Main and East Madison and Hawthorne avenue. We grade the streets, put In the sidewalks and sewers; prices, $475 and $575, on easy terms, at 6 per cent per annum. For full particulars- call on F. W. T0EGLER, 106- Sherlock building. ACREAGE On Peninsula, from $20.00 to $300 per acre. Blocks, lots and pleasant homes to suit all. both rich or poor. A good business block and a boarding-house, by the HOME LAND CO., University Park. Phone Pink 1061. V Rental is the present Income from those four larcc houses ly and 100x100 feet, few blocks from business center. West Side. Extra choice Investment. Ptlce $12,500; only $3500 cash, balance tusy terms. C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington at NEW TODAY. The Q. R. & N..saw it first and spent $100,000 to take advantage of it. The Veneer Factory fol lowed, investing considerable capital and employing a large number of men. Then came home-builders and a growing de mand for St. Johns property as an investment. During the last six weeks speculators have been buying up the frontage at St. Johns, .and for a distance of a half mile below that point. These investors are not blind. We are now assured that a new mill will be established at St. Johns with in a few weeks. Do you not see the signs of the times? Lant Summer ire laid oat at St. Johns a tract of 70 nefes cut into acre blocks. Tlie srrcntcr part of "this tract lias now Iicen sold and to meet the fnrther demand tve have pur chased an additional IOO acres. down and monthly payments for an Acre Block right In St. Johns. We guarantee that tnte property will Increase in value 25 within a year or refund your money with 6 Interest. T 3 Chamber of Commerce. Jl PftOPUUY ale &odsnu&u .wt,(vJl gosa 50x100 and two houses on 16th street. near Northrup; good location. $2 OKA S-room house on 12th and Gllsan sts. 3599 Rft 5-room cottage, corner Second and v-"6" Lincoln streets. RIKO 5-room good cottage, Lincoln street, VltOV nearTnlrd. R4.fOn House. 50x100 feet, corner Seventh v""" and Mill streets: choice location. 82nOft Corner. 50x100 feet 10th and Jack JpSOVU son; verjr choice. $1000 Good house an larse lot on Fifth $1200 Very EOod house and Iot on Fifth AOO Large lot and cottage. Sixth, near V"4UU Jackson .street. ??33ftA House, 7 rooms, almost near Seventh, ipaouv near Hall 8trect ?1 3 CIO House, 5 rooms, and lot. Seventh .pxuwu strect near Jackson. S200 10 acres, all In garden cultivation, v " near Mount Tabor reservoir. S7000 Cholce Property on Third street. Also very choice residence lots on Nob Hill or southwestern part of-Portland at snap prices. GOLDSMITH & CO., Southeast corner Third and Oak streets. FOR SALE That very desirable " half block, 100 x 200 feet, fronting 100 fqet on Seventh St. 100 feet on Eighth St. and 200 feet on Davis St. being directly opposite and south of the New Custom House. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 229 Stark Street. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE Wo havo many choice lots Tritli and irithont houses in the most desirable locations in Portland and suburbs. We will bnild foryou installment pay mentseasy terms. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 109 THIRD STREET. TEN ACRES All In cultlTutlon. -with mnnll dwell ing, on county rand between Pow ell's Valley and Section Line rond. Wc offer this property at far less than Its value. R0UNTREE & DIAMOND, 241 Starlc Street, Corner Second. MAXWELL & KNAPP EEAi ESTATE "We have many good bargains In city prop erty. Improved and unimproved. It will be to your Interest to sec us berpre purchasing. Room 2 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALS REAL ESTATE. 10 ACRES IN CULTIVATION: NEW 7-ROOM house. 3 miles from city, on car line; very desirable and reasonable. B 15, care Ore gon Ian. FOR SALE-MULTNOMAH INDEPENDENCE .Hall, on Section Line roadj fine corner for business. Apply to A. F. Miller, Sellwood, Or. VYVM ftUftTDM iM S&ff liBfllldGrf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE UE3T INVESTMENTS TO BE HAD In the Northwest are la Vancouver. Aash. It la the chance of a lifetime to those who have the opportunity. Five and possibly six transcontinental lines of railroad will cross the bridge over the Columbia River and paxs through that city, giving terminal rates In shipping: to any part of the conti nent. It has also one of the best fresh water harbors In the world. Now is the time to buy while property Is cheap. 102 acres adjoining city, bearing prune orchard of 30 acres and one of the best race tracks In the Northwest, on which $30,000 has been expended, for f 10, 000. 450 acres adjoining city. Including above 102 acres and about 100 lots, all well lo cated, for 53500. 24 lots two blocks from new depot, will soon be the business center of the city, for $7500. 2 acres with 207 feet of the best river front In city, shore land included, convenient to railroad, for ?7500. The above property must be Bold. It could have been sold, at one time for $150,000. Apply to EDSON M. ROWLET. Owner. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE .. .... c IS lots at Seavlew (Long Beach, with 8 room house, and ona store and dwelling combined: $3200. . ,. 2 lots In block 67. near "Tinker's." . 1 block (Baker place), with Improvements, $1800. . ... One of the belt hotels on Long Beach, with good business, $7500. One 50x100 lot, with 6-room cottage, city; 804 Corbett St., J2500. One 50x75 lot with 2-story house. 1CS0 Front st. city; house cost $4000; $2100. 100 feet square. First Peninsula. Addition, near depot, $300. . ,. 100 feet square, Fulton Park, near old power-house. $300. 10 lots In New Astoria; a great bargain. 7 lots In Clatsop Grove. 8 lots In Clatsop Grove. TO LOAN $3500. on good real estate security. $3000, on good real estate security. HACHENET & WHITE. 314-315 Commercial Block. THREE-ROOM HOUSE. $150 DOWN. $12 PER month; beats paying rent; $500. 4-room neat cottage; fruit and garden; $u50, $350 down, balance $17 per month. 5-room cottage, closets and bath; $300 down, balance 3 years; $700. 6-room house, with furniture, good out buildings, large lot; $700. mit 8-room house, cost $1800; lot 100x150; $400 down; bargain; $1000. 8-room house, Sunnyside, corner; $250 down, $15 per month; snap; $S50. Fine suburban lots, near electric line, $i5 and up, $20 down, $5 per month. Two fine lots, close" in on West Side, sue 35x130; only $1000 each. Fine lot In Sunnyside; only $250. 07x140. on 10th st.. East Side; only $1500. Fine lot. 50x100, Eugene st.: $1100. Many other fine lots, all prices. Offlce open Sunday, i to 4:30 P. M. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 231 Morrison St.. cor. 2d. LAND BUTERS. ATTENTION I IF TOU want to build a home In the country, or buy land for a profit, you can do no better than to Invest In acreage convenient to the City of Portland. "We can sell you good land within one hour's drive from the city, on good gravel road. In 5, 10 or 20-acre lots, at $50 per acre, on very easy terms. 20 acres fronting on Base Line road, close to Rock wood, $00 per acre. 40 acres on Section Line road, only 6 miles out, for $00 per acre; can't be beat for the money. $60 per aero will buy a very desirable 40-acre tract, fronting on Base Lln road, close to the 12 ralle house: the very best of soil. A beauti ful place of 60 acres, 35 acres In cultivation, living water, convenient to railroad and steamboat transportation: price $30 per acre, on favorable terms. Lambert &. Sargent, 333 East Washington st. A FEW GOOD BARGAINS $2100 Modern 7-room house and .lot on East Morrison st.; sewer and street Im proved; a nice home. $050 Six-room house, with 75x100 feet of ground, five blocks east of Sunnyside. This Is very cheap. $175 will buy a corner lot. 50x100. near Sunnyside car line and Prettyman's ave.; actually worth $300. $1500 S-room house and lot, brick base ment, good plumbing, on East 31st St., near Ankeny car. $500 cash. Best buy on East side for the money. $500 cash buys a 10-room house and Quar ter block; turnaco and basement; between Sunnyside and Hawthorne car line. Pries only $2000. A snap. F. BRESKE, Room 444 Sherlock bids.. S3VS Third st. A BARGAIN-$160a00 Good six-room, house and corner lot. 50x100. with fruit, 891 Williams ave.; easy terms if desired. $2150 3 lots with 5-room cottage, with store room, plenty of fruit, corner Shaver st. and Michigan ave., Multnomah. X125.00 Each, 0 choice lots In Piedmont. $375.00 and upward. Choice, lots in Wllllame Avenue Addition; streets graded. M. E. THOMPSON, 2C4 Stark Street. i . HOUSE AND 2 LOTS, SW. CORNER 22D and Overton sts. $1600 Cotago and fractional lot, one block from new Custom-House. $1500 Corner lot, E. 12th and Stephens ets. $5002 fine lots on car line, Southern Portland. Beautiful building sites fronting on River side Drive, this side Judge Carey's place. Acreage tracts, East and West Side, on easy terms. ROBERT BELL. 321 Worcester Block. LOTS 6 AND 7. BLOCK 20. HOMESTEAD Addition, on west side of Williams ave., bet. Beach and Falling sts.: $600 each. Lots 7 and 8, block 33. Tlbbetts' Addition, near to Powell st. and Mllwaukle road; want offer. Lots 1, 2 and 3. block C, Tolman's Addi tion, Mllwaukle road, opposite entrance to Ladd's Model Farm; offer wanted. BESWICK, 250 Oak. $1800 100x100 AND - ROOM MODERN house. East Sixth, near Prescott. $1500100x100 and 5-rocra. cottage. East Seventh, near Skldmore. $260050x150 and S-room house, Knott et., near Union ave.. $4000 Elegant house and lot on 10th st. $4000 Elegant 12-room house and lot 'on "Union ave. SEWARD BROS., 110& Fourth St., room 4. WE SELL THE EARTH. 534 Chamber of Commerce. 0-R. house. Montgomery, near 4th. $3500. 7-R. cottage. 50x100. S. 6th, $3000. 0-R. bouse and partial lot. Nob Hill. $5000. 5-R. cottage. 50x100. Jefferson, $2200. Alblna fi-room house, 50x100, near Bates' Bank, $1800. Corner, with grocery and 8 rooms. Union ave.. $2000. EIGHT HOUSES NEAR STEEL BRIDGE: 14 room double house. North Portland, tor $1$50, at $20 per month. Choice farm lands; S3 choice lots at 21st and Clinton at $353 each, at $5 per month. Lots in Cloverdale. Lota In Highland Park. $75 each. Lots near Wood lawn. $45 each. $2.50 a month. A full block of 3S lota for $275, $5 per month. Apply to owner. W. Reldt, room 15 Washington block. RESIDENCE FOR SALE TWELVE-ROOM house, llghteU by gas on lower floor; hot and cold water on both floors; bath, large basement, barn, chicken yard, bearing fruit trees on lot; situated between two car lines, closo In; a bargain. For further particu lars call at 630 Williams ave. Take U car Una. SELLING THE EARTH S FRAGMENTS TQ suit all: lots, blocks or acreage located be tween the rivers, Portland's best resident and speculative property; 100 lots In Point View at $50 each: Installments of $5 per month. Call or write W. M. KUllngsworth, 303 Cham ber of Commerce. t550O-CHOICB NEW WEST SIDE RESI dence property, producing handsome inter est (practically twice what money can be loaned for). Owner. 107 Sherlock building. Investigate $650 for a beautiful building lot. south front. Tillamook and E. 10th sts.; all city Improvements; must sell now. Owner, 620 Marquam block. Phone Grant 21. BEFORE BUYING COMB AND TAKE A look at thoTO flne lots on Brooklyn Heights; both car lines reach them; no better loca tion In the city. Inquire at 728 E. 8th. ACRE AND HALF-ACRE TRACTS, ON CAR line and good gravel road, suitable for homes or garden tract; good location. $250, per acre. T. C Shreve, 421 Ablngtcn bldg. WE WILL BUY YOU A LOT AND BUILD A bouse In any part of the city for a email payment down, balance on Installments. G. H. Dammeler-Co.. 503 Marquam. $2600 $300 CASH. BALANCE INSTALL ments, for strictly modern 6-room house. In choice residence part of East Side. G. 3'. Dammeler Co., 503 Marquam. SELLWOOD LOTS WILL DOUBLE IN value In 0 or 12 months. The best buy on the market. Terms to suit purchaser. T. A. Wood. 141 First st. $1000 NEAT COTTAGE AND LOT 60x100 feet, at Woodlawn; part cash, balance In in stallments. Inqulm at M. Billings Shct Store. 229 Morrison. WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER LOT ON south side for sale at a price well worth your attention. F. V. Andrews & Co., Ham ilton building. $1400 WILL BUY BEAUTIFUL CORNER, 100x100, In Irvlngton: streets improved; 8ood surroundings. D. Miller, S27 Chamber of Commerce. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE; OFFICE, Lents, Or. All kinds property cheap. Take Mount Scott car; fare 5 csnts. -O. R. Addlton. FOR SALE FINE HARD-FINISHED HOUSE 7 rooms; good outsiee' improvements; a nice horae; c bargain, xt $3200, Inquire 49 lstst FOH. SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE "WEST SIDE BUYS $600 and up Lots In Doscher's Second Ad dition, running from 22d to- 24th. and X to Reed sts. $1700 Full lot, south front, Marshall St., near 24th. $1630 Full lot on Marshall st.. near 21th. facing north. $20u0 50x100. Irving between 23d and 24th. $1350 Lot on Columbia st., easy terms. $1600 0x100 and two houses, Caruthers St., near Front. $110075x100 and 5-room bouse. Front St.. near Arthur. $11.500 Large house and one of the finest Quarter blocks in Nob Hill, fine shrubbery, beautiful location. A good bargain. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON EAST SIDE $265050x100 and modern 8-room house, E. lorn st.. 50 ft. north of Ulisan st. $5000 Two lots and new modem 8-room bouse, -partly furnished. Holladay's. $5500100x100 and nne modern 10-room house. Holladay's Addition. $2500 Two sightly lots and desirable cot tage, Page st. and Gantcnbeln ave. $2400 Beautiful quarter block. East Third and. Weldler. sewer and street Improvements; a special snap. $105050x100 and new C-room house at Norm Alblna Station. $120025x100 and new modern cottage, on Williams ave. $1600 Six fine lots In Central Alblna. Corner lots and good 7-room house. East Ninth and Lincoln sts. $3200 Two lots, modern 8-room house and barn. 625 East Seventh. $3000100x100 on East Ash, between Sixth and Seventh. Good buy. $4000 One of the most desirable Vt blocks In Holladay's Addition. $800 Nice lot, Holladay's. close to car; sewer and street Improvements. $700 Fine lot, Irvlngton, close to car. $550 Fine quarter block, Fargo and Kerby streets. $85050x125 on Russell st.; snap. $750 Corner lot and 8-room house this side of Woodstock. $1100 Corner lot and good 7-room house and barn. West ave., near North Mount Ta bor car. $2000 Corner. 50x100, East First and Wash ington sts.; choice warehouse property. $1600 Beautiful block In Waverly, 200x230. $500100x100, Tlbbetta Addition. Bargain. $850100x100 In Raffety's Add. 400 Fine lot on Alblna ave., near Morris si; beautiful view. $130 Good lot. Lincoln Park Annex. $1200 Full block. Patton's Addition. $10007 acres and large modern house, on Mount Scott car line. $27003 acres on Mllwaukle St.; old house and barn: a flne buy. $6250 will buy the finest 5-acre tract, suit able for platting, on Base Lino road, this side of Mount Tabor, If taken quick. 40 acres of fine land, on Base Line road; 8i miles from center of city, $2200. Favorable terms on any of the above. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN, 246 Stark. SEE WHAT WE GOT A high and sightly place. 100 feet square, close in. on West Side; $1800. One of the swellest places on the East Side, 100x120 feet, with magnificent 10-room resi dence; $4000. A comfortable home, modern 6-room house, fine lot, near schoolhouse, Sunnyside: $1400. A modern 6-room house, full lot, a beautiful home, on West ave.; $1100. A neat and cosy 5-room cottage, full lot, Woodlawn; $000. Five good lots, 5-room house, good barn, plenty fruit, near cars, Woodstock; $1200. A splendid lot, Sacramento St.. near Union ave.; $750. A beautiful quarter block, E. Pine and 24th sts.; $000. A splendid quarter block on Missouri ave. for $450. Elegant lots, E. Taylor st., $650 to $800 each. A handsome 7-acre home, fine S-room house; abundance fruit and shrubbery, at Oak Grove, for $2300. The best farm you eVer saw for the money SO acres, 20 cleared, abundance fruit, living water, comfortable buildings, a fino stock ranch, for $500. For farms and city property see us. R. H. DUNN. 1494 First, TWO CHOICE LOTS, WITH GOOD 8-ROOM house, in best part of Stephens' Addition. Beautiful home, 7-room modern house, base ment, bath, pantry, bay windows, porches, all nicely finished; 2 beautiful lots, nice fence, en East 17th St., 1 block from car; bargain, at $2500. Good cottage, lot COxlCO; choice location on Belmont street. 6-room modern cottage, nicely finished, well plastered, papered and painted, base ment with stationary washtubs, 3 blocks from car line; elegant little home; price only $1100. Good warehouse or manufacturing site, 50x 260 feet, 60-foot water front; Central East Slde 7-room modern plastered house, full base ment, double parlors, alcove, bath, pantry; house all in nice condition, on East 2uth St.; $1600. 80x100, nice building site, East Alder and 13th St.; will divide. 60x150, choice lot on San Rafael st, near Union ave.: snap; $050. J. A. HENKLE, or A. A. BAKER. 210 Ablngtoa bldg. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE IN BARGAINS $1200 Good 5-room house, Belmont st, Sunnyside. $1600 Nice modern 7-room house, Sunny side; $500 down. $2750 Fine quarter block, very good 0 room house, close In. $3200 Fine new modern residence, near car. East Side. $1400 Very good 7-room house, very sightly, West Side. $1200 Fine new 8-room residence, corner, Montavllla. $900 Good house and lot, 72x150 feet, near Mount Tabor. A few very nice houses with small pay ments down. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245 Morrison. Room 12. FOR A SMALL. SAFE INVESTMENT BUY a lot In "Roselawn Annex," $100 each: $5 down, $1 per week; no Interest, no taxes; city water and sidewalks on all streets; 3 blocks cast of Rosedale Station, on Van couver car line. Sahlstrom & Patterson, GOG Commercial B!k. FOUR-ACRE TRACT FOR SALE. TWO blocks west of Montavllla, on Base Line Road; house, barn, two greenhouses; apple orchard, with abundance of other choice fruits; good soli, all under cultivation; con venient to cars, postofflce and school. N 12, care Oregonlan. FINE 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FULL brick basement, corner 100x114, 20 bearing fruit trees, herrle". all kinds, fine lawn, or namental trees and roses; In first-class con dition; no agents. Call cor. 35th and Di vision sts.. Richmond car. INSTALLMENTS MONTHLY, EASY AS rents, with small advance payment. Sub urban 5-room cottage, two street-car lines, price $800. Another, same easy payments, $1700. M. G. Grlffln, Lewis building, 350 Morrison st u TWO HOUSES FOR SALE AT RICHMOND, account leaving city. 6-room cottage, hot and cold water. Also 7-room cottage, with two lots; price $2500. Across street from Mc Mahon's grocery. Inqulro 221 Washington st. room 10. $1350 8-ROOM, MODERN HOUSE; SMALL payment down; $12 per month; bargain. $000 6-room house, small cosh payment; $12 per month; rents for $10. tfhone North 1901. 612 Commercial building. 775 WILL BUY ANY TWO OF EIGHT choice, lots on E. Pine st, near E. 25th; property 1 block from car line. Will be sold on Installment plan, If desired. FIDELITY AB3TKAUT UU.. bift Xnim St t- $160050 ACRES. 10 MILES FROM PORT land; 25 acre3 In good state of cultivation, houso, barn, good orchard, school, church, store; will make terms. Coropton & Gibson, 202 Washington st. A BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, on corner lot; large rooms, flowers and fruit trees; a bargain. If taken at once. Inquire of owners, on premises, 182 East 23d and Yamhill. IDEAL COUNTRY PLACE OF 10 ACRES, near Oswego; highest state of cultivation, including furnished bouse. implements, stock, etc; $2000. 534 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE -ACRE TRACTS IN SUNNY slope. West Mount Tabor, near Base Line; self on easy terms. Apply 281 Morrison ot. SNAP 2 NICE LOTS IN SOUTHERN PORT land. 50x100 each; Ilea well; flne view; $150. McLeod & Co.. 220 Falling bldg. FOR SALE FRACTIONAL LOT. MODERN cottage; choice location; West Side; central; cheap. Owner, O 12, Oregonlan. BHARES 96 AND 97 IN THE OREGON Home Mutual Society for sale. Write G. E. Spies, 530 Washington st, city. $1500 BUYS FROM OWNER A NEW, LARGE 7-room house, large porch, fine , location. East Side. F 15. Oregonlan. SANTA CRUZ. CALIFORNIA, FOR BEST soli and climate: write for free lists. Ham mer & Towne, Santa Crux. FINE HOUSE, NEARING COMPLETION, Lovejoy at, west 23d. Inquire Strong's- Stu dio, Goodnough building. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN THE 5 acres I am offering on Hawthorne ave. W. S. Falling. Sta. A. city. $1650 BirSTS FROM OWNER A NEW, MOD crn 6-room house on East Side; terms to suit T 15, Oregonlan. I WANT TO BUY 30 TO 60-ACRE FARM near Portland, must be well improved. 234 Morrison st, room 2. FOR BALE $3000 WILL BTr 3 HOUSES and lot, lOOxlCO: this 13 a bargain. Mrs. J. Mason, Corvallls. Or. FOR SALE FOUR LOTS. 14TW AKn 11T- vision; $400 and up. Inquire at 325 Oak st FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES FOR SALE BY a K. HENRY $5500 buys fine. new. modern, well-built residence, 8 rooms, bath, pantry, basement and furnace, concrete tildewalk, fine location. $4750 buys new, modern, well-bull t, hand some residence on Northrup street. Good lo cation and Is a bargain. A very desirable home. $4500 buys one of the best and most sightly homes; with large grounds, on Portland Heights. This should be seen to be appreci ated. House alone cost a great deal mora money. $3600 buys good, well-built residence of 8 rooms, bath, pantry and furnace. A nice location, on Irving street. 'Good Investment. Near 23d street. $3200 buys new 8-room house, Iot 30x90. In good location. Rents at $25 per month. $3000 buys double house; has stone wall, concrete sidewalk; renting at present at $25 per month. With a little repairing Would bring In $30 per month. A good Investment. $2500 buys corner Iot with two good 0-room cottages. A bargain. $1750 buys new 8-room dwelling, with bath, etc.. and full lot 50x100, on Union avenue. A very good home for the coney. $1200 buys" corner lot, with new 5-room cottage, bath, etc.; 100 feet from car line. Very cheap home for the money. $S30 buja good 0-room cottage, with bath, etc. and full lot. In Woodlawn. Close to depot. BUILDING SITES. $1500 buys nice building Iot. 30x100, on 13th street near Portland Academy. $3000 buys flne lot, on 13th Street, close In. Faces east. Is desirable building lot at the price. 42000 buys a full lot on Irving street, faces south. A desirable Iot at the price. $2000 buys a very choice corner lot In best part of Holladay's Addltton. An exceptional ly fine lot for the price. $1500 buys a fine quarter block In Holla day's Addition. Both streets fully improved and sewered. $500 bujs a nice Iot on East 10th st., near Holladay Add.; street Improved an3 sewered. Sunnyside Those three fine lota on the southwest corner of Belmont street and East 32d street. Splendid location to build busi ness house or flats for renting purposes. Hawthorne Avenue An acreage tract near the Junction on north side of Hawthorne ave nue, at $1000; a bargain. Brush's Second Addition 110x80 feet on E. 26th st. Commanding a flne view of the city; only $500. A nnp. Union Avenue A corner Iot 65 feet fronting on Union avenue, depth of 120 feet. Low In price. Williams Avenue Fine corner lot on Will iams avenue, facing south and east; most desirable corner at $500. This Is a bargain. ACREAGE TRACTS. 10-acre tract near the city. All In cultiva tion. Has house, well and windmill. Mort gage Company will sell with small payment down, and balance In five years time, with interest at 6 per cent. Has flne berry land and Is a bargain. 23-acre Home Nine miles from the city. Has good house, barn, half In cultivation. Faces on good county road, and Is a bargain at $2000. 32-acre Tract Two and a half miles from Oregon City, 22 acres in cultivation, has house of 6 rooms, has nice barn, nice run ning stream, 2 acres In orchard, good well, large sheds, and Is a bargain at $2500. Other lots and blocks In different parts of the city. If you want bargains In real es tate, call upon CHARLES K. HENRY. 273 Stark St. FOR SALE LOTS IN SELLWOOD AND MIL ler's Add. to Sellwood. Apply to A. F. Mil ler, Sellwood, Or. l FOR SALE CHEAP; ONE ACRE. NEAR Kenllworth; 100 fruit trees. 220 Falling building. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE 40 acres neat- Vancouver, Wash. . 280 near Lebanon. Linn County. 40 acres near Brooks. Marlon County. 148 acres, Yamhill County. 284 acres near La Center, Wash. 40 acres near Portland. 624 acres, stock farm, Benton County. 160 acres In Clackamas County. 40 acres near Garden Home. 60 acres near Newberg. 62 acres at Oswego. 40 acres near Portland. 20 acres In Wauklakum County, Wash. 35 acres near Portland. 160 acres near Wllholt. 28 acres near Portland. 126 acres at Philomath, Benton County. 70 acres at Salem. 35 acres at Shedds, Linn County. 14 acres at Eugene. 240 acres at Scappoose. 160 acres on Nehalem. -113 acres near Cedar Mills. 160 acres on Nehalem. 160 acres In Washington County. 30 acres at Corvallls. 52 acres at Clackamas Station. 160 acres near Oregon City. 800 acres, near itoseburg. 94 acres, near McMlnnvllle. 1C5 acres at Logan. 137 acres on Molalla River. 400 acres In Benton County. 220 acres near Salem. 5C0 acres near Klickitat River, Washington. 200 acres near Toledo. Washington. 44 acres near Newberg. 640 acres near river, Marlon County. 152 acres, near Vancouver. 134 acres near Cottage Grove. 197 acres, near Independence. 320 acres in Lion County. 179 acres near Vancouver. 80 acres near Vancouver. 100 acres, near Vancouver. SO acres near La Center, Wash. 6 Oacres, near Vancouver, Wash. 40 acres, near La Camas. S9 acres, near Brooks. 160 acres, near Lyle, Wash. 160 acres near Gold Hill. 175 acres, near Albany. 160 acres In Clark County. 112 acres near Albany. 160 acres, near Lebanon. 164 acres near Shedds Station. 197 acres, near Albany. ' 160 acres, near Hood River. 00 acres In Linn County. 80 acres at Laurel. Or. 107 acres, near Vanvoucer. 103 acres near Vancouver. 90 acres, near Vancouver. 200 acres, near Vancouver. 20S acres, near Vancouver. 03 acres, near Vancouver. 20 acres unimproved land, fronts on Basa Line road, 6 miles out. $2250. Above are a few of our many choice farms now offered. For particulars, call or write us. J. A. Henkle, or A. A. Baker, rooms 219 and 221 Ablngton building, 103 Third street, Portland, Or. 40 ACRES ON BASE LINE ROAD, 30 IN cultivation; good house, flne barn; elegant place, only 13 miles from Portland; $5500. 139 acres on Base Line Road, 70 In culti vation; house. 2 bams, nice orchard, run ning water: flne stock and cattle and all machinery Included, for $12,000. 160 acres of fine orchard land near Hood River and near Columbia River, with 300 finest youmj apple trees In bearing; $1220. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245 Morrison. Room 12. FARM FOR SALE 87 ACRES. NEAR RA1L road and boat landing, 35 acres in cultivation, 4 acres timber, balance pasture; 7 acres In hops, nice orchard, 2 dwelling-houses, barns and all necessary outbuildings; 3 horses. 2 cows and calf, 15 sheep, 5 hogs, lot of chick ens, blacksmith shop and tools, 4 plows, wagons, buggy, mowing machine, hop press and all the small farming tools; also the entire crop of 35 acres. It taken soon; all goes for $4000. half cash, balance long time, 0 per cent McLeod & Co., 220 Falling bulldlngv ONE OF THE FINEST AND BEST - IM proved stock ranches In Southern Oregon, about seven thousand acres; finely watered and rich soil; one-half has been cultivated, houses, barns, etc.; within 6 miles ot good rallroau town; price per acre, $4.25. This does not include several thousand acres extra good Summer range. M. G. Grlffln, Lewis building, 350 Morrison st FOR SALE 160 ACRES 16 MILES FROM Vancouver. 3 miles from Hockinson. 50 acres clear; large orchard, spring water. level land; house, barn, 15 head cattle, 2 horses, wagon, plow, etc.; no mortgage; all $3200; without cattle, $3u00; must be sold on account old age. Owner, P. Oppermann, Hockinson, Wash. IMPROVED FARM. 100 ACRES. 40 IN CUL tlvatlon; large bearing orchard; good 5-room house; large barn, granary, roothouso and other outbuildings; four miles east of Mo lalla, 13 miles from Canby Station, Clacka mas County; $1250; great snap. BESWICK. 250 Oak. FARMS WE HAVE FARMS AND COLONY tracts In all parts of "vestcm and Southern Oregon. Call and see us before locating. Can give you valuable information concern ing Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys. Sahlstrom & .Patterson, 606 Com merlcal block. IMMIGRANTS AND HOMESEEKERS 16C0 acres Southern Oregon, $2 per acre, flne graz ing land, to close up estate. For same rea son, 120 acres timber land, value $9CO, and 2 Peninsular lots, $325. 534 Chamber Com merce. A GOOD STOCK AND DAIRY FARM NEAR Lebanon. Or., for sale, or will take house and lot or small place in Salem. Eugene. Corvallls, Portland or Monmouth In part pay ment Address box 37, Lebanon, Or. RICH BLACK LOAM SOIL FARM LAND, unimproved, 2S0 acres on Fall Creek, Base Line road, Multnomah County. 20 miles east of Portland; steamboat and railroad landing, very cheap. Beswick, 250 Oak. IMPROVED FARMS FOX SALE IN ALU parts of Oregon and Washington; payment- made to suit purchasers. For full particular as to various properties apply to MacMaster & Birreli. :tll Worcester block. POLK COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. IN close stamp for descriptive pamphlet H. G. Campbell. Dallas. Pplk County. Or. ipv.'.r.. VAR" if. MILES NORTHWEST; aear Unnton; 2 J acros cultivated; new house uiu Lk...u ouuiiuc, 2ii First