The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 11, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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National Guard Encampment
Will Be Held There.
Many Militiamen Favored a Coast
Point, but Expense Wonld Have
Been Too Great July 17-24
the Dates Fixed.
ALBANY, May 10. Adjutant-General C.
D. Gantenbeln, of the Oregon National
Guard, was in" the city today, and with
Major Ellis and Giptaln Stellmacher and
others, Inspected the adjoining country I or
a location for the annual state encamp
ment. Hackleman's grove, and the large
field adjoining. In the southeastern sub
urbs of the city, were selected by Adjutant-General
Gantenbeln, and an order
will be Issued for the holding of the en
campment at this city, July 17 to 24 Inclu
sive. Twenty-two companies In all, in
cluding hospital corps and trodps, will
be here, about 1400 men. The people of
Albany generally appreciate the selection
of this city, and will endeavor to make the
city a popular one for such an ejicamp
.ment. (General Gantenbeln returned from Al
bany last night, and when Interviewed by
an Oregonlan reporter said that Governor
Geer, as Commander-in-Chief of the Ore
gon National Guard, has decided that the
brigade encampment shall be held at a
point near Albany from July 17 to July 24,
Inclusive. Many members of .the guard
had favored an encampment at some point
on the coast, and a proposition to that
effect had been made. It could not be
favorably considered, however, as the
funds available would not permit the plac
ing of the troops In camp for a period
longer than eight days. "Were the en
campment to be held at the coast there
would be additional cost of transportation,
and the hours ofjirill, etc, would neces
sarily be curtailed on account of the time
occupied In traveling to and fro. More
over, an encampment at a coast point
might expose the guard to criticism.
General Gantenbeln said that, in view
of the facts, Governor Geer decided that
the encampment should be held at a cen
tral point in the "Willamette Valley. One
reason was that the expense of transpor
tation would be educed, and another that
the guard would be given the maximum
number of days for instruction. The cit
izens of Salem had made application for
the encampment, and the citizens of Al
bany had asked that the troops "be as
sembled near their town. As the brigade
encampment of two years ago had been
held at Salem, General Gantenbeln, as
Quartermaster-General, was 'directed to
proceed to Albany and ascertain whether
a suitable site could be obtained. After
a thorough examination, the Hackleman
grove, about a quarter of a mile from the
outskirts of the city, and a large open
field near by were accepted and were re
ported to and accepted by the Qovernor.
"Water for the troops will be supplied by
the Albany Water Company, which draws
Its supply from the north fork of the
Civil War Veteran Is Lodged In Jail
at Pendleton.
PENDLETON, May 10. On the first of
May the drug store of Brock &
McComas, of this city, was robbed.
The burglar, who was evidently fa
miliar with the store, effected an
entrance by boring through a panel of
the door and then removing the fasten
ings. About $5 was taken from the till,
whisky and brandy of the value of $4 were
missed, and a jar of morphine worth
about $20 was carried off. The police
"were informed of the matter, but nothing
was said publicly. As the morphine was
kept In a secret place It was evident that
the thief was an employe of the store or
had been one. Suspicion fell upon Thomas
E. James, who had been janitor some
months ago, but was no longer In the em
ploy of the firm. James had a mistress,
one Mrs. Morgan, who had a reputation
as a morphine fiend. The police questioned
her and discovered that she had a large
amount of morphine on hand. On being
threatened with arrest shf confessed that
James had supplied her with the drug.
An officer searched James' houe last Wed
nesday night and found the rest of the
morphine In his possession, also the empty
whisky and brandy bottles. He was ar
rested and In default of ball was com
mitted to the county jail for a hearing,
which comes off next Monday.
James has been prominent In Grand
Army circles and is quartermaster of Kit
Carson Post, of this city. For some time
past he has been Writing letters to the
various Grand Army posts of the state,
alleging that "W. J. Furnish, the Republi
can nominee for Governor, Insulted the
old soldiers by ordering them out of the
line at a Fourth of July parade In 1S92 In
Pendleton, and applying shameful epithets
to them. Of course there was no truth
In James' charges, nor any foundation for
his slander. Mr. Furnish did not Insult
the veterans, and had nothing to do with
the line of march oh the occasion referred
to by James, but James was so indus
trious In his campaign of slander that he
got many Grand Army men to think there
was something In his charges. He sent
letters to the "Willamette Valley and all
over Eastern Oregon, and created quite a
feeling against Mr. Furnish. He was
about to go to La Grande and Baker City
to tell his story, but his, unlucky arrest
and Incarceration nipped his campaign
thunder, so to speak. In the bud.
Second Hoist and Sinking Plant In
stalled in Baker County.
SUMPTER, Or., May 10. Superintendent
7hacher, of the Bonanza mine, has put
into operation the new hoist and sinking
plant constructed by the Bonanza Com
pany. At the present time only one cage
Is being used, but thr shaft started has
three compartments, two of which are for
cages, and one for pipes and a manway.
This hoist and sinking plant Is the second
to be constructed In Eastern Oregon, the
Red Boy being the first. The Red Boy
ftoist cost about $150,000, but the Bonanza
p ant is larger and cost a greater sum.
Theee two great hoists are the first real
effort toward attaining depth In the mines
of Eastern Oregon. Each has a capacity
i-f about 5000 feet depth, and Is capable
of handling aH the water that will be en
countered. Large compressors are In
stalled to operate power drills. The plants
are as complete and thorough as can be
found In the West. The expenditure of
such large sums for hoisting and sinking
plants marks an era in the mining of
Eastern Oregon.
NeTvberg Association Formed to Be
gin Work at Once.
NEWBERG, May 10. The Newberg
Small Fruit Association, which was tem
porarily organized some weeks ago, has
just effected permanent organization, the
following directors being elected: J. A.
Pike. Albert Heater, D. Tallman, C. S.
Calkins and G. C. Carl. The officers of
the association are: President, C. S Cal
kins; vice-president, A. Heater; secretary,
D. Tallman, and treasurer, G. C Carl.
The capital stock was placed at $300, and
the directors will incorporate at once and
open the stock books. It Is the intention
of the directors to begin agitation at once
among the fruitgrowers to dispose of their
small fruits, such" as cherries and berries,
thrqugh the association, that the latter
may be placed upon a substantial working
basis as soon as possible.
Greenhorn Is Absorbing- Frail Life of
SUMPTER, May 10. A new mining' town
Is epringing up In the Greenhorn Moun
tains, and is absorbing the frail life of the
well-known old town of Roblnsonvllle. Its
name is Greenhorn, and is situated on a
high divide of a Greenhorn spur, a few
yards from the boundary between Baker
and Grant Counties. It Is in Baker Coun
ty, but cannot grow much without en
croaching upon Grant territory. Already
'there Is a store, twp saloons, hotel, black
smith shop and other buildings, and five
structures are under way.
Greenhorn district, one of the newest
in this region, received more new capital
last season than any other single district
of the region. The Phoenix, the most
conspicuous of the properties thereabouts,
was bonded last Fall by New York people
for $80,000. Sinking at the Don Juan has
opened up a. ledge carrying high values.
SALEM. Or., Kay 10. Tho Salem "Woman's Club held it annual election of
officers today with the following result: Mrs. T. T. Geer, president (re-elected):
Mrs. R. S. Bean, vice-president (re-elected): Miss Mattte Beatty, secretary; Mrs.
C. L. Ogle, treasurer: Mrs. J. F. Calbreath. Mrs. R. Catlln. and Mrs. Alice H.
Dodd, members of the executive board. The meeting: was strictly a business
session, the constitution being amended In several unimportant particulars. Tho
club is growing In membership, and la In a .flourlshlnz condition.
which have placed that property In -the
ranks of the permanent producers. The
10-stamp mill on the property Is kept buy,
and when stoplng commences from the
level lately reached, a larger mill would
be fully employed.
Judge Fawcett, of Omaha, and associates
own the Psyche, which Is fast coming
to the front. It Is reported that the face
of the tunnel has reached an ore body that
is 24 feet wide, which assays high all the
way across, one streak running quite high.
Other good are to be found
In the Greenhorn district, several of which
are coming out tills season. The young
town of Greenhorn will be the center of
great uctlvltj between now and Fall, and
men studying the mining situation regard
It as one of the permanent small towns of
the mining belt.
Themain reason why this celebrated .family medicine has
been' able to remain so successfully before the public for 50
years, is because it is founded on true merit and" has always
accomplished that which has been claimed forifc, , It is very,
carefully compounded and contains only such ingredients as will
be beneficial to the entire system. It is not a: cure-till, but when
we say it -will positively 'cure -Stomach, Liver and Bowel com
TROUBLES, we are backed by hundreds of people who have
voluntarily testified to the fact, as the following will shows ''"
- Therefore, we would urge you to try it. .
Indianapolis, Ind.
Dear Sirs I have been greatly benefit
ed by taking your Bitters for dyspepsia.
A few doses relieved that bloated feeling,'
and after taking two bottles, I am entire
ly well. . B. F: DU HADWAY. -
CborBBM Arc Practicing: Dally At
tendance Will Be larger
Than Ever Before.
CORVALLIS Or.. May 10. Everything
Is In readiness , fox; the musical festival
which occurs in the .college armory next
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday even
ings. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock
the local chorus is to give a public Te
hearsal In the drmory. W. Glfford Nash,
the director.' is holding rehearsals of the
orchestra In Portland, and Monday will
come to Corvallls. where he will hold
final chorus rehearsals of the Corvallls
contingent Monday evening. The orches
tra will have a special car out of Portland
on the West Side on Tuesday, and will
have rehearsal Tuesday afternoon. Parties
from Salem and other East Side- -points.
reaching Albany by 7 o'clock each evening
of the festival, can avail themselves of
the special over the Corvallls & Eastern,
returning to Albany after each perform
ance. The advance safe of tickets Is much
larger than ever before. The demand
-for season tickets has far exceeded the
expectations of the management. Reports
come in of intending visitors from alt
neighboring towns, and It is now certain
that there will be a full audience even in
the great hall of the armory.
Thursday the college authorities turned
over the armory to the festival commit
tee, and the contractor took possession
to begin erection of the chorus stage and
the orchestral platform. In the staging
and platform conveniences are required
for the chorus of over 200 singers and or
chestra of' 40 players, besides a concert
grand piano. The flowers and ferns from
the college greenhouses will supply the
only decorations, as no flags or bunting
will be allowed to interfere with the ex
cellent acoustic properties of the building.
The entrance at the cast end q the ar
mory "has been reserved for the perform
ers, the audience being' admitted through
the large doors at the west end. One
hundred extra incandescent lights over the
chorus and orchestra will afford a blaze
of light fox the purposes of the musicians.
Chorus practice is to continue up to the
last moment, both Corvallls and Albany
reheaTsIng every night In the week. The
Corvallls chorus, which has been under
training at the hands of Wallls Nash, Is
doing excellent work, and will be thor
oughly prepared for the occasion.
Article Filed at Salem Daring: the
Week JuKt Closed.
SALEM, Or., May 10. Articles of incor
poration were filed in the office of the
Secretary of State during the past week
as follows:
Pacific Coast Advertising Bureau, of
Porjtlandcapltal stock, $1000; incorporat
ors, Herman L. Neville, Charles A. Dot
son, Samuel W. Keeley.
Bohemia Smelting & Refining Company,
of Cottage Grove; capital stock, $200,000;
Incorporators, M. O. Warner, E. H.
Church. H. A. Bart.
The Palace Catering Contpany, of As
toria; capital stock. $3200; Incorporators,
W. W. Whipple, Arthur M. Smith, Fred
Hendrlckson, Philip Wildy.
.Liberty Presbyterian Church, of Lib
erty; capital stock, J50; incorporators, H.
J. Zeroker, C, L. Weaver and J. L.
George, trustees.
J Universal Sash and Door Company, of
'Astoria; capital stock. $40,000; Incorporat
ors, T. v., wamsley, James A. Malarkey,
Charles A. Malarkey.
Hood River Electric Light, Power and
Water Company, of Hood River; sup
plementary articles Increasing capital
stock to $50,000; J. H. Ferguson, presi
dent; N. C. Evans, secretary; C. L. Gil
bert, Ralph Savage- and Leslie Butler,
Oregon Sugar Pine "Dumber 'Company, of
Portland; capital stock, $100,000; Incorpor
ators, H. O. Stlckney, J. R. McCracken,
F. H. Hopkins.
M. J. Walsh Company, of Portland; cap
ital stock, $20,000; Incorporators, M. J.
Walsh, R. D. Merchant, James Walsh.
The Mammoth Lodes Mining Company,
of Portland: capital stock, $1,500,000; in
corporators, Julius C. Proebstel, Henry
O. Proebstel, G. Evert Baker and T. T.
Eugene Theater Company, of Eugene;
capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators, L. N.
Roney, R. A. Booth, F. L. Chambers.
Cottage Grove Telephone Company, of
Cottage Grove; capital stock, $10,000; In
corporators, B. Lurch, Darwin Brlstow,
T. K. Campbell.
The First Presbyterian Church of Curry
County, of Port- Orford; Incorporators,
Robert McKenzle, Mr?. Geo'rglna Mc
Kenzle, Mrs. Mary J. Rackleff.
Monmouth Will Secure Photo of the
Men Who Helped to Mnkc It.
MONMOUTH, May 9. The senior class
and the alumni of the State Normal
School have formed a Memorial Associa
tion. The purpose of the association Is
to have prepared and placed In the chapel
life-size portraits of those who were In
strumental In founding the school, and
who, by their devotion to the cause of
education, maintained it by a sacrifice of
time and money. A full life-size portrait
of President T. F. Campbell, the pioneer
preacher and Instructor, is being made
by B. W. Moore, of Portland. This will
be unveiled during commencement exer
cises In June. Permanent officers have
been chosen, and the work thus begun
will perpetuate the memory of the pio
neers of education In the Northwest, and
add much interest to the annual exercises
In June of each year.
Sensational Tarn In Stock-Rustler's
' Cnne May Free Him.
BAKER CITY, May 10.-James Baisley,
who was arrested Thursday on a charge
of perjury, alleged to have been commit
ted while giving testimony In the case of
Manny Howard, the noted stock-rustler,
waived examination before Justice Mes
slck yesterday, and was bound over to
await the action of the Circuit Court In
the sum of $5C0. Baisley, who was one
of the principal witnesses In the Manny
Howard and Alexander Meldrum cases,
makes an affidavit In which he says that
he swore falsely in the cases referred to.
As It was mainly on his testimony that
the two defendants, Howard And Mel
drum. were convicted, it Is possible that
they may eventually be acquitted of the
charge of horse-stealing.
Baisley charges that he was hired to
swear falsely by Robert Palmer., a proml-
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dear Sirs Having been a sufferer
for a number df years from stomach
troubles, I find your Bitters the only
remedy to give me relief.
. b fc r .
i-4 - . v 1
Corner Third and Morrison Sts-
nent business and stock man of this city,
who is also County Treasurer, and Is a
candidate for re-election on the Republi
can county ticket. Mr. Palmer admits
that he gave Baisley a saddle for his as
sistance in the two cases, and says he
has a standing offer out of a saddle to
any man who will furnish reliable and
convincing evidence that will procure the
conviction of any one stealing any of his
stock. There Is also a standing reward of
J300 offered by the Stockmen's Association
for evidence that will Insure the convic
tion of any cattle or horse-ru6tler. Sir.
Palmer most emphatically denies that he
Induced Baisley to swear falsely.
There are some corroborating circum
stances which In a way tend to show
that Baisley told the truth at the trial
of Howard and Meldrum.
Mrs. Rosa Burrell, of Portland, Will
Make Gift to Foreiit Grove.
FOREST GROVE, May 10. Mrs. Rosa
Burrell, of Portland, has made a proposi
tion to the city that she will give it a
public drinking fountain costing 57000,
provided the town will keep the streets
In good repair at the northwest corner of
the Congregational Square, the site where
the fountain will be located. "With the
exception of enough room at the northeast
corner of the square for the new Congre
gational church to be erected the entire
block will be used for a public park.
Mayor Kane said today that the city
would willingly do the necessary street
Improvement In order to obtain such a
valuable gift.
"Will Recommend a Change In Mar.
Ioii'h System of Bookkeeping:.
SALEM, May 10. The long-expected re
port of the experts employed on the Mar
Ion County records was not submitted to
the court today, as announced early In
the week. The report will not be com
pleted and made public before "Wednesday
of next week. The experts and members
of the County Court refuse to discuss the
report, which is, as yet, not completed, nor
will they divulge the contents of the doc
ument. It Is not expected that any startling dis
closures as to a shortage or any irregu
larities will be reported In any of the de
partments, but It is known that the expert
accountants will recommend the Introduc
tion of a new system for the keeping of
the records In the various onlces. The
present system Is reported In many ways
Ladies, Be on Your Guard!
Denounce the Rascals
Who steal your money by forcing upon
you a dangerous counterfeit powder when
you ask for the v genuine Lblache
Powder. Give your trade to honest and
reliable dealers who will sell you the gen
uine Face Powder, the stand
ard toilet powder, which Is- In general use
by the best and most distinguished
women, not only in America, but also In
London. Paris, Dresden. Hong Kong,
Shanghai, Japan and Manila, and, in fact,
everywhere. lis virtues have been sound
ed by Sarah -Bernhardt. Mme. Emma
Eames, Mme. Emma Calve, Mme. Su
zanne Adams, Mile. Rea, Mile. De Lus
sau, Miss Maude Adams, Miss Marguerita
Sylva, and by scores of other famous
women of the stage and In private life.
The genuine lablache Face Powder
Getting Your Wish
.When you take chances you are always fortunate if you get
the best end of the bargain. Everything we sell has the virtue
of value, hence you take no chances in dealing at our stores.
.... 2SS Washington St.
t a '' s
Clothes Do Not
Make the Man
But good clothes do make a good im
. pression at first sight, and first impres
sions are lasting. "We sell only
good clotKes.
During the past week hundreds have taken advantage of our
special $15 suit offer, and in order to give everyone an oppor
tunity of benefiting by this sale we shall continue these extra
ordinary values all this week.
Men's Finest Suits
Artistically made from the most stylish materials tweeds,
cheviots, fancy worsteds and genuine Peasdale serges strictly
hand made throughout, equal in fit, wear, material and shape
retaining qualities to made-to-measure garments that would cost
from $30 to $35.
SI 5.00
to be antiquated, complicated and burden
some. The report will also contain other
Important jecommendatlons concerning the
tne various departments.
management of the county's business in
17,000 Acres In Nclinlem Section Sold
for 587,500.
ASTORIA, Or., May 10. A deed was
filed for record today, whereby Albert J.
Sellgman, trustee, sells to the Oregon &
Montana Lumber Company about 17,000
acres of timber land in the Nehalem Val
ley, Including the townslte of Mllburn.
The consideration named Is 51, but $87 50 In
revenue stamps were placed on the deed,
indicating that the purchase price is not
less than JS7.500.
New Pesthouse Furnished.
The new pesthouse has been completed
and turned over to the city, and the
Board of Health today completed furnish
ing It. The city is now In a position prop
erly to take care of any contagious dis
ease that may occur.
Work on Stnte Sewer Resumed.
SALEM, May 10. Work on the state
j sewer, that will servo the insane asylum.
penitentiary ana siaieaouse, was resumed
today by the contractor, C. A. Gray, who
expects to complete the ditch by August
1. The work was begun last year, and
progressed until the "Winter season oponed,
when the task was abandoned until -the
weather became settled. The construction
of this sewer Is of great value to the
sanitary condition of the city, which will
be greatly promoted thereby, since the old
Court-street sewer has never been large
enough to perform the work required of It.
When completed the sewer now being con
structed will cost the state about 514.000.
Humphreys Witch Hazel Oil
cures Piles or Hemorrhoids Ex
ternal or Internal.
One application gives relief.
Sample maijed free.
At Druggists, or mailed for 23 ct.
Humphreys' Med. Co.. Ill William St.. N Y.
Caught in a Live Wi
The man who Is Ignorant of what elec
tricity can d"o might be, but those who
understand the" benefits and convenience
that electric bells, alarms, lights, etc.,
confer will get us to supply their houses
and offices with electric bells, indicators,
or llehts. Our work In this line Is done
skillfully, scientifically and at a reason
able price.
Western EiectricWorks
3054 Washington Street,
Phone, South 961. Portland, Or.
Is a positive benefit to the skin. It fresh
ens, clears, beautifies. Restores and pre
serves the natural softness of the skin,
while the counterfeit powder will injure
the complexion. "We ask that every lady
using Lnblnche Face Powder will ex
amine the label of the box carefully, and
if In doubt as to the genuineness of the
powder, to send us the circular or the
cover of the box, together with the name
of the dealer from whom the powder was
purchased, and If it is the counterfeit
she will be adv.tsed by return mall, so that
she can demand that her money be re
funded, and whoever sold It will be prose
cuted to the full extent of the law. Fifty
cents per box of all reliable druggists, or
by mall.
French. Perfumers,
125 Kingston St.
309 Morrison St..
Near Meier & Frank Co.
Beginning Monday, June 20, will be con
ducted In one of the rooms of the Port
land Business College, corner Park and
Washington streets. It will be strictly a
school of study, designed to aid teachers
to higher grades In tho August examina
tion. Further particulars on application.
The Portland Business College Is open all
the year. Students may enter at any V
time, for special branches or a regular
course, and receive Individual or class in
struction, as preferred. Call or send for
catalogue. Learn w hat and how we teach.
A. P. Armstrong-, LIi. II., Principal.
LUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our late scien
tific method applied to the Bums. No sleep
producing agents or cocaine.
These are the only dental parlors In Port
Ingredients to extract, 11 and apply goU
crowns and porcelain crowns undetectabla
from natural tfeth. and warranted for 10
set of teeth $3. a perfect fit guaranteed or no
pay. Gold crowns. $5. Gold fillings, $1. SlUer
fillings. 20c. All work done br GRADUATE
DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years experience,
and each department In charge of a specialist.
SET TEETH T.. . 93.00
We are making a specialty of gold crown and
bridge work; the moat beautiful, painless and
durable of all dental work known to the pro
fession. Our name alone will be a guarantea
that your work will be of the best. We bate a
specialist In each department. Beat operators,
best gold workmen and extractors of teeth, la
fact, all the staff are Inventors of modern
dentistry. We will tell you In advance exactly
what your work will cost by free examination.
Give us a call and you will find we do exactly
las we advertise.
Uur aim is 10 sivo ine Desc wont posaio a
and guarantee all work for 10 years with a
protective guarantee. All of our prices ara
the lowest consistent with first-class work. Wa
do not compete with cheap dental work, but
our charges are less than one-half that charged
by others.
New York Dental Parlors
Main office.
Fourth and Morrhon St., Portland.
Branch offices C14 First a e.. Seattle. Wash.
Prunary.SecondarTorTertlary SyphilltIcBlood Poison
permanently enred in 15 to 35 days. Yon can be treated
at home for tho uune price under same gnamnty. If
you prefer to come here we will contract to pay rail
road fare and hotel bills, and no charge if we fall to
cure. If you hare taken mercury, lodldo potash.
and still h&Teeches and paius,Mucou3 Patches in
month, sore throat, pimples, copper colored
spoto.ulcerson onylart of the body, iinir
or eyebrows falling ont, It .is thU. Secondary
BLOOD POISON that we guarantee to
cure. We solicit the most obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a cao we cannot
care. Thl3 disease has always haded tho skill
of the most eminent physicians. S500.00O
capital behind oar unconditional guaranty.
Absolute proofs and 100-page book sent
sealed. Xo Branch offices. Uso fall address as follows:
2C89 Masonic Tetanic. CHICAGO, tt.t;
A uttio money lnreKtetl in A
will pay you phenomenal proQu. W e are .Tha fc
Unrest manufacturers of coin operating machinery z
in the world. Get our catolotrnn. P
mills xuvbLU GU., Chicago.
ii iu to ouuui jcucnon oiroet.
For 20 year the only aafa and reliable
female Kognlaiorfor all troubles.
KelieTes within i days. At drujrgijts.
or 07 mall. Price. 82. Send 4c for
Co., 323 2 I5ta St.. Philju. P.
No More Dread
Dental Chair