TiUS SUMDAY OEEGONIAK, POB1XAND, MAT 11, 1903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Tho Oresonlan's Telephones. OREGON. ,r , ,, Counting Room Mftln5I Managing Editor Hinf?i City Editor Main log Composing Room ii?lnCS East Side Offic cJLSi Superintendent Building Bed2S COLUMBIA. Counting Booa CCT Editorial Rooms J?? Composing Room - Engine Room - W AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT. THE BAKER THEATER (corner Third and Yamhill streets) Mr. Ralph Stuart and Corn pan. In Augustus Thomas Magnificent Pro duction ol "In Missouri." Matinee at 2.15. evening- at 8:20. CORDRATS THEATER Tonight, special per formance of "A King's Rlal." and last ap pearance of Mr. John Griffith and Miss Kath ryn PurnelL THE OHEGOIttAJTS HANDBOOK. The Oregonlan'a Handbook tells all about Portland, the entire Columbia River ratershHi and the 1005 World's Fair, commemorative ot the Lewis and Clark expedition to Oregon. The hook contains over 150 handsome Illustrations, and It Is printed on enameled "book paper. It will be mailed to .any address in the United States or Canada for 7 cents a copy. Howitzers fob Oregon. Cltr Auditor Devlin has received a letter from United States Senator John H. Mitchell, stating that the commanding- offlcer of. Fort Getty, S. C, had been instructed to turn over to Colonel H. E. Dosch, In charge of the Oregon exhibit at Charleston, the two cast-iron howitzers and the four cannon balls now at Fort Sumpter. The com jnanding officer at Fort Getty has also 2een requested to communicate with Colo nel Dosch with reference to the shipment of these cannon and cannon balls to Port land, as the United States can under no -condition incur any expense in their transportation. The two howitzers se cured were used in the defense of Fort Bumpter, and the Oregonlans now in Charleston -wished to have them brought to Portland so that they might be dis played at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Some trouble was experienced in obtain ing them, but it appears that Senator Mitchell was successful in his efforts. Baseball Todat, 3P.1L Baseball Todat, 3 P. M. Professional Grounds, 24th & Vaughn. Oregon Citx vs. Monograms. Second Game Oregon State .League. Fleming in Box for Monograms. Good Hot Game Assured. Teams Plated Tie Game Last Sundat. Baseball Todat, 3 P. M. Admission, Including Grandstand, 25c. "Will Celebrate Fifth Anntversart. Prosperity Camp, No. 296, Woodmen of the "World, will celebrate Its fifth anni ersary, Thursday night at the Catholic Foresters Hall. Sixth and "Washington streets, with a fine entertainment followed by a dance. An Illustrated programme has been ar ranged, and the committee in charge is sparing no pains to make it a success. All the members of "Woodcraft and their jfriends are invited to attend. Sundat Troluet Trips bt the P. C. & O. Cars leave every 20 minutes from 9:00 A. M. to 9.-00 P. M., for Oregon City and "Willamette Falls Park at Canemah. Cars run direct to the park, which has recent ly been made available for picnics and the general public EJght new trailers with seating capacity for SO people each, will be In service, providing accommodations for all. Round trip, 25 cents. Leave First and Alder streets. "Lest Tou Forget," we wish to call your attention to the tact that Mount Hood Division, Order of Railway Conduc tors, will run their Hth annual excursion to Salem on Sunday, June 8. Only seat ing capacity of coaches will be sold, but there t 111 be no limit to the entertaining features offered. A good crowd always goes. A better crowd is expected, and the best time of all Is anticipated. Her Name Left Out. By a mistake In the account of the "Woman's Club meeting Friday afternoon, the name of Miss Clark was omitted from its place among the musical selections. Miss Clark's numbers were: (a) "Oh. That "We Two Were May ing," Nevin; (b) "Love's Captive," Cham Inade, and were very much enjoyed. Rubber Tires for Vehicles. We Job them all over Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Tney are best quality made. When you want new rubber tires or rubbers In stead of steels, bring the job to us. Mitch ell, Lewis & Staver Co., First and Tay lor streets. Sundat River Trips to Oregon Citt. Take your families for an outing on the Tlver; it will make a most delightful out ing. "Boats leave Taylor street at 8:30, 10.00, 11:30 A. M., L 3, 4:30, 6:15 P. M. Round trip 25 cents. Take a Trollet Ride to the Willam ette Falls Park at Canemah. Cars run to the entrance, which has recently been constructed for the accommodation of the patrons of the P. C. & O. Fare 25 cents. Sixth Annual Picnic and dance will be held today by The Druids, Rohse's Park, Fulton. Musldby the De Caprlo Band. Fulton car on First street will take you right to picnic grounds. Public invited. Norway's Dat of independence will be commemorated by an entertainment and ball, given by the Norwegian Double Quartet, at Arlon Hall, Second and Oak street, Saturday evening. May 17. A Familt Picnic and concert will be given today, Sunday, May 1L at Jeff erson Street Gardens, by the newly or ganized brass band of the St. Joseph Soci ety. Ladles free; gentlemen, 25c. Economic League. Supt. Frank Rlgler will discuss the current lews of "The Distribution of Wealth" next Tuesday, at the Unitarian Chapel. All welcome. Ad mission free. Gala Concert by sixty mixed voices at "Woodman Hall. East Sixth and Alder, Monday, May 12, at 8 P. M., for Centenary M. E. Church. Admission, 25c and 15c. Gala Concert by 60 mixed voices at Woodman Hall, East Sixth and Alder, Monday, May 12, at 8 P. M., for Centenary M. E. Church. Admission, 25c and 15c The Hammam, Turkish and Russian Bath Parlors, 300 Oregonlan, are the only baths In the city exclusively for ladles. Phone North 1386. 9 A M.. 9 P. M. Protect Roses from green aphis and your small plants from slugs. We have the best remedies for insect pests. Lam berson, Front and Yamhill streets. Cathedral Court, Catholic Order ot Foresters, are making arrangements to give their annual family outing down the Columbia on Sunday, June S. "Mt Own Countrt," new lecture by John G. Woolley. White Temple, May 21. Reserved seats at Ewing's. Y. M. C. A. building. There will be a sock-social at All Saints' Mission, corner Twenty-second and Reed, Thursday afternoon and evening, May 15. Harrt Schoof for Councilman. Harry Schoof will run as an Independent candi date for Councilman in the Third Ward. Bargain Sale of odd jobs among our high-grade vehicles. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., First and Taylor streets. Rummage Sale. 91 First street, by the Mississippi Avenue and PattonM. E. Churches, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dalles Boat leaves dally at 7 A. M. from foot Alder street for The Dalles and ell Upper Columbia River points. Astoria Boat leaves daily at 7 A. id, from foot Alder street for Astoria and all Lower Columbia River polnta. George Wright Relief Corps will give an entertainment and dance Friday even ing, 8:30, at G. A. R. Hall. Grand Picnic at Rohse's Park, Fulton. Sunday, May 18, by Thusnelda Lodge, No. 1, O. D. H. S. Rugs! Rugs! Before buying see our stock. Oriental Rug Company, 343 Wash ington street. 20-MmuTE Cars on the P. C & O. For Mt, Scott, Mr. Tabor and the East Side reservoirs. . Rich Jersev Cream for berries, Sunday delivery. Both phones. Wash. Creamery. Governor Gees. Will Take Part. a letter has been received by J. E. Werleln, chairman of the League of Honor of the A. O. U. W., from Governor Geer, stating that the executive would accompany the Oregon delegation to the state line to meet the delegates to the convention of the Supreme Lodge of the order. The conven tion will be held in Portland next month, and the delegates -will be formally wel comed to the state at Huntington. The Oregon delegation which will meet them will consist of Grand Master Hogue. Past Grand Masters J. E. Werleln and Ralph Feeney and Past MaEter John 01. Mann. To receive the delegates to the Superior Lodge of the Degree of Honor, Mrs. Wilda Belknap, of Prinevllle, Grand Chief ot Honor, "has been selected, and she will appoint a committee to accompany her to Huntington. Both the delegations will carry quantities of Oregon flowers with them to show ihe visitors that they are in tne land of sunshine and roses. Good Stone in Oregon. In yesterday's Oregonlan, the statement was made that the State of Oregon had no good building stone. This I3 an error. There are sev eral quarries of sandstone in Washington County, Lincoln County, Jackson and Douglas Countfes. X few miles from Oak land, Douglas County, Is a very extensive sandstone quarry, only 14 miles from the main line of the Southern Pacific. The quality and crushing strength of this sandstone are equal and even superior to many of the best blue sandstones from Eastern states. Samples of stone from this quarry were exhibited at the Pan American Exposition In Buffalo in compe tition with over 100 different samples from Eastern states, and were awarded a medal for quality and strength. The tests of this sandstone were made at the United States arsenal in Watertown, Mass., and at Washington, D. C, showing a, crushing strength of 10.513 and 16,366 per square Inch, respectively. Messenger Bot Files Suit. Suit was filed yesterday in Justice of the Peace Kwemer's court by H. K. Sargent to re cover $12, interest, and the costs and dis bursements of the action, against A. M. Reckard, a dealer In bicycles on First street, near Salmon. The plaintiff is a messenger boy named Amll Dieter, and his story Is that he purchased a ?12 bi cycle from Rcckaid May 13, but was after ward compelled to return the bicycle to Reckard, as it was shown he had no right and title to it, and that the real owner was one Horton Burnett. The latter says his wheel mysteriously disappeared some little time before It was sold to Dieter. In the meantime Dieter must have a wheel to uso in his business, but he fig ures that he has lost both $12 and a wheel. Boon to the Poor. The way in which the people of Portland have received th movement of the "out-patient depart ment," at the St. Vincent's Hobpltal, Is gratifying indeed to Its founders. Free medical treatment Is accorded the, poor on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 1 to 2 P. M., and during the last week 12 new patients have been received. Those who take advantage of the oppor tunity seem a worthy class of poor, and none who are considered able to pay for treatment have presented themselves. A great amount of unnecessary suffering Is prevented through the agency of this de partment, and its foundation Is one of the many steps of modern advancement being taken by the City of Portland. Bananab Sell Cheap. Bananas were very cheap on Front street yesterday. Sev eral carloads of overripe fruit arrived. As they had to be disposed of at once be cause today Is Sunday, they were closed out at any old price. Street-hawkers stocked up with bananas until they were surfeited. "I don't see what makes you so cheery," said a reporter to a dealer. "I should think 3 ou would be pretty glum over a day like this." "Do I look like a chump?" was the reply. "Thefellow at the other end of the line pays for these, not me." No Warship for the Fourth. It does not lcok as if there were any battle-ships available for Portland's proposed Fourth of July celebration. Puget Sound cities have applied for battle-ships for their celebrations, and have been turned down with the response that none are available. Representative Cushman took the matter up with the Navy Department, and was informed that the only battle-ships on Puget Sound this Summer will be the Ore gon and the Wisconsin. Both these ves sels will be undergoing repairs at Bremer ton. Schoolteachers Meet. A meeting of the teachers of the public schools was held in the High School yesterday, and was addressed by Dr. Woods Hutchinson on the subject of "Child Study." Dr. Hutchinson discussed the school life of the child, and had the attention of his audience until his closing sentence. The next meeting of the teachers will be "held en May 24, when City Superintendent Rlg ler will deliver an address on grammar, and Mr. Grout, of the Park School, will speak about geography. Arrested at Albant. Detective Snow went to Albany yesterday and arrested Louis Harris, charged with the larceny of a Eult of clothes, qfr the complaint of Tony Arnaud, of the Elegant saloon. Fourth street, Harris was afterward brought to this city and released on se curity being furnished for his appearance at the Municipal Court. Getting Readt for the Baths. The free swimming baths will be finished next month. They are building at Supple's boatyard on the East Side. The pontoons will be launched the laBt part of this week. Mr. L. Samuel has received the towels f or the baths, and the bathing suits will soon arrive. Grand Excursion to Multnomah Falls, Sunday, May 18, by the large and commo dious steamer "Albany." Round trip, 50c Don't fall to see the magnificent Colum bia River scenery. State Board of Dental Examiners re quests that all applicants meet at tie dental college. May 12. 9 A. M. Dr. J. L. Reavis, Or. Bldg., Pres. Dr. G. S. Wright, McMinnHle. Sec " Bargains in Vehicles. Odd high-grade jobs. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Blockade sale, cut prices. Marks Shoe Co. THE CRY OF "CHEAP" HI T3 j IU FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. A CHANGE! On account of the continued In crease of business, and upon the urgent request of my customers to add an Optical Department, I hive taken Into partnership rny brother, J. P. Jaeger, a graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Opthal mology and Otology, of Chicago, who E. J. Jagr. has brought with him the most mod- J. P. Jaeger, ern scientific appliances for examining and testing the eyes; and I am pleased to announce that we have opened In connection with our Jewelry Store a thoroughly equipped Optical Parlor, conducted upon up-to-date meth ods. Remember, we make no charge for testing, and shall be glad to have you call In and consult us regarding your eyes at any time. The firm name will hereafter be - - JAEGER BROS. And we shall continue the present policy pf giving the best that can be had for the money. It will be to your Interest to get our prices before buy ing anything In our line Our stock is new and we offer our customers the very latest novelties as fast as they are placed on the market, I thank the public for Its generous patronage since I started in business, and ask a continuance thereof for the new firm. E. J. JAEGER, of Jaeger Bros., Jewelers and Opticians, 290 Morrison St, between Fourth and Fifth (south side of street.) Carnations, Extra Large, 50 cents dozen, and all budding plants. Lamber-" son. Front and Yamhill streets. All garden plants and floral pieces ex tra reasonable. Burkhardt's, 23d .and G. Mile for 15 cents. HaSty Messenger Co. Telephones Main 53. Open all night. Portland Circle, W. of W., will give an qxcurslon to Seaside on June 15. Dr. Fehrdndach has returned from California. Office 241 First street. BOUGHT loo,ooo. Handler & Kelly "Will Sell Export and, Childs Cigars Three for Ten Cents. We cut the prices and do the business. Have Just secured 100,000 of the famous George W. Childs and Export cigars, which we will sell at three for 10 cents, or 100 for SX The retail trade supplied. The Cut-Rato Cigar and News Store, 291 Wash ington, between Fourth and Fifth. WHERE TO DINE. The best place is at 305 Washington, near Fifth. The Portland Restaurant, Strawberries, ice cream. Ices, lunches and dinners at Brandes, 145 First street The best Sunday dinner served -at Strouse's Restaurant, at popular prices. Turkey, goose, chicken a number of oth er good things. 229 Washington, between First and Second. iBrandes, 145 First street, serves the finest table de hote dinner for 50 cents. First-class French dinner, with wine, 50c; excellently cooked, 93 Fifth street MATTING AND RUGS. We have imported a large stock of mat ting and rUgs and offer them at special prices. Also Japanese and Chinese curios, fireworks. Fourth of July goods, etc SVe furnish catalogue upon application. An drew Kan & Co., cor. Fourth and Morri son streets. LETTER-CARRIERS EXCUR SION. On Sunday, June 23, 1902, the letter carriers will give one of their e er-popular excursions to Seaside. Round trip, $L "WILL YOU BE NEXT? The person has not yet been found who has tried our Dread and did not like it NorthwestBaklng Company, 319-851 Glisan. A SPORTING RESORT. Tommy Tracey and Martin Denny, the well-known pugilists, have opened a cafe at 105 Fourth street XEW ROUTE TO YELLOWSTONE NA TIONAL PARK. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pang, In connection with the Oregon Short Line, have opened a new gateway to Yel lowstone Park, known as the "Monlda Route." This new route will undoubtedly become the favorite one from this section; It takes In the famous Columbia River scenic attractions, the beautiful valleys and hills of the Blue Mountains, with privilege of d side trip from Pocatello to Salt Lake at small expense. Get execurslon rates and folders de scriptive of the trip at city ticket office Third and Washington. N. E. A. The annual meeting of the National Educational Association convenes at Min neapolis, July 7-11 All who anticipate attending the meeting and those contem plating a trip to any part of the East or South, will do well to call at O. R. & N. Coa ticket office, Thlra and Washington and get particulars about Dur special low round-trip rates. t THE GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE to the Ent. Lowest rates and most attractions via the Rio Grande lines through Salt Lake Clfy and Denver. Through sleepers. Once a week excursions. Magnificent scenery. Before buying tickets, call at office. No. 124 Third street 0 HlgTi-Gracle Pianos for Rent. Sold on easy Installments. Pianos tuned and repaired. H. Slnsheimer. 72 Third st Sounds loudly from all comers. "Goodness" is sadly neglected everywhere. IT'S DIFFERENT HERE Good things every day in the year. We steer clear of cheaply made-up clothes wouldn't give them storeroom, wouldn't pay the freight on them. issues or AimiQRrrr ITS Jfa r OUR OFFER IS THIS Good cloth, good iinings best work manship, style and durability. Prices are reasonable. $10, TO $20 FOR UNION LABEL SUITS The finest are $22.50 and $25.00. MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS' LATEST MUSIC Graves & Co; Sixth Street, near Washington. NEW INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 25c each or 5 for $1.00 Queen of the Camp Waltzes. Helnzman. Lallan Valse- Brilllante. Schatter. " faammy Slmpkins March. Billings Frits on Parade March. Sattlemalr. Ha-Ic Ha-lo Medley Walt. Rosey. Little. Boy In Blue. March and Twostep. Morse. The Pemberton March and Twostep. Spence, The Chiefs March. Appcl. The Maid o Honor March. Roey. Ma Ragtime Queen March. Barth. Graves & Co. 124 Sixth Street LEADING MUSIC DEALERS Try Azo Paper FOR YOUR PICTURES Prints in any light 4x5 per dozen 10c 4x5 per 1-2 grd 55c 4x5 per gro $1.00 Everything in Photo Goods ...Try us... D. M. AVERILL & CO. The Curio Store. 331 Morrison St. RCDUCED RATES EAST. Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of "Caglen, Minneapolis, Jane 3 to 10. For the above occasion the Great Northern Railway will make, a rate of $53 first class for the round trip from Port land. Tickets will be on sale May 25 and 29. For further Information regarding this trip, call at Great Northern city ticket office. 122 Third street. A NEW DEPARTURE. For the Mystic -Shrine convention, San Francisco, June 10-14, the Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company will sell round-trip tickets, going via steamer, re turning Shasta Route, at rate of $25, and in both directions by steamer the rate Is $20. Selling dates. June 1 to 6. Ticket of fice, Third and "Washington. OSTEOPATHY IN The tVlarquam Established 1&39. Dr. Walter A. Rorjers Graduate of The A. T. Still, Klrksvllle. School of Osteopathy. Office 532-533-53-1 Marqnam Illdff. Phone Main 27. - Dr. Gertrude L. Gates Graduate of The Northern Institute of Osteopathy. "With Dr. Rogers, except Tue., Thur. and Sat. mornings. I OSTEOPATHY DR. -L. B. SMITH. Of A. T. Still School, Klrksvllle. Mo. Old est Osteopath In Oregon. Fourth year In Portland Consultation free at office. 409 Oregonian Bldg. Phone Oak 421. DR. SWAIN, Dentist, Phone Brown 492,713 Dekum Bldg. op 4 P.IMllIllllflilIHlIll! The kind best represented by NewYork tailors It is needless to say that the styles are nearly all exclusively ours. Our assortment is not equaled in variety, even in the ordinary kind, in the Northwest, and our prices we believe no higher. Medium Size Boys fe'iilr"1? wond 1 three-piece suits, made from those exclusive fabrics that come in plain (J jr a. tf r blue and the new rich colorings JpO tO $ I O BOYS' SAILOR, NORFOLK and SUITS (ages 3 to 12 years), the most popular suits CLOSING OUT OUR Ladies' Shirtwaist Lengths Madras, 95c Oxfords, $1.95 LARGEST CLOTHIERS. IN THE NORTHWEST "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME" Want comfortable footwear. We have shoes for elderly people, made from soft leathers, maae on wide lasts and made to look well. We give special attention to the foot comfort of the "old folks at home." Right prices. $3.00 to $5.00 Goddard-Kelly Shoe Comp'y SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. FELLOWS 309 Washington Street 20 Cent'j Large Package Fostum Cereal. 20 Cents Package Figprune Cereal. 20 Cents ' Package Aqme Health Koffee. 25 Cent? 2 Packages Grape'Nuts. 25 Cents N 2 Packages Malt Breakfast Food. 25 Cents 2 Packages Ralston' s Breakfast Food. 25 Cents 2 Packages Force, or Malta Vita. 7 Cents 2-Pound Package Flaked Wheat. 25 Cents 2'Packages Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour. Notice of Appointment. PORTLAND. May 1, 1002. Mr. Frank Hacheney Dear Sir: Tou are hereby appointed resident ngent of tb Tradera" Insurance Co. at Portland. Or., and vicinity, -with full power to accept propo tsala for Insurance and to perform all other acts, on behalf of this company as aro given at this date In the Traders' certificate of au thority to agents. (SIrned) GORDON & PRAZER, General Agents, Traders" Insurance Co. for the Pacific Coast. Notice U hereby given that Frank Hacheney has been appointed resident agent for the New Zealand Insurance Company at Portland. Or., to succeed the Arm of Eugene D. White & Co. W. P. THOMAS, Marager. By a W. HAWXHURST, Special Agent. Dated April 30. 1002. The office vlll remain la the Commercial blndc rooms 3U and 318. glii!lii!ll CLOT That Equals Custom Made BHQKMf BROS.'. B0GE3S, fEET &. CO.'S and STOMACH'S SPECIALS THrS IS THE CLOTHING in which careful dressers like to greet their friends. It's always up to the minute in style, possessing those attributes that please the critical eye. It's ready-to-wear clothing, but of an entirelj different sort from the kinds that hae always been sold. It Is made to stand inspection on all points st le, fit, work and quality of fabric. You pay half what the custom tailor asks for; similar qualities, that's the difference an important oneforyou. SUITS AND TOPCOATS For Men $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 and $35 Boys' Correct CLOTHING RUSSIAN BLOUSE 'o2fIheeardSaV:he. $3.50 tO $10 Ctnwlne O fa J Cleans and bleaches the straw quickly, easily and without the least harm to the bands or hat. Snd 25 cents, stamps accepted for one box, by mall. Originated and sold only by WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. KNIGHT SHOE CO. I e Fifth and Washington Children's shoes. Prices and styles ro suit all; quality Al. Try us once. Fridays, a present with every pair. I M9tl3tet9tt THE "LENOX" SPRING 1902 A ft J, Salem Woolen Mills Store 85-87 THIRD STREET Next door north, of Chamber of Commerce Building?. HING Wa ' I '" a. ; FOURTH AND MORRISON STS. FIRST Near "Washington BICYCLES New and second-hand. Cash or installments. F. P. KEENAN OREGON. PORTLAND. ST. HELEN'S HALL, SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Offers full academic and college preparatory courses, as well as thorough Primary and In termediate Instruction. Music under the direc tory masters. Illustrated bgok of Information cent on ap plication to MISS ELEANOR TEBBETTS. Principal. C. C. NEWCASTLE, Dentist, MARQUAM BUILDING, ROOM 301 Use Renton Coa For States, SS.50 IS Best LessSaat VULCAN COAL CO. Here Is Something New'... A FASHIONABLE SUIT FOR SPRING MADE WITH Hand-Shaped Collar Hand-Padded Shoulders Hand-Made Buttonholes and Perfect-Fitting Trousers for $14 $15 $16 They are the cream of this sea son's selections; lined throughout with the best Italian and serge linings garments that "will retain their shape and prove satisfactory to the wearer. Remember, they can be purchased only at the VM V5T-- j) carman mt