u -THE- SUNDAY. OKEGOIAN, PQRTLAjNTJ, . MAY , 11, 1902. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WE SELL THE EARTH 534 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. WEST SIDE SPECIALTIES House and lot on 2d, near Grant; (2500. House and lot on Cth and Sherman; (3000; Installments. Large house on Jackson sU; (3300. House and fractional lot on Grant; $1750. 2COB HILL 9-roora residence; (5000; rents (45. 18-room residence; (8000; rents (70. Houses and cottages, Thurroan su and vi cinity, (1300 to (3500; also Improved quarter block. EAST SIDE Choice blocks on Holladay ave.. Irving. Grand and Union avenues; (2000 to (2j00. Corner on Union ave.. north of Russell, -with two-story good building; only ?.iw. THREE-ROOM HOUSE- (150 DOWN, (12 per month; beats paying rent; (500. 4-room neat cottage; fruit and garden; $350 down; (550. f-room cottage, closets and bath; (300 down, balance 3 years; (700. 0-room house, with, furniture, good out buildings, large lot; (700. 8-room house, cost (1800; lot 100x150; (400 down, bargain; (1000. 8-room house, Sunnysldo. corner; (250 down, (15 per month: snap; (850. Building lots. All prices. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 2344 Morrison st., cor. 2d. 1- $1500 FINE MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT- tage on improvea street, auunysiue, near vx 1Ine (1500 Modern 7-room cottage, Sunnyslde. (2000 Fine 0-room house, fine lot, fruit, close In and near Morrison car line; (400 or (500 down; balance on time. $1300 Good 7-room house, full lot. frulU West Side. CHARLESON & STAUB. 215 Morrison, room 12. j $1000 NEAT COTTAGE AND LOT 50x100 feet, at Woodlawn; part cash, balance In In stallments. Inquire at M. Billings- Shoe Store. 229 Morrison. FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM HOUSE. IN FIRST class location. 311 Cherry sU Phone Rus 770. FOR SALE FARMS. ARE TOU LOOKING FOR A FARM? It will pay you to look over this list care fully, as they are all good bargains. 160 acres, all under tenee, small house and barn, 12 acres In cultivation, balance easily cleared, some beaverdam, two miles from railroad, and steamboat landing; price, (18 per acre; terms easy. A very desirable place of 80 acres, all un der fence, 35 acres in cultivation, very best of soil, fair house and barn, never-falling spring of water, close to school, church, post office and creamery: miles from railroad and steamboat landing, price, (30 per acre on easy terms, possession given at once. 40 acres of good land (unimproved), three miles from -Gresham, this will make a nice farm, and can be had at the low price of (40 per acre; one-half cash, balance long time If desired. 11 acres, all In cultivation, fair house and barn. 14 miles from end of Ankeny car line, Just the place to raise potatoes and small fruits of all kinds; price (2700; terms reason able. &Q acres of unimproved land near town of Ridgefleld, easily cleared, good neighborhood; will sell at (15 per acre, on very easy pay ments. A beautiful place of CO acres, all under fence, 20 acres thoroughly Improved, living water, small house, two miles from railroad and steamboat landing; possession given at once; price (2000; this Is a fine bargain. (50 per acre will buy a flne farm of 113 acres, 9 miles from Portland. 50 acres im proved, fair house and barn, plenty of water, 500 fruit trees in bearing; good road to place. A tplendid country place of 32V4 acres, all In cultivation, modern ft-room house, heat by hot water and lighted by gas machine, large barn and carriage shed, only 8 mllos out on good gravel road; can be had for the price of the improvements. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts near town of Rock wood, 9 miles east on Base Line road, at (40 and (50 .per acre, on very easy terms. All property shown free of charge. LAMBERT & SARGENT, 233 East wasnington st. K- FARM FOR SALE 90 ACRES. 40 ACHES IN cultivation. 20 acres in pasture, balance in timber, all fenced, house. lVi story, large barn, hophouse. hoghouse. smokehouse, chicken-house, sawmill of 3000 feet capacity; flour mill. 50 bbls. capacity each 24 hours. 2 young horses and harness, 4 cons, 10 head hogs, lot of chickens, wagons, buggies, cream separator; all kinds of farm tools; blacksmith shop and tools, all the household furniture; V mile to boat landing and 2 miles to rail road, everything goes with the place, and much not mentioned here, for (5000; (3200 cash; balance on time at 0 per cent. If taken soon. This is a sacrifice sale; owner called abroad. D. L. McLeod & Co., 220 Falling bldg. $5000 FOR A FINE PLACE OF 240 ACRES. 100 In cultivation; house and fine barns, 3 acre orchard, crop In; cattle, team and farm ing utensils included. (1500 for bO acres land near La Center. Wash.; good house and barn, orchard, running water; a snap. (5000 for a fine place, 20 miles east of Portland, with 70 acres improved; good buildings; orchard, 20 head of cattle, team and all machinery. Charleson & Staub, 2454 Morrison, room 12. CATTLE RANCH. ONE OF THE BEST AND certainly the cheapest cattle ranches, only 30 miles from Portland; 480 acres; good buildings; close to school and postofllce; (10 per acre; adjoining acreage cannot be bought for less than (25 per acre. V. Schmld, 109 Grand ave., Sta. A. FARMS WE HAVE FARMS AND COLONT tracts in ail parts of estern and Southern Oregon. Call and see us before locating. Can give you valuable Information concern ing "Willamette. Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys. Sahlstrum As Patterson, 006 Com merlcal block. IMPROVED FARMS FOK. SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purcha&ers. For full particular as to various properties apply to MacMoster & Blrrell. 211 Worcester block. FOR SALE RANCH. 12 ACRES; 11 ACRES cultivated; one good work team, wagon and harness, u head cattle, farming Implements, etc. Inquire Postmaster, Mllwaukle, Or., one mile east Mllwaukle. 10-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. CLOSE IN. ALL Improved; plenty of fruit, crops all In. house furnished," good barn, cows, horse and wag ons, all for (2400, half cash. Inquire 14514 Third St., room 1. FOR SALE HOME, (1000; TEN ACRES IN cloeed; rich soil; new 0-room house; living water; fruit; U miles from city; lfe miles from depot. 607 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. 163 ACRES. 14 MILES FROM MONROE. Or., 100 acres plow, balance orchard and pasture; small house, barn, running water; $2800. half cash. E. Maude. Mayne Island. B. C. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! IN WESTERN Oregon and Washington; all kinds and pi iced. Also choice acreage tracts. Favorable terms. W O. Waddel. 205V; Morrison st. 2000 A FARM OF 00 ACRES. 20 IM proved, 20 pasture, 20 unimproved; well watered; 2 miles from boat and railroad; easy terms. Call at 367 6th sU FOR SALE-320 ACRES. 12 MILES FROM Oregon City, 100 acres In cultivation; two dwellings; large barn; 3 orchards. Dr. Bla ney, Allsky bldg. FOR SALE 10 ACRES. WITH GOOD HOUSE and barn. Improvements; 7 miles east, near Clarnle, O. R. & N. Railway. A. J. HowltU POLK COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. IN close stamp for descriptive pamphlet. H. G. Campbell. Dallas. Polk County, Or. 100-ACRE FARM 10 MILES SOUTHWEST, near Llnnton, 25 acres cultivated, new house and barn. Sen male, 220 First. SO ACRES, JOSEPHINE CO., OR; SMALL bearing orchard, etc; cheap or trade. Q 0, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHOICE WILLAMETTE VAL ley farm lands. G. W. Knelb, box 428, Port land, Or. , (20 AN ACRE. 5 MILES FROM VANCOU vcr. 125-acre farm, 65 cultivated. 392 East Morrison. FOR HUNT FARMS. FOR RENT 240 ACRES. 100 IN CULTIVA tion; house and fine barns; lot of cows and team on place; 2 creameries close by; rent (200 per year. Charleson & Staub, 2454 Morrison, room 12. FOR RENT RIVER-BOTTOM FARM. 709 Chamber of Commerce building, or take steamer Undine. Taylor - street Dock, for Pearcy's Landing. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS YELLOW and White Pine, Fir. Spruce and Cedar. Splendid Woiklng Mines. Government Lands and Scrip Mills and Municipal Bonds. Choice bunch of claims now. Come, join party. Questions answered for Eastern emi grants. J. L. Martin & Co., 001 Oregonlan. FOR SALE 4000 ACRES OF FINE TIMBER land, all in one body, greater part will aver age 12,000.000 feet to quar.er section, 9 miles from railroad; this Umber Is unexcelled In Oregon; buyers only; no agents. XXX, care Oregonlan. SUGAR PINE CAN LOCATE SOME GOOD claims In the famous sugar pine belt; also have flne timber lands Jn different parts of the state. Sahlstrom & Patterson. COO Com mercial block A SNAP 280 ACRES OF TIMBER, 30 MILES from Portland, only (1100. 504 Goldsmith street. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. WE ARE NOW PREPARE! TO LOCATE A few more desirable timber claims. For par ticulars call at M. BU!ln-s shoe store. 223 Morrison sL (2.50 AN ACRE. 80 ACRES. FINE PINE AND spruce timber; near river. CSS East Stark. W A.N TED HEAL ESTATE. WILL BUT FOR CASH. A 0 OR 7-ROOM modern house, one or two lots. E. Side; will go out as far as 40th tut ; niu.it lay -ugh and nice. Address P. O. Box 2u5t), Sta. A. WANTED FIVE TO TEN ACRES, WELL Improved land, with house, near car line; monthly Installments; state price, location, best terms. O 0, Oregon ian. WANTED FROM ONE" TO FOUR ACRES land; good house, barn, orchard and Im provements; near city; answer Immediately. A 8. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY RESIDENCE, 0 TO 10 rooms; must be cheap; on Installments; give particulars, slice and location. R 5, ore gonlan. Have customers for city ana suburban proper ty. If you wish to sell list your property with me. T. A. Wood. 141 First st. TO BUT SMALL COTTAGE. WHOLE OR half lot, In suburbs; must be reasonable; no agents. 75 North 13th st. WANTED TO -BUT PORTLAND. OLYMPIA and Seattle real estate; state price and lo cation. X 4, Oregonlan FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. New TYPEWRITERS, all maxes. KEXTKD and SOLD Exjert repairing. Office sup plies; Mimeograph work, Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co., 2J1 Stark, t'boue Main -o. FOR SALE LIVERY STABLE AND OUTFIT, including 15 bead of hones and 15 rigs, building 50x100; must be soid on account of ill health. Address M U7. care Oregonlan. A (400 LAUNCH FOR $25, A (50 ROWBOAT for J5. This Is entire cost of boat by 'i-he Brooks System. Send stamp for particulars. Brooks Boat Mfg. o.. liay City, .jiicn. SECOND-HAND BICYCLES, FROM (2 UP; all bicycles over (5 are in good repair; new bicycles from (10 up. Portland Gun Store, 231 First, between Salmon and Main. FOR SALE-NATiONAL CASH REGISTER aiXi safe; both n goou condition; whl traue for stock of groceries or tinware. Apply Fred Thompson, 400 E. Bumside. EGGS-SI PER SETTING FROM THOROUGH bred Plymouth ilocks, Leghorns, Wyando.us, Mlnorcas and Langshans. J. E. Uameubein, station B, Portland. Or. ONE JERSEY. YOUNG, ONE DURHAM, fresh; cheap If sold at once. First house west rpservolr No. 2, Section Line. Phono Union 1448. i FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS 'BILLIES, nannies and wether; also Cotswold sneep trams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove. Or. OLD-FASHIONED BLACK WALNUT. MAR ble top bedroom set; also three-quarter bed, the same. 453 Beech eU, east of Union ave 200 WAGONS, 250 SETS HARNESS. 100 SAD dles. Wagons and horses to hire by day or month. -Tomllnson & Hall. 211 Washington. FOR SALE FINE LOT AT LONG BEACH, one block from depot, also one DecLer Bros, square piano. O 7, care Oregonlan. MADE TO ORDER NELSON BUGGY, GOOD as new; cost (250; will trade for suburban lots. Address K 5, care Oregonlan. FINE YOUNG PEDIGREED ENGLISH SET ter, nearly trained; will sacrifice for (50. W. A. Jones, Burlington, Wash. FOR SALE-CONTRACT OREGON MUTUAL Home Society. Portland. Or., No. 187. 283 Fourth. Phone Front 1501. FOR SALE LADY'S WHEEL, ALMOST new; standard make; terms reasonable. Ad dress V C, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP. A GOOD, GENTLE horse, 1000 pounds; good traveler; good worker. X 0, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FEW FINE GRADE JERSEY cows, fresh, gentle and town broke. Ad dress D 7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE REFRIGERATOR CHEAP; over 1O0 pounds capacity. Inquire at 32 North Sth st. FOR SALE (22: WASHBURN MANDOLIN; case and music rack, (10. Inquire 3v5 Washington st. FOR SALE LADY'S WHEEL; NEW; FIRST class condition; at sacrlnce. Call morning. 342 Clay st. FOR SALE GOOD 5-YEAR-OLD SADDLE pony, cheap. If taken at once. Call 410 Jef ferson street. 1 FOR SALE FRESH COW; YOUNG. GEN Ue, part Jersey. 435 E. SOth, near Division street. VERT; GENTLE PONY. FOR CHILDREN: cither ride or drive; cheap. 365 East Wash ington. A GOOD DRIVING HORSE; ALSO A FINE double set of harness. C74 Irving st., cor. 21st. FOR SALE 3 FRESH COWS. CORNER 10TH and Umatilla ave, Sellwood. Phone Scott 594. i AWNINGS Get prices from A. C. Pike Tent &. Awning Co.. 107 N. Third. Tel. South SSO. i Awnings and tents; lowest prices. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 27 N. 1st. Phn. N. 1611. SECOND-HAND SAFE, EASY PAYMENTS. Norrls Safe & Lock Co., cor. 2d and Stark u. i FOR SALE-LADY'S CLEVELAND BICYCLE, good as new; (15. 80 West Park, near Stark. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF AN ELEGANT ly furnished 4-room flat. -4S Union block. Several new and second-hand wagons and bug gies, light and heavy. 51 4th. near Pine. FOR SALE ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES. 1210 E. Yamhill er 5 Worcester block. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. INQUIRE T. Floss, Hotel Rhelnpfalz, Portland, Or. FOR SALE PREMO B CAMERA. 4x5; first-class condition. L 0, Oregonlan. THREE-KARAT FLASHY DIAMOND; (125; one-third price. M 8. Oregonlan. ilUOKS uoOull'l, SuLb AM) i..it,'it.i. .r.. at the Old Book Store. 220 Yamhill. FOR SALE A JERSEY COW. C. R1ES, Portsmouth. Inquire after 0 P. -M. FOR SALE TWO FINE ROLLER DESKS; cheap. 2454 Morrison St., room It. PIANO, IN USE ONE YEAR, COST (275; A bargain. (105 cash. 308 Alder. BABY'S HIGH CHAIR AND BASKET CHAIR for sale. Inquire 214 13th sU FOR SALE BABY BUGGY. GOOD AS NEW. 015 Fourth st,, of. Caruthers. VERY CHOICE BELGIAN HARES AT YOUR own price, at 240 Arthur st. NEW GAS STOVE. LATEST IMPROVED, for sale. 506 Rodney ave. DIAMOND. TURQUOISE RING. (35; COST (05. D 8. Oregonlan. GOUD 'iEAM; WAGON AND HARNESS FOxt sale. CS9 E. Morrison. FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN. COO WATER st. Phone Front 2011. FOR SALE-FRESH COW AND CALF. Phone West 3o04. STEARNS RACER NEW, (20; COST (60. J 8, Oregcnlan, HELP WASTED-MALE. WANTED BY WTELL ESTABLISHED bouse, traveling salesman; very attractive, salable line, yielding large profits. Liberal and unique inducements to retail trade. High priced men Investigate. O. P. Blackstead, 25 W. Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. WANTED A SECOND HAND FOR SPIN nlng rooms; must be a good mule fixer; wages (2 per day; also some mule spinners on D. & F. mules; wages (1.50 per day. Ap ply by mall to Napa Woolen Mills, Naps, Cal. SALESMEN ARE AVERAGING (100 WEEK ly selling the Little Giant Twenty Dollar Soda Fountain; one-half of earnings paid dally; write quick. Grant Mfg. Co. (Inc.), Third and Wood sts., Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED - IMMEDIATELY. YOUNG MAN to take charge of our sporting goods depart ment, wholesale and retail; must mall first class references with application. Jensen, King Byrd Co.. Spokane. Wash. ALL PERSONS FOLLOWING IN SKILLED or clerical lines should call and register.' We can help you. No fee until situation is secured. ConfidentlM. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 227H Washington st. SALESMAN WANTED. HUSTLING SALES man for Oregon by well -established whole sale house. High commission contract, with (25 weekly advance while traveling. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. HELP WANTED 31 ALK. 1 ANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN. TO call on all kinds of business houses, manu facturers, whclesals and retail stores and banks, to Introduce and sell our magnificent Advertising Calendars, comprising over 200 difCeixnt ttylcs. ail original, late, handsome patterns; nothing like them ever sees before. Customers want and buy at once on seeing them: really no competition; wonderful works of art. We pay largest commission. Those giving exclusive time to the worc readily make (100 to (150 every week. We guarantee them to be the best z.de itne for trawling men ever heard of. Wr.te at once with ref erence. AH commissions paid promptly. Success assured. American Novelty Co., Cincinnati. O. WANTED-EXPERIENCED SALESMEN, TO call on all kinds of business houses, manu facturers, wholesale and retail -.tores and banks, to Introduce and sell our magnificent Advertising Calendars, compilsing over 200 diftercnt styles, all original, late, handsome patterns; nothing like them ever seen before. Customers want and buy at once on seeing them; really no competition; wonderful .works of art- We pay largest commission. Those giving exclusive time to the work readily make (100 to (150 every week. We guaran tee them to be the best side line for traveling men ever heard of. Write at once, with rei erences. All commissions paid promptly. Suc cess assured. American Novelty Co., Cin cinnati, O. GRALER AND YARD FOREMAN. GOOD wages; planenrian, (3; sawyer and planer man, (2.75 to sJ; planing mill and S. and D. man, (05; barkers. (2.25 to (2.50, skldtad men. (2.10; R. R. laborers, -2; 5 section men, fL75; 2 tcraper holders, ?2.2o; 3 teamsters. 2; bridge carpenters,- (3; machinists (3.25 to (3.50; 15 men and teams, (4 to (7, shingle bolt cutters, (1; woodchoppers, 90c to (lriu; farmhands and -milkers, (z5 to (30. Caa dlan Kmi.loynuttt Co.. 220rs MorrUout branches, 247 BQrnslde and 51 N. Third. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE IN B.VERV town to look alier tie worn, fit a prominent clock company. No canvassing, soliciting or peddling; no talking or umpie tnotving. Work can be done mainly um own home In spare time, by persons wclv cunn.eted and with large acquaintance. Professional men or women prominent In public aaalrs-. pre ferred. Experience uanecesary. Active, in telligent workers can Bisk.? twenty dollars and over weekly. nefience icqulred. An swer glvlnr full particulars to Clock . Co.f P. O. Bo 1182. New lork City. WANTED-CLOTHING SALESMEN TO OPEN and operate sate cgencies for Americas Greatest Tailors. Exclusive rights- given, proper facilities fu nl h-d to rgnt parties; woolens in tte idcce for dispiay purposes iu plied if required, .am lea (urnhea tiee; auo advertising matt, r and stationery. A num ber of our sales au.s are making from (1200 to (3500 per j.-r. Write for itrms and full Information. Address Agenc.' ucpi. A, Lock Box 800. CI-1 a so. EXPERIENCED. M.CCESSFUL SALESMAN to work countrj merchants with beat p.opo sltlon ever ptescnt-d, standard line: leading manufacturer; cacker-jack" advertising plan; Insures crdcrs in nearly every town; commission advanced; averages (JO on each order: permanent to right man. Box fn"G, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY PERSON IN each county to manage business, oid cstao Ushed house; to.!d financial standing. Straight, bona-flde weekly cash salary, (li, paid by check each Wednes-day. with all ex penses. Hlrect from headquarters ; money ad vanced for expenses. Manager, C53 Caxton bldg., Chicago. THOUSANDS ALE SUCCESSFUL, GAINING better salaries and positions studying elec tricity, mechanl.al engineering, mecnanlcal drawing at home by coirespondncc. Thomas A. Edison Indorse. Institute. Book "Can I .Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Inst.tute, New York. WANTED-SALESMEN EVERYWHERE TO sell our (L (2, (4 and (5 accident and. health Insurance policies combined wlkh registration; big commissions; (250,000 ileporliea for pro tection of policy holders'; salesmen making (10 to (25 dally. Travelers' Identification Co., 307 Fulton st., Brooklyn. N. Y WANTED A COMPETENT SALESMAN TO represent a San Francisco frulthouse on Gray's Harbor as a side line; state terms. Address P. O. box 2208. San Francisco, Cal. Men wanted to learn bamer trade; constant practice and expert Instruction until compe tent. No limit to term. Catalogue, free. Molcr Barber College, San Francisco. CaL BRIGHT. ACTIVE MAN OF STEADY HAB lts and good address; must furnish refer ences; good pay to right party. Call 433 Everett st.. between 4 and 0 P. M., today. WANTED A HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTY man to sell our line to general store trade. First-class proposition to right party. Ad dress 1615 Manhattan bldg., Chicago. GENTLEMEN WANTED TO REPRESENT our Co-operative Turf Association in every city. W. H. Cole, treasurer, 015 Emma Spreckels bldg., San Francisco, Cal. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who bujt direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, H. C Fisher, Fisher bldg.. Chicago. WANTED A SHREWD. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, to All vacancy; general mercantile trade. Apply at once, M. F. Blxler Co.. Ltd.. Cleveland. Ohio. t YOUNG PERSONS TO TRAIN AS NEWS- paper artists with Dan McCarthy, the famous cartoonist. Write for free lesson, Summer rates. 87 World bldg.. New York. f- WANTED MUSICIANS FOR SUMMER SEA son; people double in orchestra preferred. Address Leondor Bros. U. T. C. Co., 925 E. Stark st., Portland, Or. MAN OF ABILITY TO HANDLE ADVER tlslng proposition on salary, about six weeks to two months; state experience, salary ex pected, references, etc WANTED-MANAGER FOK BRANCH OF flce; salary (1800 yearly; man with (5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer, 203-7 Security Bulldtnr, Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. SALESMEN TO SELL TOILET SOAP TO dealers; (100 per month salary and expenses; experience unnecessary. Louu Ernst Co., Su Louis, Mo. SALESMEN TO SELL PERFUMES, TOILET soaps, etc., to dealers; (10 monthly and ex penses. Plumer Perfumery & Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED MEN FOR QUARRY WORK; drillers. (2.25; pick and saovel men, (2 per day. Apply D. E. Uudd, 110 First su No ofiice fee. SOLICITORS FOR SICK AND DEATH BEN cflt order. Best seller; biggest pay to hust lers. Write quick. S. Kothblum, Boston, Mass. ENERGETIC SALESMAN. SCHOOL SUP plics; countrj work; (100 aiary ind ovm missions. R. O. Evans fc Co., Chicago-. 'III. WANTED A YOUNG MAN. WILLING TO woik; a stenographer and typewriter. Ad dress B. T. W., box W 7, care Oregonlan. WANTED BOY. UK WHOLESALE STORE, to lenrn buMness from ground up; must write a good hand. Address X 5. care Oregonlan. WANTED GOODt SOBER AND INDUS trlous man who understands care of horses and carriages. Call 530 Montgomery st. TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT BY PRACTICAL railroad operator evenings, at Behnke's Com mercial College. 614 Commercial block. SOLICITORS AND. COLLECTORS; PERMA ncnt, growing business; liberal contract to men of ability. 31 Hamlltsn building. WAftliii-AK EXPERIENCED LIFE UN derwritcr; good contract to right party. Ad dress M. T. Kady. COS Oregonlan. WANTED A YOL'NG MAN. 17 OR IS YEARS; as clerk In cigar store. Call Monday after noon, between 2 and 5. 14S Cth st. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED. EXPERI ence unnecessary; jgood pay. Emanuel fc Co., Station "J," New York City. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE barber trade; must have some money. Ad dress P 4, care Oregonlan. WANTED PUPILS IN LATIN. LITERA ture, mathematics; (5 month. Leave address, will call. J 97. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN FOR PANTRY WORK. CALL Thompson's Restaurant, Fifth St., between Washington and Alder. WANTED SALESMAN. LOCAL OR TRAV eltng; salary or commission. Perry Nursery Co.. Rochester. N. Y. BOY. IS YEARS OF AGE. TO WORK IN cigar store; must live at home; reference re quired. 123 Sixth su MAN AND WIFE WANTED ON STOCK farm; couple without children preferred. In quire 91 Grand ave. WANTED LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE MAN agc; (75 and com. Send stamp. Godfrey Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED IRON SHIPBUILDERS TO RB patr steei masts and spars. Willamette Boil er Works. WANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH SOME Ex perience In drug business. Address B 8, care Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS TO REPRESENT GOOD company; (5 to (10 day. 819 Chamber Commerce. HELP WMTED-XALE. YOUNG MEN WITH NATURAL TALENT for drawing to learn newspaper Illustrating from famous artists by mall; free lesson cir cular. School of Caricature, 85 World build ing. New York. WANTED AT SELLWOOD, AT ONCE, first-class cobbler. W. G. Hlrschberg. Refer cn.es. . WANTED A FEW GOOD MACHINE MEN fof ripsaws. Apply Doernbecher Mfg. Cp. BOY TO MAKE CANDY SUNDAYS AND evenings. Apply today. 353 Yamhill st. AGENTS Both sexes; high salary, city, coun try. Star Mfg. Co., 242 Washington st. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN second work; reference. Call 44 Ella st. WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 YEARS of age. Apply at factory, 23 Front st. WANTED WOOD TURNER. OREGON FUR nlture Mfg. Co., 210 First. BOY WANTED AT NAU'S PHARMACY. Call 12 o'clock. HELP WASTED-FEMALE. WAITRESSES. E. O.. SO. OR.. GRAY'S HAR bor; girl for coast, meet employer, fares; cooks, camp, h6tel and B.-H.; waitresses; oecond girls; chambermaids,; housekeepers; housework, all prices, city and country. Canadian Parlors, 2264 Morrison. Wanted a middle-aged woman who would . appreciate, a good, home, to do light housework and assist In care of C boys, one 8 years old and one an Infant; no cooking nor washing; wages, (8 per month. Send ad - dress to T , care Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FROM 12 TO 15 YEARS ola a companion to a married lady, for lour or five months: from poor family preferred, clothing and best of care; highest of refer ences. Address at once G 103, Oregonlan. LADIES-SOMETHING NEW,. MAKING SO f& pillows at home; (8 to (15 weekly; ma terial furnished. No canvassing. Steady work. Send stamped, addressed envelope. Household , Mfg. Co., Erie s... Chicago. LADJES TO DO PIECEWORK. AT THEIR homes; we furnish all materials and pay f.ciu (7 to (12 weekly. Send stamped en velope to Royal Co., -34, Monroe et., Cnicago. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES STEADY positions in fancy good . hosiery, dry goodj anu house-furnishlng,gois; state references, experience, etc. u 9, cere Oregonlan. A.NlED-,A MIDDLE-AGED LADY, SWED lsh preferred, to keep house for widower anJ two lKtle boys Take MontaVllla car to end. Inquire of O. Westland. ACTIVE CATHOLIC LADY TO YORK AT home; (30 paid for. 12 days' trial. Perma nent if satisfactory. John Engwall, Lake side bjdg.,i CblcagOi . (10 PER 3003 COPYING LETTERS AT HOME to be sent to us; two stamps with applica tion Inter-Ocean Industrial Union, Dept. 15. Chicago. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, unall family. East Sloe; must be neat; wages (18 per month. K 0, Oregonlan. I WANT AS MANY ALTERATION HANDS as can be obtained: must be hqporable and understand their business thoroughly. H. B. Lltt, LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME. (4 TO (0 per week. Send stamped envelope for ap plication. Monarch Novelty Co.. Dept. Of. Chicago. THOuuUGHLY ' EXPERIENCED qiRL FOR confectionery and Ice cream parlor, city. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 22Vi Washing ton. ELDERLY LADY FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; German preferred. Captain H. Schneider, end of Montavllla car, Base Line road. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: family four adults. Call Monday or Tuesday forenoon. 292 Tillamook street. LADIES WANTED TO DO EMBROIDERY and Battenberg at their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co.', Chicago, 111. WANTED TO DO HOUSEWORK FOR TWO in family. Call after 2 P. M. Sunday or Monday morning at, 208 Arthur st'. COMPETENT GJRL FOR COOKING AND general housework, small family, flat. Ap ply mornings, 531 Montgomery. WANTED APPRENTICE FOR DRESSMAK lng; paid while' learning; also, a good skirt maker. 633 Montgomery st. WANTED BY ELDERLY COUPLE. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; good homo. 015 20th. Portland Heights. AN EXPERIENCED' NURSF WITH REF erences to take entire charge of Infant. In quire 713 Washington st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of twor good wages. 244 24th St., near military academy. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of two. Apply today and to morrow, 781 Lovejoy. WANTED A GIRL FROM 14 TO 10 TO AS slst In housework In family of three. Apply at 551 Everett street. WOMAN. NOT T YOUNG, WHO CAN furnlsli references, for position of trust. B 7, care Oregonlan. . TWO GIRLS, ABOUT 15; MUST WRITE good hand. Apply Monday morning before 9:30. 171 3d. WANTED A RELIABLE WOMAN TO TAKE charge of panto work, The Norton, 12th and Morrison. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; no cooking or washing. Apply C71 Gllian et.. before 12. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Phone Blue 015. Apply 750 E. Burnslde. AVANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In small family. C94 Everett su, near 21st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Irvington. -J4T E. 12th, near Tilla mook. ' WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work; If preferred, to sleep at home. 410 7th tU WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE of child, afternoons. Inquire mornings. 103 12th su FhtST-CLASS HAIRDRESSER AND MANI curlsu 311 Morrison street, opposite post pone. . ,, WANTED- GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 253 N. 22d st. Phone West 874. i ACME-KMP. BURRAUi. ISA MORRISON. Heip 1tt; to employer. Phone North 2Ni. Col. 2S7 WANTED -EXPERIENCED STEXOGRA pher; state salary. Address B 10, Oregonlan 0 waitresses, restrts., hotels: b. h, cook. Asto ria, (23; -domestics, etc Draker 2.J5H Wash. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. two in family. Inquire 394 Salmon sU WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN THE BEST paylng business for ladles. 311 Morrison su COMFETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, wages (IS; good treatment. 321 Eugene sU GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK AND take care of child 2 years old. 135 N. 23d su WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework; (12 month. 1684 lth U Competent girt to no second work in small family. 275 24th et., cor. Overton. WANTED COMPETENT DRESSMAKER. None other need apply. 552 Pettygrove. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: waahlntr sent ouU 311 Clay su WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST FINISH cr. Apply at room 04 Lewli building. WANTED GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework. 741 Gllsan sU WANTED A COOK: SMALL FAMILY; GOOD wages. 778 Flanders sU WANTED GIRL . FOR SECOND WORK who can sew. 303 0th sU GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. Phone Unlqn 902. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK. Apply at 748 Johnson sU GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 63 North 11th. GIRLS WANTED APPLY AT FACTORY, 23 Front sU HELP WAXTED-MALE OP FEMALE MEN AND WOMEN TO DO COPYING AT home; (5 to (12 weekly working evenings; no canvassing: Inclose stamp. King Mfg. Co., 3 Warren Ave., Chicago. LEARN PROOFREADING: SITUATION &E cured, (15 to (25 weekly. Homer Correspondence-School, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WASTED MALB. Bookkeeper and Clerk. A YOUNG MAN OF 30. SINGLE, ACTIVE and upright In all dealings, with three years' experience in banking, three years In hard ware and seven years In Jobbing and retail sporting goods; wishes a permanent position with an up-to-date Western house; knows factory discounts on sporting goods to East ern buyers, from A to Z, and familiar with up-to-date shelf hardware and tinware; cor respondence Invited. Address F 6, Oregonlan. POSITION BY YOUNG MAN. 25 YEARb old, of good address, rapid and accurate ac countanu thoroughly competent bookkeeper and cashier; Eastern and city references; a chance to get the right man. Address H 99, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN IN wholesale or retail business; also office work; willing to do anything; several years' expe rience. Aacress i, uregoman. I- SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. Canadian, as stenographer or bookkeeper; several years' experience; good references. Address B 5. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS COLLECTOR, bookkeeper and clerk, combined or any one; bonds and references furnished; living wages. M C, care Oregonlan. GENERAL OFFICE MAN DESIRES SITUA tlon with lumber concern or cannery having offices on Coast. Address V 9, care Orego nlan. GENERAL ALL-AROUND OFFICE MAN. bookkeeper, clerk, typewriter, etc, wants situation; references O. K. Box 324. city. BY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND office man; native son; at present' holding re sponsible position. V 4, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND STE nographcr wishes position; wages moderate. Address L 7, Oregonlan. A nEuiSTERED DRUGGIST. FIVE YEARS1 experience, wisher position by June 1; refer ences. N 8. Oregonlan. EXrEitiENCED GROCERY CLERK WISHES position. Address S 7, Oregorjlan. - : x Miscellaneous. WE HAVE REGISTERED WITH US FOR situations, accountants, bookkeepers, stenog rapners and clerks, all line, both sexes; nlco machlnUts, engineers, electricians,, draftsmen; best ' of references with each. When in need of help call and see us. Clerks Registration Bureau, 227,s Wasnington su . , WANTED BY S1LVRT. ENERGETIC Busi ness woman, experienced, position to travel for ladles underwear, furnishing goods, hos iery or corsets, salary or part salary and commission. N 0, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY AN ALL-AROUND man of ability and experience, as engineer In saw nflll; or would take, iuterest In small, well-located mllL. D 97, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. WITH BEST" REFERENCES, having six years' experience In general store, desires place In retail or wholesale house. G 5, Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH FARM AND DOMESTIC hands; also other help. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 208 Everett su Telephone Black 992. POSITION WANTED AS BUTTERMAKER in creamery, by young unmarried man, with reference and experience. P 09, Oregonlan. A COLORED MAM WANTS GARDEN AND lawn work, by day or hour. Address A 9, care Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION IN ELECTRIC light -or power plant; experienced. T 5, care Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers ana Stenographer. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER. EXCEL lent speller and grammarian, desires, few hours' afternoon work dally; manuscript re vised. C 7. Oregonlan. ; YOUNG LADY, FINISHED ' LETTER wrlter, would conduct social or business cor respondence of invalids or others. Y- 7, Ore gonlan. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER, by young woman; six years experience; best refetencci Apply T 4, care Oregonlan. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. YOUNG woman, desires position In office; experU enced; references. B 0, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER, understands stenography, desires position. G 0, care Oregonlan. POSITION, BY LADY STENOGRAPHER; Ex perience In office work. Address 512 Mar quam bldg. Domestic. WANTED SITUATION. EY AN EXPERI enced girl, to do cooking and general house work in small family. Call Monday, at 770 Minnesota avenue, near Beech, Lower Albino. GOOD PLAIN COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER wants place In plain- ramlly; no laundry work or waiting table. Address K J, care Ore gonlan. WANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK BY young married English woman: half day pre ferred. M. M., 851 First sU. South Portland. WANTED-HOUSEWORK. BY THE DAY; terms reasonable. Room M, northeast cor ner Union avenue and Oak. GIRL. GOOD HOUSEKEEPER. WANTS TO work and go to school. Address F 9, care Oregonlan. Iloaieke'epert. WANTED AT ONCE A POSITION AS housekeeper for widower by respectable, middle-aged lady. Call at National Hotel, room 43. MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW WISHES SITUA tlon as housekeeper rooming-house or wid ower. Address E 7 care Oregonlan. SITUATION IN HOTEL OR LODGING housc as housekeeper, by competent woman. T 0, Oregonlan. Nurses. WANTED-NURSING. BY PROFESSIONAL nurse. 2S6 Caruthers,, between Fourth and Fifth. Drcnsmakcrs. ACCORDION PLAITING AND PINKINO done; the latest Improved machjne. used; also suits cut, any style, stitched, ready to finish. Fit guaranteed. S2 up? Dressmaking taught, with perfect-fitting system: Including, sys tem. (15. Mrs. F. J. Browning, room ,44, . upstairs. Cambridge block. 3d and Morrison. LADIES TAILORING. JACKETS. COATS and skirts, fancy Spring drosses, done at S3 Sth St.. near newCustom-House. All work guaranteed. WAISTS, (1.25; SKIRTS. (3. 701 FOURTH street. MlMcellanepns. AN EXPERIENCED MILLINER DESUIES work nt home: old material worked up: charges reasonable; work called for. Ad-- dress Milliner, -o aiarKet su r EXPERIENCED WOMAN; WITH REFER ences, will launder lace curtains. 35c pair. Address 74 Raniolph. corntr of Goldsmith, Albino. Phone Rus 027. AS MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER. BY RE flned respectable, unincumbered widow; ex perienced In rooming-house business. B 0. Oregonlan. A LADY WILL TAKE CHARGE OF CHIL dren at the coast or in countrj during vaca tion, can furnish city references. L 8. Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY VERY COMPE tent woman, with daughter, as camp or mill cook. St. Louis. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. (- BY AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK; Doaruing-nouse. caiui ii uuici. . -us vuiuuiuia streeU GOOD GIRLS. AT THE WORKING GIRLS Home. 291 Third sU, today. Phone Hood 499. Order chambermaids, waitress.' s. domestics, cooks, of Drake, 2054 Wash. Clay 445. LADY CASHIER IN RESTAURANT WILL work for expenses. X 7, Oregonlan. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. OREGON Phone Front 1307. EXPERIENCED COOK WHSKES SITUATION. Q 7, Oregonlan. XV ANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED BRIGHT. ENERGETIC men and women to represent our business In their locality. Business high grade and prof itable. No cash required. Write at once for proposition. The Sprague Publishing Co., 733 Majestic bldg.. DetrolU Mich. LIVE AGENTS CAN AVERAGE FROM (5 TO (15 per day selling imitation onyx soda fountains; celling price. (15.00 to (50.O0. Send for catalogue. Fountain Department, Acc-ro Brass Works, Chicago. WANTED AGENTS. A PROMINENT LIFE INSURANCE COM pany, with old established business, desires a few more gentlemen of character, energy and ability to act as representatives In Port land and through the state. Previous exper ience not necessary; liberal compensation and rapid piomotlon for successful men. Good agents especially desired in Eastern and Southern Oregon. Energetic, reliable men desirous cf learning a profitable occupation will find a good opening. Experienced agents who are steady producers, will receive lib eral renewal Interests In past business, in addition to regular commission. Men want ed for earnest, hard, determined work; no others desired. First-class references re quired. All communications will be held strictly confidential. Address Manager. X 45 care Oregonlan. AGENTS WANTED I AM TRYING TO CON vlnce you that I have a plan which will en able you to earn a hundred dollars a month, or more, but I have no means of knowing who you are unless you first send me your name and address. I would gladly explain this new plan to you, as It Is one which requires no capital, outfit, or former ex perience; It Is suitable to either sex, and no one knows you aro my agenU Nlnety-nlno per cent of the population are your pos sible customers. Occupies all or part of your time, as you wish. W. M. Griffin, Key 175, Fort Wayne, Ind.. Is the address you snouia write to for rree particulars, una work Is permanent and the profits accumu lative. (S000 PER YEAR POSITIVELY MADE AT home or traveling introducing our Just pat ented fire extinguishers. Marvelous Inven tion. Big money-maker, great seller. Enor mous demand. Over 35,000 already sold. Everybody buys. They save Insurance, pre vent big fires and protect lives. We give agents exclusive teritory and help them In every way. Write for catalogue and testi monials from largest corporations. Begin a big business now. The Eagle Tool Co., nf., 450, Cincinnati, O. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield. McKlnley; their illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete Inside history of the villainous plottlngs of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; 60 per cent profit; freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents In stamps. 008 Star Bldg., Chicago. WANTEDGOOD. LTVE AGENTS TO SELL our nlckle-plated store and window display fixtures on commission: also, wire cash car riers, good for either exclusive or side line. National Pneumatic Service Co., 118-132 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. WE WILL PAY SALARY, EXPENSES AND liberal commission to experienced general agents, who can hire solicitors for the sale of fast-selling publications. No canvassing. Sprague Wholesalo Company, 710-770 Monon Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS START GENERAL MERCHAN dlse business with your own 340-page cata logue; sample. 20;; circulars free; everything furnished In your name. DepU OS, Rapid Mfg, Co., Chicago, 111. AGENTS AND QTHERS, PUT UP AND sell your own 'flavoring extracts. We have formulas for 54 klnda; they are easily made. Will send them all with full instructions, and information where to get supplies needed In their manufacture, for (1.00. Wheaton & Co., New Bedford, Moss. AGENTS WANTED FOR BROHARD SASH Lock and Brohard Door Holder. Workers everywhere can earn big money. A steady demand for these goods. Sample sash lock free for 2c stamp to pay postage. The Brohard Co., Dept. 10, Philadelphia, Pa, AGENTS WE HAVE WHAT PEOPLE wanu Lamp that makes Its own gas at cost of 1 cent a day. Sells for (L Will send small model free to those wishing to work for us. Write our DepU B. today. Em pire Gaslight Co.. 150 Nassau sU, N. Y. STOP RUNAWAYS POCKET HITCHING posts hitch horses solid Instantly; carry in- pocket; sell at sight: agents wanted; particulars free. Pocket Hitching Post Co., Richmond, Ind. J- WANTED RIDER AGENTS TO RIDE AND exhibit sample 1902 bicycle and distribute 1000 catalogues in payment for It; write for catalogue and particulars. T. W. Mead Cycle Co., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN can make (10 dally selling our gas stove mantels; save 50 per cent gas; retails 25c. Gas Stove Mantle Co.. 102 Michigan st., Chi cago. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY, county, to handle best-paying business known; legitimate: new: exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 13 W. 2Sth St., N. Y. WANTED AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY to sell "Family Memorials." Good profits and steady work. Address Campbell & Co., 335 Plum sU. Elgin. 111. AVE PAY (20 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rig to introduce our Poultry Com pound. Send stamp. Javelle Mfg. Co., DepU 142, Parsons, Kan. BIG MONEY MADE IN MAIL-ORDER Bus iness; conducted by any one, anywhere. Par ticulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. CASH PAID FOR DISTRIBUTING CIR culars. Send stamp. American Distributer, Kansas City. Mo. WANTED TO RENT. BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY" FOR GEN tlemon, wife and daughter; prefer a place with grounds, located in the city or near same. Address s., P. O. box 707, I 1 WANTED JULY 1, HOUSE. ABOUT TEN rooms, centrally located; state terms and location. Address O 3, Oregonlan. FIVE OR SIX-ROOM SUBURBAN COTTAGE and yard. East Side; would buy on install ments. Phone Union 1745. WANTED AT GEARHART PARK, COM- pletely furnished cottage, Ave beds. Address 411 Commercial block. i i COUNTRY HOTEL IN GOOD WESTERN Washington or Oregon town. Address Box 135, Wlnlock, Wash. WANTED THREE OR FOUR UNFUR nlshed rooms or small cottage. East Side. G 7, care Oregonlan. ADULTS DESIRE FURNISHED HOUSE OR part, for Summer; central; reasonable. Q 8, Oregonlan. SMALL HOUSE OR FLAT. UNFURNISHED, modern.- neat. West Side. Address E 8, Oregonlan. WANTED MODERN UNFURNISHED FLAT of 3 or 4 rooms'. G. E. Snyder. 150 10th st. FIVE-ROOM UNFURNISHED COTTAGE, with bath and yard. Y 8, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FIFTY PERSONS TO LOCATE ON TIMBER claims; also a few homesteads subject to entry; correct locations guaranteed. For par ticulars call on or address T M. O'Connell, cruiser. 310 Chambe of Commerce building. - WANTED PLANS FOR THEATER AND storeroom; a 2-story brick. 100x100. For par ticulars address either L. N. Roney. R. A. Booth or F L. Chambers. Eugene. Or. WANTED A SAILBOAT FOR 5 MONTHS; about 24-fU length. 7-fU beam; for pleasure purposes; state price and age. Address J 0. care Oregonlan. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST nfi clothing and shoes. 02 North 3d. Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED A YOUNG. STYLISH FAMILY horse; must be gentle, sound and good trav eler. W 0. Oregonlan. i WANTED DLVMOND. WEIGHING FROM 1 to l'i karats. In exchange for upright piano. W 9. Oregonlan. WANTED FIVE DOZEN GOOD YOUNG laying hens at once. Address P. O. Box 01, MontavUla, WANTED A SECOND-HAND PIANO; GIVE style and make; will pay cash. F 8. Orego nlan. WANTED-GOOD DRIVING HORSE AND buggy. Price, etc.. to R 8, care Oregonlan. MOST MONEY PAID FOR MEN'S CAST-pFF clothing, shoes. 734 N. Third. Tel. 42S. TO BORROW $550. 7 PER CENT INTEREST; best security. Address R 0, Oregonlan. TO BUY LITTLE GIRL'S BICYCLE, CHEAP. Call 430 Jefferson streeU FOR RENT. Rooms. PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; private family; 10 minutes walk from P. O.; reasonable. 343 Third et. FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen; private family. East Side. Ad dress S 8. care Oregonlan. FRESHLY CLEANED AND NICELY FUR nlshed front room; rent reasonable; central. 432 Alder. Call Sunday. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT rooms: all conveniences; threo blocks Port land Hotel. 328 Main. NEWLT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board; bath, phone and gas. 440 Jef ferson bU, cor. 12th. FOR RENT. Rooms. TH PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spalding Tha most complete apartment-house in the city; steam, heat, gas. electric lignu porcelain baths', every modern convenience. Rates 75c per day, $2 per week, and upward. Fur nished houkpkeeplne suites a specialty. "THE BARRIE." S. E. COR. SIXTH AND Stark Newly furnished brick building; cen tral and modern; steam, heat, electric light and- running waicr, hot and cold. In the rooms. Rates, (I per day and up; special by week or month. - PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; I4TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; ua of library r Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C E. George. Super intendent. 510 Flanders eU THE STANDARD, NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; electric light; hot and cold baths; corner Sixth and Hoyt ats., ona block from Union Depou Thomas G. Mills, prop. Lato steward of steamer Lurllne. 320 FOURTH. COR. CLAY PHONE FRONT 1821; well-furnished front parlor, suitable for two ladles or gentlemen, with or without board; bath, phone; large alcove. 1 435 MAIN. COR. 12TH NEWLY-FITTED-UP light outside rooms; few uniurnisnea; privi lege light housekeeping; all modern conven iences; references. r- THE CALUMET, 7th and AWer New. mod ern, steam-heated, rooms, (1 per day and up; reasonable rates per week or mo. Free batn. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished .or unfur nished: all modern conveniences: references. THE COSMOS, S. E. cor. Morrisoa and 4th Fine rooms; central; clean; quleu and rea sonable; housekeeping suites of two or more. THE PLEASANTON. 2S8& Third sU Fine fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single, or house keeping; transient solicited. Phone South 251. CHOICE ROOMS; MODERN HOUSE; phone; private family; no children; close In; reasonable: gentlemen. 80 North 15th, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, STJITABLa ror one or two: all modern conveniences; large yard; private family. 175 12th. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, SU1T able for two gentlemen or man and wife, with good board. Call 211 Park 6U -4 PASO ROBLES, 30S FHtST LARGE FRONT rooms; gentlemen, families, transients; brick bouse; reasonable prices; reference. H FURNISHED ROOMS. BOTH HOUSEKEEP lng and single; everything- convenient; batb Call 223 Market. Phone Hood 270. 1 144 11TH ST.. BETWEEN MORRISON AND Alder sts. Nice, newly furnished rooms, with use of bath and phono; reasonable. 207 PARK NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT, airy rooms; no children; gentlemen pre ferred; rent reasonable; close in. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITH bay window, suitable for one or two per-1 sons. 208 Montgomery stxeeU PLEASANT LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, with bath; references. 407 10th aU, between Harrison and Hall. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, COR ner"7th and Washington. Apply Chris Simp son, Bell Saloon. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH private family; bath and phone. 101 10th sU, cor. Stark. ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY FOR GEN- tlemen; bath, phone; (0.50. 2S7 Fourth su. near Jefferson. , 300 ALDER. COR. PARK NICELY FCR- nlshed front room, suitable for man and wife or gentlemen. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM, FUR nlshed, with bath; private family. 700 First. corner Meade. V- 320 FOURTH SINGLE OR SUITE ROOMS, with or without board; phone, bath, phona Front 1821. SUITE OF ROOMS. 249 GRAND AVE., N.. Holladay's Addition; gas, bath, phone, oa car line. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT TO ONE OR two gentlemen; also housekeeping rooms. 3" Stark st. A NICE SUNNY ROOM, WITH PRIVATE EN trance; bath and gas; (u per montn. oU5 14 th sU NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent, reasonable; use of bath and phone. 3QC Pine su PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, modern; light housekeeping privileges. 2.15 13th su NICE. CLEAN ROOMS. FROM (1.50 to (2.LJ per week; bath, phone. 314 Third. Private house. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. "VMTIL phone and bath; private family. 220 North 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two gentlemen. 240 Third, cor. Main. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS 272 Fourth sU. near Jefferson su, opposite City Hall. I . FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS for sleeping. 314 Madison. Telephone Front 457. Furnished rooms. ( ween up. Gllman Hotel. 1st St Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everetu FOR RENT TWO LARGE FURNISHED rooms. Call 4S0 Burnslde, near Washington. 308i ALDER ST.. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; transient solicited. Mrs. Parkinson. NICELY- FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board; rates reasonable. v3G7 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. IN private family; good location. 430 Yamhill st. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with use of phone; reasonable. 024 Second sU u MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUUJ3- lng. steam beat, new furniture. 311ft btarK The Abbott Fine furnished rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. 228 Washington. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; all conveniences; very desirable location. THE BONITA. 89 7TH. NEAR LIBRARY Elegant, sunny rooms. (2.50 week and up. LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM; ALCOVE and bath; no children. 107 North 17th st. Elegantly furnished rooms; transients solicited. Brick building. The Ross. 2114 Flrtt su THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO blocks from steel bridge. 234 Adams sU j . , THE NEWLAND. 300 FIRST NEWLY furnished rooms; electric light and bath. THE RAMONA. 381 YAMHILL ST. PLEAS ant rooms, by the day, week or month. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, STNGLE OR en suite; modern. 4136 Washington sU NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without use of kitchen. 335 Ankeny. 1 Rooms, furnished or unfurnished; central, and very pleasant; phone, bath. 435 Main. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. VERY CENTRAL. 1804 Fourth sU, corner Yamhill. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; very desirable location. 231 Fifth. i FURNISHED ROOM; USE OF BATH AND phone. 420 Burnslde, near 10th. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT room. 241 Fifth St., cor. Main. 160 TENTH ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROpM; running water, gas, bath. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE Grand. 3S7 Yamhill ot. FURNISHED ROOMS. 190 PARK ST Rooms "VVItli Board. FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. WITH board, for two gentlemen; private family. 554 Couch st. FINE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO; PRI vate boarding-house; first-class home table. 1S1 17th st. PLEASANT ALCOVE, ALSO OTHER rooms; with hot and cold water; with board. 225 11th sU NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD: bath and phone; private family. 333 Third streeU FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board. 141 W. Park. cor. Alder. ROOM. WITH BOARD. IN PRIVATE FAM lly; suitable for two gentlemen. 93 10th st. I j A NICE SUITE, PARLORS, GROUND floor, with board. 211 12th sU Call. FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD; USE OF telephone and bath, 131 10th st. v SUITE OF FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, with board. 215 12th eU