THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAT 11, 1902. IS fcfEw TODAT. , 4 1 NEW TODAT. NKW TODAT. NEW TODAY. - ?eEW TODAT. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES ON. INSTALLMENTS $2750 Buys a modern 9-room house, good barn, ground 100x100, only 3 blocks from best car service in the city. This house alone cost over $3000 to build. $1300 Buys a neat 6 room cottage in Sun nyside, only 2 blocks from car. $3200 Buys one of the best homes on the East Side, sightly lo- $4800 Will buy you a strictly modern two story dwelling and full lot on Northrup street. House is nearly new and well constructed. $3000 Buys one of the prettiest and best lo cated homes on East Morrison street. This place ! In first-class order lUd Terr cheap at tills price. "We Trill ne pleased to shoir you siny of the above properties or any others tre have for sale at any time. For particulars, call or phone, Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 10 Investment Clear Lot and houses on Tenth St., faear College. Shaw, Macleod & Co. 243 Stark St. WHY PAY RENT? We have lots for sale in all parts of the city and suburbs, on which we will build homes to suit purchaser on small payments. We will be pleased to show lots and explain our plans to in tending buyers. Investi gate this proposition and stop paying rent. Call or address Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r r r A A quarter block on 12th and J I llllf Harrl8on- Flne loc11011 fl&te. TE(U BEAUTIFUL ..QUARTER BLOCK nTllll on Taylor st; the choicest loca PIKJVJ tlon In the city lor flats. $25,000 100x100 ON SEVENTH AND Oak sts.; fine hotel elte. GRINDSTAFF It BLAIN, 240 Stark. "GREEN'S ADDITION" Lots for sale In this nice, clean tract of land In South Portland, very accessible by car line, and lying between Corbett street and the Macadam road, just north and "west of the Fulton School house and Jones' saw mill. They are put on the market at reasonable prices and easy terms. Large lots and 60 foot streets, making the tract very suitable Xor residence purposes. J. TV. OGILBEE, Room 11, 145 First st v Give us your property to sell or rent Prompt service and courteous treatment. Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE j Take a look at the 8-room house, 550 Sixth St. A. good, comfortable house, lot 33 1-3x106$$ feet. Special price. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 229 STARK STREET. . MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building loans. Installment loans. MacMaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester blk. Jl. CORNER OP UNION rvIIV ave- and Pacific sts., 100 UUf 100 feet. Price $2500; oniy twv casn. C H. KORELL. 231 Washington st. TB1NITY CHUBCH SITE Is for sale, and offers will be entertained for the whole site or separate lots. At reasonable prices and terms, to be ascertained from the -exclusive agente, F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamil ton building. "Rnrp-oin A LARGE MODERN 8 - ROOM jj(uf,i"" house, furnace, grate, beautiful grounds. 100x100, all In good order: will be cold for almost what improvements cost. Cor ner East ICth and East Yamhill. F. W. TORGLER, 100 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. 80x100 IN NOB HILL DISTRICT, near 23d st.; price $3500. Only S1000 cash; balance long time. C. H. KORELL, 251 Washlng- lon at. Woodstock! Woodstock! Woodstock! Lots 100 feet square in all parts of Woodstock! We will build for you. You can pay in INSTALLMENTS. Portland Trust Company OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET SOLD 75 LOTS We have recently sold 75 lots at NORTH IRVINGTON to home builders. 26 houses building or contracted for. This proves that people believe NORTH TRVING TON to be about the right thing. Price of lots $100 to $500 each, beautifully located, perfect drainage, city water, splendid car service. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance in easy monthly payments. Take a ride to NORTH IRVING TON and see for yourself. Union avenue, Woodlawn or Vancouver car to Failing street, where you will find our North Irvington office. Maps and plats free. Title Guarantee STrust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. KEN1LW0RTH We ar.e agents for this prop erty, which is one of the best located additions in the south eastern part of the city, lots can he bought for $150 and up wards. Shaw, Macleod & Co. 243 Stark. FARMS We have for sale a few gtfod properties, throughout the Wil lamette Yalley. Shaw, Macleod & Co. 243 Stark St. "Tibbetts' Homestead" Lots for sale in this One tract of land, so conveniently situated on the east side of Ihp river, closely connected between three car lines the Woodstock-Waveriy and Richmond car line on Clinton St.. .the Oregon City and Sellwood car line on Milwaukie a:-, the Brook lyn and Car Shops line on Powell st All ad joining tho property. All large lots, la price from $100 to $650, on moderate terms. Their convenience and being so closely In, znaka them very desirable building lots. J. W. OGILBEE, Room lL 145 First st. ACREAGE TRACTS '. 54S acres In Yamhill Coantyt one. half In cultivation: GO nCres feottom land, balance sllRhtly rolling good soil; -vrell adapted for Rrninrnlslng; and stoclc. Price, $11 per acre. 80 acres timber land, close to Co lumbia River, suitable for cord vrood only- ?1200. 100 acres, north of Forest Grove, partially improved, ?400. 25 acre, vrell improved, only siz miles from Portland, on rood road, near school, stores and postofilce. Price, $2800 one-third cash. 40 acres bottom land, nine miles from Portland, on Columbia Slough.; first-class soil, and 25 acres nndcr cultivation. Price, $1000. MANY MORE GOOD v BUYS ON OUR LIST. Hartman, Thompson Powers 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE For Sale 10th and Salmon. 22-room house, lot 50x90; paying 7Ja per cent on investment. Terms. $3600 For Sale Lot 42x200, ICth and Jefferson, $3000. Bargain. FORD. 140 First. Both phones. MAXWELL & KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Lincoln Park lots and lots in other additions for sale cheap on Installments. We have some exceptionally desirable residence lots and houses and lots on the east and west sides of the river, at attractive prices. P.oom 2, Cham ber of Commerce. FINE CORNER LOT And email house, near new Custom-Eouse, S. W. comer Park and Flanders sts. A. D. MARSHALL, 2 Third st 3200 Quarter BLOCK ON E. Bumslde st. close in; half ov. rt -it IH. KORELL. 251 Washington st, Grussi & Higley's Bargains in Real Estate C OK Each Two !oU In Maplevllle. 23x100. v " 700 Lot 50x100, South Portland, e KA Each Two lota In "Woodstock; in v OV stallrocnU. $ 150 5Jni8e aad lot to "Wt Portland. $oos lot In Eunnyslde. $3Y5 Lot on E. " Pine, near 24th. Sd.K.fl t-roora house, lot 25x100, Tabasco; tuvr ay payments. S 450 ""5"acr oa Powell Valley read. $fiOfl G-room house, two lots; In Monta OUU vUla $750 House. North Portland. $Gftfi House. In Montavilla, 5 rooms. ouu $1000 Two lots In Tlbbett' Add. 1Rnn Lot. North Portland. $1050 Four v-lOUU Jots ,n Albina. R1 R(( Two houses. Baker at, $1700 Two xuuv h0nseSt Fourth St., West Side. R1 Anfl 5-room house and corner lot. Wlll ,pluuu lams ave, $1100 House, Center add. S17rft House and lot, Sunnyslde. $21o0 vA I uv House and lot. East Side. 60AAA House, cor. E. ISth and Oak sts., vuu No. 560, 5 rooms, modern. S9flft 10-room house, 120x120, Tremont VVJ $2400-10 rooms. East Seventh. 59rflft 5-room cottage, swell borne. South ouu Portland; large grounds. QCnO, 10th and Ankeny, house, 8 rooms. 96iyyt $2800-7 rooms, corner'. Q3fi0.fl 5-room cottace and lot, modern, i?OUUU flne location, West Side. QfififiA Highly Improved business property oouu In South Portland. R1 9. ftftfl 15-room house, modem, 50x100, l.OUU near center of city. AND PLENTY MORE SNAPS ON THE LIST. . 0999 farms In almost every county In the state; all prices and conditions, cash or favor able terms. Grussi & Higfey Real Estate Afjents and Bnsiness Chance Brokers, Houxe-Rentlner and Collecting-. Money to Loan. Notary Public. Phone, Main 305. 132 Third Street, Near Alder REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE BY THE Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Houses and Lots C enn On the Peninsula. 75x100 feet, with vv" G-room cottage, barn and plenty fruity ;1 100 East 'Harrison and East 3Cth sts., $iiuvlot Gxioo, and mce new 7-room house. 55l3rn Corner Beech street and Cleveland pxouu avenue; lot 50x100, and a cozy 0- room house; both streets Improved. SI ROn University Park, large lot. 100x133. iau" with a Bice 8-room house? plenty of fruit and fine view of river. S2ftftft Union avenue and Falling street, uuu 50x100. with neat 5-room cottage; on easy terms. $9ftftft Hawthorno avenue and East 34th -uuu etreet: fine lot. 54x100. and excel lent 6-room modern house, on easy terms. $27rft Schuyler street, near East 17th st., v",uu 50x100. and S-room house, modern In all respects; street fully Improved. CIOKf) Holladay Addition. Weldler street, pxuv 60x70. with u fine 9-room house, brick basement; two grates and fur nace; cement frnlt room, washtubs, etc,; terms to suit purchaser. $9flflft llth wd Hall (West Side), fractional JPAUUU iot and G-room house. COOOfl "v7t Madison street, near Chapman """" street, lot and G-room cbttage; terms, half cash. (RiOKft Corner Caruthers and Fifth streets, f1"" lot 60x00, and 8-room modern house. CjQOfin 12th street, between Harrison and ipouuv Montgomery. 60x100 and 3 houses. F AAtnn 4ATi all ir An a ntnilhlAn terms easy. This Is a first-class & pr cent Investment. Choice" Building Sites 3nft Sunnyslde, fina lot on the avenue; OUU easy terms. 7Kn Sunnyslde. two fine lots, corner East ou Yamhill and East 37th streets. SOKA Sunnyslde, two fine lots on East 83d u ou and East Washington streets. $7 OH Tillamook street, near Williams ave 1 uu nue. 30x100; street improved. $GKn Rodney avenue, 50x120, street sew 'ow ered and graveled. 100 Union Avenue, near Alnsworth, COx JP OVV loo; streets Improved. $(i(( "Union ave. and Golnc sL 100x100; ouu' Btreet Improved. SaOHO XorUirnp street and ISth street, N., uuv 100x100; easy terms. coonrv Lovejoy and 10th streets, N., 50x100; sujj also two more fine lots near by for ?240O and J2700 respectively. Acreage O.I OHO Two cres between Base Lino road i,1u" and East Ankeny street; easy terms. K9Kftft o ad a half acres, ready to plat, vouu Just south of Sunnyslde. Our real estate office is the largest and best equipped In tho city. Complete records, maps and plats. Call and see our splendid new map of Portland. We shall be glad to take you out to see any property offered by Us. If you need money with which to complete, purchase, we can accommodate you at lowest rates. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Unirersity Park ia&,Wg: mouth ave.; only $100 each. Iryington Park & Jtt adjoining" each other; must' be sold as ono parcel; $450 takes the twelve. Pnrlr Arid v S00. t?3 facing parks GiQ Gantenbein At 0. gt large grounds, 100x100 feet, plenty of fruit and flowers. 237 Stanton St gffioSS7 house- TilWmnnlrSt 100x150 ft., desirable bulld- -8itf between Rodney and Union aves. Sohnvlftr S Two tM 50x100 north-froht OUHUlUl i3UJot8i between 17th and 10th streets. 535 Tillamook St. ffiSs Croom cottace; a cozy home, that can be bought very reasonable. 27th and E. Washington ?d ggg and east-front lot. Special price. E.32d and BelmonttWfVo'S attractive corner in Sunnyslde. Special price. Hawthorne Are. f'S & East 37th sts., being lot 8, block 50, Sunny slde; only 4350. 66GpodselIAYe. 2A.ffoLhTPl: cial price. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 220 Stark st. RESIDENCES ' "W have some very flue places tor Bale; irell located, and at reasonable figure. Shaw, Macleod & Co. 243 Stark Near Second. 5 PER CENT. MONEY Sl50fj -Joan on knDr0VC1 property.' R0UNTREE & DIAMOND 243. STARK ST.. CORNER SECOND. - $375 Lot 00x100. NEAR THOMP son .School. Central Albt na; easy terms. C H. KORELL. 231 Washington street. RiivaTTnmn AN up-to-date UUy & Rome and-attlc house, full lot. nice location, on East 24th, near East Couch; part cash, balance irfonthly payments. Sea It. For eala by.F. TV. TOROLER, 103 Sherlock bld. DWELLINGS S1000 50r100' 'wlth S;rooin house. In Fulton slOnn 331-3X100 feet, with G-room cottage, viuuu in Sunnyslde; easy terms. R1 Hftft 2Hxl42, with 8-room house. No. 1215 vAOUU East Taylor at., between East 42d and East 43d sts. 51 fiftn 50x100, with S-room house. No. 751 jpxuuu East Ag!l aUt n Ea8t and East 23d sts. Q9fiOft 23x100 and new cottage, G rooms and Puuu bath, on 24th St., bet. Kearney and Lovejoy sts.; concreted basmerits, sidewalk and walks; porcelain bath and all modern Improvements. Q'470 33 1-3x662-3 and fine modern 7-room n0 I OU house. No. 633 Flanders st. SQiysx 38xl00 and desirable 7-room house, ov No. 734 Irving st. einnn 50x100 and two desirable G-room cot pttuuu tages. southeast corner of 13th and Johnson. ts. 5J9fift 50x100 and modern 0-rocm house, on iUV Halsey st., close to steel "bridge; hous, cost $5000. CJ.nAn 50x100 and 8-room house. No. 774 3340UU Irving st. KJ.KOA 3014x100 and fine modern 10-room iptxuvu houie 0R aiarahall et., between 10th and 20th sts. S4-500 OOslOO and new modern 8-room tpIUVV' house; close to Union ave. car line and 18 minutes' ride from. First and Washington sts. C4.Knn 129x200 and fine modern colonial 8-i,-tuuu room house, beautiful grounds: close ' to Williams ave. car line and near Piedmont. Kfinn 50x100 and fine modern 8-room ouuv house, in Holladay 'a Add. G?K(lftn 50x127 on Cherry st, bet. East First n?uuuu and East Second, running back to Weldler st., with fine modern 10 room house. fiOfin 55x100 feet and fine modern 10-room .puuuv house on 21st et., betweea Washing ton and Everett sts. S 700 ft GtolOO and fine modern house, 8 tiirsv rooms and bath; on west side of 24th st. ,?7nftfl 50x100 and fine modern house, In jJivuw perfect .condition, -on 22d St., bet. Kearney and Lovejoy sts. 910 000 100x100 and modern 10-room pxjtjj house on the northeast corner of 21st and Everett sts. If you wish to buy dwelling property of any class and In any location, an examination of our list will save you money. E0UNTEEE & DIAMOND, 241 Stark St., corner Second. I WILLIAM CBECK& CO. FINANCIAL AGENTS, , Real Estate and Loans City and Suburban Property FOR SALE. Lots from $50 to $2000. Timber lands Oak. fir. cedar. Stock ranches and dairy farms. $QKC New 4-room cottage, oorj Woodlawn car line. lot 50x100, on (SU-flfl 7-room house, Vancouver car JPAUU . 501I00. flowers nnd fruit. line. $1 500 7r00m br,ck house, lot 50x100, East $1 9KA 8-room house, new, corner lot, 50x 3lOU 100, East Side. 81 fiKft 7-room house, fractional corner lot, 9J.ODU EMt yamhm 8U IfiOft Modern 8-room house, lot 50x100, 'piouu East Sid; colonial style. $OOKO Modern 10-room house, fractional lot, 60U -west S1(je. "5390A 5-room cottage, balh; also stable; VOGVV lot 50x100, West Side. $1 fiOO "-room cottago and large grounds, fljxuuu fTUltf etCt two hiock, from Hount Tabor car. S3200 ICO-acre farm, all fenced, all in cul ttvs tlvation; small house and barn; ?20 per acre. $3000 ! 10-room house, ground lOOx JPOUUU 100, on Richmond car line. 2300 Jrffe 0-room house, 5 acres, south ipoouv 80pe Mount Tabor, SnOOO Acres In one body of land near Ash pouuli land. $7.50 per acre. Above Is suit able for colony. 2nOO 5-acre tract on East Side, two blocks tuvij irom car lme! wlth l.T00m bouse. Choice residence property west slope of Mt. Tabor, one to five acres of land, all In fruit. 321 Morrison Street. THE FAIR SITE Official announcement of the site selected for the Lewis and Clark Exposition will soon be made. It is almost certain that it will be on the Peninsula, on the high ground over looking the river. POINT VIEW is on the Peninsula, within a few minutes' walk of the rier and St. Johns. It has splendid car service and a 5-cnt fare. We are selling, lots at Point View for $50 each; they are worth more, but our instructions are to close them out. Here is a chance to get hold of a little property at bed rock prices, and on very easy terms. Title perfect. Maps at our office. Title Guarantee STrust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. Fourth-St. side. We have 3 brand new houses at ST. JOHNS npon lots, each about an acre in size, to be sold on monthly payments, $950 $1450 $1750 Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce. Shaw, Macleod & Co. 243 Stark, near Second Hare for sale some of the licat property on the market, particularly residence lots. Improved and unim proved. Iatendingr buyers vrlll And it to their Interest to call at 243 Stark, near Second street. 100x1.00 n Soui'west corner ot 19th st., Kftx-1 ft ft n Northup, betweea 10th and OUXJ.UU 20th ?isoo. 100x100 n 1Ia1i,ha,1' between. 19th and AJt.n fouuu 100x100 n southeast corner of 29th and 50x100 n 'landers acar 20th. 2530. Vacant lots in best part "of city. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION 1 nfWI ft ftOn 'southeast corner Sixth and lUUXXUUgjm Weldler. Price $2400. Ravfroln Four lots. 100x200, on northeast .D 8.1 , Miu corner East 12th and Hancock. Price $2200. W. H. MALL & CO. x 87 Union ave. 2 Houses AND LOT IN NOB HILIi district; near 23d ft.: mo, rentals $40; price $5250; easy terms. E&T', 251 IVajhlnston at. C. fi. liOK- djudivt -WaM 3"! ST. JOHNS WILL HAVE A PHENOMENAL GROWTH BECAUSE OF ITS WON DERFUL BEAUTY, RIVER AND RAILROAD FACILI TIES, HARBOR AND CHANNEL, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. sT sr ACRE LOTS $50 DOWN AND INSTALLMENTS Right in St. Johns, each lot front ing on street, high, beautiful, level, fertile, city water, close to school, street-car, employment, 5c fare, 17 trains daily, handy to river and 130 feet above it, constant and rapid improvement. THESE TRACTS AltE MAG NIFICENT FOR A SUBURBAN HOME, OR MAY BE SUBDI VIDED INTO SMALLER LOTS WILL YOU WAIT UNTIL COMING EVENTS HAVE PUT PRICES BEYOND YOUR REACH? FREE STREET - CAR TICKETS CALL OR PHONE AND WE WILL MAIL THEM. Hartman, Thompson : & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce. EAST ASH Lots on East Ash Street, $400 each. EAST ANKEKY Lots on East Ankeny Street, $550 each. - EAST BURNSIDE Lots on East Burnside, with street improvements all made, $600 each. On Easy Monthly Payments. V. H. MALL & CO. Phone Union 1812. 87 Union Ave. ALDER ST. 100x100 on the northeast corner of llth and Alder sts. PINE ST. 40x100 on south side of Pine st.. bet. 5th and 6th sts., with frame warehouse, now rented at $50 per month. THIRTEENTH ST. Finest half block In Portland, for warehouse purposes 200 feet frontage on Terminal Co.'s tracks. MORRISON ST. 50x100, corner lot. close to Hotel Portland and only partially improved. Is now paying 5 per cent net, and rapidly increasing in value. looxioo on prominent corner; wouia pay weu It Improved and will prove a fortune to Its buyer. WASHINGTON ST. 60x100. opposite main entrance to Exposition building; small income. 40 Acres on Base Lino Road. All In cultivation, house, barn, granary, windmill, tank, etc This Is a bsrcaln. $56 PER MONTH. 50x100 on 10th St.. between Hall and College sts.. with four cottages; all rented; price $4750. This 'Is a fine. Investment. ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark St.. corner Second. BARGAINS "I ft A nmo All Improved at Mountain View I" AW o park, 2 miles from city, on "West Side, $5500. fi Apr PS Clcare(J ast ot Irvington, $2500. CC tnitac Beautifully situated at Riverside. OO iLLres adjoining residences of Chas. E. Ladd. "W. 5. Slbsoa And others; cheap. SHAW, MACLEOD & Co., 243 Stark, near Second. Cl 1 nn NEW MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT- JpXXOxr tage, corner lot, 60x50, corner of Monroe .and Commercial; rents at $11 per month. CI 9 AH Modern 5-room cottage, fractional P16UU iot Ea8t Ankeny st., cjose In; rents at $19 per month. GOODNOUOH & STEARNS, "Washington building. $750 Quarter BLOCK. 1 BLK. from Thompson School, Central A 1 b 1 n a; easy terms. C H. KORELL, 251 Washington s it. T.nfcf T.AQf T0U WANT A GOOD LOT JLiUlb! -LiUlb.m any ot the choice location on the East Side, between East 12th and East 24th, at prices- from $475 up. see me before you buy. I can give prices that no one can beat. F. W. TORGLER, 100 Sherlock bldg. -i i a . a m.sjoww UNIMPROVED LOrS C f)OK 40x100, la Versteeg's Add., close to v su Helens road. $ac( 150x100 In Piedmont, close to car WW line, -with some fruit treesL Cinnfl 50x100 on Savler et., between 23tn vAUUU j 2(Jtn sts K19Kft 50x100 on Wasco St.. In Holladay's 3XUU Add close t0 stCBi bridge. SI 300 6Qx100 on rthruP St., bet. 10th R1Kftn 50x100 on Northrup st., between 510UU 2l3t and 22d sts. QlOn 100x100 on East Tamhlll et., bet. nXOUU East 23d and East o-iu, sts. QinOA 50x100 on 10th st., between Jackson 3)1 UUU and cilfton sts. 5 IRS A 50x100 on 'Nprthrup st, between qjAOOU 21th and 23th sts. T7KO 50x100 on Marshall t.. between 23d 51 OU and 2h sts. C9nnft 50x100 on the northwest corner ot 3UUU o and Marshall ats. C 3 A ft ft 100x100 on Marshall at. between 10th ipouuu and 20th.; or will sell lots separately. Qlftfin 100x100 on southeast corner of 20th ouuu and Northrup sts. 51 Oil ft lOOxlOQ on southwest corner ot 10th ",-uu and Northrup sts. SJ.AHft 100x100 on the southeast corner of vuuu 22d and Northrup sts. KAftft 100x100 on the northwest corner of UUUU 22d and Johnson ots. The above Includes but a small portion ot the desirable lots on our list, and Intending buyers will do well to call on us before pur chasing. "We also offer very desirable and sightly building sites in Cedar Hill and In Johnson's Addition. ROUflTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark St., corner Second. Extra Choice QUARTER BLK. and house E. 12th and Burnside sts.; price $4000. C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington St. 815 ACRES Adjoining Dalit City, to be sold on execution at The Dalles. May 10. 1902. Inquire 421 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CH6ICE WEST SIDE BUTS $000 and up Lots In Doscher's Second Ad dition, running from 22d to 24th, and X to Reed sts. $1700 Full lot. south front, Marshall st., near 24th. $1030 Full lot on Marshall st, near 24th, facing north. $201)0-50x100, frvlns between 23d and 24th, Full lot and 8-room house, 704 Flanders St., a bargain. $1350 Lot on Columbia st., easy terms. $2000100x100 and two houses, Caruthers St., near Front. $160050x100 and two houses, Caruthers St.. near Front. $1100 75xl0U and 5-room house. Front st, near Arthur. $11.500 Large house and one of the finest quarter blocks In Nob Hill; fine shrubbery, beautiful location. A good bargain. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON EAST SIDE $265050x100 and modern 8-room house, E. 10th st. 50 ft. north of Glisan st. $150010 lots In Erwln & Watson's Addi tion, adjoining Albina. $5000 Two lots and new modern 8-room house, partly furnished. Holladay's. $5500100x100 and fine modern 10-room house. Holladay's Addition. $2500 Two sightly lots and desirable cot tage. Page st and Gantenbein ave. $2400 Beautiful quarter block. East Third and Weldler; sewer and street improvements; a special snap. $120025x100 and new modern cottage, oa Williams ave. $1600 Six fine lots In Central Albina. $2000 Corner lots and good 7-room house, East Ninth and Lincoln sts. $3200 Two lots, modern 8-room house and barn. 625 East Seventh. $3000100x100 on East Ash, between Sixth and Seventh. Good buy. $4000 One of the most desirable H blocks In Holladay's Addition. JSOO Nice lot Holladay's, close to car; sewer and street improvements. $700 Fine lot, Irvington, close to car. $850 Fine quarter block, Fargo and Kerby streets. $S50-50xl25 on Russell st; snap. $750 Corner lot and 8-room bouse this side of Woodstock.- $2000 Corner, 50x100, East First and Wash ington sts.; choice warehouse property. $1600 Beautiful block in Waverly, 200x230. $400 Fine lot on Albina ave.. near Morris et: beautiful view. $130 Good lot, Lincoln Park Annex. $1200 Full block. Patton's Addition. $27003 acres on Milwaukie st; old house and barn: a fine buy. $6250 will buy tho finest 5-acre tract, suit able for platting, on Base Line road, this side of Mount Tabor, If taken quick. 40 acrea of fine land, on Base Line road; 8 miles from center of city, $2200. Favorable terms on any of the above. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN. 240 Stark. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND BARN, 2Vi lots, fenced, in fruit; well built, nicely papered: great sacrifice; on car line; 1215 Milwaukie ave.; $2500. Three lots Albina Homestead; $1000. Lots 7 and 0, block 11. Multnomah, 005 Mississippi ave.. on car line, with 3-room house; $1150. Or lot 9. separate, $550. 50x100, with 2 houses and room for another; northwest corner 13th and Lovejoy; $4000. Six fine lots in Alabina on Eugene street, for all, $4700;, 6 and 7. $S50 each; 8 and 0, $500 each; 10 and 11. $750 eaoh. Two lots in Proebstel's Addition, near Rus sell st, both, $2500. Lots 11 or 12. block 1C. singly. $1350. Fine. lIgh, level, sightly quarter block, southwest corner 14th end Johnson sts.; $3750. 5-room, hard-finished house and high, level lot, northwest corner Albina ave. and Falling Et; $1300. A. D. MARSHALL, 82H 3d Et h FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE ACRE, IN FRUIT, near Kenllworth; 100x100, near Hawthorne car line; 160 acres In Linn County, owner lives in East, and must sell. Call 220 Falling bldg. $5500 CHOICE NEW WEST SIDE RESI dence property, producing handsome Inter est (practically twice what money can be loaned for). Owner, 107 Sherlock building. HOYT & BARNES. HILLSBORO. OR., Real estate, insurance and loans. City and farm property. S. S. BARNES. W. R. HOTT. $35.000 FINE BRICK BLOCK, FURNITURE, etc., for $25,000; all occupied; big income; this property will double in value In 5 years; easy terms. By owner, Box 3180. 125 ACRES FHtST-CLASb LIVE TIMBER and land. In lots to suit; nearest timber to Portland; average 100 cords to acre; price $33 per acre. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. i WE WILL BUY YOU A LOT AND BUILD A house In any part of the city for a small payment down, balance on installments. G. H. Dammeler Co., 503 Marquam. 7-ROOM HOUSE. ALBINA HOMESTEAD, nice. 8-room house, Woodlawn. modern. 0-room house. Cloverdale, large lot All easy terms. 612 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, not completed- choice fruit and shrubbery; gravel street; lot 50x105; nice home. Owner, 401 San Rafael st -4 WASHINGTON STREET. CORNER LOT ON south side for sale at -a price well worth your attention. F. V. Andrews & Co., Ham ilton building. $1400 WILL BUY BEAUTIFUL CORNER. 100x100, In Irvington: streets improved: good surroundings. D. Miller, 327 Chamber ot Commerce. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME .OF 10 ACRES." near Oswego; In highest state of cultivation and fine improvements. 534 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE -ACRE TRACTS IN SUNNY slope. West Mount Tabor, near Base Line; sell on easy terms. Apply 281 Morrison at FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON HAWTHORNE ave., 100 yards east of city limits: fine loca' tlon. W. S. Falling, Sta. A. Portland. FOR SALE 10 ACRES. NEW SEVEN-ROOM house: two clocks from car line; very desira ble property; bargain. H 8, Oregonlan. SPLENDID. LARGE-INCOME. CLEAR MIN neapolis property, worth $110,000. exchange for Coast property. W 4. OTegonlan. FOR SALE-7-ROOM HOUSE, 50-FOOT LOT, East Side, splendid location: very reasonable, and on easy terms. V 7, Oregon tan. SNAP 3 NICE LOTS IN SOUTHERN PORT land, 60x100 each; lies well; fine view; $150. McLeod & Co., 228 Failing bldg. MODERN NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE: CASH $850, balance $2450, monthly payments, 8 years. Address F 7, care Oregonlan. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED COTTAGE, A. snap, must be sold by Tuesday; parties leav ing city. O 8. Oregonlan. 'LOTS NEAR BREAKERS HOTEL, NORTH Beach; will trade for city property. J. Bris coe, 408 East Ankeny. COLONIAL HOUSE FOR SALE. NO. 1108 East Yamhill; easy terms can be made. In quire At the house. j FRACTIONAL LOT AND GOOD HOUSE; good location. West Side; a bargain. Owner, K 00, Oregonlan. $225 TWO FULL, LOTS IN WILLAMETTE, near Ockley Green. S. B. Riggen, 303 Ab 8 lnston building. 1 208 ACRES. ALL CHOICE LAND. ALL fenced; .150 acres cultivated, 10 acres fina orchard, good buildings; 10 miles from Port land; fine, level road. Price $60 per acre. SO 'acres of good, level land near Van couver; above 400 fruit trees, chieJIy apples, beginning to bear; house, barn and other Ira provements. Only $1000. 624 acres good land, all fenced; 32 acrea cultivated, 5 acres orchard, two good wells, 0-room plastered house, brick foundation; cost $1600 to bulla; barn; on beautiful drive road, 0 miles out. 2 miles from river and rail transportation. 30 acres, all choice land, 25 acres of which Is rich river bottom land; fronts on Clack amas River, 3 miles from Portland; land nearly all cultivated, large orchard, nice run ning brook. Will be sold cheap. 40 acres choice land near La Camas, Wash. ; 17 acres cleared and fenced, nice bearing or chard of 400 trees. 4-room house, barn, 5 acres beaver dam, cleared, fine stock range; some furniture; Immediate possession. Very cheap. $1100. 5 acres choice land, small house, barn. 250 vv inter apples. 50 pears and other fruits, bearing; near electric car, $1200. 160-acre choice farm. Clark County, Wash.. 14 miles from boat landing; CO acres culti vated, balance pasture, some brush: all fenced, running water, good S-room house, cost $120Q to build, two good barns, three horses, one cow, wagon, buggy, all farming Implements. Will sell at sacrifice. If taken now. Owner much In need of money. 10 acres choice land, cultivated. 1 acre strawberries. 2 acres cnoice bearing orchard, nice spring of water, 8-room modern plas tered house, woodwork all grained, nice porch; good horse barn, painted, cow barn, chicken park, 4 miles out. $3000. Beautiful home, 7-room modern house, base ment, bath, pantry, bay windows, porches, all nicely finished: 2 beautiful lots, nice fence, on East 17th at, 1 block from car; bargain, at $2300. Good cottage, lot COxlOO; choice location on Belmont street 6-room. modern cottage, nicely finished, well plastered, papered and painted, base ment with stationary washtubs, 3 blocks from car line; elegant little home; price only $1100. Good warehouse or manufacturing site, 50x 260 feet 50-foot water front; Central East Side. 7-room modern plastered house, full base ment, double parlors, alcove, bath, pantry; house all In nice condition, on East 20th st; $1600. 80x100, nice building site. East Alder and 13th st; will divide. 50x150, choice lot on San Rafael st, near Union ave.: snap; $650. J. A. HENKLE, or A. A. BAKER. 210 Ablngton bldg. 4 $S50 A NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON E. Taylor st. $1300 A neat fl-room house In Upper Al bina, bet Williams ave. and Union ave. car lines. $050 7-room house, near Thompson School. $1400 A good 8-room house, Woodlawn car line. $1650 Two houses, one 5-room and the oth er 6 rooms, near car line: a good buy. $1000 A good 5-room cottage, with base ment, near two car lines and good school. $2200-100xl00 feet, very desirable for res idence, corner 22d and Ankeny. $133082x100 feet, corner 22d and E. Pine. $12550x100 feet fronting on St John's mi tor line; water main in front; cheapest lot In Willamette west of motor line. Besides the foregoing Portland properties, I have all kinds of improved and unimproved ranches In the famous Hood River fruit dis trict It will pay you to call and see me I also have a fine farm of 215 acres, 115 under cultivation. 300 fruit trees, plenty oc small fruit. 2 good barns. 5-room house, hop house, 8 acres hops, running water; $35 per acre; a bargain; 6 miles from Dayton. Or. N. K. RANKIN. 245A Morrison st. room 9. I A FEW GOOD BARGAINS $2100 Modern 7-room house and lot on East Morrison st; sewer and street Im proved; a nice home. $030 Six-room house, with 73x100 feet oC ground, five blocks east of Sunnyslde. This is very cheap. $175 will buy a corner lot 50x100. near Sunnyslde car line and Frettyman's ave.; actually worth $300. S1500 S-room house and lot, brick base ment good plumbing, on East 31st St., near Ankeny car. $500 cash. Best buy on East side for the money. $500 cash buys a 10-room house and quar ter block; turnaco and basement; between Sunnyslde and Hawthorne car line. Price only $2000. A snap. F. BRESKE, Room 444 Sherlock bldg.. S3Vt Third st $1850100x100 AND MODERN SIX-ROOM house and basement E. 6th. near Prescott $2600 Lot 50x150 and modern S-room house and basement, Knott st. near Union ave. $250 Corner lot, E. 6th and Skldmore. $4000 Elegant S-room house on 10th st. $1500 5-room house and 100x100 on E. 7th and Skldmore. Lots in Roselawn Annex. $100; $5 down and $1 per week. SEWARD BROS., liuvi xrourtn st., room -. i FOR SALE CHEAP 72 acres of fine farming land. 10 miles from Portland; finest spring of water In Multnomah County on the premises. Seven-room house, with all modern im provements, on East Side, near car line; two full lots, fruit trees, etc. Elegant new 8-room house, in Hawthorne Park. Easy terms. R. L. GATE. 701 Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. Main ISO. EIGHT HOUSES NEAR STEEL BRIDGE, 14 room double house. North Portland, for $185u, at $20 per month. .Choice farm lands; 35 choice lots at 21st and Clinton at $350 each, at $5 per month. Lots In Cloverdale. Lots In Highland Park, $75 each. Lots near Wood lawn. $45 each. $2.50 a month. A full block of 38 lots for $275, $5 per month. Apply to owner, W. Reldt, room 15 Washington block. SELLING THE EARTH HAVE 6. C, 10 AND 60-acre tracts, BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Portland's best speculative property, meaning the best on this earth. Also a number of beautiful home sites near the D. P. Thompson School, for cash or monthly payments. My time Is yours. Call or write owner. W. M. Kllllngaworth, 303 Chamber of Commerce. $100 PER LOT, "ROSELAWN ANNEX"; $3 down, $1 per week; no Interest, no taxes; sidewalks, city water, etc; 3 blocks east of Rosedale station on Union ave. car line. Representative on the ground today. . Sahl strom & Patterson, 606 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. FOR CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, RANGING In price from $125 to $5000, located In the best' part of the city; for dwelling-houses, come very elegant locations and large mod ern houses, prices all the way from $800 to $25,000, see Montague & King. 228 Stark st ANY ONE CAN BUY A LOT AT MAPLE wood, adjoining Ivanhoe, on Woodstock car line; only $175 to $225; $10 down. $5 per month. Be sure you see them; the bst sub urban property on the market. Sahlstrom & Patterson, 606 Commercial blk, 2d and Wash. HOUSE, 4 ROOMS. 75xl06-FOOT LOT, ON Front st; price $1200. Lot 200x47 ft. on Jefferson st . $4000. Lot Slee's Add.. 50x100 ft, $225. Sellwood lots. $125 to $300; easy terms. T. A. WOOD. 141b First st FOR SALE LOT 100x100: GOOD 7-ROOM house, bath, hot and cold water, patenc closet barn and other outbuildings. In Sell wood. five blocks from car lme; 20-mlnuta service, 5c fare. Inquire 107 Sherlock bldg , between 12 and 1. John H. Gibson. V MOUNT TABOR PROPERTY HOUSE 9 rooms, basement; modern conveniences, hot air furnace, plenty fruit; barn, tankhouse, wheel and well; street on three sides of lot; $3500 cash. Six lots, 50x100, on West ave., $1500. L. J. McDanlel, Mount Tabor. FINE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FULL brick basement, corner, 100x114, 2U bearing fruit trees, berries all kinds, fine lawn, or namental trees and roses; In first-class con dition; no agents. Call cor. 33th and. Di vision sts., Richmond car. TWO HOUSES FOR SALE AT RICHMOND, account leaving city. 6-room cottage, hot and cold water. Also 7-room cottage, with two lots; price $2500. Across street from Mc Mahon's grocery. Inquire 224 & Washington st, room 10. 10-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH LOT 100x100. Howe's Addition, 41st and Division, ior $1500. Vacant lots. $125 to $400 each, on Installments. Also small acreage tract Take Richmond car and transfer. Telephone White 778. TO INVESTORS Corner, on llth st, with three good houses; rent Income $780 a year; price $6500. Ad dress Q 5, eare Oregonlan, or call on my agent Mr. Breske, room 444 Sherlock bldg. IMMIGRANTS AND HOMESEEKERS 1600 acres, near Roseburg, $3.50 per acre. 160O acres, near Medford, grazing land. $2 per acre, below Government price. 534 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTIGATE $G50 FOR A BEAUTIFUL building lot. south front. Tillamook and E. 10th sts.; all city improvements; must sell now. Owner. 620 Marquam block. Phoue Grant 921. HIGH INTEREST, FROM 0 TO 9.5 PER cent, can be realized by investing sums from. $25,000 to $35,000 In first-class real estate. Inquire of F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton building. FOR SALE CHEAP; NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE, with all modern conveniences, en corner let. one block from car line. East Side; terms easy. R. L. Cate, room 701 Chamber of Com merce. SELLWOOD LOTS WILL DOUBLE IN value In 6 or 12 months. The best buy on the market Terms. to suit purchasers. T. A. Wood. 141U First at A SNAP 2S0 ACRES OF TIMBER. 30 MILES from Portland, only $1100. 504 Goldsmith street FOR SALE FOUR LOTS. 14TH AND Di vision; $400 and up. 355 Oak st