14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 13, 1902. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED WELL-IMPROVED. 8. 10. 15 AND 20-acre tracts In the vlclntty of Portland dur ing next 10 days; have several families ready to purchase same. If desirable. Address V. A. Shaw & Co., 213 Stark St., Portland, Or. WANTED FROM 10 TO 20 ACRES NEAR Portland, fenced. Improved and with fair bearing orchard. Address, stating location and price, w 77, care oregonian. I- WANTED ACREAGE BLOCKS ON PENIN sular. Sellwood. Ankeny: also 7-room house and block, anywhere. If bargain. G. H., cor. 20th and Carter. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. FULL LOT, MOD ern conveniences, close In or near car line; must be a snap. F 70, Oregonlaiy WANTED A 5-ROOM COTTAGE, ON THE Installment plan; give full description and location. Address T 76, Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY CHEAP LOT OR WILL build house In exchange, at Seaside. Ad dress Jenkins, S 72, Oregonian. WANTED-A WELL-IMPROVED STOCK ranch for cash; must be cheap. Address Box 639, Portland. WANTED A LARGE DAIRY FARM. NEAR city, on good road. N 70. Oregonian. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS YELLOW and White Pine. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Cranberry farm. Splendid Working Mines. Government Lands and Scrip. Mills and Municipal Bonds. Choice bunch of claim now. Come, Join party. Lieu Land Baa cheap. J. L. Martin & Co., OOl oregonian. r- TIM3ER LANDS IN SMALL AND LARGE tracts. We have 1120 acres of very fine tim ber on the Sluslaw at a bargain. Also large tract trlbutar to the Columbia River. M. Billing:). 220 Morrison st. I AVILL LOCATE YOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS that will cut from 4 to 8 million feet to the quarter; have several nice tracts of tim ber land for sale cheap. D. C. Rogers, 145 Oth St., Portland, Or. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO LOCATE A few more desirable timber claims. For par ticulars call at M. Billings' shoe store, 229 Morrison st. WE HAVE A FEW EXTRA GOOD CLAIMS to locate; call or write at once. Staples, room 4, Worcester Building, Portland, Or. 480 ACRES OF FINE TIMBER. YELLOW fir and cedar; on good logging stream. The H. C. Albee Co., 248 Grand ave. TIMBER LANDS A LARGE TRACT. RAIL road through it, for sale. J. G. Mack & Co.. S8 Third St. I CAN SELL YOUR TIMBER CLAIM OR Lo cate you on timber land. A. D. Marshall, 82 3d st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. V- THE FOLDING SAWING MACHINE IS ONE of the greatest labor and money-savers ever Invented. One man can cut more with It than two men with a crosscut saw. Indis pensable for professional woodchoppers, the farmer and ever- owner of timber land. Folding Sawing Machine Co.. agent, H. Hecker, cor. Burnslde and Front fits. CACTI. CHEAP: ABOUT 100 VARIETIES, closing out guinea fowl, peafowls, bronze turkeys. White Minorca roosters and Sca brlght bantams, goldfish and all kind of talking parrots, singing birds and pets. Port land Bird Co.. 304 3d. EGGS FOR HATCHING, $1.00 PER SET tmg; thoroughbred White Leghorns and Wyandottes. Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 and $2 for 15; the coming all-purpose lowl. L. E. Swetland, West ave.. Jit. Taoor. h EGGS. $1 PER SETTING FROM THOROUGH bred Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, Brown and White Leghoms. Wyandottes, Langshans and Minorcas. J. E. Gantenbeln, sta. B. Portland. Or. AT A BARGAIN UPHOLSTERED PARLOR set. fine bedroom set. extension dining table, walnut hall tree; all at private sale, cheap, to avoid cost of storage. Call at 130 Stanton street. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD Exiert repairing. Office sup plies; Mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Phone Main 33. 100 SECOND - HAND BICYCLES. FROM $2 up. all bicycles over $5 arc in good repair; new bicycles from $10 up. Portland Gun Store, 231 First, between Salmon and Main. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE 2 1300-POUND HORSES. 9 years old; sound and true; price $130, if sold at once; Livestock Exchange. G 78r Ore gonian. , FOR SALE ONE LARGE AIR COMPRESS er, one Lldgerwood hoist, one centrifugal pump, one steam motor. Address J SI, Ore gonian. FOR SALE SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. In Portland; in good running order; a bar gain. Address Sash and Door, care Orego nian. FOR SALE ONE HIGH-GRADE, HAND made delivery but.-hcr wagon; also other wagons. Blacksmith shop, 428 East Burn side. Furniture wagons, trucks, hacks, coupes; also 200 other vehicles, 250 sets harness, 100 sad dles. Tomllnson & Hall. 211 Washington st. THREE LARGE DOUBLE GATES. 10x8, 8x8. suitable for barn doors; cheap. New United States Custom-House, Davis and Eighth st. SAFES NEW FIREPROOF SAFES, $10 UP; for home, office, store or bank; call and see them; high grade; low price. 205 2d st. COMBINATION POOL AND BILLIARD TA ble, complete outfit, solid ivory balls. Al con dition. Address G 75, care Oregonian. FOR SALE 25 HEAD WORK HORSES. 1000 to 1000 pounds; also some gentle saddle ponies. East Madison and Union ave. FOR SALE-FURNITURE OF A COMPLETE ly furnished rooming-house; furniture good as new. 512 Washington st. PRIZE - WINNING BELGIAN HARES AT your own price. Call today at 246 Arthur at,, Fred Schmalz, breeder. FOR SALE-20 HEAD GOOD HORSES.WELL broken, all sizes, up to 1500 pounds. East Madison and Union ave. FOR SALE L YOUNG BULL. 2' YEARS old, $25; 3 fresh cows, with calves. Wm. Borsch. Hillsdale. Or. FOR SALE ONE SINGER SEWING MA chine. In good condition, with double feed; reasonable. 295 Third. FEW PAID AND NEARLY PAID UP DIA mond contracts of T. S. A. of Minn, for sale. H 74, care Oregonian. LADY'S BICYCLE. $8; GENTS CHAINLESS. only $10. These are bargains. Room 10 Washington building. FRESH JERSEY COW WILL TRADE FOR horse. Evans. 1st house norm of Woodward's Hall. Montavllla. I FOR SALE-ONE 3-HORSE-POWER GASO line Vnglnc. French make. Address A 75, care Oregonian. FOR SALE-$125. WASHBURN MANDOLIN, cheap; or will trade for cash register. C 75, Oresonlan. FOR SALE CYPHERS INCUBATOR AND brooder: practically new. 514 20th st., Port land Heights. FOR SALE FAMILY PHAETON; FINE CON dltlon; very cheap. Call on C R. F Sher iff's office. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE AND CARPETS of cottage 005 East Belmont. At home mornings. FOR SALE CHEAP; SECOND-HAND MOS ley folding bathtub; good as new. Inquire 474 Alder. FOR SALE GOOD JUMP-SEAT BUGGY. IN good order. John Enery, 520 Market st., forenoon. BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES.. PHOTO graphlc tent and furniture, cheap, at 225 '-4 First st. . SEVERAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND WAG ons. light and heavy. 51 4th st., near Pine. GOOD 1400 TEAM; 1 1150 MARE. 1 1050 mare; 3Vi farm wagon. S3S Hendricks ave. AWNINGS Get prices from A. C. Pike Tent & Awning Co., 107 N. Third. Tel. S. 886. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO; WOULD LIKE fine diamond in exchange. A 81, Oregonian. FOR SALE AN UPRIGHT NEW PIANO; for sale cheap for cash. 3C7 North lCrh. ONE CONTRACT OREGON MUTUAL HOME Society, number between 12 and 10. ONE 7-YEAR-OLD 1600-POUND HORSE cheap. Call Monday. 313 Water st. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill. FOR SALE GOOD WORK HORSE CHEAP. 1024 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOUR-HORSE UPRIGHT ENGINE, AND five-horse upright boiler for sale; used half of time for a year; too small for our use. Address N 75, care Oregonian. PIANO. NEARLY NEW. FOR SALE CHEAP. 231 Fifth st. FOR SALE FRESH COWS. W. SPENCE, Mllwaukle. For Rent Pianos. FOR RENT A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO. ON reasonable terms. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. S. E. cor. Fourth and Washington. HELP WANTED MALE. HOOKTENDER. $3.50; TWO RIGGING RUST lers, $2.50; Jackscrew men. $2.65 up; buckers, $2.25 up: swampers. $2.25; skldmen, $2.10: ratchet setter, $2.50; planerman, $2.25; mill and yardmen. $1.75 and $2; laborers. $2 to $2.25. carpenters, $3; ship carpenters, $3.50; soapmaker, $75; Swedish bartender. $30, board; machinists, $3.25 to $3.50; 20 men and teams. $4.60 to $7; woodchoppers. 8uc to $1.25; boltcutters, $1; farmhands and milkers, $23 and $30. Canadian Employment Co., 226 Morrison; branches, 247 Burnslde and 51 N. Third. 60 R. R. MEN. 25 LOGGERS. 10 SAWMILL men. 25 quarry men. for Hale & Kern; two blacksmiths, 1 edgcr man. 5 peavey men, 10 teamsters. 25 farmers and milkers, 2 teams to haul ties. 25 woodchoppers, 25 bolt cutters. 25 men for station work; $10,000 railroad outfit, horses, etc, for sale, all or part. Labor of all kinds promptly furnished responsible parties. Contractors' headquar ters. Livestock bought and sold. Public tel ephone Red 1851. D. E. Budd. 110 First st. NEVADA NEVADA Wanted for new R. R. work Teamsters, laborers, rock men, $2 to $2.50 day, long Job. Shipping every day till further notice. Able-bodied workmen only wanted. Special shipment Monday night. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. Employment Agts., 26 N. Second st,. Portland. Or. WANTED CLOTHING SALESMEN TO OPEN1 and operate sales agencies for America's Greatest Tailors. Exclusive rights given, proper facilities fuiii hed to right parties; woolens in the piece for display purposes sup plied if required, samples furnished free; also advertising matter and stationery. A num ber of our sales agents are maklnr from $1200 to $3500 prr year. Write for terms and full Information. Address Agency. Dept, A, Lock Box 860, Chlcaso. HOW I MADE $75,000 IN THREE YEARS. Guarantee success if take my advice. My plan for 20c In stamps. All publishers know me as reliable. Employ 100 people. Started without capital. Rich today. Chance for you. Frank R. Carter, 12 East 42d St., New York. ' FREE ELECTRICAL OUTFIT GIVEN TO our students. We teach electricity at home by correspondence. Can help you gain a better salary and position. Thomas A. Edi son Indorses Institute. Write, for special of fer. Electrical Engineer Institute. New York. RELIABLE CLEVELAND HOUSE WANTS bright man as traveling salesman; general mercantile trade; energy, business ability and salesmanship will make post.ion permanent. 55 Mercantile Bank bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. THE ADVERTISING FIELD IS OPEN FOR ambitious men and women to enter. Taught thoroughly by mall. A fascinating, profltaole business. Send for large prospectus. Page Davis Co.. Chicago or New York. WANTED CLERK. EXPERIENCED IN crockerj', grocery or general store prefened; good opportunity for rapid advancement. Ad dress, btating salary, age. experience and references. R 74. care Oregonian. i , COLORED MAN. TRUSTWORTHY. TO travel and collect In Oregon for manufac turer. Salary $50 monthly to begin. Please Inclose addressed envelope for reply. Presi dent, 702 Star bldr., Chicago. ENERGETIC MAN. WITH REFERENCES, for Industrial. Intermediate and ordinary HO Insurance; will teach him the business andi give best contract. Call Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., Abtngton building. THE FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA, the best accident, old age, total disability and death benefit order, wants good organ izers, male or female. Charles E. Cllne. O. S. P.. box 530. WANTED HEAD SALESMAN FOR GRO cery; must be experienced; In first-class house In city; Investigate; strictly confiden tial. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 221 Washington st. WANTED-A HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTY salesman capable of earning three thousand a year. Good territory ana liberal contract to right man. Addrew 1C15 Manhattan build ing, Chicago. Men wanted to learn barber trade; constant practice and expert Instruction until compe tent. No limit to term. Catalorue free. Moler Barber College, San Francisco, Cal. MAN TO DO GENERAL WORK ON SMALL suburban place; must understand milking and some knowledge of gardening. Apply Frank E. Hart, room 105. Sherlock bldg. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars. H. C Fisher. Fisher bldg.. Chicago. WANTED BRIGHT AND ACTIVE YOUNG man to collect; wages $4 per week to oogln with; rapid adancement. Address, btatifig age and reference, A 73, Oregonian. MAN WHO CAN COME WITH BEST OF references, for city solicitor; salary and commission; can make $150 or more per month. X 74, care Oregonian. WE WANT A SHARP MAN IN EVERY town to do secret service work; $4.00 per day and expenses. Ensign Detective .Agency. Box l&H. Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED YOUNG MAN. TRAVELING Po sition; experience unnecessary; salary $o0 month and expenses. Plough-Williams Co., Manhattan bldg., Chicago. WANT ONE GOOD. RELIABLE SALESMAN to sell Singer machines on large percentage; expenses guaranteed: Ant territory. Address Box 759. The Dalles. Or. WANTED BY AN OLD ESTABLISHED house, experienced traveling salesman for this etate; permanent position to right man. Box COS. St, Louis, Mo. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS SPINNERd for night work; steady position, good wages; also two blanket weavers for day work. Portland Woolen Mills. WANTED MANAGER FOlt BRANCH OF flce; salary $1800vyearly; man with $5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer, 203-7 Security Building. Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, bamples. etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. SWEDISH. DANISH. NORWEGIAN AND Scandinavian subscription and advertising solicitors wanted. Clyde's Swedish Newspa per. 1054 Third. WANTED MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF OF flce here in Portland. Address, with refer ence, at once. A. T. Morris, Wholesaler. Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED AT 'ONCE. GOOD OFFICE BOY. by Front-stroet commission house. Address, giving age. experience and references, F 78, Oregonian. SALESMEN TO SELL PERFUMES. TOILET soaps, etc.. to dealers; $100 monthly and expenses. Plumer Perfumery & Mfg. Co.. St, Louis. Mo. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS-TWELVE EN terprlslng Oregon weekly newspapers; liberal commission. Ralph C. Clyde, proprietor. SALESMEN TO SELL TOILET SOAP TO dealers; $100 per month salary and expenses; experience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., St, Louis. Mo. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO SOLICIT OR ders in the city for a wholesale candy fac tory; state age and experience. N 73, care Oregonian. WANTED SPECIAL POLICE: ACTIVE MEN to patrol large city. Railway detectives also needed. Address Patrol, 51 Howland block. Chicago. TWO SALESMEN TO SELL FIREWORKS on commission as a side line, in the Valley and on the Sound. Address E 74. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED TEACHER WANTS PUPILS in common branches, mathematics. Latin, etc: Individual Instruction. H 71, Oregonian. SOLICITORS FOR SICK AND DEATH BENE fit order. Best seller; blgeet pay to hustlers. Write quick. S. Rothblum, Boston, Mass. WANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED SALES men; regular and special lines. To merchants only. Good pay. Address J 72, Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD, BRIGHT MAN TO keep books and familiar with general etore work. Addrcsa M 72, care Oregonian. SALARY $1800 YEARLY AND EXPENSES can be obtained by man with $5000. Address President, 1SS Madison St., Chicago. THREE GOOD SOLICITORS AND COLLEC tora; high - class proposition; good pay to workera 31 Hamilton building. WANTED TWO GOOD SEWING MACHINE salesmen and collectors; city; salary and commission. D 73, Oregonlaa, HELP WANTED KALE. WANTED A GOOD, STEADY, INDUSTRI OUS married man, no children, to take cars of horses; mutt give references. Inquire 45 First it. I srrvFi it. nrnA-o akr.vcxttrs wlvrpn. experience unnecessary; good pay. E. Manuel! Station J. New York City. SALESMAN HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTY; not afraid to work hard for big pay. No boys. V 73, cars Oregonian. WANTED A FEW QUARTZ MINERS CAPA ble of handling air drills; must be flrst-clas. A 74, care Oregonian. WANTED MEN WHO WANT TO BE Lo cated on good timber claims. Address box 35, Cottage Grove, Or. YOUTH WANTED TO LEARN ARCHITEC ture; no salary the first 12 months. Apply S 75, care Oregonian. WANTED GOOD. FIRST-CLASS SHORT Order cook, and dishwasher. St, Charles Res taurant, 200 Morrison. WANTED NEAT, BRIGHT OFFICE BOY, about 14; good penman. Room 10, 73 Third, Alnsworth block. WANTED IRON SHIPBUILDERS TO RB palr tteel masts and spars. Willamette Boil er Works. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO .LEARN BAR ber trade; must have some cash. S 73, Ore gonian. WANTED FOUR GOOD CARPENTERS. Call Hobklrk & Klllgreen, contractors, 4 2d st. EXPERIENCED BOY. ABOUT 15. TO WORK around store. Apply tali morning, 171 Third street. STREET SALESMAN WANTED. APPLY AT 420 Washington at,, between 3 and 4 o'clock today. WANTED A NON-UNION PLUMBER. TO work In Seattle. Address Q 70, care Orego nian. WANTED BOY ABOUT 15 WHO CAN MILK cows. Apply William Frazler. 5th and Taylor. WANTED SIX CARPENTERS MONDAY morning. Inquire Dog Show, Exposition bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN: UIG wages; city and country. 215 Commercial bile WANTED SMART YOUNG PRESSMAN. Epsteyn, the Tailor, room 0, 271 Morrison. Stablemen. $30 (board, room): hotel porter, farm hands; kitchen help. Drake, 205 Wash. A SECOND-CLASS BAKER WANTED, AT the City Bakery. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED-BOY WHO CAN STRIP TOBACCO; easy position. 2024 Washington st. BOY LIVING AT HOME TO WORK IN BOOT black stand. 347 Washington st. I- GOOD COATMAKER. STEADY JOB. SCHIF- fler Tailoring Co., rendleton. Or. FIBST-CLASS PANTS AND VESTMAKERS. Nicoll the Tailor. 103 Third st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PLANER MAN. Address J 73. care Oregonian. PRESSER FOR CLOTHING FACTORY. Charles Coopey, SS Third st. WANTED BOY FOR SUNDAYS AND EVEN lngs. Portland Oyster Co. BOY WANTED. ABOUT 18 YEARS OLD. Factory. 23 Front st. BOY WANTED THE JAMES PRINTING CO. 6S-70 First st, STOUT BOY FOR BOTTLING. APPLY 103 Front st. HELP -WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITRESSES, chambermaids, second girls, nurse girls, laun dry girl, helper. In hotel, housework of all kinds In and out City. Colfax. Prlnevllle. etc Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. LADY TO TRAVEL IN OREGON. $50 monthly and all expenses to start; permanent . position. References required. Send self-addressed envelope for reply. Address Treasurer Mac Brody, 032 "Dearborn. Chicago. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly; oer.d stamped envel ope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe et, Chicago, 111. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR WAIST, skirt and wrapper department; when reply ing, state experience, age and references, etc E 81, care Oregonian. TWO SUIT SALESLADIES, TWO ALTERA tlon hands and apprentices in the work rooms; only first-class In every detail need apply. H. B. Lit, WANTED MIDDLE-AGED SWEDISH LADY to keep house for widower and two boys; take Montavllla car to end, and Inquire of O. Westland. LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME, $4 TO $6 per -week. Send stamred envelope for ap plication. Monarch Supply Co., Dept, U7, Chicago. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN suburban home: near car line. Phone Union 880, Mrs. Swetland, West ave.. Mount Tabor. SELF-SUPPORTING LADIES GIVEN HON orable, healthful, lucrative employment. Pa cific Supply Company. 2S4 Third at., city. IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT SECOND glls. cooks and housekeepers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WHOLESALE HOUSE WANTS MIDDLE aged business woman fair education: perma nent engagement, P 77, care Oregonian. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework in family of three grown persons. Address D 75, care Oregonian. GOOD SKIRT HAND; ALSO BASQUE FIN ishcr, tailoress preferred. The Vendome, en trance between Washington and AJder. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN SHORT hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, penmanship; terms reasonable. N 52, Oregonian. LADIES WANTED TO DO EMBROIDERY and Battenberg at their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN eral housework: wages $20. Apply 07 North 14th, between Davis and Everett, WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. In a family of four; no children. Apply Monday at 442 Jefferson st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework and the care of children. East 13th and Burnslde. LADY WISHES YOUNG LADY COMPANION to Europe and return. Arthur Marsh, Post office, Portland. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR cooking and general housework. Call C61 Washington at. FIFTY GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED AT room 18 Russel building, 4th and Morrison. Girls' Club. SECOND. GENERAL. CHAMBERMAIDS, waitress, cooks. Working Girls Home. 201 Third. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU6E work. Apply at once. Good wages. 215 11th street. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR cooking and general housework. 183 20th north. ACME EMP. BUREAU. 185 MORRISON. Hel free to employers. Phone North "Sail. Col. 2i Six hotel waitress: C. nurse, $20. Domestics, 2d girl, $18: kitchen girl. Drake. 205 Wash. SALESLADY-CITY AND COUNTRY; HIGH ralary. Star Mfg. Co.. 242 Washington st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, family of two. Apply 202 King st. GIRL TO ADDRESS ENVELOPES AND DO copying. Arthur Marsh, Postofflee, city. WANTED-A CHILDREN'S NURSE. APPLY C69 Hancock nt,, Irvlngton, In mornings. WANTED A GIRL FOR COOKING. APPLY In morning, 332 10th st,, cor. Market, WANTED THREE GIRLS TO LEARN shlrtmaklng. Factory, 23 Front st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DINING-ROOM girl, at The Gladstone. 174 13th st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 335 11th. Call forenoons. WANTED A COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Apply 576 Hoyt st,, cor. 18th. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 5C1 East Burnslde. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 264 Seventh st. WANTED GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work. Apply 700 Irving. NEAT DRESSMAKER APPRENTICE; PAY while learning. 125 12th. WANTED-A CHILD'S NURSE. APPLY 786 Irving st. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, ond si BEC- HELP "WANTED MALE &R FEMALE MAKE $10.00 TO $25.00 WEEK IN SPARE time Start 'profitable manufacturing busi ness at your home. Either sex. The Wll Low Co., 247 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. MEN AND WOMEN TO DO COPYING AT home; $5 to $12 weekly working evenings; no canvassing; inclose stamp. King Mfg. Co., Quincy St., Chicago. $8 PER 1000 FOR WRITING LETTERS. Ma terials free. Send addressed, stamped envel ope. Mention this paper. Boston Optical Co., Buffalo. N. Y. LEARN PROOFREADING; SITUATION SE "cured, $15 to $25. weekly. Home Correspond ence School, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. A TTOUNG. "UP-TO-DATE TRAVELING salesman, now making part of Oregon and Washington, calling on the grocer, drug and confectioner,' trade, wishes to leave the road and get on city trade: well acquainted and can furnish the best of references as to abil ity, character, etc Address Q 73, care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION", CITY SALESMAN, any line sold In grocery store, on commis sion; long experience: best references; can turn to moat anything. Who wants a falth fuPman? Address T 77. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION IN OR OUT OF CITY as clerk In grocer' store; fully experienced; best of references. Address R 73, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK. MAR rled. wishes -position at moderate salary; steady, with good habits. E 72, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION, BY FIRST-CLASS clothing man; city or smaller town; ref erences. L 75. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY A RELIABLE Ex perienced bookkeeper, collector or solicitor. P 74, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION. BY Al MEN'S FUR nishlng goods man; ref. K 75, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION AS BUTLER OR VALET WANT ed by young man of 23; speaks English, Ital ian. French; traveling experience, or any thing that can be useful; best English and American references. Theo. 422 Union ave.. Station B, -City. THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STEAM Engineers will furnish competent engineers to till any position, and guarantee their effi ciency. Address the secretary, W. H. Hem bree. 420 Third. BY A COMPETENT COLORED MAN. AS A first-class, all-around cook for hotel or board ing apart; meats, roups, bread, pastry of all descriptions; sober, reliable, neat, X 77. Oregonian. WANTED W ORK. BY A STEADY AND RE ltable man of 43; handy with tools of all kinds; carpenter and painter; best of refer ences. Addrers L 72, Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY ENGLISHMAN DESIRES care of offices or cleaning of stores. Apply at Jarvls Restaurant, Yamhill st,, or address 851 First st,. South Portland. MARRIED MAN WISHES POSITION OF trust and responsibility In office or on the road: highest references. Please address R 77, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN: has 5 years' experience In hardware busi ness; wholesale house preferred. Y 73, care Oregonian. POSITION WITH SURVEYING, MINING OR prospecting party In Eastern Oregon; sal ary no object, D 74, care Oregonian. WANTED TO DO CARPENTER WORK OUT of town, or to do farm work. Call at Qulm by House. George Frlesen. JAPANESE HELP OF ALL KINDS. FARM Ing. domestic and house-cleaning. 311 Ever ett. Telephone Red 994. A YOUNG MAN. HAVING FOUR YEARS' experience as shipping clerk, desires a posi tion. Y 70, Oregonian. BOY. 14 YEARS. WITH EXPERIENCE, wishes position In office; references. B 77, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN Ex perienced as clerk; 'good references. A 77, Oregonian. AN A NO. 1 BAND-SAW FILER WANTS A position; good references. K 70, Oregonian. BOT, 18 YEARS OLD. WANTS TO LEARN carpenter trade. F 80. Oregonian. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE. Dressmaker. ACCORDION PLAITING AND PINKING done; the latest Improved machine u?ed; also .suits cut, any style, stitched, ready to finish. Fit guaranteed, $2 up. Dressmaking taugnt, with perfect-fitting system; Including sys tem. $15. Mrs. F. J. Brownng. room 44, upstairs. Cambridge block, 3d and Morrison. DRESSMAKER (SKIRT HAND) FROM NEW York wishes sltuatldn in first-class establish ment; reasonable. Address B 74, Oregonian. WANTED BY COMPETENT DRESSMAKER, sewing at your homes. Apply Mrs. J. W. Vaughn, phone West 2127. HAVE YOUR SHIRTWAISTS AND DRESSES made at 440 Clay st,; prices very reasonable. Domestic. BY GOOD. RESPECTABLE GIRL TO ASSIST In general housework. Address P 76, care Oregonian. GOOD GIRLS WAITING AT WORKING Girls' Home, 201 Third. Phone Hood 409. Uuasekeepers. YOUNG WOMAN WITH LITTLE BOY wants a position as housekeeper In respect able widower's family. T 74, Oregonian. YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN WOULD LIKE position as housekeeper; country preferred. X 73, Oregonian. Bookkeepers nnd Stenographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. LADY, desires circular letters or copying; Reming ton operator. Address R 75. Oregonian. JOUNG LADY WITH BUSINESS EDUCA tlon wants position as assistant bookkeeper or general office work. S 74. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND typwrlter desires few hours' evening work. F 75, Oregonian. POSITION AS OFFICE GIRL. OR WORK on books; wages no object, H 75. Orego nian. EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER DE slres position; references. P 75, Oregonian. Names. COMPETENT NURSE IS OPEN FOR EN gagement; best city references. Phone West 2S02. 410 Hall st. Miscellaneous. LADY WOULD LIKE CHAMBERMAID'S Po sition.' housekeeper or would cook in a min ing camp. Ans. all week, E 73, Oregonian. Work wanted Hotels, restrnts, families, cham berwork. anything. Drake. 205 "Washing ton. Clay 445. WANTED POSITION BY CAPABLE Busi ness woman. Address B 75. care Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSITION IN AN ofllce; $15 a month. T 75. Oregonian. A MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES DAY work. Phone Scott 2156. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. OREGON phone Front 1307. WANTED LACE CURTAINS TO LAUNDER. R 70. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. GAS MACHINE, $1. BIG MONEY FOR agents: lamp makes Its own gas at cost of ' one cent a day. Thousands sold daily. Write quick for particulars. Bowling G.reen Novelty Co., Suite 653, 11 Broadway, New York. AGENTS EVERYWHERE WRITE QUICK for greatest money-making proposition ever offered; on experience required; success abso lutely assured; promotion for good workers. P. O. Keenbell Co., Philadelphia. k FREE SAMPLE TO AGENTS SELF-LIGHT-Ing pocket lamp, size of lead pencil; burns perfectly: rapid seller; seeing Is believing. Send stamp. Fountain Pocket Lamp Co., Graham building, New York. A HANDSOME LEATHER MEDICINE case; 10 home cures; 100 doses; postage paid, $1.00. Money refunded If not satisfactory. Other specialties. Agents wanted. Arrow Medicine Co., Chicago. EXPERIENCED CANVASSING AGENTS with $50 capital make $50 weekly selling ver anda recllrlng chairs In cities and resort dis tricts; replace hammocks. W. F. Edwards, Traverse City, Mich. CASH PAID FOR DISTRIBUTING CIR culars. Bend stam). American Distributer, Kansas City, Mo. "WANTED AGENTS. A PROMINENT LIFE INSURANCE COM pany, with old established business, desires & few more gentlemen of character, energy and ability to act as representatives in Port land and through the state. Previous exper ience not necessary; liberal compensation and rapid piomotlon for successful men. Good agents especially desired In Eastern and Southern Oregon. Energetic, reliable men desirous of learning a profitable occupation will find a good opening. Experienced agents who are steady producers, will receive lib eral renewal Interests In past business, In addition to regular communion. Men Want ed for earnest, hard, determined work; no others desired. FIrxt-class references re quired. All communications will be held strictly confidential Address Manager, X 45. care Oregonian. AGENTS WANTED EITHER SEX. MY plan shows how you may Increase your In come without any capital, outfit or previous experience. My plan does not lnterfero with any occupation you may be engaged in, be cause no- one need know you are my rep resentative. If you are. out of work you can earn $100.00 per month working for me. You can learn how to work for me success fully In five minutes' time., and the work Is strictly honorable, legitimate aiid perma nent. Address W. M. Griffin, Key 175. Fort Wayne, Ind., for further particulars. I do not want one penny of your money. DON'T MISS IT GOLD MINE FOR AGENTS. Greatest invention of the age; Just patented; world's only mucilage on a stick;! dip In water or touch to tongue and apply to pa per'; It dries Instantly; no 'waste, no muss, always ready; necessary to old and young; In office, factory, shop, home or school, great est seller on earth: exclusive territory; sam ple 10 centii. H. E. Bell. McCllntock bldg., Denver, Colo. THE GREATEST EMVEN-TION OF THE AGE. Imported Hamburger Automatic Gasllghters, a chemical marvel. Requires no matches. Just turn on the gas and our little wond-er does the rest. It Is a clever novelty and us ful article at the same time. They ell "like wildfire. Big Inducements to agents. Send 25c for sample. Hamburger Automatic Gas- lignter jo., 7H-81 Fifth ave., Chicago. -i OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield. McKInley: their Illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete Inside history of the villainous plotting of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; 00 per cent prolt: freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 centi. is stamps. 003 Star Bldg.. Chicago. $50 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES; SAMPLE free; greatest money-making Invention of age; automatic washer; does a washing in 80 minutes without any labor or attention; cheaper than any other machine; indestruct ible: every lady buy; agents coining money; write today for sample and agency. Auto matic Washer Co., Sta. U, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR SPECIALTIES. $1000 health and accident, $6 weekly Indem nity, accidents or illness. $2 per year; $2000 health and accident. $15 weekly for accidents and $10 weekly for Illness. $5 per year. Travelers Guaranty Co.. Columbus, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED FOR BROHARD SASH Lock and Brohard Door Holder. Workers everywhere can earn big money. A steady demand for these goods. Sample sash lock free for 2c stamp to pay postage. The Brohard Co., Dept. 10, Philadelphia, Pa. MAN WHO IS A SUCCESSFUL LIFE IN surance solicitor, to represent prominent financial institution in the city; must be able to give the best of references; can earn large wages; salary guaranteed. W 74, care Oreronlan. AGENTS WRITE NOW FOR FREE SAM ple of work and terms. Star Harness Mender; beet 25c seller out. We make other quick selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED RIDER AGENTS TO RIDE AND exhibit sample 1002 bicycle and distribute 1000 catalogues In payment for It: write for catalogue and particulars. T. W. Mead CycU Co.. Chicago. LAMP THAT MAKES ITS OWN GAS AT cost of 1 cent a day; small model sent free to those wishing to work for ua. Empire Gaslight Co., 00 W. Broadway. New York. WANTED-MANAGER IN EVERY CITY, county, to handle best-paying business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 13 W. 28th et.. New York. AGENTS ARTICLE SOLD LIKE WILDFIRE at $2.50 In New York. Agents' price, 00 cents. "Write, for circular. Mrs. Lynch, Union Square, New York. AGENTS MAKE $5 A DAY; SELL OUR photos from Parisian life; sample and direc tions free. Write to G. Laurin, 21 Rue Van Damme. Paris. France. BIG MONEY MADE IN MAIL-ORDER Bus iness; conducted by any one, anywhere. Par ticulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE BEST AND only positive skirt supporter ever Invented. Liberal terms. Geo. M. Sceets, 45 Commerce bldg., Chicago. SCISSOBS SHARPENERS." FIT ALL sewing machines. Big profits. Retail $1.00 each. Write Bullock Mfg. Co.. 66 5th ave., Chicago. AGENTS $30 PER WEEK TO MEN WITH rigs, to Introduce our New Cream Separator. People's Supply Co., Dept. 43, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOM. MEDIUM SIZE. ELEC trlc or gas light; use of bath; near business ?ort!on, with or without board. Address K 2. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT TWO OR THREE UN furnished connecting rooms, on ground floor; references given and required. A 72, care Oregonian. SEVEN OR EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FULLY furnished, centrally located, oy responsible rarty; no children. P. H. E., care Orego nian. 3 ADULTS WANT 2 OR B PARTLY FUR nlshed rooms; have their own bedding and kitchen furniture: state rent. C 72, Oregonian AT LONG BEACH, WANTED TO RENT furnished or unfurnished cottage; rent must bo reasonable. Address G 76, care Oregonian. ROOM WANTED YOUNG MAN (20) WANTS room with a roommate of about same age; with or without board. E 78. Oregonian. WANTED THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, first floor: private house preferred. West Side; no children. V 72. care Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACE NEAR Portland; state terms and other particulars. Address J 74, Oregonian. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN BOARD AND room In a nice private family; first-class ref erence. X 76, Oregonian. WANTED COTTAGE OR SMALL FLAT, furnished. West Side; would take year's lease. Y 77, Oregonian. LADY. WITH BABY. WANTS BOARD, large room, unfurnished preferred; not exceed $10. 2SS Grand ave. WANTED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN WITH private family, German preferred. M 74, Oregonian. YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES ROOM AND board in private family; references. V 74, Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED ROOM IN PRTVATE family by lady; reasonable rent, 185 Clay. "WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE. STOVES AND ALL KINDS OF second-hand household articles bought or taken In trade. Zimmerman. 214 First. TL. North 1040. We sell for cash or credit. WANTED 1 PR. BUGGY SHAFTS; MUST be In good condition and cheap; also would exchange milk delivered daily for a good large cook stove. B 72, care Oregonian. WANTED $2000 LOAN ON GOOD PORT land property; $2luO loan on good Improved farm; $400 loan on land, part improved. Room 210 Ablngton building. WANTED TO BORROW FROM PRINCIPAL only, from $800 to $1000 for ono year on good Inside Income-bearing property. Y 75. Oregonian. $2500 LOAN WANTED AT 6 PER CENT, 3 years, on desirable residence property, pay ing $40 per month. H 77, csra Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST nff clothing and shoes. 62 North 3d. Phone Hood M7. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED SECOND-HAND. ADJUSTABLE go-cart; must be In good condition and cheap. Address W 73, care Oregonian. DIAMOND WEIGHING FROM ONE TO 1 karats, In exchange for my nearly new up right piano. L 81. Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER CENT, on good residence property. Miller, 327 Chamber of Commerce. AT SEASIDE. WANT TO RENT COTTAGE, furnished or unfurnished; send full particulars A 76. care Oregonian. GOOD SECOND-HAND SODA FOUNTAIN and outfit: must be cheap. P. O. Box 254, Independence, Or. t LOAN OF $600, REAL ESTATE SECURITY. 518 Chamber of Commerce, city. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BUGGY, quire 384 North 18tb st. IN- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED 10. -SO-ANlJ 100-ACRE LAND warrants Issued under act of 1S55 to soldiers. Address H- B. Compnon. CIS Marquam bldg.. Portland, Or. - WANTED AN OFFICE DESK WITH ROLL top. Telephone North 1221, or Inquire 3S4 North 18th. WANTED ADDRESS OF PARTY WHO CAN locate me on good timber claim. D 81, Ore gonian. A GIRL. 10 YEARS OLD. WISHES TO BE adopted in. a respectable family. X 75, Ore gonian. WANTED LOCATION FOR A BOOTBLACK stand. J 75, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. PARK and Alder sts., formerly The Spalding Un der new management; the moat complete apartment-house In the Northwest: steam heat, gas. porcelain baths, every modern con venience; rates. 75c per day and upward. Furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE "GILBERT. 207 TAYLOR. COR. THIRD Strictly first-class In all appointments; fire proof building, steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, porcelain baths; rates $1 per day and upwards; reasonable rates by the week or month. All depot cars pass wtlhln one block of The Gilbert. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 14TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; use of library: Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. Ueorge. Super intendent, 610 Flanders st. THE METROPOLE. 365 STARK. ONE block from Cordray'a Theater Elegantly fur nished rooms, en suite or single; all sunny and cheerful, thoroughly modern; under new management. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE. SUITA ble for one or two gentlemen: new carpets and furniture; private family; centrally lo cated. 601 Washington st. Phone Oak 1781. THE NEW ERIE HOUSE. NOW UNDER new management of Mrs. Hannlgan All light rooms, from $1 a week up; transient trade solicited. Phone Front 2283. BEAUTIFUL BAY-WINDOW SUITE. NEWLY furnished, bath and telephone, near Multno mah Club; gentlemen preferred. 528 Taylor st. Phono Brown 696. SUNNY FRONT ROOMS, FOR GENTLE men; well lighted, gas or electric light, bath, phone; rent reasonable. 86 16th, four blocks north Washington. 1- ONE BRIGHT, SUNNY FRONT ROOM, ONE room and alcove; lurmture new, oath, neat, phone; four blocks from Oregonian. Y 74, Oregonian. ALCOVE SUITE. WELL FURNISHED; also single room; In desirable private resi dence, modern, very central. 235 11th et., cor. Main. THE RAMONA, 381 YAMHILL. NOW UN dcr management of Mrs. Alvord. formerly of The Hesperian,; sunny rooms; transient trade solicited. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for one or two young ladies, with private family; very reasonable. 304 First street. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. THE PLEASANTON. 288 Third st. Fine fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, alngle or house keeping; transient solicited. Phone South 251. FOR RENT LARGE, PLEASANT. WELL furnlshed front room; good location; modern convenlenpes. 129 14th st,, near Washington. THE CALUMET, 7th and Alder New. mod ern, steam-heated rooms. $1 per day and up: reasonable rates per week or mo. Free bath-' THE COSMOS, S. E. cor. 4th and Morrison Comfortable, clean suites and single rooms $t per day; reasonable rates per week or mo. The La Porte. 170 Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean, neat rooms, $1.25 per week up; transient, 25c day up; transient solicited. FOR RENT A NICE, AIRY FRONT ROOM, with bay window, bath and phone; with or without use of kitchen. 430 Washlnmon. i;EW MANAGEMENT NICELY FURNISH ed rooms, $2.50 per week; centrally located. 361 Washington St., opposite Cordray's. 108 11TH ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON FUR nished room, suitable for ono or two gentle men: bath. Call Sunday. References. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FURNISHED room. Inspect those newly furnished ones at No. 511 Glisan st., corner 15th st. FURNISHED ROOMS 288 WASH. ST. south of Perkins Hotel, over florist; 50 cents and a dollar per day; to transient. SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, for gentlemen; two minutes' walk from Post office. Address D 72, Oregonian. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; sunny; bay window, phone, bath, gas; house keeping If desired. 235 12th st. "NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two gentlemen; also furnished room for light housekeeping. 403 3d. RYAN HOUSE. 200 FIFTH. OPPOSITE City Hall Elegant furnished rooms, en suite, single; housekeeping rooms. NEATLY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM. IN private family; phone and bath; rent $6 month. 334 Fifth st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two persons. 390 Everett St., between Park and Ninth sts. 446 TAYLOR, NEAR 12TH NEAT SINGLE front room, with large clothes closet, for gentleman; modern. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, FOR SINGLE gentleman; two blocks from postofllce. 221 Sixth, cor. Salmon. THE SOUTHERN. COR. WEST PARK AND Yamhill One nice front, also single room. Phone South 1026. THE ARCADE. 146 FIRST ST. NICELY furnished rooms, $1.60 per week and up; transient solicited. A LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM; good location; gas, bath and phone. 105 Sev enth, cor. Taylor. NICE FRONT ROOM. WITH BATH AND telephone, for one or two gentlemen; close In. 83 Seventh. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two; modern conveniences. 440 6th st. Price, $S. 414 YAMHILL ST.. COR. 11TH WELL-FUR-nlshed single rooms; also suites; all modern conveniences. FOR" RENT COMFORTABLE BEDROOM with English family; also uso of bathroom. 851 First st. FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED ROOM. 3 blocks from Portland Hotel. Inquire 327 Morrison st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH PRI vate family; gas and bath. 400 Taylor at.; references. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM: ALL CON veniences; $6 month. 11 North Ninth, near Burnslde. FRONT ROOM, IN NEW BUILDING, NEW ly furnished, suitable for gentleman. 102 12th st. THE CLE"MENT. SIXTH AND OAK STS. Elegantly furnished rooms, at reasonable rates. The Newland, 1st at. bet. Col. and Clay Newly furnished rooms; modern conveniences. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. GHman Hotel. 1st & Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett, 331 12TH NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT sleeping room; fine location; rent reasonable. MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUILD Ing. steam heat, new furniture. 311 Stark. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT , board; furnace heat and bath. 367 10th et. THE BONITA. 80 7TH, NEAR LIBRARY Elegant, sunny rooms, $2.50 week and up. 435 ALDER PLEASANT, LIGHT ROOMS near builness center; modern conveniences. EAST SIDE. FURNISHED ROOMS: RATES very reasonable. 41 Grand ave.. cor. Pine. 205 11TK STREET LIGHT. SUNNY ROOM, neatly furnished; very reasonable; close In. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH GAS. bath, phone. 1G9 Park st,, near Morrison. flCELT FURNISHED. LIGHT ROOM: VERY reasonable; phone in house. 391 Sixth st. THE MONNASTES. 2S5 FIRST FUR nlsbed rooms, clean, respectable house. COZY ROOM. FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLE men; modern conveniences. 254 12th st. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen, corner Ninth and East Oak. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE HOUSE; brand new throughout. 347 Front st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. CENTRAL Lo cation; private family. 348 Mala st. FOR RENT. Rooms. 4S9 WEST PARK, NICELY FURNISHED room; bath; phone. $5 per month. BAY-WINDOW FRONT ROOM; EVERY CON venlence. 100 West Park st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 543 Flanders. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI vate family. 700 1st st. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED UP stalr rooms. 700 1st st. 274 HOLLADAY AVE.. NICE SUNNY FRONT room; rent reasonable. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 307 Harrison st. 204 STARK ST. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; reasonable. 125 13TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, e-mail or large. LARGE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 340 College st. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 100 W. Park st. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM. 175 10th. Rooms Witli Board. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WISHING PLEAS ant home In small private family; handsome ly furnished rooms, fine, large grounds, gas, bath and phono; seven minutes' walk from Postofllce; one block from car line. West Side; can be accommodated by addressing Q 75, Oregonian. ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR. BRAND NEW. large residence, new furniture; with or with out board; private family: reasonable. 44T Columbia, between 12th and 13th; 10 minutes' walk from Postofllce. Beeutlful surroundings. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM and room for gentleman: lawn; first-class home cooking; good service; central. 475 Washington St.. corner 14th. FOR RENT THREE NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; desirable location; gas, bath, phones. 211 McMUlen st,, 4 blocks north of steel bridge. East Side. FOR RENT FRONT ROOM. LARGE AND very pleasant; suitable for 2 gentlemen; with or without board. 405 3d, opposite Newcastle. 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD, private family; modern: central: terms rea-, Eonable; references exchanged. H 73, Orego nian. WILL FURNISH ROOM TO SUIT. WITH I board, private family; everything new; all , conveniences. Phone Scott 174S. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT j board; good location. 280 11th st and Jeffer- son. Phone West 1634. COMFORTABLE ROOM. IN GOOD HOME, with breakfast, for gentleman; walking dis tance. B 81. Oregonian. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. LOWER floor; table board first - class; beautiful grounds. 261 13th at. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. In private family. 22d st., between faavier and Thurman. 533 E. ANKENY GOOD LOCATION; LARGE -front rooms with board; uso bath, gas. Tele phone BIuo 846. 188 SEVENTH ST. LARGE NICE FRONT room for two, with good board, home cooking. VERY PLEASANT FRONT FURNISHED room, with or without board. 295 Third. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with or without board. 624 Second st. 394 ALDER. CORNER 10TH FURNISHED room and board; reasonable: references. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, SUITABLE for two. 141 West Park, cor. Alder. ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM lly; home cooking. 392 Fourth st. PLEASANT ROOM. "WITH BOARD; PRI- vate boarding-house. 1S1 17th st. '- . i A GOOD HOME FOR A WORKING GIRL IN prlvato family. J 77. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD AT 501 YAM hlll st. Phone Brown 702. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD. AT 225 11th st. noniiekceplng Rooms. FOR RENT THREE PLEASANT. WELL llghtcd rooms, partly furnished for llgnt housekeeping; will rent very reasonable to desirable party; no children. Call Monday, 329 Montgomery st. FOR RENT IN FINE PRIVATE RESI dence, eight rooms. Including double par lors, dining-room and kitchen; references re quired. T 1 2. Oregonian. H NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping; private residence; gas and bath;, reasonable. 294 Benton, cor. Halsey. Phone Rus CS9. Call Sunday. FLAT OF THREE ROOMS AND ALCOVE, unfurnished; no children; with private fam ily; central, between 11th and 12th st, 428 Stark. - $1.25 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN OUTSIDE furnisneu nouseKeepmg rooms witn use a; laundry, bath and telephone. 184 Sherman street. HEILER BLOCK. 280 GRAND AVENUE. Threo housekeeping rooms; pantry, bath, hot and cold water In kitchen. Phone Scott 693. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; DINING room. bedroom, kitchen; furnished; $25 month; light, wood, telephone. 94 Seventh. 135 14TH. CORNER ALDER DESIRABLE suite completely furnished housekeeping rooms; bath. gas. telephone; no children. TWO ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED for light housekeeping on first floor: no chil dren. 308 Main, between 5th and 6th sts. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; phone and bath. 385 11th at., near Montgomery, on car line. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bath: phone; modern conveniences. 914 East! Yamhill st. (Sunnyslde); no children. CLEAN. NEATLY FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms; gau. bath, telephone. 351 Oak, near Seventh. Very central. LARGE', PLEASANT SUITE HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; bath, phone; one single room; very reasonable price. 1G5 Seventh. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping: nice location. 350 E. Sacramento. Take Woodlawn car. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SUITE housekeeping rooms: single room. Phone West 543. 223 Pine, Reld building. TWO' FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping, no children. 267 Colum bia, between Third and Fourth. ENTIRE GROUND FLOOR OF THREE rooms, furnished for housekeeping, vacant 15th; no children. 354 Salmon. H, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH water and bath; also furnished rooms with board. 435 10th. corner College. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; phone and gas stove; three minutes' walk to postofllco. 335 Clay st- NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 150 Park st,, between Alder and Morrison. Newly papered. CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roms; pantry, bath. Phone Front 153; call before 12 M. 60 North 13th st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or not, bath. Address O 75, Oregonian. or phone Red 801. 445 FIFTH ST. LARGE ROOM. NEWLY PA pered, newly furnished; housekeeping If de sired. Telephone West 2151. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, $5: also othera. 675 Water, corner Arthur; phone Front 2003. THREE ROOMS COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeplng, light and pleasant ground floor; bath. 535 Yamhill. Call Monday. 341 E 3D ST., NEAR MADISON-STREET Bridge, furnished cottage with garden, yard and fruit. Call Monday. 308 FIRST LARGE ROOMS, FRONT AND rear, furnished; furnished for housekeeping; gentlemen and transients. THREE ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED, for housekeeping: modern conveniences; no children. 168 10th st. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for light housekeeping. Call after 4 P. M., Monday. 361 Seventh st. 103. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $9; newly papered and painted. Cor ner Flanders and 14th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $7 TO $12. 247 Fifth. New management; thoroughly reno vated. Bell to rlzht. TWO NEAT. CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING rooms; running water; private family; no Children. 335 Third st.