-? -"St - 2rjrxs -i r 14 THE SUNDAY OKEGOTTCAN, PORTLAND, MABCH 2, 1902. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 150 ACRES FINE FARM; ABOVE 100 ACRES In cutlvatlon. 75 acrea of which Is genuine bcaverdam; good house, barns, orchard, liv ing water, good road, easy reach of Portland. SO acres of good level land near Vancouver, above 400 fruit trees, chiefly apples, begin ning to bear, house, barn and other Improve ments; only 51000. , . 180 acres; one of the best farms In ClarK County, Wash.: must be seen to be appre ciated. ,, , COO acres a very fine stock farm on Kllck ltat River, one of the best; 4 head horses, about B0 head cattle, all farming Implements; fine outrange. , .. 44 acres land fronting on upper Willamette River; some fine bottom land, cultivated, bouse, barn, running brook, fine drive road, only six miles out; this Is one of the very few to be obtained. . . , 164 acres one of the best dairy farms in Tillamook County; 140 acres cleared in hay. well watered, good 7-room house, large barn, cheesehouse and plant, orchard, good wagon, covered hack, all farming Implements, house well furnished. 57 head cattle. 2 horses. 19 goats, 3 miles from ocean beach, good planK and gravel road to county seat, dally mall; will exchange for good Portland property; price for all. $8000. mn 200 acres, well-Improved farm on Willam ette River, near Independence; will trade. 213 acres, fine improved farm In Marlon County: all cultivated; $35 per acre; will trade for Ohio property. 42 acres near Oswego, 9 miles out, well Im proved; $3000. , , 50 acres, all producing: good buildings; 12 miles out; $2000. 40 acres improved. 11 miles out; $1600. 25 acres, part Improved, house and barn, 8 miles out; 51500. 30 acres, part improved, house, barn, orch ard. 9 miles out; $2000. . 27 acres, all Improved, rich bottom land, 8 miles out; a snap; make offer. 6 acres fronting on St. Johns car line. 3 acres choice suburban home, good house, barn, fruit, bargain if sold now. Must sell that 9-room modern house, large lot. in Upper Alblna; need money; make ua an offer now. 5-room cottage, basement, full lot. near Brooklyn school; easy terms. 5-room cottage, nice quarter block in Center Addition, on car line. 6-room beautiful cottage near West ave. and Montavllla car line. 5-room neat cottage, bath, barn, chicken park. In Clovcrdalc. Good house, barn, large grounds, fruits, etc., east base of Mt, Tabor. 6-room house in Lincoln Park; trade. 8-room modern house, full basement, corner lot. best part of Sunnyslde. 100x100. with 7-room house. In East Port land Heights; beautiful view; near car. 6-room house, brick basement, choice loca tion In Multnomah Addition: street Improved. 7-room modern house, hall, basement, bath, closet, on E. 20lh St.; $1600. New house, 7-room, and barn, 3 lots. In Arbor Lodge; $1000. 5-room cottage in Cloverdale, sale or trade for farm. Two beautiful building lots on E. 19th and Stark: sell separate; bargain If sold now. 2 acres floral garden, well equipped. J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER. 219 Ablngton building. THT: "3EST PLACE TO GET BARGAINS Where you can buy a modern 9-room house, nfc terraced ground, good locality. West Eldo. for $2500. A BIG SNAP. A. desirable 7-room cottage, full lot, on East Eighth et. for $1800. A lovely 8-room house, full lot, sightly lo cation. Upper Alblna. $2300. A handsome modem 8-room house, just a beautiful corner lot, on East Yamhill st., $3300. A cozy cottage home, 5 rooms, 60x100 feet ground, choice fruit and shrubbery. East Salmon and 40th sts., for $1200. A very comfortable cottage home, 100x100 feet ground, fronting on Montavllla car line. This week $1100 buys It. 8-room house, good barn, large grounds, nbundonce cherries and other fruit, west slope Mount Tabor, for $1600. A splendid home. 100x200 feet ground, com- Slete 7-room house, good barn and poultry ouse, fine garden, choice fruit, on Commer cial at. north, for only $1600. If you want a cheap home, we have a cozy place, Portsmouth, for $450. A 5-room cottage, two lots. Peninsular, for $400 cash. Or a small lot and cottage, convenient to Mount Tabor cars, for $150. See our lots on East Taylor St., the best on the East Side. $650 to $1000 each. A dandy good lot, close In on East Pine, $1150. Don't overlook this 100 feet square, 100 feet from East Ankeny cars, for $225. An acre and a half, a crackerjack, near Kenllworth, on Woodstock cars, for $600. Don't fall to see our acre tracts near the city, and also at Oak Grove, at prices way down. Farms that are worthy of your attention 40 acres, on railroad, in Clark County. Wash.; good, comfortable buildings and plenty fruit, living water; 10 acres of bcaver dam onion land. This is a big snap for $1200. 80 acres, 25 In cultivation, good buildings and fences, plenty fruit, on good road, 14 miles Oregon City, for $1200. A splendid 540-acre Valley farm, all In .cul tivation; produced 12,000 bushels grain last year; well fenced, comfortable buildings, abundance fruit; all for $10,000. This Is a money-maker. Favorable terms can be had on any place we offer. Come to us, or you will not get the bargains. R. H. DUNN. 149 First st. GOOD INVESTMENTS $350 Cottage and corner lot In Center Add. $1600 6-room cottage and lot on Belmont et.. near 34th. $5000 8-room dwelling and lot. Sixth St., near Jackson. $1100 Cottage and lot on East Taylor st. $1750 6-room new house and two lots on Skid more et., Alblna. $4650 A strictly modern, new 8-room house on Northrup st, $3500 Neat cottage and lot on Gllsan st. $2400 6-room cottage and lot on 22d st. $ 700 Lot in Kenworthy's Addition, East Main st., near 17th. $ 450 Lot in West Irvlngton. $1150 Neat cottage and six lots, with barn and fruit trees, near car line. $ 50 Lot In Tremont Park Addition. $ 750 6-room house and lot on Tillamook st. $ 550 Cottage and lot on 14th St., near Rhone st. $1150 Lot on East Ankeny st. $1100 Two lots In Hansen's Addition, near East 26th fit. - $150030 lots In Chicago Center Addition, near Mount Scott electric car line. $3000-3 lots on Third-street car line; beau tiful building site. $3500 New. stylish dwelling and lot on East Taylor St.; good location. t 4000 8-room house and lot on 10th st. 2750 Two co'ttages and lot on Belmont st. $2250 Neat cottage and lot on Raleigh st. $ 400 Lot on Belmont st.; good location. $3500100x100 on Northrup et.. near 21st. $1250 5-room cottage and lot on E. Wash ington st. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. DO TOU WANT A HOME? SECURE OUR next number. Oregon Mutual Home Soci ety. 513-514 Commercial building. See dis play "ad." FOR SALE 100x100. COR. EAST 10TH AND Powell sts. Address D 22. Oregonlan. FOR SALE $225. 17-ROOM HOTEL: $1250, fine 14-room lodging-house. 234 Alder. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORT land property, water-front property in As toria, near Booth's cannery. Six-room house and barn. Y mile from Courthouse, Baker City. 80-acre hop farm. King County. Wash ington. B M. Lombard. 514 Cham of Com. TO EXCHANGE 11 ACRES. 3 MILES Vancouver. Wash.. $40 per acre, for Port land or suburban lot or lots. Maxwell & Knapp, room 2 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD FARM PROPERT1' IN LEWIS COUN ty. Wash., for sale, or will exchange for Portland or suburban real estate. M, L. Holbrook, 1160 Thurman st. WANTED TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES LAND for team. Address C J. Hannan, Palestine. Or. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. 200 ACRES. ON BASE LINE. 20 MILES east of Portland; black loam roll, four to five feet deep, no rocks or stones, well watered; 3 miles from Corbett Landing; finest onion land in Mate. Beswlck, 250 Oak street. TIMBER LANDS IN SMALL AND LAUGH tracts. We have 1120 acres of very line tim ber on the Sluslaw at a bargain. Also large tract tributary to the Columbia River. M. Billings. 229 Morrison st. I WILL LOCATE YOU ON GOVERNMENT land, either homestead or timber claims; will alro buy or sell your claims; list them with me. D. C Rogers. 143 Sixth st., room 23. 2000 ACRES YELLOW PINE; GOOD GRAZ lng land, well watered: $2 per acre, half cash: sell part or all. Room 315 Oregonlan building. FOR SALE 1480 ACRES OF FINE TIMBER land In Douglas Co.; cheap. D. C Rogers, room 25. 145 Sixth st. SO ACRES OF TIMBER. ABOUT 5,000.000 OF timber; only $250. 504 Goldsmith. Lower Al blna. FOR SALE FARMS. 350 ACRES FINE LOGGING AND PILING timber. Kalama River. 5 miles from Colum bia River; suitable for small hand logging camp; will make fine stock farm when cleared; $5 per acre, cash, .snap. Beswlck. 250 Oak ct. 116 ACRES. "ISLAND." 14 MILES FROM Astoria: good tide land; make good dairy ranch; 200 yards from railway station: two good locations .for flrh traps on It; selling cheap. Particulars from James Flnlayeon, Astoria, Or. FOR SALE FARMS. :35 ACRES, ABOUT 250 IN .CULTIVATION." fine new two-story house, new barn, running water, only 4 miles from railroad, fine stock farm, far half price: $7500. 775 acres, 500 In cultivation, fine residence, 3 barns, orchard, hops, running water, about 500 head of stock, with machinery and wagons, 14 miles to rail road and steamboat, and only 25 miles from Portland: $35,000; a fine place. 50 acres, 40 In cultivation, fine big orchard, house, barn and frultdrier, only 0 miles from Portland; $3500. 4200060 acres, 20 clear, small house, 9 miles east of Portland. $5000160 acres, 70 In cultivation, good house and barn, about 30 head of stock, all machinery nearly new, near postofflco and school. Cbarleson & btaub, 24514 Jdorrlson. room 12. J. W- OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 145 FIRST ST. Farm 172 acres. 15 acres has been In culti vation; the balance, 150 acres, iu fine saw and cord wood timber (more than enough tim ber to pay for the land); it lies rolling; .fine hay. grain or fruit land; creek running through the place; -make a fine stock farm; on a fine traveled road Into the city. In Pleasant Valley. 10 miles south and east of the Morrison-street bridge; would be about 7 miles to haul cordwood Into the city; for a short time at $19 per acre. FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE Willamette Valley, ranging In size from 10 acres to 640, and In price from $10 to $40. We make a specialty of fruit, dairy and grain farms, and have the largest list of any Arm In the city. Purchasers before buying will do well to examine our property. W. A. SHAW Sz CO., 243 Stark et- FOR SALE SIXTY-TWO ACRES LAND. 1 miles east of Ashland, Or.; 42 acres of the tract In full-bearing apple orchard, balance grain and garden land; two-story, six-room house, and barn: a fine property, and choice location. Price $10,150: time on part if de sired. Address P. O. Box 101, Ashland. Or. A SPECIAL BARGAIN ONE OF THE FIN est farms. 11 miles from Portland; rich soil, very good buildings, with stock, machinery. Implements and tools complete; lovely and healthy location; on good road and close to best market. No better bargain ever offered by Charleson & Staub, 2451$ Morrison, rm 12. FARM LANDS. IMPROVED AND UNIM proved. In Clackamas County; well situated for raising anything that can be raised In Western Oregon; close to good market the year around; good church and school privi leges. J. L. Mumpowcr. Stone, Or. 640-ACRE FARM, 2 MILES FROM BEAVER ton; 100 acres cleared, balance good timber; good buildings; orchard; good land; timber will pay for land; $20 per acre If sold soon. Other farms acquired by foreclosure at bar gains. W. H. Fear, Failing building. 150 ACRES. FINE FARM; 100 ACRES IX cultivatlon.- balance pasture and timber; run ning spring water; good Improvements; fine orchard; no better stock and grain farm in Willamette Valley; one mile from town. Ad dress Owner, Box 344, Newberg, Or. FARM FOR SALE $2600-3-ACRE CHICKEN ranch near Montavllla car line; 2 acres In 6-year-old fruit trees: house, barn, incubator, brooders, and 500 chickens: will pay for itself before Easter. Fields & Co., Alisky bldg. 24.000 ACRES UNIMPROVED FARM LAND for sale In Yakima County. Wash.. $5 and $6 per acre; all first-clars wheat land; alio Im proved farms for cale In Sherman County, Or. Moro Land Company, Moro, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOK SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties apply to MacMaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! IN WESTERN Oregon and Washington; all kinds and prices. Also choice acreage tracts. Favorable terms. W. O. Waddel. 205 Morrison st. FOR SALE FARM OF 160 ACRES; 45 IN cultivation; 14 miles from Portland, West Side. Inquire owner, 223 Meade St., Port land. Or. TWO WELL IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE: reasonable terms; one 400 acres; other 160 acres. Address J. L. Crolsant. Kingston, Or. GOOD FARM, ALSO SMALL STOCK RANCH with good outrange. Room 4. 291 Morrison street. FOR REXT FARMS. 80 ACRES. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND; good land; 12 acres clear, buildings, orchard; rent cheap. Inquire 100 14th st. north. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY OR HAVE BUILT COT tage on East Side, between Holladay and Hawthorne aves., on $100 down and $20 monthly payments. Address Q 35, care Ore gonlan. A HOUSE AND LOT. OR CORNER LOT somewhere between Everett and Savler; give price; no agents. T 32, Oregonlan. WANT TO BUY LOT ON EAST SIDE, BE tween Holladay and Russell st.; state loca tlonand price. H 33, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Address W 33, Oregonlan. TO LEASE. TO LEASE WAREHOUSE PROPERTY; railroad and deep water frontage. Owner, J 33, Oregonlan. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. -4 THE PORTLAND L ID CO.. 304 THIRD, offers for sale guinea fowls, peafowls. White Minorca rooster. Golden Seabrlght bantams, eggs, and fowls. Also bronze turkeys at your own price, to close out. Big reduction In talking parrots, cocatoos. canaries, mon keys, ferrets, etc The largest line of cacti, animals and birds on the Coast. We import direct, and save middleman's profit. JUST ONE 40-ACRE TRACT LEFT AT $2 per acre; half cash, balance on time. This land is right in the oil belt withdrawn by the Government from settlement on account of oil indications, and Is near the oil com pany's borings, Malheur County. Beswlck, 250 Oak st. FOR SALE FINE DRIVING HORSE. PHAE ton and harness (new); horse fine, stylish driver: cheap if sold at once; leaving city. Address P. O. box 634, city, or J. R. Wilson, 29th and Holgatc. THOROUGHBRED BLACK MINORCA AND white Plymouth Rock eggs. 13 for $lv Also, small Incubator and brooder. $10. F. N. Henlon. Wlberg Lane, Mount Tabor. Tel. Union 982. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; Mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Phone Main 38. SEVERAL HUNDRED POUNDS OF GOOD AHace and red clover seed at 11 cents per pound, any amount, to suit purchaser. X. Hoover, 313 Water sL OLD ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT. AVER age dally business $45.00; a snap If taken at once: sickness reason for selling. Address M 33, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE SETTINGS OF EGGS FROM thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock and S1I-ver-Laccd Wyandotte chickens. Address E. W.. 4S6 Rodney ave. FOR SALE TEAM. WAGON AND HARNESS; weight about 1200 apiece; at a bargain. In quire of Charlie Armstrong, Montavllla. Phone Scott 2792. r FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE YOUNG CHEHALIS MARE; also top buggy and harness. At A. C Pike Tent & Awning Factory. 107 North Third st. FRESH COW. HALF JERSEY. DURHAM: others fresh soon. First house west reservoir No. 2, Section Line road. Phone, Union 1448. SNAP Al SALOON. $300: FOUR ROOMS UP stalrs; all modern: rent, $20 per month; in vestigate this. Address 713 Powell st.. city. Furniture wagons, trucks, hacks, coupes; also" 200 other vehicles, 250 sets harness. 100 sad dles. Tomllnson & Hall. 211 Washington st. PICTURE FRAMES. CHEAPEST AND BEST place for enlargements and photographs. Twentieth Century Studio, Goodnough bldg. FOR SALE ONE FRESH COW. WITH calf; three-quarters Jersey; very gentle. In quire 470 Davenport st,, Portland Heights. THOROUGHBRED COCKER PUPPIES. FROM $10 up. Portland Cocker Kennels. Hunter's Station. Mt. Tabor. Phone Union 1081. FOR SALE TWO BEAUTIFUL FOX TER rier dog pups; call today. Parsons, Spencer street, Montavllla. or 162 Second. SAFES NEW FIREPROOF SAFES. $35 UP; 4 second-hand. $60 to $185. Call, write Port land Safe & Lock Co., 203 Second. FOR SALE GOOD 1400-POUND TEAM, young and good pullers; one more good for delivering. 838 Hendricks ave. SALE OR EXCHANGE OIL PAINTINGS for lady's watch, phonograph, graphophone or records. 203 Third st. THREE NICE BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK cockrels and a few pullets. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock building. FOR SALE A REGISTERED JERSEY BULL. 2 years old; only $50. Inquire of J. F. San ders, Willamette, Or. HORSE. ABOUT 9 YEARS OLD. BLACK. 1000 pounds; good buggy or delivery; $30. Q 33, care Oregoolaa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A FINE FAMILY COW 6 years old. fresh, $50. Downing, near school house, Mllwaukle. FOR 8ALE SHETLAND PONY. CART AND harness; can be seen at 254 Third St., Sun day and Monday. FINE YOUNG NEWFOUNDLAND WATCH dog for sale; good dog for Alaska. Apply S34 Washington. FOR SALE OR TRADE, 13 SHARES ORE gon Mineral Water Co. stock. R 82, car Oregonlan. FINE COLLECTION ESKIMO CURIOS, brought from Bebrlng Straits. C 31, care Oregonlan. ONE BRAND NEW UPRIGHT PIANO AT half price for cash. Address P 32, Orego- nlan. PEANUT ROASTER AND POPCORN POP per. combined: operated by steam. 600 Wash. Wolfsteln buys and sells all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front, FOR SALE FINE FOX TERRIER (MALE) pup. cheap. Call Monday. 1GS East 10th et. FOR SALE FRESH COW. USED TO BEING staked out. Inquire 20th and East Stark. FOR SALE CHINESE AND GOLDEN pheasants. Address D 33, care Oregonlan. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at tht Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE $5 PER THOUS and. Kingsbury. Damascus. , TURQUOISE DIAMOND RING. $45; COST $90. M 31, Oregonlan. ONE UPRIGHT PIANO. NEARLY NEW, FOR sale cheap. 231 Fifth. FOR SALE MAHOGANY PIANO: USED 2 mo.. $180. 426 Alder. FOR SALE FULL-BLOOD FOX TERRIER pups. 404 N. 23d. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE SODA FOUNTAIN. Phono Front 2011. FURNITURE FOR SALE. INQUIRE 1S7 E. Seventh st. TWO CHOICE FRESH COWS FOR SALE. 074 Irving. For Rent Pianos. FOR RENT AN EXCELLENT UPRIGHT piano; $3 per month. Inquire room 5 Wash- piano; $3 per na Ington building. ingic HELP "WANTED MALE. WANTED RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OF flces want tomorrow (Monday, March 3: 100 boys of 14 or over, young men, middle-aged and old men. for a larg lumber company on Gray's Harbor, to work In saw mills, box factories and khlngle mills; steady work, and hcuses for families. 30 shingle bolt cutter. $1; 500 cordwood cutters. In oak. llr. cotton, etc. at 80c. 90c. $1 and $1.10 and $1.50 per cprd, clorc to and far away from city: 30 mechanics for 'Frisco, also boiler makers, patternmakers, ship carpenters, chip fitters, etc, etc, $3.50 and plenty overtime: 20 mill laborers for the city. $1.75 and $2; cook and dishwasher, $60; dishwasher, y.'o and room; young man for traveling compan ion and valet, all expenses and $15 per mo.' planing mill and sash and door mill fore men. $3 and $3.50; 2 ranchmen. $25 per mo.; tigging rustler, $2.75; 15 log-road builders, $2. and loo other places, at the Red Cross Labor Offices, 12S First st. Phones Oregon Grant 811. Columbia 487. RIGGING RUSTLER. $2.50: 10 BARKERS. $2 to $2.75; 5 swampers. $1.S3. 4 skidroad men. $1.75; tcamrter helper, $1 75; sash and door frame maker. $3: 2 mill carpenters. $2.30; mill hands. $2; yard men. $1.75: men I and teams. 15 city, $4; 2 haul poles. $5 to $7; 6 haul ties, 4c and 6c each; haul wood, 5oc; teamsters. R. R.. $2: muckers. $2; machin ists. $3.25 to $3.50; boy. pack shingles. $10 board: splint basket makers. $2 to $2.50; shingle bolt cutters. $1; pole cutters, 1c foot; post cutters, 0c; land clearer. $10 to $50 acre; woodchoppers. 80o to $1.23; farm hands and milkers. $20 to $23. Canadian Employment Co. Three offices 228'i Morrison; branches. . 217 Burnslde and 51 North Third. A GENTLEMAN. WHO CAN REACH PEO ple with money to Invest In a company own ing a mountain of low-grade, gold-bearing ore. superior to the "Treadwell" mine, of Alaska; dividends will run a lifetime, be ginning 3 months after mill starts. If you wish to represent or Invest In a paying prop osition, address Room 412. Parrott building, San Francisco, Cal. SALESMEN-$50 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES; sample free; greatest money-making Inven tion of the age; automatic washer; does a washing In 30 minutes without any labor or attention; cheaper than any other machine; Indestructible; every lady buys; agents coin ing money. Write today for sample and agency. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. WANTED-FAITHFUL MANAGER TO TAKE charge of distributing depot and office to be opened in Portland, to further business In terests of old established manufacturing con cern. Salary $150 per month and extra prof it. Applicant must furnish good references, and have $1500 cash. Address Superintend ent, P. O. Box 1421. Philadelphia, Pa, WANTED TRUSTWORTHY PERSON. EACH county, to manage business old-established house, solid financial standing; straight bona fide weekly cash salary of $18. paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses di rect from headquarters: money advanced for expenses. Manager. 339 Caxton bldg., Chi cago. WANTED SALESMAN BY RELIABLE JOB blng house, to cover Western-Central and Southern territories; to place high-grade spe cialty line with merchandise trade; full time required: high commission paid. Address R 78. 153 Fifth ave., Chicago. BRIGHT MAN OR WOMAN TO REPRE sent us in his or her locality. Business high grade and profitable. No capital required. Address for particulars The Sprague Pub lishing Company. 7th floor Majestic build ing. Detroit, Mich. . 20 MINUTES A DAY IN THE STUDY OF advertising will fit you for a $25 to $50 per week position. Employed graduates prove It. We teach even practical feature by mail. Write for prospectus. Page-Davis Co., Chi cago or New York. GENTLEMANLY SALESMEN WANTED TO solicit subscriptions for rtock in Bookkeep ers' Land & Cattle Co. Small monthly pay ments: large profits. Send for illustrated booklet. C. Messerve. C P. A. Sec, Em poria, Kan. ALL PERSONS FOLLOWING IN CLERICAL ltnes having merit and & clean record w.U find it to tnelr interest lo call and register with us: no fee until situation Is secured. .Clerks' Registration Bur-au. Labbe building. $12 PER 100 PAID FOR RELIABLE NAMES and addresses; steady work; either sex; no experience required; send sclf-addresstd stamped envelope. The Mercantile Assn., Dept, 8, Chlcagc RELIABLE CLEVELAND JOBBING HOUSE desires travellns salesman for general mer cantile trade In thU territory. Unless you possess ability and energy do not. reply. 35 Mercantile Bank. WANTED-HUSTLINO SALESMAN FOR OR egon, by well established wholesale house; high commission contract, with $25 weekly advance while traveling. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. DETECTIVE WE WANT A SHARP MAN IN every town to do secret service work; $4.00 a day and expenses. Inclose postage for reply. Box 15SS. Milwaukee Detective Agency, Mil waukee. Wis. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED SOBER MAN TO board hlmscir, handy to garden, milk, chore and general work; permanent situation. Ap ply to Dept. No. 4, courthouse, or 010 Market street. GOOD FARM LABORER WANTED MAR rled man, with small family; constant em ployment and comfortable house for right party. Address Box 200. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED-A1 EXPERIENCED TRAVELING salesman to sell the product of our factory to retail trade: must furnish bent references. Address 1615 Manhattan bldg.. Chicago. WANTED LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE IN every town. Exclusive territory. New plan. Big money. Address Mexavana Cigar Co., 233 S. Broadway. Los Angeles, Cal. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, H. C Fisher. Fisher bldg.. Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL So licitor; good wages, steady employment to right party. Inquire Captain E. S. Edwards, room 11 Alnsworth block. COOK WANTED A GOOD ALL-AROUND cook for first-class hotel up the Valley; state experience and wages expected; steady job. Address O 34, Oregonlan. ENERGETIC SOLICITOR TO INTERVIEW prospective students In this vicinity. Perma nent position. American School of Corre spondence, Boston, Mass. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED FURNI ture man to solicit outside trade; liberal sal ary to right man. Address, stating experi ence. Q 32. Oregonlan. WANTED A COMPETENT TRAIN MAN TO work on narrow gauge railroad In mining camp; must have first-class clearances. X 20, care Oregonlan. NEAT. INDUSTRIOUS BOT WANTED AT the Portland Oyster Ca US Xorrisoa. HELP "WANTED MALE. T!T"TTr A TV. vrTTT Trwe tw i.rrti x?m t electricity at Behnke's Commercial College, u" vjiumcrciai ouuaing. Mciegrapny, snon hand and commercial courses. Languages taught. WANTED MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF flce; salary S1800 yearly; man with $5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer, 203-7 Security Building, Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. ACTIVE MAN TO WORK AT HOME; $36 paid for 12 days' trial; permanent if satis factory. Manager Engwall. Lakeside build ing, Chicago. SALESMEN TO SELL TOILET SOAP TO dealers; $100 per month salary and expenses; experience unnecessary. "Louis Ernst Co., St, Louis, Mo. WHY NOT TRY SIGN PAINTING? NO Ex perience required: no fraud; samples. Instruc tions, etc, 10 cents. City Sign Co., Spring field. Ohio. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. TEL ephone Clay 872. Furnishes all kinds of help. 69 North Fifth st.. between Davis and Ever ett. WANTED 3 TRAVELERS FOR WASHING ton, Idaho. Oregon; none but hustlers need apply. 500 Washington St., Portland, Or. PRIVATE LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, shorthand, languages and other studies; civil service. H 21. Oregonlan. J WANTED GOOD BARBER. TO GO EAST OF the mountains. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co. Barber Supply House. 80 Sixth st. WANTED A MAN OF EXPERIENCE AS A quarts miner for work In Southern Oregon; must be flrst-class. X 30. Oregonlan. CANVASSERS WANTED CORSETS. SKIRTS, girdles, shirt-waist materials. Samples free. J. E. Wood & Co.. Syracuse, N Y. WANTED A GOOD ALL-AROUND PRINTER to take charge of small office for six weeks; none other need apply. 112 First, WANTED A THOROUGH. COMPETENT machinist to take charge of a small shop In mining camp. D 31, Oregonlan. ! WANTED SIXTY BRIGHT. ENERGETIC J boys about 16 years old. as route agents. The Journal. 2S9 Yamhill. 1 WANTED MAN AND WIFE ON STOCK inriii; coupie wunoui cmiaren preicrrra. xi. W. Porker. 91 Grand ave. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED-GOOD PAY; experience unnecessary. Emanuel & Co., Sta . tion J, New York City. BOY TO LEARN THE DRUG BUSINESS. High School graduate preferred. Cottel Drug Co.. First and Grant, YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER AND clerk; reply In handwriting, with references. A 32. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOHS; money-making proposition. Room 000 Com mercial block. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLERK FOR a cigar and confectionery store. Call 154 6th st,. north. SALESMEN CITY OR COUNTRY: BIG wages; guaranteed salary If satisfactory. 20 Lewis building. WANTED EXPERIENCED CANVASSER, laigc cash commission. Apply 32'J Front st.. until 12 noon. WILL EXCHANGE FINE NEW. HIGH- grade piano for carpenter work. Address H 'M, Oregonlan. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE WHO NEED AN Income, address Proofreader, Box 1534, Phlla I delphla. Pa. WANTED AN IRONWORKER USED TO forge work. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 147 Front. WANTED IRON SHIPBUILDERS TO RE palr steel masts and spars. Willamette Boll . er Works. A GOOD PANTS OPERATOR. CHARLES Coopey, Clothing Manufacturer, 88 Third street. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN; BIG wages; city and country. 215 Commercial blk. Four farm (milk) j hands. $20. $30: mill yd. men; kitchen help. Drake 205 Washington. WANTED BOY TO LEARN ARCHITECT ure. Call or address 245 Morrison st. PLUMBER WANTED. GILLAN, 380 MOR rison st. HELP "WANTED FE3IALE. A LADY WHO CAN REACH PEOPLE WITH money to Invest In a company owning a mountain of low-grade, gold-bearing ore, su perior to the "Treadwell" mine of Alaska: dividends will run a lifetime, beginning A months after mill starts. If you wish to rep resent or Invest In a paying proposition, ad dress Room 412, Parrott building, San Fran cisco, Cal. LADIES! I MAKE BIG WAGES AND WANT all to have the same opportunity. The work Is very pleasant, and will easily pay $18 weekly. This Is no deception. I want no money and will gladly send particulars to all sending stamp. Mrs. H. A. Wiggins. Benton Harbor, Mich, BRIGHT WOMAN OR MAN WANTED TO represent us In her or his locality. Busi ness high grade and profitable. No capital required. Address for particulars'. The Sprague Publishing Company. 7th floor Ma jestic building, Detroit. Mich. LADIES, SOMETHING NEW. MAKING SOFA pillows at home; $7 to $12 weekly; materials furnished: no canvassing; steady employment; send ctamped, addressed envelope. House hold Mfg. Co.. Erie st.. Chicago. 111. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 2 ENERGETIC ladles to travel In Oregon for large manu facturing company: $12.50 weekly and ex penses to begin. Salary raised after 30 days. Treasurer, 702 Star bldg.. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR $1000 AC cldent and health policy, $0 weekly Indem nity, accidents or Illness. $2 per year. Easy seller: no competition. Travelers' Guaranty Co., Columbus, Ohio. WANTED A LADY COOK, ON A FARM near the city: good pay and the best of treatment; references desirable. Call 191 Third st.. on Buetlkofer & Grltzmacher. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes: we furnish all material and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co.. 24 Monroe st,, Cnlcago. III. LADIES EMBROIDER DOILIES AND CEN ter pieces. Material furnished. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Bems Mfg. Co., Dept. 27. 88 Wabash ave.. Chicago. WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN. 50 TO CO years old, very light housework; no chil dren', no washing; good home, and $5 a month. Address B 35. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED CLOAK SALESWOMAN, alteration hands, overseers, and .apprentice girls; yearly engagements to the right per sons. Apply to H. B. Lltt. LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME; $4 TO $6 per week. Send stamped envelope for ap plication. Monarch Supply Co., Dept. 97. Chicago. WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN FOR GEN eral housework: good cook: small family. Apply before 2 P. M., 648 Hancock st,, Irv lngton. Two mill b. h, waitress. 1 (hotel) towards Seat tle, all $20 (fare), others. Hall's waitress call, chambermaids, domestic Drake, 205 Wash. IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT SECOND girls, cooks and housekeepers. St, Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED WOMAN TO ATTEND UPON IN valld at reasonable compensation. Address, stating wages expected. L 33, Oregonlan. LADIES WANTED TO DO EMBROIDERY and Battenberg at their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co.. Chicago. 111. WANTED GIRL WITH REFERENCES AS cook, private family: wages $23. 230 Yam hill. Phone Black 2SS1. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE WHO NEED AN Income, address Proofreader, Box 1534, Phila delphia, Pa. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENER al housework, family of two. Apply 7S1 Lovejoy st. GIRL, ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK AND wait on table; no cooking. 141 West Park, cor. Alder. A STENOGRAPHER. WITH SOME KNOWL edge of bookkeeping. Address P 35, care Oregonlan. CALL AT THE GIRLS' CLUB FOR GOOD position. Room 18 Russel building, 4th and Morrison. CALL AT THE GIRLS' CLUB FOR GOOD position. Room 18 Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison. WANTED MDLLINERY TRIMMERS AND makers. Apply to Lowengart & Co.. 92 Front street, , GIRL WANTED FOR COOKING AND GEN. housework, at W7 East Monieoa at; family ot two. HELP "WANTED FEMALE. SECOND COOK. CAMP. $25; 5 HOTEL waitresses, $20; nurse girls; second girls; cooks and housework. $12 to $23. Call, every body. Lady clerks. Canadian Parlors, 22S Morrison. ACME EMP. BURKAU. 155 MORRISON. Help free to employers. Phone North 2381. Col. 287 WANTED AT ONCE. FIVE MIDDLE-AGED women; good wages. H 26, care Oregonlan. WANTED LADY COOK. IN RESTAURANT; good wages. Call today at 348! Gllsan st. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework. Apply 634 Belmont, cor. 17th. WANTED GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work and take care of child. 569 4th st. GIRL FOR-GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD plain cook: references. A 35. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing. Call 226 12th. Girls wanting good places. 291 Third, Work ing Girls' Home. Tel. Hood 490. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing. 131 N. 10th st. 6-ROOM HOUSE: HOT AND COLD WATER, bath. Inquire 230 Caruthers st. GOOD GIRL TO ASSIST GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 461 Rodney ave. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTED. APPLY TO Mrs. Maclean. 232 King st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 811 Kearney st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 6S9 GH;an st. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. 600 Second sU A MILLINERY TRIMMER. APPLY TODAY. 426 East Eighth. HELP "WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. , $8 PER 1000 COPY LETTERS AT HOME TO be sent direct to us. We furnish materials. Two stamps with application. Dept, 17. Inter Ocean Industrial Union. Chicago. ENVELOPE ADDRESSERS: WORK HOME; $1.50 a thousand; Inclose ltic postage; sample 2000 lot with instructions: state spare hours. Davis Ad. Co.. Tacoma. Wash. SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerics, YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION AS BOOK keeper or assistant; good In writing and ;lg urcs; will begin at bottom and work up; beat city reference. T 31, Oregonlan. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF 10 years" business experience, position as collec tor for reliable firm: bond for any amount given. J 32. Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER, clerk or any office work: thoroughly compe tent: railroad or mercantile; best references. N 32. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A THOROUGH accountant, credit man and correspondent; best of references. Address W. A. L., Ore gonlan. WANTED POSITION AS ASSISTANT BOOK keeper or general office work by young man.; Al city references. Apply O 33. Oregonlan WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN; wholesale hnuse preferred; reference given. IC 31. care Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION IN family. N 34. Oregonlan. Mlftccllancnn. A YOUNG MAN ATTENDING COLLEGE wishes work after school: willing to work till midnight or will work for board; reference. K 32. Oregonlan. A GOOD YOUNG MAN DESIRES WORK IN the candy line; worked at the trade 5 years; city or country; good reference. Address X 33. Oregonlan. MEN FURNISHED FOR ALL KINDS OF work on short notice. Everett House Free Employment Agency, 51 North Second. Phone Clay 113. YOUNG MAN. WITH REFERENCES, DE slres position as bookkeeper, office work or to work In store. Address V 33, Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH FARM AND DOMESTIC hands; also other help. Japanese Labor Ass'n. 263 Everett st. Telephone Black 092. EXPERIENCED CHINESE COOK WANTS situation In boarding-house or family, city or country. S 35, Oregonlan. GARDENER. EXPERIENCED. WANTS work by the hour. Job or private place. K 33. care Oregonlan. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO HOUSE work In cltv or out, G. S. Gawara. P. O. Box 566, city. INDUSTRIOUS, STOUT YOUNG MAN would like work on farm. Inquire M 32, Oregonlan. BOY 17 YEARS OLD WOULD LIKE TO learn trade. C 33, care Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS GASOLINE ENGI neer. C 32, care Oregonlan. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers anil Stenoerapliera. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOG rapher, understanding bookkeeping, desires position: moderate salary: references. K 35, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOG rapher. rapid and accurate, desires position; references. Y 33, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOG ranher. best of city references, desires posi tion. W 34, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY A RELIABLE, experienced bookkeeper, collector r solicitor F 32. Oregonlan. Domestic. GOOD GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO HOUSE work where she can be treated as one of family; wages, $15 to $20. Call forenoon. 472 E. Pine. f- YOUNG LADY WISHES UPSTAIRS WORK In private family, or assist In housework and care of children; can sew. Address B 32. Oregonlan. Japanese help, by day. room-cleaning, wash windows. Employment Dept., M. E. Jap. Mission. Tel. Clay 745. BY YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work and assist In care of a child. V 34. Oregonlan. YOUNG GIRL WISHES POSITION TO DO housework or upstairs work. Phone West 900. Nurses. GRADUATE NURSE DESIRES TO TAKE IN vallda In her home at Woodlawn; best of rer erences given. 614 Junior st. WANTED POSITION AS ALL - ROUND nurse of sick: experienced housekeeper. Front 9C5. 18S 11th. BY EXPERIENCED NURSE. CALL 340 Jackson st. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT SYSTEMATICAL ly by Ellen Drake, graduate of the McDow ell School, Chicago: prefect-fitting patterns; only 25c McDowell School. 170 10th et. $2.50 starts you. DRESSMAKER. EXPERIENCED TAILOR made suits, wishes a few engagements by the day; references. Phone Scott 772. CHILDREN'S AND PLAIN SEWING. BY the day or at home; prices reasonable. Tel. Scott 2715. SKIRTS MADE. $3 UP; WAISTS. $1 UP; first-class work, guaranteed. 334 Fifth st. DRESSMAKING AT YOUR HOMES BY THE day or week. Phone Front 903. Hoanekeepers. GERMAN LADY WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper, widower's family, where no small children A 34, Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER for gentleman. D 20. care Oregonlan. Mlsccllnneoa. COMPETENT NEWSPAPER WOMAN, 20 years' experience In literary and newspaper work, wants position on reputable Portland paper; capable of literary editing or general work; highest references. Literary, Box 976. city. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS BY YOUNG LADY, graduate In music; complete graded course of studies. 440 Park. MOTHER WISHING HOME FOR CHILD can find same; terms reasonable. Address F 33. Oregonlan. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY, TO help with housework or care of child. 263 Fifth- Order white, colored. Chinese. Jap help, city, anywhere, Drake, 205 Wash. Clay 445. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Mlacellsmeoss. I GOOD HELP FURNISHED ON SHORT NO- tlce: also girls for country, boarding-bouses. hotels. Working Girls' Home, 291 3d st. Phono Hood 499. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERU3NCED arm waitress; restaurant preferred. Call 342 First st. Phone. Hood 734. COLORED WOMAN WISHES DAY'S WORK. Apply 413 Gllsan. corner 10th. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. Phone evening. Scott 2705. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. TELE phone Front 1307. WANTED A GENTS. A GENTLEMAN OR LADY WHO CAN reach people with money to Invest in a com pany owning a mountain of low-grade, gold bearing ore, superior to the Treadwell" mine, of Alaska. Dividends will run a life time, beginning 3 months after mill starts. If you wish to represent or Invest in a pay ing proposition, address Room 412, Parrott building, San Francisco, Cal. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield. McKlnley; their Illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete Inside history of the villainous plottlngs of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known: 00 per cent proa:; freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents In stamps. 90S Star Bldg.. Chicago. AGENTS MAKE $200 PER MONTH SELL lng our "Economy" harness riveter to farm ers and rfg owners; holds enough rivets for several dollars' worth repairing, yet selU, when leaded, for $1; price Is right: can re load for 10c; send 50c In stamps for sample and terms. Foote Economy Co., Los An geles, Cal., 2 Bauchet at. AGENTS WANTED FOR COMBINATION lamp chimney and cork puller; cleans lamp globe Instantly; showing means sale; every housekeeper wants them: 300 per cent profit: light weight: sample 10c, with Illustrated catalogue agents' articles, or send stamp for catalogue. North Pacific Supply Co., Seattle, Wash. AGENTS AND OTHERS. BE YOUR OWN manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer, thero by making the total profits yourself. Our trade secrets and formulas teach you how to do It. List, sample, formula nnd Instruc tions free. Wheaton &. Co., New Bedford, Mass. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION; the greatest agents" seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days: another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44. La Crosse, Wis. AGENTS WE HAVE WHAT PEOPLE WANT Lamp that makes Its own gas at cost of 1 cent a day. Silts for $1. Will send small model free to those wishing to work for us. Write our Department B today. Empire Gaslight Co.. 90 West Broadway. New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR BROHARD SASH Lock and Brohard Door Holder. Workers everywhere can earn big money. A stcidy demand Tor these goods. Sample sash lock free for 2c stamp to pay postage. The Brohard Co.. Dept. .10, Philadelphia, Pa. JUST OUT SELLS AT SIGHT; THE RELI abte gas lighter: no match necessary; turn on gas and It does the rest; Just like elec tricity; send 25c for sample; liberal discount for quantities. Reliable Gas Light Co., Chicago. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY, county, to handle best paying business known: legitimate: new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co.. 13 W. 28th st,. N. Y. FUNNIEST. NEWEST THING OUT; SHOW lng It sells It: fun for a whole town; 10c. Particulars and agents' catalogue, 2c B. F. Pierce, 853 Walnut. Chicago. WANTED AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY TO sell "Family Memorials." Good profits and steady work. Address Campbell & Co., 335 Plum st,. Elgin. 111. $100 WEEKLY IN MAIL-ORDER BUSINESS; conducted Dy any one, anywhere; particulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City. Mo. AGENTS WANTED NO PEDDLING. $2300 premium. Entirely new idea. Write Joe H. Meyers. 40S Empire State. Spokane. Wash. CASH PAID FOR DISTRIBUTING CIRCU lars (outside Portland). Send stamp Ameri can Distributor, Kansas City. Mo. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED SUNNY FURNISHED BEDROOM, in strictly private family: by middle-aged man. of quiet habits. Address, with terms and particulars. X 34, care Oregonlan. WANTED THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: must be modern and strictly first-class; ref erences. B 33. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MUSIC AND FRENCH teacher will give lessons, part payment for two furnished housekeeping rooms, gas stove. B 34. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. West Side, respectable: no children; moderate. Full particulars to J 35. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN WANTS UNFURNISHED room, with light housekeeping privileges, gas and bath; East Side preferred. O 32, Ore gonlan. TWO GENTS. WORKING NIGHTS. WANT room, with breakfast and supper; give loca tion and price. Address W 31, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished, near corner 14th and Washlus- ton. must be modern, s 3j. oregonlan. L WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE on West Side; two In family; no children; responsible parties. E 35. Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE. IMMEDIATELY. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; town or sub urbs; state price. E 32. Oregonlan. t FURNISHED HOUSE. FIVE ROOMS. BY March 16. to responsible party: no small children. Address R 33. Oregonlan. WANTED A HOUSE NOT LESS THAN 8 rooms. In any suburb of the clty;wlll rent or buy. Address 319 Alisky bjdg. WANTED BY LADY. ANY KIND OF OFFICE work; understands stenography and bookkeep ing. T 33, care Oregonlan. WANTED A FLAT OR PART OF HOUSE furnished for housekeeping, by man and wife. G 33. Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, close In, by March 15. G 31. Oregonlam WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE. STOVE AND ALL KINDS OF second-hand household articles bought or taken In trade. Zimmerman. 214 First. TeL North 1040. We sell for cash or credit, WHO WANTS TO INVEST $4000 IN BUILD lng to be used as a roomlns-house, near depot? Long lease. Address Chas. A. Lucas. 52U Chamber of Commerce. TEACHERS WANTED. ONE HOUR'S DAILY Instruction In third and fourth grade sub jects for nicely furnished room; board If desired. E 31. Oregonlan. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and shoes. 62 North 3d. Phont Hood S17. Orders promptly attended to. WANT TO RENT FOR CASH. 10 TO 20 acres of potato land; must be convenient for transportation. D 34. Oregonlan. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER WANTEo; PRICE must be low and terms easy; confidential. Address B 31. care Oregonlan. WANTED PIANO LESSONS IN EXCHANGE for course In shorthand or bookkeeping. Ad dress V 108. care Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND PHOTO graph camera, complete; must be cheap. G 32. care Oregonlan. WANTED ROLL-TOP DESK AND OFFICE chair; must be cheap. Address, giving price, Y 32. Oregonlan. LAW BOOKS. STATE TEXT BOOKS OR RE ports for sale, and price. Address Williams, care Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD DRESSER OR POSSIBLY bedroom set, if cheap. Address L 32, care Oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY for ydung man. with best references. M 33, Oregonlan. STUDENT WISHES USE PIANO AND studio for evening practice only. C 34. Ore gonlan. SHARE 95 IN OREGON MUTUAL HOME Bulldlng Co.; price. $25. G 35, Oregonlan. WANTED $1100, 6 PER CENT. ONE YEAR; good security. H 34. care Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL SHOW CASE AND COCN ter. 342 Washington st,. room 9. FOR RENT. Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE ALCOVE room, with all conveniences; suitable for two. 95 10th, cor. Stark. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. PARK and Alder sts., formerly The Spalding Ln der new management: the most complete apartment house In the Northwest: steam heat. gas. porcelain baths, every modern con venience; rates. 75c per day and upward. Furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE BARRIE. SOUTHEAST COR. bTH AND Stark Now open, everything new. elegantly furnished, and thoroughly respectable, elec tric light, steam heat, porcelain baths, run ning water, hot and cold. In rooms; rates. $1 per day and up. special by week or month. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 14TH YEAR: rooms, with board: use of sewing-room; uso of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial SchooL Address Mrs. C. E. George, super intendent. 510 Flanders St. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM; SMALL ONE adjoining; suitable for two or three gentle men; good location; private family. Address G 34. Oresonlan. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, FRONT ROOM with bay window, open grate, bath and phone. Address 127 Park. bet. Alder and Washington. THE PLEASANTON. 2S531 Third st, Fine fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; tiansient solicited. Phone South 251. The Calumet. Seventh and Alder New. mod ern, steam-heated rooms. $1 per day and tip; reasonable rates per week or mo. Free bath. ONE GOOD-SIZED ROOM. FACING THE street, for rent; furnished or unfurnished; free use telephone; terms reasonable. 426 3d. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite; modern in every respect; two blocks from Hotel Portland. 3S1 Yamhill st. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modern conveniences; references. The La Porte. 170 Third, cor. Tamhlll First class, clean, neat rooms. $1.25 per week up; transient. 23c day up; transient solicited. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN; new houne. modern conveniences; privata family. Call at 635 East Burnslde. YOUNG LADY. ROOMING ALONE. DESIRES room-mate: rent reasonable; central; refer ences. 233, cor. Fifth and Slain. A NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE OF rooms, suitable for two gentlemen; reason able price. 255'i Washington. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. BAY wlndow and grate; modern conveniences; price, $10 per month. 201 13th. FOR RENT TO YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED during day, furnished room. In private fam ily. Telephone Green 875. THE AVALON NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite; modern conven iences. 413 Washington. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM for onu or two gentlemen; references ex changed. 329 Davis st, IF YOU WANT A NICE, CLEAN ROOM, call at 347 Front st.; house cleaned and fur nished new throughout. NEWLY FURNISHED. FOR TWO GENTLE men. or single roorn, convenient. 312 Clay, bst. Fifth and Sixth. 170 N. 16TH.. NEAR IRVING NICELY FUR nlshed room; bath, telephone, gas; $10; breakfast If desired. A FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, with gas. heat, bath and phone. 493 Everett. THE ARCADE. 146 FIRST ST. NICELY furntshed rooms. $1.50 per week and up; transient solicited. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS. USE OF bath and phone. 426 Burnslde St., between loth and 11th sts. ONE LARGE FURNISHED FRONT PAR lor. $3.50 week. 167 First, north end of hall. Mrs. Robb. FOR RENT 1 LARGE ROOMS. OVER NEW brick store. Sunnyslde. E. C. Minor, P. M 990 Belmont st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. $5; GAS. TELE phone; quiet place. 290 14th st. Call morn ing or evening. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: MODERN improvements; business gentlemen preferred. 3S9 Main at. THE METROPOLE. 363 STARK. NICELY furnished rooms, single and en suite, porce lain bath. THE SOUTHERN, COR. WEST PARK AND Yamhill St. Two good front rooms; phono South 1020. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN FIND A SUNNY front room and board at 651 E. Morrison; reasonable. FOR RENT NICE AND COMFORTABLE rooms at 294 Jefferson St.; use of bath and phone. MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUILD Ing. steam heat, new furniture. 311 Stark. Furnished rooms, $1 week up. Gllman Hotel. 1st &. Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th & Everett, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; VERY CEN tral; all conveniences. 347 Taylor, near 7th. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM: MODERN conveniences: private family. 235 13th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM: GAS. HEAT, phone and bath. 332 Taylor, corner Seventh. THE GILBERT. 267 TAYLOR ST.. CORNER Third Strictly first clas3; $1 per day up. 527 TAYLOR ST.-COMFORTABLY. NEWLY furnished room; all modern conveniences. FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 TO $3 PER WEEK; gas. bath, phone. 180 West Park Bt. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; SUITABLE for two; near City Hall. 331 Fifth st. ONE OR TWO CHOICE ROOMS AT THE Benson. 291 Morrison, cor. 5th st. THE BONITO. 89 7TH ST.. NEAR LIBRARY Rooms from $2.50 per week and up. ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; BATH and telephone. 354 Oak, cor. Park. 40S JEFFERSON ST. NICE LARGE FRONT room, with bath and gas, for rent, t WELL-FURNISHED ROOM AT 703 IRVING st.: gas. heat and phone; reference. FOR RENT-ONE PLEASANT FURNISHED upstairs room, with bath. 32S 6th. THE SHERMAN-TWO VERY DESIRABLE rooms; gas and bath. 123 12th st. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, single or en suite. 203 Vine st. FOR RENT-THREE PLEASANT ROOMS, for gentlemen. No. 575 Main st, NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; for gentlemen only. 426 2d st. ROOMS. COMFORTABLE AND PLEASANT, at 474 Yamhill st.. cor. 14th. CLEAN. STRICTLY RESPECTABLE FUR nlshed rooms. 2S4 Yamhill. TWO NICE. SUNNY. LIGHT PARLORS AT 125 13th. near Washington. "07 CTH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. " with bath: near Postoffice. SINGLE BEDROOMS. $1 WEEK UP. PHONE Front 2283. 203 First st. SOU FLANDERS LARGE FRONT ROOM, furnished or unfurnished. ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng at 223 First st, FURNISHED ROOMS GOOD LOCATION. 4S0 Burnslde St., near 13th. LIGHT. SUNNY ROOMS FOR RENT. VERY reasonable. 314 6th st. ROOM. ON FIRST FLOOR. SUITABLE FOR two. 2S2 Fourth st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 334 Fifth st. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT PARLOR. 420 Alder. Rooiuh With Honrtl. LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED. WITH or without board. 73 Park st. north, near Everett. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR FOUR GENTLE men. 191 11th st., between Yamhill and Taylor. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen. Apply at 141 West Park. cor. Alder. THE COLONIAL. 165 10TH STREET ONE double room, second floor, with first-class table. ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 333 MADISON. COR. Seventh. Use of bath; pleasant front room. FINE. ROOMS. GOOD BOARD. 101 11TH St., between Yamhill and Taylor. PLEASANT ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 393 Salmon st. ROOM AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD. 168 UTH street.