"I'TC" ' ' "" "" " gem t 'f ':f- THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 1902. vr i TW FISHERIES DIO WELL 3IAIIIOX Washington's Best Year the One Just Closed. i?reomIr,mlDary I DEMOCRATS ISSUE CALL j "Ihcre is no doubt whatever that the J l Ainmcan i-cague intends to put a ciud ! in New York City. The only question Is J when it will be done, and that will be j decided when the league meeto in Detroit j on March 5. There arc several wajs in 1 which this can be done. President Ban Johnson is my authority for the otato nvnt that If President, Freedman wishes to sell out. Johnson can find a purchaser for him. COMMlSSiONERLiTTLE'S REPORT Run of SocKe) c Salmon "Was Phe nomenal !eral Nen Canneries llaiK, and Capacity of Many Old Plants Increased. At I,nit lie OeJ the Antorrnplu CHICAGO. Feb. 22. Twenty years ago Mayor Harrison, then a young man of 22 3 ears, wrote a. letter to William Dean J How'clls, man of letters, and confided a i simple request for the author's autograph. The Mayor has just received an answer from Mr. Howell", and after the long wait the Maor now has Mr. How ells' autograph. It Is appended to the ery slip of paper on which the request was made. It came in the envelope enclosed at that time for the reply. Here lc w !rit Carter Harrison, Jr., w rote 20 years ago: 'Chicago. Dec. 21, 1SS2. William D. Howells, "Dear Sir 1 am collecting the auto- I OLYMPIA, Wash., Fob. 22. In his an rual report on the fishing industry of "v ashlngton. Fl-h Commissioner Little is quite nthusiabtic. "The ear 1001 was a re ord-brettUer." .srj.s he. "for the fisheries ii.dusf of the State of Washington. The rn rf sockej salmon was phenomenal. Seieral new canneries were built, and al- uio" without exception the old canneries I r rt.ufd Uieir capacity from 25 per cent . V 1"J ptr cent. The capHcit of the fibh 0T k. g g ar operated in the Lower Sound vas coi sldcrably larger than cer before. ri.c-e cum combined made it poFslble f the caiu.crjc.s to get oat a puck about ptr eent larger than eer before pro . .t t 1 on Pugt t Sound. An immense .mount of fish was also sailed and shipped fr'.-h. "Ulthout doubt the catch of salmon for 11 - jtar was at leus-t 75 per cent larger t-an cer before in the Puget Sound dis trict The output for WHlapa Harbor and Orij's Harbor, while not equal to some former jcais, n.-u up to the aerage for f.ril years past. The Columbia River district showb a falling off hs compared with the last four ear.s. The late run of el.lnook salmon, however, waa as large as mr ki.onn." The geneial summary of the fisheries inuu.str of the State of Washington for the car 1S01, capital and labor employed, earnings of labor emploed and alue of tiitjjut is glen as follows: Capital enpitijed Columola Riei db-lrict $ 0 240 Pugc aound district 4,7CT,rX) i "il'ana Harbor district Ia0j0 Gra's Harbor district 119.C75 Total So,G77,S65 j Number of iersons employed Columbia R!er district Puget Sound district fWli.apa Hatboi district crays Harbor district Total Earnings of labor employed Columbia Rlor district Puget Sound district "W iilapa Harbor district Graj Harbor district m., m mo A ' "vvitii -i n unniniTv for intruding and enter -';;;:;;;;" ""Itaimng great hopes that you will grant COUNTY CONVENTION AT SALEM A PHIL. B. Trust, Tnriff and Epnnilon Ques tion on "Which Invitation to Primaries In Based. Holmes. S. L. Hayden. B. F. Bonham, W. M. Kaiser and Judge T. L. Davidson. DRY TICKET IN LINN. For Singers and Speakers The New Remedy For Catarrh Is Vcrv Valuable. Nominations Made by County Con tention of Prohibitionists. ALDANY, Or., Feb. 22. The first county convention for the coming campaign was hold in Albany today by the Prohlbltlon Lsts of Linn County. The attendance was the largest of any Prohibition convention held here. The following county ticket was nominated: Cyrus H. Walker, of J head, throat and stomach for several I Albany, State Senator; A. W. Stannard, of J years, I heard of Stuart's Catarrh Tab- I Brownsville; Isaac Whcaldon. of Plain- j iets qulto accidentally and. like eery- ratttt rir t, Th Morion Coun- I " u"u J- D- J-nomi'S"", " w"1"""1! ining ejsc, l rniraeuiawi) uuumn a iiui-a-SALEM. Or -.Feb. --lBe Marion n KeprcstntatUes; J. H. Rebhan. of Browns- nse and was decidedly surprised at the Immediate relief It afforded me and still j more to find i complete cure after sev- ercl weeks use. f A Grand Rapids gentleman who rep resents a prominent manufacturing con cern and travels through Central and i Southern Michigan, relates the following j regarding the new catarrh cure, he says: I "After suffering from catarrh of the ty unocrauc "' '" viiie. for Sheriff; J. F. Gaines, of Lacomb. here today and designated March 2 for Cq Morrison, of Sel- thc primaries and April 5 for the county 1 Recorder: J. C. Brown, of Shedd. i inr rnnciTr1 ifimc h mnor rxr -in:inv committee were present. The egates ;to Coun c fa !one J R G the county contention cre apportioned , Assessor; T. A. Rlggs, among the precincts on the basis of one r for Surveyor: Dr. J. H. Krs delegate for each lo votes or fraction , . , ,-. r - nine, ui Aiuuiiv, iui uiuuu, u. . -i r . T...kl- r Ch.lT In lfVi ri:r. .f "Ui"l . , tnts i Elmore, of Brownsville, for Joint Senator While there were a few friendly tilts I ,.,, -'..., between some of the leaders present, the meeting was a harmonious one. W. M. Kaiser mocd that a committee of five be appointed to study up on Dcmo- --T NOMINATED FOR POSTMASTER AT WAITSBURG. ' . WAITSBURG. Wafh.. Feb. 22. A. S. Dickinson, whose nomination for Postmaster here has just been sent to the Senate, Is the present Incum bent of that oll'.ce, and one of tne most cnterprlblng oung business men of this city. He it, a native ton of Was-hlngton, and was born in Walla Walla County January 18. 1SW, be.ng a member of one of the promi nent pioneer families of this section. He rccelca a thorough education In the public s-choo'.s and m the Walts burg Academy. In 1S92 Mr. Dickin son became a member of the Walts burg Hardware Compai.y. and was elected .ccrotarv of the firm. For ot Linn and Marion Counties Following the nominations were several addresses, and In the eening the address of the day, by Professor Kelsay, of Pacific College, ot Xewberg. Republican Contention Date. ST. HELEN'S. Or., Feb. 22. The Repub lican County Central Committee of Co- lumbia County met here today and called j the county convention to meet In St. Hel- i cum .tiuicii , uuu rctuiimicuuvii nui iu ptimarles be held March 20. Soclnllnt County Convention. HILLSBORO. Or.. Feb. 2Z The Socialist artj has called its county convention for March 3, when a complete county ticket will be nominated. t ipa: I Mj i II r j an Sends Ont School Supplies. OLYMPIA "Wash.. Feb. 22.-State Su perintendent Bryan today sent out to the J'l"f"iirl III ra V THOSE Ladies' Shirtwai Patterns At BEN SELLING'S are going rapidly. All select and exclusive designs. 300 to select from; no duplicates 1 .50 to $3 THE BEST V s "I have a little son who sings In a boys' choir In one of our prominent i ' County School Superintendents supplies churches, and he Is greatly troubled with j T i ior ineir several uisencis. .vccuinpuuyuib i noarseness ana tnroat wcanness. ana on . t the supplies is a letter requesting that nil J my return home from a trip I gave him j I J old blanks of forms 14, 19 and 23 be de- j a few of the tablets one Sunday morning j I ' stro ed. Superintendents are urged touihcn he hnri rnmnlalnrd nf hoarseness. ! two j ears he followed this branch of j i make a heroic effort to submit their an-I He was delighted with their effect, re- . commerce, but In U3i turned his at- 4 nun rcport on time, and to urge prompt- i moving all husklncss In a few minutes ; A. S. DlcKIniHon. tentlon to farm.ng. One jear was spent in tilling the poll, and one as manager of a grain warchoit-e. Mi. Dickinson received his appointment as Postmaster In- April, lbS7. Tne business t-o increased in the Post ofbee the following jear that tbe offico was advanced from the fourth cass to the third clas and tnus be came a salaried office. This called for a reappointment of a term of four ears, which Mr. Dickinson re ceived In January of the following 3'car. Mr. Dickinson was elected a t-.e-vs on the part of the County Treasurer ? ! and District Clerks. Superintendent Bry- I "Call their attention to the penalty for a ' failure lo report on time, and say to them , for me that If the reports are not received promptly their distr.cts will receive -no and making th" voice clear and strong. "As the tab'cts are very plcasnnt to tho taste, I h?d no difficulty In pcrsuad- . ing him to use them regularly. , "Our family physlclin told us they were an antiseptic preparation of un- doubted merit and that he himself had , , fund-. One or two examples of tuts Kinu no hesitation In using and rccommer.d wlll be sufficient. The law prescribing the ing Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for any form penalty Is printed on the first page of the J of citarrh. , ClerkS report, so he cannot plead Igno- i -j ,a e jnce mct manv public speak- i ranee." member of the City Council in IS, which position he held for one J.car. He Is prominent in lodge 'circles. The people are a unit for his reappointment a Postmaster. Ivnoi's Report In the Xoycn Cnne. WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Attorney- i.eso ; i V t Dnclm i.4tT- T Ml i 1 A -- 1 2o0 J .. 11.12S "" ll(..nX) I , ., ,I ,..,, 1,1 I .nil. .irlnnlnloci Ifk fl,n' r n1..fln' I CI"S C Pr' M nlJ i grapns Ol American animus, 'i u.u . v.- ,...... i.o, .i.. .v .v.. iu ..u..r...n j-.-rnVwo- nf r,.omm,.ndntion: 100 00 bt niuc" obliged to jou if, at our lels- a committee of the county convention upon numD-r 0 reeommenaatton '.'. 7LSC0 , "re, ou would favor me with 5 oui; a j fc0ine 0f the mattery of pub'Ic mc-.ncrt j Ilt 11 II 1 llll .lI.ai LV... .....r... . kl.k ... j...., 1. .T Z I .. .... w . .r ...F..K niiivii miuu.u uc i::ciii.iuiiiu in ine ;ur crs and professional singers who used them constantly. A prominent Detroit lawjcr told me that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets kept his throat In fine shape Columbia Rler district Puger Sound district .... V i.lapa Haibor district . Graj a Harbor district .. my request, I aa. Respectfully vours. "CARTER H. HARRISON. JR." ....S 7S2.49G 7,5iot'jo ; '.'.'.'. 17S.200 J AVhcn the Mayor opened the on elope i out dropped hit Howells letter ot -uyeara Total ?S.729.62S I ag0 t the bottom of the reverse side nf tui rl.trlA cliont nf nnnrr tins mldcd: I'luns of the American League. NEW YORK. Feb. 22. Recent ieport that the American League intends to place a club in this city hae been t-trengthened by the presence here of Judge Harry Goldman, secretaiy and treasurer of the Baltimore Club. Judge GolJman spent seeral hours In the city in consultation with panic whose iden tity lie refused to divulge. Then he has ttntd back to Baltimore to confer with M linger John MiGraw, who leaes to : !iy for Hot Springs. Ark., where he will kmatn until the Baltimore Club goes "I hae at last found time tor tUD scribing myself. "Yours very truly. "V. D. HOWELLS. "iS West Fifty-ninth street. New York. "February 1C, 1M2." i "Winners in Clieis Tournament. MnvTr PAKI.O. Frh. 22. In the Dlav Ing off todav of adjourned and drawn dens, and who are opposed to the eatab games of the" international chess tourna- llshment of a colonial system," to particl ment. the winner-, were Telchmnnn rrom pate :n tne iJcmocratic primaries. Elsenberg. Albln from Marco and Pills- Among the well-known Democratic war bury from Gunsbcrg. Janow ski and Tschl- horse3 who were at the meeting today t-nrln drew. ' wore John Gray. A. D. Palmer. W. II. . ducted an n..estigatlon of the charges j against Jud?e Nojcs and his report cov-j nnas,. ot tne case. maKinr platform. S. L. Hayden objected to a V. Ihlam Barnctt has been appointed committee being appointed at tnia time, agent for the telephone company at Inde. saying all that Is needed in the way of a ' pendence. platform can be prepared by a conv.nlttce ' The schooner Lizzie Prln. which was from the concntion. "The trouble with ; damaged by going ashore at the mouth of the Democratic party," he said, Is that It i the Siuslaw lately, has been repaired, has had too much platform. Our plat- The McMinnvIlle Board of Trade has forms nave been too big for us. Wlnt we J ordered 5tX) folders descriptive of tne city and county, for distribution In the East. A meeting of the Harney County Repub. Hcan Central Corr.mltteo will be held at Burns March 1. The meeting Is for the purpose of apportionment of delegates and designating the time and place for holding primaries and county convention. General Knox today Eubmllte J to the ! during the most trying weather, and that President his reportand recommendations "c had long since discarded the use of In the ease of Judge Noyes, of the Federal i cheap lozenges and troches on the ad- i Court of Alaska. Mr. ivtiox recently con- . vice or his physician that tney containcu trt tiinnh trt It - t elt onri rriTTi n e trt ! want Is a short platform, with only a few- planks. The matter was discussed at length by various irenb'Ts. and was voted down. A resolution was adopted, directing that the primary call contain an Invitation to "all who bcllee In legislation controlling trusts, and an equalization of tariff bur- WnsIiInRTton Iotcn. The Pierce County Board of Education has decided to u.se Morton's geography in the county schools where a high school Is not maintained. This work. It is said. so much tolu, potash and opium as to render their use a danger to health." Stuart's Catarrh Ta Diets are large, pleasant-tasting lozenges, composed of catarrhal antiseptics, like red gum, blood root, etc., and fold by druggists every where at 0 cents for full treatment. They act upon the blood and mucous membrane and their composition and re- j markable success has won the approval of physicians, as well as thousands of suf ferers from nasal catarrh, throat troubles and catarrh of stomich. A little book on treatment of catarrh mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co.. Marshall. Mich. docs not interfere with Han Wagner's contract In any way. William Joce has been appointed as sistant chief of the Spokane fire depart ment, to succeed Assistant Chief Phillips, resigned. Joyce has been In the depart ment 11 years, and has worked his way from driver to second in command. Two Arc AKp!ix!ntcI. DETROIT. Feb. 22. James McGIashan, aged 35. a foreman In the construction In the World SPRING STYLES NOW READY 1 Jjw FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY BY Fourth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Or. department of the Michigan Telephone ' house on Park Place. Gas had escaped Company, and an unidentified s woman, .in some manner from the gas stove in were found dead today In a rooming- ' the room and suffocated the couple. OUR OBJECT IN BUSINESS Is to secure patrons for our dental service. It is the only excuse we have for being in business, and we decided to take the public into our confidence and tell them the truth and where to set good dentistry performed. We want to bring the people and our su perb dental service together. If they don't stay together it won't be our fault. We aim to be kind and clean about our work, and above all, considerate for people's feelings. Our offices are equipped with every con venience known to modern dentistry, and all of it is at your service for the same fee, for which you receive so much less at other WISE BROTHERS, Dentists New Failing Building. Southeast Corner of Washington and Third Streets. Mrs. I. D. Conrad, Lady Attendant Open Sunday from 9 to 12 M. Phones: Oregon, S 2291. Columbia, 368 L!' '-, -$ ICDHSB's " we i - , . fe A V . n