THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 15, 1901. 23 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS Trade waxed to unprecedented propor tions last week. All the Industries of the season are busy, and this, together with tho activity that precedes Christmas, has made a very brisk period. Retail busi ness will probably come in for a fuller share of activity this week. Some mer chants report that in a few jobbing de partments symptoms of a falllng-off have developed. The Fall tide of trade and business Is marked by heavy bank clear ings, the figures of which are larger than in any corresponding period of former yeaxs- The most noteworthy development of the week was a relapse in wheat, follow ing the recent buoyant movement. Bar ley has advanced and Is still very strong, and oats have gathered in strength. Po tatoes are still dull and weak, but seem to have reached the bottom of their de cline. Onions are likewise dulL Creamery butter advanced In the course of the week, despite the aversion of most dealers to higher prices. Dressed meats have gained in firmness. Grocery quoi-tlons in the most prom inent articles were steady all week. Corn- meal and kindred products are very ' strong. Prices of raisins are higher. Packing-house products have been quiet, as consumers are resorting to fresh meats as usual at this time of year. Conspicu ous strength prevails in dressed mutton. Pork has been very active, and dealers have disposed of stocks readily. Receipts of veal have not kept pace with demand. Beef shares the strength of the meat market. Business In all kinds of poultry has been very brisk. The markets closed Saturday with small supply on hand. Chickens have been bought up eagerly at slightly higher prices. Christmas trade In turkeys has only fairly opened. A supply of Eastern turkeys will be on hand In a few days. Creamery butter has forced itself up against opposition. The ruling top price Is 264 cents, although a considerable quantity has been sold at 27& cents. Dealers have been chary of higher prices until they should see whether the mar ket would justify a rise. They desired to avoid shutting off outside demand and accumulatlou of surplus, and experience has made them cautious against advanc ing values. Store butter has been very dull. Cheese has maintained an even course. Oregon eggs have been scarce, but Eastern have had the advantage of lower prices, so that no inconvenience Is felt from tho short supply of the home product. The market is fully stocked with po tatoes. Receipts, many of them on con signment, have been heavy, and prices are much depressed. Large quantities of prunes have been shipped eastward. A slight Improvement In the market is ap preciable, but the drag Is still heavy Hops have ruled unchanged. Only a fraction of the Oregon crop is unsold, perhaps not more than 7000 bales. Al though the best part of the crop has been disposed of, many lots of prime grade are held In reserve. It is esti mated that in "Washington about 7000 bales remain unsold and In California about 12.000. WHEAT The market last week was In direct contrast with the week before. Prices gradually receded from the figures of the recent bulge. Yesterday the down ward tendency was reflected in further depressed prices. Prices were mostly quoted nominally last week. Cable-communication was interrupted, and export ers were a little disposed to wait until they could be more In touch with the world's markets.. The farmer, on the other hand, was on his high horse, dis dainful of the lower values. The dlsposi. tion of many is to hold for 50 cents in the country. Neither they nor exporters are under immediate necessity of entering the market. The common quotation yesterday was 53V&C for "Walla "Walla, and 60c seemed to exporters 'way up In the air. Valley and bluostem had the usual differentials. Freights last week were even quieter than the cereal. Rates are not so stiff as they were, and one spot ship has come down from 40s to a rate under 29s, with out takers. Two or three December ships are reported to be offering under 39s, but that figure Is too rich for the blood of the exporters. Some shipowners would seem to have been led slightly astray by the wheat market. Receipts of wheat at tidewater are large, but still held back by lack of cars. Large quantities of wheat, barley and oats7 are scheduled to go East as soon as trans portation facilities are available. These engagements have had a buoying effect on oats and barley, especially the latter, which has advanced In price. Oats aro going also to California in large quanti ties, chiefly for milling purposes. The San Francisco Commercial News, under date of December 12, says the fol lowing In regard to wheat In that state: "Tho stock of wheat left In the state December 1 amounted to 601,184 tons, or 18,915 tons less than on December 1 last year, while the stock of flour was 3361 barrels less. Exports of wheat and .flour for six months ended December 1 were 4S.520 tons more than during the corre sponding period last year. The carry-over on June 1, 1900, was 431,229 tons; on June 1, 1901, 210,935 tons; judging from the pres ent export movement, it will approximate 150,000 to 1C0.O00 tons June 1, 1902. Revised estimates bring the last crop to approxi mately 900.000 tons. The spot market has shown considerable improvement under the influence of the speculative advance, but actual business has not been large. Shippers hold enough grain to load the vessels in port, few new ones are arriving, and freights hold firm, so there is little call for heavy purchases." crested, eQ&o per pound; ewes, 3U931&C, cross; dressed. CgOlc per pound. Hogs Gross, II4c; dressed, C36&C per pound. Veal 88c per pound. Beef Gross, cows, 3Jc; steers, ZHSlc; dressed, 37c per pound. Hams, bacoa, etc Portland pack (Shield brand) hams. 12iQ 1314c: picnic, OSic per pound; breaklast bacon, lS'iGlGVjc per pound; bacon 14c per pound; backs 12c per pound; dry-salted sides, lie per pound; dried beef, setts, IS:; knuckles, 18c per pound; eastern pack, bams, large, 12c; medium, 13c; small, 1314c; picnic, 0?ic: shoulders, 8o; breakfast bacon, K&lMic: dry-salted sides, HUc; bacon, sides, 12; c; backs, unsmoked. HUc; smoked. 12Uc; butts. MiOlOJic per pound; dried beer, 15fc17?4c per pound; dry-salted bellies. 11UO 12i4c; bacon bellies. 12U013Vic per pound. Lard Portland (Shield brand). 5s, 13c; 10s. 12c; &0s, 12c; tierces, 12Uc; Eastern, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 3s, 12Jic; IDs, 124c; 50s. Potatoes and Onlonsu Potatoes Best Burbanks, 8500c per cental; ordinary, 6575c per cental, growers' prices. Onions $1 501 75 per cental, growers' prices. Groceries, Nats, Etc Coffee Mocha, 232Sci Java, fancy. 2G32c; Java. good. 20324c; Java, ordinary, 1&Q20C. Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good. lGfflSc; Cobta Rica, ordinajjf 10(3 12c per pound; Columbia roast, $11 50; Arbuckle'a, $12 63 list; Lion, $12 13 list; Cordova, $12 G3 list. Rice Imperial Japan No. 1, BKc; No. 2, 5&c; New Orleans, 57c. Sugars-Cube, $5 50; crushed, $5 50; powdered, $5 10; dry granulated, $5 25; extra C, $5 25; golden C, $4 65 net per sack; beet sugar, $5 15 per sack; half barrels,. o more than barrels; sacks, 10c per 100 less than barrels; maple, 15016c per pound. Honey, lihGlSc per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails, $1 5; two-pound tails. $3; fancy one-pound flats, $2; one-half pound fancy flats, $1 25; Alaska tails, D3c: two-pound talis. $2. Grain bogs Calcutta, $8 25 per 100 for spot. Nuts Peanuts, CMQIc per pound for raw, HO bc for roasted, cocoanuts, 65.390c per dozen; walnuts, UQ"llHc per pound: phis nuts. 10 1214c; hickory nuts. 7c; chestnuts. $4 5C4J3 pr drum: Brazil nuts, 7c: filberts. MOUfec; fancy pecans. HQ14ia almond, 153 1 Co ptx pound. Coal oil Cases, 2014c per gallon; barrels, lCc; tanks, 14c Stock salt Ms $19 75: 100s. $10 25: granu lated, 50s. $2S: Liverpool. 50s. $2S; 100s. $27 50; 200s, $27. Bnttc'r, Ekbk, Poultry, Etc. Butter Creamery, 25ff2C14c; dairy, 18320c; store. 124015c Eggs 20322140 for cold storage; 22623c for Eastern. 2S20c for fresh Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2 5033 50; heas. $434 75; 10llcpcr pound; Springs, lOSUcper pound, $2 5033 50 per dozen: ducks, $535 50 for young; geese. $6 5037 50 per dozen; turkeys, live. 12313c; 1214315c dressed per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 1331314c; Young America, 14315c; factory prices, llc less. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. Tomatoes, $131 25; turnips, C575c; carrots, 65375c; beets, S03D0c per sack; pumpkins, $1 I 25; squashes, $131 25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 753S5c per cental; green peppers, 5c per pound; celery, 75c per dozen; sweet potatoes, $1 50 per cental. Green fruit Lemons, $2 5033 50; oranges, $3 33 25 per box; bananas, $2 2533; pineapples, $5 per dozen; grapes, $1 5001 CO per crate; apples, 50c$l 50; cranberries, 10c per pound. Dried fruit Apples, ovaporated, 73So per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 4C5c; apri cots, ll)412c; peaches. 8311c; pears, 638o; TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes From the Northwest FOR FORTLAND Name. Flag and rig. Master. From. Consignees. IXomla Ardnamurchan ISeestern Aug. 3ILord Shaftesbury July 3Earl Cadogan July 13Pax July 24inchcape Rock Aug. 23iVendee Aug. 2SjBertha jUta Sept. 15Les Adelphes I Carl Aug. 15'Bardowie Sept. 20jlrby Sept. 2 Biackbraes Sept. 1 Duqucsne Pembrokeshire (Selene July. 22iVm. Mitchell jArctlc Stream. Sept. 15jBarmbek Aug. 31!Bossuet Nov. CjDovenby Hall (Anaurus Aug. 17LaRochefouc'ld JAvenger jDalgonar Oct. 26iGlei:lui Oct. 3JBldart Aug. 2SiAscenzolne Oct. aJRcnfleld IScottlsh Minstrel Oct 29,VVendur (YVIndsbraut Dec 13jAgncs'OswalL Oct. 31Caslor iPalatlnla Nov. 2St. MIrren Oct. SiGalgorm Castle. Nov. 2Sj Donna Franclsca IThekla Nov. SICenturlon Helnbek Ernest Lecouv Oueon 'RMT.n'hntli Nov. lGlAncaios Fingal ilnverkin - iKensinrton Nov. 7'General Foy .itypromenc .Brunei Torrisdale Tweedsdale r ormosa West Lothian Rockhurst Argyll Lota Grenada Oranasla Java iSlerra Blanca c. a. WatJen Dec. 1 July 30 Ger. bark Br. ship Ger. ship Br. bark Br. bark D'ch bark Br. ship Fr. bark Gei. bark Ger. Fhip Fr. bark Ger. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Ft. bark Br. sir. Ger. bark Br. ship Br. ship Ger. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. ship Fr. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr. bark It. ship Br. bkt Br. ship Br. fchip Ger. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. st Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Br. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Fr. bark Br. shin Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. str Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. str Br. ship Ger. ship Rowehl Kneally Mink Doty Williams Relners Porter LeHegarot Alstcr Harms Canevet Shoemaker Garrlty Law Graham Evans Donnehom, Cutting Bo wen Erbrecht Houelbeeg Wickham Henderson Heude Evans Ibcster Scott, 1921Sumatra 1619St. Rosalia 1446plazatlan 273Hnmburg 1331iAntwerp 1391LIverpooI 1493Anrwerp l&72Newcastle 155l;Santo3 1643 Honolulu 1320Nossi Be 95SMazatlan 2011lTabIe Bay HSOfNewcastle 221C Table Bay 1705; Nantes 2767Or!ent 1231)Guaymas iSSJTable Bay HDS'Hull 2239 1739 1S9S Trapanl Roberts Mellln Nlcoll Haase Philip MoMurtry Stewart Hamilton Mahon Simon Aim Collins Thlesen (new) Fulton Fulton Archer Jones Borland Bruellle Bond Milne Nlckells Jones KorfC Davles Thomas Harrison Couch Putt Grdg Gordon Corkhlll Kammnad Hamburg Antwerp Antwerp 149iCcronel lTllfHuvre ):8SCoqulmbo 25G5JSydney 1847fValparaiso 1730lNantes 1772iTable Bay 1034!PIsagua loll 1 Valparaiso lS9CCaldera 12a3 Valparaiso 13S0Newcastle 1953iTocopllla 23T2JManila lSooIVaiparalso 1507Table Bay 21C3 Valparaiso 2930;Yokohama 17041 Newcastle 276S'Yokohama l?21i Mauritius 1700;Shanghal 1704 Melbourne 2485 Table Bay 1334!Iqulqul 1C45 Valparaiso 173o' Havre 1750; 1S55! 2184 1403 Antwerp Newcastle Table Bay Hongay 1474ISan Diego 1737 1332rMollendo 22S9 12SG 2100! Valparaiso Orient Caldera Junln lSC5iPIsagua 2G32lOrIeni 1473lSau Diego 1734!Hf.mburg 137M. W. & Co. 165Balfour lECjM.. W. & Co. 144TayIor 114(iirvin 109 , 91Taylor 146; li: E. Baker 29 3$ 13 Balfour Total tonnage en route and listed, 115,812. GRAIX TONNAGE IN THE UIVER, Name. Flag and rig. Master. From. Agents or Charteiers. Berth. Oct. OcL Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec Dec. Dec Dec Dec Dec. Dec Dec Dec Dec 291Riverslde v SOiDuguesclin 2Flfeshire 5Lamorlciere GBelan 7Francois Coppee lOiTravancore 14 iLatimer lSJSIrene 19Emelie 20 Eugenie Fautril 24TorrIdon 2OHvla 2Rlversdale 6 Fulwood 6iSusanne 9Asle . SITarpenbek SSchiller 10 Jean Bart 13Ilala 13Falklandbank Br. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Fr, bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. ship ifer. smn Ger. slup trr. bark Br. ship Nor. bark Br. shin Br. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Ger. ship Ger. berk Fr. bark Br. ship j-Br. ship McCuIly Soissoa Caddell Christian Bondrot Douet Jones Johnson Sauermilch Oitmann LeHucdel Mearns 'Gunufsen Porter (Thomas scnutt Marie Hansen 15901 Liverpool 123o1Hamburg lolS Newcastle li.ljHull 17i0 Si. Nazalre 1730Honsr Kong 'Penco 1S7S 1649!TaltnI 14101 Honolulu ITSSiValparalso 170G Antwerp 1 A9 ITrtTirfictlft ll42Panama 2057lSan Dleco tl9S9JTalcahuano lS73iGuaymas :039!Hobart 11793' Hamburg Steinborner 1227'Stu. Rosalia 1700St. Nazalre Thorburn 124CtPort Natal Smith tlTSljSta. Rosalia Balfour Balfour Balfour P. F. M. Co Epplngcr Bern: P. F. M. Co. Stream Astoria Stream. Astoria Astoria Stream Astoria P. F. M. Co. 'Astoria lvorr P. G. Co. 1 Kerr Balfour Balfour Vrr 'Disengaged .Balfour 'Balfour IPort G. Co. Glrvln Taylor Balfour iKerr Astoria Stream Mte'mv 2 Davldge's Oceanic Mtc'mv 2 I Astoria iWcldler's (Stream Grn'wlch Irving Sand dock Total tonnage In port, 34.13L GRAIN IONNAGE EN ROUTE TO PUGET SOUND Name. Flag and rig. Master. From. Consignees. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings last week of the three leading cities of the Northwest were: Portland. Seattle Tacoma. ..$ 871,26$ $ 532,301 $ 190,401 .. C43.7SS .. 575,973 .. 670,035 .. 237,435 Monday .... Tuesday ... T edncfiday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. 447.00S 493,426 554,925 505.527 435.074 24l!424 165,335 222,190 198,222 151,144 Total3 $3,544,239 $2,972,258 $1,168,716 The clearings in corresponding weeks for former years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. ::00 $2,645,323 $2,186,497 $1,162,459 13D 2.136.131 2,102,210 1,077.819 IV9S 1.953.S38 1,466,712 756.277 1.VJ7 L9S6.939 1,108,947 7C6.25S Clearings yesterday were: Exchanges. Balances. Portland $337,436 $ 27,392 Tacoma 151.144 14.486 Seattle 435,074 126,016 fcpokane 193,832 35,422 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flonr, Etc. , Wheat Walla Walla, B0c; bluestem, 61c; Valley, 60c Karicy Feed, $17317 50; brewing, $17 50318 per ton. Oats No. 1 white. $131 10. Flpur Best grades. $2 7033 30 per barrel; graham. $2 50. Itlllstuffs Bran. $17 per ton; middlings, $20: shorts, $18: chop. $17. Hay Timothy. $11312; clover, $707 50; Ore gon wild hay, $536 per ton. McntK and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 3U33!4e, gross; dressed, 6H0 per pound; sheep, wethers, OViCSlic, gross; July SlJAlsterkamp July 14Alsterufer ScpL SjPenrhyn Castla Oct. lOfMacdalrmed Oct. lliBelford Oct. 12Laoxnene Aug. 141SprIngbank Oct. 20Kate Thomas Nov. 14Senator Oct. 13 Glenelvan Marecbal Suchet Robert Difhcan Sept. 26 Kenllworth ... General Roberts Salfordla Glenafton Northern Monarch Nov. 27Holywood tiowaro x). utoop SCMTZDCK Puritan Celtic Queen Dudhope Denbighshire Eaton Hall Euphrates Glenmark Nov. 19IGlenerlcht IM. E. Watson j Alsterschwan Nov. 23MarIanne IBaiikleigh Nov. 27(Lynton iGuernscy jMathllde. Nov. 11 (Robert RIckmers Nov. 28 Whltlicburn ILoudln Hill Calthness-shiro Ger. ship Ger. bark Br. bark It. Ehip Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Am. ship Br. bark Br. str Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Jensen Nelt Evans Paturzo McKlnnon Hutches Dobbie Thomas Sutherland Robbins Stephens Maclean Taylor Fearon Crisp Watts Nixon Lundlus Corning Ger. bark Uolles Br. bark Amcsbury Br. ship Williams Br. ship Low Br. str v-l Br. ship Evans Br. bark Davis Br. bark Johnson Br. sh'p jQuInn Br. ship IWilson Ger. bark JGIertz Aus. str Cosulich Br. bark Br. bark Isor.str Nor.str Ger. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Evans James Hansen Taarvig Rubarth Bartlett Crulkshank iFurneaux 1789Hamburg 23 Hamourg 1349Hamburg 1562 Liverpool 1771 London 1644 Antwerp ZZ35 Greenock 1597! Liverpool 1583 Liverpool iibbiuape Town I7b5i Valparaiso 1S96 ei-Hai-woi 2147ISourobaya 1314 Liverpool 28e5Mororan UGSiCallao 114SCallao 1477!Llverpool Ufeoisnanghai 2527'Sta. Rosalia 22S3ShanehaI lTSS.Antofog'sta 1986 Hong Kong 24K9Nagasakl 1671iCaliao Honolulu iChanarnl Valparaiso Valnaralso 2309Honolulu 2344MOJI (Valparaiso aiaryport Orient Orient Nagasaki Table Bay Junin San Diego 1573 1250 2216 lirro: 1429 2324 2SC8 2269 2174 1875 2066 1525 137! 154 103 C6 65 i 123 56 31 63 SO 18 26 Balfour Total tonnage en route and listed, 77, 492. GRAIN TONNAGE ON PUGET SOUND Nam. Flag and rig. Master From. Agents or Charterers. Berth. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 22Scottish Lochs iSjAlster 3Oweenee 3Deud'th Castle 5iBoadicea 5LuIgl Clampa 6Iverna 11 1 Mil ver ton lllFalls of Keltle HElglnshlre 11 Pinmorc Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship ar. oarx Br. ship It. str Br. bark Br. ship Br. str Br. ship Br. baik IParkhlll Saelzen Burchall Jones Roberts Cocorullo Webster Clarence Esterbrook Stott 12466 Rio Janeiro 2935 Sta. Rosalia 2234IShanxhai 1737 Rio Janeiro 1824 Valparaiso 2605 Talc&huano 2220Sta. Rosalia 2070 Antfg'sta, 2150 Moll 203S!Yokohama 22S6Sta. Rosalia P. G. Co. N. W. Co. Kerr Balfour P.F. M. Co. Balfour Balfour PorL G. Co, P.F. M. Co. Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Seattle Seattle Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma iTacoma prunes, Italian, SS4c; sliver, extra, choice, 5JJCc; French, lU&Zlsc; figs, allfornla. hlarVs. 3h34c; do white, 5c; plums, pltless, white, 6c Hops Wool. Hides, Etc. Hops 310e per pound. Wool Nominal; Valley. 11314c; Eastern, Oregon. 881214c: mohair, 2ie21&c pr pound. Sheepskins Shearings, 15$20c; short wool. 25335c; mfxllum-wool. 30360c; long-wool, COcg $1 each. Tallow Prime, per pound. 4 34 lie; No. 2 and grease, 21x33c Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up. 1531514c per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds, 15c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, lCc; dry-salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry -flint; salted hides, steers, sound. 60 pounds and irrer, 839c: 50 to 60 pounds, TH9 Sc; under 50 pounds, and cows. 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 5(J5!ic; kip, sound. 15930 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, Sc; green (unsaltcd), lc per pound las; culls lc per pound leaa; horso hides, salted, each $1 5032: dry, each, $131 50; colts' hides, each. 25350c: goat skins, common, each, 10315c; Angora, with wool on, each, 25c$$l. Pelts Bear stlns. as to size. No. 1. each. $5320: cubs, $235; badger, each. 10940c;, 25330c; house cat. BlOc; fox, commoa gray. each. S0350c; do red. each. $1 5032; do cross, each. $3315; do sliver and black, each. $1003200; fishers, each. $530: lynx, each, $233; mink, strictly Jfo. 1. each, 30c9 $1 25; marten, dark Northern. $G12; marten, pale, pine, according to size and color. $1 509 3: muskrats, large, each. 5$10c; skunk, each 25335c; civet or pole cat. each, 5310c; otter, for large prime skins, each. $597; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $235; raccoon, for arge prime, each. 30335c; wolf, mountain, u'th head perfect, each. $3 5035; wolf, prairie (coyote), with head perfect, each. 40300c: wolf, prairie (ccyote), without head. each. 30350c; wolverine, each, $437; beaver, per skin, large, $534; do medium. $34; do mall, $131 SO; do kits. 50375c 25c$l; cucumbers, 3060c per box; Chile green peppers, 25K50c; garlic, 2S2c; egg plant. 75c!B$l 23. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17 501S 50; bran, $15 5016 50 per ton. Potatoes River Burbanks, S0c3$l 05; Sa linas Burbanks, $1 25gl GO; Oregon Bur banks, $1 15SU 55; sweet, 50g9Cc per cental. Onions Yellow, $1 60g3 25. Poultry Turkey o, gobblers, 12V14c; do hens, 13Jfl5c per pound; old roosters, $3 50 4 50 per dozen; young roosters, $1 5035; email broilers. $34; large broilers, $4ft5; fryers, $45; hens, $3 504 50; old ducks, $3 50ff4 per dozen; young ducks, $4&5. Pineapples $34. Eggs Fancy ranch, 31c per dozen; store. 28c; Eastern, 25c. Apples Choice, $1 23; common, 30c per box. Bananas $152 75 per bunch. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 75c; choice, $2 50; Mexican limes, $3 50if4; oranges, navel, $102 25. Butter Fancy creamery, 24c; do seconds, ISc; fancy dairy, 20c per pound; do sec onds, 16c Cheese Young America, 12Vic; Eastern, 1315c per pound; new. 12c; old. lie. Receipts Flour, 12,639 quarter sack3; Wash., 9224 quarter sacks; wheat, 14,b0 centals: barley. 11,120 centals; oats, 1160 centals; beans 14,000 sacks; corn. 500 cent als; potatoes, 6675 sacks; bran, 1240 sacks; wool. 554 bundles; hides, 375. GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereals at American and Enropean Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 14. Wheat, Arm; barley, quiet; oats. Arm. Wheat, shipping, $1 02; do milling, $1035i106H: barley, feed, 767S4c: do brewing, T6S6c; oats, red, $1 101 30; do white $1 12fcl S2; do black, $131 20. Call board sales: Wheat, firm; May, $1 07Js; do cash, $1 02; barley, no sales; corn, large yellow, $1 30ffl 33. Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, Dec 14. An Inclination to take profits and Saturday's dullness worked against the cold weather bull faction in grains today and May wheat closed c down. Wheat had a dull, steady market, ruling firm early but soon losing the gain. Weather conditions had a good deal to do with the speculative temperament and tho early cables were something of a help. Receipts were light and May opened a shade lower to yc up at 0c to 805ic and quickly sold up to S0T4Q81C Trade was not Important and the early demand from commission houses was about the only feature. This soon gave way to profit-taking on the bulge and the market gradually sagged off to 795Sc, closing weak, c lower at 79t c Corn was fairly active and ruled firm the greater part of the session. The early demand was largely on the part of the shorts but the outside markets were also fair buyers. The cold weather brought the early spurt on the fear that heavy 'feeding to stock would be neces sary. Profit-taking caused a recession, May closing steady, lie higher, at G7tf?,c Oats were moderately active but ruled easy after the early bulge. May closed weak, USc lower at 45'ic Provisions were dull but ruled very firm. Tho demand was largely for the local account and was supplied by pack ers. May pork closed 12&c higher and lard and ribs each 57&c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open'g. Highest. Lowest. Clos'g. rent n t? i" rx3( rci' S0 81 sm T0T6 CORN. 54 65 67 CSU 671 63 OATS. 45J4 45U 4014 40(J MESS PORK. January May 16 85 16 97 LARD. January 9 87 9 90 May 9 87 9 90 SHORT RIBS. January May S 62 S Co 8 60 Cash quotations were as follows Flour Steady; Winter patents. 3 90; straights, $3 303 70; clears. $3 003 40; Spring specials, $4 30; patents, $3 0O33 SO; straights. $3 00fj3 10. Wheat No. 3 Spring, 747Gc; No. 2 red, S0ffS2c. Oats No. 2, 46Uc; No. 2 white, 4SU49c; No. 3 white. 4SS4S&C Rye No. 2, 64Vc. Barley Fair to choice malting, 59J?61c Flaxseed No. 1. $146; No. 1 North western. $1 47. Timothy seed Prime. $6 55. Mess pdrk Per barrel, $15 40S15 50. Lard Per 100 pounds, $9 S29 S3. Short ribs Sides, loose, $8 35S 55. Shoulders 'Dry-salted, boxed, $7 377 50. Sides Short, clear, boxed. $8 S0S 9a Clover Contract grade, $9 25. Receipts. Shipments. December May July December May July December May July $-37534 64 67 67 4454 45 39 16 85 985 9S3 50T5f4 79& 64 67 67 44 45 39?i 16 90 16 96 9S7 990 8 45 862 $3 703) Stock Quotations, DESCRIPTION. Atchison Atchison pfd Baltimore & Ohio . Baltimore & Ohio pfdj Canadian facinc Canada Southern Chesapeake & Ohio .. Chicago & Alton .... Chicago & Alton pfd. Chicago, Ind. & St. L. u ma. & at. L,. pro ic iasu 111.. & Great W. W. A pfd... W. B pfd... W. & P. 7.2001 2.1W 1,500 9S4I ;ioii Flour, barrels 37,000 wncat, ousneis 75.000 Corn, bushels 163,000 Oats, bushels 214,000 Rye. bushels 19.000 Barley, bushels 105,000 On the Produce Exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamery, 1524c; dairy, 1420c. Cheese Steady at 910c. Eggs Firm; fresh, 26c. 33.000 21.000 64,000 2S9.000 3.000 3L000 Chicago Chicago U. & G. C. & G. C. & N. C. R. L Chicago Term. & Tr. Chicago T. & T. pfd. C, C, C. &. St. L Colorado Southern ... Colo. Southern 1st pfd uoio. southern ad pw Delaware & Hudson. Del., Lack. & West. D. &. R. G , D. & R. G. pfd Erie Erie 1st pfd Brie 2d pfd Great Northern pfd .. Hocking Valley , Hocking Valley pfd. Illinois Central Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd ... Lake Erie & W Lake Erie & W. pfd Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry Mexican Central .... Mexican National .. Minneapolis & St, L Missouri Pacific .... M., K. & T. M.. K. & T. pfd .... New Jersey Central New York Central Norfolk & Western... Norfolk & West, pfd xsortnern pacific pfd Ontario & Western . Pennsylvania Reading Reading 1st pfd Heading 2d pfd St. L. & S. F. St. L. & S. F. 1st pfd at. I & s. a za pra St. L. Southwestern.. St. L. S. W. pfd St. Paul , St. Paul pfd Southern Pacific ..... Southern Rallwav Southern Railway pfd lexas em i'acmc Toledo, St L. & W T.. St. L. & W. pfd Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd ... Wabash Wabash pfd ttheelinc & L. E... Wheel., & L. E. 2d pfd Wisconsin central .... Wisconsin Central nfd Express companies Adams American United States , Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry. Am. Car & Fdry. pfd Am. Linseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Smelt. & Refg.. Am. Sm. & Ref. pfd., Anaconda Minlne Co Brooklyn Rapid Tran. uoio. uuei & iron., Consolidated Gas .... General Electric ... Glucose Sugar Hocking Coal , International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Power, Laclede Gas National Biscuit ...., National Lead , National Salt pfd ... North American ... Pacific Coast Pacific Mail , People's Gas Pressed Steel Car..., Pressed Steel Car pfd .f unman jfaiaco car.. Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd .. Sugar Tenneesseo Coal & I, Union Basr & P. Co. Union B. & P. Co. pfd u. s. Jjeatner U. S. Leather pfd U. S. Rubber U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd .. Western Union ... American Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd. 10,000, 200 1.100 800 200 700 5,300 100 200 300 100 400 1001 100 600 100 7,710 100 600 "200 400 1,700 200j 700! So JH7 toys 9S 101 112 46 33Ti 77 47 24Vi 44 1S9 147 97 13 56 25 500ft72 43 93 55Vj 63 137 3i iO 65 7,5001105 19,400 S00! 1.600 600 9.000: 100 5,7001 2.CU0 4.400! 9.800 14,100 133Ts ioa 22 13 103 25 163 111 S5 45 33 77i 47 23 44 197 Hi Q7V. 13 Si in 42 93 3S 70 54 62 76 5S 101 94 112 85 45 33 f 75 ffit 134 23 85 44 199 147 15 29 97 13 56 23 171 244 4 J 93 71 55 1S3 62 S0 137 3 70 6S 122 104 132U 15S 53 I 55 33 147 137 35j 65 ioT 132 15S5ai 22 22 13) 13 107 102 102 25 23 50 Ilia 162162 : 91 99 32 33 146147 JTSil JfK J7X. EArtl mi ! o ' ! ro' vj Z?2 l I ii. 1.600 57 Z.2W o3 400 300: 800 30,200 io'.iw 6.000 1.100 1.000 1.700 33,500 2.100 700 9.500 400 100 70 27 55 Vi 160 5S 32U 91 3S 18 ?! S3 23 43 M-2 40 65.900 ZM 100! 1.000 Total sales for day.335,000 1.700 3,800 1.2tXi 1,000; 1.500 300 200 700 "i66 700 100 700 100 1,100 100 100 14,400 1.200 700 200 COO 100 12,400 4.400 200 3.200 200 $tl oitt Ol-Zi, o-yi 79 70 27 o5 66 30 S3 44 70 27 57 15S,lfi0 il6 32 32 91l 91g 37) 38 18 1S 31 99 99 S7 87 22 22 41 42 18 2S 20 40 20 40 64 29 43 29 63 84 215 285 39 15 20 88 92 73 43 99 39 82 29 62 79 215 2S1 2U 13 20 SS 92: 73 43 98 38 S2 69 121 61 11 22 13 43 41 91 31' 87 69 119 60 11 82 13 49 40 90 91 87 190 193 89 ISO 65 29 85 17 47 44 96 29 62 84 215 2S2 39 15 20 75 SS DO 43 16 61 92 77& 43 98 3S 81 211 15 69 120 61 14 71 11 Sl 13 43 40 (W7f Total tonnage in port, 19,771 New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Flour Receipts, 15,300 barrels; exports, 7700 barrels; quiet but steady; Winter patents, $3 7B&4; Win ter straights, $3 453 65; Minnesota pat ents, $3 8504 10; Winter extras. $2 8033; Minnesota bakers, $2 9033 25; Winter low grades, $2 6033 70. Wheat Receipts, 170,500 bushels; ex ports, 25,000 bushels; spot, steady; No. 2 red, S6c; f. o. b. afloat, 84c; elevator. No. 1 Northern, Duluth, 5c f. o. b. afloat. Options displayed activity, and further strength as a result of higher cables, bad weather in theSouthwest, small Spring wheat receipts and activity among shorts. Later the market cased off under realiz ing, and closed steady at c net ad vance. March closed at 86c; May, 85c; July, 85c. Hops Quiet; state common to choice, 1901 crop. ll15c; 1900 crop, 8gSc; Pa cific Coast, 1S01 crop. ll315c; 1S00 crop, S-tP 8c Hides Steady; Galveston, 18c; Califor nia, I9c; Texas dry, I4c , Wool Dull; domestic, 23S29c; Texas, 16 17c Wheat Crop In Australia. SYDNEY, N. S. W., Dec 14. The gov ernment statistician reports that the es timates for the Njjw South Wales wheat crop are 19,000,000 bushels, an average of 12.S bushels per acre. Paris Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec 14. Wheat'and flour at Paris steady. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 14- Wool Spring Humboldt and Mendocino, 15gl6c; Nevada, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; Valley Oregon, 1315c Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 10S12c; mountain, S9c; south plains and San Joaquin, 68c; lambs, 6t?8s. Hops New crop, 10315c Hay Wheat, $9gl2; wheat and oats, $S 5011; best barley, $57 50; alfalfa, $9fl? 10; clover, $6Q7 per ton; straw, 3547c per bale. Vegetables Green peas, 537c per pound; string beans, 7f9c per pound; tomatoes. U. S. ref. 2s reg. do coup U. S. 33 reg do coup O. S. new 4s. reg. do coup U. S. old 4s reg.. do coup U. S. 5s reg do coup Atchison adj. 4.. BONDS. 105 C. & N. W. con 103 7s 13S 10S D. & R. G. 4s.. ..103 10S!N. Y. Cent. Ists..l05 139,North. Pac. 3s... 72 139! do 4s 1C6 lllSouth. Pac. 4s... 92 ,112Unlon Pac. 4s.... 105 107 West Shore 4s.. .114 107 Wis. Cent. 4s.... 90 S3 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Dec 14. Money on call, steady at 4 per cent; prime mercantile pa per, 4g5 per cent; sterling exchange, firmer, with actual business in bankers' bill at $4 64 86 for demand, and $4 S24 82 for 60 days; posted rates, $4 834 84, and $4 8734 87; commercial bills, $4 S234 82. Mexican dollars 13c. Government bonds, steady; state bonds, inactive; railroad bonds, irregular. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. Sterling on London 60 days, $4 83; do sight, $4 87. Mexican dollars 1747c Drafts Sight, par; do telegraph, 2c LONDON, Dec. 14. Money 333 per cent; consols, 93. Downing, Hopkins & Co, ESTABLISHED 1S03. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. Today's state ment of the Treasury shows: Available cash balance $170,355,845 Gold 114,S37,157 Stocks at London. LONDON, Dec. 14. Anaconda, 6; Atch ison, 79; do pfd., 101; Canadian Pacific, 115; Northern Pacific pfd., 102; Southern Pacific, 50; Union Pacific, 102; do pfa., 90. Pneumatic Tool Combination. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. The reports of the consolidation of plants of leading makers of pneumatic tools has been con firmed at the New York office of the Chi cago Pneumatic Tool Company. The new company will not take over all the pneu matic tool manufacturers, as was at first expected, but will Include the various concerns In which J. W. Duntley, the founder of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool A block of stock in a co-operative investment company will soon be offered to the general public at par. The whole plan of this company is such that the public will eagerly subscribe for this ideal security and a I great many applications for stock will, therefore, have to be rejected. The nest block will surely be offered at a premium far above par. If you will write to us at once, we will keep you posted and will help you to come in on the ground floor. 8 The company in question is investing One Million Dollars m the stocks and bonds of one hundred or more sound and I reliable companies and institutions on the following plan : 250,000 DOLLARS in the purchase of stock in at least 25 carefully selected mining companies possessing properties that are known to be of real value and merit, thus providing assets of great speculative possibilities. 250,000 DOLLARS in the purchase of intercst-bearing bonds of at least twenty-five reliable and thoroughly sound corporations, thus providing assets of established and per manent value 1- BORSODI ADVERTISING NEW YORK 250,000 DOLLARS in the purchase of stock in at least 25 different industrial companies and corporations, selected only after the earning capacity, dividend prospects and probable advance in market value of their stocks have been clearly d:monstratcd. 250,000 DOLLARS in the purchase of stock in reliable, well managed realty corporations in growing cities, such in vestments being certain to double or even treble ic value. BY THIS PLAN the investor, acquiring stock in this co operative purchasing company, gains absolute insurance aeainst loss of canital. and at the same time ha? the nssuranrp of enormous profits. Carrying all of your eggs in one basket j is dangerous. This plan, it might be said, provides a basket for each tg. If one is dropped, the damage is trifling ; yet if only one out of a hundred or more proves " a golden egg," the profit is great. Truly this is in every way THE IDEAL. INVESTMENT, for it not only insures against loss, but it guarantees profits on an unusually large scale. Address at once for particulars C. S., Care T.O. Boj?c 1633, JJetes yorK li Company, Is president, and Chlsholm & Moore Manufacturing Company, of Cleve land. J. W. Duntley will be the presi dent of the new concern. While not ofllclally stated. It Is report ed that the company is to be capitalized at $10,000,000 and that an extensive plant for the manufacture of pneumatic spe cialties may be built In Germany. TELEPHONE STATISTICS. Business America Hns Attained Stnpendonn Growth. NEW YORK. Dec. 14. The Electrical Review gives data on the telephone busi ness in the United States showing that, including all companies, there are 4311 ex changes in operation with 2.273,717 tele phones in use. The total capital invested is nearly $500.000,000.. One company em ploys 33,003 persons and has 2.000,000,000 calls per year. Manufacturers are esti mated to produce a total of 3000 tele phones per day. The annual output of instruments with accessory apparatus is valued at between $50,000,000 and $60,0CO,-000. X7,0t0 bales, and for the United States 3000 bales. ForciKn Financial Xevrs. NEW YORK. Dec. It. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram, says: The stock market today was fairly act ive and buoyant on further satisfactory war news. American shares were moder ately busy, although telegraphic commu nication Is still disorganized. Anaconda was unchanged and Rio Tintos were stea dier at 11. Exports and Imports. NEW YORK. Dec. 14. Exports of specie from this port to all countries this week aggregate 5617.768 diver, and $1,320,440 goia. Imports of specie were J20.SOS gold ana I 512.604 silver. The Imports of dry goods and merchan dise at the port of New York were valued at 511,6S2,7bl. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Dec. -14. Cattle Receipts. 200. Steady, nominal. Good to prim", 6fi7 50; poor to medium, 53 75$o 90; stock ers and feeders, $2 00'ffl 25; cows, $1 0g) 4 35; heifers, 51 50$?G 00; canncrs, 51 OJf 2 00; bulls, SI 751 50; calves, $2 C05 25; Texas-fed steers, 54 505 30. Hogs Receipts, today. 18.000; Mondny, 30,000; left over, 7000. Steady to strong and. higher; closed dull. Mixed and butchers. $5 80sff6 40; good to choice heavy, 56 206 60; rough heavy, $5 SttgG 10; light, 55 C05 SO; bulk of sales, 5 S56 30. Sheep Receipts. 13,000; steady. Lambs firm. Good to choice wcthern. $3 504 OC; fair to choice mixed, $2 75'J?3 30; Western sheep, 53 XX?j4 00; native Iambs, 52 505 40; Western lambs, 52 001 00. Hop nt London. LONDON. Dec. 14. Hops Pacific Coast, steady; 3 osJW 15s. Cotton. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. quiet and unchanged. Cotton closed KANSAS CITY. Dec. 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 2C0; market, unchanged. Hogs Receipts. 11,000; market, steady j to 5c higher; bulk of sales, 55 S0?6 55; heavy. 55 616 70; packers. ?635f?6 55; , mixed. ?G 2556 35; lights, $5 SttSG 40; york- j ers, 55 105 23; pigs. 55 405 60. ' Sheep Receipts, 100; market, unchanged. OMAHA, Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts, 500. Nominally unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 7400. Market, strong to 5c higher; heavy. 55 50RG 62; heavy, 55 20 3G 40; light, 55 75Q6 20; bulk of sales, 56 10 (56 40. Stolen Dank Bills Tarn Up. KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Dec. 14. As a re sult of the shooting of Policemen Din widdle and Sayior lat night, discovery has been made today that a large number of the Montana bank bills stolen in the express robbery lait July have been cir culated here by the men who did the shooting, and who, though wounded, es caped. The bills are unsigned, several having been refused at the banks. Two Knoxville men presented a 520 bill each at a store today and were arrested. They are known to have been with the assail ants of the officers. About 53SOO of the Montana bank bills have been discovered here tcday. Metal Mnrkeii. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Copper In the lo cal market was still unsettled, but with out quotable change, though a weak un dertone prevailed, with 15sil5 quoted for lake, and 1515 for casting. No re ports were received from London. Trade was" very quiet and unchanged In tin, with quotations unchanged at 524 S7 ?25 15. Lead was dull, at ?4 37. Spelter was dull at 14 45. Iron was quiet but steady. Pig iron warrants were quoted at 510 50W11 50; No. 1 Northern foundry. 515 50010; No. 2 Southern foundry, 511 503x15 50; No. 1 foun dry Southern, 514 50715 50; No. 1 foundry Southern soft. 515 501G. Bar silver, 53c per ounce. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. Bar silver, 53c per ounce. LONDON, Dec. 14. Bar silver, 23 7-16d per ounce. The ingredients of Hood's Sarsaparllla are in effect, strength, vigor and tone what you want. ADDITIOrVAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED, Stock Companies Orfranlsed. Charters- Secured in any State. Stocks and Bnda underwritten or Sold undr guarantee and on commission. Good Inventlono Marketed. Cash furnished for any good enterprise. DAXIELS & COMPANY, BANKERS. 6 WALL. ST.. NEW YORK. Also London, Phila.. Boston, San Francisco. &n&7 SZT 3 Kv r,-(VN HV9.ff& tsrtt v . tmis n r E&l&gl Coffee and Sujrnr. NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Coffee Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, Gc; mild, steady; Cordova, 7llc; futures closed steady, unchanged to 5 points lower. Total sales. 19,500 bags. Including December, 56 65; March, 5G H May. 57 057 10; July. 57 20; September. H 40JJ7 4o; October, 57 50. Sugar Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 9-32c; centrifugal. M test, 3c; molasses sugar. 3 l-32c: refined, steady; No. 6, 54 30; No. 7, 54 20; No. 8, 54 10; No. D. 54 05; No. 10. 54; No. 11. 53 95; No. 12, 53 95; No. 13. 53 90; No. 14. 51; standard A. 54 70; confec tioner's A, 54 70; mold A, 53 25; cut loaf, 53 40; crushed, 55 40; powdered, 55; granu lated, 54 90; cubes, 55 75. V. A Jfifl MADE STRONG t -.lf, i....n ..j losi vii2:ii7 nesiorea rrZrr DR. LOBB'S DAMIANA TABLETS MAKES MANLY MEN J LOST VITALITY .NERVOUS UEBILITY 1 VITAL WEAKNESS 11 London Wool Auctions. LONDON, Dec. 14. The sixth series of the 1901 wool auction sales closed today with offerings of 9170 bales. Demand was brisk and full rates were obtained. There was brisk competition for merinos and fine cross-breeds. Good greasy sold well. Un der the Influence of American and French competition medium greasy improved 5 per cent above the opening. The demand for scoureds was better. The total amount purchased for the Continent amounted to . IMPOTENCY necoiniscndfd and UTd by the leading Phy !c!ac3 and Sanitariums of the world. Hakes Old Men Young, Young Men Strong. PrI-e 50 cents a box, "or 5 boxes for S2 00. pjpf A trial parkase and Ir. Jbh's fn I titaCt mouB booklormenonlybyaddresslntj OR iaaS3 329 IM. 15th Street lis LySiS PHILADELPHIA PA.i SOLD AT EYSSELL'S PHARMACY, U7 Morrison, Ret. 1st. & 2nd. Sta. Mall orders promptly tilled. CHICHJSTCa'S ENGLISH EHNYR0YAL PILL v unjinm ami ktnij (.canine. VF. A'.irnTir.liAble I-itdie.. ut Dranlit && for COICILESTfiK'S ENGLISH ZV?J with blur ribbon. Take no other. Refata S 5vjl Danceroos SabatituUoa and Imlta- tlnnr. Bnj or jour Orngjlit. tr trad 4c. la uq for Particular. Testimonials acd Rcllcr for Ladle," in Ulur. by re tarn Mali. 1 0.OOO TMtlmcaliU. Saldbr all DrarriJW. Chlohetier Cbojntenl C tfeatlen thU ier. Uadltoa Saaare. PUUJL. fA. f No Cure , No Pay THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A poaltlv way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures jou without medlcma o all nervous or diseases of the seneratlv or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, Jmpotency, etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect health and strnKth. Writs foe circulars. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-i Safe Deposit bulldin;. Seattle. Wash.