14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 1, 1901. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "Housekeep cg Rooms." "Situations Wanted," 15 -words or ess. 15 cent; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents: 21 to 25 I'ords, 25 cents, etc. No discount for addl tonal Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New roday." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 trords, 40 cents'; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents. tc lrst insertion. Each additional insertion, one lalf; no further disccunt under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure aeate), 15 ents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line or each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. "ad Iressed care The Oregonlan and left at this of Ice. should always be Inclosed In sealed envel ipes. No stomp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for er tors in advertisements taken through the tele-thene. NEW TODAY. "750-3 ACRES. MOSTLY ALL CLEAR. ON the Peninsula. Here is a bargain. $1300 A snap In 100x100 In Holladay's Ad dition. Can sell one lot. $550 buys lot 50x100 on East Couch St.. be tween 22d and 24th; street graded; $50 to $100 cash, balance monthly. See it. $100050x100. East Alder, near East ISth. This is a choice location. Lots If you want bargains and home sites 6ce me. It will pay you. F. W. TORGLER. 100 Sherlock bldg. FaRRISH. WATKINS & CO.. REAL Es tate, loan. Insurance and rental agents, 0 Alder St., have a beautiful residence In one of the most desirable parts of the city for pale. A160 a new and elegant dwelling on tho East Side, on Installment plan. We are of fering lots and quarter blocks In all parts of the city. fcHEAP BUILDING SITE 100x100 on S. E. cor. Seventh and Hoyt; property Is already excavated, and both streets are paved. Only $750i). This Is a splendid cite for warehouse, manufactory or stable, and close to the depot. RUSSELL & BLYTH. 82 Third St.. cor. Oak. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. lUSSELL & BLYTH'S SPECIAL LIST. 80x100 on Columbia, near 14th, $3000; or will divide. . vm 57x100 on Ella, with large cottage. $4000. 100x100 on N. E. cor. Crosby and Clack amas, with 3 cottages. $5000. 100x100 on Sixth, between Washington and Stark. $100,000. 100x100, S. XV. cor. 23d and Qulmby. $3250. 5 acres near Hawthorne avc., $3500. 50x100 and two 8-room houses on S. E. cor. 22d and Flanders, $9500. C2xl00. with 3 good houses, on a corner, centrally located, in a most rising part of the city, and paying a handsome Income, $11,000. 50x100 on ISth St., near Hoyt, with excel lent new 8-room house. $6750. 100x50 on N. E. cor. Cth and Stark. $40,000. 108x125 on X. XV. cor. 10th and Stark, with six houses, income $225 per month, $35,000. 125x115 on N. E. cor. 16th and Montgomery, with five handsome houses, $18,000. 200x100 on East 7th, between. Yamhill and Taylor, with three double houses. Income $107.50 per month, $13,000. 400x200 on Washington, with Exposition building and electric power plant, $73,000. 200x200 near terminal grounds. $12,000. 10 acres on car line, next Willamette Heights. $30,000. 500 feet deep-water frontage, near harbor. $12,000. 3 blocks between East 0th and East 7th, Oregon and Irving sts., $2500 each. 83x100 on N. XV. cor. 7th and Anken? sts., $13,000. 100x100 on N. XV. cor. 3d and Montgomery sts., $7000. Full block and fine residence on Portland Heights. $17,500. The Marklc brick residence and 10 lots on Portland Heights. $25,000. 100x100. with brick building, on N. E. cor. Belmont and Union aves., $11,000. 50x05. with new brick building, on S. E. cor. 4th and Couch sts., $12,500. 50x100. with new frame building, on S. XV. cor. 5th and Couch sts., $9000. 100x100 on S. XV. cor. Park and Hoyt sts., $0000. 50xSO. with 4 flats, on 7th, near Jefferson, $8500; rents $72 per month. 50x100, with 3 houses, on N. E. cor. 17th and Yamhill sts., $0500. 53x50 and large house, on N. E. cor. 4th and Montgomery sts., $3250. 50xC6, with good house, on S. E. cor. Cth and Lincoln sts., $4000. 50x114, with large house, on N. E. cor. 4th and Caruthcrs sts.; $5000. 60x00 and S-room house, on N. W. cor. 18th and Flanders sts., $5000. 40x70 and 7-room house on Flanders St., near 18th. $4000. 07x100 on Johnson Hill, near City Park. $4200. 50x100, with 2 new cottages, on 11th st., near Davis, $3750. 50x100 on Washington St., opposite 23d, with 2 houses. $4750. 35x87, with 7-room house, on Ella St., $3700. 87x100, with modern home, on Marshall st., near 20th. $6750. 50x100 and double house on Water St., near Glbbc $3230. 50x100 on East 8th. between Bolmont and Yamhill, with cottage. $1250. 20 acres, with house and buildings, on Cor nell road. $3250. 54 acres of fruit land In Clark County, "Washington, $3000. 100x100. with stable and 2 cottage3. on 8. W. cor. 10th and Lovejoy sts.. $4500. 100x10(1 on S. W. cor. 14th and Thurman Sts. $o"00 200x100 on Beech St.. $800. 50x100 on N. XV. cor. East 8th and Tilla mook sts.. $800. A few tracts In Tabor Heights very cheap. A few lots In Kenllworth. cheap. Lots In Willamette Heights from $700 to $1200 for Inside ones. 56x100. with house and new store building nearlng completion. Morrison st. near 17th. $7000. 50x100 on Clay St.. near 14th. $1800. C7xl00 on East Washington and Cth, with 2 old houses, $3500. 100x50 on S. E. cor East 8th and Burn Bide, with frame building, paying over 10 per cent, $5300. 10 acres near Mount ZIon. $2500. Fine residence and quarter block on 11th and Clay sts.. $18,000. Full river block and wharf, between Mor rison and Madison-street bridges. $25,000. 25x100 on Davis st.. near 14th, with two houses. '$3500. 4 lots in Portland Homestead, near Ban croft ave., very cheap. Lots and cottages In Tibbetts Addition, cheap and very easy terms. 25x100. and cottage on Pettygrove St.. near 20th. $1300. 50x100 on East Morrison St., near Union avc.. $2500. S200 on cable 1,ne" p"land Heights. $5000. 10 acres and old house, east of Mount Ta fcor. $2500. River frontage In Southern Portland, cheap. . acres. In cultivation, with good house near Ankeny-st. car line; $5000. ipOlOO, on Morrison, with good house; 50x100 on N. E. cor. 4th and Clay, with two old cottages: $5000. N?u. 8"120.m ?ouf? Rnd lot ln Willamette Heights; built ln the most substantial man ner and Just nearlng completion; $4500: small payment and very easy term?. 19??$?' S' E cr- "" and Johnson: $3750. 50x100 on Cth. between Montgomery and Harrison, with 4 very large flats. $7730 3814x100. with house No. 734 Irving st".. with 7 rooms. $3300. 200x100 on Everett, between 11th and 12th "15. 71D, 500, 50x50. with 2 houses, on Flanders, between rnR 5,h tsts': rent S30 Per month; $2750. o0,?50,.,0? the N" E- cor- sth and Flanders, with old house: rent $20 per month. $2750 RUSSELL & BLYTH. 82 Third St.. Corner of Oak st. -E OFFER ACREAGE IN ST. JOHNS close to car line, steamboat wharf, O R & N. Railway, but a short distance from two mill now In operation, within a quarter of a. mile from the finest factory sites In Port land, furnishing the advantages of a good school and local water system, high lvel and sightly, overlooking the Willamette River and commanding a superb view of river mountain and city; possessing fertile poll and lylnr within a few blocks of the Will lamette Boule-ard-. which winds along the east bank of the river to Portland. This property Is suitable for suburban homes or for Investment. We are offering It cheap on easy terms. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. C500-SPECIAL BARGAIN 100x100 AND A large modern house, that cost $(5000, situated at East 17th and Division streets, on block from car line, and only 15 minutes from center of city. This is a snap, and if you want it you will have to come quick. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN. 24C Stark St. kETTER THAN LIFE INSURANCE BUY A 2. 5 or 10-acre tract in the b-nutlful suburb of Verdanta. situate on Base Line road. S mllca from Morrison-street bridge. Price $50 per acre, on easy terms. LAMBERT & SARGENT. 383 E. Wash. st. WANTED TO BUI' A BLOCK OR ONE OR two acres In or near Sellwood. or between Sellwood and Portland: convenient to car lin: with or without a house; state location and price. Address F 31, care Oregonlan. IOUSE, 8 ROOMS: VERY DESIRABLE AND ftrlctly modern: Just being completed; Al location. West Side; for sale at a bargain. Apply to owner, 107 Sherlock building. I-ROOM HOUSE. BARN. LOT. ETC.. $373; $150 cash, $75 will trade. $150 no interest. 504 Goldsmith st. JOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. ICTH AND E. AN keny. for sale or trade. Address F 32, Ore gonlan. JHREE NEW. MpDERN HOUSES: CEMENT sidewalk; netting 0 per cent. Apply owner, 400 East Davis. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE WEST SIDE BUYS $000 and up Lots in Doschers Second Ad dition, running from 22d to 24th. and X to Reed 0ts. $1000 One of the most desirable lots on "Willamette Heights. $1700 Full lot, south front, Marshall at., near 24 th. $1500 Corner lot and two cottages, Corbett and Arthur sts. $lSO0-50xl00. Irving, between 23d and 24th. $1350 Lot on Columbia St., easy terms. $20-30100x100 and two houses, Caruthers st.. near Front. $100050x100 and two houses, Caruthers el. near Front. $2500 Corner lot and 0-room house. First and Curry sts. $110075x100 and 5-room house. Front at., near Arthur. $12,000 Half block, adjoining terminal grounds; choicest warehouse property in Port land. $3100 Fractional lot and modern 6 - room cottage, 13th st.. near Market. $2400 Lot and two cottages, Hood st.; in terest paying. $2000 Lot and two store buildings, Russell St., Alblna. Lots ln Dolan's Addition, Hawthorne ave., easy terms. ?3S00 Corner and two cottages, 15th and Kearney. Pays 7 per cent net. $140000x130 on Mill st-. near ICth. 50x100 and cottage. 330 North 10th. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON EAST SIDE CflxlOO. beautiful corner. East 16th and Oak: good house. A bargain. $3500 lOOxlQO and S-room house, Holladay ave.. near steel bridge. $4800 Two lots and new modern 8-room house, partly furnished. Holladay". $2400 Two sightly lots and desirable cot tage. Page st. and Gantcnbeln ave. $3000 Two lots. East Ash. between Sixth and Seventh. Sell separately. S-room house and flne lot. East 15th, near Tillamook. A good bargain. $1800 Two lots and 7-room house. East 11th and Mill sts. $2330-Beautiful quarter block. East Third and AVeldler; sewer and street Improvements. $1830 Fine quarter block. Holladay's Ad dition: ewer and street Improvements. $joM) On? of the most desirable half blocks ln Holladay's Addition. $15o0 Corner and modern C-room cottage. East 23d and Ivon sts. $2230 Corner lot. modern 0 - room house; streets Improved: Sunnyslde: great bargain. 5830 Fine quarter block. Fargo and Kerby streets. $2000 Corner. 50x100. East First and "V ash ington sts.; choice warehouse property. $1050 Fine quarter block. East 10th and Caruthers. $1600 Desirable half block. East ISth and Division. $1250-Full block. Patton's Addition. Favorable terms on any of the above. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN. 240 Stark. MANY PERSONS ARE NOT AWARE OF the development which Is taking place at St. Johns. The O. R. & N. road is almost com pleted. The recently established mills have turned the sleepy village Into a thrifty town. A big force of railroad hands are preparing the frontage for the future operations of the railroad. Every house ln the subutb Is oc cupied, and 20 more could bf rented upon a day's notice. Property has advanced ln value 100 per cent In six months; many sales have been made which establish this fact, and the end Is not yet. The 1005 Fair will help St Johns. The drydock, wherever It may be lo cated on the Willamette River, will help St. Johns. The Harbormaster of the Portland harbor has directed that the large ocean ves sels be anchored on St. Johns, because of the depth of channel and the breadth of river at that point. This means grain docks, and will help St. Johns. If the Northern Pacific bridges the Columbia, this. too. will help St. Johns. Go down and see St. Johns. Wc offer lots-, blocks and acreage, email cash payments and easy terms. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. $400 COR. UNION AVE. AND CONSTANCE at.: nice lot. 54x100. $300 Portsmouth, near car line, Ave nice lots. S3 1-3x100 feet each. $530 Montavllla. well-located lot. with 0 room cottage and barn; close to car. $750 Highland Park. 100x100 ft., and small cottage: easy terms. $1000 Cook ave., lot 45x100 and nice 5 room cottage, with full basement. $1200 Montavllla. lot 93x120. with an ex cellent 8-room house; one block to car. $1500 Alblna ave., near Thompson School, lot 50x100 and neat 0-room house; easy terms. $1500 Tillamook st.. near E. Seventh st., lot and nice 5-room cottage; easy terms. $1750 Cor. Vancouver ave. and Knott St., a flne building site. DOxlOO feet. $2500 Cor. Eugene st. and Rodney ave., 100x120 feet; one of the best locations In Upper Alblna. $300 an acre for 10 acres at St. Johns, on the car line: easy terms. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO.. C and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. Fourth-street side. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS That full lot on Upshur St.; near 20th. is a great bargain for $530. Owner wishes to realize quickly. $1100 Neat 4-room cottage, nice lot, CCx 100. on East Taylor ct. $2400 0-room cottage and half lot. Nob Hill location. $000 Small cottage near Russell st.. Al blna. $1000 Quarter block. Riverside Addition to Alblna. $2S00 Quarter block. East 20th and Sal mon sts.: flne view. $2000 Nice. C-room cottage and lot 50x100, East Taylor. $300 Neat cottage and lot, Washington Ad dition. $050 5-room cottage and lot. Hunter's Sta tion. $2C001 House and lot. East ICth, near An keny. $2500 Sightly quarter block, Ea3t 20th St., near Hawthorne ave. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. NO OTHER SUBURB OF PORTLAND CAN OFFER STEAMBOAT. RAILROAD AND STREET-RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION AS CAN ST. JOHNS. IT WILL ONLY COST YOU $1200 to buy a line S-room house, with lOOx 100 feet of ground, on Flsk St., near the Co lumbia UnlverMty. $R50 to buy a nice 4-room cottage, half lou on E. 22d, near Ankeny car?. $S00. -asy payments, for a nice cottage and lot on E. 20th and Washington sts. $oo to get a flne 2-acre lot, two blocks Woodstock car line, Kenllworth. $125 to get a full acre lot at Oak Grove.. R. H. DUNN, 149 First st. WE CAN BUILD YOU A HOUSE ON AN ACRE TRACT IN ST. JOHNS AND SELL IT TO YOU ON THE INSTALLMENT RASIS SO THAT IT WILL BE CHEAPER THAN PAYING RENT. AND IN THE END YOU WILL OWN YOUR HOME. THIS PROPERTY WILL ADVANCE RAPIDLY IN VALUE. FOR TERMS AND DESCRIPTION APPLY TO HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN, don't miss the opportunity to get one of those 5-acre lots, near the Base Line road, convenient to the city; only two lota left out of 1C0 acres put on the market three months ago. Just think a moment! Only $300 for 5 ncres of good land; one-third cash, balance one and two years at 7 per cent. If you want one. act quick. LAMBERT & SARGENT. 383 E. "Wash. at. i$850 VERY GOOD 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL lot. near car. $1200 Neat 5-room cottage, nice barn, quarter block; fruit; one block to car: bargain. $2000 Fine new C-room house, lot 50x125. close ln. $1100 Neat 5-room cot tage. West Side. Charlcson & Staub. 245 Morrison, room 12. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 ACRES FINE improved beaver-dam onion and asparagus land, with large barn: Bcaverton, Or. 5 acres en Canyon road, near Mount Zlon. platted In lots. Apply 281 Morrison st. THIRD ST.. 420 AND 428, NEAR HALL; 14 per cent Investment. Tenth st,. 120. near Washington, very near business property; bargain. R. M. WILBUR, 233 Stark. HOOD RIVER PROPERTY FOR SALE; AP ple and berry lands, city lots: send for list. Good Government claims located for $150 each. Prather Investment Co.. Hood River. Or. $3250 MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x 150. on San Rafael st.. Alblna. This price Is very much below its actual value. Max. well &. Knapp, room 2 Chamber of Com. THE WHOLE OR PART OF 48-ACRE FRUIT farm; patlly i- city limits of Portland: convenient to street-car: suitable to plat; & snap. M. Billings. 229 Morrison st. TWO MODERN 8 - ROOM HOUSES. $1200. $1500; two new. modern houses, G and S rooms, near In. $1800 and $2500. Address G 34, Oregonlan. FOR QUICK SALE lSOxTOw. WITH 6-ROOM house and good barn; choice fruit: on car line; cheap for cash. ir. O. Waddel. 205 Morrison st. FOR SALE LOT. WITH GOOD 5-ROOM COT tage. close In. West Side. $1100. ' Address R OS. Oregonlan. Give phone number. FOR SALE A NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH first-class plumbing; connected with sewer. See owner. 945 Belmont st. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LARGE LOT, best iart Upper Alblna: will sell at sacrifice Room 219 Ablngton bldg. CHEAP FOR CASH TWO FINE LOTS IN Montavllla. near Rlchwcln's Hall. Address Q 34. care Oregonlan. HOUSE AND FIVE LOTS IN MILWAUXIE. $450. For particulars, Nelson Jones, 391 Ivon EC Portland, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $350-50x100 LOT, 4-ROOM HOUSE; RENTS for $4 per month; city water; on suburban car line. $32550x100, fine corner lot, oa Fremont, near Williams-avenue car line. A bargain. $800-50x100 lot, 5-room cottage, hard fin ish, nicely papered, patent closet; 160 feet from suburban car line; Improvements worth more than price asked. $00010 acres near Mount Scott car line; 4 acres cleared; flne garden soil. $80040 Acres; 24 cleared. 3-room house, barn, orchard, running water; soil first class; 20 miles from Portland, on good road. N. JC RANKIN, room 9. 245 Morrison et. $25 LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE. FOR A few days only; clear, level, sightly. Double youf money In 30 Cays. Brown, 392 Wash ington et. BUSINESS PROPERTY IN ALBINA FOR sale or trade. Address P 32. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. 400-ACRE GRAIN AND STOCK FARM IN Benton Co.; good buildings, well watered, outside range: good neighborhood; will trade. 1G5 acres flne improved farm, 18 miles from Portland: good roads, no hills; modern house, hot and cold water, bath; trade for Portland property. 100-acre good irtock farm ln Clackamas Co.: stock and farming Implements; will trade. lGO-acre flne stock ranch ln Washington Co.; good buildings, good outside range; $1500. - , 44 acres; 12 acres orchard, 13 acres ln gram and grass; one-quarter nile to R. R. sta tion. Yamhill Co.: very cheap. $1050. 50 acres good land, all under plow or seed ed to pasture, on Tualatin River. 13 miles to Portland: good house and Darns, living water. A good farm. 20 acres choice Improved land at Van couver; good house, barn, choice fruits and berries. 70 acres, all good, level land, near Van couver; 30 acres Improved. -4 acres swale and beaver-dam. cultivated; new house, new barn.- living water. 2 cows. 0 calves, team, wagon, buggy, all farming Implements. 8 acres. 5 miles from Portland, nearly all cleared; 400 Bartlctt pears, 100 assorted trees, house and barn. 0 acres at Vancouver; 3 acres orchard, small house and barn. ICO-acre choice stock farm on Columbia River; land lays nice; CO acres cultivated; house, barn, orchard. 70-acre choice farm at Beaverton; one-half cultivated, house, barn, orchard; will trade. 80 acres all level land near Vancouver; house, barn, 500 fruit trees; $1005. 42 acres choice Improved land at Oswego. 9 miles to Portland; house, barn; 1 acres or chard. 3 acres grapes. J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER. 219 Ablngton building. FOR SALE FARM OF low ACRES IN MULT nomah County, about 15 miles from Portland, convenient to river and railroad; about 20 acres In cultivation; balance first-class Um ber; good range for stock: small bearing orchard; good seven-room bouse, barn, cabins, workshop and outbuildings, all of the best; never-falling well, with force pump; ready tale for wood on the place. Boyd & Arnold. 102 First su. near Stark. 1C1 ACRES (153 CLEAR). GOOD HOUSE AND barn, orchard; near creamery, depot and Portland; $00 per acre. 74 acres, almost 50 acres clear, new house and barn, orchard; fine land. .1 miles to depot. 13 miles to Port land: $2300. CO acres (30 clear), good 7 room house and barn. COO fruit trees, all bearing, balance fine timber: close to saw mill; $2730; a bargain. Charleson & Staub, 245 Morrison, room 12. A 317-ACRE FARM. 3 MILES FROM RAIL road and good town: 200 acres ln cultiva tion. 20 acres hops, balance pasture; abund ance of water, gocd buildings. This is a flrst-class farm, and a special bargain $22.50 per acre; easy terms. I also have a long list of Urge and amall farms in Oregon and Washington. XV. O. WADDEL. 205 Morrison st. FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE Willamette Valley, ranging ln else from 10 acres to 040, and ln price from $10 to $40. We make a specialty of fruit, dairy and grain farms, and have the largest list of any firm ln the city. Purchasers before buying will do well to examine our property. W. A. SHAW & CO., 243 Stark st. J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 145 FIRST ST.. Portland. $2000255 acres. 30 acres ln culti vation, buildings not very good, quite a por tion of the land eary to put Into cultivation, lies rolling-, soil excellent, especially fruit and hops; well watered: one mile from rail road. 20 miles from Portland, ln Yamhill County. Oregon. Cheap farm. HERE'S A RARE OPPORTUNITY 10 ACRES between Foster and Powell Valley roads; 1000 cords of wood, 5 acres bcavcrdam, watered by Johnson's Creek; $653. Here's another 10 acres 4 miles west, on Barnes rood. 12 under cultivation, 4 acres orchard, buildings, $1200; only $2250. 534 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID FARM OF 400 ACRES. ALL UN der fence, only 10 miles from The Dalles. Or.: 300 acres In cultivation, partly sown to Fall grain; running water, flne house, large barn and outbuildings. Including good wind mill. Price $4500: terms. JOSEPH M. HEALY, 290 Morrison st. 100 ACRES. 3 MILES SOUTH OF OREGON City; wagon and team: mare and colt: 2 heif ers. 105 sheep. 15 goats, 100 hogs; slop route in Oregon City yields 1000 gallons per week; cooking tanks; new hoghouse; price $3200. John Gibson, 264 Stark st. FARM FOR SALE-120 ACRES. LESS THAN one mile of Vancouver, Wash.; 35 acres in cultivation, that can be Irrigated from a large spring; best bargain In the county, at $40 per acre. Bone & Russell, Main St., Vancouver, Wash. BACHELOR'S ISLAND. 400 ACRES; THOR oughbred stock and dairy farm. 25 miles be low Portland, In Columbia River; great money-maker: all stock and Implements go with farm; $15,000. R. M. Wilbur, 233 Stark. NICE LITTLE PLACE OF 20 ACRES; splendid soil, half ln cultivation; good house, barn, orchard and running water; only 9 miles from Portland, on main road; $1050. JOSEPH M. HEALY. 290 Morrison st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as tc various ptopertlcs apply to MacMaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. CO ACRES. TWO MILES WEST OF AURO ra. Or.; 20 acres cleared. 12 acres hops; new double drier, barn, dwelling-house, two wells and running water. Address W 18. care Ore gonlan. FOR RENT A .RANCH. GOOD IMPROVE ments; with or without stock. Apply J. F. Wattson, Scappoose, Or. T13IDER LAND FOR SALE. PRINTED DESCRIPTIONS: LARGE TRACTS; scrip. Timber in 25 counties. Ore. and Wash.; 5280 acres redwood. Lugging chance snap. MINES and Municipal Bonds. Write J. L. Martin & Co.. C01 Oregonlan. Portland. 100 ACRES TIMBER. GOOD AS IN OREGON, on river bank; bargain: must sell on ac count of sickness. Owner, D. L., 20S North Union ave. FOR SALE 1300 ACRES FINE SOUTHERN Oregon timber land; 33,000.000 good Jlr tim ber guaranteed. G 31, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. $4000 TWO - STORY FRAME BUILDING, well situated, paying $30 per month, for dwelling property. $160010 acres garden land, with good im provements, 3 mileji south of the city, for farm land. $300040 acres, in fruit, with large fruit drier, ln Marion County, for Portland prop erty. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE SOUTHERN CALIFOR nla ranch, $0000. Forty acres under high cul tivation. In Orange County; 10 acres in oranges and other fruits; also small eucalyp tus grove: two dwelling-houses, barn and other outbuildings; three artesian wells, windmill and tank, near railroad: will ex change for stock ranch ln Western Oregon. For particulars address Adolf Eksteln. San ta Ana. Cal. R. D. No. 2. TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY ON the West Side. 20 acres. 10 miles from Port land. 12 acres cleared, 2 acres In bearing fruit trees; all fenced; rest ln good pasture. Inquire 310 Front st. NICE MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. ON car line; beautiful view; will exchange for farm and pay cash difference. What can you offer? J. A. Henkle. 219 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE 3 RESIDENCE LOTS IN Portland for Improved real estate In South ern Wisconsin or Chicago. C. E. Buell. Madison, Wis. TO EXCHANGE $900 STOCK GROCERIES, fixtures, etc. for real estate ln Alblna cr Peninsula, 22S Russell st-, city. WANTED TO EXCHANGE DRESSMAKING for large mirror; satisfaction guaranteed. O 34. care Oregonlan. WANTED PAINTING OR PAPERING IN exchange for dental work. V 33, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. A PERSON OF LITTLE MEANS WANTS TO buy a small, low-priced cottage, close In; must be cheap: will pay all cash If required, but will not object to small incumbrance. Ad dress "Grower," care Oregonlan. giving de ocrlptlon. location, price and street address. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT A SMALL 1 hguse on car Use. Address Q 32, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 2 TO 4 ACRES. PART GOOD SOIL, BAL ance suitable for chicken ranch, with fair house and barn, running water desired; will pay part cash, balance ln trade; 5 to 8 miles from Portland. 5-room cottage, good condition, lot not less than 33x100, north of Caruthers st. and south of Johnson, in good location, costing from $1400 to $2000. 50x100. corner lot, two or three blocks from East Ankeny or East Morrison St.. west of 2Sth; will pay $50 cash, balance 310 per month. N. K. RANKIN. Rocm 9. 245 Morrison st. WANTED A NEAT COTTAGE. WORTH from $1200 to $1SOO. McMlllen's or Holladay's Addition or Irvlngjon preferred; state location and price. Address Enquirer, Oregonlan. COTTAGE WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT ON Installment- plan; not above about 2 miles from center of city; North End preferred. Address A 31, Oregonlan. A LOW-PRICED LOT IN HOLLADAY'S AD dltlon or lrvlhgton, to build on; give price and number of lot and block. Address K 31, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A LOT SOMEWHERE near 12th and GUsan; state lowest cash price and location. Address V 34. care Oregonlan. IN NORTH PORTLAND. NORTH OF PET tygrove and west of 20th, small cottage; state terms. Address D 32, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A COTTAGE EAST OF 80th at., near either car line: state location and cash price. P 31, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 50 FIRST-CLASS HAND-MADE violins. During December only 1 offer my band-made violins (concert and orchestral), ln " perfect condition, from $10 to $25 one-third actual value. I warrant my Instruments, if well taken care of, to last 3O0 years, and Improve ln tone all the while. All kinds of string instruments repaired ln, the best pos sible manner and at reasonable prices. O. C. Rider, 345 First st. ORGANS, ORGANS, mix" AN ORGAN THIS week at Ellcrs Piano House. Fifty second hand ones, an-J two hundred new ones to se lect from. We want all of these old-timers out of the way this week. Name the price you wish to pay (even as little as $10 or $15). and we'll send you an organ for It. Pay for same by the week or by the month If you like. Ellers Piano House. 351 Washington et. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines, Singer, White. New Home, and Wheeler & Wilson, at astonish ingly low prices. 333 Morrison St.. Marquam building. Any one wishing Rock Springs. Roslyn or any other coal in market will kindly call up Main 1018 or 2C3. All orders filled promptly. West ern Feed and Fuel Co., 154 Fifth st. north. FOR SALE THE MACHINERY OF A WELL equipped flour and cereal mill; write to us for specifications and prices. Caldwell Bros., Tacoma, Wash. AN ELEGANT LOT OF SINGER. NEW Home and White machines, used a short time, at a great bargain. J. S. Crane, 330 Morrison. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cots wold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Navlor. Forest Grove. Or. New TYPEWRITERS, al. mattes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies. Coast Agency Co.. 2t'G Stark it. FOR SALE CHEAP HIGH-GRADE BICYCLE with coaster brake and gas lamp; party leaving town. C 33, Oregonlan. PHYSICIAN'S DIAGNOSTICIAN MICRO scope, nt one-third cost price, good as new. Room 10, Washington building. PROJECTOSCOPE AND ATTACHMENTS; 200 colored slides and a Beck lens at a bargain. Room 10. Washington building. FOR SALE WHEELER & WILSON SEWING machine. No. 9. flne condition, all , attach ments'. $15. Ill 17th st. North. OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN AS PART payment for York Band Instruments; expert repairing. York's, 127 Fourth. FRESH COWS, TWO JERSEY. ONE GUERN sey; first house west reservoir No. 2, Section Line road. Phone Union 1448. IMPORTED GERMAN CANARIES. PARROTS, monkeys, goldfish. Portland Bird Co., 304 3d st.. bet. Columbia and Clay. $10,000 WILL BUY ONE-HALF INTEREST ln long - established, paying munutacturlng business. M 54. Oregonlan. COrtNET ONE C. G. CONN PROFESSIONAL B-fl&t cornet: cost $63; offered this week at a sacrifice. 211 Third st. PIANO HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT. IN GOOD condition. $150, part cash; sacrifice. Room 220, Goodnough bldg GOOD TOP BUGGY. SINGLE HARNESS: double harness and heavy buggy pole, com plete. 392 11th st. THREE DIAMOND CLUSTER RINGS; LA dies'; price, $37.50 each; one-third cost. I hone Main 687. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED FOX TER rler puppies. T. A. Baker, Ockley Green, on St. Johns motor. A HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT PIANO. IN Al condition, for $200; cost price. $375. Address F 30. Oregonlan. FOR SALE COW. HEIFER, CHICKENS; cheap. if taken together. Address N 33, care Oregonlan. GENUINE MARTIN GUITAR. IN FINE tone; concert size; bargain. Address E 33, care Oregonlan. FRFSH MILCH COWS. BETWEEN BASE Lino and schoolhouse. Montavllla, Or., J U. Souvlncr. SNAP $C5 HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINE ln flrst-class condition; $12. Room 220 Good nough bldg. ONE DAPPLE GRAY HORSE: GOOD FOR ctvalry. dray or fire engine. M 33. care Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A PONY. WITH NEWSPAPER route. For particulars address Y 34, Orego nlan. FOR SALE A FRESH YOUNG MILK COW. gentle. Inquire Myers Meat Market, Sellwood. Wolfsteln buys and sells all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. FOR SALE A SHARE IN A GOOD DUCK ranch, reasonable. Address D 34, Oregonlan. PURE-BRED ENGLISH SETTER PUPS FOR sale cheap. P83 Water st, and Bancroft ave. Piano. $165; cost $300 1 month ago; Weber, $S5; Estey organ, $35; 1 $10. Upstairs, 104 1st. Wagons, hacks, buggies and carts, second hand; bankrupt stock of harness. 211 Wash. FOR SALE 30 DOZ. GROCERS' DELIVERY oil cans. Apply Foreman Standard OH Co. FOR SALE CHEAP: A YOUNG. GENTLE driving mare. Inquire S66 Mallory ave. FOR SALE ONE GOOD 5-YEAR-OLD MILCH cow. Inquire at 270 Washington st. FOR RENT BARN FOR 8 HEAD OF horses. Inquire 313 Water st. YOUNG. FRESH COWS FOR SALE. IN qulre at 381 East Plna at. NEW BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS AT THE Old Bool: Store. 229 Yamhill st. FOR SALE GOLF CAPE. CHEAP. CALL Tuesday. N. 130 Union ave. WILL RENT OR BUY SET OF TINNING tools. 526 E. 14th, Station A. NEW PIANO. JUST FROM FACTORY: cheap for cash. 426 Alder. A GOOD JERSEY COW FOR SALE AT 450 East Grant st. FRESH COW FOR SALE. 942 MALLORY ave.. Highland. FOR SALE A RESTAURANT. ADDRESS M 29. Oregonlan. TWO NICE YOUNG FRESH COWS. 380 WA ter st- HELP WANTED MALE. R. R, laborers. Idaho, $2; Gray's Harbor, $2.25. pass; rear city. $2; 2 bead fallers. $3 up; buckers. $2 25 up; barkers. $2.25; "swampers. $1.75; laborers, camp. $2; powder man. $2.50. men and trams. R. R.. $4; post cutters, l"ic: woodchoppera, 85c to $1.10: farmhands and milkers. $20 to $25: plenty of work for all. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison, loggers headquarters. A DISTRICT MANAGER FOR FRATERNAL life and accident Insurance. Level assess ment plan. Long-term contracts with re newable Interest. $10,000 annually may b made and a permanent Income secured. Com missions paid when due. Irresponsible par tics cannot entertain the proposition. Ad dress Desk R. R.. 10th floor, Boyce bldg., Chicago. WANTED SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVER tlslng solicitors for magazine. Address H 34, Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLERK FOR cigar and fruit store. Ca)l J 34 North Sixth HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MEN WHO ARE NOW ENGAGED in repesentlng wholesale tailoring firms and who have been successful ln the line. The very largest wholesale tailoring concern In the United States will give such men an opportunity to make more money than they are making at the present time. The very best sample equipment, such as woolens on consignment, swatches, etc., will be fur- v nlshed. Branch stores will be opened with out requiring Investment of the salesmen, and salaries guaranteed to good parties. Good salesmen will find this their opportunity. Address C H. Nlcoll. lockbox 529, Chicago. Illinois. FAITHFUL MANAGER; OLD ESTABLISHED business house desires to arrange with cap able man. good local standing, to assume charge office this city. No soliciting, office duties, commercial line. Unquestionable ref erences given and expected. Salary $200 month, expenses and share earnings. Yearly engagement. Must be active man with $1200 cash. Superintendent, Box 531, New Haven, Conn. WANTED BY WELL-RATED, ESTABHSH cd house, specialty salesman, to eel I a strong proposition to the retail trade. Very attract ive line; unexcelled inducements. High priced men Investigate. Elyslan Mfg. Co., 21 XV. Atwater st,, Detroit. Mich. WANTED ONE SPECIAL AGENT AND several flrst-class solicitors to handle an at tractive proposition. Chance for advance ment is splendid, and the right man can make good money out of It. Call 411 Good nough building. 2 to 4 P. M. ENGINEERS. FIREMEN. MACHINISTS AND electricians, send for 40-page pamphlet con taining questions asked by examining board of engineers to obtain engineer's license. Ad dress Geo. A. Zeller. Publisher, room 42o. is . -itn st., at, iui3, mo. r- WANTED SALESMEN. BY RELIABLE JOB blng house; 5 traveling salesmen to place high-grade specialty line with merchandise trade. High commissions and permanent po sitions to good men. Full time required. R. 78. 133 Fifth ave., Chicago. WANTED MILL HANDS AND LABOREIta to buy one of those beautiful acre tracts at Et. Johns; small cash payment, balance monthly, steady work furnished to capable hands. Hartman, Thompson & Powers. 3 Chamber of Commerce. SALESMAN WANTED IN GENERAL MER chandlse store ln country; references re quired; applicants give full particulars as to where formerly employed, age, married or single, amount of experience; 'etc. Address J 34, care Oregonlan. t AN INDUSTRIOUS MAN. 0F, MORE THAN average business ability, who can qualify as a stockholder, to act as secretary and take the active management of men and business, for an Oregon corporation. Address N 26, cans Oregonlan. WANTED RELIABLE. ENERGETIC REP rescntatlves to sell stock for' a responsible oil company. Attractive proposition. Liberal commission. Full particulars by addressing K. P. Huff, Assistant Secretary, Wheeling. XV. Va- PERNIN SHORTHAND BEARS CLOSEST Investigation; graduates have no trouble ln reading notes and have speed; one graduate is earning $10 per day as court reporter In Southern Oregon. Bchnkc's Cora'l College. ACTIVE SALESMEN SELL CIGARS. CITY and country trade; $18 weekly salary and commission; elegant side line; quick sellers; references: enclose stamp. Holland Cigar Co., Holland Building. St. Louis. Mo. COLORED MAN, SOBER AND TRUSTWOR thy. to prepare for traveling; $30 per month and all expenses. Please enclose self-addressed envelope for particulars. Superin tendent. 702 Star bldg., Chicago. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; 8 weeks completes; tools furnished, also opportunity to earn board; positions guaranteed. Write for particulars, Moler Barber College. Denver, Colo. RELIABLE CLEVELAND HOUSE WANTS bright man as traveling salesman; general mercantile trade. Energy, business ability and salesmanship will make position perma nent. Box 52. Cleveland. O. SALESMEN TO SELL GOODS BY SAMPLE to wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers in our line; liberal sal ary or commission. Can-Dcx Mfg. Co., Buf falo, N. Y. YOUNG MAN WITH BUSINESS ABILITY and fair education to travel for wholesale house; permanent position; good salary; will require small means to start, M 48. Orego nlan. WANTED MAN WHO HAS HAD SOME EX ixjriencc In quartz mill; must be able and willing to do hard work and not over 35 years of age; state references. N 32. Orego nlan. SALESMAN WANTED W4HO SELLS THE country trade to take a good side line of dry goods for Spring, on commission. The Pur nell Dale Mills. Box 500. Philadelphia. Pa. Men to learn barber trade: on.y 8 weeks re quired. Positions guaranteed. Tools donated. Wages earned while learning. Catalogue tree. Moler Barber College, San Francisco. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars. H. C. Fisher. Fisher bldg.. Chicago. MEN; GOOD ADDRESS: PERMANENT Po sition; good pay; rare opportunity to thoxe possessing ability; promotion sure; Investi gate. 30-31 Hamilton building. WANTED BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT YOUNG man, between IS and 20 years of age. to en ter an ortlce and work up. Address, wttn references, R 33, Oregonlan. WANTED BOY OR MAN WELL ACQUAINT ed with the city to do porter work and de livering; one not afraid of work; references. 390 Washington st. $100 WEEKLY MADE IN MAIL-ORDER business; conducted by any one, anywhere; particulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City. Mo. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED A YOUNG MAN. THOROUGHLY acquainted with the city streets; must be a good penman. Apply ln own handwriting E 34. Oregonlan. WANTED HUSTLERS TO SELL WELL-AD-vertlsed brand house paints. Send business references. Sales Manager. P. O. Box 1043. St, Louis. Mo. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS HOLIDAY fleld now rendy; ten bright weekly news papers; liberal commission. Commoner, 264 Morrison. WANTED A COMPETENT TRAIN MAN TO work on narrow gauge road ln mining camp; must have good clearances. Y 29. care Ore gonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO sell clocks, rugs. etc.. on Installment plan; wages $15 per week. Address G 35. Orego nlan. SOLICITORS FOR SICK AND DEATH BEN cflt order. Best seller. Biggest pay to hustlers. Write quick. S. Rothblum, Boston. Mass. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN' TO SELL on easy terms well-known sewing machines; liberal salary or commission. S 34. Orego. nlan. STUDY LAW AT HOME $1 STARTS YOU; complete course, 12 books. $12. Send for par ticulars. Noble Publishing House. St. Paul, Minn. 6EVERAL CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED; experience unnecessary: $25 weekly. Eman uel Co., 217 West 125th St.. New York. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE barber trade; must have $50; wages after second month. E 39, care Oregonlan. - WANTED A GOOD. STEADY. INDUSTRI OUS boy to drive express wagon; must give references. Inquire at 45 First at. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. the Account ant. 31S Chamber of Commerce. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS. WAITERS and bartenders. California Wine Depot. 148 Fourth. P.ter Loratl. "proprietor. WANTED GOOD CANVASSERS: GOOD proposition to workers; good wages. Phoe nix Hat Factory, 20S Stark st. WANTED LIVE SALESMAN IN EVERY county; state experience and salary expected. Robinson Co., Toledo, O. FIRST-CLASS MINER. HAVING HAD Ex perience with air drills; must be number one man. G 32. Oregonlan. GOOD MAN. ACQUAINTED ON THE EAST Side, to solicit and deliver for meat market. F 34. Oregonlan. BRIGHT. WELL-APPEARING YOUNG MAN to work for scholarship ln business college. J 32. Oregonlan. WANTED BOY. 14 OR 13 YEARS OLD. IN Jewelry store; must have good references. H 35, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN IN ASSAY OFFICE. Apply to the Montana Metallurgical Works. 20S Stark st. PRESSMAN WANTED, JOB AND CY'LIN dcr. Apply at once to the J. S. Delllnger Co.. Astoria. Or. People's Emp Office; help furnished: many openings. Room 3, 149$j First. Tel. Clay 325. HELP WANTED MALE. BOY WANTED MUST BE STRONG AND IN telllgent. Pacific Regalia Co., 146 First st. WANTED FIRST-CL ASS SALESMAN: BIG wages; city and country. 215 Commercial blk. BOY WANTED APPLY GREAT EASTERN Tea Co.. 331 Washington St., Portland, Or. WANTED SALESMAN OF ABILITY AND integrity. Address F 33, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE DRUG Busi ness. Y 32, Oregonlan. COBBLER AND TAILOR WANTED AT 62 North Third. HELP WANTED FEMALE. INVESTORS SAVINGS CAN EARN A M1N lmum of 12 per cent per annum, payable quarterly; guaranteed from loss; particu lars on application. Address Investment De partment, 60 Broadway. New York. LADIES WANTED TO WORK ON SOFA PIL lows. Materials furnished. Steady work guaranteed. Experience unnecessary. Send stamped envelope to Miss McGee, Needle work Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago. LADIES. DO NEEDLEWORK FOR US AT home. We furnish materials and pay $7 to $10 per week. No canvassing. Send tttamped envelope to Standard Co., Indiana ave., Chi cago. 111. LADIES WHY NOT BECOME A GRADUATE nurse 7 Our school offers special advantage. Send for announcement. Address The Detroit School of Nursing, Colonial Building. Detrott, Mich. LADY TO TRAVEL AND COLLECT IN ORE gon for manufacturer; salary $50 monthly to begin. Send reference and addressed envelope at once. Treasurer, 702 Star bldg.. Chicago. COOKS. CITY AND COUNTRY; WAIT resses, hotels and B.-H.; second girls; cham bermaids and 150 housework. $12 to $25. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. WANTED WOMAN TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work ln family of four, for board and room and small wages; good home. Address 431 Alder, between 11th and 12th. LADY MANAGING AGENTS MAKE BIG money with Victoria Protector. Splendid proposition. Oriental Importing Co., Box 575A. Seattle. YOUNG GIRL TO ATTEND SCHOOL AND assist ln housework; good home; small fam ily; near school and car line. N 31. care Oregonlan. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. West ave.. Mount Ta bor, near car line. Phone Union 38'J. Mrs. Swetland. LADY TO COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS FOR gallery; profitable; complete Instructions. $10. For particulars apply Mason. 3o3 Washing ton. TWO CHAMBERMAIDS. THREE WAIT resses. four girls for housework. The Work ing Girls' Home. 291 Third. Phone Hood 409. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. who understands cooking; references. Call at 44 Ella St., between 20th and 21st. WANTED EDUCATED WOMAN. OVER 30. to take one-half Interest ln established busi ness out of city. D 33. care Oregonlan. WANTED A YOUNG LADY TO TAKE CAHK of office. Call today, between hours of 2 and 6. C. Emerson Hope. 189 Seventh st. WANTED GIRL TO LABEL BOTTLES; ONE living on East Side preferred. Apply Tues day A. M.. Dec. 3, 117 Grand ave. ELDERLY WIDOWER. ALONE, WANTS housekeeper; no objection to children; resi dence near city. V 22. Oregonlan. BOARD AND ROOM FOR LADY IN RE turn for company evenings and mornings, suburbs. Phone Oregon Pink 1S54. WANTED LADY AGENTS TO SELL LA dles toilet articles: call mornings, from 9 to 12. Room 0. 213 Fourth st. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WANTED for notions, fancy goods and underwear counter. T 34, care Oregonlan. LADY TO TAKE ORDERS: EXPERIENCE unnecessary: $1.75 to $4 day till Christmas. Address S 33, care Oregonlan. YOUNG GIRL TO HELP IN SMALL FAM lly; good home and wages. 74S East Burn side. Telephone Union 879. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND cooking: also second girl. Mrs. Piatt, Pretty man Station, Mount Tabor. GOOD PLAIN WOMAN COOK FOR PRIVATE boarding-house, to take care of dining-room and kitchen. 1S1 17th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY for Jackets, capes and wrapper department. A 33. care Oregonlan. WANTED WOMAN TO WORK IN Ex change for good home; two ln family. B 31. care Oregonlan. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSE work. 413 East 10th. near Tillamook, West Irvlngton. STENOGRAPHER UNDERSTANDING BOOK keeplng; state salary wanted. W 33, Orego nlan. Singers and dancers wanted, professionals or amateurs. Theatrical Agency. 7th and Alder. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD wages. 440 E. 19th st. North. Irvlngton car. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work In small family. Call at 504 Hoyt st. rhose desiring a position call at Girls' Club, room 18. Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work in family of three. 573 Irving st. Acme Employment Bureau. 245 Morrison Help free to employers. Both phones. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK: GOOD WAGES; references required. 389 Montgomery. HELP WA7.TED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED FEMALE AND MALE SINGERS for chorus. Apply by letter only to E. H. Carruthers, Portland Hotel. ENERGETIC MEN AND WOMEN TO REP resent us at home or on road. Box 987. Spokane. Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper nnd Clerks. BY YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD EXPERI ence ln traveling, desirous of some similar occupation; best of references; now employed, but desire change. L 24. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. IN grocery story; four years' experience as clerk and two as manager in Spokane. R 28, Oregonlan. Mlncellnneoaa. YOUKG MAN. AGE 30. WISHES CHANCE to make expenses while attending night school; experience in store and office work: not afraid of work; references. C 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION. BY FIRST - CLASS stationary engineer; capable of netting up new plant- Address S. K. H., box 343. Ore gon City. YOUNG MAN.- MARRIED. WANTS WORK of any kind, store or ofllce prefered; expe rienced ; city references. C 32, care Orego nlan. JAPANESE. HONEST BOY. WANTS Posi tion to do general housework ln family; speaks good English. R 31. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED ON FARM. BY UP-to-date married farmer and stockman, on shares or salary. P 30. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY' OLD MAN. JAN- ltor or any position; a trustworthy person. Call 345 Washington st. STOUT. HANDY YOUNG MAN WANTS IN- side work: good education and reference. Ad dress X 31, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY. GOOD COOK. WANTS A position. M. E. Japanese Mission. 393 Flan ders. Phone Clay 715. BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION AS OFFICE assistant: willing to work for reasonable sal ary. M 34, Oregonlan. BY MALE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT. PLACE to work, pay part, for board and room. T 33, Oregonlan. SITUATION TO TAKE CHARGE OF LODG-lng-house or to work ln one. H. King. 22 N. Sixth St.. city. BOOKKEEPER WITH Al REFERENCES nnd can give bond, city or outside. Q 33. Oresonlan. STRONG BOY WANTS JOB DRIVING DE Uvery wagon or work ln store. T 13, care Oregonlan. WANTED WORK BY A CARPENTER. Call or address, 434 4th. upstairs. SITUATIONS WANTED FE3IALE. WANTED-SITUATION BY AN EXPERI enced young lady stenographer: best city ref erences: present employer leaving city. L 31, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper: eight year3 experience with prominent commercial firms. J 30, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOG rapher; can help with books, desires position; moderate salary; references. W 32, caro Oregonlan. , EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WANTS position city; references. H 32. Oregonlan. Domestic. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GIRL TO assist with housework and attend school. N 34. caro Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A SWEDISH girl to do general housework. 509 Northrup St.. Portland, Or. BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO DO GENERAL housework: competent cook; state wages. K 33. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. 666 Raleigh st. Housekeepers. RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper; no objection to tho country W 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPING. FOR GENTLE man or agtd couple. 26S"-j Morrison, room 33. Dressmakers. WE MAKE FASHIONABLE TAILOR-MADE suits. $8 nnd up; skirts. $3: Jackets. $3: flrst class work guaranteed. 88 North Sth St., north of new Custom-House. DRESSMAKER. EXPERIENCED, WISHES a few engagements by the dny; perfect tit and style guaranteed. 163 16th st. North, Phone West 1C6. DRESSMAKING. FAMILY SEWING AND mending, solicited; boys" suits, girls' dresses and aprons. L. L. F.. room 10. 224 First st. A DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE A FEW more engagements by thi- day; $1. Call or address 46 North Eighth st. LATEST STYLE SUITS. EVENING GOWNS and fancy waists a specialty. Room iu. Lewis building. Minccllitncmist. YOUNG WIDOW. WITH CHILD 2 YEARS old, wants to run rooming-house or keep house for respectable gentleman, with email family, or work ln some family. 368 Tenlno ave Sellwood. Or. LADY WOULD LIKE GIRL 2 TO 6 Y'EARS. more for company than salary; state age. what willing to pay. R 32. Oregonlan. POINT LACE AND BATTENBERG LES sons given at 529 Taylor, Tue.. and Thurs.. at 2 o'clock. Lessons 23c. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT woman cook. Apply 307 Seventh st. Phone Front 820. WINDOW WASHING AT VERY REASON able prices; private houses a specialty. Phone Clay 232. 3 cooks; waitress, country; 3 general girls. Working Girls' Home. 291 Third. Hood 409. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. PHONE Front 1307. W ANTED A GENTS. MEN AND WOMEN WE HAVE THE greatest seller of the 20th century. You can make from $20 to $30 per day as general agent of our company. We have an article that has come to stay. We will give ln each city to the right party (man or woman) tho general agency of our company. If you work only as agent, you can make from $5 to $10 per day. Reference required when applying for the general agency. Write to us at onca and we will open up the path of prosperity for you. Failure Is Impossible. A. S. C. Co., 1220 St. James Building. New Y'ork. AGENTS A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO make money, selling our new pocket Atlas of the World; contains over 40o pages; In cluding maps of every state ln the Union and every rorelgn country; over 100 pages of valu able descriptive matter and the new census. giving the population of every Incorporated city, town and village and every county ln the United States. Send 25c for sample copy and term3 to agents. Rand, McNally & Co.. Chicago. III. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield. McKlnley; their Illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete Inside hliiory of the villainous plottlng3 or the anarchists. Great est sale ever known: 60 per cent profit; freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents ln stamps. 90S Star Bldg.. Chicago. MAN CLEARED $11S2. LADY $920 LAST SIX months Introducing Holladay's Marvel Water proof Shoe Polish, self-shlnlng. rus3et or black. Why not you? Demonstrated samples free. Holladay & Co.. room 411, 188 Monroe St.. Chicago, sole manufacturers. AGENTS EITHER SALARY OR COMMIS slon. Absolutely the greatest agent seller cvt produced: every writer positively a pros pective purchaser; 300 per cent profit easlly earned; address quick. Monroe Mfg. Co., X. . L.O. urosse, wis. $6SS PROFIT FIRST MONTH BY ONE agent: article patented: beware Imitations; special proposition and exclusive control to first nppllcsnt. Dry Powder Fire Appliance. 154 East 23d street. Is' Y". City. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL OUR HIGH class publications; permanent, pleasant and profitable employment. Union Sub. Book Co., 10 Lewis Bldg.. Morrison and Park tits.. Portland. AGENTS START MAIL ORDER BUSINESS at home with your own immense 340-pago catalogue; sample for 20c postage; circulars free. Rapid Mfg. Co.. Dept. 08. Chicago. 111. WANTED WIDE-AWAKE AGENTS. EITH er sex: sell new articles; sells at sight; lib eral commission. Further particulars, ad dress Insuflllne Remedy Co.. Cincinnati. O. SELF-THREADING NEEDLES FOR WEAK sight; thread springs Into eye; packet mailed 10 cents; 4 for 25 cents; agents' catalogue free. Chas. Marshall. Mfr.. Lockport. N. Y LATEST HIT "MIRROR-IN-YOUR-HAT." with your name on; sticks In any hat; entire ly new;, sample free. Klondike Supply Co.. Seattle. Wash. AGENTS COMIC VERSE BUTTONS; ALL varieties, big money. Samples 10 cents. Cent ury Novelty Co., 138 Warren St., Newark, N. J. AGENTS-OUR FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE rapid money-makers; outfit free; also general agent wanted. Box 4S3. St. Joseph. Mo. WANTED GOOD CANVASSERS; GOOD AR tlcle; every house needs It; good money-maker. Address O 31. care Oregonlan. MOST POPULAR 23C NOVELTY ON MAR kct; best seller offered. Raab Co.. 9 Black stone bldg., Cleveland. GOOD SALESMEN FOR OFFICE SPECIAL ty: can make big money. Conner Mfg. Co., La Grande. Or. AGENTS CAN MAKE $.S TO $10 A DAY. Hyglelna Life Preserving Co., San Fran cisco. Cal. Agents to Introduce LUlle Webb's soaps; fine profits. 303 Allsky bldg.. Miss Gibson. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED A Y'OUNG LADY HOLDING A clerical position Is desirous of securing at a reasonable price room and board ln a small family, where she can have the comforts of a home and the companionship of a lady of equal refinement and education; references exchanged. Address M 32, Oregonlan. BY YOUNG LADY AND BROTHER. BOTH employed, rooms and board, or furnished housekeeping rooms. Address, "stating loca tion, price, etc. H 33, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE OF ABOUT 15 or 20 rooms, or will purchase furniture of rooming-house.- Address E 42. Oregonlan. WANTED BY FAMILY OF TWO. FOUR OR five-room furnished cottage or flat. Address A 2S, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 12 OR 14-ROOM LODG-lng-house; good location. Address S 32. caro Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTS CARE OF small child; good care; references. Address P 33, Oregonlan. WANTED DIAMONDS: RING. EAR-DROPS, or pin; will buy If a bargain. T 32, Ore gonlan. WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSE SU1T able for a boarding-house. Address Box 443, city. WANTED ROLL-TOP DESK. CHAIRS, good condition; cash. K 32. care Oregonlan. WANTED A FEW HIVES OF BEES; MUST be cheap for cash. Address Y 31, Oregonlan. $450 LOAN WANTED ON GOOD REAL ES tate security. A 32. care Oregonlan. WANTED SADDLE HORSE. C. J. O., P. O, Box 42, Vancouver, Wash,