"'H rqywwn1 wwspw: ffrwrmimmww "P"- nsrr'wiri rnt iFtfmi-irrr' jtx wtymwu " t ysrZtM flLr Fx Mb I7V- jWBWMjAtbf TIL. irt' v ' ' c fln n sxik J 4 fl35Bfckv'AvAy8LLAw'' "ys i-1 T j&3lL. xm!r j Pages 9 to id 1 i , 1 , - VOL. XX. !! - I . -,! I , , i W M w "" : " tT" " A Sale of Pictures OF MUCH AUTISTIC MERIT Framed Water Color Pictures In fine gilt frames with heavy white mats 13x16, special sale price $1 95 11x22, special sale price $2 60 15x25, special sale price $3 00 Dainty French Pictures Framed in Gilt with Gilt Mats Special $1.25 Gibson's "A Widow and Her Friends" Pictures, framed In heavy black moulding, special &L48 Cat Pictures 250 Cat Pictures In big variety of poses, reg. price, 50c, special.. JOC Gilt Picture Frames In Cabinet and Card sizes, regular prices from 25c to 75c Tour ir choice . IOC HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW PANORAMA VIEW OF PORTLAND? It is the best souvenir of our city to send to friends away. .50c Oil Colored Views of Oregon, mounted I Vi,' -o x . . . on Burnt Board ennisons Passe-partout Bind- Ar special y3C "& paper, special OC Stationery Dept. POUND PAPER In two sizes, either .Ruled or sPlaln, containing 80 sheets of paper of very good quality, special 12c pack. Card Engraving Special 100 Cards and New Copper Plate, t( with name, special VyC 100 Cards engraved from owner's ce plate at special OyZ HOLIiT BOX PAPETERTrc a new Holiday Papeterie with latest paper, special 25c Notion Dept. Our new stock of Xmas tree ornaments, beads, tinsel and candles is now in and offered at special prices. Xmas Tree Tops, special 3c, 5c, 10c Xmas Tree Angels, spe cial 3c, 5c, 10c Xmas Tree Beads, special 3c, 5c, 10c Xmas Tree Candles, spe cial 7c box mas Tree Tinsel, special 8c, 5c, 10c The JJew Comfort Hook'on Supporter. In black orange, pink, blue, cardinal and white, made of extra quality, fine elastic with Batln pad Special 25 Cents Ribbon Ribbon Special 1 WOLFEof gss Another JjBllls H FRAMED lilg At Half Regular Prices 11x14, special 99c 15x19 special 95c 13x22 spec'l 51 75 19x29 spec'l $1 50 27x37 spec'l $1 45 Colored Platinas An assortment of Colored Plat- IC Ina Pictures, special , '5C Kodak Jtlhums A stock qf all size Albums, in cloth and jcuwci, jsiicciai, ifr on. Society Box Paper ffS Paper, best quality, - Vellum 5 ?h containing 60 sheets of paper nhidn ,nvelopes In all the fashlon spcclaK!f.!f:..rUlax; valuo. 25C 2000 boxes of fine Shell Bone Pins. dozen in oox u special iuu Bost wire Coat Hangers, 2 for 5c ' Dept 3& Inch Ilberty Taffeta I In all 22c coiora, special, A . f ." 1 gp?foircco. gijgSMk d" PORTLAND, OREGON, ?)M,t" THE BRi DOLL SHOW IS READY NOW On the second floor. Dolls of all sizes Kid Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Rag Dolls, Bisque Dolls, all kinds of dolls all are here for your inspection also the extra parts, such as heads, arms, legs and wigs. We have a doll doctor right in the department, who mends all sorts of broken dolls. Her prices are very moderate. it St (ON SALE AT ART DEPT) A new Cushion Cover a most appropriate Christmas gift to send to Eastern friends. Contains a beautiful picture of Mt. Hood, of -the Latourelle Falls, Multnomah Falls, the Mouth of the Columbia River, and the Heart of the Cas cade Mountains all surrounded by Oregon Grape Foliage. tttttfftt'""""1"""" "-ttttttlHtttttttHIMIM MILLINERY STORE Thanksgiving Week Specials.... Trimmed Hats An assortment of our 'ery nicest $3 85, $6 50 and $6 95 hats, stylish, pretty "Winter Hats for ready wear are all offered At one price Special $4.95each. Tarn o'Shanters Our best quality Girl's Fine Tam-o'-Shantcrs In all plain colors and com binations Special 48 cents. STATIONERY STORE 500 New Lap "Writing: Portfolios, with "ink-well and blotters, embossed cov er, sides and back Special 25 cents. Thanksglv tng Week Sate of.... FIXE GLOVES Our $1 25 2-clasp Dena over-seam kid gloves, one row fosterlne embroid ery, all shades Special 98 cents. Our 51 25 2-clasp President, P. K. and 2-clasp Mocha Gloves, Paris Point Embroidery all shades Special $1.08 Our $1 75 2-clasp London Quality Trefousse Suede P. K. Gloves, Paris Point Embroidery, all shades Special $1.59 We carry a complete line of all at popular prices. feUBIflk a urVEKa& " V SUNDAY MORNING, -- a a LL3ANT NE A special Introductory Sale IN HONOR OF THE OPENING OF THE DOLL SHOW, WE OFFER BRING DOWN THE LITTLE ONES TO ENJOY Price, 15 Cents SUNDRY DRUGS At Cut Prices That Demand Attention. Dickinson's Extra Strength Witch Hazel, regular 13c; special per O bottle :... oc Glycerine and Rose Water, regular rlce 6c, special per a ottle 4C Pure Glycerine, regular price Cc, Ae special per bottle Our Famous Japanese Cleaning 7 Compound, regular 25c, special i c 2-lb. bars Pure Castile Soap, regular price 25c, special per i7 Young's Toilet Water, large size A( regular 69c. special at 4yC 25c Whisk Brjoom and Bonnet (A-. Brushes, special yc A big assortment of Imported Fancy Per fume Atomizers, a great variety of shapes and style, all at one special price, 49e Tatum'B Quadruple strength perfume, all staple ana fancy odors, nr special y' 200 Extra Large Size Trimmed Chamois Skins, regular 98c, ir special uoc 2-oz. bottle Tatum's Extra Strength Sachet Powder, regular '25&. 19c special 50 Celluloid Powder Boxes, regu lar 25c, special at Raymond's Tooth Powder, reg ular 20c. special price Tooth Brushes 4 and 5 row med ium and soft, special 13c 14c 17c Johnson's An tiseptic absorb ent cotton, 1 oz. packages, 2r special J' BOO cakes of Perfumed Iris Soap, j0 regular 5c, special C 5006 packages of 750-sheet rolls Scotia Toilet Paper, regular price per roll 7c, special per roll, 3c S f'"ftnra7 ' 1 NOVEMBER 24, 1901. , ,y .MtttnttnMMHttt w 12lnck Jointed Doll, bisque head, special 8c J4lnch Jointed Doll, open and close eyes, special jgc I4lnck Jointed Doll, bisque head, open and close eyes, shoes and stockings, special 25c PAPA AND MAMA DOLLS 16'lnch Long Bisque Head, special. .15c iS'lnch Bisque Doll, open and close 3l eyes, special jsc 12lnch Kid Doll, S. J, special. . . . lOc THE SHOW. (Including- top and back.) - ao LEATHER GOODS SPECIALS Our 35 cent Misses' White SUver Finish Purses, special at 27c nnw J55 La"es' Combination Pocket-Books and Finuer At Purses, special at T...f..! 49c Our 50c Men's Leather Pocket in Companions, special at OC An assortment .of Pocket Mir- n rors In Leather Case, special c Our $1 23 Men's Wallets, Coin Purses Card Cases, Cigar Cases, fa' special '. VoC Our J2 25 and $2 50 Military Brushes, solid wood back and frrhnnv i ucauiei vjuses, special at r. $1.88 MUSIC DEPT. Thanksgiving Week Specials Every selection offered in this sale is a hit. some new here, but popular in New York and 8an Francisco. Others are already Portland favor ites. Publisher's price, 60c, in our special price yC FOR YOU. SOME DAY SHE'LL BE MINE. HONEYSUCKLE AND BEE. MID THE ORANGE TREES AND BLOSSOMS SHE IS WAITING. GO WAY BACK AND SIT DOWN. THERE'S A CHARM ABOUT THE OLD LOVE STILL. ' JUST SUPPOSE. LITTLE MISS PURITAN. WHEN THE BOYS GO MARCHING BY. PANSY. MY MISSISSD7PI BELLE. WINK. WINK, WINK, MR. OWL. WHY DON'T THE BAND PLAY? OH! OH! OH! OH! And all the selections from The (?asino Girl ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING By expert framers. Prices less than any other place in Portland. We are Portland agents for the Arnold, Constable fr Co. Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silks TKe Holiday Books AJVD SOME Art Books A WIDOW AND HER FRIENDS; the new Gibson book for 1901; size 12x18; over 90 drawings; publish er's prlpe $5.00; our price $3.95 AMERICAN GIRLS, by Mitchell Pierce, photogravures mounted on gray board; net price $6.00 FHE AMERICAN STAGE, souvenir of 160 pages: drawings by Gibson, Gilbert, Haskell, etc., etc., 250 pic tures of well-known players, illu minated cover; publisher's price $2.50; our price $1.93 PASTEL PORTRAITS FROM THE ROMANTIC DRAMA, pictures In colors, drawn from life by H. C. Chrlstj. size 14x21, each portrait mounted on gray board, net price js.oo THE DOLLY DIALOGUES, by A. Hope, with 15 full-page drawings by Howard Chandler Christy, size 6x9 net price $2.50 LIVES OF THE HUNTED; a new animal book by Ernest Seton Thompson, fully illustrated, with an original .cover design; net Price $1.73 THE HOLLY TREE AND SEVEN POOR TRAVELERS, by Charles Dickens, 49 photogravures, and text Illustrations by C. E. Brock; net price 51.45 AMOS JUDD. by Mitchell, illus trated, in same style as above; publisher's price, $1.50; our price, $1.15 FAiMOUS AMERICAN BELLES OF THE NINETEENTH CEN TURY. 24 etchings from portraits, beautlfjlly colored frontispiece and handsome illuminated cover design, size 5x8, colors red or blue; publisher's price, $3.00; our price $2.75 THE AMERICAN GIRL, pastels, ntt price $4.00 The fled Library A fine cloth-bound book, with clear type, on good white paper, containing the very best works of WORLD-FAMOUS AUTHORS: over 100 titles, of which we mention a few, as: AUNT DIANA. COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO. FIRST VIOLIN. IVANHOE. KNIGHT ERRANT. LAST DAYS OF POMPEIL LENA RIVERS. LORNA DOONE. OLD MA'MSELLE'S SECRET. SCOTTISH CHIEFS. ONLY THE GOVERNESS. VANITY FAIR. And others. Publishers' price in. 5Cc. OUR PRICE, SPECIAL. "C Standard American Prepared under the supervision of John Clark Redpath. LL. D., in 10 large 8vo. volumes. One of the largest department stores in this country, do ing business in New York and Phila delphia, sold thousands of these sets In cloth binding at $25 00, and In half morocco binding at $32 50. Our price for this great sale is, in cloth cc An binding, per set PsjJM Indexed Art Bible Bound In fine French morocco leather large type, self-pronouncing, teachers combination Bible, m oc Price $..&D INDIA PAPER LEATHER-LINED RUBY TYPE TEXT BIBLE, French morocco, size 5x3: price 4 $1.50 RUBY TYPE TEXT BIBLE, Alaska seal silk sewed, a beauti ful pocket Bible; price $2 50 MINION TYPE TEACHER'S BI BLE, Alaska seal, silk sewed, size 6Jnx4, and only 1 Inches thick; price $5.00 MM? mJMbl MM WJ HUM IWI M HfaW) Btt 5MwJ mhmIoth iwi umA v am w imM unm imm wmliMu mM iixt sm nw nun mj tnaaj -fJJZZI 'ZZDZJ3 HKMflBR3iHflBHlE!HiB23HHH uR gruminwimoiM'iim NO. 47. SPECIALS New Books THE RULING PASSION, by Van Dyke, Illustrated in color; publish er's price, $1.50; our price $1.15 MAID OF VENICE, by Marlon Crawford, illustrated; publisher's price, $1.50; our prlco ji.15 THE RIGHT OF WAY, by Gilbert Parker, Illustrated; publisher's price, $1.50; our price $1.15 DRI AND I by I. Bacheller. illus trated; publisher's price $1.50; our Price $1.15 TRISTRAM OF TRENT, by An thony Hope; publisher's price $l.o0; our prlco 51.15 THE CAVALIER, by Cable, illus trated; publisher's price, $1.50; our Prfco 5!15 CIRCUMSTANCE, by S. Weir Mitchell, Illustrated; publisher's price $1.50; our price $1.15 FORMA GORDYEBF. by Maxim Gdrky; publisher's price $1.00; our Price 79(5 TRIBULATIONS OF'A PRINCESS. Illustrated, our price, not.., $2.25 THE MARTYRDOM OF AN EM Wf3' . illustrated: publisher's price, $2.50; our price 51.95 BENEFACTRESS, by author of Elizabeth and Her German Gar den; publisher's price, $1.50; our Price 51.15 THE ETERNAL CITY, by Hall Calne; publisher's price 51.50; our. Price 51.15 YOUNG BARBARIANS, by Ian Maclaren, illustrated; publisher's price $1.50; our price $1.15 CINDERELLA,' by S. R. Crockett, illustrated? publisher's price $1.50 our price 51.15 ARGONAUTS, by Eliza Orzesiko: publisher's price $1.50; our price.. $1.15 The Berkeley Library Photogravure or polychrome f r o n t 1 s pleces, and oth er Illustrations. Printed on fine laid papcr.bound in fine English cloth, design In gold on side and back, fiat brick, gilt top, ribbon marker, illumi nated tltlo pago In two colors, ex llbrli plate, and fully illus trated. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY EGHTi TITLES. Publisher-ic a price $1.00. our Special Price 3"C ALICE IN WONDERLAND. CHILDREN OF THE ABBEY. CORINNEi, DAVID COPPERFTELD. AN EGYPTIAN PRINCESS GIL BLAS. HYPATSIA. HENRY ESMOND.. ' IVANHOE. JANE EYRE. KENILWORTH. MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE. NEWCOMES. PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. ROMANCE OF TWO WORLDS. REVERIES OF A BACHELOR. VANITY FAIR. , WIDE, WIDE WORLD. AND OVER fOO OTHER TITLES The greatest of all books for boys and girls. The New Chatterbox. Pub lisher's price, $1 25; "7C, Our price 3C Handy Volume Booklets REMARQUE EDITION OF LIT ERARY MASTERPIECES, sizo 3x5. full leather, limp, boxed, each 80c; ooze calf, limp, boxed, each use TITLES: Vlrginlbus Puerlsque. Friendship and Love. Rubalyat, Mar cus Aurelius, Lord Chesterfield's Let ters. Rochafocauld's Maxims, Wit and Wisdom, Character and Heroism, etc.. etc., etc. WPm HI iaALtfmarrr V ' ' i-jL'i D HBl 5sD?c KycEflCvSyvSipyiBir