THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, . NOVEMBER 17, 1001. . " " ' ' '" ' " l I " '' ' , -! 1 I 23 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS Portland banTc clearings for the Treek ending yesterday "were the largest on record, and reflect the highly satisfac tory condition of business In this city. Heavy -wheat selling Is responsible for a large portion of the lively business now In evidence, but there are a number of other contributing factors of no mean importance, More hops have been sold during the week than in any similar period this season, and fruit, potatoes, onions and smaller farm and dairy prod ucts swell the total amount of collateral available for trade purposes to big pro portions. The lumber business Is still booming, and is limited only by the trans portation facilities. The car shortage has been remedied to a. considerable extent, and is helping out lumber-shippers. There was a general clean-up made of poultry on Front street yesterday, and some ordinary stock was ebld very cheap. With so much of the common stock of fering, better, grades were naturally af fected to a considerable extent, and. the average run of prices yesterday was much below that of the day previous. Onions and potatoes both .held firm yes terday, best grades of the former mov ing freely at 52 per cental, while potatoes Were selling over a range of 63c to ?1 per sack. The grocery markets were steady, with no change of Importance, An ex cellent trade is reported in seasonable staples In all lines. A shortage- of tank cars has caused a temporary shortage of gasoline In this city, and the market lor this commodity is in good shape for cor nering. WHEAT For the last day of the week the Eastern and foreign wheat market was showing a fair degree of strength yes terday. Some of this strength was mani fest in the local markets, and prices were steady aroUhd 67c, with c more being offered by some dealers for Walla Walla, Valley was quiet. With exporters unable to meet the prices offered by interior mills. Freights continue firm, in spite of the Weakness everywhere else on earth, and a January ship is repotted fixed at 36s 6d, with S2s 6d paid way up to riext June. Steam lohnage, which was offer ing quite freely a short time ago, is not so much in evidence aB it was, and the Tiger at 32s 9d several weeks ago still re mains the cheapest figure made this Sea son. There has been less wheat sold dur ing the past six days than In any pre ijous week In the past two months. The rains of the past few days are reported to have extended pretty well up through the wheat belt, and were very acceptable, as the ground was very dry. The European crop news continued rath er bullish, that of Russia being particu larly bad, in spite of the fact that heavy shipments of wheat are still coming out of that country. St. Petersburg mall ad vices under date of October 27 have the following: The Ministry of Agriculture today pub lished Its annual Autumnal crop report for European Russia. The Ministry has 7600 correspondents west of the Urals. All crops were below average. It is stated, and in some parts of the East and South they were 'bad, in places very bad." The staple grain, rye,, was particularly defi cient. The yield of rye was less than half the average in the following dis tricts: Kamyshin and Zarlzyn, Govern ment Saratoff ; Insan, Government Ponsa; Novo Ousenskj Government Samara; 2a reff and Cherny Tar, Government Astra khan; Qrenburg and Chelyabinsk, Govern ment Orenburg; Starobelsk and KouDa yansk. Government Kharkoff; Bakhmdut and Slavlanoserbsk, Government Tekater inoslaff ; Donetz, Donskoy and Oust-Med-vedskaya, Don Province; Lubln, Govern ment Taroslaff; Glaaoc, Government VI utka; Shandnnsk, Government Perm; Kemsk, Government Archangel. In 65 other districts rye yielded from 50 to 75 per cent of the average crop; In 88 other districts from 75 to 90 per cent. Winter wheat was "bad" in the Don Prov ince. Yekaterinoslaff, Poland and the Bal tic Provinces, and good only In the south west. All Summer grains were below av erage, and ranged from, "bad to very bad' in the east and southeast, Summer wheat and oats being notably deficient. Barley and millet turned out somewhat better, peas and buckwheat, flax and hemp 'bad." Potatoes were nearer the average, but suffered with other breadstufts. The unfavorable season was aided by field mice, which swarmed in Perm, and other pests. The total estimated yield of various grains in European Russia, including Cis caucasia and Poland, was as follows: Rye, 1 100,895,000 poods (a pood equals 36 pounds, average): wneat, 551,747,000; oats, 536,674,000; barley, 304,259,000; millet, 92,837,000. The Novostl states the Fall sowing In the Government of Saratoff Is not thrli' mg. The defloient .harvests of 1900 caused a shrinkage of 1,600,000 rubles in the in come from the payment of peasants for their lands, and the Minister of Finance is resolved to materially diminish the es timated receipts from this source in the next budget, Bank Clearing. The bank clearings for the principal cities of the Northwest for the week endu ing Saturday were as follows: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Monday $ 870,612 ? 678.0S1 $ 269,056 Tuesday 696,632 755,338 344,624 Wednesday .... 467,692 637,220 203,231 Thursday ...... 696.662 603,461 235,953 Friday 487,751 621.095 267.037 Saturday 466,811 434,700 222,477 121o per pound J backs, 12c per pound; dry salted sides, lie per pound; dried beef, setts, 16c; knuckles, ISc per pound; Eastern pack, hams, large, 12c; medium, 13c; small, 13c; picnic, 9c: shoulders, 0c; breakfast bacon. 1415c; dry-salted sides, llttc; bacon, bides, 12c; backs, uasmoked llVic, smoked, 12&c; butts, 8Ji10?ic per pound; dried beef, 13Vi XTtyc per pound: dry-salted bellies," HU12Uc; bacon bellies, 12UG13V&C per pound. Lard Portland (Shield brand), '5s. I2&c; 10b, 129jc; Ms, 12tfc; tierces, llc; Eastern, pure lesf, kettle rendered, 5s, 1234c; 10s, 12Hc; 5os, I2ic Totals ?3,5S6,300 $3,829,895 51,542,378 The olearings for the same cities for the corresponding week in former years were as follows: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma 1800 $2,7te,54G $3,605,064 51.4W.33C 1899 2,440.936 2,592.252 1,149,10$ 1898 1,923.656 1.S32.967 876,956 1897 2,063,140 1.O0S.202 794.072 The exchanges and balances for the same cities yesterday were as follows: Exohanges. Balances. Portland 5466.811 5 95,439 Seattle 634.700 157.234 Tacoma 222,477 38.7S4 Spokane 196,342 20,153 PORTIiATfD MARKETS. Grain Flour. Etc. Wheat Walla Walla, 6757Hc; bluestem, BSc; Valley, 56676. Oats 05c951 per cental. Barley Feed. 515 BOjgslO; brewing-. ?1G16 75 per ten. Flour Best trades, $2 C33 50 per barrel, fraham, $2 50. Mlllstufts Bran, ?15 5017 per ton: mld filtmjs. 519&2U 50: shorts, 516317 50; chop. 515 16 50. Hay-Timothy. 5U12; clover. 5707 50; Ore con wild hay. 5596 per ton. Batter. Efc;rs, Poultry. Etc Butter Fancy creamery, 2526c; White Clover, 27Hc; extra fancy, 2727c; dairy, 180 22c; store, 12H14c. Eras 822c for cold storage, 2225c for Eastern. 30c for fresh Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed. 52 50ff3 50; hens. 54. 010c per pound; Springs, &10o per pound; 52GO&3 per dozen; ducks, 5S4 for young geese. 67 per dozen: turkeys, live. ll12e; 1214c dressed per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins. 13B13tfc; Toung America. 1415c;ractory prices 101Hc less. Meats una Provisions. Mutton Lambs, SVie'.c gross; dressed. 64c per pound: sheep, wethers, 3U3Hc, gross; dressed. BSdc per pound; ewes, SKQSttc, gross; dressed, 6CHc per pound. Hogs Cross. 5c; dressed, 664c per pound. Veal SSc per pound. Beef Cross, cows, 3c; steers, 8H6c; dressed. 67c per pound. Hams, bacon, eta Portland pack (Shield brand) hams, 12&13?ic picnic, 0o per pound; breakfast bacon, 15&16Hc per pound; bacon. Groceries. Nats, Etc. Coffee Mochsu. 2S2Sc Java, lafloy, 2632c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 18C20C; Costa Rica, fancy, 1620o: Costa. Rica., good, l618cj Costa -Rica, ordinary. 1012o per pound; Columbia roast, 511 50: Arbuckle's, 1214c; hickory nuts. 7c chestnuts, 54 605 per drum; Brazil. 13',4le; flloerts. 1401440; fancy pecans, 14I4He; almonds, 1516c per pound. Coal ollr-Cascs, 20Vo per gallon: barrels, 10c; tanks, 14c. Slock salt-50s, 51&75J 100s. 519 25: granu lated 50s. 523; Liverpool. 60s, ?2S; 100s, 527 50; 200s, 527. Vegetables, Frttlta, Etc. Vegetables Onions, yellow, 51 7G2; cab bage, 75c?l; potatoes, $11 10 per cental; sweet potatoes 51 10 1 25 per cental; toma toes, 400; turnips, C575c; carrots. 65075c; beets, fcOfi&Oc per sack: corn. 5075o per sack; pumpkins. 75c51: squashes, 73c?$l per 100 pounds; cauliflower, 5075c per cental: green peppers, Co per pound; celery, 60375c pet dozen. Green fruit Lemons 534; oranges, 5404 50 per box; bananas, 52 253; pineapples, 55 per dozen; crapes. $101 23 per crate; apples, 500 51 25; pears, 5101 25 per box; cranberries, 8 Oc per pound. - Dried -fruit Apples, ..evaporated. 708o pet TONNAGE-EN ROUTE AND IN PORT- Vessels "Chartered or Available for iGrai'n Cargoes : ' . From-the North west FOR PORTLAND UCt. 26 Oct. 3 bct!".i Name. Flag and rig. Master. From, f Consignees. Oct. Falkiandbank ..Schiller . ... Ardnamurchan 25fSlrene iseesiern Aug. 3Lord Shaftesbury iPinmore July 3Earl Cadogan July 13(Pax Aug. 12lTorrldon July 24Incncape Bopk July 22Tarpenbek IRobt. Rlckmers Aug. 23iVendes Aug. 2SBertha .JLlta Sept. 15jLes Adelphcs Carl Aug. 15Bardowls Aug. 13Irby July lliEugenlo Fautrel Ilvelna Sept. 2BiacKbraes Sept. lDud.uesne Aug. lOiErnest Reyer Pembrokeshire Selene, July 22Wm. Mitchell (Arctic Stream. Sept. loiBarmbek Aug. 3lfBossuet Atlg. ?5 Jean Bart Nov. 6Dovcnby Hall lAnaurus Aug. 22Ilaia Aug. 17LaRochefouc'ld ITIger Avenger . Olivia jDalgonar uieniui Bidart Aug. 25 Ascenzolno Oct. 9 Asie Glenerlcht Renfleld OlRiversdSle ...IScottish Minstrel ...Susanna 29jWendtir winasoraut Agnes Oswald Castor Palatlnla Falls of Keltle 2ISt. MIrren Sept. 12Emilie Oct 9GaIgorm Castle. ,.Donna Frahcisca PThe"kla Nov. 131Siam Nov. 8'Centurion Oct. lllWIscombe Park ttQinUCK Ernest Legouve Loudon Hill Queen Elizabeth Denblgshire Fulwood Euphrates Oct. Oct. 31 Nov. Ger, bark Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark D'ch bark Br. bark Br. ship Ger. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Ger. bark Ger. ship Fr. bark Ger. bark Br. ship Br. ship trr. oarK Br. bark Bt. ship Fr. bark J?Y. bark Br. str. ger. bark r. ship Br. ship Ger. bark Fr. bafk Fr. oark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr. bark Nor. str Br. Ship Nor. bark Br. ship Br. snip Fr". bark It. ship Fr. bark Br. ship Bt. nRt Br. ship Br. ship tier, snip Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. st Br. str Br. shit) uer. snip Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Ger. ship Br. ship Br. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. str Br. ship Br. bark Rdwehl Smith Btelnborner Kneally Sluermllch Mink DOty Maxwell Williams Relners Mearns POrter Hansen Rubarth LeHegarot Alster Harms Cdnevet SHoemaker Garrlty Law LeHuedel Webster Graham l921Sumatra 17SltSt, Rosalia 1227ISta. Rosalia 1619'St Rosalia 1410 Honolulu 1446Muzatlan 2273H&mburg sta. Kosana Antwerp Liverpool Sydney Antwerp H&mburir Nagasaki fs ewcasue Santos Honolulu Nossl Be Mazatlan Table Bay ' Frcemaiule Antwerp . Sta. Rosalia 2286 1334 1391 1502 1493 1793 2174 1572 1E61 1613 1520 95S 2011 1480 1705 J2220 Evans Donnehom Cutting BOwen Efbrechr HoUelbecg 1705 1730 2767 1231 1885 Wickham Henderson Thorburn Heude "Wold Evans Gunufsen Ibester Scott Trapahl Marie Quinn Roberts Porter Mellin Schutt Nlcoll Haasu Philip MoMurtry Stewart Esterbrook Hamilton Oltmann Mahon Simon Aim Garllchs Collins Power Thlesen (new) Cruickshank Fulton Thomas Davis 2116Table Bay? Nantes Madagascar Orient Gliaymos , Table Bay 14981 Hull 2239tHamburg 17S9Antwerp' lTOOJSt Nazaire 189SlAntwerp 1497 Coronel 1216IPort Natal 17111 Havre 2116 Orient , JJSGlCoquimbo U42Panama 2f.651Sdnev 18471Vaparaiso 1730 Nantes 1772 Table Bay S53D Hobart 2216jValpara!so 1084Pisagua 2057San Diego iai Valparaiso 1S3 Ouaymas lMCICaldera 15S3 Valparaiso 1380iMulbourne l?63!Totopllla 2332 Manna 2150 Orient 1855lValparaiso 1738 Valparaiso 1507Table Bay 2163 Valparaiso 2930;Yokohama 1037 2075 2768 San Diego nOirNewcastle Caldera Yokohama 1721Mauntius 2066iJunln l700ShanghaI 24SDO1ent 1989lTalcahuanb i578lHottolulU 23 ioa m! 'xr.'& CO. 137BalfOUr . 127 M., W. & Oo. -97 116 Taylor .118 S6Glrvin SI! 63 118 Taylor E. Baker Taylor Total tonnage en route and listed, 125,381. GRAIN -lOXNAGE IN THE RIVER Nanis. .Flag and rig. Maste From. Agents or Charteiers. Berth. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 14iCarlo P. "24BourbakI 201 Nelson 28 Ley land Bros. 5 Werra Marechal Davou 91 lOICleomene rick. KicKtners Lady Isabella Europe Crown of India Nesaia G. H. Wappaus Albania Barlillan 24iThornllebank 29Gen'l Mellinet 29 Louis Pasteur 29Riverslde 29Henrlette SOiDuguesclin HSchwarzenbek 2 Amlral Cornuller 2 Prlr.csse Marie 2'FIfcshire 5Lamonclere CiBelan 7FrancoIs Cdppee SfLanfrbank 10IG. DucheBfie Olga lO.Travancore Ilt. bark Fr. bark Br. Ship Br. ship Ger. bark 14 Latimer Fr. bark Br. ship uer. snip Br. ship Fr. baik Br. bark Ger. Fhlb Ger. bark Nor. ship Br. ship Er ship Fr. batk Fr. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Fr. bark Ger. bark Fr. bark Dan. Bark Br. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Br. sltr Br. ship IBr. ship Pollla LeNormaiic Perrlan Guthrie Brunlnga Ogler Learmont Baakp McKinley Muller Sauter GSrkens Mahn Melsom Arthur McBride Helllo lattevin McCully Rascn Solsson Nicolai Rio Winter Caddell Christian Bondrot Douet Rout Gulrin Jones Johnson 1641Vqlparaiso 1710Llmerlck 1247Callao 228SPenco 55iHonoiuiu l7ll!Nagasaki 1670Niwcastle 1S9 1385 0701 1SS5 Hldfio Vulparaiso Holiart Natrasaki 1670Varparaiso lZ24Kjao unou 1100 1 Panama 2108Sta. Rosalia llf69Sta. Rosalia 1491Hamburs 1471Antwerp 1590 29191 1285 1935 1739 12S8 lblB Utl mo; 1730 2966! 1878 Liverpool Yokohama Hamburg Sta. Rosalia Liverpool Kiao unou Newcastle Hull St. Nazaire Hong Kong MOjl 15611St. Nazaire Penco L649Taltal Balfour Epplnger f. i'. .m. to. P.F. M. Co. Kerr Balfdur Balfour Balfour BalfoUr P.F. M. Co. Kerr Balfour P. F. M. Co Berg Kerr Kerr P. G. Co. i Kerr Balfour Girvln Balfour P. F. M. Co. P. G. CO. P. F. M. Co. Balfour P. F, M. Co. Epplnger Berg Balfour Balfour P. F. M. Co. P.F. M. Co. Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Astorra Oceanic Astoria Astoria Stream Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Stream Stream Stream Mtg'my 2 Mersey Irving Weldler's 13leva.or Grn'wcll 2 Flour mill Alblna Sand dock Gr'nwlch Stream Stream Stream Stream Stream Total tonnage in port, 54,368. GRAIN UONNAGE EX ROUTE TO PDGET SOUND Xug.i2 Oct. 13 Oct" 2o Sept 26 Name. Flag and rig. Master. From. Consignees. July July Sept Oct Oct Aug. Aug. Oct ...lAlster 31JAlsterkamp 14Alsterufer 5Penrhyn Castle ...iMilverton juacaairmca Nymphe Beltord Laomene 14JSpringbank ..Kate Thomas Senator Metronolls Scottish Lochs Glenelvan Pass of Melford Marechal Suchet Elginshire Robert Duncan Kenllworth Argyll LuTgi Clampa General Roberts Boadlcea Salfordia Glenaftoh iNorlhern Moharch 2St)endrath Castle 19JOweence .. Holy wood ...JHoward D. Troop ... Schiffbek Ger. ship Ger. ship Ger. bark Br. bark Br. ship It ship Ger. snip Br. ship Br. ship an bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Am. ship Br. str It. str Br. bark Br. ship Br. tr Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Ger. bark iSaelzen Jensen Nelf Evans Clarence Paturzo Hiimer McKinnon Hughes y Dobbie Thomas Sutherland Richards Parkhill Robblns Houston Stephens Stott Maclean Taylor Harrison Cocortlllo Fearon Roberts Crisp Watts Nixon .Tones Xiurchall Lundius Cornlncr Jollcs 2935iSta, Rosalia 17S9Hamburg SjTSjHamburg 2070Amofag'sta 1562 Liverpool 2049 Yokohama 1771'London 1644'Antwcrr 2225Gceenock .. Liverpool 1589jLlverpool lC97Acapuleo 2466jRio Janeiro 1756fCape Town ilSS'Sta. Rosalia 1785Va!paraibo 20381 Yokohama 199fa'!Wei-Ha'.'WPi 2H7 soi.rabaya 220Shanghai JjeOoh'alcahuano 1914 1 Liverpool lS24ValparaisO 2365 Mcroran HCeiCallao 114SICallao 1737,Rio Janeiro 2334 Shanghai 1477LIverpool JCSOIShnnehni 12527JSta. Rosalia Balfour Total tonnage en route and listed, 64,954. GRAIN TONNAGE ON POGET SOUND sr " o if" Natnt arTSg. Master ? From. cAhernerr3 Berth. Sept. 151 Alex Black Br. bark McLaughlh 1391London P. F. M. Co.iTacoma Oct. 2Elba Gen str Bruhn 2h67 Orient T. G. Co. Seattle Oct. 19Gartdale Br. ship King 1645 London P. F. M. Co. V ictorla Oct. iSj Galena Br. bark Chlsholm 2169Callao N. W. Co. Tacoma Total gralh tonnage In port, 7793. 512 63 Ut; Lion, 512 13 list; Cordova, 512 63 list Rice Imperial Japan No. 1, O&c; No. 2, 5c; New Orleans. 507c. Sugar Cube. 55 10: crushed. 55 10; powdered. 54 95) dry granulated, 54 85; extra C. 54 35: golden C, 54 25 net .per sack; beet sugar, 5 '5 per sack; lib If barrels, Uc more than barrels; sacks, JOc per 100 less than barrels; maple, 15016c per pound. Honejt 12l$0l5c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tolls, $1 E5; two-pound tails. 53; fancy one-pound flats. 52; one-half pound fancy flats, 51 -5; Alaska tails, 85c; two-pound talis, 52. Grain bags Calcutta. 5& 25 per 100 for spot. Nuts Peanuts'. 67c per pound for raw. S 64o for roasted; cocoanuts, 8500c per dozen; walnuts,' 11011HC per Bawii Sine -nuts, loo pound; sun-dried sacks or boxes. 405o; apri cots, 114012c: peaches, Sllcr pears. 6gSc5 prunes, Italian, 243t4c; sliver, extra cho!c 606c; French, lH03lc; figs. California blacks 3V404c: do white. 6c; plums, pltlass. white Oc per pound; Persian dates, 6c per pound. Hops, "Wool. Hides, Etc. Hops 8010c per pound. Wool Valley, nominal, 11014c; Eastern Oregon. 812V4c; mohair. 2102lUc per pound! Sheepskins Shearings. 15020c; short wcol 2535cj medium-wool. 30000c; long-wool. 60io 51 each. Tallow-Prime, per vound. 44$c; 0. 2 and grease. 2&03a ,n,,dDry h'deS!. No- x 1G PunJ3 and up. 150150 per pound; dry -kip. N0. 1 6 t0 jj pounds, 15c; dry cair. No. 1, Under 8 pounds, I 16p; dry sa.ted, bulls and stags, oflfthlrd less wa.u urr mm; salted mats, steers, sound, UO pounds and over, 80de; 60 to 60 pounds, 7 8e ; Under 50 pounds, and cows, Tc; stags and bulls, sound. 55J5c; kip, sound, 15030 pounds 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 1 pounds, 7e; calf! Sound, under 10 potthds, 8oj green (uhsaltedi lc Per pound less; culls lo pfif pound less horse hides, salted, each, 51 WS2 dry, each,' 5101 50; colts' aides, each, 25050c; goat skins,, common, each, 100150 Angora, with wool'on, each, 25c0Jl. Pelts-Bear sklna, as to size. No. 1, each, 55020: cubs, 5205 1 badger, each. 10040c: Wild cat 25030c; hous cat 5010c ; fox, common gray, each, 3050o do red, each, 5l 6002 do cross, Mirh. 55018; do silver and black, each. 51OO02OOJ fishers, each, 5800; lynx, each, 5203; mink, strictly No. 1, each, Mo0 51 25; marten, dark Northern, fl0l2; marten, pale, pine, according to sue and color, 51 500 3; musktats. large, each. 6016c skunk, each, 2535c; civet or pole cat each SQlOc; Otter, for large prime skins, each, 5507 panther, with head and claws perfect, each, 5203; raccoon, for largo prime, each, 30035a; wolf, mountain, with head perfoct each, $3 5005 wolf, prairie (coyote), with head perfect, each, 40000s; wolf, prairie (cdyote). without -head, each, 3O05Oct wolverlhe, eaeh, 5407; beaver, per skin, large, 53.0$; do medium. 5304; do fcmall, 5101 40; do kits, 60073c. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereals at American And Ebropcnn Porta. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16: Wheat and barley futures, Arm. Spot wheat, steady. Srlot barley; quiet. Oats, steady. "Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 98ftc; choice, 51; milling, 51 Olgil 05. Barley Food, 7275c; brewing, 78&g 2&c. Oats-Red, $1 07V41 2TVS- Call Board sales i Wheat Flrni; December, 5i 00&; 5105J cash, 5t Barley Firm; December, 73Mc Corn Large yellow, 51 01 25. May, Chicago Grain una Provtaidn CHidAGO, Nov. ll-Wheat ORened rirm with December a shade td 6 highei1, at 72729ib. 'rJorthwgsterTi and primary receipts, however, were bearish, and the customary Saturday liquidation started a decline. There was sme fecoVery ort covering and higher Antwerp cable's, but snoruy aiterwatfl occurred the break W corn, aHd prides sagged again. Decem ber closed week, fcc dowh, hi ?2U729bC, Corn broke ij eafly, owing to disab poInUng cables and ihfluenced further1 by liberal liquidation. GdVerlng brought De cember back to 1 obenlng pfld dgaln, But expebtatiohs df a freer movemettt 6f the new crop- hext week, together with a geh eral decline ill thfe oUtside itiarkets brought a heavy renewal dt ttf 6Hfe taking, and December sagged to 59c, cldsihsr weak, 4Sd lower, at 60e, Trade in oats whs heavy all thoftilhg, though with ah easy tendency. Decem ber clwsed rather Weak &a low'ef, at $3 3994C. Provisions Were dull ahd 'feasie'f, Jahu ary pdrk closed 10c lower: rfanuary Idrd 2 ddwn, aiid JahUafy fib fitjo loweh The leading fUUif6s rafigdd as folloWBt Wheat. ., , . Open- rilgh. Low, Close, November ... ,...., .,.... ..,i 50715L December ,..,.50 72 W 72 $0" 724 72 75c; cholco, 52 BO; Mexican limes, $44 50; P oranges, tiavel, 81 B03 per box. Butter Fancy creamery, 26c; do aec on.ds, 20cj fancy dairy, 22c per pound; do seconds, 18c. Cheese Young America, 13c; Eastern, 13 15c per pound. Receipts Flour, qr ska, S940J wheat, ctls, 118,497; barley, ctls, 31,641; beans, sks, 13, 245; corn, ctls, 180; potatoes, sks, 7600; bran, sks, 930; middlings, eks, 340; hay, tons, 426; wool bales, 73; hides, 317. NOT AGAINST THE TRUST. Neiv Steel Combination Will Stay In Its Own Field. NEW YORK, Nov. 16. Concerning the meeting of capitalists In this city today to take steps toward forming a new steel corporation, ahialler but modelled on tile HriesJ of the United States Steel Corpora tion, the TribUiio eaytil "Like tha United States Steel Corpora tion, the nsW company will absorb three classes of' plants. These, comprise blast furnaces and steel works, iron mines ana coal and Coke properties, thus providing for every line" of material utilised in steel manufacture. The plants to be ab sorbed, it was said, would be of the best of the 'Outside' interests, concerns With a iarge earning capacity and a ready market for their output The territory covered by the plants Of the new concern Will itt6lude Pennsylvania .and Ohio. Some of the ulants are situated In the llahOnlfig Valley. 'White l some 6T the 1 Iron, ore will be mined in the Duluth dis trict" "The new corporation," said a member of the iaw firm of Blyniar, Hobbs & StoV er, thd atldrrteys having the legal details in hand, "Wili not enter" the field to light the United States Steel Corporation. Any statement t6 that effect which may have appeared is ihdorr'ect Those en tering the heW condern are doing so sim ply ns ii matter of protection; they are, bo to speak, getting out of the wet while It la et time to do ed. "Wo hold that thefo Is amp"le room In ohr markets for this1 combine and those already in the field. Irt England, where a process df consolidation h as bee'fl going on In the steel Industry, similar to the one here, there are four Concerns controlling tlies ieel output. There should be room for at least as many herfe." All Information in regard to the plants" which are to be absorbed or a to the eataUallste interested in the new com BlhaUdn Wns refUsed Downina. Hod kins & Co. ESTABLISHED 1S93. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce "May 73 76 November December May December May ;. 69& 62 39 40 60 62 mi 40 14 90 li 90 13 12 15 15 8 475 8 W 8 65 7 65 7 77 8 47 8 50 8 65 765 7 80 76- coittf, 6if& 5& 60 64 63 63 OATS. 40Vi 40 41 41 MESS PORK. January 15 00 lo 00 May 15 25 15 25 hKRH. December 8 55 8 55 January ." b 55 8 55 'May ....-v.- 8 70 8 70 SHORT RIBS, January 7 65 7 63 May ........... 7 82 7 82 CaBh quotations Were as follbws: Flour Steady Winter patents, 53 50 3 60; straights. 53 003 40; cledre, Sfi 70 3 701 patehts, 53 3o3 70; ttdightfi, ii SO 3 20. , "Wheat NO. 3, 6871e; No. 2 red, 73 74c. Oats No. 2, white, iW&tiftti; No. 3 white, 43,444c. Rye No. 60c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 5760c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 47; No. 1 Northwest ern, 51 48. Timothy ,eea Ptimc, $G 10; Mesfe pork Per barrel, 513 75!Jl3 80. Lard-Per cwt, S 47S 62. Shdft ribs Bides, loose, 57 fcW? 5- Dry salted shbulders Boxed', 5"7 257 50. Shdl-t clear sides Boxed, J3 15g 23. CloVr Contradt grade, $8 90. BUtter Firm; creameries, i624c; dairies. 157120c. Cheese VSiO&c. Eggs Firm; ffesh, 23c. Recelbls. Shipments. Flour, barrfela 36,000 S3.000 Wheat, bushels 144,030 305,000 Corn, bushtls ,.104,C00 184,000 Oats, bushels COf.OOO 275,000 Rye biisheis , 12,000 ..j.... Barley, bushels 79,000 22,000 Neiv York Grain nntl Prdduce. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Flour Receipts, 12,355 barrels; exports, 22,400 barrels. Mar ket, quiet And steady. Winter patents, 53 603 90; do straights, 53 408 50; Minne sota patents. Stf 80ft4 10: "Winter extras. 52 602 90; Minnesota Bakers', 52 Uo&3 H5; AVlnter low grfides, ?2 502 60. Wheat Receipts, 51,400 bushels; exports, 49,979 -bushels. Spot, steady No. 2 red, 83c f. o. b. atloat, SOc elevator; No. 1 North, err. Duluth, 8lc f. o. b. aHoat; No. 1 hard DulUth, 59c f. o. b. afldat Options 0p6hed firm ort Cables dnd dov crlng, only to ease off later through mod erate short sellthg, an adjustment Of long adcouhts and less Active oUtside support. Closed weak, c net decline. Alay closed 81c; December, 80c. Etdpd Steady; state common t6 choice, 1901 crop, 1215c; Pacific Coast, 1901 crop, i215c. ' Hides Steady; Galveston, 18c; Califor nia. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas dry, I4e. Wool Dull; domestic fleece, 2526C; Tex as, 16317c. Eriroltean Grain Mhrkots. LONDON, Nov. 18. Wheat Cargoes on passage, firm, rtdt active. Cargoes No. 1 Standard California. 2Ss; cargdes Walla Walla, 2Ss Sd. Ehgllsh country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 16. Wheat, firm; No. 1 Standard California, 5s lid. Wheat and flour at Paris, firm; French country mar kets, quiet and steady. Weather in Eng land, foggy. SAN FRANCISCO SlARKET. SAN FRANCISCO Nov. 16. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012c per pound; East ern Oregon, 1012c; Valjey, Oregon, 18 15c. Fall Lambs, 68c; S'an Joaquin, plains, 68c; Humboldt and Mehdoclno, 1012c per pound. Hops New, 1015c. Hay Wheat, 59S12; wheat and oats, 58 5011 50; best barley, 58; alfalfa. 58l0j clover, 55 507 per ton; straw, 2747c per bale. Vegetables Green peas, 23c per pound; string beans,. 23c per pound; tomatoes, 4060c; cucumbers, 4O60c per box; Chile green peppers, 2550c. Mlllstufrs-Mlddlings, 518019 50; bran, 517 17 50 per ton. Onions Yellow, 51 501 75. Potatoes River Burbanks, 65c5l: Sa linas Burbanks, 51 351 60 r Oregon Bur banks, 51 301 GO; sweets, 4075c per cen tal. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 1214c; do hen3, 1214c per pound; old roosters, 4 4 50 per dozen; young roosters, 54(fH 50 small broilers, 533 50; large broilers. $3 504; fryers, 53 504; hens, 54 505; old ducks, 53 S04 per dozen. Pineapples 52 504. F Eggs Fancy ranch, 42c per doiien; store, 32c; Eastern, 25c, Apples Choice, ?1 25". common, 30d per box. Grapes Isabella, 75S5c per box. Bananas 51 2S3 per bunch. - Citrus fruit Common California, lemons, NI3W YORtt STOCK SlAllKBV. DEJaCRip-rioN. AtChlaoh j. ...... j. db preferred . Bait & Ohio. ...-. , do pfCKKed ...... Cahddtan Pdclllo Canada SoUtherh ,...,. Chesapeake & Ohio... Chicago & AltoH.. i. do preferred ....... Chi., lnd. & Lotila.w gpr pre"feFred ...i,.. Icago & East 111... Chicago & Q. W....... do a pref erred.. ,., do B preferred Chicago & N. W Chicago, R. I. & P... Chicago Term. & T.. do preferred j..hh.. C. C. C. & St. L... Colorado Southern ... do lsts preferred.., do 2ds preferred Delaware & Hudson. Dl., Lkck. & West.. D. & R. G do preferred Erie ... ... do Is'tB preferred.... aa zaa prercrreu... Great North, pfef... Hbcklng Valley , do pieferred tlllflols CentraD Iowa Cfcntrl dqjJr"ef erred ..4.. 1. E & Western... dti preferred ........ Louisville & Nash,... Manhattan L Met. Sfrefet Railway. Mexldan Central Mexican National Minn. & St, L6Uls.4. Missouri Pacific MO., Kan. & T&x" do preferred NeW Jersey C&ntral. isew York Central... Norfolk & Western... do preferred .4....... North. Pacific pref.... Ontario tt western.... Fenn$ylvahla 4.... Reading do lsts preferred 30 2ds prsferred St. L. & San. Fran... do lsts preferred... 4., do 2ds preferred St. LoUlB, S. W do preferred St. Paul do preferred Southern Pacific , Southern Railway do preferrtd .......... Tdxds & Pacific Toledo, St L. & Wk.. do preferred Union Pacific do" preferred 4 Wabash...... do preferred Wheeling & L E do 2ds preferred.. ... Wisconsin Central ... do preferred Express Cbs. Adams 4 American Unitel States WelbFargo Miscellaneous Amai. Copper Am. Car & Foundry. do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. smelt. & r do preferred Acaconda Mining Co. Brook. Rapid Transit. Colorado Fuel & Iron. ftonsolldated Gas Cont. Tobacco pref... General Electric 4..... Glucose Sugar Hocking Coal ., International Paper... do preferred International Power.. Laclede Gas National Biscuit Natiohul Lead National Salt ;. do preferred ......... North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Palace Car... Republic Steel do preffiried Sugar Tend. Coal & Iron... Union Bag & P. Co... do preferred U. S. Leather 4.. xio preferied j... U. S. Rubber do preferred U. S. Steel do preferred Western Union 9,000! 81 3,500 fc.fJOO i.BOT 200; 3,500 1,900 101 108 i 115i 1114 834 47J4 38 2,400 47H Wig , 100)138 1,900 25ft 1001 89V4 1,200148 1,8001 3.WU 600 "Vod 500 1,700 200 500 19,800 800 2. l.i 6W 200 200 21 38 93 14 101 147 20 37 99 14 25 6.803 14,100 8.3W Moo 700 2,600 53 100174 1,300163. 7O0 57 26tt 172172 239J237 , 45 43V4 42 42 73 72 .60 199 ) SO 139 600 91 91) 83 83 it 78 4 7d 137 25 89(i 49 208 148 20 37 98 14 65 26 173 239 45 94 42 73 60 188 02 40 V 70 180 106 129 167 59 i06 129 167 22.i 13 109 102 26 53 174 162 olA 90 100100V4 4,nonif4BUil4 10,11Q 79 26,700 BS 4,3Wt)2 400 81 1,900 200 60 8,2001170 4.7001 6.CO0 BOOi 600 2S.b00 ..UU 400 2og 300 400 i06 20 19 31 Ti 400 100 2,tOO 1,5001 300 200 1,600 100 400 200 200 2.800 1.C00I 200 700! 100 3,200 100 1,900 lOOi 5.900 2,400 6,600 61 38 90 41 100 92 20 i9 31 21 S7 28 S3T 48 47 9S 35 70 93 221 118 76 90 1001 4214 42 76 8SJ 94 6S 48 102 44 87 219 15 ,68 119 63i 63 12 81 41 93 90 11 81 43 92 89i 190 05 93 182 87 83 Total sales for the day, 435,500. BONDS. U. S. ref. 2 reg.109 do coup 109 U. S. 3a reg 108 do coup, 108 u. S. new 4s reg.139 IT. S. 5s coup 107 Atchl3on adj. 4s.. 93 C. & N. W. con 7sl38 D. & R. G. 4a.... 102 IN. Y. Cent lsts.. 105 do coun 139 lUnlon Pacific 4S.106 U- S. old 4s reg.112 Wis. Cent. 4s.... 8S do coup 112'West Shore 4s. ..112 O. S. 6s reg 107 South. Pacific 4s. 94 Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 16.-Sterllng on London, 60 days, 54 85; sterling on Lon don, sight, 54 88. Drafts, sight, 10; drafts, telegraph, 12. Mexican dollars, 4747c. LONDON, Nov. 16. money, 23 per cent. Consols, 9115-l6d; Fdrelprn Financial JStexvn. NEW YPRK, Nov. 16. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock market today was idle and uninteresting. Dealings remained con fined to the Anglo-American ring traders. The prices were firm on New York's FREE PHOft FOR Han O&n (hi WEAK VIEN ! PROr HUDSON'S PILLS BTttKB. nnin minsn'R SUSPENSORY FREE. Th:si Fre I I prof". Hudson's compound free. EVERY MAN WHO READS THIS -NOTICE CAN GET A coinoUts outnt frc. All you have to do Is to wrlto for what you want free. You ean now give thie remedies a sood trial st no cost to yourself. SI7ND FOR FRBS TRIAU PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS ears wsmstursness of dls !hafffe In tn dkys. PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS AN COMPOUND Ctire VARICOCKLE. ATROPHT. SEXUAL DE CAT and -victim of early errors. You can stop ytrar NIOHT LOSSES. EMISSIONS. BAD DREAMS find LOSS OF POWER. Ynit -an sat ihfme Hudson noods free. Send for them. HUDSON'S PILLS euro fialn In the back. side. face, limbs. PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS Wr LOSS OP APPETITE. LOSS OF ENERGY. NIOHT SWEATS, NIOHT VISIONS, MELANCHOLIA. QUICKNESS OF DISCHARGE. FAINTXNG8, BLUES. SPERMATORRHOEA. NERVOUB DEBILITY. EXHAUST ING DRAINS. INSOMNIA. SEMINAL EMISSIONS, UNFITNESS TO MARRY. STOP8 ALL LOSSES bjr day or nltflt. You can get a complete trial outfit ffw. Youn. middle-aged and Old men suffering; from the bad effects of QLBET. lw properly treated. 8TRXCTURE. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and LOST MANHOOD wXflrrf PROP. HUDflONS PILLS. PAOF. HUDSON'S COMPduND AND SUPPORT Jait "Jirhat U hedbd for i cute. PMS,t-IntI85n.a J5prders of the ftrostats felands ara quickly cured by PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS. Send for & free and complete trial outnt free. You can rtt this" trliU free, so when you afs cured you may speak a rood woM for PROP. HUDSON'S, GOODS. You can hare a free and entlrel7 complete trial outnt Just by wrltlnr for them. Only one set will be sent to each mail, and no mar i enj irrt but tie ffe. Write to-day. Address PROF. J. H. HUDSON, 40 Ellla street, Sa Franclaco, Cnl., Department 1-. jFREE I lor Wealc Men mrAia? Generous A dencfous Oiler to WcqKMcd. TO INTllODrjOB, MY NEW AND SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT I AM dOINO TO GlfE Jrjed in Appliance td any itifferer W to writes st once. This IS riot 8 trUl off. The appliance 1 .jfoilfs tot the slklnjf. All I want you to do Is to promise that when you 5.vL?qra 'ou wUi Bl " 3'oat trlends sUd neighbors It 'was dne to my wonderful Magno ElWtrS Applisnee. Hemetafier. I ask no mo ney for the appliance. My sppllance Is the Mhj U!ttKJ!nt.eT'5r ?Kt ihooid hats. PoaltiTBly cures hlf NERVOUS and SBXDAL DI8 HAfiR RHKOMAT8M4 STOMACH, LIVKr, BLADDKtt and KIBNKr TROUBLES, VARI CODBLK, IMPOTENOY, eW4 Will restore new life to the nerres; will raskr you a perfect mail. Writs to-day, statlnrthe facts of your esse olalnlr state rour srantoms and your waist laensure, ana ine appliance win u sent yoa ffeo. AadrtSS fltO. jepariincni. i,v cilia sireei. Din rraqico, ul. FREE for j ' WeaK Men I SsM3BK!SfflXlffiiH8ttI tJ&&MM&IHmgm&GM7xs$ES' Send No Money. 6teoeeooetfsdsoeCvBeel804ee9Otaoes98aati9ies STRICTLY RELIABLE Dr. TaScott & Co. Specialists Diseases and Weakness of MEN Only VARICOCELE With Ilejrnru to It Extent SlKfnltl Be Cnfeil. Varicocele It an enlargement of the most vital blood vessels In man. The function of these veins Is to carry oft waste, tnus enaDiins the organ? to receive fresh nutrition. The disease consists of a dilation and local stagnation of blodd. from which the organs arl deprived of their proper quantity and quality of nourishment. As a result w find small, soft and sometimes quite insensitive organs, which are lH-fttted to produce .iielr secretion. Varicocele 13 a very common disorder. Statistics show that 2o per cent of the male population are afflicted with some stage of the disease. We have cured oVer 8000 cases, without a Single failure, or Unpleasartt result Vv'e rdean by rt cure a re-establ!shrhent of nutrition of the Organ; It will grow in stee and firmnes?. and its function will be restored. Wo have shown this- result so often ahd can refer to so many caees. in proof of this statement, that wo make lit without hesitation or reserve. We In vite correspondence and the fullest investigation of our methods. PORTLAND OFFICE, -250J ALDER STREET, COR. THIRD San FranclsdO Offlce, 997 Market Street. e e e o o a e a sdieoeooconssflseooeesssessetoestseostcooetecoeeieeisa supporting orders. Canadian Paciflc was buoyant on the assumption that New York interests are bilVlfig for control, but London thinks that the price is Jus tlnod by the excellent earnings. Stock In London. LONDON, Nov. 16. Anaconda, 7; Atchison, 82; do preferred. 108H; Ca nadian Pacific, 118Vi; Northern Pacific, preferred, 101: Southern Pacific, 65; Union Pacific, 103Vi; do preferred, 94. llnr Silver. NEW YORK, Nov. 16. Bar silver, 5Gc per ounce. i SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16. Ear silver, 6Gd per oiihce. LONDON, Nov. 16. Bar sllVer, 29d per ounce. Exports .and Imports. NEW YORK, NOV. 1C Exports of specie from this pott to all countries for this week aggregate $088,900 In silver, and $4,610,223 gold. The Imports of specie this week was $98,850 in gold, and $20,000 silver. The Imports of dry goods and merchan dise for the Week were Valued at $10,-002,156. Dhlly Trenxnfy Stntenient. WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balances $172,514,732 Gold 4 1C0.46,829 Surplus, $10,103,825; Increase, $1,413,000. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Nov. 16. Cattle Receipts. 300: steady; good to prime steers, $6 25ff) 7 25; poorto medium, $4 25$8 25; stockers and feeders, $24 40; cows, $1 254 CO; heifers, $1 E05 00; canners, $1 252 30; bulls. $24 75; calves, $3 00 25; Texas steers, $3 304 00; Western steers, $3 50 5 40. Hogs Receipts, 20.000; Monday.. 3S.0C0; left over, 5000; strong weight, firm; llsrht, weak. Mixed and butchers.' $5 5005 S2Vi; good to choice heavy, $5 0O5J5 87; rough, heavy, $5 35g6 60; light, $5 205 55; bulk of sales, $5 6055 75. Sheep Receipts, 1500; dull and lower; lambs, dull and lower. Good to choice wethers, $3 4004 00; fair to choice, mixed, $2 S03 10; Western sheep, $33 75; native lambs, $2 5054 GO; Western lambs, feeders, etc, $4 30. Tile Metnl Markets. NEW YORK, Nov. 16. The usual Sat urday dullness prevailed in the local mar ket for metals Tin was quoted firm at $26 7527 75. Lead Dull at $4 37. Spelter Dull and Inactive at $4 30. Copper Quiet; lake, $16 7517; casting. $16 37016 97Vi. Iron Dull; pig-iron warrants, $9 50 10 50; No. 1 Northern foundry, $1516; No. 2 foundry, Southern, $1415; No. 1 foundry. Southern, $14 5015 50: No. 1 foundry. Southern, soft, $14 5016 oO. COffcc and Sasar. NEW YORK. Nov. 16. CofTee Spot Rio steady; No. 7, Invoice, 6c. Mild quiet; Cordova, Vc. Coffee futures closed steady, 510 points up. Total sales. 38.500 bags. Including: December, $6 55g6 60; January, $6 70; March, $6 806 85; May, $0 95J17; June, $7 10; September. $7 3007 35. Sugar Raw quiet; fair refining. 3 3-16c: centrifugal, $6 test. 3 i-lScj molasses sugar, 2 15-I6c. Refined dull; No. 6. $4 30; No. 7. $4 20; No. 8. $4 10; No. 9, $4 05; No. 10. $4; No. 11. $3 95; No. 12t $3 SO; No. 13, $3 85; No, 14, $3 36; standard A, $4 70; confection ers' A, $4 70; mould A, $5 35; out loaf. $5 40; crushed, $5 40; powdered, $6; granu lated, $4 90; cubes, $5 10. Hops nt London. LONDON. Nov. 1C. Hops Paciflc Coast steady. 3 5s. ADDITIOXAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED- Stoek Companies Organized. Charters Secured In any State. Stectts and Bond underwritten or Sold under guarantee and on commission. Good Invention Mdrketed. Cash furnished for any good enterprise. DAMELS COMPANY, BANKERS, C WALL ST. NEW YORK. At?o London, Phlln., Boston, San Francisco. Texas Oil News tilvlnir Interesting facts regarding the fa moui oil fields and -what money-making oppor tunities tiHy offer large and small Investors. Sent free on application. Keep ported. AVrl'o today A. H. SALE & CO.. 25 Broad 8t., Ne.vr York. THE In Health and Disease A new book containing we laiesc sueniinc ais- coveries and anatomical, wonders, relating to men and their special com-' plaints. Nothing obscene or objectionable, but pub-. nsnca lor nan only, r-' Fiillv prnlnltiitiir vvrv- .U! , v, :,: --& ,w:. luiuK ana sunerDtv illustrated wtni f . - - TRIKINQ COLORED PICTURES .Points the way to treatment at home. fiuruuoosiacics tomarnage. .Positively' . invaiuanie to an men nn suffer trnm 'denleted nerve force of drains nn th fsystem, caused by excesses, improper nuuiia, tiunj ui uvciwuiit. ocai oy ruiuii hi uiam scaiea cover inr tpji rrnte l Address the Author, naming this paper! i W. COURTNEY, r. S. Sc. , P. O. Drawer 468, Buffalo. N. Y. wm Woman Is Interested and ilionld know about tho woodetfnl MAKVtL WhlrHna Snra The New Ladles Syrlnrt Best. Safest. Most Convenient. Patented. ti j ear J.otsi.t fjr II. It he rannol supply thft InAlt RL. accent tin other, Imt send stamp for 11 lintratetl book f!J.n glTes foil partlculttrsftud direfilnnln- 8SW Mission St.. San Francisco cists cenera B y w lly. &5 mcoi TANSY PILLS For 20 years tho only tafo andTellable Female Regulator for all troubles. Ktlieres Within 3 days. At drujglsts, or br mail. Price. 82. SendiL far- TO "Women'sSafe On.ird."WllcozMed lcaICo..3J3K. lothMt..rhllx.Pa. IAHH00D RESTORED aSiSfSSSSS remedy gtarantcwl to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory. Headache, Wakefullneas.Lost Manhood. Nightly Emis sions. Nervousness, loss of power in Generative Organs, caused by youthful errors, exce&sive use of stimulants which lead to Infirmilv nrTnnt(v. fan K rf-i-?! .n .. i.. box, 6 for is, by mail prepaid. Circular free. All druggists. Take i no other. Manufactured by the Pcau Medicine Co., Paris.Francc. C Third and Yakhiu, Sts., PojtTx.AWD.-joox. 1 w