-Y? r'f-v f vfsmr- u (THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN,.,. PaRTLAlfD, NOVEMBER. 10, 1901. V -' - viFr-i& MITCHELL DOES Host of Friends Gather to ..See Him Off to the East. AUSOT A -FEW OFFICE-HUNTERS lilrelr Coatert Over the La Grande rLand Office The Senator Says , He Has as Yet Made No Choice. The clans gathered all day yesterday at the Mitchell headquarters to say good bye to the Oregon Senator and to give him the last grasp of the glad Oregon hand before his departure. Senator Mitchell left last evening at 9 o'clock on the O. R. & N. train for New York City. At least f0 of his old friends and political ac quaintances called at his office yesterday. The. elevator of the Commercial block was kept busy lifting ip the politicians to the sanctum on the sixth floor. Business of all kinds they discussed with him, from Ihe appointment of Consuls to "Da. homey" to janitorshlps In the National Capitol building. Axes needing grinding could hardly be concealed from the pock ets of many of the visitors, and the occa sional bumping together of aspirants for the same position revealed the fact that some of them had axes for each other. Senator Mitchell was In his element, greeting all the Visitors with the same urbanity, and chatting generally with the group that gathered In the ante-room waiting for a private Interview. State Senators Brownell and Porter and Repre sentative. Dresser were among callers In the afternoon. "I am going back to pull off my coat, boys," said Senator Mitchell. "I have got to get Into harness again. There are some big questions coming up, and the Columbia River improvement is one of them. The Isthmian canal is another. There won't be much time for play back there this eesslon." The La Grande RegBtership. One of the matters that was forced upon Senator Mitchell's attention yester day was the- question of the successor to Edward W Bartlett, Register of the La Grande Land Office, whose commission expires In January. For this position there are half a dozen active candidates. Marion A. Butler, Senator Mitchell's law partner, of Baker City, is one of them, and he qame down yesterday, with John L. Rand and W. E. Grace, In the Inter ests of his candidacy. The relations be tween Senator Mitchell and Butler are close, and the Baker City lawyer Is gen erally regarded as Senator Mitchell's per sonal representative In Eastern Oregon. Senator Mitchell would jiot commit him self as to whether he would indorse his partner for the position. "There are several applicants for the position, and I have not yet decided which one I will Indorse," he said yesterday. One of the men who Is considered to have a good chance of shaking down the plum Is Asa B. Thompson, of Pendleton, ex-Representative of Umatilla County. He is a tried and trusted friend of Sena tor Mitchell, and stands In the way of re. celvlng a reward for his services in help ing along the Mitchell break in the last State Legislature. The present incum bent, Bartlett, Is a Mitchell follower of long standing, and was regarded as a strong candidate for the office. If he does not land the Reglstership again, it is be lieved that he will not be left entirely In the Cold. George H. Bhinn, of Baker City, Chief Clerk of the United States Internal Reve nue Office, Is also actively pressing his claims for consideration in the distribu tion of the Mitchell patronage. He would .also be satisfied to fill the Reglstershlp of the La Grande office. Joseph F. Baker, of La Grande, a well known lawyer of that city, and a son 'of M. Baker, a prominent politician, is an applicant for the office. Gathering of the Clans. The politicians still gather In the hotel lobbies. State Treasurer Charles S. Moore ar rived yesterday from Salem. J. W. Scriber, a prominent La Grande banker and politician. Is at the Imperial. J. N. Williamson, of Prinevllle, candi date for Secretary of State, is In the city State Senator W. W. Stelwer, of Fossil, is at the Imperial. Secretary of State F. L Dunbar came to Portland from Salem last evening. A LETTER FROM SENATOR, HOAR. He Wants Senator Mitchell t,o Serve on Judiciary Committee. The following letter from George if. Hoar, United States Senator from Mas sachusetts, has been received by Senator Mitchell: Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Worcester. Mass., October 28, 190L My Dear Friend: I have received, I suppose by reason of jour courtesy, a paper containing a statement of your lews on pending political questions. They have my heartiest sympathy. They seem to me full of good sensa and pat rlotlsm and sound Republicanism. Z am sure your future career Is to be full of usefulness and honor. I shall be very much delighted If jou are to come on the Judiciary committee once onorc. I do not knojv whether the cus tom of the Senate would permit having two members of that committee from the same state. I think myself that Is very unimportant compared with the quality of the member, and I should be a ery happy. Indeed, to do anything to bring that about, if It would be agreeable to you. Do not understand me as writing this letter with any Idea of flattery In my mind. All good men have their limitations, and the Lord In his Infinite wisdom has permitted ou to favor the election of Senators by the people If beshall, in his good time, allow you to be converted to the sound doctrine on that ques tion, I do not believe, to use Milton's phrase, that "A better Senator e'er held The helm of Rome, when gowns, not arms, re pelled Tha fierce Eplrot and the Afrlc bold." I am. with high regard, faithfully yours, GEORGE F. HOAR. Senator Mitchell yesterday received offi cial notice that he had. been appointed vice-president for Oregon of the William McKlnley Nat'onal Memorial Arch Asso ciation. COLONEL MILLER. STILL HOPES. The Day o Democracy, He Thinks, Will Come Agrnln. Golonel Robert A. Miller, who was down from Oregon City yesterday, says ho does not despair of Democratic suc cess in Oregon next June. He acknowl edged that free sliver was dead, and that expansion had come to stay, but h"e" thought some question might be sprung on the people that would "para lyse the Republicans when the time comes." He said he hopes to sit in the Legislature yet, with a majority on his side, and that Governor Geer may be a member of the minority. "When Mr. Geer had a majority at his back and. there were only five or six of us Democrats," he said, '"he was al ways introducing a resolution reading, Whereas, the Democratic party Is a ve"ry bad set' etc., aad our little minority had to sit there and take It Perhaps I will -get even on him yet At least I am carefully saving those old resolutions to read when the proper lme comes, sub stituting the word 'Republican' for Democrat " Bicycle Mix-Up. A queer hicycle mix-up appeared In evi dence, heard yesterday before Municipal JudJfe Cameron, ip. a case in whjeh. a boy named David Mqrey wa9 charged with, the larceny of a. bicycle from J. A. Mel ton. The latter's story was that,"-when he recently left his bicycle In front of an up-town house, some one took it and In Its place was left a worn-out wheel. Mel ton notified the police and they found his bicycle In Moreys possession, but with Melton's name and the number of the wheel filed off. In defense, Morey stated: "I had left my wheel outside the biuldlng, and when I returned my wheel had dis appeared. I saw another wheel which I took, as I did not see my own. The bi cycle tag found In my possession was giv en me by the son of a clergyman. 1 did not mean to. steal the wheel, and would have returned It if I had discovered my own." The case was continued, for further evidence, until tomorrow. BACK FROM ANTIPODES. Mr. Lyon Telia of RemarkableWork Done by a Dredge. F. K. Lyon, of this city, who left Port land In December last to go out to Rock hampton, Queensland, to superintend the work of putting In operation the dredgo Archer, built by L. W. Bates for the Rockhampton Harbor 'Board, has arrived home. An account of his experiences would be Interesting and valuable to the Port of Portland Commission, as the work the Rockhampton Harbor Board has in hand is quite similar to that required for the Improvements of the Columbia. Rock hampton is a town of some 20.000 Inhabi tants, situated on the FItzroy River, 40 miles above Keppel Bay, Into which it empties. It Is a large river, draining an area of 160.000 square miles of country. It Is subject to floods in the rainy season, and has a broad and shallow entrance. Between Rockhampton and the mouth of the river are shallow places, aggregat ing a length of some eight miles, which it is proposed to dredge to a depth of 20 feet, and also to Improve the channel at the entrance, where the rise and fall of the tide is about 16 feet. From this It will be seen that the work of Improv ing the Fitzroy River- Is similar to that of improving the Columbia. The Rockhampton Harbor Board has, however, undertaken the work on a very different scale from that used in Improv ing the Columbia. Although Rockhamp ton has only 20,000 inhabitants, the hoard ordered from L. W. Bates, who is well known here, a dredge which cost 59,000, or about $300,000. It was built where all the Bates dredges are built at Newcastle-on-Tyne and wen out to Queensland un der her own steam a distance of 11,000 miles. The Archer is in principle very similar to the dredge furnished by Mr. Bates for the Russian Government, but has a num ber of improvements which Mr. Lyon, who was sent to St. Petersburg to start up the dredge for the Russian Govern ment, was able to appreciate fully. She is of 2500 horsepower, .and Is a double-ladder dredge, having two suction pipes, each 33 Inches in diameter, and two cutters. Sho proved a great success, and the Harbor Board was very much pleased with her and her workings. Her average perform ance during the month of September was 3109 cubic yards per hour. On his arrival in Rockhampton, Mr. Lyon was given full charge of the dredge, and Instructed to select his own crew and train them as he pleased, and at no time was any attempt made by any one to get -a position on her by means of a "pull." He remained In charge for about six months, during whjch time he did one piece of work with the dredge which was rather remarkable In the way of river Im provement. It was the desire of the Har bor Board to contract the entrance to the FItzroy River, In order to derive more benefit from the scouring by the cur rent. There were some small islands off the mouth of the river, and with the dredge a dam was built from them to the mainland, 125 feet wide at the base, and 1G to 18 feet In height. This was topped with layers of brush and stone to three feet above extreme high water, and bids fair to be a permanent .affair a strip of solid land. When Mr. Lyon desired to return home, the Harbor Board, at his request, re leased Mr. Bates from the necessity of Spectators Divide Interest "WitK tKe Players supplying any longer a. trained superin tendent, and allowed him to leave. Mr. Lyon has visited a number of coun tries as expert dredge superintendent for j Mr. Bates, but says this trip to Queens land was the most pleasant and satisfac tory of them all, and he says the splen- I did work done by the Archer was due In j large measure to the hearty co-operation j of the Harbor Board, which was com posed of the very best business men of Rockhampton. ' Mr. Lyon says Queensland Is a vast I country, and a perfect paradise in favor- able seasons, when Rockhampton docs an immense snipping business. The past two years have been very dry ones, and be tween 3,000,000 and 4.000.00Q sheep, 500,000 head of cattle and 150,000 horses have per ished from drouth. He says if Oregon with Its rains could be placed In the cen ter of Queensland It would be the great est country on earth. Don't forget to take a few bottles of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne with you on your Summer outings. Tin AniArtinn fArrnf- Made of best Havana. Sold everywherej MULTNOMAH- ELEVEN WON THE CHEMAWA . FOOTBALL TEAM BEATEN BY 5-TO-O SCORE. Downs and McKenxle Best Ground Gainers for Home Team Bishop and Snndqrs Cheniawa'a Stars. Multnomah won the football game from Chemawa yesterday by a score of 5 to 0. The visitors put ud a fine game -from start to finish and called forth the club men's strongest efforts. Several times during the contest things looked a little' dubious for the wearers of the winged , M. The club eleven scored once, early in the first half, when Downs crossed the Indian goal line; but after that scoring was impossible for either side, "play as 'they might The day was cola and rainy, and only a small crowd wa3 pres-, ent, but it was" enthusiastic and there was plenty of cheering. " Multnomah's team work has Improved J wonderfully since the game with Ore-' gon, and the men played together in good form. Downs, Dolph and McKenzle were . the best ground-gainers On the club eleven, whilo Pratt Ross and Van Voor hls put up strong defensive playk Kerri gan ran the team with good Judgment, and played in his customary clever style. I cnemawa s best all-around men were Sanders, Bishop and Payne, all of wh(?m made substantial gains with the ball. Sanders and Bishop, in particular, would smash over the Multnomah tackles fori big gains, and their splendid playing caused the wearers of the red and white to tremble several times. Payne and Booth put up good defense for the In dians, often smashing through and .stop ping their opponents before the Inter ference had formed. Story of the Game. Multnomah kicked off to Chemawa and Bishop and Sanders soon began a series of terrible assaults that carried the ball up past the middle of the field, where It was lost on a fumble. Then "Multnomah began some systematic attacks upon the Indian line, and, just 11 minutes after play was called, Downs went over the i chalkllne .for the only touchdown of the day. Van Voorhjs failed to kick the goal. ' During the remainder of the half, the ball changed hands several times, but 1 neither goal was seriously menaced. The Second Half. Chemawa kicked oft and Multnomah worked the ball down past the middle of the field, where Dolph was forced to punt. The Indians thea braced up and played In good style, sending Bishop and Sanders against the Multnomah line with great speed. Downs and McKenzle did ' equally good work when Multnomah, had the ball, and punting honors were About , evenly divided between Dolph and San-i ders. There was no possibility of a score j by either team during the entire half, and the ball was continually surging back and forth in midfleld. Clean Sport on Both Sides. The game was comparatively free from wrangling and dirty playing, and the In dians accepted their defeat very grace fully. It Is the general opinion that this year's eleven is the strongest ' one that the Chemawa school ever i put out Bishop, who played half-1 back yesterday, is coaching the ) team and the style of play has 1m-1 proved considerably during the past two weeks Multnomah also is improving in general style of play and ought to be In I first-class shape by Thanksgiving day. Statistics of yesterday's game show that Multnomah made 48 plays, advancing the ball S8Vfc yards; 'while Chemawa made 33 i plays, gaining 1144 yards. Dolph made five punta, which averaged 25 yards, and Sandeis.made three, averaging 26 yards. Chemawa was penalized three., tlra.es for offside play, a total of 24 yards, while the clubmen were not penalized at all. Chemawa made three costly -fun,bles, but: Multnomah made none. While Chemawa gained more ground than her opponent, the Indian players did not hold 'together at critical moments, .and for this reason. never had. a chance to score. Officials: McFadden; of Stanford, and Professqr Hurdman, of Portland Academy. Time of each half, 25 minutes. The teams lined up as follows: t llultnomah. Position. Chemawa. Dbwllng LER (capt) Palmer Klrkley LTR (Willlams Ross LGR Booth Holston C C. Decker Van Voorhies....RGL M. Decker Pratt RTL Allen Montague ....,,. .REL Davis McKenzle LHR Payne Downs RHL Bishop Kerrigan (capt)....Q ,, Nefus Dolph F Saunders NEITHER SIDE ABLE TO SCORE. Portland Academy and Hill's Acad emy Play Lively Game. Overconfldence on the part of the Port land Academy football players was the primary cause of their not being able to defeat the Hill Military Academy team yesterday morning. The teams both played a high-class game of hall. At the end of the second half neither side had succeeded, in scoring. The Portland Acad. emy line was wea"k, and the backs were rj not given their usual support. Williams received a jolt early ip the game that put him'out of his usual excellent condition. Chalmers made several good gains, and Sjott worked the quarterback trick play to good advantage several times. Mc Cully played the best game for the cadets. He was In every play of his team, and stopped many of the academy's plays. Numerous punts were made- In the course of the game, the honors being about even for Williams and Houston. The game was called about 11 o'clock. Portland Academy kicked off to McCully. Hill Military Academy punte'd, and Port land Academy forced the ball to Hill's one-yard line by plays outside of tacklo and end runs. The cadets rallied and held the opponents for downs. McCully went through the line on a bluff punt for 20 ( yards During the remainder of the half neither goal wa9 in danger, and the half ended with the ball In the possession of the cadets In the center of the field. In the second half Hill Military Academy kicked to Chalmers, who made a 30-yard run. Portland Academy got the ball on downs on Hill's 30-yard line, advanced it 15 yards, and lost it on a fumble, H1U punted and Portland Academy worked the ball up the field, by line bucks and a 20-yard run by Lltt on a double pass, to Hill's five-yard line, where they lost the ball on .downs. Hill punted and Portland Academy did the same after one down. It was Hill's ball on Its own 10-yard line. Two off-side plays by Portland Academy netted the cadets 20 yards, and the ball was then punted, out of danger. Time was called with Portland Academy In pos-.. session of the Ball on Hill's 45-yard line, j The line-up: P. A. Position. H. M. A. i Chandler v REL Wlthrow Jordan LER McDonald Kinney RTL Hahn Hughes LTJR Stelner Fraizell IR G L Weller Seeley, Johnson..LGR.. Olmstead Williams RHL. Holman Litt LHR Houston Chalmers F capt) McCully Stott (capt) Q Martin craig ,.c is.eii Score P. A., 0; H. M, A., 0. Halves, 25 minutes each. McDonell referee; McFadden, umpire. Medicos Won From Dentls'ts. The football team of the medical de-. partment of the State University won from the Oregon Dental College team yesterday afternoon on the Bishop Scott Academy grounds by a score of 16 to 0. The Medics had the best, of it Irom 'start to finish, going through the Dentals' line and around both ends at will. -Templeton, Bradley and Hill did the best playing for the Medics. The line-up was as follows: Medicos Position. Dentals. KiIllng3Worth - E Bulger Whiting L T Loomis Newsome L G O'Connor Hall vC Akin Milner ,R G Shaw, Good Huchlnson R T Briggs Spenser R E Davis Bradley L H Smith Hill (capt) R H(capt) Winningham Jinks. Templeton F. Brock, Shaw Stone Q... ....... Jones, Brown Portland Academy Wins Eeaaily. The first game of the Girl's Intersehol astic Basket-Bali League was played yes terday between the Portland Academy and St. Mary's Academy teams. x The game was a one-sided affair, resulting in a victory for the Portland Academy girls by a score of 66 to 0. The line-up: P. A. Position. S. M. A. M. Smith forward E. Kelly E. Dobie forward K. Colllnan B. Parker center M. Wise H. Bates guard B. Baldwin M. Tabe guard L. Beauchone Substitutes P. A, E. Strong, A. Smith; S. M. A.. I. Crane. Baskets M. Smith, 17; E. Strong, 3; E. Doble, 2. Higrli Dive by a Monkey. a. ntue monKey trained 'to make a "high dive" has been amuslngcrowds at the corner of Seventh and Alder streets for several evenings past. He Is hoisted in a box to the top- of a 40-foot telephone pole and men holding a blanket to break his fall are stationed in the street One of them says, "Come on, monkey," and the little fellow alights oh the blanket at tKe Multnomah-Chemawa Football Game. He does not stop to receive congratula tions, but skips off through the mud to the sidewalk, and disappears In the dark ness. JOHN LATTA FINISHED FIRST. Won Paper Chase of the Portland Hunt Clnb. John Latta won the paper chase of the Portland Hunt Qub jesterday by finish ing first on his hardy mount, Dennis. Dr. R. J. jChipman finished second on His Nibs. Twenty-five riders "were out, and 16 rode over the course. The start was made at the junction of the Barr and Sandy roads, and the finlsn was at Monta villa. The hares, Miss Anne Shogren and E. T. Chase, scattered the paper scent over a. 10-mlle course. Miss Shogren rode General Lee, and Mr. Cliase R. H. Jen kins' Oleta. The latter proved unmanage able, and Miss Shogren pluckily laid most of the paper unaided. Those who went over the course were: Mrs. F. G. Buffum, Miss Burns, Mies Rockwell. R. H. Jenkins, I. Lang, V. Howard, James Nlcol, Alexander Kerr, F. R. S. Balfour, Rae Whldden, Clarence I Nichols, and Hamilton Corbet. H E. EDWARDS 185-191 FIRST STREET 185-191 FIRST STREET I ' W T a I 1 If ' . II II CHAI This Is an extra heavy bed. weighs 170 lbs. For a bed of less valuo you will pay other stores $20. It has no brass whatever. The chills or joints are finished In gold. As swell a Bed as you can buy anywhere at any price as far as style goes. Price In White, $14.50. Bronze, Green or Ivory Color, $15.30. P T'QtfT OH IPQOnOBUE p UlfJl ElEIy Brass table, 13-lnch top, with eight inch real onyx in center of top a beautiful ornament . ' $5.00. This week, four patterns, 500 yards, all wool Ingrain, 75-cent quality, sewed and laid, 65c Per Yard. LEAVE 1000 TONS BEHIND OVEHSCPPIiY OP FORAGE FOB. TRANSPORTS NOW IN PORTLAND. 1 1 Government Mnat Send."Otfcer Ves sels Crusader to Take Fall "Under-Deck Cargo. Orders from Washington have been re ceived here to stow a full under-deck cargo of forage on the transport Crusader, bound for the Philippines. She will have room for only 500 tons of the overflow from the Bosecrans. The cargo of forage contracted for the Rosecrans was 2o00 tons, of which she was only able to take 1000 tons. This will leave a surplus of 1000 tons here after the Crusader has taken her load. There will be no Immediate transporta tion for this, and it is probable that other quantities of forage will soon be added to it, making another cargo for shipment. Other transports will probablyfaOon be on their way to Portland, whose 'location as the seaport of a great grain and grass region makes it a very fit place to supply forage In large quantities for the Army in the Philippines WARM BLANKETS. See our leaders In Oregon white wool blatfcets at $3 33, 53 So and $4 35. We are headquarters for the wide-awake house keeper on blankets, quilts and curtains. McAUen 8s, McDonnell, cor. Third and Morrison. H. E. EDWARDS, .ws, is?, iso and 191 first street ,. . - i , $ H. E. EDWARDS TWO HUNDRED RS-ROCKERS New styles came in last week and are now on sale; mostly for the parlor and sitting room. High ly polished quarter sawed rockers as low as $3.50, great values. Many stjles at $4.50, such as some stores sell at $6.00. New center ta bles; a beauty in birdseye maple, something we have had many calls for. At $10.00 ROYAL MORRIS CHAIRS You press the but ton and the chair does the rest Elegant sideboard, four fet wide. six. feet high, 24 Inches deep. 17x30-lnch trench mirror, quartered oak, polished I serpentine front, $25.00. - V w '8 ' m TOMORROW EVERY SKIRT NEWEVERY SKIRT A BEAUTY SILK MOREEN UNDERSKIRTS Trimmed with two taffeta ruffles In full umbrella style. FINE MERCERIZED UNDERSKIRTS With 12-Inch accordion plaited fie of taffeta silk. Regular values. Tomorrow only $385 Send for Our Great Vur Catalogue. CH. ..V .A-tGV omjwsmx jw LARGFST AND SS3-SS5 MORRISON STREET, POINTED A GUN AT JOE DAY Detective Has a Great Straggle With a Law-Breaker. Detective Joseph Day narrowly escaped being shot yesterday In arresting W. C. Gardner, a watchmaker, at the foot of Morrison street, charged with having in his possession a watchchain valued at $12, and alleged to have been stolen from David Wittenberg. Gardner pointed a loaded Winchester rifle at the detective, and was with difficulty disarmed. Wittenberg missed the chain some lit tle time ago, and yesterday he h.eard that it was in Gardner's store. On call ing to see about the matter, Gardner re fused to give up the chain, asserting that he had bought It for 40 cents from a girl who used to work at Wittenberg's house. Wittenberg complained to the police, and Detective Day was sent to see Gardner, and Wittenberg went along. Gardner used explosive remarks when he learned the object of the detective's visit, and said: "I won't give up the chain, and I won't go with you." "You're arrested," suggested Day. For answer, Gardner picked up the Winches ter and aimed it but Day sprang upon him. and the two men battled fiercely for the gun, and It was knocked from Gardner's hands. Anxious to avert pos sible bloodshed, Wittenberg grabbed tha gun, and ran with It to the police sta tion, about four blocks distant. The police were startled when thenear- WARNING To Plana Buyers. "STEINWAT PIANOS have more than once been exhibited Intentionally in bad order by dishonest dealers. STEINWAY &. SONS warrant their own second-hand instruments when resold by themselves. THEY DO NOT GUARANTEE SECOND HAND STEINWAY PIANOS which have not been renewed in their own factory." The above Is taken from the regular cat alogue issued by Messrs. Stelnway & Sons. They also warn the ptbllc In these words: "DO NOT TRUST AGENTS THROUGH CUT THE COUNTRY UNLESS THEY ARE FULLY ACCREDITED BY STEIN WAY '& SONS AS THEIR AGENTS." SOULE BROS.' PIANO CO. are the EX CLUSIVE and ONLY AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR NEW STEINWAY PI ANOS for the PORTLAND TERRITORY. If you want your guarantee backed up ty Stelnway & Sons, get yourpiano from Soule Bros.' Piano Co., 326 Washington street, who are also agents for the Emer son, A. B. Chase, Richmond and many -Vii fltio nlano. H. E. E 185-191 FIRST STREET We claim that Ihere is no IRON BED in this city as good as this one for the same price. Large massive castings, top rod and 3 spindles of brass, double size, only, Mhite' Enamel, $13.50 Ivory, Olive or Bronze Green color, $14.50. 5oe .5lSp pUISE - Onyx-top table, gold plate, richest possible finish, useful and ornamental. I Size of top, 13x13, all onyx. $17.50. This week, 20 pairs of tapestry por- . values ud to $5. , ' Your Choice $3.00. ruf - $6.00 LEADING FURRIERS OF THE WEST. PORTLAND, OREGON. ly breathless man ran among them, say ing: "Send an officer to my place. Detective Day may bo murdered. Gard ner is fighting him." Detectives Snow and Kerrigan were sent to the rescue. In the meantime. Day and Gardner were fighting It out, and a large clock and a showcase were demolished, but ulti mately Day got control of the prisoner, and when Snow and Kerrigan arrived Gardner was glad to walk quietly to the police station. The police state that they have had lots of trouble with Gardner because of the kind of goods he has bought In the past. Gardner was re leased on ball last night for his appear ance at the Municipal Court. Emphasis. Salem Journal. If money talks, the JS0.000 subscription of ex-Senator Corbett to the Lewis and Clark Exposition may be regarded as a bit of forceful conversation. ..Something New.. Automatic Gas Lamps Arrnrded First Prcmlnm, Portland Carnival, Sept. 18 to Oct. 10, 1001. Light With a Match. PRICE $4.00 ITS DISTINCTIVE FEATURES. Quick generation. It affords l.i V6"1- " coat gas or electricity. It is free from smoke or smelL It can be used In parlor, kitchen or b!h U ca,n be carried fo1 s. easlly as a tond lamp. It Is more eaaiiv arH for than the ordinary hand lamp. It Is absolutely free from danger. It Is cheaper than any other artificial light krown. It gives a 100-candle-pow;er llgnt Glassware Is easily removed by turning lamp on swivel. So simple a child can operate It. Light can be turned up or down. While unexcelled for factory and store purposes, for household or domestic use It has no equal. Agents Wanted. For 'Sale by H.W. Manning Gen'l Agent, 43 Third Street. Tel. Oregon N. 281: Col. 600. i El Trli "v?