THE SUNDAY. OBEGONIAN, POBTLASp, NOVEMBER 10, 1901. 23 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS The mcst prominent change In the mar ket last -week -was the steady advance In the price of wheat. Sales were heavy eaet of, the mountains, and there was a large movement of the grain to tidewater. General business did not seem so active as the week before, but it had large vol ume, as bank clearings testify. Shipment. of merchandise to country districts has been heavy. Yesterday Eastern lard and hams de clined, the former Je and the latter c. local brands fell In price In proportion. Values of onions advanced In the course of the week. The greater part of the crop Is In the hands of speculators, and they appear to have made a good Invest ment. Potatoes have been easier In sup- ply, although firm In price, and a decline Is not probable. Dressed meats have steady demand-. Mutton has advanced c on account of scarcity of supply. Receipts from East, ern Oregon have fallen off . considerably. Poultry reached very low prices yester day. All dealers were overstocked, ano" put quotations low to free themselves for Sunday. Chickens especially were de pressed. Turkeys have been . coming in faster xhan the market could absorb them. Eggs advanced to 30c In the course of the week, where they maintained them . selves firmly. The high price has mado sales a little 3lower, but has not weak, ened the product. Butter threatened to decline all week, but Improved a little yesterday so as to give current quota tions encouragement. Cheese has ruled firm. Young America being short. Gro ceries have for the most part been un changed. Hops have been less active In the past few days. Some sales are stilt reported at lO&QlOc for best grade, but S10o seem to be the ruling figures. Or ders are pretty well filled now, and this Is given as the cause of the lull, a he following Is from the New York Journal of Commerce of October 4: There is nothing particularly interest ing in the situation at present. Brewers still keep out of the market, or, if they buy at all. It Is in a hand-to-mouth way. The country markets also appear to be exceptionally quiet for the season, and growers show increasing willingness to meet. The "Waterville Times of the 28th has the following: "A good many grow ers seem ready to sell, Judging by the number of them in the. different hop of fices with samples. Sales are made every day at 12c to 13c, according to quality. Edward Barton sold 0 bales this week at 12c, Poter Foley 35 at 1214c. Mr. Davis 25 at 12c, and Martin Manlon 15 at 12e. Sales reported last Friday were the fol lowing at 12c to 13c: George Allen, 131 bales; Peter "Welch, 46: Patrick Halllgan, 42; Patrick Rider, 30; William Hatheway, 75, and Michael Horan, 12. Adon Miller sold 75 bales of 1900 hops at a little less than 10c. William Smith got 13c for 57 bales." Prunes have shown no Improvement. Oats and barley remain firm, and re ceipts of the former have increased. WHEAT The Saturday wheat market Is never remarkable for its strength, but that of yesterday had a good, " healthy tone that kept prices steady in the local field, and, with reasonably stiff compe tition, the figures were pushed up to 57i for Walla Walla and about a cent better for bluestem. Valley was inclined to -trail, and about 5767$c was the ruling figure. Freights are very firmly held, buf there Is a possibility that owners are trying to get hold of the Hop's share of ,thea.d vance In wheat, and exporters are mak ing an effort to prevent it by holding off. The selling movement has been suffi ciently free to enable all tonnage en gagements to be met quite readily, and some exporters have their ships provided foras far ahead as January and February. The crop has moved much quicker this year than at any time for the past three years, and this fact has been the means of giving freights strength to which tuey would not otherwise be entitled. World wide conditions have pot changed suffi ciently to warrant an advance In freights at the present time, but the local condl tlons are such that tonnage Is needed, and i .. snipow:.crp .c In the wheat market nearly as much as the farmers. The Oriental flour trade Is In a fairly good condition, and this keeps the mills In the market for .wheat at full figures, whioh, however, could not be maintained unless the export trade was brisk. Eastern and foreign markets have a good, strong undertone, and, unless the Argentine crop improves quite rapidly in the near future, the outlook seems favor able for a continuation of present prices, with perhaps some Improvement yonne geese. $C7 per doxen; turkeys, live. wwiuc; u&izc dressed per pound. Cheese Pull cream, twins. 13$l3&s; Toung America, l4i$c; factory jjrlces 101&J less. Groceries, Nats, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 232Sc: Java, fancy, 2032c; Java, good. 2024c; Java, ordinary, lSS20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 182k; Costa Rica, good, IClSc; Costa Rica, ordinary 10012c per pound; Columbia, roast, ' $11 SO: Arbuckle's.. $12 03 list; Lion, $12 13 list; Cordova, $12 03 list. Rice Imperial Japan No. X, 5?ic; No. 2. 5tfc; New Orleans, 67cv Bugar Cube, S3 10: crushed. $3 10; powdered. $4 03; dry granulated, 4 S3; extra a $4 35; golden C, $4 23 net per sack; beet sugar, $4 73 per sack; barrels, tfc mors than barrels; peppers, 5c per pound: celery, CQ7Bc per dozen. Grsen fruit Lemons, $34; oranges. $404 50 per box; bananas, $2 2563; pineapples. $5 per i dozen; crape. $li 25 per crate; apples, 50c 51 J; pears, 7ocsi z per box; cranberries. 8&G9c per pound; quinces, 5075c per box. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 78o per pour.d; sun-dried sacks or boxes, 45c; apri cots. llV412c, jeaches, 8llc; pears, OSJSc; prunes. Italian, 23l&c; silver, extra cholc, fi6c; French, VAQ-ZlAa; figs, California blacks. 34c; do white 5e; plums, pltless, -white, Co per pound; Persian dates, 6c per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 8l0c per pound. Wool Vail ey, nominal, ll14o; Eastern, Oregon. 8&12Uc; mohair, 2121c per pound. Sheepskins Shearings, 1520c: short wool, 250.35c ; medium-wool, 30ff60c: long-wool, 60cO $1 each.' Tallow Prime, per pounds 4Q4c; No. 2 and grease, 2QZc TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. VessdfsGhartered or Available for Grain Ca?g6s3 1 - "r From the Northwest, FOR PORTLAND' ; Name. Flag and rig. Master. From. Consignees. mountain, vrlth bead perfect, each. $3 08; wolf, prairie (coyote), with heAd perfect, each, 4060c; wolf; prairie Ccoyote), without head, each, 3050c; wolverine, each, S47; beaver, per skin. large, $S&8; do medium, S3$4; do small, $11 60; da kits. 50073c. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereals at Americas ana Foreign Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. Wheat easy on call and steady in the spot' market. Barley futures strong! spot quiet Oats quiet Wheat Shipping. No. I, $1; choice, $l; milling, $1 02&l 05. Barley Feed, 73&76iic; brewing, 0 Oats Red. $105122&. Call board sales; , Wheat Easy; December, H 01; May, 05; cash, ft, Barley-Strong; December, 73c; May, 73c. Corn Large yellow, California, $120 125.1 Sept Sept Aug. 10 July 22 .........INotnia. M,.IFalkIandbank ' Schiller i...JA-rdnamurchan Oct 25?Slrene (Seestern Aug. 3Lord Shaftesbury ..... IPlnmore -July 3Earl Cadogan July 13IPax Aug. 121Torridon July T4Inchcape Rock June 2S(Grnde Duchess Olga July 22TarpenbekN ..'Robt Rlckmers Aug, 23IVendee Aug. 2SlBertha i...lUta Sept Adelphes jCarl - Aug. 15Bardowle Aug. 13Irby July 11 1 Eugenie Fautrel lverna BlacKbraes Duquesne Ernest Reyer Pembrokeshire Selene Wm. Mitchell Arctic Stream. Barmbek Bossuet Jean Bart IDovenby Hall utiunr Anaurus Ilala LaRochefouc'ld xmer Avenger Olivia jDalgonar uier.iui Bidart Ascenzolne Asle Glenerlcht SlRenfloId rtiversfiale Scottish Minstrel Susanna Wendur WIndsbraut Agnes Oswald Castor Palatinla Falls ofTCeMi. 2ft. MIrron aept. iziismllle Oct. SfGalgorm "puna Francisco. Sept 15 AUg. 31 Aug. J5 Oct 29! Aug!"22i Aug; 17 Oct 28i Oct.' 3 Aug. 2SI OCt 9, Oct' Oct 31 Nov. .jThekla Oer". bark Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. harlr SBr. bark D'ch bark Br. bark Br. shin !Fr. bark Ger. ship Ger. ship Fr. hark Ger. bark Ger. shin Fr. bark Ger. bark Br. shlD Br. ship ft. banc Br, bark Br. ship Fr"bark Fr. bark Br. sir. Ger. bark Br. ship Br. ship Ger. bnrk Fr-bark Fr. bark. Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr.hark Nor. str Br. ship Nor. bark Br. chip Br. shlp Fr. bark It ship Fr. bark Br. ship Br. bkt Br. shlD Br. shin Ger. snip Br. ship Jer. Dane Br. ship Br. baric Br. st' Br. str Br. ship Ger. ship Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Rbtfehl Smith. Steinborner Kneorlly S-uermllch Mink Doty Maxwell Williams Reiners Mearns Porter Maheo Hansen Rubarth LeHcgarot Alster Harms Canevet Shoemaker Garrlty Law LeHuedel Wehstir Graham 1921IJapan ... 1781JSL Rosalia .... I227Sta. Rosalia .... 1619 St. Rosalia .... 1410IHonoluJu I....I. 1446Mazatlan , I....I 2273Hamburg 1 1021M. W. & Co. MOIIQUU XVU&JllliL Evans Donnehom Cutting Bowen Erbrechr Houelbeeg 1231 lbSa 14SS Wickham Johnson Henderson Thorburn Heudo WoJd Evans Gunufsen Ibestcr Scott Trapani Mario Qulnn Roberts Porter Mellin Schutt Nlcoll Haase Philip MoMurfry Stewart Esterbrook Hamilton Oltmaun Mahon Simon Aim 1334 Antwern 1391(Llverpool 1502iSydney 1493Antwerp 1657Nazalre 1793'HianburK 2174NagasakT von .(Newcastle 1561 Santos lC43(Honolulu 1320INossi Be S5SMnzatlan 2011Teble Bay 1480Freemantle 1705 Ar.twern 2220ISta. Rosalia Zllo Table Bay 1705! Nantes . 1730iMndaga3car 2767fOrlent Guaymas Table Bay Hull 2239 Hamburg 1739 'An twerp 1700 St. Nasalre 1898. Antwerp 1649Taltal 1497iCoronel 124GPort Natal lTllIHavre 2ll610rlent USGlCoouimbo 1142Panama 25S5Srdney lS47lValparaiso 1700!Nantes 1772ITablc Bay 2039!Hobart 2216iValparaIso 1034PIsasua 2057San Diego 1511 1 Valparaiso 1873 Guaymas 1G9S! Valparaiso 1253Valparaiso 13S0iMelbourne lK3iTocopilia 2332'M&nila 112 ....... 2150; 1853 173S 2163 29S0! Orient Valparaiso Valparaiso 1507)Table Bay Valnaralso Yokohama 130BaIfour 120 M., W. & Co. 90 109 Taylor 135 Ill) "TOlGi'rvin 7i .- ...1 5GTaylor sViV.'.V.V.V.V.'.V.V. HI IE. Baker 12 10 Taylor Total tonnage en route and listed, 112, 40L GRAIN TONNAGE IN THE UIVER Name. and rig. Master. From. Agents or Charteiers. Berth. Fr. bark LeNormancil710 Limerick Pollla Banlc Clearings. The bank clearings for the principal cities of the Nothwest for the week ending Saturday, November 9, were as follows: .. Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Monday S 710,271 $ 718.318 $ 254.004 Tuefday 671.000 703.271 250,881 Wednesday .... 548.582 725.703 223.240 Thursday 605.653 408.400 222,403 Ifrtday 500,508 494,148 21?,0ai Saturday 474,140 OIQ.SW 170,305 Totals .$3,523,000 S3.775.009 $1,842,580 The clearings for the same cities for the cor responding week in former years were as fol lows: . Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. it $2,348,010 $2,071,800 $087,034 lg 2.500.O53 2.807.372 077,876 JS? 2.107,820 1.370,002 787.298 1887 2,28.212 1.383.241 019.48O The exchanges and balances for the same cities yesterday were as follow: twm a ExchatsresL Balances. ?J.lJ?fd $474,140 $.88,413 SiSf. 010.80O 157,509 Tacoma. 170.3C5 45.1(52 Spokane 164.025 23,040 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grntn. Flonr. Etc. : Wheat-Walla Walla, 5757c; bluestem, 58 5SHc; Valley, 6737&c. Oats 06c$l per centaL Flour-Best grades, $2 653 60 per barrel, graham. $2 50. Bai-lty-Feed, $15 5018; brewing. $1610 75 per ton. Mlllstuffs Bran. $15 50017 per ton; mid dlings. $104120 50- shorts, $10817 50;'ehop. $15 Hay-Timothy, $1112; olorer, $707 50; Ore gon wild hay. $66 per ton. Meats and Provision. Mutton Lambs, SHT3C, gross; dressed, 6l.4c per pound: sheep, wethers, 8H3o grow; dressed. C0o per pound; ewes, 3HC, gross; dresed, 50Hc per pound. Htgs Gross. 5&c: dressed, OffOic per pound. Veal-e8Hc Pr pound. Beef Gross, cows, 308Ho; steers, 3J4lc; dressed, C$7e pvT pound. Hams, bacon, etc Portland pack" (Shield brarl) hams, 12i13fcc picnic. 0c peroound; breakfast bacon. 15H16c per pound; bacon. 124c per pound; backs, 12c per -pound; dry salted sides, llo per pound; dried beef, setts. lCc, knuokles, 18e per pound; Eastern pack, hams, large, 12c; medium. 13e; Small, 13ie; picnic. 0?c; shoulders, 05lc; breakfast bacon, 13G14ic; dry-ealted sides. HHG12c; bacon, sides, HUl2c: hacks. ll(312c; butts. fl l0c per pound; dried beef, 15V(17Uc per pound, dry-salted bellies, 12Uc; bacon bellies, 13Hc per pound. Lard Portland (Shield brand), 5s, 12Hc; 10s, 12ic. 60s, 12Uc; Ueroes, llc; Eastern, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 12J4c; 10s, JL2c. gept. 1 carlo p. at, bark ktciu u ouuruam aept. zu weison Br. ship Sept 2J Leyland Bros. Br. shin Oct 5 Werra , Ger. hark Oct 9 Marechal Davou Fr. bark Oct 10 Cleomene Br. shlD Oct 12 Rick. Rlckmers Oer. ship Oct 14 Lady Isabella: Br. ship Jcr "urope Ftbaik Oct 18 Crown of India Br.'bark kx. 10 mesaia Oct 18 G. H. Wappaus uct. is Albania Nor. shin Oct 24 Barnllan Br. ship Oct 24 Thcrnllebank Br. ship Oct 29JGen'l MelJInet Fr. bark Oct 29.Louls Pasteur Fr. bark Oct 29,Rlverslde Br. ship Oct 29)Henriette Ger. bark Oct. 30)Duguesclln Fr. bark jnov. i aenwarzenbek Ger. bark Nicolai uv. -Amirai uornuner wx. bark Nov. 2!Prir.cesse Marie (Dan. bark Winter iu. iiiiL-ajuru ar. Dane Isov. Bjliamorlciere Fr. bark Nov. 6Belan Fr.bark Nov. nFrancols Coppee Fr. bark Nov. 9iLangfnk iBr. str 11641 Valparaiso M Perrlan Guthrie Brunlngs Ogler Learmont Baake McKinley Muller Sauter Ger. ship 'Gerkens Ger. bark1 Mahn Melsom Arthur McBrlde Helllo lattevln McCu'.ly Rasch Caddell Christian Bondrot Douet Rout 1247 Cailao 2238 Penco 857 Honolulu 1711 Nagasaki 1670Nfiwcastle 1829 1393 2070 18S5 1670 1221 1106 HIoko Valparaiso tiooart Nagasaki Valparaiso K'ao Chou Panama SlOSSta. Rosalia 1969Sta. Rosalia 149lHamburg 1471 1 Antwerp 1590 Liverpool 2919 1 Yokohama 1235 Hamburg 1938Sta. Rosalia Balfour (Astoria Epplnger Astoria P.F. M. Co. I Astoria P.F. M. Co., Astoria 1739 12S8 lolS 14H 1710 17301 Liverpool Kiao Chou Newcastle Hull St Nazaire Hong Kong 12966 jMojl Kerr Balfour Balfour Balfour Balfour P.F. M. Co. Kerr Balfour P.F. M. Co Berg Kerr Kerr P. G. Co. Kerr Balfour Girvln Balfour P. F. M, Co. P. G. Co. P.F?M. Co. Balfour P.FrM-CO. Epplnger Berg Balfour Astoria (Astoria Oceanic Astoria Astoria Elevator Stream Stream Stream Stream Mtg'my 2 Mtg'my 2 Col. 1 Stream Mersey I -vmR Weldlar's Sand dock Grn'wch 2 Flour mill Stream Stream Stream Astoria Astoria Total tonnage in port, 49,292. GRAIN TONNAGE EN ROUTE TO P'UGEJT SOUA'ZJ 03 E. Name. Flag, and rlsr. Master. From. Ulster July 31Alsterkamp July 14Alsteruref Sept SjPenrhyn Castle (Milvefton v fMacdairmed .......... Nymphe Oct ll.Belford Oct 12Laomene Sept 14iTravancore Aug. 14)Sprlngbank (Kate Thomas (Senator jErncst LeGouve ... Metronolis Aug. 12 Scottish Loohs Oct 33Glenelvan Paaa of Melford Mareehal Snrhnf Oct 25 Elginshire ..iRdbert Duncan Consignees, Sept 26 .Aug. 23i: .Oct 19 Kenllworth Argyll, Lulgl Ciampa General Roberts Boadicea Salfordia Glenafton Northern Monarch Dendratli Castlo uweenee Ger. ship Ger. ship Ger. bark Brbark Br. ship It. shin Ger. $hlp Br. ship Br. shin Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship ur. oaric Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Am. ship Br. str It str Br. bark Br. ship Br. str Br. baik Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Saelzen Jensen Nelf Evans Clarence Paturzo HUmer McKlnnon Hughes Jones Dobbie Thomas Sutherland Richards Parkhill Robblns Houston Stephens Stott Maclean Taylor Harrison Cocoruilo Fearon Roberts Crisp Watts Nixon Jones Lurchall 2985!Sta. Rosalia 1789Hamburg 2579 Hamburg 1349jHamburg 4 2070Antofag'sla 1562 Liverpool 2049 Yokohama 1771 London 1644 Antwerp 18781 Penco 2235Greenock erpool 1ES9 121 1697 2466 Liverpool Mauritius Acapulco Rio Janeiro l756Cane Town 196ISta. Rosalia 1785lValDarafso 2038Yokohama isi Wei-Hai-wel 2147Sourabaya ananphal Talcahuano Liverpool Valparaiso 110S 17371 2331 22S0 2K05 1914 2S24 2t65jMororan Cailao 114S)Callao Rio Janeiro Shanghai Total tonnage en route and listed, 60,179. .1.-... Chicago Grain and Provisions-. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Wheat had a good business both on the early decline result ing from weak cables nd on the later bulg. December opened Hc down, at 7254735sc, and December continued, mod erate; realizing eased the market to 72?72&c. Commission-houses were buy ers, however, and on the cash demand and reports of continued drouth in the Southwest shorts became nervous and covered. This became a bulge, though a small one, and December sold at 73 73c, closing' steady, c up, at 73c. Corn was dull and small Interest mani fested and unimportant trading. Decem ber closed 34c up, at 59G9. Oats were quiet with a smaller trade today than for several' days past. De cember closed steady, a s"hade Higher, at SSc. Provisions had a dull, but steady mar ket. January pork closed 5o up, January lard 7&c advanced, and ribs 2c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHBAT. Opening. Highest Lowest. Closing. "so'Tijj $0 73U $0 72 731 75 76 75 70tf CORN. .. 58V4 5S1 . . 59ft 59: -. 01 OATS. .. 38J4 38 .. 40 40$ MESS PORK. ..14 85 15 00 14 02 ..10 10 15 22ft 10 LARD. .. 8 50 8 52H 8 50 Tirtri.M o rr a vt n rw " MUUUQ..J. ...... JiM OVUM BOO SHORT RIBS. May 8 70 8 75 8 70 January ...... 7 07 7 72 7 67 May 7 82 7 87 7 82 Cash quotations were as follows Flour-Steady; Winter natents. 3 60; straights. $303 40: clears. J?7Uft3 ): Spring specials, $44 10; patents, $3 35 3 70; straights, $3 203 50. Wheat No. 3, 7171ic; No. 2 red, 7.4 75c. Corn No. 2 yellow, eoc. Oats No. 2 white, 4242c; No 3 white, 4242c Rye No. 2, 60c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 5658c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1M7; No. 1 North western, $1 481 49. Timothy seed Prime, $5 9008. Mess pork Per bbl., $13 80013 90. Lard Per 100 lbs., $8 558 57. Short ribs Sides, loose, $7 S07 95. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed. $7 25a7 50. Sides Short clear, boxed, $7 158 25. On the produce exchange today, the butter market was Arm; creameries, 14 22c; dairies, 13(frl9c. Cheese, steady, 9K610Uc. Eggs, firm; fresh, 22c. Receipts. Shlpm'ts November December May November December May December May ..... January May ... November December 58 59 01 sn ft 88 40& 14 97V 1517V 8 52 855 800 8 72 I72j, T87 $3 50(g) hy gold exports and. tho movement of money There is an-csHm&fed net loss to the banks-of only $S74,00O. The hanks gained $3,G61,G00 through bond payments, and new gold disburse ments In assay office checks, less transfers of money to the West end to the South. The banks lost to the Treasury $2,745,500 through the excess of receipts by that of fice for customs, internal revenue, etc, overpayments on ordinary business, leaving- as the net gains to the banks from the Subtreasury $2,815,700. The banks lost through exports of gold $2,758,700', and through the direct Interior movement, less transfers, $631,000, making together $3,383, 700. Hence the otal loss to the hanks was $574,000. It Is noteworthy that exports of gold were only- $12,000 more than the week's surplus revenues of tho Subtreas ury. a he bank statement showed & loss of $3,703,700 In cash. The discrepancy between this amount and that estimated doubtless arises from the fact that consid erable sums which were paid for bonds were distributed to institutions other than banks; also that the bank average system is to a. great extent responsible for the difference. Loans decreased $4,927,00, indicating liquidation of exchange loan contracts, and deposits were diminished by $7,643,300, or about $1,000,000 less than tho loss of loans and of cash. The surplus reserve was re duced $1,702,785, now standing at $8,033,925. The statement of the associated banks for the week ending today shows; Loans, $SSW5,000; decrease, $4,927,900. Deposits, $950,413,100; decrease, $7,643,300. Circulation $31,821,400; decrease, $54,500. Legal tenders, $68,995,500; decrease, $2,- 79,aw. . Specie, $177,333,260; decrease, $1,124,500. Reserves, $246,294,700; decrease; $3,703,700. Reserve requirements $237,604,775; de crease, $1,910,825. Surplus, $8,029,925; decrease, $1,792,875. Downing, Hopkins & ESTABLISHED 1803. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. RAILROADS. Flour, barrels .. .... 9S rmrt Wheat. busheU 250.000 Corn, bushels 87,000 Oats, bushels ......280,000 Rye. bushels 0,000 Barley, bushela .., 82,000 28,000 1.1.000 103,000 43J.000 ' New Yorlc Gralu and Produce. NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-Flour Receipts, 29,832 barrels; exports, 23,832 barrels. Mar ket, firm, but quiet Winter patents, $3 603 90; Winter straights, $4 304 35; Minnesota patents, $3 9O410; Winter ex tras, $2 602 90; Minnesota straights, $2 90 3 25; Winter low grades, $2 502 60. Wheat Receipts, 45,750 bushels; exports, 35,467. Market, spot, firm. No. 2 red, SClsc, f. 6. b. afloat; No. & red, 80c ele vator; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 81c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 8So f. o. b. afloat. Options" showed moderate weakness as an outcome of foreign selling, local profit taking, easier French markets 'and more liberal Northwest receipts. They finally rallied on active covering, and closed firm at a partial c net advance. May, 80 81c, closed 81c; December, 7979c, closed 79c Hops Quiet; state common to choice, 1901 crop, 1215c 1903 qrop, 914c; ISM crop, egilc; Pacific Coast, 1901 crop, 12 15c; 1900 crop, 914c; 1S99 crop, 6llc. Hides Firm; Galveston, 18c; California 19c; Texas dry, 14&c Wool Dull; domestic fleece, 25fl26c; Tex as, 1617c. European Grain Markets. 'LONDON, Nov. .-Wheat-Cargoes on passage nominal, 'unchanged; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 28s 7d. Eng lish country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 6. Wheat, quiet; No. 1 standard California, 5s lld; wfceat and flour at Paris, dull; French country markets, quiet and steady; weather In England, fine. fc Balfour GRAIN TONNAGE ON PUGET SOUND Butter, Ebbm, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery. 2562Cc: extra fan cy 2727e; dairy. lS22c; store, 1214c Bs-ff 2821o for cold storage; 2122c for .eastern, aoc for fresh Oreron. a Kama. Flag and rig. Master From. Sept loIAleX Black Oct. 2Elba Oct 19 Garsdalo Oct. i5lGalena oept 2oEudora Sept 27Falrwohl Br. bark Ger. str Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Rus. bark Agents or Charterers. McLaughllr 1391London Berth. Bruhn King Chlsnolm Weston Lundbcrg 2f.670rient 1645 London 2169Callao x938CalIao 1344San ulego Total grain tonnage in port, H.07G. P. F. M. Co.. Tacoma .Co Seattle P-F.M Co. Victoria h'pA Tacoma P. F. M. Co. Tacoma Kerr j Seattle sacks. 10c per 100 less than barrels; maple. 1516c per pound. Honey 1215c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails. $1 85; two-pound tails. $3j fancy one-pound hats, $2; one-bait pound fancy flats. $1 25; Alaska tails, 95c; two-pound tolls, $2. uraiu uac-uucutia. $b za per 100 for spot Nuts Peanuts. 6S7C ver nound for rw sua 8c for roasted: cticoanuts, 85a0c per dozen, walnuts. llllo per pound; pine nuts, io 12c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, $4 505 per uiuuif umii, i3ssyic; nmerts, 14014o" fancy pecans, 1414c; almonds, IBSI60 per (UUUU. Hides Dry hides, No. 1. 10 pounds and up, 1515c per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 15c; dry calf. Ko. 1, under 5 pounds, 16c; dryssa.ted. bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 00 pounds and over. S30c; 50 to 60 pounds, 7 Sc; under 50 pounds, and cows, 7c; stags and ts-PeJnutT &? T f0r 8P 5uIIs' sound 55c; klP- 80und. "030 pounds; fcrfScflLS 1 Pounds! 7c5; calf! COal Oil Casts. 20UO r,- nllnn ic; unxs, 14c. barrels. Stock salt 60s. S10 75; mos stos. - Uted 50s, $28; Liverpool, COs, $28; 100s, $27 50; 200s, $27. Vegetables. Fruits, Etc. Vegetables Onions, yeliow, $1 25gl 50; cab bajre, 75c$l; potatoes, 90cQ$l per cental; sweet potatoes, $1 101 25 per cental; toma- tn VtVilV t-titln r .--a -. Ukt z sTn 2.5W&. f,1 PUmPWM. 75c?U squashes. 75crl per 100 poon, fS3 W per dozen; ducks, $34 ror.pOBafls; c&ullflower, 5075c per cUl;srcca sound. undr 10 pounds. 8c: irreen rnai lc per pound less; culls lc per pound less horse hides,, salted, each, $1 508:2; dry, each.' ?11 50; colts' uides, each. 25(350c: goat skins, commcji, each, 1015c; Angora, with wool on, each, 5c$l. Pelts Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, each, $520; cubs, $205; badger, each, 10S40e; wild cat, 2530c: house cat, B&luc; fox, common gray, each, 30650c; do red, each, $i 602; do cross, t-nch. $5915; do silver and black, each, $1000200; fishers, each. $56; lynx, eaclj, $23; mink, strictly No. 1, each, 50c $1 25; marten, dark Northern, $6l2; marten, pale, pine, according to size and color,-$1 00 3; muskrats, large, each, StflOo; skunkach, 2535c; civet or pole cat each 510oiotler, for large prime skins, each, $5$i7; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $2S5; raccoon, for large prime, each, 8o35c; violt, PRINT- CLOTHS LOWER Borden I Believed to Be Trying t9 Bear the Market. FALL RiyER, Mass., Nov. 9. M. C. D. Borden, through his local representatives Is offering, to sell goods to anyone who will buy them at 215-16 cents a yard. All the brokers In this city have been given a chance to purchase and It is understood that the same opportunity has been given to printers In New York and Philadelphia. The goods which are now placed upon the market at reduced prices are the con tracts which the American Printing Com pany has made during the last few weeks and as many of them Were made at 3 to 31-3 cents the moVe is- considered as an attempt to bear the market. NEW YORK, Nov.l-M. CD. Borden has been Interviewed regarding his action in reducing wages 10 net cent at hl VaU River Iron Company mills, and thus plac ing his print cloth factories In Massa chusetts more nearly on a basis with those controlled by the members of the Fall River Association. In explaining the motives which Induced him to order th reduction In wages, Mr. Borden said: "I am perfectly satisfied with the situ ation. My action in reducing wages Is no backdown; it simply means that I will pay no higher than market price for any thing I buy, be it labor or anything else. "The fact remains that when I took up print cloths thei, price wag 2 3-8 cents, and now It Is 3 cents on the other manufactur ers' own showing, and It could have been higher had other manufacturers shown any disposition ta secure that end. I am nof going to shoulder the entire print market, however; if they think bo, they are mistaken. I will pay no more for what I buy than other people, and I can sell as low as any of them." Atchison do pfd - .'. Baltimore & Ohio...... do pfd Canadian Pacific Canada Southern ...... Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi., Ind. & Louis do pfd ......... v Cht. & East Illinois... Chicago & Gr. West.... do A pfd,..., do B pfd... Chicago & N. W Chl R. r. & Pac Chi. Term. & Transfer. do pfd 0., C, a & St. Louis.. Colorado Southern .... do Jst pfd da 2d pfd... Delaware & Hudson... Del., Lack. & Western. Denver & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd qo za pia Oreit Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley ....... do prd Illinois Central .., Iowa Central do pfd .... Lako Erie & Western.. do pfd ., Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Elevated .. Metropolitan Street Ry. Mexican Central Mexican National Minn. & St. Louis MI'sourf Pacific Mo., Kansas & Texas... do pfd New Jersey Central.... New York Central Norfolk & Western.... do pfd ,. Northern Pacific pfd... Ontario & Western Pennsylvania Reading do Jst pfd... do 2d pfd St. Ixiuls & San Tran... do 1st pfd.., do 2d pfd., St. Louis S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway .... do pfd , Texas & Pacific Toledo. SU L. & West. do pfd X , Union Pacific , do pfd , Wabash do pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie, do 2d pfd , Wisconsin Central ...., do pfd , Express Companies Adams , American United States , Wells-Pargo , Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper . Amor. Car & Foundry,, do pfd , American Linseed. OIL: do, pfd Amer. Smelt. & Rcfln., do pfd Anaconda Mining Co...i iirooKiyn Rapid Transit uoioraao uei & iron.. Consolidated Gaa ...... Cont. Tobacco pfd...... General Electric Glucose Sugar ......... Hocking Coal V... International Paper ... do pfd International Power ... Laclede Gas National Biscuit National Salt ...: do pfd .., North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mall Peopls's Gas Pressed Steel. Car....,,. do pfd Pullman Palace "Car. . . Republic Steel do pfd ..., Sugar 4... Coal & Iron. Union Bag & Paper Co. do pfd United" States Leather.. do pfd United States Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel.:... do pfd Western Union a r g" I 8 S 2 ; Sri' ; J I 2 I I ? 38,800 85 ShIi S4ii 43,000 102 10111102 5,000 100Viil08 100 0U 04H 2,200 11 11214 000 &H 84 2,500 48 4S4 1,400 3?H 30 100 77U 77& 2.200 431 43 2001 739 73 100 131 10,600 28 100 80-Ji 1,100 GOV. 800 1.000 0,000 1,300 TOO 200 400 3.100 10,400 0,700 1.000 32,000 1,000 10a 1,200 100 ""006) 7.000 28,7001 Ul.TOO 200 1.100 100 07,300 500 200 10,500 0,800 100 800 3.000 0.200 200 800 1.700 5.400 200 1,300 300; 1.200 14,0001 1474 21 38 lOUVi w 173 ia-H 05 07 I0914 Sir 78 mm 74H 200 02 02 26 82 3,200 43 42' 200 100 100 500 200 1.C00 0,700 4.300 4.200 ' 300 0,000 1,200 000 500 800 21,300 11,00 104 SI" 102 35 78" 55 C2ty ?4 4K-4 21 381 io$ 90 38' 10 31 21 41 131 25 Si 40 147 19 3531 100 14 173 03U 12' 714 57h lUTfc 58ft 78 141 i 73 1108 Ln Hi 48' 37 77 43 73 131 20 88 50 210 14tH 20 37 100 63 25 173 237 1 05y4 m 57 V, 109 59 77 141-h 40 77 73 ft 131 loa 103VJ 54 13 'AilWRia if.tinj. EAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floar Chamber of Commerce FREE FOR WEAK MENl Msa Oib Gat I prop. nuDSON'S pills free. iusa uH vre I pROF HUDSON'S SUSPENSORY FIIEE. !Tll'BS Flfl) I j PROF. HUDSON'S COMPOUND FREE. prVERT MAN WHO READS THIS NOTICE CAN GET A - comolet outfit free. All you have ta do ts. to write for Trhat yoa wsnt trta. Tou can nqir give theo remedies a good trial at no cost to yourself. SEND FOR FRBB TRIAL. TROF. HUDSOH'S PILLS cure premature&ess. of din charge ta ten days. PROF. nt'DSOH'S PILLS AM COMPOUND cure VARICOCELE. ATROPHT. EXUAL DE CAT and victims of early errors. Tou can stop your NIOHT LOSSES. EMISSIONS. BAD DREAMS and LOSS OF POWER. Ton pan r thn Rnjion mvx1 free Send for thnn. PROP. HUDSON'S PILLS cure pain In the back, side face, llmbe. PROF. HUDSOJTS PILLS' curs LOSS OF APPETITE, LOSS OF ENERQT. NIGHT SWEATS. NIGHT VISIONS. MELANCHOLIA. QUICKNESS OF DISCHARGE. FAINTING3. BLUES. SPERMATORRHOEA. NERVOUS DEBIHTT. BXHAU8TV TKQ DRAINS, INSOMNIA. SEMINAL EMISSIONS, UNFITNESS TO MARRY. 8TOPS ALL LQSSE8 by day or night Toe can get a. complete trial outfit free. Young, middle-aged and old men auffertnst from the bad effects of GLEET, Im properly treated. STRICTURE. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and LOST MANHOOD will fntd PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS, PROF. HUDSON'S COMPOUND AND SUPPORT- Just Trtsat Is needed for a cure. PROSTATITIS and disorders of ths prostate glands are quickly cured by PROF. HUDSON'S FILLS. Bend for & frea and complete- trial outfit free. You can get this trial fre. so when you are cured you may speak a good -word for PROF. HID SON'S GOOBS. t Tou con have a free and entirely complete trial outfit Just by writlns for them. Only one set will be sent to each man. and no man ran tret but one fre. . Vrlte to-day. AddrcM PROF. J. H. HUDSON, 40 Ellis atreet, Ssm Francisco, Cat, Department 12. J FSEE I WeaK I Men R34 A iS mw generous jp5 Generous Oiler to WcaK Men.' .fJiF1011?01?.1 I AND SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT I AK GOING TO GIVB T5firoin? ApplUnce to any sutTerer w ba writes at once. This Is not a trial offer. The sppllanee is yours for the esfchjg. All I want ou to da la to nrorai that wh tbh SUJ5T7 70S m li t110" friends and neighbors It was due to my wonderful Mtpse ?!3 Appliance. Remember. I tsk no mo dt for the appUcance. My appliance Is the one S5BPati?7-S's?5SK "SSii.JS: .'"V care all NERVOUS and SEXUAL DIS nrnWSL'S?' ST0.9,H' UVEK. BLADDER and KIDNEY TROUBLES. VARI COOELE. IMPOTBNCT. etc. Will restore new life to the nertcs: will make you a. perfect man. write to-cay, stating the facta of your case pUlnly state your symptoms and your nam measure, and tbe annllaace will be sent -nn f la a.., vrrrfo r a Trnrm Department 12. 40 Ellis street, San Francisco , Cal. t FfiEE I for 1 WeaK I Men i Send No Money. lt.V,,i 34U 714 U.I 210 00 120 02U 15K 800 02 1 344 21U 30' lUIhs 20i 10 HS'A fiMS 43U n2t 02'. of74 03 ais-x "Oft 225 UK 19U 7Wj 8S 20 C2i, 03 03 Vi 48& 104 4454 S4 218 154 ll0',s C2 14 72 12',a 81 14 48V? 43I onds, 20c; fancy dairy, 22o per pound; do seconds, 18c. Cheese Young America, 12c; Eastern, 1315c per pound. Receipts Flour, quarter sak9, 13,222; wheat, centals, 126,234; oats, centals, 2200; barley, centals, 13,155; do Oregon, 560; beans, 13,047; potatoes, saoks, 3100; mid dlings, sacks, 831; bran, sacks, 450; hay, tons, 615; wool, bales, 386; hides, 321. MORGAN BUYING SHIPS. It In Said He Ha Control of tVhlte Star and Dominion LIncK, LONDON, Nov) 9. The Sunday Special, on the authority of its New York cor respondent, will announce tomorrow that J. P. Morgan has acquired the "White Star Line, and that he has secured a contract to purchase the Dominion Line. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Cattle Receipts, 900. Market, steady. Good to prime, nom inal, $6G 0; poor to medium, 53 606 M): stockers and feeders, $24 25; cows, $1 2S$ 5 40; canners. 51 252 25; bulls, $1 754 60; calves. $2 506 25; Texas steers, $34; Western: steers, ?3 656 45. Hogs Receipts today, 19,000; Monday, 34,090; left over, SOCO. Market, active and steady; strong. Mixed and butchers, $6 CO 5 CO; good to choice heavy, $5 601fC: rough heavy, 5 355 55; light, ?5 355 65; bulk ,of sales, ?5 60J?5 75. Sheep Receipts, -1CC0. Market, steady. Lambs, steady; good to choice wetners, $3 504 25; fair to choice mixed, $2 90 3 40; Western sheep, S3g3 bo; native lambs. $2 453 SO; Western lambs, 53C3 59. qulry for wool during the week, but busi ness was slow, owing to steadiness of holders. The arrivals for the .next series of auction sales number 233.603 bales. In cluding 5S.0OO forwarded direct. Football Hnlr Qnecred Him. Stalwart of frame, and with a mass of tangled football hair mopping his head, James Grepn appeared yesterday before Municipal Judge Cameron, charged with drunkenness, and It was noticed that tho Judge's eyes gleamed In recognition. "How long Is it since you have previ ously appeared before this court?" asked His Honor. "Nlvir wanse, sor," ans wered Green, in rich Irish. The Judge shook his head doubtfully, and said he had seen those football locks before., but Green said: "No, sor." "Perhaps it was another football man. Judge," suggested Deputy City Attorney Davlri. Green was fined ?2. Total sales for 'the day. 602.5C0 shares BONDS. U. S. 2s, ref. reg.ioff do coupon 100 do SS, reg 103 do coupon 108 do new 4s, reg.,130 : do coupon ......130 do old 4, reg....H2?4 do coupon 112 do Cs. reg 107 do coupon 107 Atchison adj. 4s... 03U C. & N.TV. con. 7s.l37 D. & R. 3. 4s 103 N. Y. Cent, lsfs.-iavx: Northern Pac. 3s.. 72 d? I0414 Union Pacific 4.1.. .10.11. Wis. Cent. lata.... 88 West Shore 4s 112v4 aoutnern Pac. 4s.. 04 NEW YORK BANKS. Statement Slicrtvs a Loss of $3,703,700 in Cash. NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-The Financier savs; A striking feature of that movement of money which affected the bank state ment pf this week Is that the net gain resulting from Subtreaaufy operations, In cluding payments to these Institutions for bonds, and new gold les3 excess receipts by the Treasury on the fiscal operations, nearly offset the loss to the barika caused , SAJV FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. Wool Spring Nevada. 1012c per pound; East ern Oregon, 1013c: Valley.- Orecron. lard) 15c Fall Mountain lambs, 6Sc; Han Joaquin plains," 68c; Humboldt and Men docino, 1012&c. Hops 1015c per pound. Hay Wheat?9g12; wheat and oats, $8 50 11 50; best barley, $9; alfalfa, 10; clover, J57 per ton; straw, 2515c per bale. Vegetables Green peas, 23c per pound; string beans, 2&3c per pound; idmatoes, 4060c; cucumbers," S0S0c per box; Chile green peppers, 25&50c. Mlllstuffs Middlings, 2020 50; bran, J17o018 per ton. Onions Yellow, $1 351 50. Potatoes River Burbanks, 60?f(rac; Sa linas Burbanks-, $1 101 40; Oregon Bur banks, ?1 20SH 35; sweets, 4075c per cen tal. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, ll15c; do hens, 1415c per pound; old roosters, $3 W 4 per dozen.; young roosters, '$3 504; small broilers-, ?33 50; large broilers, $3 23!92 50; fryers. J2 603 50; hens, ?44 E0; old ducks, $3 B0tj4 per dozen; goslings, $1 501 75; old pigeons,- $1 2501 75; young pigeons, $1 G01 75 per dozen. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 75c; choice, $2 50; Mexican limes, Ul 50; oranges, navels, ?3 50 per box. Pineapples $34. Eggs Fancy ranch, 41c per dozen; 'store 32c; Eastern, 25c. Apples Choice, $1 35; common, 30c per box. Grapes Isabella, 7585o per box. Bananas SI 753 per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery, 27c; d,o bcc- Coffee and Sngar. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Coffee futures opened steady in tone with prices un changed to 5 points lower, and closed firm In tone with prices 20 to 2 points net higher. Sales, 78,030 bags, Including De cember, at J6 SOg7; March, 577 30; July, 57 457 65. Sugar Raw, steady; fair refining, 3Vic; centrifugal, 96 test, 3c; molassos sugar, 3c. Refined, quiet; standard A, ?4 80, con fectioners A, $4 SO; mold A, 5 35; cut loar, ?5 50; crushed, $5 50; powdered, J5 10; granulated, $5; cubes, 53 25. Coffee Spot Rio, firm; No. 7 invoice, 7c; mild, steady; Cordova, 7&gllc. Dismissed for Want of Equity. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. The case of Ferdi nand Schumacher against the American Exchange National Bank and others was dismissed for want of equity by Judge Kohlsaat In the United States District Court today. Schumacher alleged that 5100.O00 in shares of the American Cereal Company stock, owned by him and held by the defendants aa collateral, were sold contrary, to promise, and that the sale was at a figure bplow the market value of the stock. Judge Kohlsaat held that the alleged promise did not constitute valid contract. Exports and Import. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. The Imports of dry goeds and merchandise at the port of New York for this week are valued at 512.155,051. Exports of specie from this port to all countries tor the week aggregate SS24.C72 in silver and 52,S771S gold. The imports of specie this week were 52b9,40S gold, and ?i:J2,2b2 silver. Dar Silver. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Bar silver, per ounce. 57tfc SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. Bar silver, G7c Per ounce. LONDON, Nov. 9. Bar silver, per ounce. 26 7-16d Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. Today's state "ment of the Treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of the 5150,000 0"0 gold reserve in the division of redemp tion, shows? Available cash balances 5175,4i4,6 Gol(l ' 110,401,'i22 Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9.-Sterling on London, 60 days. ?4 84; do sight, $4 87. Mexican dollars, 47s?M7,5c. Drafts, sight, 10c; do telegraph, 12c. LONDON, Nov. 9. Money, 142 per cent. Northwest Pensions. WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. Pensions have been granted as follows: Oregon: Increase, restored, reissuance, etc. Mexican war, Moses Farrott, Rose burg, 512. Idaho: Increase, restored, reissuance, etc. Joshua B. Carey. Green Creek, $12. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED, Stock Companies Organized. Charters Secured In any State. Stocks and Bonds underwritten or Sold under guarantee ami on commission. Good Inventions Marketed. Cash furnished for any good enterprise. DANIELS & COMPANY, BANKERS, C WALL ST., NEW YORK. Ateo London. Phlla.. Boston. San Francises. Oured While In Fifteen Days Any suflerer from STRICTURB and Its off spring. VARICOCELE. Prostatitis and Sem inal Weakness. Is Invited to cut out the coupon below, write his name and address plainly, mall It to fit. James Medical AscTn, 244 St. Jamfcs Bid.. Cincinnati. O.. and they will send their Illustrated Treatise, showing the parts vi me maie sjFxcm involved in urethral ailments. PREPAID. FREE FREE TREATISE COUPON. ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 244 St. Jnmci Dldpr, Cincinnati, O. Please send me a copy of your Illustrated "Work upon the Male Sexual System, se curely sealed, PREPAID, FREE of all CHARCBS. " Nninc Address ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 214 St. JnmcM Rldsr., Cincinnati, O. is Icleres ted and should knoir about tho wonderf nl MARVEL Whlrlino Sorav New Ladles Byrinjrt Best, Safest. Most Convenient. patented. L ;car Jitwsn.t for It. Jf h oarnot supply tho 3IAItVK. aeccDt no uiuci, uubwiiu owiinp lor v tittrfttfel honlf !.! It irl. V'. full psrUrulara and iirertionn.ln- MHnbla to lftfll. Wtliw.l.rn B01 Mission St., San Francisco For sale by Toodard. Clark & Co. and drug. Ctsta zenerally. r . P'Tu MUPMSfk j " W V"C ft CHICHESTCR'S ENGLISH TnnT end Onlr fluulir. SAFE. '- flUbla IjiUe,uk Drn tft ror utlluxLtJjXXulVli j-.miiaau. , Hops at London. LONDON, Nov. 9. Hops Pacific Coast steady, 3 os to 3 15s. London Wool Auctions. LONDON, Nov. 9. There was a fair In- I la RED awl Gold mttallto boxu. ta!xt I !U Mac ribbon. Take no Uier. Refine I I)aafftrona.HuUUtatloa( add Imlta. Uooa. By ar year OrnKiiu or Mad 4. la toip 1 ftr Partleolars, TettaaonIala sd "RenertbpLadle.'nMir,br re turn Mall. 1 0.000 TutimtillL S.UIit "" allDnitzlit. Clil-')i,ii!-nl.iai..iniL tatka this MBir. MndUoo Sao are. PlllLjL. PA. MEN? No Cure , o Pay THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A positive way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures jou without medicine of all nervous or diseases of the generative or gans, sueh as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele. Impotency. etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect health and strength. Write S,r. V.rSu.IaW Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-48 Safe Deposit building. Seattle. "Wash. ; remedy guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak i . v ---, - . fvrm m vcuciativc jnrans. caused by youthful errors, excessive use of stimulants wSch lSdlo Infirmity or Insanity. Can be earned in vest pocket. Srronern' ZZzXfr bT p7?Jt Clrcular frec- AltdrustL Tt& J 5. no other. Manufactured by the Pcau Medicine Co., ParFrancc! v Iae-2avl3 Drnsr Co. distributinir &.-, Drnc Co distributlne arrests. THiaP AKD YAHHTU, Sis., POKTtAHD. OR00.