The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1901, PART THREE, Page 22, Image 22

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2Z .
British Steamship Langbanlc Arrives
for 3Vneat Fleet of. Sailer v
Off the River.
Portland got out six wheat and flour
c&nroes In five days last week, the Nesaia,
which finished Friday and cleared yes
terday, making the elxth, an average of
xnore than a cargo per day for the week.
This is a good starter for the month, and
with the tonnage now on hand to be load
ed will Insure a November fleet of over 20
vessels. The week's fleet of six vessels
carried nearly 500,000 bushels of wheat and
over 22,000 barrels of flour. The Nesaia,
which was the last of the fleet to finish,
carried 101,571 bushels of wheat, which was
over 1000 bushels more than was carried
by the same ship when she loaded "here
a year ago. The vessels finishing during
the week, with the number of bushels, of
wheat carried, were as follows:
Name bushels.
Lady Isabella U.2W)
Leyfand Brothers .126,239
G. H. "Wappaus 67,517
Albania 67.340
Crown of India .107,980
Nesaia .101.571
Total r. 4&.307
Xady Isabella 101.668
Total ' 5S3.S75
Flour reduced to wheat. -
The record of a cargo a day may "not
"be maintained for the coming week, but
as a number of big carriers wIlL finish, the
amount of wheat set afloat will be about
equal to that of the' past week. Exclusive
of the ships which have finished, there are
still 16 chartered vessels In the river, near
ly all of which will get away before the
end of the month. The Albania left down
yesterday morning, and the VTappaus will
follow today. None of the loaded fleet in
the lower harbor went to sea yesterday,
and t may be several days yet before a
start will be made with them.
American Mail Route Saves Time
From. Australia to Europe.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. When the Cunard
liner Umbria bails this morning she will
carry a batch of mall matter that arrived
In San Francisco on last Monday on the
steamship Ventura, from Sdney and
Auckland. It will be the speediest mail
delivery ever accomplished In the world
more than half way around the clobe by
steam at sea and steam on land, and
steam at sea again. In less than SO days.
The New York Central railroad will de
liver the mall bog which Includes several
"bags on board the Cunarder, within nve
minutes of her sailing time this morning,
and the steamship will have the letters In
the London postofilce on the morning of
November 16. It will beat the fiction of
Phineas Fogg by 20 days.
The Ventura left Melbourne, Australia,
on October 14 bound for San Francisco,
by way of Sidney, Auckland and Hono
lulu. From Melbourne to San Francisco
the distance is about 9200 miles; from
Sydney it is about 8500 miles; from Hono
lulu 2600 miles. The Ventura stopped at
each of these ports. She arrived at Syd
ney late on the 15th, and her average
speed was about 400 kHOts in the 24 hours.
From Sydney It took her three days to
Auckland, and from Auckland to oHnolulu
21 days.
Her passage from Honolulu to the Gold
en Gate was exceptionally speedy, al
though It did not break the record. The
Ventura anchored in American waters on
the morning of November 4. The mail
bags were brought ashore and placed on
the regular mall trains of the Southern
Pacific and then run over the Union Pa.
cine, the Burlington and the Lake Shore
and then to the New York Central.
The first feat of this -sort was on Sep
tember 7. The run was made over the
Central and the mall was put on board
the Campania on that date and delivered
In the London .postofilce and made ready
for distribution on the morning of Sep
tember 14.
This run was not like that which will be
finished this morning. A special train was
run on the Lake Shore road from Chicago
to Toledo and ripped over the rails at 60
miles an hour, overtaking the fast mail,
which had left two hours before. Todaj 's
mall delivery will be "by regular trans
continental mall trains.
The extreme distance from Melbourne
to London by way of San Francisco and
New York is 15,265 miles. Nearly 11,000
miles of the new route between England
and Its far-away colony are covered b
American ships and railway trains. The,
"beating of the last record of 31 days will
prove that mall can be taken through
New York more quickly than through the
Suez Canal and much more quickly luan
oy tne all-water route.
Arrived on Time. -
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. A consignment of
mall, which left Sydney. Australia, Oc
tober IB, for London, England, by tho
American route. nrrlvp1 in tw nitv at
10:40 this morning, and was dispatched
on xne steamsmp umona, which left for
London this afternoon. The mail arrived
on the Ventura at San Francisco Novem
ber 4, and was carried across the continent
by regular mall trains. The time consumed
In the transmitting of the mall from
Sydney to London will be about 31 days a
feaving of four days ver the Suez Canal
Bis Freighter Conies In Before a
' Westerly- Gale.
The big tramp" steamer Lanjibank ar
rived in yesterday afternoon, after a long
passage irom iioju She comes to Port
land for a wheat cargo, and will,, carry
over 6000 tons. The Langbank is a modern-built
freighter of 2966 tons net and
4399 tons gross register, and is 3S2 feet
long, with 47.1 feet beam and 21.7 feet
depth of hold. The steamer was not built
zor speed, and her slow passage across the
Pacific Is not altogether due to the bad
weather, as her power Is much lighter
tnan taat or similar-sized ships which
have recently loaded at Portland. She has
triple compound engines, with 23, 40U and
6S-Inch cylinders, by 48-Inch stroke. The
Langbank will be of material assistance In
swelling the November shipments, as she
will carry as much as two average-sized
eauiufe vcsacifi.
Morgan Said to Be Negotiating for
Part of Hamburg-American Line.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. When an attempt
was maae to interview Emil Boas, man
ager in this country of the Hamburg-
American line, concerning the report that
Herr Balln, director of the Hamburg
American Company. Is In London trying
to arrange the sale of 18 steamers It is
Believed to j. . jsiorgan he expressed
surprise at the information cabled, and
would only add:
"This is all news to me. " I have not
heard a single word from Hamburg to in
dicate this. I cannot discuss it at all."
Grain Ships From Portland, Tacoma
and San Francisco to Race.
The British ships East Indian, Eden
ballymore and Australian, all owned by
Lang & Fulton, of Greenock, and all built
at Port Glasgow, sailed from Portland,
Tacoma and San Francisco, respectively,
on October 16 for Queenstown or Falmouth
for orders. The owners and other ship
ping men arc much Interested in the out
come of this race around the world. Judg
ing by the records of past performances.
'.Portland la at a decided dlsadvant&irft In
this contest,, as we have the slowest ship.
The Australian and the Edenballymore
have both made fast passages out of here,
but the East Indian proved a slow mover
when she sailed from this port. However,
the fresh water of the "Willamette sent the
craft out with a good, clean bottom, which
of itself Js as good as a 10 days handicap
when compared with the shape that both
of the other ship? will go out In. If the
East Indian does not lead the trio into
Queenstown, she will not be far behind
1 '
French Bark, Three-Masted Ship and
Four-Masted Barkentine Ontside.
The southerly weather of the past few
days Is bringing up another fleet of ves
sels, and, while none of the grain ships
except the steamer Langbank arrived In
yesterday, a fleet Is reported outside. A.
M. Sampson's clipper barkentine Addenda
arrived in from Callao yesterday after
noon. The exact run made by the vessel
is not known "as yet, but as she was in
port at Callao September 10, she has un
doubtedly made pretty fast time. She ar
rived in about 1 o'clock, and soon "after
she reached port another four-masted
barkentine was reported outside, together
with a three-masted ship and a French
There are so many vessels due about
this time that it would be a difficult mat
ter to make an accurate guess as to the
identity of the strangers, but the French
bark is probably the Grande Duchess Olga.
The'barkentime Renfleld Is out 38 days
from Plsagua, but that is too near to a
record-breaking passage for her, and the
vessel is probably a coaster.
First July Ship.
The British ship Nlvelle, which had a 10
day start of the Madagascar, which led
the 1901-02 Portland grain fleet into Queens
town, arrived out at the Irish port Fri
day, after a good passage of 129 days,
which was one day better than an average
passage, but over two weeks slower than
the run made by the Madagascar. The
tail-enders of the old-season fleet are still
on the way, but will undoubtedly be heard
from within a few days.
Canard Liner Delayed.
QUEENSTOWN. Nov. 9. The Cunard
line steamer Campania, from New York
November 2 for Liverpool, which arxiv ed
here this morning, was delayed 21 hours by
terrific gales,
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
'ASTORIA, Nov. fl.-Salled At S.15 A. M.,
tug5 Vosburg, for Nehalem; at 9:50, iteamer
Columbia, for San Francisco. Left up
At 9.15 A M., French bark Belen, French
bark Lamoriclere. Arrived At 3 P. M.,
British steamship Langbank, from Moji;
at 1:35 P. M., American bark Addenda,
from Callao for Knappton; at 4 P. M.,
steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. Re
ported outside at 4 P. M. French bark,
three-masted ship and four-masted bark
entine. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.,
moderate; wind west, with sdualls.
Tacoma, Nov. 9. Arrived Sohooner
Robert Lewors, from Honolulu; steamer
Washtenaw, from San Francisco; ship
Florence, from Honolulu; German steamer
Barneses, from Seattle; British steamer
Queen Adelaide, from Hong Kong. Sailed
Bark Highland Light, for San Francisco;
Russian bark Fahrw o.d, for Queenstown.
Havre, Nov. 9. Arrived La Champagne,
from New York.
Queenstown, Nov. 9. Arrived Cam
pania, from Liverpool.
New York, Nov. 9. Arrived Philadel
phia, from Southampton"; Lucanla, from
Liverpool; Phoenicia, from Hamburg.
Naples, Nov. 9. Arrived Sicilian, from
New York.
San Francisco, Nov. 9. Arrived Steamer
Santa Ana, from Seattle; Gotama, from
Coos Bay. Sailed Steamer Geo, W. Elder,
for Astoria, ship America, for Comox;
steamer Progreso, for Seattle; schooner G.
W. Wntson, for Portland; schooner W. F.
Tewett, for Tacoma.
New York, Nov. 9. Sailed Mesaba, for
London; Rotterdam, for Rotterdam; Co
lumbia, for Naples; Umbria, for Liverpool;
Pretoria, for Hamburg.
Hankow Arrived Nov, 6-pceano, from
Portland. Or., via Muroran, .tc
Hong Kong, Nov. 9. Arrived previously
Breamer, from Seattle via Yokohama.
Yokohama, Njov. 9. Arrived preiously
Coptic, from San Francisco and Honolulu
for Hong Kong.
Genoa, Nov. 9. Sailed Fuerst Bismarck,
for New York.
Antwerp, Nov. 9. Sailed Haverford, for
New York.
Ha re, Nov. 9 Sailed La Bretagne, for
New York.
Liverpool, Nov. 9. Sailed Etrurla, for
New York.
Queenstown, Nov. 9. Sailed Celtic, from
Liverpool for NewiSork.
Bremen, Nov, 9. Sailed Kpenigen Luis,
for New York. - 'J
Cherbourg, Nov. 9. S: Had St Paul,
from Southampton for New York.
Auckland, Nov. 9. Sailed Sierra, from
Sydney, N. S. W., for San Francisco.
Thomas Buckman Again Advances a
Plea 'for Socialism.
MARSHFIELD. Nov. S.-(To the Editor.)
.It is a known fact In history that where
there has been any great change-, political,
moral or social, it has been at first an
nounced by the few and condemned by the
The institution of slavery when it ex
isted here In the United States wag op-4
posed, as being morally wrong, by a few
who were known as rabid Abolitionists.
They drew vivid pictures of danger afieaa,
but the masses appeared to be contented
with the then existing conditions. It is
needless to say that tho Abolitionists were
the true prophets, or to more than refer
to the matter, that the great common
mass of the people were asleep to the4
coming storm that was to break so sud
denly over their heads. That our present
condition Is perfectly safe It would be un
wise to say.
In I860 there were none able to picture
out what the next five years would bring
them; so It Is now there is nobody pos
sessed with authority to speak authen
tically for the next five years. That affairs
are badly out of balance among men all
will admit. While one man receives as
wages- $1 for 10 hours labor, and another
roan receives at the Tate of over four dol
lars a minute for the 10 hours each day
there is a stretch of difference drawn out
so far that there is a liability to break at
most any time.
I will admit that the word 'socialism"
Is possessed of a vagueness that renders
It very uncertain as to what It is or
where It would lead to so far as the com
mon mind is concerned, and they are not
much to blame who associate socialism
with anarchy. In fact, the words Chris
tianity, Altruism, Socialism and Anarchy
all start from about the same point, but it
is after they start out towards actual
exemplification that the difference makes
Itself manifest I will drop any consider
ation of Christianity and Altruism and
will consider socialism and anarohy as
starting off together. They both agree
perfectly that it is right for the individ
ual to have all the liberty possible so long
as he admits to every other individual
the same rights. They get along very
nicely together until they come to a
point of rights which It Is difficult to de
termine to whom they may properly be
long; there is where they get apart and
very widely apart, too.
Anarchy being without law every one
becomes a law unto himself. Many a poor
fellow has swung to a limb through a
manifestation of anarchy; the negro in
committinghIs crime, and as h6 roasts
at the staKe; both acts are anarchy bear
ing fruit; the fellow who, unwisely at the
time, expressed his dissatisfaction with
the administration of President McKlnley
at the time of his assassination, and had
his choice to accept a coat of tar and
feathers or immediately leave the country,
felt the hand of anarchy upon him.
Socialism is the highest manifestation
of law A(d order that the people are able
to attain to, both being the expression, as
nearly as possible, of tho will of -the peo
ple as decided by a majority vote.
That eome who proclaim socialism may
be emotional and act in many ways with
out reason no one can deny, but that so
cialism of itself la emotional is equivalent
to saying that any good thing Is emo
tional. The socialism we already, have, is
neither emotional nor unreasonable; we
will cite, for instance., all streets and pub
lic highways, our school system, to the
extent it dealsallke with all; our postal
system; our courts, bo long as they carry
out their Intent of doing Justice to all par
ties; and our cities where they hold and
operate public utilities for the general
welfare rather than for profit. There Is
no part in the above cited Instances that
tho people would wish restricted; and no
candid thought can admit of but one
course, and that Is to enlarge rather than
to restrict the field of public control.
Socialism is something that has come
forward for consideration, and It Is go
ing to be considered, and the more thor
oughly It Is understood the more favora
ble Is going to be fhat consideration.
Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered by
Famous Doctor-Scientist That Cures
Every Known 4 Ailment.
Wonderful Cures Are Effected, That Seem
Lixe Miracles Performed The
Secret of Long Life of 01 dV
en Times Revived.
The Remedy Is Free to All Who
Send Xame and Address.
After years of patient study, and delv
ing into the dusty record of the past, as
well as following modern experiments In
the realms of medical science. Dr. James
W. KIdd. 1634 First National Bank build
ing, -Fort JWayne, Ind., makes the start
ling announcement that he has surely
discovered the elixir of life. That he is
able with the aid of a mysterious com
pound, known only to himself, produced
as a result of the years he has spent in
searching for this precious life-giving
boon, to cure any and every disease that
Is known to the human body. There Is
no doubt of the doctor's earnestness in
making his claim, and the remarkable
cures that he is daily effecting seems to
bear him out very strongly. His theory
which he advances is one of reason and
based on sound experience in a medical
practice of many years-. It costs nothing
to try his remarkable "Elixir of Life.,,,as
he calls iC for he sends it free to anyone
who is a sufferer, In sufficient quantities
to convince bt its ability to cure, so there
is absolutely no risk to run. Some of
the cures -cited are very remarkable, and
but for reliable witnesses would hardly
be credited. The lame have thrown away
crutches and walked about after two or
three trials of the' remedy. The sick,
given up by home doctors, have been re
stored tp their families and friends in per
fect health. Rheumatism, neuralgia,
stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood and
skin diseases and bladder troubles disap
pear as by magic. Headaches, backaches,
nervousness, fevers, consumption, coughs,
colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all
affections of the throat, lungs or any
vital organs are easily overcome In a
space of time that is slmplv marvelous.
Partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia,
dropsy, .gpnt, scrofula and piles are quick
ly and permanently removed. It purifies
the entire system, blood and tissues, re
stores normal nerve power, circulation
and a state of perfect health Is produced
at once. To the doctor all systems are
alike and equally affected by this great
"Elixir of Life." Send for the remedy to
day. It is free to every sufferer. State
what you want to be 'cured of and the
sure 'remedy for it will be sent you free
by return mall.
A R:imrkabc Dfscovzry Has Been Made
Whereby All Afflicted With Epi
lepsy or Fits' Can b Per
manently Cured.
Many disastrous and fatal accidents have
been directly caused through Epilepsy or Fits.
Not long ago a prominent actress marred an
entire performance by having an epileptic lit,
and recently a New York paper published an
account of a joung lady being seized with a
fit and falling from the third floor of a build
ins sustaining fatal Injuries; but it was left
for a citizen of Vlnlta, I. T., to hae the most
exciting experience- on record. In the Spring
of 'BO John Chouteau, while on his pony near
"Vmlta, I. T, suddenly uttered a heartrending
jell and fell from his cony, his feet still in
the stirrups The pony became frightened and
started to run; Bill Nodway, who was hear by,
made a great lasso throw, caught the pony
and saved Chouteau's life. Chouteau had been
warned not to ride, as he was subject to ter
rible attacks of epilepsy since infancy the
attacks coming sometime three or four times
a week. Chouteau about this time began tak
ing Dr. Fred B. Grant's cure for Epilepsy,
and. to quote his own words, "I have neve?
had an attack since." As this occurred in '96,
he la beond a doubt permanently cured. Br.
Fred E. Grant spoken of in the above is a
renowned physician, -who has made a life
study of the cause and cure of Epilepsy or
Fits. He has prepared a remedy, which Is a
purely vegetable compound, and he emphat
ically states that this preparation will perma
nently and positively cure fits in all Its forms,
no matter from what cause. He wishes to
convince every one that hia statement la a
fact, he therefore asks every person In the
"United States suffering with Epilepsy or Fits to
f:end their name and address to Dr. Fred E.
Grant, 022 New Ridge Building, Kansas City.
.Mo., and receive absolutely free a large bot
tle of this wonderful remedy. Remember, It
Is not a sample bottle, but a large, full 10
ounce bottle, and It costs you nothing. From
the marvelous cures that have been made It
can be positively stated that every case will
be permanently cured that takes this treat
ment Our advice is, write today and take ad
vantage of this generous offer.
Famous After-Dinner Speeches. Classic and
Popular Lectures. Best Occasional Ad
dresses. Reminiscence, Anecdote, Re
partee and Story nmmmmmm.
Hon. TTHos. B. R.eed
Hon. Justin McCarthy, M. P.,
Clark Howell, Rossiter Johnson.
Albert Ellery Bergh, Jonathan P.
Dollher, Edward Eerert Hale Na
than Haskell Dole. George McLean
Harper, John B Gordon. James B.
Pond, Lorenzo Sears Truman A
Dewcese, Edwin M. Bacon, Champ
A -Partial
List of
Joseph H. Choate,
Mark Twain.
Frederick Coudert,
Horace Porter,
George William Curtis,
Chauncey M Depew,
Qhas. A. Dana,
Sir Edwin Arnold,
James Russell Low ell,
Henr Ward Beecher,
Albert S. Beerldge,
Tunis G. Bergen,
James M. Beck,
Charles Francis Adams,
, Matthew Arnold,
James G. Blaine,
Vm Jennings Bryan,
Andrew Carnegie,
Henry Watterson,
Joseph Chamberlain,
Hampton L. Carson,
Edward Everett
Joseph Chamberlain
Lewis E Carr,
Oliver "Wendell Holmes,
Randolph Churchill,
Robert Colljer,
Charles Emory Smith,
Roscoe Conkllng,
Captain Coughlln.
Grover Cleveland,
Henry Irving,
Henry Van Dyke,
David Dudley Field,
Joseph Jefferson, .
Simeon Lord,
James Anthony Froude,
Melville W. Fuller,
Henry W. Grady,
Edward Everett Hole,
Etc, Etc., Etc.
General Lew
Classic and
Robert J.i Burdette,
Jules ClarcMe,
Edward W. Bok,
Henry "Ward Beecher,
Louis Agassis,
Russell HConwell,
John B Gordon,
John B. Qough,
NeweH Dwjfcht Hlllls,
Thomas H. Huxley.
Thomas Starr King,
Andrew Lang, j
John Morley,
James B. Tond,
"Josh Billings!" '
"Mark Twain."
T. De Witt Talmage,
Henry M. Stanley,
"Ian Maclaren,"
Henry Watterson,
Garrett P. Serviss,
Wendell Phillips,
Etc., Etc., Etc
Hamilton W.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Introductions by Albert Ellery
Bergh; "The Various Features
and Phases of Oratory," by the
Hon. Thomas B. Reed.; "Aiter
Dlnner Speaking," byTrofessor
Lorenzo Sears; "The Lecture
and the Lecture Platform," by
Edward Everett Hale; "Literary
and Occasional Addresses," by
Hamilton Wright Mabie; "The
Use of Humor and Anecdote in
Public Speech," "by Hon. Champ
Clark; "The Eloquence of the
Stump," by J. P. Dolllver.
Mother Knew feler Boy.
Charles Foster, a boy who ran away
from home, near Oregon City, about a
year ago, was caught yesterday by the
police, and his parents notified. His
father, mother and sister entered -the
police station together, and the father
r looked half-doubtfully at the boy, .-But
not so with Mrs. Foster. After one
glance, she sobbed out: "That's my
Charles," TheVboy did not seem to bo
much affected, and after he and his newly-found
relatives had a conference, dur
ing which he related his wanderings, he
refused to go home and stay there. He
to the several volumes are intro
ductory articles "The Influence
and History of Oratory," by Mr.
Reed; "The History of After-DIn"
ner Speaking," by Prof. Sears, etc
Following these brilliant prefaces
are con nbulions from mind and
pen of men who have made Ihe
English -spoaking people first in
literature, arts and sciences, and
who have taught Ideal civic life;
men who have directed from the
executive chair, the cabinet board,
the pulpit the sanctum, the bench,
the state, the rostrum and tho
printed page.
Chauncey Depew.
Is Lo
' .The plan and scope of Modern Elo
quence, ' and tie long roster of brilliant
men connected with its inception and prepa
ration, make it a work of extraordinary in
terest and immeasnratle utility to everyone.
'Modern Eloquence is an assemblage
of gems of expressed thought that have
stirred the hearts of the greatest of cen
turies; Lectures, that have thrilled vast
intellectual assemblies in the centers of
thought; After-Dinner Speeches .that have
broadened the human heart and mind;
Eulogies that have melted prejudice, ban
ished -ill feeling, made memories sacred;.
Addresses stimulant of thought; desire and
ambition; brilliant bits of humor, wit and
repartee; Stories fixing local color and hn
man pathos and interest as if on canvas.
It is the essence of all noteworthy speech
of a hundred years itself the expression
of all note-worthy actioi
This work is in various bindings, sumptuous and
rjch,, but moderately priced. Call at our offices, where
provision has been made for your leisurely examination
of the complete work in the several styles of binding;
or a large portfolio containing eleven sample full-page
photo-gravures and chromatic plates and eighty speci
men pages of brilliant After-Dinner Speeches, Lectures,
Addresses, Anecdotes. 'etc., also price and terms, will be
,sent on request
said he wanted to see more of thp
world. Then the police took a hand In
the discussion, and the result was that
the boy left with his father en route
for Sheriff Cooke, of Clackamas County,
who will send the little wander8r to the
Reform School.
FlBhting-aiaclilne Marpliy.
James Murphy, an old habitue of the
Police Court, reappeared yesterday be
fore Municipal Judfre Cameron, charged
with drunkenness. He pleaded guilty, and
gave no response when asked what he
J&iSSiaSSla xrHSTlaiif SJili
Ian Maclaren
on rire
Thomas B. Reed
had to say for himself. "Murphy Is get
ting hard of hearing, these days. He
just drinks. He fights the police, the
court, and every person he can reach."
stated Jailer "Roberts. Murphy was sen
tenced to spend 30 days In jail.
FIffht In. n. Barber's Shop.
On tho complaint of George H. Rib
becke, barber, Marquam block, Justice of
tho Peace Kraemer issued, a warrant yes
terday calling for the arrest of George
Sexty, charging him with assault and
battery. According to tho story told by
t., I, rfT ""iw a r vi g i mtjvmm Mill
List of
Lyman Abbott,
Felix Adler,
Arthur T. Hadley,
William E. Channing.
George William Curtis,
J. P. DollUer,
Henry Drummond,
Edward Eggleston,
Edward E orett,
George Bancroft,
Theodore Rooseelt,
Phillips Brooks.
William McKlnley,
William Cullen Bryant,
John J. Ingalls,
John Flske,
Daniel Colt Gllman,
Cardinal Gibbons,
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Sir John Lubbock.
Henry W Longfellow,
J. Proctor Knott,
Washington Irv lng,
George F. Hoar,
Thomas W. Hlgglnson,
John Hay,
Oliver Wendell Holmes,
Brander Matthews,
Carl Schurs,
Goldwln Smith,
John L. Spalding,
"Ik Marvel,"
Charles Dudley Warner,
Andrew D. White.
Abraham Lincoln,
Etc., Etc., Etc
Dwlght Hlllls.
Henry Watterson.
Henry M. Stanley.
These have ben origi
nated and told by many
men In many places.
Some have been "manu
scrlpted" for this publi
cation for the first time.
Tho special contributors
(and they are but a faw
of the total) are
Champ Clark,
Jonathan P. Dolllver,
"Mark Twain,"
John M. Allen.
Chauncey M. Depew,
Joseph H. Choate,
Horace Porter.
In addition to tfrd
large number of stories
which hac been per
sonally furnished by
such distinguished con
tributors. oer 2000
speeches have been ex
amined for the purpose
of extracting their stor
ies and most brilliant
passages. Especial suc
cess has been achieved
In securing the best
stories told In the Sen
ate and House of Rep
resentatives by the
moat famous speakers
of those two bodies.
"Mark Twain.'
Joseph H. Choate.
Gentlemen: Referring to our advertisement
of Hon. Thomas B Reed's library of. Modern
Eloquence. I will t pleased to reeele (with
out charge) portfolio of' sample pages, photo
gravures and chromatic plates; also full par
ticulars regarding bindings, prices, etc.
Tewn '.
State .
Rlbbecke's friends, Sexty was employed
by him. Last Thursday Sexty came into
the shop and was told to get out, but he
was slow In complying with the request,
and in the altercation which followed
Sexty threw a missile which damaged a
piece of the furniture. Rlbbecke struck
Sexty several llme3. Sexty refused to
discuss the case when seen by an Ore
gonlan man, but through his counsel. A
"Whiter Wolf, Sexty asserts that both he
and Ribbecke had a fight. Sexty was se-
verely punished about the face, but Rlb
becke escaped with slight injuries,