JW Trfr- "-fT-f "p. a;' THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAtf, PORTLAND, M)YEMBER 3, 1901. ' " ' ' ' ' ' - "- - " ir iii- i - 23 COMMERCIAL AtfD FiMCiAL NEWS The most Important dedopmeRtsJ&t I 'ft 85; dry cranulated, $42; extra. C, 5 35: reek -were freer movement In hops, a xar- -golden C.-5 5 net pea each; beet iuear. 5 75 . 4 ....... . . "m .- . . "tier Sack! hvlf hSri-ofl. lt nnn than hamOu' aac1cs,"10c per 300 Itss tfasa barrela: -xnapltv, ISSlGc per pound. Honey IUl5c per pound. . SolsSbn-Columa. Pdvrr. cne-poawl Xalls. fl$5j .two-pound tails, S3; fancy one-pound flat. 52; one-half pound fancy flat, $1 23; Alaek. tails, Wc; two-poUnd lalls, $2. Grain b&ca--Calcutta. $Sl!5 per IOO for spot. Nats Peanuts, G$7c per pound for raw, 8 85c for roasted cccoannls, 8&00e per dozen; walnut. UQllic per pound, plno nuta. 100 12c; hickory nuts, 7c: chestnuts, ?4 COG'S per arum; Brazil, lSplSc; hertx, 14lIHc; fancy pecans, 1414Uc; almonds, 1516c per pound. Coal oil Cases, 2014c per gallon; barrels, lCc: tanks, 14c Stock ealt-608. , $19 75; 100s $10 25: grann latod 'COs. $28; Liverpool. Wsf$28;'l00s. $27 io; 200s. $27. tfcer duftasss fs prunes,-aad a sUffeates In barley and mlllstuffs. Wheat was steady all week, but tlje aggregate of sales was sot so large as the week before. There was, however, a, good selling movement, as was reflected In heavy bank clearings. Trade of all kinds was active and lost none of the momentum" of the preceding week. All merchants report a busy sea son Minor features of the week were a stiffening In potatoes, stronger feeling In onions, scarcity of freshOregon eggs, sluggishness In butters-weakness In hams and lard, and .strength In the cheaper grades of coffee. The disposition of farm ers is to hold on to their potatoes for higher prices. Supplies that have come to markst have been very light, and dealers have-not done much buying isp. Several largcssies of onions have taken place, and future delivery prices are high.. Fresh Oregon eggs have been sofd off very early In the day at 27c. Very few hae come to ir-rket, and East and cold storage supply make up tho chief -stocks of dealers. Importations are likely to continue for some time. Butter has been so weak Under pressure of .oversupply that a decline has been expected for several days, and some dealers have been cutting prices on their own account. Store grade has been especially dulL Cheese has been steady. Hams and lard have beon very weak In sympathy with the East, but the general expectation of a decline was not realized Saturday. Poultry dealers have had an easy time of It lately. Stocks have moved off well at steady prices. Spring chickens are ac tive and turkeys have a growing demand. Dressed meats have also sold off prompt ly, with the excpptlon of jjork, which has feed some drag. Groceries were mostly steady all week. Full supply of chest nuts, almonds and walnuts have been re ceived from the East Cabbage, cauli flower and celery have been abundant In the vegetable market. Sweet potatoes have almost recovered from their -recent oversupply. Large quantities of pumpkins and squashes are on hand. Cranberries are coming in freely, and apples are In full supply. Oranges are a little higher. In the past three days there has been a heavier movement of hops. Values have declined with the willingness of growers to enter the market. Consignments have been more liberal. Probably half the crop has been sold and one-third shipped away. Early in the week there were sales reported at 10&llc, but Portland dealers say the market has receded from those figures and that rfest hops can "be bought now for 10c, or a fraction of a cent higher. WHEAT There has been but little change in the wheat market during the rast week, a firm undertone In the foreign and eastern markets more than off-setting a slight strengthening In freights. Sales f-r the week were much smaller than for the previous" week. This was partly due to the fact that exporters have bought hcavHj, and have their tonnage well cov ered, and partly because the strength of the market has impressed holders with the belief that better prices will prevail. Sales of Walla. Walla maxe generally been made at about 53 and 55 cents per bushel, but yesterday some of the exporters had their quotations down to about 54 and 55 cents, and were somewhat Indifferent about doing 'business at 55 cents'. The No ember fleet Is already dropping Jn, there being four arrivals in the first two dajs and there Is a- large number of ethers fully due. A number of new charters have been mede during the week, and the rates paid Indicate a firmer market. Recent trans actions include December ships at 35 shlll ings and 35s 9d; January at 33s 9d, and February and March at 32s 6d, with one March ship roported at 33s 9d. Three steamers were taken during the week at SSs 9d. The Argentine crop, which, for a time, promised to be of great assistance to the bails, is apparently in bettor shape than at first reported. Despite the fact that shipments from that country were about the lowest of the season, the market paid no attention to the crop reports, any fur ther than complacently to accept the news that rain had fallen in some of the principal districts where It was most need ed Rains in Oregon and Washington have been of great benefit to the farm ers In preparing the ground for plowing. In many sections the ground had become eo dry that there were fears of a short age In the expected area of Winter wheat. TLe e fears have been dissipated, and from present appearances the acreage will be fully as large as that of the past season. Ther.e is considerable firmness in the bar ley market, and prices are slightly higher. In San Francisco there was an advance of 3 cents per cental during the week, and prices la that market are nearly .up to the Portland figures. Mill feed Is higher with a very heavy demand. Hops, "Wool. Bides, 'Etc. Hopsr-S10c per pound. f 11 B0; totta Macs, etcfe, ze50c; e5ai t Spring Nevada, i&$l5c; lEaiterti Oregon, Bktnr, common, each, 10015c; Angora, with Wool on, each, 25o$$l. Pelts Bear skins, as to size. No 1, each, $520. cubS, $25; "badger, each, 1040c: Wild cat. 25e0c; house cat. 5lOc, fox, common gray, each, 3OS0cf do red, each. $1 502; do cross, onch, $515; do ytfyer and black, each. $10d200; fishers,, each, $585 lynx each, $23; mink, strictly No. 1. each, 50c $1 25; marten, dark Northern, $612; marten, palej pine, according to also and color, ?1 -50 s; -mutkrats. large, aoh, 5l0c: skunk, each. 25$5c; civet or polo cat, each 510c; otter, for targe primp skins. eacbt $5$7; panther, with, head and claws perfect, each, $23; raccoon, for large prime, each, 3035c; wolf, mountain, with htad perfect, each. $3 506; wolf, pralrto (coyote), with bead perfect, each, 40Q0c. wolf, prairie (coyote), without head, each, S050c; wolverine, each, $407; "beavei1, per skin, large, $506; do medium, $34; do raiall, $11 o0, do kits, C0T&c Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. Vegetables Onions, yellow, $10133: cabbage, 750;, potatoes, 85cQ$l per cental; sweet po tatoes, $1 l6jl 25 per cental, tomatoes, 23016c; turnips, C575c; carrots, 6576c; beets, 80 O0o per Kaclc; corn, 75c$l per sack; pump kins, j 5c; squashes, 75c per 100 pounds; caull- TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT r r Vessels Chartered or Available'for-Grain Cargoes .rt From the Northwest -st FOR PORTLAND 1 ti V Namev Flat andri - Master. From. p w Consignees. )JJ,in!a .. . fGer. bark .........IFaiklandbank Br. ship Schiller Ger. bark jArdnamurchan Br. ship IJSlrene Qer. ship ISeestern Ger. bark Aug. 3Lord Shaftesbury Br. bark ' ,- IPlnmorc Br. bark July 3(Eorl Cadogan Br. bark June 201Belen pr. bark July 13 Pax D'chbark Aug jrxoTnaon Br. bark Julr 54llncncape Rock Br. ship Juno 25Amlral de cornuller Fr. bk July 2lLamoriClere pr. hark June SftGrnde Duchess Olga pr. bark July 22 Tarpenbelc Ger. ship T,""R,H Rlckmers Ger. ship -5-Uff' )Xni . bark Aug. 28 Bertha Ger. bark ilLiita Ger. ship Sept. lSlLes Adelphcs Pr. bark T"" V Sar . Ger. bark Aug. 15jBardow!jj Br. ship Aug. lSJFlfesblre Br. bark Aug. 13Irby Br. ship J my uiBugenle Fautrel pr. bark iverna Br. bark Binckbraes Bt. ship ark July 22 Sept. 15 Oct; 16 Sept. 5 Oct. 2 J Aug. 28 Sent. 2 Sept. lIDuQufesne Aug. 10 Ernest Reyer Pembrokeshire Selene wn. Mitchell Arctlo Stream. Barmbtk Aug. SlJBdssuet Aug. 25Jcan Bart uovenDy tiau Langbank Latimer Anaurus Auir. 22fllala Aug. 17fLaRochefoucld f rancojs uoppeo Tiger Avenger Olivia Dalgonar Qlenlul Bidart Ascenzojne lAsle Glenerlcht JMRenfieJd Kiveredale Scottish Minstrel Susanna Wendur Wlndsbraut Agnes' Oswald Castor Palatlnia Falls of Keltic St Mlrren Emllle Oct. Sept 12 Rowehl Smith Stelnborncr Kneally S-uermllch Mink Doty Maxwell Williams Bondrot Relners Mearns Porter Sawvignon Maheo Hansen Rubarth LeHeearot Alster Harms Canevet Shoemaker Garritv Caddefl Law LeHuedel Webster Graham lj&lJapan II OlIO U XVUSUUi 1227; 1619' 1410 1446 2273 228(5 1334 17101 1391 1502' Sta, Rosalia Japan Honolulu Hamburg Hamburg Sta. Rosalia Antwem St Nazalre Liverpool Sydney 14a3iAntworp 1739 1471 Evans Donnchom Cutting Bowen Erbrechr Houelbeeg Fr. bar, Fr. bark Br. sir. Ger. berk Br. ship Br. ship Ger. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. str Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr. bark Fr. bark Nor. str Br. ship Nor. oarK Br. shlD Br. ship Fr. bark It, ship, Fr. bark Br. ship Br. bkt Br. ship Br. ship Ger. ship Br. shin r?er. bark Br. ship Br. cane Br. str Br.str Br.shin Qer. shin iOltmaun Wlckham Rout Johnson Henderson. Thorbum Heudc Douet Wold Evans Gunufsen lbester Scott Trapanl Marie Qulnn Roberts Porter Mellln Schutt Nlcoll Haaae Philip MoMurtrv Stewart Esterbrook Hamilton Liverpool Hull 1657rNaEalra 1793!Hamburg 2174Nagasakl 1572 Newcastle 1561 sautos l613Honolulu 1220!Nossi Be 9oSiMazatian 2011lTablo Bay 131S Newcastle 1480FVe?manile 1705Antwerp 2220ISta. Rosalia 2116iTable Bay 17C5Nantcs 1720rMudagascar 2767tOrlent 123liGuaymas 18S5 Table Bay HSSIHUIl 25J W. & Co. 123Balfbur 1341Taylor 3131 M-W. &Co. 83 102 131 121 128 104 Taylor 3Jrvin 491Taylor 2239 1739 17C0I 1S98 Hamburg Antwerp St. Nazalre Antwerp 29S6VMOJI 1649jTaltal 1497CorOnel 1246!Pfrt Natal mifHavre 1730!Hong Kong 2116Orient i:86CoqUimbo 1142Panama 565 1S47 1700; Total tonnage en route and listed,' 111, 6 S dney valparalsa SNantes U772!Table Bay 2039)Hobart 2216 VAlnaraiso 1034 Plsagua 20a7 Ban Diego 1511 Valparaiso . 1873Guaymas 1896Valparaiso 1258IValoaralso 180tMclbourne 153!Tocopllia 2332,Manlla 2150jOrJent 855lValparalso 173SjValparaiso ... 1M1 IS 31 E. Baker Taylor Taylor -t GRAIN rONNAGE IN THE RIVER i , Name. "Flag: and rig. Master, From- Agents or Charteiers Berth. Sept 14 SeDt 14i Sept 23 aept. 24 Sept 26 Sept-28 uct Oct Cf. Oct 9 Carlo P. Fayorita wayneid. Bourbakl Nelson Lcylahd Bros, Werra Aristea Co. of Ivlnrnsa Marechal Davou PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc. Wheat Walla Walla, M0S3fcc; bluestem, 66c Valley 55c Oats Dctf$l per cental. Flour Beet grades, $2 653 50 per birrel. Kaham, $2 60. Barley-Feed, $13 6016; brewing. $16015 75 per ton m. ustutrs Bran. $17 per ton: middlings, J j j- , onorcs, w ou; cnop, $io oo. Ha Timethy. $11H2, clover, $77 60; Ore s' a wild hay, $680 per ton. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 33ttc, gross; dressed, 6 6'4o per pound; sheep, wethers, 36314c, gross; dressed, Cc per pound; ewes, 3c, gross; dressed, 6o per pound. Hogs Gross, 554c; dressed, GH67c per pound. Veal SfSfcc Eeef Groin cows, S3Hc; steers, 3K4c; cresjed. Cff7c per pound. ProMBlons Portland pack (Shield brand): Hinas, 133t14c; plonlc He; per pound: break fast bacon, 13Hfl6Ja& per pound; bacon, 12fco Per pound, backs, 12iic. dry-salted sides, II c dried beef sets, 16c; knuckle, ISc; larl. 3s. 132C. 10s, 135so; 60s. 13ic; tierces, 12V Eastern pack (Hammond's) hams, large, ISViC medium. 13iSc: small. 14c; picnic, 10i4c; hculders, leVic. breakfast bacon. 14Hj15c: dry-salted sides, 315i13c. baeon. sides. 110 124' , baUcs. imeH2c per pound; butts, 10O lie lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered. 3s, 13Hc; 10s. 13V:, dry-salted bellies. 12Hc. bacon bel lies, 13-4C, dried .beef. 13U17Uc I Oct lOiClcomene Oct 12 Rick. Rlckmera Oct. 14 Lady Isabella Oct 18Europo Oct lfiiCrown of India Oct IS Nesala Oct 1SK5. H. Wappaus Oct IS Albania Oct 24iBarflIlan Oct 24 Thcrnllebank Oct 23Gen'l Melltnet Oct 29.Louis Pasteur Oct 20iRiversIde Oct 29 Henrlette Oct 20 Dueuesclln Nov. l.Schwarzenbek It bark Ger. bark Br. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. sh.lp Ger. bark Aus. .str Br, ship Fr. bark Br. ship oer. snip Br. sblp Fr. batk Br. bark Ger. ship Nov, Nov. Nov. Amiral Cornuileti prmcesse .aiarle Fifcshlre Pollla Thomann Roberts LeNormanc Porrlan Guthrie Brunings ChenbJnl Collins Oglcr Learmont Baake McKlnley Muller Sauter Gcrkeils 11641 11323 Ger. bark Mahn Nor. ship .Melsom Br. ship Arthur Br. ship I McBride Fr. bark IHelllo Fr. burk JTattevin Br. .ship lMcCuIly Ger. bark.Rasch Fr. bark Ger. barJc.Nlcolal Kr. bark ' Dan. bark Wintor Br. bark Caddell Valparaiso Valparaiso 12176 Valparaiso ruu i-itmencK 1247Callao 223SPonco 8571HonolUlU 208 Mcroran 1613 Shanghai 1711 Nagasaki 1670N5wcastle 1829Hlogo 1395 Valparaiso Wiu fiooart 18SSNagasakl 1670 Valparaiso 1224IClao Chou llOGIPanama SlOSSta. Rosalia lD69'Sta. Rosalia 1491JHamburg iiiAntwerp 1590 2919! 1225' 1739 1288! lolS Llvorpool Yokohama Hamburg 1038(Sta. Rosalia Ltvemool Klao Chou Newcastle Balfour Kerr P.F.M. Co. Epplnger P.F.M. Co. P.JF. M. Co. Kerr Kerr P.F. M. Co. Balfour Balfour Balfour Balfour P.F. M. Co. Kerr Balfour P.P. M. Co Berg Kerr Kerr P. G. Co. Balfour Glrvin Balfour P. F. M. Co. P. G. Co. P. F. Ml Co. Balfour Astoria Astoria Astoria Stream Stream -Elevator Astoria Astoria Astoria Stream Albina Astoria Flour mill Sand dock Mtg'my 2 Oceanic Elevator Col. 2 iTn'WLh M-gmy2 Col 1 Stream Si ..ream 1 'ving Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Total grain tonnage In the river, 48,735. GRAIN lONNAGB EN ROUTE TO rUGET SOUND Name. Flag and rlr. Master. From. JAlstor July 31 Alsterkamp July 14 Alsterufer Sept 5 Penrhyn Castle iMllverton t... 'Macdairmed Nymphe Oct 11 Belford Oct 12 Laomene Sept 14l Travaneore Aug. 14)Sprlngbank luowman B. l,aw Ivate Thomas Senator Ernest LeGouve Metropolis Aug. 12 Scottish Lochs Oct, i3uieneivan Sept 21 Prlncesse Marie Pass of Melford Marechal Suchet Oct 25 Elginshire IRobert Duncan Sept 28Kenllworth Argyll Luis! CiamDa General Roberts Boadlcea .Salfordla Ger. ship Ger. shin Ger. bark Br. bark Br. ship It. ship Ger. ship Br. ship Br. shin Br. shin IBr. bark Br. bark Br. ship ur. snip Fr. batk Br. bark Br, ship Br. shin Dan. bark Br. bark Br, ship Br. bark Br. bark Am. ship Br. str It str Br. bark Br. ship ar. str Saelzen Jensen Nelf Evans Clarence Paturzo Hllmer McKlnnon Hushes Jones Dobble Gullison LThomds Sutherland Richards Parkhill Bobbins Winter Houston Stephens Stott Maclean Taylor Harrison Cocorullo Fearon Roberto Crisp 293iSta. Rosalia 17SHomburg 2579J Hamburg 134t,, Hamburg- (UlAntoragsta i-iiverpool Yokohama London Antwerp Penco Greenock 1359Anjer ui unerpool 1562 2049 nn 1644 1S78 2235 IES9 1.21 2466 1756 1288 Liverpool Aiaunttus lteTfAcanliico occrT i Cape Town Klao Chou 2l96,Sta. Rosalia 1785 Valparaiso 203S Yokohama 1996Wei-Hul-wel asourabaya anunghal Tlcanuano Urorpool Valparaiso Mcroran 22S0, 2005 mi 1824 2365 Consignees ...IBalfour 38i 'Total tonnage en route and listed, 53,655. 1013e: TaUeV Ofearon. 13S15c. FaII Mountain lambs, GifSc; San Joaoaln plains, 66c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 10l2c Hops New, 10lSc Hay Wbcat $312 SO; wheat and oats, $S 50H 60. best barley, $; alfalfa, $S)10c; cloven 45 507 per tonj straw, 254?3c per bale. Vegetables Green peas, 23c per pound; string beans, lHS21sc per pound; tomatoes, 2096c; cucumbers, 250c per box; Chile grtfen siepsers, 2550e. Mlllatuffa Middlings, ?30(g21; bran, $18 60 19 SO per ton. Onions-Yellow, $120gl5a Potatoes-Rlvcr Burbanks, SOfiS&e; Sa linas Burbanks, $11 30; Oregon. Burbanks, $11 60; sweets, 40Qc per cental. Pdullry Turkeys, gobblers, 15lBc: do hens, 15lSo per pound; old Toosters, i$3 50 l per doiten; young Toostersr, $3S04t small broilers, $33 & do large, 43 25 3 50; fryers, ?S3S); hebs, $3 5005; old ducks, ,-$33 50 per dozen; goslings-, $1&0& 1 75; od pigeons, $1 25(&l 73; young pigeons, U 61 "5 per dozen. Citrus frulb-:ommoh Calfornla lemons, 75c; choice, S2 7s; Mexican limes, V&i 60; oranges, navels, $i per box. Plueapples-$3&4. Eggs Fancy ranch, 38&c per dozen; store, 32&c: Eastern. 25c. Butter Fancy creamery, 28c do seconds, 21c; fancy dairy, 23c per pound; do sec onds, JRc Apples Choice, 51 S: common, 35c per ibox. Grapes Isabella, 75B5e per box. Bananas 51 753 per bunch. v Cheese Younc America. 124cr Eafetern. lSloef Rece'lpts Flour, Quarter sacks. 23,175: wheat centals, 23,195; barley, centals, ,- an-, oaus, centals, oo; ao vvasmngton, who; corn, centals, EGO; beans, sacks, 13,020 potatoes, sacks, 397S; bran, sacks, 2350; dp Washington, 1700; middlings, sacks, 599; hay, tons. S67r wool, bales, $49; bides, 659. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. tt $0?7ttc ea weaker cabtes, "lieavy receipts fend a deslro to liquidate oer Sunday. When the rise In corn, -came, however. Wheat ImmmllnMv roTVfH?fl. and closed sc higher, at 7jBc. Oats were ami ana steaay, touowlng the lead oe corn. December closed Him, c higher, atS6c Provisions had a dtdl. dragging market on lower prices for hqgs, January pork closed 2xc lower; lard 2c down, and ribs, 2c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT, Opentng. Highest fewest Closing. Iecember "."$070 $67o November .. December .. Miy 73 74 .CORN. 5ft B73i OlVg liiSii $ojoy $0 7OTi TO 74 5GX 60$ soft .67 14 SO 14 5 855 8 6711 8(55 3&A 30 1100 16 05 8C7 8117 ECQ 860 RAILROADS. Atchison do pfd .,.....;....... Baltimore & .Ohio do pfd ....'. ,. Canadian Pacific Canada Southern , Chesapeake & Ohio,.., Chicago & Alt6h do nfd Chi., Ind. & Louisville. do nid Chicago &. Gr. West... do A pfd do Bjfd. Chicago & N. W....... Chi., R. I. & Pac Chi. Ternu & Transfer, do pfd C, O.. Ci & St Lours. . Colorado Southern .... do 1st pfd, ,. ........ do 2d Did Delaware & Hudson.... Denver & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erla do 1st pfd do 2d Did ... Great Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley ..... do pfd . Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie. & Western do rfd t Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Elevated Metropolitan Street .RyJ iucxican central ...... Mexican National .... Minn. & St Louis.... Missouri Pacific Mo , Kansas & Texas. do pfd New Jersey Central... New York Central. . . . . Norfolk & Western. . , . do pfd - Northern Pacific pfd.. Ontario & Western.... Pennsylvania ....,..,, Heading ............. do 1st pfd do 2d nfd St. Louis & San Fran.. do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd ... St. Louis S. W.v. do pfd , St Paul .' do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway .,... do pfd Texas & Pacific........ Toledo. St. L. & W.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash , ..:. do pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie, do 2d pfd Wisconsin Central do pfd Express Companies Adams American .............. United States ., Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper .. Amtr, Car & Foundry do pfd ............... American Linseed Oil.. do pfd ..... Amer. Bmolt. & Refln,. do pfd ....., ........ Anaconda Minlmr Co... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & iron.. Consolidated Gas Cont Tobacco pt&.si... General Electric Glucose Sugar Hocklnr Coal ..! International Paper ... do pfd International PCwer ... Laclede Gas National Biscuit National Lead ......... National Salt , do pfd North American ....... Pacific Coast Pacific Mall ,....,,,.. People's Gas . ..-. Pressed Steel Car....... do pfd ,. Pullman Palace Car.... Republic Steel do pfcP Sugar Tennes-ee Coal'& Iron. Union Bag & Paper Co. do pfd United States Leather.. do pfd United Statea Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel dd pfd Western UnI6n ........ 2,100 200 1,800 100 1,100 100 1,700 200 200 100 600) 800 600 4.200 2,000 1O0 1,600 1.800 600 3,000 1.800 COO 300 200 a,2oo 5,700 700 100 42 fiff 210 14 20: 37 wu "H Dt 300 5.200 COO 1.400 100 000 100 600 21 20 J0.O00 "ioo, 200 ioo 800 33,400 0,400 300 300 4,000 100 " 'ioo 100, 101,100 0.000 flOOf 46 03 41 70 60& 105H 67 140$ 118 72 my, 104 165 22 173 02 70 68U 11H m 78 72U, US1 104 123 156 2 51V. 1744 160 68 170 IOO 00 33' 88' 100170 170 81 35 03 200 214 100 400 100 200 100 100 42 21 103 43 82 42 02l 01H 109M $ 23 50 174 1044 34 14S 43 77 64 42 78 07 OGX lows 83 38 21 85 101 88: 20 ny9 17fs m 64 78 2D 5GTi limi 180 60 33 88 8594 81 40U 41 268 40 13 j 20' 70; 88' '6a lis 00 Total sales for the day, 368,800 shares, BONDS. U. B. 2s. ref. reg.100 lAtohlson adi. 4s... OlU do coupon ......109 do 3s. reg 108 do coupon 108 do new 4s, reg..l89 do coupon 131 da coupon do 5s, rcg do coupon .112tf ..107 ..107 C. & N.W. cdn. 7B.13TO D. & R. Q, 4s 103 N. Y. Cent lsts....l05 Northern Pftc 3s.. 72 ao 48 104 do old 4s, reg...ll2lUn!on Pacific 4a...l0i Wis. Cent. lsts.... 88V West Shore 4s 112 Southern Pac. 4s.. 04 CRALN TONNAGES O.V PUGBT SOUND Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Eutte-Fancy creamery. 25$26c, extra fan cy 2727Hc. dairy, lS20c. store, li16c. Eggs 2021c "for cold storage; 21ff22c for Eastem, 27c for fresh Oregon. x Poultry Cltlokens. mixed. 2 5003: bens. 4i fia B10c per pound; Springs, ll12c per pc -d $34f3 60 per dozen; ducks. $34 fof yo--"g geese. Z697 per dozen; turkeys, live, 11 12 sc 12$15c dressed, per pound. Cheese Full ore&m, twins. 1213c; Young Amencs, 1314c Sept. 14 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 8 Oct. 19 opt a; r&ept 2i Groceries. Nats, Etc. Corfee Mocha, 232Sc; Java, fancy, 2C$32c; Java, coed, 20246, Java, ordinary, 18020c; Costa. Rica, fancy. 1820c; Costa Rica. good. 1691SC. Costa Rica, ordinary. 10912c per pound Columbia roast. $11 60; ArbUckle's, 512 63 Hit; Lion. 512 13 list; Cordova, $12 C3 list. Rice Imperial Japan No. 1, 5c; No. 2. 5c; J vwj WrAACAM'S Vif- -a Name. Flag and rls. Master Prom. V Agents or, Charterera. Aug. 2fyNorma OtpU 9)1.162. XIilCK. Malterhorn Borneo Elba Lincolnshire Gartdalo Galena Eutiora iBr. bark Br. bark Br. bark Rus, bark Ger. str Br. str Br. ship Br. bark Br. bar!; i McLaughlin! aicjbaugmir warren Lindberg Bruhn Berth. King Chisnolm Weston lSSfilAritwerp 1391 1829 1344 Z;8' 2$SS 1G 2109 D3S: London Valparaiso Saiv Dlesto Orient iOrlent London Callao Cullao Total grain tonnage In port, 17,450. Balfour P. F. 2d. Co. Balfour Kerr T Q. Co. T.W.&E.Co P.F. M. Co. N. W. CO. P.F. 30. Co. Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Seattle Seattle Seattle V lctorla Tacoina Tacoma Wool Valley, nominal, 11014c; "Eastern, Oregon, 812o; mohair, 2121c per pound. Sheepskin Shearings,"" 15620c; short wool. 2535c; medium-wool, 303 00c r long-wool. COcO 51 each Tallow Prime, per pound, 44c; No. 2 and grease, 23c Hides Dry hides. No. J, 18 pounds and up, 1515C per pound; dry Jdp, No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 15c, dry calf, Np. 1, under 5 pounds, 16c; dry sa.ted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint, salted yhldes, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, fiSOc; 60 to 60 pounds, 7Q Bc under "60 pounds, andcows,-7cr stags nnd bulls, -sound, 55c; kip, sound, 1CC0 pounds Tc; eal, sound, 10 to 1-4 pounds, 7c; calf, sound. under 10 pounds, Bcr Jtrecn .(unsaltcd) ( lo per pound less; culls lc per pound less; Sugar Cube, 55 10; crushed. 56 10; powdered, horse hides, salted, each, $1 602; dry, each,' flower, S0T5e per cental; green peppers, 5c per pound; celery, 50&75a per doxen. Pralt-Lemons. $34. oranges, 53 604 50; Kr b6x; bananas, 51 75f2 50; pineapples, 55 per dozen; Persian dates, Gc per pound; grapes, 7Cc51 25 pr crate; apples, 80c$l'25; pears, 75c65125 per box; cranberries, 8Bo per pound. OjUlnces, 75c5l per box. Dried Trult Apples, evaporated, 78o per pound; sun-dried sacks or boxes, 45c apri cots, llei2c; peaches. 8Uc; pears, 68c; prunes, Italian. 23c: sUver, extra choice, 60ci French, !3e; figs, California blacks. 34c:do white, 5c plums, pltless, white, oc per pound. , SA3S FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 2. Wool THE GRAIN 3IARKGTS. Prices or Cereals at American and ' Enropenn J?6rt, ' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Wheat Firm on call and Quiet In the spot market. Rariey-Putures inactive; spot barley, easy, Oats QUlet and steady. Wheat-hlpplng, No. 1, SSc; choice, 98c milling, 5161105. 3arley Feed, 73?i76Uqr brewlngr, WW 821c Ots-Red, 51 05&1 2 Call board sales:" . Wheat Firm; Deccmberj 6&Rc; cash. 8$c. BarleyNo 'sales. " Corn Large yellow, California, 5127 133W. - i Chicago Grain ana Provisions. CHICAGO, Nov. 2. Corn, ruled easier early In the short . session, December; opentng Hc lower, at 67457V4c on weaker cables. There was liberal selling all around, both by shorts and by trad ers, who wanted to clear up for Sunday, Commission-houses, however, held big buying orders, 'and when attemnta wera jtnade to fill them and nothing was found on cxie mantei, me duu cuque Degait op erations and showed December up to 68J4 5S&c. There was a good cash demand outside, and receipts were still light. De cember closed strong, 4c advance at 5SV5c. Wheat had a dull, narrow market, easy during the early part of the session, and aided at the close by the bulge in corn. December opened a shade to o lower, Downing, Hopkins 4 .Co. ESTABLISHED 1S03. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room A, Ground Floor 'r4 Chamber of Commerce 6954 60S " OATS. December .... 36 37 Mar tv 38 30 MESS POSK. January . .. ,.'.U 65 1 00 May H95 1505 LARD. November ...v&85 8.57 Dfcember .... 8 52 8 57 January bt 862 May itk s5 8 72 '6RORT RIBS. January 7H2 772 7fc! 7725 May 775 7fi2g 775 762 Cash quotations were as follows; Flour Steady; Winter patents, $3 40 S56; straight, S2 903 30; clears, 52 60 aiOr Spring specials. 54 000410; patent, $3 253 6ft; straight, 52 7003 10. Wheat-No. $ Spring, 68&69c; No. 2 red. 7171c. Oats-"No. 2, SS?9c; No. 2 white, 40CLVic; No. 8 white, 40c. Rye No. 2. 55c Barley Fair to choice malting, 5458c. Fl:txseed No. 1, 1 46; No. 1 Northwest ern. 5146. Timothy seed Prime, 53 S06 So. Pork Mess, per barrel, 513lS013 S3. Lard Per 100 pounds. 58 55(g8 57V5. Ribs Short sides (loose), 57 808 TX. Shoulders Dry salted (boxed). 77c . Sides Short clear (boxed), 58 1O0S 20. On tlie Produce Exchange today the butter market was steady; creameries, 14 21c; dairies, 13l9c. Cheese Easy; 8Ul0Uc Eggs Firm; fresh. &3c. Becelpts. Shlpm'ts. yiour. barrels 18,000 9,000 Wheat bushels 254,000 176.000 Corn, bushels ...118 000 1 01.000 Oats, bushels 189,000 239.000 Rye, bushels 5,000 Barley, bhshels 72,000 78,000 Ntt York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Flour-Receipts, 33,878 barrels; expdrts, 37,977 barrels. In active and generally steady. Winter pat ents, 53 5W3 85; Winter straights, 53 30 3 40; Minnesota patents, 53 703 95. Wheat Receipts, 21,100 bushels; exports, 153,798 busheW. Spot firm; No. 2 red, SOc f. 0. b. afloat, 77&C elevator. Options opened barely strong tvlth corn, and ruled quiet all day, closing He advanced. March closed at 79c; May, 79c; December, 76&C. Hops Quiet; Pacific Coast, 1901 crop, 1215Hc; 1900 crop, 914c; 1899 crop, 6llc; Sides Steady; California, 21 to 25 TKiunda. IXCn. Wool Quiet; domestic fleece, 2526cJ uexas, i6i7c. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 2. Wheat Steady; No. I standard California, 5s 104; French country markets, quiet and steady. Weather in England, fine. LONDON, Nov. iWheat-Cargoes on passage, quiet and steady; English coun try markets, quiet and steady. Indian shipments: Wheat to United Kingdom, 2000 quarters; to the Continent, none. NEW YORK BANKS. Reserves Liable to Decrease Should Gold Shipments Keep Up. NEW YORKr Nov, 2. The Financier says: The bank statement was made on rising averages for cash, there having been a payment on Friday by the Sub treasury of about 51,500,000 for bonds, the purchase of -which was made under the order of October 31. Early next week 53.ow.000 will be pild for Yukon gold to the Bank of British North America, and unless this money should be shipped to Canada or to. Europe it will remain on deposit in our banks. It will bo observed that the Increase In loans continues .unchecked, there hav ing been a gain In this item since Sep tember a aggregating 525,973,700. Inas much as neither the stock exchange re quirements nor mercantile borrowings will account for this Increase, It seems most likely due to foreign exchange op erations and to negotiations of loans upon securities by syndicates. The purchase of unmatured bonds by the Treasury which began on Friday last, will probably tend somewhat to Increase the cash holdings, of tho banks and possibly to such an ex tent as to counterbalance moderate with drawals for shipment to Europe. Should the foreign demand for gold be large, however, It can scarcely fall to have tin important influence on the bank reserves, at least until currency shall re turn in volume from the Interior. It should be noted that while the gold with drawn from shipment Is a direct loss to tho New York banks, all the money paid for unmatured bonds does not remain In those Institutions, a part thereof being distributed throughout tha interior, and a considerable part going Into savings binks In return -for the bonds sold. Hence the New York banks are likely to lose largely should gold exports continue. The statement of the associated banks for the week ending today shows: Loans, 5S92.992.S00; Increase, 57,333,200. Deposits, 5958,062.400: Increase, 53,556,800. Circulation. 531.875,900; Increase. 5112,700. Legal tenders,' 571,354,700; Increase, Jl, 140.800. Specie, 5178,453,400; decrase, 14,479,100. Reserves, $249,998,400; decrease, $3,33S,S0O. Reserve required, 5239,G15,G0O; increase, 5S91.575. Surplus, $10,482,600; decrease, $4,230,375. Dank Clearings. The bank, clearings for the principal cltiea of the iforthwoEt for the week ending; Saturday, November 2, were as follows: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Monday 5 720.201 f 738.050 5 200,2.11 Tuesday ....... 4uu,zio iuy.wjd z')o,r37 Wednesday ... 481870 430,184 188,748 Thursday 600,200 586 518 208,975 CUB.4U4 UZ3.434 ZJU.4B7 481,367 C38.02C 163.186 FREE MUJBKL MEN ! VIP FOR Men Oaft tot 1 wiop. mmsox'S pills fkeb. rtTJ l. t J PROP. HUDSOK'S SUSPENSORY FREE. Tfl:89 Fl9 I PROP. HUDSON'S COMPOUND FREE. EVERT HAN WHO RRADS THIS NOTICE CAN OET A coteDlete outfit Tree All you hart to do la to write for what you want free. You can sow 1vft.Um remedies a good trial at no cott to youraeir. SKND rOR FltKB TRIAL PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS euro Tmarurtts of dls ehjvrr tn ten dhjs. PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS AN COMPOUND cure VARICOCELE ATROPHY. SEXUAL DE CAT and victim of. early error You can ttnp jqu- NIGHT LOSSKS. EillSSIOtfB BAD DREAMS and LOSS OV MWW .. w.vu eea J these Hudson goods Ire Send for them nrA!S2E;1HRS0J's PILLS cure pain in the back. !de face, limbs PROF. ISroSOX'S PILLS cure LOSS OF APPETITE. LOSS OF BNERGY. NIGHT STS&E8-.. NIOHT "VIBIONS. MELANCHOLIA QLICKNESS OF DISCHARGE J&PJNGS. BLUES. SPERMATORRHOEA. NERVOUS DEBILITY. EXHAUST I.PiA?$Jfi01INIA. SEMINAL EMISSIONS. UNFITNHSS TO MARRY BTOPS ALL LD89ES by day or night You enn et a complete trial outnt free. Yotrns". mlddle-ttsefl and old men ruffertnc rrm In had effectR of OL2ET. lra yroperly treated. STRICTURE, VAnrcOCELE, HYDROCELE and LOST MANHOOD will flndJPROF. HUDSON'S PILLS. .PJROF, HUDSON'S COMPOUND AND SUPPORT Just what la needtd for a cure PROS TATIT1S and .Herders of the prostate eUnda ara nilckly cured by PROF. HUDSON'S PILLS. Snd rer a free and complete trial outfit free You can t this trial free. S6 when you are cured tou may speak a good word for PROP. HUDSON'S GOODS. Yon. can have a fre and entirely complet trial outfit Jost by wrltlnc for them. Only jpne set will be sent to each man and no mf can ret but one frc. write to-dax. Address PROF. J. H. HUDSON, HO Ellis street. Sam Pranelsco, Cal., Department IS. I FBFF rWM FBFF 1 P Tf MySI Gcnerovs ?S M 1 men Puerto wcbkm' e!l I M wafr?SlD?IEW SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT 1 AM GOING TO GIVE fi iThBSS.t?iiat.L2?J?eror,,w.10 " ence. This Is not a trial offer. ikmu . i, ..,..!. Z. ". . : v"" "" " ulr ururawe inai woen tou Electro Annlt.n p..JEr t i w ' "" " ws due to nj -vondcrful Mapio- 5ftfflSv,5S54Sr. a?OaACR. UVKBtlDDERnd KID"ne TOUBLSrVABi: ww--.j.-j, 4.Ui;4lllJl. CkC. TV All rmiOTr' nw llfjk . 1tA ! a - - i .flt .t.A - - . m0 Writ 1. .f.Vln. fc. t..t-.i r" -"." :-?" ". "" uiajuu n waist measure, and' the an'olE lV ."1 22lJ-?lIlrr, -n.h..tm.n. 19 in mil. :;.. - .i -" " ' "tv """"t" wiwt.iuu.iv a, to .. mmi, j?a. a rucucg 9 CaL perfect M u your m or. J. S. BEECH, m. ..'.. . .... this tveels; aggregate 51,127.656 sliver and 52.S57,5S5 gold. The imports of specie for this week were 536,344 gold and $4L6 fillver. The Imports ot dry goods and merchan dise at the port of Ne'w York lor this week are valued at $11,667,239 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW XORK, Nov. 2. Money on call, steady at 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4145 per cent. Sterling exchange, easier, with artual business in bankers' bills at J4 S6 for demand and at 54 83yt4 S4 for 60 days. Posted rates, 54 84Hi4 85 and 54 S7 4 S3. Commercial bills, 51 $34 S3&. .Mexican dollars, 454c. Government bonds, steady; refunding 2s registered, 100; do. coupon, 109; 3s regis tered, 108; do. coupon, 103; new 4s regis tered, 139; do. coupon, 129; old 4s regis tered, 1124; do. coupon, 112; 5s regis tered, 107; do. coupon, 107. SAN FRANCISCoTnov. 2. Sterling on London, 60 days, 54 U: sight, 54 87. Mexican dollars 47. Drafts Sight, 10c; telegraph, 12c. LONDON, Nov. 2. Consols, 91 15-16d; money, 12 per cent. Many Stock Companies Forming. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The chances in the New York corporation las and the J reduction of the tax for privilege of or ganization by the last Legislature has re sulted In a large Increase in the number of stock companies forming In this state. Frank White, the author of several works on corporation law, Is authority for the statement that during the 10 months of the present calendar year ended October 31, 2U8 new corporations had been or ganized under the New York laws, which, he says, Indicates a total for the year of more than 2500, as against 1900, the largest number ever formed in any preceding year. 'Receiver Appointed. BOSTON, Nov. 2. United States Circuit Judge Holt has appointed Theophylus King, of Qulncy, and Edmonds Putney, of New York, receivers of the Eureka Silk Company, which has offices in this city and a factory at Canton. The appoint ment was made under the petition of William R. Lyle & Co., of New York, creditors to tho amount of 5120,000. The liabilities of the company amount to 5390, 000. The valuo of tho assets Is not known. Friday Saturday ...... Totals 53,234.440 53.024,697 51.400,184 The clearings for the same cities for the cor responding week in former yara were as fol lows: Portland Seattle. Tacoma. 1000 '. 52.0(9,408 52.538,002 51,083.162 1800 C.813.300 2,888.014 1.151,606 1808 2,456,071 1,020,701 044,470 1807 .,.. 2,639.233 1,371.656 1)04,344 The exchanges and balances for the oame cities yesterday were ac follows. Exchanges. Balanced. Portland $461,887 $111,004 8e.1ttle 038.956 117,804 Tacoma 154.180 21.153 Spokane 213.100 30,308 Foreign Financial News. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The- Commercial Advertiser's London, financial cablegram says: The stock market today was stagnant, few signs of activity being present. Amer icans were the only feature and the tone of these was rather patchy. Louisville & Nashville was dull on, the September statement, while most others were above parity. Union Pacific was specially in demand while Atchison was also wanted. Gold to the amount of 20,000 has been engaged in Australia. Stocks xxi London. LONDON, Nov. 2. Anaconda, 7; Atchison, 80T4; do preferred. 99; Cana dian Pacific, 114; D. & R.G., 45; do preferred, 94&; Northern Pacific pre ferred, 10S; Southern Pacific, 62; Union Pacific, 103&; do preferred, 91. Exports and Iinpor,ts. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The ' exports of specie from this port for all countries for EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Nov! 2. Cattle Receipts, 200; market, steady. Good to prime steers, quotations nominal, JoC 80.; poor to medi um, 53 605 90; stockers and feeders, 52 4 25; bulls, 51 S04 50; heifers, 52 506; canners, 51 252 25; calves, 536 25; Texas steers. 534 10: Western steers. 53 605 15. Hogs Receipts today, 32,000. Market 5 1 to 10 cents lower. Mixed and butchers", 55 10S6 10; good to choice heavy, 54 85 6; rough heavy, 15 E0(ff5 65; llghr; 55 55 5S5. Sheep Receipts, 1CC0. Market, strong. Lamb3, strong. Good to choice wethers, 53504; fair to choice mixed, 52 90Q6 50; Western sheep, 533 75; native lambs, 52 504 75; Western lambs, 534 50. KANSAS CITY. "Nov. 2.-CattTe-Re-celpts, 300 head. Toxas, steers, 52 703 85; Texas cows, 51 7503 00; native steers, 54 SO ga 50; native cows and hplfers, 52 606 25; stockers and feeders, 52 804 00; bulls, 2 00 3 90. Hogs Receipts, 5000 head; market, 5c lower; bulk of sales, 55 505 90. Heavy, 55 90Q5 95; packers. 55 G0S 90; mixed, 55 50 gS 90; lights. 55 2536 75; yorkers, 55 3Q 5 70; pigs. '55 255 95. Sheep-Receipts, 2000 head; market, steady.. Lambs, 53 7504 75; 'muttons, 52 00 3 65. OMAHA, Nov. 2. Cattls Receipts, 500 head. Market nominally steady. Native beef steers. 54 5006 40; Western steers, 53 755 25; Texas steers, 53 50&4 40; cows and heifers, 52 004 40; capners. 51 25 2 SO;' stockers and feeders, 52 684 40; calves, 53g5; bulla and stags, 51 753 25. Hogs Receipts. 6500 head; market shade lower. Heavy, 55 705 90; mixed, $5 70 5 724; light, ?5 705 72; bulk of sales, 55 705 72. ' Sheep Receipts, 500; market nominally steady. Wethers, 53 203 60; ewes, 52 75 53; common and choice sheep, 52 SOS'S 50; lambs, 53 504 60. 17 for Lake, and 51G 37??16 62 for casting. Lead was dull at 54 37; spelter was dull at 54 37, and iron as dull at 59 SOfplO 50 for p!g-lron warrants; No. 1 Northern foundry. 51516; No. 2 foundry. Southern, 51-lc; No. 1 foundry. Southern. 514 50$ 15 50; No. 1 foundry Southern, soft, 514 50 16. Bar silver, 5Tc. LONDON, Nov. 2. Bar silver, 26 l-18d. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Nov. 2 Coffee-Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 invoice, 6c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 7llc. Futures closed not un changed to 5 points higher, with the tone weak. Total sales, 33,000 bags, Including January, 56 30; March, $6 206 50; Mny. 56 500$ 63. Sugar Raw, market cfutet and oy; fair, refining, 3fr3 5-16c; centrlfugnl. 96 ttat. 3c; molasses sugar, 3c; reftned, quiet: standard A, 55 90; confectioners' A, $4 90; mould A, 54 50; cut-loaf. 55 90; crushed, 55 90; powdered, 55 20; granulated, ?5 10; cubes, 55 30. Proposed New Copper Rates. NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-A draft of th proposed new copper rates of the Metal Exchange has been submitted to num bers. It provides that the regular call, or calls, shall be In Standard copper, but any other grade of copper shall consist either of domestic or foreign, and shall be of 06 per cent fine copper or over. For each full one piece above 96 per cent fine copper 1 per cent may be added to the amount of invoice when delhorod. Cepper testing below 26 per cent fine shall not constitute a good delivery, according -to the new rules. " Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Today's Treas ury statement: Available oash balancos 5175.363.7K Gold , 109.S6X.2SJ7 Cotton. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Cotton steady, 70 points higher. close Only Theater Open Sunday Afternoon. Hi Henryis big minstrels. MINING STOCKS Are Yon. Interested f " Watch, the Quotations of the OREGON MINING EXCHANGE And See KEXNETir EVANS, Mining Exchange Chamber of Commerce. &Jif Gured While TXL 7 ifyir jffiZreF You Sleep In Fifteen Days Any sufferer from STRICTtTlE and Its. off spring;. VARICOCELE. Prostatitis and Sem inal weakness, Is Invited to cut out the coupon below, write his name and address plainly, mall It to SL James Medical Ass'n, 244 St James Bid., Cincinnati, O , and they Will send their Illustrated Treatise, showlnc the parts of the male system lnohed la c D C C urethral ailments, PREPAID. rlCt nbHMHMMMMMM.WmHMMWMnMM FREE TREATISE COUPON. 1 ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 244 St. James Bids', Cincinnati, O. Please send me a copy of jour Illustrated Work upon the Male Sexual System, se curely sa!ed, PREPAID, FRKB of all CHARGES. Name Address The Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The market for metals was featureless today. The ab sence of market news from London added to the already apparent dullness. Tin was dull at 524 75025; copper. Quiet, at 516 8S& ST. JAMES 31EDICAI. ASSOCIATION. 214 St. James Dldg., Cincinnati, O. Every Wesiiais is 1st crested and should know about iho womtarfBl MARVEL Whirl. Sp-,v The New Ladles Syrlneo Best. Safest. Most jc Convenient. patentee. Ink 7ir 4 upo.t fer It. If li cannot supply tho nAItVI.. accent no other, but xend tatnp for Il lustrate bOOk 0lJ It CiVM fall particular ind rtlrc 'i'mln- iltmhlHtoldiM mnivtrn &tt Mission SL. San Francisco For sale by Woodard. Clark &. Co. and drur Slats generally Jlllk flVKS'SfcSffl V V"T'3&N. VS3X' .- w? 'whg x.rm? VT Tt ... UN jMnr f?? ra MA5H00D RESTORED BynslngDr. Pean's Yellow BUUIUVVU ilDOlVriDtf Kenre Pills. This wonderful remedy guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Hcadache,Wakefullncss.Lost Manhood. Nightly Emis sions, Nervousness, los3 of power tn Generative Organs, caused by vouthful errors, excessive use or stimulants which lead to Infirmity or Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocVet. Ji.co per box. 6 for $s. by mail prepaid. Circular free. All druggists. Tate no other. Manufactured by the Peau Mcdiane Co., Pans.Francc. aaae-Oaris Orns Co. distributing agents, Third akd Yamhtu. Sts.. Portland. Oreooic.