20 THE SUNDAY QBEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 30, 1901. KEW TODAY. FOR RENT COMMODIOUS 12-BOOM HOUSE, large grounds: 103 N. 17th si; for term of years. Wakefield. Fries &. Co., 220 Stark st DESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD WANTED for man and wife In private family or small boarding-house. Address P. O. Box 125, city. EHEEHY BROS.. 108 SEVTH ST.. CARRY A select line of wall papers. See them about painting, kalsomlnlng and papering. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. V- i i;nuii; wjsst side buib $600 and up Lots In Doscher's Second Ad dition, running from 22d to 34th. and X to Reed sts. This property lies high and fine, has Improved streets and sewers. Is conven ient to large manufacturing plants and street cars. 11700 Full lot, south front; Marshall si, near 24th. $1800 50x100. Irvine, between 23d and 24th. Hcuse and fractional lot. 'Second and Ca ruthers; will sell at a low figure. $2000100x100 and two houses, Carutbers si. near Fronl $160060x100 and two-houses, Caruthers si, near Fronl $12,000 - - Half block, adjoining terminal grounds; choicest warehouse property in Port land. $150050x50 and modern cottage on Hall si Special snap. $550 Sightly corner lot. Portland Heights. 50x100 and cottage. 330 North 19th. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON EAST SIDE $2000100x100. modern house, E. 21st-Hojrt. 100x100, beautiful corner. East 10th and Oak. and two good houses. Will sell sep arately. A snap. $24002 sightly lots and desirable cottage. Page si and Gantenbeln ave. $1300 Cottage and lot on Grand ave., Hol laday's Addition. $1300 Full corner lot and 5-room cottage, Holladay's Addition. $238050x100 and modern B-room nouse, furnace, etc, Holladay's Addition. $2100 One of the choicest quarter blocks In Holladay's Addition. $1900 Fine quarter block. Holladay's Ad dition. $1600 Corner and modern 6-room cottage, East 23d and Ivon sts. $2200 Nice modern house. 6 rooms and basement; good barn; East 28th and Taylor streets. $2200 Modern 9-roqm house, good condi tion, full basemenl cornor lot, streets Im proved, sewer and sidewalk. East 33d and Yamhill, Sunnyslde. $2500 Large grounds and 10-room modem bouse. In good condition, Sunnyslde. $7502 lots, Knott, near Mississippi ave. $2000 Corner, 50x100. East First and Wash- lngtoa sts.; choice warehouse property. $1200-Flne quarter block, East 10th and Caruthets. Several sightly lots near Brooklyn School; will sell very low and on easy terms. Two lots and a good 7-room house In Arbor Lodge. At a bargain. $1000 Desirable half block. East 13th and Division. $1500 Full block, Patton's Addition. acres, all under cultivation, 5-room house and barn, near West ave.. Ml Tabor, at a snap price. Acre 'tract on the Base Line road. Other good bargains too numerous to men tion. Favorable terms on any of the above. ORINDSTAFF & BLAIN. 20 Stark. SELECT BARGAINS FROM OUR LIST $125100x100 feet on Willamette boule vard. This Is well located and cheap. (A. 158.) $550 Full block at SI Johns, close to car; good location. (A. 157.) $1100 On the Montavllla car line; a nice lot, wkh new house. 8 rooms, bath, large attic and porches; house cost a good deal more than price asked. (M. T. 128.) $5000 A fine property, corner of Rodney ave. and Knott si; 3 lots, 120x150. with 8 room nouse, all modern conveniences, good barn; easy terms. (A. 156.) $650 A cozy home, adjoining Sunnyslde, lot 50x100 and neat 5-room cottage; easy terms. (M. T. 127.) $2400 Sacramento si, -near Rodney ave.; large lol 50x150, and nice house, 6 large rooms: porcelain bath, Improved sanitary plumbing. This Is a model home, and cheap. (E. B. .) $1000 Rlvervlew Add. to Alblna; a full lot and pretty 5-room cottage. Chance to get a cozy home, cheap and on easy terras. (A. 152.) Choice 'acreage, well located for future in crease In value, at bedrock prices. No bet ter chance anywhere to make money than to buy a few acres as near to the center of Portland as our means will allow. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. HOUSES FOR RENT. Rents collected, tax searches made and taxes paid for clients. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., Chamber of Commerce. WHT DON'T YOU CATCH ON TO THESE 7 A 32-acre place that Is a CRACKERJACK; nicely Improved, soil Is rich, buildings good, plenty choice fruit; on Abernethy Creek, near Oregon City. Price only $1700. A half-acre lot, convenient to cars, 6-room house, good barn, abundance choice fruit, $450. Modern 6-room cottage, large lot; Just a Lu Lu of a place; within half block of Union-avenue cars. In Upper Alblna; will bring ,$12 per month rent, but $1100 will buy 11 If you want an investment that will pay, buy that corner 24-room flat; rent for $600 per annum; $4500 buys 11 It's the best In vestment In the city. A cozy 5-room-cottage home, full lot; close to cars; easy payments: $750. . AJ6vely quarter block, with a fine 8-room house; a beautiful park of shrubbery and frultftrees; one block Hawthorne ave. $1500. , R-. H. DUNN, 149 First si C-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT ON BROOK lyn si, near East 21st; only $850. easy terms. 6-room cottage and lot 50x100 on East 32d. near East Madison. $1150. 6-room cottage and lot 50x100. on East Pine si. near" East 12th; only $2100. easy terms. Modern 5-room cottasre and lot on Mill si. near 16th; $2200, 'easy terms. 10 lots, each 50x100, in Sellwood, vicinity of Sixth and Umatilla sts.; $2000, easy pay ments. Lot 50x100 on Third and Woods sts.; $750, terms. JOSEPH M. HEALY. 290 Morrison si NICE. MODERN HOUSE. 9 ROOMS; CE nvent walks and basement; central, Bast 12th si; $2850. Might take smaller property part pay. $1500 Good suburban home, on car line; two lota. In fruit; house alone will cost to build now $2500. 5-room cottage, barn, full lot. In fruit, city water. 19th and Powell. $850. 5-room cottage, full corner lot, some fruit and berries. In Woodlawn. $350- J. A. HENKLE, 220 Ablngton bldg. WELL-BUILT MODERN HOUSE. DOUBLE parlors, dining-room, kitchen, pantry, bath, 3 bedrooms, with large closets: nice yard; for $2000 (cash); no agents wanted. Owner. 610 Qulmby, bel 19th and 20th. 100x100 AT A SNAP. Comer 23d and Marshall. Offered at a low figure for a. few days only. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS, ? Chamber of Commerce. $1500 Beautiful lot on Marshall, between 23d and 24th. At a bargain for a few days only. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 26 ACRES FINE LAND. 11 IN hops, with orchard, house, barn, hophousc and other Improvements. Write or Inquire of J. W. Bemls, Woodburn, Or. FASHIONABLE QUARTER BLOCK ON 23D street at a snap price. See us at once. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH - basement: two lots; flower garden: 27th And Overton: a snap; leased ground. L 44, Ore gonlan. ". KING'S SECOND ADDITION 35 LOTS; V ,. ""uns in Dest resiaence district Of city; easy terms. Montague & Klnir. 220 Stark. HOUSE AND 100x160 NEAR CARS; $15 monthly: $25 Jown; snap. Why pay rent? Open 4 o'clock today. McCoy, 149 Firsl ALBINA. ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE 5-room cottage, basemenl bath, closet: near ly new. See Montague & King, 226 Stark. BARGAIN NINE-ROOM COTTAGE: BATH city water: lot 45x118 feet: near Hawthorne ave. Montague & King. 220 Stark si 'WILL BE SOLD-NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE; IM proved street; 2 vacant lots: 2 farms, fenced. In cultivation. X 14. care Oregonlan. 'FOR SALE ACRE PROPERTY IN PARCELS to jult. on or near electric car line. 6-cent fare. Geo. P. Lenl 205 Morrison. ALBINA SIX-ROOM COTTAGE; GOOD CON dltion; on San Rafael st: very cheap. Call on Montague & King., 220 Stark. Six houses. 7 rooms each. $1500 to $2000; easy terms. Several 4 and 5-room cottages: bar gains. 012 Commercial building. LOT. STORE BUILDING, WAREHOUSE, hall, at Troutdale. Inquire of D. Dahm 27 North First si, Portland. CHOICE LOT ON GUSAN ST.. NEAR 21ST south front: bargain for 10 days only. Mon tague & King. 220 Stark. GOING TO THE COAST? FINE BARGAIN8 In cottages at Scaviow and Long Beach. 713 Chamber of Commerce. LOT ON STANTON ST.. BETWEEN UNION and Rodney avenues. Inquire 42S Flanders street. West Side. .HOLLADAY'S ADDITION M, BLOCK ON Wcidler st: very cheap. See Montague & King, 220 Stark FOR SALS REAL ESTATK. 70 PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 100x50 on -N, E. cor. 6th nd Stark, $40,000. 108x125 on 2i. W. cor. 10th and Stark, with six houses. Income $225 per month, $35,000. 125x115 on N E cor. 16th and Montgom ery, with five handsome houses, $18,000. 200x100 on East 7th. between Yamblll and Taylor, with three double houses. Income $107.50 per month, $13,000. 400x200 on Washington si, with Exposition building and electric power plant. $75,000. 200x200 near terminal grounds. $12,000. 10 . acre" o1 car une, . next Willamette Heights. $30,000. 500 feet deep-water frontage, near harbor, $12,000. 200x200 between East 6th and East 7th, Oregon and Irving sts., $12,000. 83x100 on N. W. cor., 7th and Ankeny sts., $13,000. 100x100 on N. W. cor. 3d and Montgomery sts.. $7000. Full block and fine residence on Portland Heights.. $17,500- The Markle brick residence and 10 lots on Portland Heights. $25,000. 100x100, with brick building, on N. E. cor. Belmont and Union ave., $11,000. 60x95, with new brick building, on B. E. cor. 4th and Couch sts., -$12,600. 50x100. with new frame building, on S. W. cor. 5th and Couch sts., $8500. 100x100 on S. W. cor. Park and Hoyt sts., $9000. 50x80, with 4 flats, on 7th. near Jefferson, $8500. ' 60x100. with 3 houses, on N. E. cor. 17th and Yamhlir sts., $6500. 53x50 and large house, on N. E. cor. 4th and Montgomery sts., $3250. 50x60, with good house, on 8. E. cor. 6th and Lincoln sts., $4250. 60x114, with large house, on N. E. cor. 4th and Caruthers sts., $5250. . 60x60 and 8-room house, on N. W. cor. 18th and Flanders sts.. $5000. 40x70 and 7-room house on Flanders st.. near 18th. $4000. 67x100 on Johnston Hill, near City Park, $4200. . . 50x100, with 2 new cottages, on 11th si. near Davis. $3600. 60x100, with 2 new cottages, on Washing ton si, near City Park, $3500. 60x100 on Washington si, opposite 23d. with 2 houses. $4750. 35x87, with 7-room house, on Ella si, $3800. 150x100. center of Lower Alblna, covered with large buildings. $12,000. 87x100. with modern home, on Marshall si. i near 20th, $6750. 75x75, with house, near Hamilton ave , $1100. 20x100, with 8-room house, on Thurman si. near 23d. $1800. 100x100. with 4 cottages, on 16th and Thur man sts., $4000. 50x100 and double house on Water si. near Glbbs, $3250. 50x100 on S. W. cor. East 14th and Pine sts.. with, good 10-room house, $3760. 60x100 on' East 8th, between Belmont an Yamhill, with cottage. $1250. 25 acres of flne land west of Fulton Park. $3750. 20 acres, with house and buildings, on Cor nell road. $3250. 54 acres of fruit land in Clark County, Washington, $3000. 100x100. with stable mnd 2 cottasres, on S. W. cor. 10th and Lovejoy sts., $4500. 100x100 on S. W. cor. 14th and Thurman oio., inv. 200x100 on Beech si, $800. 50x100 on 23th si,, near Overton, $1400. 50x100 on. Schuyler st., near 17th, $750. 50x100 on N. W. cor. East 8th and Tilla mook sts., $800. . A few, tracts In Tabor Heights very cheap. 30x100 on 4th, between Couch and Davis, yielding $45 per month, or 15 per cent on $3500. 40x100. Columbia si. near 14th, $1600. A few lots In Kenllworth. each $150. 67x07 on N. E. cor. Qulncy and Clackamas, with 2 good, new houses, $4200. Lots in Willamette Heights from $700 to $1200 for Inside ones. 62x100. with 3 houses, on S. E. cor. 12th and Jefferson sts., $12,500. 50x100, with new residence, on Kearney si, near 20th. $5250. 50x100, with new house, on Willamette Heights, $3000. 56x100. with house, on Morrison si, near 17th, $3500. 50x100 oh Clay st. near 14th. $1800. 07xl00 on East Washington and 6th. with 2 old houses, $3500. , . 100x50 on S. E. cor. East 8th and Bum side, with frame building, paying over 10 per cent, $5500. . 10 acres near Mount ZIon. $2500. Fine residence and quarter block on 11th and Clay sts.. $18,000. Full river block and wharf, between Mor rison and Mndlson-street bridges, $25,000. Fine residence and quarter block on N. E. cor. 21gt and Flanders sts., $15,000. 25x100 on Davis si, near 14th, with two houses. $3500. 4 lots In Portland Homestead, near Ban croft ave., very cheap. Lots and cottages In Tibbetts Addition, cheap and very easy terms. ' 25x100 and cottage on Pottygrove si, near 20th, $1300. 50x100 on East MrrIson si, near Union ave.. $2500. 200x200 on cable line, Portland Heights, $o000. 10 acres and house, east of Mount Tabor. $2500. River frontage In Southern Portland, cheap. RUSSELL & BLYTH. 82 THIRD STREET, CORNER OAK. THESE ARE WORTH THEIR MONEY Fine quarter block, with two good stores, two modern 7-room houses and good barn; paying 10 per cent on price asked; southeast cor. 14th and Marshall sts. Another good quarter block, partly Im proved. with two-story building and small cottage, northeast cor. 17th and Overton sts.; pays 10 per cent at present; $0700. Sightly quarters or half block. East Taylor si; cheap. Two grand lots, Hansen's Addition, $1000. Pretty 6-room cottage and bath, high lot, nicely graded, flowers, etc, 848 Vaughn st $2100. Small cottage, beautiful high lot, 60x80. North 15th si; $2100. Three houses, full lot, 10th and Kearney sts.; pays over 10 per cent on price asked. Several houses, Nob Hill, from $3500 to $10,000. 8-room modern house and 90x100 fet, with gas and electric light; close In Holladay's Addition; $4500. 2 acres, with fruit. Selden Murraj's D. L. C. In city limits, East 36th si; $2500. 7-room house, full lot, 20th and East Ash, $2000. Two 6-room houses, rent $30 per month, 12th. near Johnson, $3500. Eine quarter block, Holladay's Addition, close In. $2000. 5 acres adjoining Portland Homestead. $1750. 5-room cottage, 50x50, near Portland Acad emy. $1600. 6-room cottage, Kearney si, near car line. $1800. North" End business and warehouse proper ty, and a large list of other bargatns In all parts of the city and suburbs. A. D. MARSHALL, 82 Third si. ground floor. FOR SALE 103 ACRES. ONE MILE SOUTH of town of Hood River; flne for early ber ries, cherries, peaches, etc., being safe against frost and protected from wind: flne bearing orchard and berries; 120 rods of Hood River, having Immense water power; Just below power-house of electrle light com pany: large spring, suitable for town supply; Cedar Creek reaches Hood River on this place, furnishing Irrigation and power; finest scenery In Hood River, $4200. If adld within 30 days. Prather & Barnes. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE $1500, FINE 6-ROOM HARD flnlshed cottage. In flrst-class condition, with good barn; 2 full lots, set to fruit Irees and flne roses; buildings and fence newly painted; cars pass the place: S. E. corner Mechanic and Union ave. Call 204 Third si. upstairs. CHOICE PROPERTY KNOWN AS HOWE'S Addition. In lots or acreage, cor. 41st and East Division, opposite Richmond car line; must sell dirt cheap; .perfect title assured. Apply on premises to Mrs. Carrie Howe. Telephone White 778. $25 LOTS ON THE ST. JOHNS CAR LINE; cleared, level, streets graded. Tho building of the great R. R. bridge across the Colum bia River will quadruple all values on the Peninsula. Brown. 392 Washington street. FOR SALE A BARGAIN; LOT 50x125 AND 6-room cottage, with hot water heating ap paratus; electric light; hot and cold water: nice lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees; come and Investigate. 414 Eugene st. FOR SALE FINE SUBURBAN HOME; ELB gant grounds; at Mount Tabor; 10-mlnute car service; will take mortgage and trade for balance; house furnished or unfurnished. C H. Thompson. 128 Third at CHOICE ACRE TRACTS WITHIN THE CITY limits, near S. P. car shops; 6 blocks from car line; well located; flne building sltw; price only -$400 per acre; easy terms. W. A Shaw & Co.. 243 Stark si $1250 FOR NEAT 6-ROOM COTTAGE AND 75x100 feel beautifully located on west slope of Mount Tabor, near cars; Investigation so licited. The Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock bldg. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Neat 7-room modern house, with lot well situated. Holladay's Addition. $2800. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS, 3 Chamber of Commerce. WILL BUY YOU A LOT AND BUILD A house to suit in any part of the city; small cash payment: balance monthly. Dammeler. 603-4 Marquam building. 20 BEAUTIFUL. SIGHTLY LOTS ON- BT. Johns car. line (now being electrified), facing boulevard, for only $35 each. Brown. 392 Washington si 25 LOTS WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS: BEST suburb In city? best car service; best view: best at everything. Including best terms. Montague & King; 220 Stark. GOOD BUILDING LOTS. NEAR ELECTRIC line: $5 mqnthly; low price. McCoy, 140 Firsl room 1. IRVINGTON BEST TOT" OTJ TTT.T.Mnntf near 10th, JC76. See owner, 620 Marquam bk. FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. QUARTER BLOCK. ONLY $900. A beautiful quarter block on Fargo and Kerby sfs. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. , 3 Chamber of .Commerce. THE BEST LOTS FOR THE MONEY TN Portland Twenty lots In King's Third Addi tion. Call and see Montague & King. 228 Stark. FOR SALE PHAETON, CART. TWO SETS single harness. Inquire 435' Williams ave. 7 LOTS NEAR ARBOR LODGE, $100 EACH; See owner, 235 Washington st. , TO EXCHANGE. TO 'EXCHANGE 5 ACRES SOUTH SLOPE Mount Tabor;, good 8-Toom house. $350; 6 i?tl,lnJISfn.so1 Park t000 H block East Portland Heights. $1850; new 6-room house, lot 50x100, modern, Sunnyslde. 127 4th si, room 103. 200ACRES IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY; ALSO 300 acres In Yamhill County ;. both choice stock farms; well watered and In good lo cality; will exchange for good suburban homes. "W . A. Shaw & Co., 243 Stark si TO EXCHANGE 118 ACRES PARTLY IM proved; one mile from city limits of Van couver, Wash.; for improved or vacant resi dence property In Portland. B 12. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. OR WILL EXCHANGE FORJlf proved city property, 40 acres timber; also team, wagon and about 100 cords wood. 773 yC streel FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR NEW piano. 2 acres in W. Pointer donation land claim, Washington County, Or. V 15, Ore gonlan. 7-ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT. THIS city. E. Ash si. for nice farm, Yamhill County preferred. A. D. Marshall. 82 3d. NINE-ROOM HOUSE. 50x100. CORNER, close in, for vacant lots, acreage or farm. McCoy. 148 Firsl room 1. TO . EXCHANGE-$25 NOTE . AND GOOD watch for n. good small horse. X 13. -Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE-8X10 VIEW CAMERA FOR bicycle. 203 First, photo gallery. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER, COT tage and lot on East Side, close In; reason able and easy terms. N 14, care Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSE AND LOT. SMALL CASH payment; balance monthly Installments; par ticulars to R 13, care Oregonlan.- WANTED FOR CASH-HOUSE AND LOT 'IN Irvlngton or Holladay's, not exceeding $50l. G 14, Oregonlan. WANTED-TO BUY THE CHEAPEST LOT or acre for cash. Address D 14, care Ore gonlan. FOR SALE-FARMS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE' THIS FARM 80 acres, nearly all bottom land; 40 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, good out range, beautiful stream, good, new 6-room house, new barns, orchard, new wagon and hack, all farming Implements, team, 27 head cattle (good ones, no scrubs). 100 turkeys, 6o chickens, hogs and bees; near Vancouver: all goes for $3500. " 151 acres good land, some Improvements, near Columbia River, 4 mites from Corb5tt; good' out-range; sell very cheap. 5 acres choice land near Oregon CJty car; flne orchard, 250 apples trees, 5o pears, other varieties 'berries, house, barn; $1200. J- A. HENKLE, 220 Ablngton bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN-400 ACRES, 10 MILES cast -from Oregon City, 22 miles from Port land; 75 " acres under -plow; watered by Bprlngs and creek; water -piped -to the house; running-water lnjbarnyard;. land principally creek bottom) rich black soil; balance upland, clay soil; 1 miles to school, store, mill and postofflce; daily mall; 2 miles to cheese fac- j tory,: SooA graded and graveled road to Port land and Oregon City; place exceptionally well adapted for dairying purposes; price reasonable and terms easy. C. O. T Will lams, Oregon City. FOR SALE STOCK FARM. 406 ACRES; 80 acres in cultivation, with house,- barn, etc; well watered; land rolling, yet could alt be cultivated; splendid soil; situated between Newberg and La Fayette, In Yamhill County. Oregon; offered at the low price, of $10.60 per acre. J. W., Ogllbee, room II, 145 First si, Portland, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties apply to SlacMaster & Blrrelfc 311 Worcester block. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS GRAIN. FRUIT and hops, any size, reasonable prices and terms to sull Address Odell & Wood, Mc MlnnvIHe, Or., or Geo. J3. Streeter, room 0 Worcester block, Portland. FOR SALE 500-ACRE STOCK. GRAIN OR dairy farm, well Improved, and the besl of water; 8 milos from Salem, In Polk Co. For full description and price call on or address J. H. Robblns.-McCoy, Or. BY OWNER. G44 ACRES BEST FARM IN Oregon; 500 cultivation, 100 pasture, 44 tim ber; choice grain, dairy and clover land; prir reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. 600 3d. city. 27 AND 30 ACRES, ALMOST ADJOINING; 3000 bearing prune trees. Italian Petite and a few silver: house, etc; In Marlon County: $2000. H. W. Klrkpatrick, 335 N. 17th si . Portland. 40 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITY: 23 UNDER cultivation. $1000. $2 acre, 1600 acres open grazing land, near Roseburg. 71S Chamber of Co'mmerce. FOR SALE FARM OF 200 ACRES. PARTLY Improved, large barn and granary; near school and sawmill; 5 miles from Toledo, itsn. .inquire duo iulll St. AN IDEAL 25-ACRE. WELL IMPROVED farm on Base Line Road, 18 acres In crop $2000. See owner, room 9 127 First st. 040 ACRES STOCK LAND. 10 MILES FROM Corvallls. for sale or trade. Address N 13, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR RENT 550-ACRE FARM. Wallace Freyer. Kellogg, Douglas Co., Or. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT TWENTY ACRES ON CAR LINE near town. Call Strong's Studio, Goodnough bldg. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. WANTED MEN TO LOCATE ON GOVERN ment land; can furnish choice locations tim ber and farm lands; we can locate several good claims In the celebrated Nehalem Val ley. "For full particulars calKon M. Bill ings. 321 Morrison. CHEAP; 80 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND; close to saw mill; good-laying land, running water, some Improvements. Call or address C. A. Mason. Hotel zur Rhelnpfalz. 253 Front si. city. 800 ACRES OF PAPER PULP TIMBER mnu, on aeep water, at ta.oo per acre. Ap ply or address W. H. RIdgeley & Co., room 4.Mulkey building. Large and small tracts, scrip, claims mill sites, etc. Ask printed descriptions, and select plats. J. L. Martin & Co., 601 Oragonlan bldg. i can $ell your timber claim; sold three last week. A. D. Marshall. 82 3d si FOR SALE OIL PROPERTY. PUGET SOUND PETROLEUM CO. STOCK SELLING TODAY. 30 CTS. WATCH THIS "AD" DAILY FOR PRICE. J. L. ATKINSON & CO.. -.-. THIRD AND WASHINGTON STS.. 311-312 FAILING BUILDING. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WORK HORSE. 1400 POUNDS; 8 ADDLE horse, gentle buggy horse; strong delivery horse; all young, sound and cheap. Address V 8, care Oregonlan. FOR .kLE-NlCE FAMILY DRIVING hora5ilnd and gentle; suitable for lady also rtropy .top buggy. Address S 14, care Oregonlan. TWO CARS STEEL AND RUBBER TIRE buggies; old rigs exchanged; 250 second-hand rigs; bank stock saddles and harness. 211 Wash. GOOD ASH AND MAPLE SLABWOOD TE llvered, $2 per load; also hardwood sawdust Phone White 501. Western Boat Oar Fac tory. , ; BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WQOD AT LOW est prices. See us before placing your or der. Travis Bros., 403'Everetl Phone Hood - 742 LADIES' TAILOR SUIT: BEAUTIFUL goods: trimmed black taffeta: silk lined; bust 30; bargain.. Dressmaker, 64 "North 11th. FOR SALE THREE FRESH COWS; FIRBT house west Reservoir No. 2, Section Line Rdad. Phona Union 1443. PURE BROWN LEGHORN HENS FOR SALE at 76c each.' 249 Beech si, Upper Alblna. SJORSAMB MISCELLANEOUS. NF.X. BICYCLE. $35 VALUE FOR $18.50; 1900 Cleveland, lady's and gent's, $20; 1900 Rambler. $20; second-hand Columbia, good, '$16: Rambler, good. $10: boy's Rambler, $8; Spalding. 61 Rambler. $5; Lady's SpeqlaL $7; Eagle. $10; Crescent, $10, and others from $5 up. Portland Gun Store, 231 First, be tween Salmon and Main. FURNITURE CHEAP ALL NEW MANTEL bed, with silk floss mattress. 30 yards Brus sels carpet; golden oak bureau, with oval plate glass, commode, lounge, chairs, etc.; party leaving city; cheaper than auction. Call nt room 2, 02 1st si. FINE WELL-MATCHED CARRIAGE OR DE UYery.team; blacks; 1100 pounds;-very gen tle; also, harness and very light fancy wag on; price reasonable; also, pasture for horses $1.50', a month can be had. F. Sanftenberg, Sellwood. OFFICE FURNITURE AND LAW BOOKS, . Including No. 2 Remington typewriter, re volving bookcase, chairs, tables, etc.; also many valuable and useful law books. 302 Commercial building. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines. Singer, White, New Home,, and Wheeler & Wilson, at astonUh- ..Ing low prices. 335 Morrison st., Marquam building. ELEGANT HAINES BROTHERS' SQUARE piano; not a rattle-trap, but & good piano: for sale for $115, $10 down and $4 a month. At Ellers Piano House, 331 Washington si FOR SALE A THOROUGHBRED HERE fprd bull. 3 years old: or will trade for good Valley stock, sheep. C. Mlnslnger, care Star Sand Co.. foot 15th st BUTCHER SHOP AND FIXTURES. DWELL lng and half-block land: a bargain If sold soon. r Address J. Hudleson. Jefferson. Or New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing:. Ofllce sup plies. Coast Agency Co.. 266 Stark st FOR BEST DRY OAK. ASH AND FIR WOOD at lowest prices. Hoover, 313 Water street Phones Oregon South 651, Columbia 83. GOOD 1100-POUND DRIVING TEAM; WELL matched coloi. size; broke single or double; ' gentle. Oatman Place. Woodstock car. FOR SALE-TWO COWS, TWO JERSEY heifers and 300 chickens. D. L. Dieker, be- tween Mount ZIon and Shattuck station. FOR SALE GENTLE. YOUNG HORSE, BUG- and harness, $73. Buggy nearly new. Address "Salesman.'' care Oregonlan. LAW LIBRARY FOR SALE-600 VOLUMES state, reports and text-books. Inquire of EmmaA Irvine. McMlnnyllle. Or. THIRTY HEAD DRIVING HORSES; 900 TO 1200 pounds; broken to suit purchaser. The Pacific Coast Milling Co. FOR SALE GENTLE CITY-BROKE DELIV ery horse. $30; one extra. $75; also light de livery wagon. 292 Pine st. GENTLE DRIVING. SADDLE OR GENERAL purpose horse; perfectly safe for lady to drive. O 13. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. CHEAP BRAND-NEW ORIENT bicycle, with coaster brake; never used. Ad dress Y 13, Oregonlan. I WILL SELL BICYCLE, 3 EDISON PHONO graphs, records, cheap; going to New Zea land. F 8. Oregonlan. NEW UPRIGHT PIANO; RELIABLE MAKE, used one month; parties obliged to sell; bar gain. P 16. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW. HIGH-GRADE BICYCLE, very cheap; also sewing machine. Address L 12. care Oregonlan. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO: STANDARD MAKE; will take board and room In part payment. B 15, Oregonlan. SNAP LATEST IMPROVED $65 SEWING machine; used only 0 months. $15. Room 220 Goodnough bldg. FOR SALE-CHEAP; TWO GOOD MULES. Inquire C. Mtnsfnger. care Star Sand Co., " foot 15th st FOR SALE SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS, SIRE Donald. A'. L.- Rumsey, Palestine. Phone Union 1443. FOR SALEHORSE AT YOUR PRICE; must Belt tbday. Fourth and Burnslde, liv ery stable. FOR SALE A ROLL-TOP DESK. AS GOOD as new; sold cheap. Address A 14, care Oregonlan. J FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BEHNKE'S Commercial College. Address M 0, care Ore gonlan. DROPrHEAD SINGER 8EWING MACHINE for sale for half price, at 111 Seventh st north. . WALFER CELEBRATED MINERAL Springs for sale. T. A. Wood. 141 First st. Upright piano $100, cost $300 month ago; organ $20,new concert graphophono $25. 104 1st New, and 2d-hand furniture, stoves, etc.; lowest prices. , Kerns & Alexander. 73 Union ave. FOR SALE-4-YEXR-OLD HORSE. 0C0 LBS., and spring wagon; bargain; $35. 127 E. 30th. GOOD STRONG PONY CART AND HAR hess; almost hew; cheap. Call at 209 1st FULL-BLOODED JER8EY COW FOR SALE. Call at northwest corner East Stark and 18th. FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. THOROUGHBRED prizo stock; game. 304 17th, near Columbia. FOR SALE LADY'S BICYCLE. STANDARD make; perfect, condition. 320 7th and Clay. FIREWORKS. CHEAP. 'WHOLESALE AND retail. Lee Sang Wa. 101 2d. cor Taylor. FOR 'SALE UPRIGHT WEBER PIANO. A3 good as new. Plympton. 231 Morrison. SACKS FOR SALE, AT SACK DEPOT. 173 Russell st Edwin Fry, phone, Russ 499. FOR - SALE 4 FINE BROOD SOWS, . 8 young hogs. R. W. Henry, Lents, Or. NEARLY NEW COLUMBUS BUGGY, cheap. Pavilion Stable. 20 15th. near Burnilde. FOR , SALE LADIE8' PHOENIX WHEEL, good condition; cheap. 1033 E. Main. VALUABLE COIN FOR SALE. $50: CALI fornla slug. Address C 14, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE NEW LADIES' SADDLE blanket and hair bridle. 300 Morrison. FOR SALE A FINE DRIVING MARE; WELL broke for lady. X 15. Oregonlan. BABY'S GO-CART, CHAIR AND HIGH chair: very cheap. 751 Johnson st FOR SALE- NEW CHAINLESS BICYCLE AT half price. Inquire 100 Park st. A FRESH COW. JERSEY. 3 YEARS OLD. $50. 404 Knott at. Uppr Alblna. GOOD ACCORDION PLEATER FOR SALE cheap.- N 14, care Oregonlan. A WEBB SAFE FOR SALE OR RENT. IN qulre room 4. 201 Morrlon. FOR SALE-LADY'S BICYCLE, GOOD CON dltlon. 090 E. Ankeny st TWO WALL SHOWCASES FOR SALE AT Beck's, 272 Washington st BED. COMPLETE: CRIB AND GENT'S BI cycle, cheap. 433 12th st. YOUNG, FRESH COWS FOR SALE, quire at 381 East Pine st IN- A FINE DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE. Call 144 Seventh street. FAMILY HORSE. BUGGY AND HARNESS. 51 -Fourth, near Pine. FINE CONCERT VIOLIN FOR SALE CHEAP. M 14. care Oregonlan. AN UPRIGHT PIANO, REASONABLE. ,144 Russell st.. Alblna. SMALL HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP. Johnson st .741 HELP "WANTED MALE. FRATERNAL ORDER HAVING RESERVE fund, Issuing paid up and life certificates, easily sold, attractive plan, wants experi enced supervisors and organizers In every state; permanent Income guaranteed. Ad dress -Success, 9 Pine st. Suite 414, New York. WANTED-MACHINISTS; WAGES $3 60 PER day of 10 hours and time and a half for overtime; I want a limited number of flrst claaa men to go out of town. Apply to J. G. Bowman, room No. 1. plaza Hotel. No. 207 Third St.. from 9 to 12, and 2 to 6 P. M. CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT i Posi tions. About 0500 appointments made last yean Probably 10,000 this year. Only a common school education required. Cata- legue of information free. Columbian Corre spondence College, Washington. D. C. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY PERSONS IN ach state to manage business of wealthy corporation. Salary $18 each Wednesday di rect from headquarters. Expense money ad- vanced. Manager, 335 Caxton building. Chl - cago. ENERGETIC SALESMAN, SCHOOL SUP plles; country work; $100 salary and -commissions. R. o Evans & Co., Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MEN WHO ARE NOW EN gaged In representing wholesale tailoring firms and who have "been successful In the line. The very largest- wholesale tailoring concern In the United States will give such men an opportunity to make more money than they are making at the present .time. The very best sample equipment such as woolens, on consignment, swatches, etc., will be furnished. Branch stores will be opened without requiring Investment of th salesmen, and salaries guaranteed to good parties. Good salesmen will And this their opportunity. We do not advise others to ap ply. ,C, H. Nlcoll. lock-box 529. Chicago, 111. $2 to $2.50. fare $5.50: barker. $55 bd.; skid $2; mill hands. -$2; yard men. $1.75; wood sawyers, $2; post cutters, lc; wood cutters. S'U'J. ,-a !ners, 1.75 bd.: haymakers. iK25 b0ttrl: farm, hands, and. milkers, $25 to $30; plenty of work. Canadian Agency. 220 Morrison, Loggers Headquarters. SALESMEN THE GREATE8T MONOPOLY of the age; our chemical machine for cool ing all kinds of refrigerators. Guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper than ice. Will last a lifetime; everybody buys. Also our New Chemical Ice Cream Freezer, requires no la borworks automatic. $100.00 per week and exclusive territory guaranteed good men. Write today for territory and- agency. Cham. Refrlg. & Freezer Co.. Station U, Chicago, WANTEDINDUSTRIOUS MEN AND WOM cn in every town to work for us at their homes. No canvassing. We will send work any distance. We have several lines of work to give out, some of which requires no experience. If you can't devote the whole day to our work, you can earn $5 or $0 a week by working an hour or two evenings. Address Standard Mfg. Co.. 142 West 23d at. New York. SALESMEN 'WANTED RELIABLE. ACTIVE salesmen for special paint as side 'line; merit and price sells quick-to hardware., paint and general stores; easily learned; pocket sample; lib. com.; steady income to right men; per manent and profitable business. Add., giving territory wanted and refs. Trinidad Paint . Co., 519 Howard st, San Francisco. SALESMEN TO SPECIALTY SALESMEN, capable of successfully handling large prop osition; we will pay salary of $500 per month; best selling line on the market; no experi ment; quick sales; large orders; extraordi nary inducements to all kinds fit trade. We are established and thoroughly responsible. Address D Jl. care Oregonlan. WANTED MUCKERS TO WORX IN THE Iron Mountain mine; men unaccustomed to mining but used to laboring work will be given Jobs; wages $2.60 per day; steady work. Apply to Mine Superintendent Iron Mount ain. Shasta County, Cal. Take train to Kes wick, i MILKERS. FARM AND HAT HANDS (2 ONE place), wopdehoppers. tools for rent; s. bolt cutters, loggers; man, wife, etc., $30: cooks, second cook. ?10; about 10 at $2 day; dish washers, waiters, extra, steady. Drake's, 152 First ENGINEERS' LICENSE ENGINEERS, firemen, electricians; 40-page pamphlet con taining questions asked by examining board of engineers; sent free. Geo. A. Zeller. Pub lisher, room 420, 18 S. 4thst, 81 Louis. Mo. WANTED TRAVELING MEN TO HANDLE on. commission trimmed hats as a side line; business established. 10 years; desirable line and sood sellers. B. Painter, E. Water St. Milwaukee, Wis. AGENTS AND MAIL-ORDER MEN WE have an elegant Sumhier seller; sells at sight; big profits; sample and particulars 10c. Western Supply Co., Dept S., Par sons, Kan. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY, county, to handle best-paying business known: legitimate, new; exclusive - control. , Phoenix Co., 13 W. 28th st, N. Y. UANTED-1C0 MEN FOR SOUTHERN. CALI fornla; tunnelmen, laborers and rock men: -wages $2 to $2.60 per doy; two years' work. See Boss, at 227 Burnslde street SOLICITOR WANTED- FOR FIRST-CLASS printing- establishment: -clty work; one who has had some experience In above line pre ferred. Y 14. care Oregonlan. WANTED STRONG. ACTIVE AND INTEL llgentiman of abjut 30 years; one having had some experience In a smelter preferred. Address T 14. core Oregonlan. SALESMEN TWO FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN at once. Permanent position and salary. On ly experienced travelers need apply. Ad dress iL 11. care Oregonlan, A GOOD. INDUSTRIOUS MAN TO TRAVEL for wholesalo house; good salary, permanent position; will require $25 to start with. Ad dress V 43, care Oregonlan. , BOY OR YOUNG MAN WANTED IN A MER , chant tailoring store;. must be Industrious and willing; state prevlops occupation. Address . D 12, Oregonlan. . "WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. WANTED SETTLERS FOR FIRST-CLASS homestead. Call at Hoch's saloon. Fourth and Washington sts., from 10 to 12 A. M.. , 0 to 8 P. M. WANTED A TELEGRAPHER WITH BOTH commercial and railroad experience; must be of steady habits and have good clearance. B 11, Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD, LIVELY BOY, ABOUT 10 years old, who can make- himself useful around fruit and clsar store. Call 154 0th st. North. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS RAZQR-GRIND-er; good pay;, steady work to right man. Hopperstead Barber Supply Co., Los An geles, Cal. s DETECTIVES MEN WANTED. EXPERI ence not necessary; If experienced, state par ticulars. Enclose stamp. Box 125, Phila delphia, Pa. VANTED-FIVE FIRST-CEASS STONE MA sons. to .work on St. David's Episcopal Church, Twelfth and East Belmont sts., Port land. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO REPRESENT wholesale house In Valley; must be first class salesman. Address C 11, care Orego nlan. "WANTED AGENTS. LADIES AND GEN tlemcn; new proposition; good- money. Call at 307 Washington street A FEW FIRST-CLASS QUARTZ MINERS; must be good machine men; state experi ence. ,M 12. Oregonlan. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOK8. WAITERS and bartenders. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl. 148 Fourth. WANTED YOUNG MAN. SOME EXPERI ence. machine and electrical repair work." E 11. care Oregonlan. WANTED-THREE. FIRST-CLASS MACHIN lsts. one pattern-maker, at Smith & Wat son Iron Works. WANTED FIRST-CLASS HAND-MACHINE shingle sawyer. Western Cooperage Co., Ab erdeen, Wash. BOY FOR LIGHT OFFICE AND MESSEN ger work. Call today between 11 and 1. 233 Stark st. 100 MEN, BLACKFOOT, IDAHO; 20. GRAY'S . Harbor, Hale & Kern; 20 men, city; farmers. . Budd. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR CITY COL Iector; references required. 415 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED ACTIVE SALESMEN; CITY AND country; big returns. 215 Commercial block. BOY TO WORK IN OFFICE AND DELIVER letters, etc. Address F 12, care Oregonlan. Acme Employment Bureau. 245 Morrison Help free to employers. Both phones. WANTED-COLLECTOR; STATE SALARY. Address U 14. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD FARMHAND. INQUIRE HELP WANTED FEMALE. HTL. LAUNDRESS, WILHOIT SPRINGS. 75c d., also extra money; go Tues.; others beach, etc.; 10 waitresses city, beach. Grant's Pass ($20), hotel Cooks, city, beach, E. Ore,, $25 up (fares); 100 domestics, hcuse help, every where: extra help 4th. R. G. Drake, 162 1st LADY CANVASSERS WANTED TO SELL MY famous remedies and Complexion Beautlfier. Easy lellers. 100 per centxprofit guaranteed. Particulars and booklet free. If sample out fit desired send 25 cents. Mrs. Dr. -Jeanette L. Smith, South Bend. Ind. WANTED-LADY IN EACH TOWN TO IN tervlew ladies and show them the most In teresting and valuable publication for ladler ever published; good .pay and steady em ployment iN. W, Bible House, "213. 415 Dearborn st, Chicago. 3 WAITRESSES. E. O., $20. FARE PAID nurse girl, coast. $20; laundry help; cham 5eIwork: "waitresses; second work, $15 to $20; cooks. $20 to $35; factory girls; plenty of housework. Canadian Parlors. 220 Mor rison. " GIRLS AND WOMEN OUT OF EMPLOY- m.nt .w."i d2 Z"1.1 to "" at th Home and Industrial SehooL Good positions- of all -kinds may be obtained: also room and board reasonable. 305 Third st t mafa SELF WANTED FEMALE. WANTEDi-EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES for underwear, corsets, hosiery, notions and genta' furnishing department; permanent po sition; state experience, age, references, etc., H 12, care Oregonlan. WANTED THOROUGHLY RESPECTABLE, plain, kind, nice lady housekeeper, between 20 and 80. 'for widower, with little girl: easy, nice, plain borne. Lock Box 157, Blaine, Wash. STUDENT8 TO TAKE PRIVATE LESSONS In bookkeeping, shorthand, arithmetic, pen manship and. common, school branches. V 300, care Oregonlan. A COMPETENT GIRL. GENERAL HOUSE work; must understand plain cooking: family of three adults: permanent place; good wages,. 334 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPER BY WIDOWER, ONE child: applications without Portland - refer ences will not be considered. K 12.. Orego nlan. Employment A real estate office; cooks, waiters & waitresses, 8 house girls $12 to $25. Room 4 Mulkey bldg. 2d & Morrison. Phone Hod 955. IMMEDIATELY; COMPETENT COOKS AND general housework girls. St Louis Employment- 230 Yamhllk Phone Black 2S81. I WANT TWO A-l CLOAK SALESLADIES; yearly engagements to the one which can fill the position. H. B. Lltt WANTED AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN OF mature years to Introduce an educational work. N It, care Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS, LADIES AND GEN ttemen; new proposition; good money. Call at 307 Washington street GIRL; SMALL FAMILY: GENERAL HOUSE work and plain cooking; $20 a month. Apply Monday. 2S3 Morrison. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply Sunday and Monday forenoons, 800 Lovejoy st, near 24th. GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK: MUST BE good cook;, no children; no washing. 701 Flanders, . corner 23d. WANTED AT ONCE: GOOD GIRL FOR general housework: permanent place. Apply at 440 Washington st. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework: also young girl to asslBt- at beach. 301 Seventh. NEAT. CAPABLE GIRL FOR CHAMBER and dining-room work; good references. Mon day. 167 11th st. WANTED A WOMAN FOR PASTRY WORK; also fresh ranch eggs. Plaza Delicate-cssen, 207 8d st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, or to assist In housework 810 Love Joy street WANTED ACTIVE LADY AGENTS: CITY .and country; big returns. 215 Commercial block. GIRL. EXPERIENCED ON UMBRELLA work; state experience. E 12. care Orego nlan. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GDN eral housework, small family. Apply 421 7th. WANTED COMPANION FOR THE BEACH; light work, and small wages. Call 187 12th. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 830 Marshall, cor. 25th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. half day; $10 per month. 712 Hoyt st. WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK Whowlll go to the beach. 010 Fourth st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work Apply at 105 50th. cor. Flanders. Acme Employment Bureau, 245 Morrison All kinds of help free to eraploxers., Phones. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, 3 In family. 128 14th st WANTED GIRL -TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. .Apply. 348 Montgomery. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housekeeping. Inquire 388 7th st r GIRL WANTED. GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking. 427 Washington st. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND ASSIST IN housework. Apply 190 East 12th. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH light housekeeping. 502 Clay. WANTED A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO DO second work. Call 231 10th st WANTED STRONG. ACTIVE BOY, 18 OR 20 years old. 347 Washington. WANTED LADY" COOK FOR DELICATE essen. Call at 80 Sixth st GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. TWO IN FAMILY. 640 East Pine, near 12th. SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK FOR BOARD OR wages. Apply 305 13th. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK; NO washlns. 940 Belmont GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 02 Ella st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 550 Clay. GIRL FCR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 360 2D ST. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED A TEACHER OF WATER COLOR painting; references; state terms. Address C 12. care Oregonlan. A GOOD OIL SOLICITOR WANTED, dresn Oil. care Oregonlan. AD- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers) and Clerks. WANTED BY COMPETENT PHARMACIST, position, city or country; 17 ears' experi ence; steady and sober. IS. H. Larrabee, 022 Williams ave. Telephone Rus. 094. SITUATION -WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. experienced stenographer; good references: not afraid of work. R 12. care Oregonlan. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP er, position In city or country; best of -references. Address J 12. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND salesman; Eastern references. Address B 13, care Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS DRUGGIST: registered; best of references. Q 13, care Oregonlan. CLERK. BTOCKKEEPER OR SCALES. AD dress T 11. care Oregonlan. PHARMACIST. PH. G., WANTS SITUATION. S 13, rare Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED-POSITION BY PRACTICAL ELEC triclan; understands Installing and operating, and repairing and rewinding; all-around man; references, and 11 years' experience In hand ling electric light and power apparatus. D 13. Oregonlan. ELECTRIQf MAN; ALL-AROUND LINE work, lnfclde wiring, dynamo running and repairing. Understand all sstems light and power. Competent to build plant; any sys tem. Q 15 Oregonlan. BAKER A FIRST - CLASS BAKER ON bread and cake wishes steady work In coun try place. Address Mr. M. Adler. 1070 East Seventh st. north. AN EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE COL ored man wants a position as coachman In private family. Call at 271 Larrance st SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD JAPANESE cook, to work in family, country or city R 15. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO cooking and housework In small family. 65 North 3d. Japanese Laborers' Ass'n. contractor, farm ers, house servants. Black 092. 268 Everett. BY BOY'. 12 YEARS OLD; HAS WHEEL. Address R 14, care Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED TO DO SECOND work; reference given. Address J 13, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY GIRL TO DO SEC ond work- Apply Monday. 593 Wash. Dressmakers. A YOUN.Q LADY WITH SOME EXPERI ence In dressmaking desires a situation with an established dressmaker. 'O 11, care Ore gonlan. LADD3S" AND CHILDREN'S PLAIN SEW lng done nicely and reasonable. 333 Third st EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL GO out ko sew- by the day. Call 102 Fifth. WANTED-SEWING IN FAMILIES. Union 1022. PHONE SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. 1 Bookkeeper and Stenographers. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LADY STE nographer; understands, bookkeeping and of fice work generally; references. Address 612 Marquam. YOUNG MAN. STENOGRAPHER AND LAW clerk. O years experience; Is an attorney; good references, a 13. care Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeeper; good Tefer ences. H 13. care Oregonlan. WANTED-POSITION BY LADY STFNOG raphcr of ability; wages no object Ad dress F 13, care Oregonlan. SHIRT WAISTS AT 50c; PLAIN SEWING ar rsmaklng done at reasonablo prico. 440 Clay st Miscellaneous. WANTED-BY MIDDLE-AGED. GENTLE, refined woman, as companion" to invalid, or take 'care of children at the coast; best otr references. F 6. care Oregonlan. AS GOVERNESS OR COMPANION BY LADY of education and refinement, late from' East E.14. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION The greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 00 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's ales amounted to $020 In six daysr another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44. La Crosse. Wis. WE WILL PAY ANY HONEST MAN SS5 per month and all traveling- expenses to tako orders for the greatest portrait concern In the- United States. Your salary will bo guaranteed and position permanent Address Worlds Art Exchange, Dept. 465, Chicago. MAN CLEARED $1182. LADY $920 LAST SEC months Introducing Holladay's Marvel Wat erproof Shoe -Polish, self-shtnlng. russet or black. Why not you? Demonstrated sam ples free HOLLADAY & CO.. room 441. 183 Monroe St.. Chicago, sole manufacturers. AGENTS, ATTENTION-$30 TO $90 PER month, commission or guaronted salary for hustlers. Clean, honest business. Enclose stamp for particulars. W. Homer Lee, Dept. L. 7. Freeport. 111. v WANTED-STATE AGENT: ONE WHO CAN produce business, best slck accident, dt-nth contract ever offered; salary and commis sion. W. R. Eldson, Sec'y., Chemical Build ing. St Louis. Mo. LUCKY PENNY POCKET PIECE. THE HIT or 'tho season. Genuine lucky penny. Sam ple ten cents, dozen sixty cents. Harvest fer agents. Attleboro Aluminum Co., Attleboro. Mass. AGENTS PATENT PERFORATED PAN cover, prevents greasy stoves. Griddle greas er and other specialties. American Novelty Works. Reading. Pa. WANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE CATCHY device; sells at sight to saloon-keepers; flnn profits. Albert Pick & Co.. Chicago. Ill WANTED TO RENT.' RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN AND wife; without children, desire to care for residence ln respectable part of city while family are on Summer vacation, references. M 13, care Oregonlan. WANTED ABOUT AUGUST 1 TO 15. A 7 or 8-room house, with ard; cottage pre ferred, located convenient to business. Ad dress G 13. caro Oresonlan BUSINESS MAN AND WIFE FOUR UNFUR nlshed rooms, preferred with family, or part' t of house: West or East Side. Address C 15 Oregonlan. WANTED BY RELIABLE PARTY, 5 OR S room cottage; must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating pi Ice. F. W.. care Oregonlan. DESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD WANTED for man and wife In private family, or small1 boarding-house. Address P O Bex 125, city WANTED COTTAGE ON LONG. BEACH, .5, to 7 rooms. Address, with particulars, Su.'te 409, Oregonlan Building; or phone Oak 421. WANTED TO- RENT BY' YOUNG LADY, room with' folding bed; use of bath; answer today, stating price. Box 87, city. SUITE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD for gentleman and wife; West Side; not to exceed $45. W 15. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE on the outskirts of Portland. P 14. care Oru gonlan. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. CENTRAL longer time than Summer. O 12, .care Ore gonlan. BY YOUNG LADY. GOOD ROOM AN'D board; central location. Y 15. Oregonlan WANTED 3II3CELLANEOU3. A REFINED AMERICAN WOMAN WOULD like to board and care for cfiild, good home, can give best of references. Address A 11. care Oregonlan. HIGHEST PRICE8 PAID FOR MEN'S CA3T dff clothing and shoes. 02 rerth 3d. Fhona Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED HOME IN "COUNTRY DURING Summer months for two bo,s, 9 and 11 jear. Address at once F 14, Oregonlan, WANTED SOUND WORK AND .DRIVING horse, light spring wagon and harness; alo fresh cow. T 13. Oregonlan "WANTED TYPEWRITER IN GOOD CON dltlon; Remington preferred, must be cheap Address 40 Fremont at. clty WANTED TO BORROW $1000 ON 20-AORE berry farm, close In. no commission. An dress P. O. Box 1048. city. HIGHEST .PRICES PAID FOR STRICTLY fresh eggs and young chickens. Kruse's grl I-toom.- 272 Stark street WANTED LOAN $4000. 0 PER CENT, NO bonus, on good two-story brick, pri.icltaij only. D 15, Oregonlan. Wanted horse and BroGY". must he good traveler, and chenp for cash. Address U 13, care Oregonlan $1000 WANTED FOR ONE YEAR BY RE sponslble party: amply secured by chattels. B 14. care Oregonlan. LADIES' BICY'CLE. MUST BE IN GOOD condlclon and cheap; 22-lnch frame. -.VJl Yamhill, cor. 10th. WANTED NO. 8 STOVE OR RANGE. LARGE over.; rio waterback; good condition; cu-ap. Q 14, Oregonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM .IN Ex change for flne upright piano. Address X Z. care Oregonlan. LOAN OF $5C0 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE or chattels; ample security. Address Loan, care Oregonlan. WANTED THREE-FOOT OAK CASE. SUIT able for ta:Ty; also 1 oak gum case. '11. E. Mott 134 let WANTED THREE FIRST-CLASS DELIV cry horses. Apply VInce's Market, Portlani. WANTED-$350 FOR SIX MONTHS; FIRST class chattel security. P 13, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS ' dental work for board. W 13, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1WX ON GOOD real estate security. V 13, care Oregonlan. Second-hand furniture, stoves, etc. Kutner & Co.. 32 N. Third. Oregon pnone Clay 0S6. WANTED TWO CIGAR CASES XT A BAR galn. 207 Third st. FOR ,RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK; AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The most.complete apartment-house In the Northwest;, choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a- specialty.-. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 13TH YEAH rooms,, with board; enameled bath tubs; ua of library; Woman's Exchange;. Industrial school. Address Mrs. C. E. George, superin tendent. 510 Flanders st THE PLEASANTON. 2S8 THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en. suite, single or hous Tceeptng; sunlight In all rooms; bath Included. Most reasonable terms. Transient solicited. 385 YAMHILL ST. FURNISHED OR UN. furnished rooms." with hot water baths, for ladles or gentlemen; strictly first-class-. $2.30 to $3.50 per week. Mrs.,M. G. Wilis i THE NEWCASTLE. S. .E COR. THIRD AND Harrison I-T?nnm nml.h.l ... nlshed; all modern conveniences-; references. 284 YAMinLL ST.-FOR GENTLEMEN OR gentleman and wife; strictly first class: re spectable; $2 to $3.50 per week; best of bedi TWO PLEASANT UNFURNISHED ROOMS connected; 2d floor; use of bath and- phone private family. Scott 1703. 032 E. Alder. ' The La Porte. 170 Third, cor. YamhlU-Flrst-cla?s. clean, neat rooms. $1.25 per week up transient, 25c day up; transient solicited.