The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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One Run "Was the Best They Could
Do in Third Gnme-Spokanc
Defeats Seattle.
When the rain commenced to patter
down on the baseball diamond yesterday
afternoon In the fifth Inning the Web
foot nine had scored only one run, while
tho Tacomas were still fondly hoping that
their turn would come next. But it did
not. The gentle mist favored the Oregon
players. While the red-stockinged men
were shuddering in the outfield and dodg
ing the raindrops In the Infield, the Port
land bats were getting in the way of St.
"Vraln's drops and curves and landing on
the wet and soggy sphere, until at the
end of the game five runs had been scored
and the diamond scarred by nine base
hits. Tacoma mustered up only enough
energy to force one man across the muddy
plate. The chief trouble of the Tacoma
nine was their Inability to connect with
Engel's delivery when hits were needed.
The favorite time for a Tacoma man to
swing his bat for a hit was when there
were two men out, and the cutest trick
of the next men up was to give the
baoerunner the horse-laugh by sending
skyscrapers out to the alert Portland
Umpire McDermott did not make his
appearance on his favorite stamping
grounds, whereat the crowd wondered
greatly. In his place appeared, accord
ing to the rules, one player chosen from
each team, who were Pitchers Carter and
Salisbury. They did their work well so
well. In fact, that the side that roared
was usually the one to which the umpire
himself belonged.
There were great doings in the fifth,
when "Portland scored the first run.
Brown prevailed upon St. Vraln's char
ity for a walk to first. He was advanced
to third Dy a single or .iinKer s. imhei
then went out at second on W eed s ,
grounder to Mclntyre. Weed stole ace-
ond. and on the throw down attempted
to score, but was thrown out by Mcln- i
tyre at the home plate. Then Delsel sent
a nice, easy one to McCloskey, and the
great first-baseman fell down, fumbling
the ball and making a slow throw to the
plate, too late to catch the speedy Weed.
Two soggy runs were forced over the
plate in the sixth. Mahaffey started out
with a clean hit. He was sent to second
on Engel's sacrifice. Muller walked to
first. Vigneux's out sent them both a base
nearer home. Then Andersons timeiy i "". " "" "-- ,T , . -
two-bagger- came, and both crossed the I was again In the game. Hallowell, who
plate. Brown flew out and left Andenon i was In the box for Seattle, showed poor
waiting ard watching at second. , control, giving six bases on balls, three of
McCloskev led his team In deeds of valor ; which were in the fourth inning, in
in the seventh by working Engel for a I which Spokane scored six times. Bot
hase on balls. He went out at second on ' tenus, of Spokane, and Hurley of Seattle,
Shelton's grounder to Anderson, a double
play almost resulting. Menefee s base
on balls sent Shelton to second. Flan
nery's hit gave him the sprint to third.
He scored on the run-in after St. Vraln's
long fly to Brown.
This ws Tacoma's only burst toward
cutting off the three straight that Port- i
land was rolling up. I
In the ninth Tinker, just for fun, sent
a ball whizzing to third. The honor of
scoring the run in the seventh had been
too much for Shelton's nerves. He did
not cling to the muddy ball with the
tenacity of a player regarding the chance .
like money just arrived from home. He
jugcled the ball like an artistic circus
performer and then broke John McClos- j
key's heart by throwing the ball away
over his head. Tinker sprinted over the
bases in record-breaking form and came
in an easy winner. Weed touched up St.
Vraln for a hit and took third on Zear-fos.-
wild throw to second when he was
stealing that bag. Delsel fanned Zear
foss' heated brow with three swats, and
then Mahaffey did the work by popping
up a long fly to center, on the run-in of
which Weed crossed the plate. Engel j
boosted up his batting average by a fine
two-base hit. but died at econd on Mul-
ler's out. Mclntyre to McCloskey.
Two thousand spectators were present.
The score:
AB. R H. PO. A. E
Muller. 1. f 4 112 0 0
Vlsrneux. c 4 0 1 4 2 ' 0
Anderson. 2b 4 0 2 3 3 0
Brown, c. f 3 0 0 2' 0 0
Tinker. 3b 4 110 11,
Weed. r. f 4 2 10 0 0,
Deisel. ss 4 0 0 4 5 1 i
Mahnffey, lb 4 1 1 11 1 0 !
Engel. p 3 0 2 14 1!
Totals 34 5 9
Zearfoss, c 4 0 0
McCarthy, ss 4 0 0
Mclntyre. 2b 4 0 1
Lynch, c. f 3 0 0
McCloskey. lb 3 0 1
Shelton. 3b 4 1 0
Menefee. r. f 3 0 0
Flannery, 1. f 4 0 2
St. Vraln, p 3 0 0
1 '
o ,
Totals 31 1 4 27 9 3
Portland 0 0 0 0 1-200 25
Tacoma 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01
Stolen bases Weed, 2.
Two-base hits Muller, Anderson, Engel.
Sacrifice hit Engel.
Bases on balls By St. Vraln, 2; Engel, 3.
Struck out By St. Vraln. 6; by Engel. 3.
Left on bases Portland, 5; Tacoma, 7.
Bases on errors. Portland, 8; Tacoma, 5.
Earned rung Portland. 1.
J. H. RODDINS, Pre".
HUGH 31'GUIRE, Vice-Pro.
Composed of Oregon Business Men
As to the personnel, the officers refer
by nermlsslon to
First National Bank. Portland, Or.
First Bank of Sumpter, Sumpter, Or.
Portland Trust Company, of Oregon,
Portland, Or.
Is Courted
BECAUSE the best experts re
port that we have fine oil
BECAUSE a spring of oil now
flows five gallons per day,
thus proving the existence
of nil basin.
BECAUSE we have Sulphur
Springs, Coai Cropplngs,
Sandstone, Shale, Fossils,
Oil Seepage on lands.
Samples of OIL, SHALE,
SILS collected by officers
of the company can be
seen at the secretary's
Time of game 1 hour and 55 minutes.
Umpires Carter, of Tacoma; Salisbury
of Portland.
When President Lncas Refused to
Suspend McCarthy He Grew Sore.
Umpire Sandy McDermott has resigned.
And all because McCarthy called him a
"lobster." Many of the players and fans
are rejoicing. "Trilby" Rankin will um
pire today's game. McDermott has been
an unpopular umpire, and many of his de
cisions have not met the approval of the
players or the spectators In the grand
stand, although the conservative element
has always supported him as a conscien
tious official.
The trouble of which his resignation is
the outcome arose on the diamond Fri
day. Sammie VIgneux was running down
to second on Anderson's grounder to
Shortstop McCarthy, of Tacoma. McCar
thy dove for the ball, got It and slid to
the base tapping It, If anything In time to
retire "VIgneux. McDermott called him
safe. McCarthy expostulated loudly. He
was promptly fined ?5.
After the game, McCarthy walked up to
McDermott and said: "McDermott, does
.that fine of mine stick?"
"Sure," answered McDermott.
"Then you're a lobster," remonstrated
McDermott replied If anything more
Then he went to President Lucas, -who
was standing near, with his troubles, and
asked him to suspend McCarthy. Lucas
refused. The result was that McDermott 1
became miffed, and failed to appear on
tne diamond lor yesterday s game,
ers Carter and Salisbury did the umpiring, team made their first appearance here to
to the satisfaction of the crowd. Last . day and were defeated by the home club
evening It became lsnown that McDermott
had handed In his resignation, and that
"Trilby" Rankin, the popular local um
pire, had been engaged for today's game.
Baseball Notes.
J. C. Hewitt, Councilman, of Tacoma.
and president? of the Tacoma Baseball
Club, arrived In Portland last evening to
attend today's game, with the hopes of
being a mascot for his team.
Manager JohnGrim, of the Portland I
r Baseball Club, desires to thank the un- '
knnwn donor nf th hnnrfsnmp National
and thc cJub emblem in t,he club col.
Sent Six Rnns Across in the Fourth
ni.d Won Out, 13 to 7.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 8. Spokane
again won from Seattle today In the third
game of the series, the score being 13 to 7.
Rockenfield, Seattle's star second base-
had some words on the field, and were
j ruled off by the umpire. The score:
! R.
Rand. c. f 2
PO. A. E.
2 0 0
i Rockenfield, 2b 1
4 0
0 0
1 1
0 2
3 0
1 0
0 0
0 1
Bodie. 2b 0
Frary. c 0
Turner, lb 0
Hurley, ss 0
Rockenfield, ss 0
St. Johns, r. f 0
Murdock. 1. f 0
Hodge, 3b 2
Hollowell, p 2
0 0 6 0
Totals 7
Lougheed, r. f 3
Wellner, r. f 0
Donahue. 3b 3
Marshall, ss 3
Bottenus. lb 0
Lougheed, lb 0
Swindells, c 1
Hurlburt, c. f 0
Peeples, 2b .'.1
Stulz. 1. f 2
Glendon, p 0
6 24 16
Totals 3
27 17
Seattle 0 0 2 0 3 0
Spokane 1 0 0 6 0 2
0 17
0 13
Struck out By Hollowell, 5; Glendon, 5.
Stolen bases Donahue, Rand, Murdock.
Double play Bottenus to Peeples: Hur
ley to Turner.
Two-bate hits Hurley, Lougheed.
Passed ball Frary.
Bases on balls Olf Glendon, 2; off Hal
lowell, 6.
Time of game 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Umpire McDonald.
North west League Standing1.
Won. Lost Pr. ct.
Portland 16
Tacoma 12
Spokane 11
Seattle S
6 .727
12 .500
11 .500
16 .333
Cblcago Won the Game From Phlla-
CHICAGO. June S. Good stick work
gave the locals today's game after they
had almost thrown It away by loose field-
Ing. The Philadelphia team played almost
perfectly, but could do nothing with Tay
lor. White gave way to Orth in the
fourth. Attendance. 2200. Score:
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Chicago 5 12 4Phlladelphia .451
Batteries Taylor and Kling; White,
Orth and McFarland. Umpire, Dwyer.
Cincinnati Beat New York.
CINCINNATI. June S. Matthewson was
( Capital
10 cents
Per Share
Ten Cents Per Share
Whether you have ever invested in oil or not, BUY THIS
EVEN MORE, IN A SHQRT TIME. Tlie Rockefellers' for
tunes were made in oil; here is you chance. Place your order at
once for 1000 to 10,000 shares, and LAY THE FOUNDATION
PJOVE A WINNER. Price will soon be advanced. No sub
scription accepted for less than 100 shares. Call or write for pros
pectus, subscription blank, etc. Forward ail orders for stock
and make remittances for same payable to the company.
Room 2 Chamber of Commerce
an easy mark for the locals during the
early Innings of today's game. Bunched
hits In the fourth and fifth Innings put
New York out of the hunt. Hahn -pitched
a splendid game. Attendance, 10,054.
R.H.D. R.H.E.
Cincinnati ...6 9 lNew York .... 4 11 2
Batteries Hahn and Bergen; Mitthew
son and Warner. Umpire, Emslle.
Brooklyn Beats Pittsburg;.
PITTSBURG, June S. Pittsburg could
not hit Kitson, and Brooklyn outplayed
the home team at every point. Brooklyn's
errors were not costly. Attendance, 6900.
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Pittsburg ....3 5 2 Brooklyn 7 11 5
Batteries Tannehill, Willis and Zim
mer; Kitson and McGulre. Umpire,
Gnmc Postponed.
ST. LOUIS, June S. St. Louis-Boston
game postponed on account of rain.
National League Standing.
New York 18
Cincinnati 20
Pittsburg 21
St. Louis IS
Philadelphia 17
Brooklyn 17
Boston 12
Chicago 15
Lost Pr. ct.
Philadelphia Defeated Detroit in a
Fast and Interesting Game.
PHILADELPHIA, June S. The Detroit
in a last ano interesting game. Attend
ance, 10,000. Score:
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Philadelphia . 6 6 l.Detrolt 14 5
Batteries Plank and Powers; Yeager
and Buelow.
Boston Beat Milwaukee.
BOSTON, June 8. Sparks', wlldness In
the fourth Inning unsettled the whole
Milwaukee team today and before they
recovered form eight of the home team
had crossed the plate. Attendance, SliO.
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Boston 12 8 3j Milwaukee ... 4 6 4
Batteries Lewis and Schreck; Sparks,
Garvin and Leahy. .
Cleveland Bent Baltimore.
BALTIMORE, June 8. The Cleveland
team had a batting picnic with Baltimore
here today. Schmidt was batted out of
the box In the fifth and Dunn, who re- J
lleved him, fared little better. Attend
I ance 3500. Score:
I R.H.E. R.H.E.
Baltimore .... 5 6 4 Cleveland ....13 16 2
Batteries Schmidt, Dunn and Bresna-
han; Scott and Wood.
"Washington Beat Chicago.
WASHINGTON, June S. Chicago was
outbatted today. Attendance, 4544. Score:
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Washington .8 14 ljChicago 3 5 2
Batteries Lee and Grady; Patterson
and Sullivan.
American League Standing.
Lost Pr. ct.
Chicago ....
Baltimore ..
phuadeinhia 17
. lllwauKee "
Princeton Defeated Yale by Heavy
Stick Work.
PRINCETON, N. J.. June 8. Princeton
today wiped out the defeat administered
by Yale at New Haven a week ago. By
heavy stick work today Princeton de
feated the sons of Eli by a score of 15
to 5. The game was loosely played,
though there were several brilliant plays.
Sharpe, Yale's first baseman, played a
star game, and Pitcher Underhlll, for
Princeton, was very strong in the box.
) The score:
12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9-RHE
2100 2554
14 0 4 15 17 5
Robertson and
Yale 0 0 0 0
Princeton ...4 0 0 2
Batteries Sharpe,
Harsch; Underhlll and Greene.
Other Games.
At Cambridge Harvard 11, Pennsylva
nia 3.
, At Buffalo Cornell 6, Carlisle Indians 5.
Ynlc-Columbia Tennis.
VT?TO tl A rtT'N7 r'nin Turin S Tn tho
! tennis match between Yale and Colum
bia teams, played on the grounds of the
I New Haven Lawn Tennis Club today,
I the morning play in single resulted In
four victories for Yale and one for Co-
I lumbla. At the afternoon games the dou.
1 blcs were the principal events, and Yale
took both matches In hollow style. The
I scores were: Chllds and Galpln (Yale)
j defeated White and Cushlng (Columbia),
6-1, 6-1, 6-4. Plummer arid Russell (Yale)
defeated Mahon and Thurber (Columbia),
6-3, 4-6. 9-7. 6-3.
Worf by McEnchern.
PHILADELPHIA, June 8. At the bi.
cycle race at Woodslde Park today the
principal attraction was a 30-mile motor
paced race between Jimmy Michael,
Burns Pierce and Archie McEachern.
The race, which was hotly contested.
Stock $150,000
Buy Now $
Soon Advance
was won by Pierce in 48 minutes,
seconds. Michael finished second In
minutes. 4 2-5 seconds.
McMlnnville Beat Cheniawn.
M'MINNVILLE, June 8. The baseball
game here today between McMlnnville and
Chemawa was won by the home team.
Score, 12 to 8.
Hcston Broke Intercolleglnte Two
Mile Bicycle Record.
CORVALLIS, Or.. June 8. On a quarter
of a mile track on the college, campus yes
terday afternoon the Intercollegiate two
mile bicycle record of Oregon was broken
by Heston, a freshman at the Oregon
Agricultural College. His time was 5:03,
the Intercollegiate record being 5:17. In
the same contest, L. Burnough threw the
discus 102 feet, as against the 106 feet
thrown at Portland In the Eugene-Mult1-nomah
field meet recently.
The contest yesterday was a local field
meet among the Agricultural College stu
dents. Prizes were offered as follows by
the college department of physical edu
cation, of which Professor Patterson Is
the head: Gold medal for greatest aggre
gate of points by any athlete in the vari
ous contests; silver medal, second; bronze
medal, third; pair enameled Indians clubs
fourth, and three other prizes. Forty
students were In training, and 35 of them'
contested. Great Interest was taken in
the meet, both at the" college and in town.
L. Burnough won the gold medal with
five first and one third place, making a
score of 26 points, as follows: Firsts, shot
put, 35 feet; high jump, 5 feet; hammer,
100 feet; 220-yard dash, 24 3-5 seconds; dis
cus, 102 feet; third In broad jump. The
silver medal was won by Harold Wood
cock, with three firsts and two seconds;
score, 21. The bronze .medal was taken
by George Cathey, with two first, two
seconds and a third; score. 17. Fourth
place was taken by Roy Howard, with
nrst place In the mile and first In the half.
The athletic committee of the faculty
at a meeting last night voted a monogram
to the winner of each first place.
Broken Record Promised.
NEW YORK, June S. Horsemen famil
iar with conditions on the Metropolitan
circuit are lookins forward to a broken
record In the running of the Suburban
Handicap, next week, and one of the most
recent justifications for this belief Is the
latest performance of one of the most
prominent candidates. Perry Belmont's
Ethelbert. Over the course of the Coney
Island Jockey Club, at Shcepshead Bay,
he worked the fastest trial ever shown
for a Suburban Handicap, running the j
mile ana a quarter in z:m, ana nis Doy
was pulling him up all through the last
furlong. Horsemen who -witnessed the
work say It was the best private per
formance' seen in years.
Races on the Clyde.
ROTHESAY, Firth of Clyde, June 8.
There was little wind for the second
day's yacht races of the Glasgow exhibi
tion regatta. The competitors and course
were the same as yesterday. In the con.
test between tho bis yachts, the Sham
rock I won the prize for the first yacht
home, sailing the course In 6 hours, 32
minutes. 38 seconds. The Karlad won on
time allowance. In 6 hours, 35 ',inutes,
lb seconds, lne smaller yacnts saiiea
only once around the quadrangular
course, the Tutty's time being 4 hours,
42 minutes, 16 seconds. Cnarles P. Her
reshoff's Nevada was next at the finish,
In 4 hours. 47 minutes, 8 seconds.
Will Compete In Henley Rcgntta.
PHILADELPHIA, June 8. The Univer
sity of Pennsylvania crew sailed for Liv
erpool on the AVaesland, to compete In
the Henley regatta for the Grand Chal
lenge cup, July 3 to July 5 Inclusive. The
Pennsylvania party consisted of 13-elght
'varsity oarsmen, coxswain, two substi
tutes, Coach Ellis Ward and Graduate
Manager Reginald Hart. The trip will
cost the Pennsylvania rowing authorities
over $5000, all of which was raised by
voluntary subscription.
The Commoner Sold.
LEXINGTON, Ky., June 8. The Com
moner, by Hanover, dam Magarine, by
Algerlne, formerly the property of Will
lam Wallace, has been sold to General
W. H. Jackson, of the Belle Meade stud.
Tennessee, for $15,000. The Commoner
sold last Fall at auction here to Baker
Bros., KInzea Stone and J. B. Ewing for
Fire at Dallas, Texas.
DALLAS, Tex., June 8. Fire here today
destroyed property worth nearly J90.000.
The principal losses are: Hamilton Paint
& Glass Company, ?50,000, insured for $25,
000; Thomas & Ellis Furniture Company,
damage estimated at 510,000, Insurance,
?5000; Rick Furniture Company, damage,
jlO.000; A. P. Black, wall paper, etc., dam
age, $5000, insurance full; Devoe's studio,
$5000, Insured; Guy Sumpter, two build
ings, loss $16,000, Insurance $8000; miscel
laneous losses estimated at $1000, and
small Insurance.
The fire started in the oil department of
the -Hamilton Paint & Glass Company by
an employe stepping on a mateh on the
floor and igniting It.
Geo L Berkmalr, S F IE J Wagner, St Joo
J W LawBon. Denver E T Breeding, Chgo
Robt Rosenthal iMr & Mrs S Shlreck.
Chas Reilly I San Francisco
Note What Conservative Business Men Say.
"Mr. J. H. Robbins, of the First Bank of Sumpter, has returned from a trip to
Colorado, where he went with J. H. Raley, of Pendleton, to investigate certain oil lands
that the Archuleta Company, of which he is president, controls. Mr. Robbins said of
his trip: 'I found all the indications favorable for oil. The seepages on our property
are large, and the samples analyzed indicate that it contains about 58 per cent of illu
minating oil, 15 of naptha, and about 25 of asphaltum and residues. There is a spring
on the land from which oil seeps forth at the rate of about five gallons a day. The
formation of the country is also favorable to the finding .of oil, being compose'.1- of sand
stone and shales. Our company, of which Hugh McGuire is vice-president, J. H.
Hawley Secretary, and T. N. Stoppenbach treasurer, controls 800 acres of land in the
district, and a well will be put down as soon as possible.' " From Daily Oregonian,
April 8, 1 901.
During the first of May, 1901, Mr. Hugh McGuire, vice-president, and Mr. J.
H. Hawley, secretary, visited the company's lands, and after a careful inspection and
conservative consideration of the subject, can recommend the stock of the company as
a good investment, and one from which big profits will be realized. Of course, in
such things there is always a risk that cannot be eliminated, and we wish to deceive
no one, much less ourselves. Yet with a proper oil-bearing formation, and with crude
oil actually running out of the adjacent ground in considerable quantities, we see
sufficient evidence, in our judgment, to justify the recommendation of the company's
stock. The early investors are the ones who will reap the golden harvest.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand 24 hours: a sedi
ment or settling Indicates an unhealthy
condition of the kidneys; If It stains the
linen It Is evidence of kidney trouble; too
frequent desire to pass It, or pain In the
back Is also convincing proof that the
kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There Is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney and bladder rem
edy, fulfills every wish In curing rheuma
tism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary
passage. It corrects Inability to hold
water and scalding pain In passing It, or
bad effects following use of liquor, wine
or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the ex-
traordllnary effect of Swamp-Root la soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its '
wnnriprfnl Miro nt t1i mnt riltri3lni
cases. If you need a medicine you should
have the best. Sold by druggists in 50-cent
and $1 sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root and a book that tells more
about It, both sent absolutely free by
mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng
hamton, N. Y. When writing mention
that you read this generous offer in The
Portland Sunday Oregonlan.
vy S Thomas, S F
John Campbell. Chgo
Mrs E J Lehmann, do
Miss Edith Lehmann,
Miss Guasle Lehmann,
Miss R
Chas Green, Chicago
F A Powell, Chicago
Max Lueddeman, An
telope R Gibson, N Y
Ernest Bross, city
J J McCook, ,U S A
H C Bundy, Mlnnpls
V T Cary, San Fran
F Sllverstone, S F
D S Ralston. St Louis
D Corlmer. St Joe
F A Brewar
Geo C Howe & wile,
C L Werk. Cincinnati
Miss Margaret Fooley,
C W werK, Cincinnati
C M Blair. Chicago
Miss M A Llbbey,
Portland, Me
W D Forbes. San Fr
Geo C Relter. U S N
Geo W Kirske. N Y
R LlUIe. San Fran
R C Clute, Toronto
A H Crawford, do
J R Deane
Chas Foley, Portland
G P Bleson. Seattle
L F V Slocum. Chgo
S Ullman. N Y
G F "Wentworth, Ta
coma L D McAUen. S F
J W Rankin, Olympla
E E "Whitney, city
A E Dangler, Detroit
Fred M Kraus. St L
Wm Lauterbach, N Y
L L Rosenthal. Chgo
"W P Shaw. Victoria
E E "Welch. Victoria
Gus Muller, Cleveland
Dudley C Palmer, Chgo
J B Termes, Tacoma
IJ C Hewitt, Tacoma
Mr & Mrs A Tingling.
& 3 chdn, Tacoma
F P Foster. N Y
Columbia River Scenery Regulator
Line steamers, Oak-St. dock.' The Dalles,
Hood River, Cascade Locks and return.
E M Lawless, Water
!A B Little. Houlton
vine. Minn
B E Brown. St Joe
Nettle May, Oregon C
Ada Jones, do
J E Larrabee, San Ff
O F Conklln, Grand
Rapids. Mich
Mrs O F Conklln, do
Miss H Conklln, do
A J Huck, Davenport,
Mrs A J Huck. do
D B Kelley, Oaklana,
M S Lawless, St Paul,
A Lyon, city
Geo Holcomb. Seattle
H C Randell. do
IMrs Geo Holcomb, do
Mrs H C Randell, doiDr J L Berry, city
C E Larrabee. San Fr I Mrs J L Berry, city
A F Hester, La Camas'MIss Gertrude Ham-
H J Farrell. St Paul
mond. Walla Walla
C "W Hawxhurst. S F Miss G Hammond
Geo H Hesy. N Y
J J La Tournan, Du
luth. Minn
Mrs J J La Tournan,
Duluth, Minn
E N Smith. -Mlnnnls
Fred S Chapman. Oak
Point. Wash
E Oppenhelmcr, S F
B Richards. La Crosse
E H Dorian. Helena
IM P Shaw. Victoria
A Chesture, Lewlston IE E Welch. Victoria
Ernest Shearer. Dalles! E F Barnes. Spokane
W H Wilson. Dalles
Geo L Smith. Spokane
A H Miller, Tacoma
M E Jones, Tacoma
A F Hofer. Salem
Mrs A F Hofer. Salem
C H Hemstreet, Goble
Dr A Latldlans.Frank
fort. Ky
Dudley Eshelman, Ta
F A Megroth, St Paul,
Mrs J H Townsend,
Dallas. Or
Mrs J N Hart, do
Frank Menefee. Dalles
D V S Reld. Heppner
H H Brlnkerhoff, Oak
land, cal
Mrs D V S Reld. do
John F Royal, Hard
man, Or
C T Letonemer. Du
luth. Minn
F J Hale. Clatskanle
Fred Fisher, Dalles
J E Shearer. Dalles
C W Taylor, Mass
O F Dalrr, do
Sam Ham, do
F J Hammond. Fresno
F E Allison, Salem
J L Taylor, Gervals
C W Barr, Astoria
Mrs Murphy, Astoria
G D Connor, Astoria
Mrs G D Connor, do
Miss Kate Connor, do
Miss May Connor, do
Harry D Gray. do
Mrs M C Gray. St Hln
IMIss Pearl Arquette,
I Castle Rock, Wash
B O Price. do
E B Clark. Ft Stevens
C F Trulllnger, do
C. W. Knowles, Manager.
R B Fleming, Salem
T T Geer. Salem
H W Wilson. Clatsop
Spit ,
A G Hughes, Chicago
H G Van Dusen, As
toria Alfred Tee. Astoria
Jefferson Myers, Salem
Arthur Morton. San F
D F Fullerton, San Fi
Chas S Moore, Salem
Chas L Moore, Salem
H S Pernot. Corvallls
J P Hlller, Chicago
K M Brannlck, city
C E Lytle, Shaniko
B D Crocker, W W
J W Searles, Helena
Mrs E H Sherwln,
Mrs Theo Cameron,
Miss Carmeron, do
Margaret Krause. do
Mrs John F White,
Mrs L J Sears, do
Mrs Evan R Reames,
Klamath Falls
Miss Millie Williams
Mrs D M Metzger,
B F Laughlln. N Yak
Mrs Claud Gatch. Sa
G G Linen. N Y
Mrs H L Markur, Mis
Dr D Y K Deerlng,
Union. Or
W H Porter, do
A N Marsh. San Fran
John Arthur, Loulsvl
Mrs Arthur, Louisville
Mrs Newland. N Y
M Barker. San Diego
F W Grammes. Tlffln.O
Mrs Grammes. do
C L Smith. Minn
John R Beegle, Alaska
H B Sill, city
Mrs Sill & 2 ch. city
J M Keen, Tacoma
H B Smith. St Paul
Mrs Smith, St Paul
Mrs H W Grunwaldt,
Great Falls, Mont
Miss L Askeao. do
Edmond Rice, Olympla
Sam Thomas, city
Mrs F W Jennings, do
Mrs John Mcinnis,
Sand Point
W H Grant. Seattle
F E Hammond, Win- 4H W Rawley, Seattle
Chester, Mass Robt Gibson, Astoria
W J Splllman. Pullmn IJ H Davidson, Dryad,
L V Stewart, Gr Pass! Wis
Hotel Brunswick. Seattle.
European; first-class. Rates. 75c and up.
One block from depot. Restaurant next
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.
American plan. Rates. $3 and up.
Donnelly Hotel, Tacoma.
European plan. Rates. 50c and up.
Full Paid Non -
What Summer Means I Opportunities of
In the Cure of Catarrh i Summer to the Deaf
There are contracted during the periods
of Fail. Winter and Spring those catarrh-
al conditions of the head and throat and !
other, parts tnat are engaged in carrj-ms
air to the lungs. The changeable weath
er, the cold spells followed by warm pe
riods with thaws and dampness, together
with a necessity during the cold weather
of living Indoors with the house shut up
and often overheated, the Impure air of
Klnc1 hnlMlncra. nil tPnri to the develOD
'ment of disease of those parts which
carry the air to the lungs and to the ears,
Not only does the Inclemency of Spring. Fall
&na v liner pnmuce suca ummm,
but the
same causes that produce the diseases also In
terfere with the efforts of the doctor to cure
them. During the Summer months things are
different. The climate Is warmer, the high
winds loaded with dusty particles that Irri
tate diseased parts that carry the air are
absent; there Is plenty of fresh air. as the
house is kept open, and this, together with
outdoor life, so improves the general health
that Nature la able to Improve all those dis
eases that attack the breathlnc tracts and
ears. Thus. In the treatment of all catarrhal
disease, that which has been frequently
urged Is true, namely. tha one month of
treatment during the Summer, when the lia
bility to catching cold is reduced to the mini
mum and Nature lends her aid to the physi
cian. Is worth two months of the most skillful
and conscientious treatment during "Winter.
Mr. B. Pederaon, residing at 731 Wil
son street, Portland, and employed at the
Northern Pacific mills: "When I began
treatment at the Copeland Institute I was
a complete wreck. I had not done a day's
work In 10 weeks, and my condition was
getting more serious every day.
"I Tras tortnred and crippled by
rhenmntlmn. The pain was Intonse,
and I could not get about -without
suffering terribly.
"I also suffered from a severe catarrh
of head and throat. My nose was stopped
Mr. B. Pederaon, 731 "Wilson street,
up, so much so that I breathed through
my mouth. There was a continuous dis
charge and dropping into the throat,
causing hawking and spitting.
"My cars -were filled -with noises
like tbe rushing of a river. Tnis
noise kept me from sleeping at night
nnd during the dny is -was terrlbly
nnnoylng. It seemed to shut out all
natural sound, making It difficult
for me to understand conversation
or the ordinary sounds of life.
"Upon the advice of friends, who had
been cured at the Copeland Institute of
similar troubles, I began treatment. After
the first week I could see an Improve
ment. I got better every day, and In a
couple of weeks was back at work, and
have not missed a day since. Now I am
enjoying better health than In years. 1
have no pain, my hearing Is as keen and
perfect as at any time In my life, and
the distracting noises have entirely dis
appeared. "I feel very grateful to the Copeland
doctors, and this is why I make this
Treatment That Cures
Stomach Disease,
Catarrh and Deafness
Mr. E. 31. Foudrny, residing at 362
East Davis street, Portland, and employed
by the Gratton & Knight Manufacturing
Company: My trouble came on about
two years ago, and soon developed into a
bad case of catarrh, affecting the head,
throat, ears and stomach. In fact, the
Dusty Roads-Sometlmes I get tired of this
outdoor life. Do you think It's healthy to
sleep on the ground every night? Weary
Waggles-H'm. What a Question that Is!
-.. 1 , .v,o. r.. iconic ovpi-v vear
j. n.i- k-i. ii,.n anvwhpr else? Boston
It has been seen, even during the m-
clement and unfriendly influence of
severe winter weather, and the cha
able weather of Spring and Fall, how this
treatment, even against the influences of
the climate and weather, restores the lost
hearing to those of all ages, and regard
less of the original cause. As Is well
known, In Southern climates deafness Is
not nearly so prevalent as In the North.
The reason for this Is that in a mild cli
mate the Inflammation which closes the
Eustachian Tube, thus causing deafness.
Is subdued more easily. So, from now on
Dr. Copeland's treatment will have the
wonderful benefits of Nature's help, In
stead of the trying Influences of her op
position, as it has had during the harsh
Winter and Spring months. During the
Winter and early Spring the Influence of
the wonderful medication finds constant
opposition to Its work in opening up the
inflamed and exposed passages leading
' from the throat to the inner ear. Hence,
j one month of treatment during the Sum
' mer Is worth at least two months In tho
entire system seemed affected, and my
general health failed rapidly.
I had headache the entire time, and my
nose was so stopped up I could scarcely
breathe through it. The throat was dry
and raw. and when I had a little cold tho
tonsils would swell and become inflamed.
I had an aggravating morning cough and
tickling in the throat. My senso of tasto
and smel. were entirely lost.
I soon began to have ringing and
buzzing noises In the ears, and
my hearing grew dull. When I
began treatment at the Copeland Instltuto
people bad to wpcak very loud to
me before I could undemtund rrhnt
vrafi said.
My stomach got In such a condition that
I could scarcely eat the most digestible
foods. I had no appetite. I tried to
tempt it In every way, but could not
eat. My stomach felt sore and Inflamed.
At times everything would be rejected by
the stomach, and I suffered with heart
burn, belching, etc.
I could not sleep at night or work In
the day, and was making arrangements
to quit, for the struggle was getting too
hard. My friends knew of my condition,
and upon their advice I began treatment
at the Copeland Institute. I am thankful
I did. for I was soon Improving, and now
feel better than I have in years. I eat
and sleep well and have no more head
ache. The ringing and buzzing Is gone,
and my hearing Is perfect; also my
smell and taste. My strength camo
back, and I can do my work easily.
From my own pcrnonnl experience I
enn heartily recommend the Cope
land treatment to all who suffer as
.1 did.
If you cannot vtelt the office, mark the
following list of symptoms, mall them to
Dr. Copeland and he will give you a full
and complete diagnosis of your case free
of charge:
"Is your nose stopped up?"
"Do you sleep with mouth wide
"Is there pain in front of head?"
"Is your throat dry or sore?"
"Have you a bad taste In. the
"Do you couch?"
"Do you cough worse at night?
"Is your tongue coated?"
"Is your appetite falling?"
"Is there pain after eating?"
"Are you light-headed?"
"When you get up suddenly are
you dizzy?"
"Do you have hot flashes?
"Do you have liver marke?"
"Do your kidneys trouble you?
"Do you have pains In back or un
der shoulder-blades?"
"Do you wake up tKed and out of
"Is your strength falling?
Dr. Copeland's Book Free to All.
The Copeland Medical Institute
The Detain. Third ani Washington
J. H. 310NTG031ERY, 31. D.
OFFICE IIOCRS From O A. 31 to 13
31. from 1 to 6 P. 31.
EVENINGS Tuesdays and Fridays.
SUNDAY From IO A. 31. to 12 31.
, Anxious to Please- Who was that woman?
asked the editor "The president of the Worn
an's Rights Club " rrplled his assistant 'She
, was making a kick because we referred to
her as a 'strong-minded person. All rlgnt.
Be careful to call her a weak-minded person'
In the future." Philadelphia Pres-i
Pres. First Bank of Sumpter.
Sumpter. Or.
Pres. Pacific Paper Company,
Pottland. Or.
Pres. J. H. Hawley Mortgage Co.,
Portland. Or.
Sumpter, Or.
"With "Western Lumber Company,
Portland, ur.
Will Pay Big Re
turns. Low Cap
italization POOLED STOCK The organ
izers of the company have
pooled their stock for nine
months, thus protecting the
treasury stock.
Their Lnnrtw Arc In the Navnjo
The company possesses S05 ACRES OF
LAND In the oil belt, southwest of the
famous Florence oil section. In Archuleta"
County. Colorado. In what Is known as
the Navajo Basin, and the formation,
as shown by the cut made by the Navajo
River. Is a correct geological indication
of the presence of oil. The stratlllcation
of sandstone and shale are very marked,
and Professor Lake, the State Geologist
of Colorado, after a recent extended and
thorough Investigation of that portion of
Colorado, states that the Navajo Basin
has every Indication geologically and oth
erwlse of the presence of oil in quantity.