THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, .PORTLAND,' JUNE 9, 1901: 23r COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS The Summer season, -which began last week, brought with It much activity In business. Merchants all reported a large trade both In city and country, larger than In corresponding weeks of any year. These conditions have a true reflector In fceavy bank clearings. "Wool In Eastern Oreg6n has livened up lately, but Willamette Valley has been relatively dull". Large sales are recorded at Pendleton, Baker City, Shaniko and places In Eastern Washington at prices ranging from 9 to 1 cents. A sale of 175,000 pounds at 9 cents at Baker City by a single holder is regarded to be- in dicative of an easlng-up disposition on the part of growers. The new crop and the prospect of having to sustain Its ad ditional weight is taken as the immediate cause of the movement. , The present time is the Intermission, be tween the wheat seasons, so that little 1b doing In the cereal. Filghts have been stationary, with signs of further steadi ness. Salmon, which has hitherto been an Important product, apparently will not cut a large figure In the yearly sum of busi ness. ' All fruits are backward this year, es pecially strawberries. Receipts were short of demand all week and orders from out side could be only partly filled. The Hood 3Uver crop is also sharing In the delay. Prices have been steady for the past few days. Promise of fair weather gives hope that the product will be abundant this week. -Old potatoes are quite scarce. The market advanced about 10 cents per sack last week. The San Francisco market has declined In the past few days, but this 2ias had no effect at Portland, because Oregon has awakened to the fact that It has hardly enough for Its own needs. Dealers were perhaps too eager to export and may have to Import new product from California. Eggs have slightly lessened jn receipts and consumption has picked up a little. IButtcr is at best quality and continues to go Into storage. Prices are firm and Im mediate rise is not looked for by most dealers. Store butter has been a little dull on account of lessened demand from California. Tillamook cheesemakers are coming around to the demand of deal ers and are beginning to send In their product Domestic vegetables are now In full sup ply In all varieties of-the- season. Produce from San Francisco will arrive by steam er today. Oats and barley are firm. Dealers had a hard tussle with poultry all week. The market was glutted and all prices took a slump. Spring chickens had the best sale. Ducks, geese and tur keys had almost no buyers. Veal was Improved over the preceding week, but bogs and sheep were a little slow. WHEAT The first week In June has brought out llltle comfort to those who were expecting higher prices for wheat. If all reports are to be accepted at face value, this country Is about to harvest a record-breaking crop, which will enable It to offset In a large degree the shortages reported elsewhere. It Is not yet too late ior considerable damage to the Spring wheat crop, and for this reason the mar ket for some time yet will be governed largely by the weather. Old wheat has been so thoroughly cleaned out of the country that there Is not much business doing at the present time. So far as Irnown, everything under engagement for old crop loading has been fairly well pro vided for, and this leaves the market in the hands of the millers. Export values lor Walla Walla are about 59 cents to 60 cents, according to the rate asked for ships. ThlB Is about VA cents above the San Francisco price for No. 1 shipping, which shows Portland to be a better mar ket than the California port. Freights are Inactive at about 41s 3d, and the uncertainty as to what steamers will do Is preventing any more chartering until the crop is nearer a certainty. The foreign demand for flour Is at very low ebb, and this, enables the millers to main tain a more Independent position in the scramble for wheat than would be possi ble If they were compelled to keep the mills grinding. The condition of the growing crop In the Pacific Northwest continues excellent, and with an- In creased acreage East of the mountains and a splendid outlook in the Valley, the chances are certainly in favor of a bump er crop If all goes well until harvest. The California wheat market Is weak, un der the influence of a big crop and high freights. As to conditions, the San Fran cisco Commercial News, under date of June 6, says: "In California the weather during the past week has been favorable cool dur ing the first half, and later warm and sunny, producing rapid growth. In some sections of the Sacramento Valley the heaviest yield for the past seven or eight years is expected, while the valley, as a whole, will produce considerably more than the average. In- -the -San Joaquin Valley, the crop will be fully up to -the average. All through the Santa Clara Valley," from Monterey, San'Benifo and an Luis Obispo Counties, come reports of a large crop of good quality." PORTLAND MARKETS. "Grain, Flour, Etc. Wheat Walla Walla, export values, 9?o0c; bluestem, 6162c; Valley, nominal Flour Best grades, $2 903 40 per barrel; STaham, $2 0. Oats White, $1 32ftl 35; gray, Jl 30 1 32 pei cental. Barley Feed. $1717 50; brewing, $170 17 50 per ton. Mlllstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; middlings, $21 50; shorts. $20; chop, $1S. Hay Timothy, $12 6014; clover, $79 50; Oregon wild nay, $67 per ton. Vegetables, Frntts, Etc. Vegetables Onions, California red, $1 25; white, $1 50; cabbage, $1 501 65 per cental; potatoes, $1115 per sack; new potatoes, 1512c.per pound: celery, 75S5c per. dozen; tomatoes, $1 251 50 per box; asparagus, $1 per box, 4050c per dozen; rhubarb. 1& 2c per pound; peas, 23c per pound; cucumbers, S5$l per dozen; beans, S10c per pound. Fruit Lemons, choice, $2; fancy, $2 503 3; oranges, $2 253 for navel, $1 50JT2 for seedlings, per box; pineapples, $44 50 per dozen; bananas. $2 253 per bunch; Persian dates, 6c per pound; strawberries, 68cper box; cherries, $11 25; apricots, $1; peaches,, 75c per box; plums, $1 25 per box; gooseberries, 4c per pound. Dried fruit Apples, .evaporated, 56c per pound; eun-dried. sacks or boxes. 3 4c; pears, 89e: prunes,- Italian. 57c; silver, extra choice. 57c; figs, California blacks, 5c; figs, California white, 57c; plums, pltless, white, 78c per pound. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 1517yK3; dairy, 1314c; etore. ll12c per pound. Eggs 1212&c per dozezn. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $33 50; hens, $3 504; dressed. SlglOc per pound; Springs. $1 504 per dozen; ducks, $C3 50 for old; $2 503 50 for young; geese, $45 50 per dozen; turkeys, live, Sl0c; dressed, 9 10c per pound. , Cheese Full cream, twins, 12&c; Young America, 1313&c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, iEtc Coffee Mocha, 232Sc; Java, fancy, 26 -32c; Java, good. 2024c; Java, ordinary, I820c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18g20c; Costa Rica, good, I618c; Costa RIcaf ordinary, 10gl2c per pound; Columbia roast, $11 75 Arbuckle's, $12 65 list; Lion, $12 65 list. Rice Island, 6c; Japan, 5e; New Or leans, 45c: fancy head, $77 50 per sack. Sugar Cube,. $5,50; crushed, $6 75; pow- lered. $6 JO; dry granulated, $5 90; extra :, $5s$0 golden .C, $5 40 net, half barrel. dered. C, Uc more than barrels; sacks, 10c per 100 less- than barrelsf maple, 15S16c perpound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails. $1 502; two-pound tails, $2 252 30; fancy one-pound flats, $22 25; one-half-pound fancjrflat5,"$ll0l 30; Alaska talis. $11 25; two-pound tails, $1 902 25. Grain, bags Calcutta, $7.25 per 100 for spot. Coal-oil Caees, 19c per gallon-; barrels, 15c; tanks, 13c Stock salt 50s, $14 75; 100s, $14 25; granu lated, 50s! $20; Liverpool, 50s, $21; 100s, $20 50; 200s. $20. Nuts Peanuts, 6&7c per pound for raw, 9c tor roasted; cocoanuts, 9c per dozen; walnuts. lOgllc per pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts. 15c; fancy pecans, 1214c; almonds, 1517c per pound. Meats and Provisions. MuttonLambs, 4c per pound, gross: dressed, 77 per pound; sheep, $3 500 3 75. gross: dressed, 67c per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy $5 756; light, $4 75 5; dressed, $7 per pound. Veal Small, 78c; large, 5&7c per pound. v Provisions Portland pack (Shield Brand) hams, 13&c: picnic, 9c per pound; breakfast bacon, 1516c per pound; bacon, 12c per pound; backs, ll&c; dry salted sides. llc; dried beef setts, 15c; knuckles, 17c; lard, 5s, 12c; 10s, 11c: 50s, llftc; tierces, ll&c: Eastern pack (Ham mond's), hams, large, 12c:. medium, 13c; small, 13Vc; picnic. 10c; shoulders, lOVic: breakfast bacon, 1417c; dry salted sides, 1012c; bacon, sides, 115il?fc: backs, 12&c; butts, llc; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 12c, 10s, llc; dry salted bellies. ll12c; bacon bellies, 12V214c; dried beef. 15Vic Beef Gross, top steers, $4 254 60; cows, and heifers, $3 754; dressed beef, 7"VaC per pound. afloat; No. 2 red, SOU elevator; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 86 f..o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard'DuTuth, EOc f. o. b. afloat. " "' Options opened easy under rains In the Southwest, but recoveredon bullish crop report gossip, local covering, and little for sale. Closed firm at unchanged prices. July closed 71&c; September, 75c; Oc tober, 75c. Hops Steady: choice, 1900 crop, 172Cc; 1899 crop, llgl5c; old olds, 26c; Pacific Coast. 1900 crop, 16019c; 1899 crop, lKftloc; old olds, 26c. Hides Steady, California, 21 to 25 pounds, 19c. Grain'' In Europe.' LIVERPOOL, June 8. Wlieat Spot, steady; No. 2 red Western Winter, 6s; Nd. 1 California, 6s ld; No. 1 Northern Spring, 6s ld. Futures, dull; -July, 5s 10V4d; September. 5s 9d. Corn Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 3s lid; do old, 4s 2d. Futures, quiet; July, 3s 10d; September, 3s lld. LONDON, June 8. Wheat cargoes on passage, rather easier; cargoes. No. 1 standard California, 20s; cargoes Walla head. Market, homnally steady. to un changed. ' Hogs--Recelpts. 69CO. head. Market, shade to 5c higher; heavy, $5:7735-85; mixed. $5 755 77; light. $5 72V4S 77; bulk of sales, $o 775 E0. She'ep Receipts, 1500. Market, steady, yearlings, $3 404 75; common and stock sheep, $3 003 75; lambs, $4 00 5 10. KANSAS .CITY. June 8. CattleRe celpts. 100. Market, unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 6000. Market, steady: bulk of sales. $5 755 SQ; heavy,. $5 90 6 00; packers, $5 S05.90; mixed, $5 755 90; lights, $5 605 85; Yorkers, $5 ?05 80; pigs, $4 905 40. Sheep Receipts, 100. Market, un changed. NEW YORK BANKS. Decline In Excess Surplus Reserve of 37 Per Cent. NEW TORK, June 8. The Financier says,: One of the surprising features of the New York bank statement of June 8 s the extens'on of $21,2S4,400 in the loan TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes ' From the Northwest. FOR PORTLAND Hopi, "Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1214c per pound. Wool Valley, ll13c; Eastern Oregon, 7llc; mohair. 2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c: short wool, 2533c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool. 60c$l each. Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease, 22c per pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and upwards, 1415c; dry kip,. No. 1, 5 to 16 pounds, 1415c per pound; dry calf No. 1. sound steers, 60 pounds and over. 7Sc: do, 50 to 60 pounds, 77c: do, under 50 pounds, 67c; kip, 10 to 30 pounds. 6& 7c; do veal, 10 to" 40 pounds, 7c; do calf, under 10 pounds, 78c: green (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, halr sllpped, weather-beaten or grubby), one third less. Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $5iy 20: cubs, each, $2(j?5: badger, eaph, 1040c; wildcat, 2575c: house cat, 520c: fox, common gray, 3050c: do red, $1 5002; do cross, $515: lynx, $sj3: mink. 50cg$l 25: marten, dark Northern, $612; do pale pine, $1 SOS; muskrat, 510c; skunk, 25 35c: otter (land), $5g7: panther, with head and claws perfect, $2tJ?5; raccoon, 5035c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3 50tf 5; prairie wolf or coyote, 6075c; wolver ine, $4?7; beaver, per skin, large, ?56; do medium, per skin, $37; do small, per skin, $12; do kits, per skin, 5075c. Ncme. Flag, and rig. Master lasses sugary 3S 7-lSc; refined, quiet; No. 6, $5; No, 7. $4 '90; No. 5, $4 80; No. 9, $4 75: No. 10, $4 70; No.' 11, $4 65; No. 12. $4 60: No. 13; $4 60; No. 14. $4 55; Standard A, $5 35; confectioners A, $5 "35; mould A, $5 90; cut loaf, $6 05; crushed. $6 05; pow dered. $5 65; granulated. $5 55; cubes, $5 80. Coffee Futures closed quiet, with prices net 2 points higher. Total sales were i50 bags, including September, $5 40; October, $5 45; November, $5 50; December, $5 65. DONDS AND STOCKS. BONDS. U. S. 2s, ref. res.lOffJilN. Y. Cent. Ists...l07 Ad cotitxm 107,i do 3s, reg 109 da coupon 109 do new 4s, reg. .139 do coupon 1J0 Northern Pile. 3b.. 72li do'4s ..4 105 Oregon Nav. lsta..lQ0 do 4s 103 Ore. Short Line 68.1U8J4 do old 4s, reg... 112! do con. 5s llUMJ An pnnnnn iniii17lA r- Tlr Int. - t(Y Rio Gr. W. lsts..,.10; St. Paul consols.. .184 St. P. C. & P. lBtsllS'i do 3s 110 Union Pacific 4s...l(XJVi Wis. Cent. lsts.... 01 "West Shore 4s 113 Southern Pftc. 4s.. 04 Downing, Hopkins & Co. ' ESTABLISHED J803. . . WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Consignees. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereal nt American and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. Wheat Steady on call and quiet in the spot mar ket: barley, weaker; oats, quiet but Arm. "Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 97&c; choice, 97&c; milling. $101 02. Barley Feed, 7275c; brewing, 78?4 S2&c. Oats Black for seed, $1 201 32; red, 1 S5l 45. l Call board sales Wheat Steady; December, $1 03; cash, 99c Barley "Weak; December, 69Uc. ,Corn-$l 27(gl 32. Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, June" 8. Bears In the wheat pit had the better of the news before the beginning of the session, and July wheat opened Hc lower, at 73c. -on heavy rains throughout Kansas and Oklahoma, where moisture was badly needed. The Impression created was that the Kansas crop would be about equal to last year's. The rains, with somewhat lower cables, caused an early decline of c, but the pressure to sell was not general, as the better crop prospects appeared to war rant, and this feeling of reluctance was supported by later reports that possibly the Kansas rains would Interfere with harvesting.- This bit. of news caused a reaction In the price to 73c. The market fluctuated narrowly and gave evidence of considerable bull support, and there was also a fair campaign of profit-taking. July wheat closed Arm and i4c to Kmbc higher, at 73S73. Corn was steady over a narrow range of prices, with business chiefly of a local speculative character . July closed 4c lower, at 4343c Oats were active and fairly steady. July unchanged at 2540. The goo9 demand Jor lard was the mainstay of the -provision market. July pork, lard and ribs each closed 2c Im proved. The Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. June ....i $0 72 $0 73- $0 72 $0 73 July 73 73 72 73H Sept 70 70 70 70 OATS. June 42 July 45 4ihi 43 43 Sept 44 44 44 44 OATS. . . . Jul' 28 23' '28 28 Sept 2654 26 2G 264i MESS. PORK. July 14 67 14 75 14 67 14 67 Sept 14 77 14 87 14 77 14 82 . LARD. July 8 37 8 45 8 37 8 40 Sept 8 42 8 52 8 42 8 45 October 8 42 8 50 8 42 8 45 SHORT RIBS. July 8 00 8 00 7 95 7 95 Sept 7 97 8 02 7 95 -7 97 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Dull; Winter patents, $3 803 90; straights, $3 203 70; clears, $2 603 40; Spring specials, $4 20; patents, $3 4503 80; straights, 42 903 23; bakers $2 202 60. Wheat No. 3 Spring, 67(74c; No. 2 red, 7475c. Corn No. 2, 43c; No. 2 yellow. 43c. Oats No. 2, 28c; No. 2 white, 3O30c; No. 3 white, 2830c. Barley Good feeding, 46c; fair to choice malting, 5055c. Flaxsee'd No. 1, $1 72; "No. 1 Ndrthwest ern, Jl 72. Timothy seed Prme, $3 65. Mess pork Per barrel, $14 6514 70. Lard Per 100 pounds, $8 40(38 42. Short ribs Sides (loose), $7 858 05. Shoulders Dry salted (boxed), 67c; Sides-Short clear (boxed), $S23S'35. Clover Contract grade, $9 50. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 15,000 10,000 Wheat, bushels 83,000 114,000 Corn, ljushels 342.D00 173.000 Oats, bushels 256,000 417,000 Rye. bushels 5.000 ' 2,000 Barley, bushels 5.00Q 1,000 On the Produce Exchange today, ' the butter market was steady; creameries, ,15lS$ic; dairies, 1416c; cheese, steady; 85i10c; eggs, weak; loss off, cases re turned, lie. New Yorlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, June 8. Flour Receipts, 23,361 barrels;, exports, 12.091 barrels; Min nesota patents, $44 20; do bakers, $2 90 3 25; Winter pats, $3 704; straights, $3 50 3 60; extras, $2 502 90; low grades, $2 30 2 40. Wheat Receipts, 218,400; exports, 165, 034. spot, quiet; No. 2 red, Slc t. o. b. Srxay jan. 3 Argus April 23 Madagascar Co. or nJnross County Haddington Ecuador Hilston Nal Thorallebank Nomla Falklandbank Henrlette Nederland Samoena Schiller Riverside .IMabel Rickmers .IRenee Rickmers .Ardnamurchan 7Brabloch Mooiian Slrene . Bourbakl East Indian Fervaal Flintshire Galgate Glamorganshire Nymnhe Seestern Pythomene Europe Glenogle Klnfauns Lortl Shaftesbury Aiayneid Nantes PInmore Earl Cadogan Jupiter Prinsesse Marie jlverna lieian Eugene Fautrcl Lounsdale Poltalloch June 3Wandsbek May 21 Br. snip Br. bark Br. ship " Br. ship Ger. bark Br ship Ger. hark Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship Ger. shin iD'ch ship r. snip Ger, bark Br. ship Ger. ship Get. ship Br. ship Br. ship Bjr. ship Ger. ship Fr- bark Br. bark Fr. bark Br. etr. Br. bark Br. str. Ger. ship Ger. bark Br ship Fr. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Br. bark Dan. ship Dan. bark Br. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. bark Ger. bark Hunter Smith Collins McDonald b'.eckmann Joslln Schutto McBride Rowehl Smith Dietrich Welbes Boyce Stelnborner McCully Bandelin Schultz Kneally Hawkins Kelk Sauermllch LeNormand Coath Maybon Dwyer Gnlflths Davles Hllmer Mink MacAusland Miller German Crlghton Doty Roberts RIcordel Maxwell Williams Funder wlnther Webster 15431 Bremen 1996Hong Kong t 1955! ISM 1227 1954Shangtaai. 22MTslntau 199J(HonoIu,lu 2627iHIogo 1969 Sta Rosalia 19211Japan 17SltSt. Rosalia 2919)Yokohama sta. iiosaiia West Coast Sta. Rosalia 15901 Liverpool lB&Hiogo lS59NagasakI 1619Japan 2000Hongay . lbibi Valparaiso lillVrtnnnliilii ' niOLlmerlck 16031Valparaiso 1705Antwerp itiuneiu 1505. 47j. I....J. .?? 222 ( 2830, llao 'jOrient LeHuedel Fraser Young Tadsen HdiJapan Hamburg San Diego Liverpool 1416 1796 2070 9141 9SllValnaralso zzi3LuamDurg .t..... ....!.. :i9i?: 2716 2029 22Sfi 1334 1651 128S 2220 1710 1705 16S5 2193 South Bend 2198Hlogo Valparaiso Nagasaki sta. Kosalla Antwerp Acapulco Kiao Chou Sta. Rosalia Nantes Antwerp do coupon 113 do 5s. reg 108)1 do coupon 103 DIst. Col. 3-033...125 Atchison adj. 4a.. 07 C. & N.W. con. 7sl42 do S. F. deb. 5s.l21 D. & R. G. 4s 103 Gen. Electric 0s..lS3 STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 504,000 shares. The cloalng quotations were: ; Atchison 86Southern Pacific .. 58)m Bait. & Ohio 107 I do pfd SOtfi do pfd J)ti',i Texas & Pacific... 4hy, Can. Pacific 104 Tol., St. L. & W.. TiVt Can. Southern ... 09 do pfd 37 Chesi. & Ohio J0 Unlon Pacific 107 Chicago & Alton.. 4tJV4i do pfd 00 do pfd 80Wabash 23 C. B. &Q 196&I do pfd 43 Chi.. Ind. &. L..... 3SVjWheel. & L. E 20 do pfd 73 I do 2d pfd 33 Chi. & East. 111.. .133 Wls. Central 23 Chi. & Gr. West.. 23 do pfd 40 do A pfd 82.P, C. C. & St. L.. 78 do B.pfd 47 , EXPRESS CO.'S. (Chicago & N. W. .200 lAdams 180 C. R: I. & Pac...lt50 tAmerican 192 Chi. Term. & Tr 23rnlted States 00 do tpfd 44 NVells-Fargo 150 C, p., C. &. St. L. 85 I MISCELLANEOUS. Colo. Southern ... 13Amal. Copper 122 do.'lst pfd, 52 lAmtr. Car & F.... 30i do1 2d pfd 234l do pfd 84 Del. & Hudson. ...16CAmer. LInsed Oil. 14 Delj, Lack. & W..233V do pfd 43 Denver & Rio Gr. 51VilAmer. Smelt. & R. 37 do pfd 09 1 do pfd 09 Erie 43lAmer. Tobacco ...142 do 1st pfd 70 lAnaconda MIn. Co. 48) do 2d prd 57"4,Brooklyn R. T 80J4 Great North, pfd. 185 iColo. Fuel & Iron.lOlfci Hocking Valley .. 5iiCon. Gas 22 do pfd 77 ICont. Tobacco .... 70 Illinois Central ...142i do pfd 122 Iovaj Central 37,Gen. Electric 248 do pfd 6G I Glucose Sugar .... 38 LakeErle & AV... 59 iHocklng Coal 23 do pfd ll'J lint. Paper 23 Louis. ',& Nash....l00 du pfd 78 Manhattan El ...118lInU Power 0C)i Met. St. Ry 171 Laclede Gas 85 'Mex. Central 20VilNational Biscuit .. 45 Mex. National ... 11 I National Lead .... 21 Minn, & St. Louis 07 iNatlonal Salt 44 , Missouri Pacific ..117 do pfd 77 ' M.. K. & T; 30 North American .. 8 dq pfd 63 Pacific Coast 7 New Jersey Cent. 160 iPadflc Mail 43 .New York Cent. ..155 People's Gas .. 115 . Norfolk & "West... 53Preesed Steel Car. 45 , do pfd 88 do pfd S6 Northern Pacific. 120 ipullman Pal. Car. 200 do pfd 084lRepubllc Steel 10 Ontario & West... 374t do pfd 75 Pennsylvania . . ..150iSugar ..- :.143 Reading 4(J tTenn. Coal & Iron. 59 do 1st pfd 78 IU. B. & P. Co 14 do 2d pfd 50 do pfd 70 St. Louis & S. F.. 40 U. S. Leather 13 do 1st pfd Sa do pfd 704 do 2d pfd .71.U. S. Rubber 20 St. Louis S. '.... 35i do pfd 62 do pfd 09 U. S. Steel 48 St. Paul 100 I do pfd 01 do pfd ISO I , Total tonnage en route and lls,ted, 86,137. GRAIX TONNAGE IN THE IUVER Name. Flag and rig. Master From. Agents or Chartejers. Berth. May 2jAlsterschwan May 3lNlvelle June 2H. Hackfeld Ger. ship Br. bark Ger. bark Gicrtz Steven Barber 2309IYokohama 2262 Hong Kong 1249Nagaaki ' Balfour McNear Kerr Weldlers Stream Victoria Total tonnage in port, 5820. GRAIN TONNAGE EN ROUTE TO PUGET SOUND Name. Flag and rig. Master. Fiom. Consignees. April 61 Norma Feb. rSjAlex Black Mar. 16 Adolf Mar. 23Crown of India Mar. loiFairwohl June SIGarsdale uian uranam Edenballymore Llsbeth Alster Deudrath Castle Eaton Hall June 5Dumfriesshlre Br bark Br. bark Ger. ship Br. ship Rus. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark McDonnell McLaughlin Dahn Williamson Llndberg Xing' Mclntyre Guthrie Bock Saelzen Jones Evans Edwards 1999Antwerp l3lAntwerp Ibol Antwerp i6b5Cardiff 1344; Hamburg 1645London ' 197b Sta. Rosalia 1642 Valparaiso zaw Bta. itosaua 2935Sta. Rosalia 1737London 1671Callao 1142Callao Ml 104i . "I 79!:::::::::::::::: i -:i EEE:: Total tonnage en route, 23,417. Netv Yorlc StocJcn. These quotations are furnl&hed by R. W. McKinnon & Co., members of the Chicago Board of Trade: STOCKS. GRAIN TONNAGE ON PUGET SOUND Name, Jtfj Master f From. cAhrner3; Berth. Q. j . Mar. 23ILyderhorn Br. bark Weston 2723Llverpool Epplnger I Tacoma May 22 Yosemite Chll. bark Owen 762Valparalso Balfour Tacoma May 27 Clan Galbralth Br. bark Barker 19S3 Sta. Rosalia N.W.W. Co. Tacoma May 27JMozairtblque Br. bark Mcorone 2305Hong Kong Kerr .Tacoma June 3iHowth Br. bark Martin 21w)Hlogo Balfour iTacoma June 3Claverdon Br. ship Kelway 2482Yokohama Balfour Tacoma Total tonnage In port, 12,401. Walla, 29s 6d; English country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL, June 8. Wheat-Quiet. Wheat and flour at Paris, weak. French country markets, dull. Weather in Eng land, rood. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANGISCO, June 8. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; ,Yalley Oregon, 13Kc; mountain lambs. 7Sc; San Joaquin plains; C7c; Humboldt and Mendocino, OlOc. , , Hops Crpp of 1900. 1520c. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $l820; bran, $17 50 J21S. ... . Hay Wheat, $913 50; wheat and oats, $912; - best barley, $63$; alfalfa,, $73; compressed -wheat, $S13 per ton; 'straw, 4042c per bale. Potatoes River Burbanks, 75c$l 15; Oregon Burbanks, $1 251 50; sweets, 60 65c; Early Rose, new, $1 15(g)l 50. Onions Australian, $3 764. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, $1; choice, $2 75; navel oranges, $13 per box;" Mexican limes, $45. Vegetables Green peas, 75c$l 25; string beans, 13c per pound; asparagus, $1 501 75 per box; tomatoes, 75c$l 25; cu cumbers, 75c$l 25 per dozen.. Bananas $1 502 50 per bunch. Pineapples $23 per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 9010c; do hens, H12c per pound; old roosters, $3 50 4 per dozen; young roosters, $6 507 50; fryers, $3 604 50; hens, $3B'3 50; small broilers, $22 50; do large, -$303 50; old ducks, $3 504; geese, $11'25 per pair. Egga-Store. I2c'; choice, 15c. Butter Creamery, 17c; dairy, 16c. Cheese California, full cream, 8c; Young America, 9c; Eastern, 15Qil6c. Receipts Flour, 13,360 quarter sacks; wheat, 120,300 centals; barley, 4S00 centals; Eastern beans, v500 sacks; potatoes, 2657 sacks; bran, 1660 sacks; hay, 395 tons; hides 600. "EASTERN LIVE STOCK. v CHICAOG, June 8, Cattle Receipts, 200. Steady. Good to prime steers. $5 506 10; poor to medium, $4 505 40: stockers and feeders, $34 90; cows, $2 654 75; heifers, $2 75S 10; canners, $22 60; bulls, $2 S0 4 50; calves, $4 505 75; Texas fed steers, $4 505 60; bulls, $2 753 85. Hogs Receipts today, 18,000; Monday, 38,000 estimated i lett oVer. 3000. Eas)er. Top. $6 05; mixed and butdfiers'; $5 70 5,S7; good to 'choree h'e&vy $5 80 $ 02; rough ,heavy, $5 655 73; light, $5 70 $5 87. . . Sheep Receipts, 12,000. Steady, Good to choice wethers, $3 904 25; fair to .choice mixed $3 7o4; 'Western sheep, $390 i 25;' yearlings, $44 35; native lambs, $4 '5 25;" -Western lambs, $55 25j OMAHA, June 8. Cattte-Recerpta,"' goo Item. The effect of this increase was shown In a corresponding rise In depos its, and as this In turn necessitated a very much larger reserve, the excess sur plus suffered a decline of about $8,000,000, the loss of nearly $3,000,000 in cash hold ings having been an appreciable factor In this respect. The present excess stands at $13,341,500, as against $21,253,050 for the preceding week. The decline Is equiva lent, therefore, to 37 per cent, which for one week's operation Is unusually large. The Increase In the loan Item can be attributed In part to Union Pacific, con vertible bond operations, which called for heavy accommodations during the week, and the fact that one bank which had a great deal to do with the transaction re ported an increase In loans of about $8,000,000 strengthens this theory. In ad dition, however. It Is known that "com mission houses have been borrowing heavily, especially on long time, and this also assisted in swelling the volume of outstanding loans. With reference to lose In cash ofi$2.981, 400, It is to be remembered that the state-, ment of the banks for the previous week .accounted for only about half the gold 'taken for export, and the remainder probably shows in the present exhibit. The cash totals are still nearly $1,000,000 at variance with known operations for the week, but this is attributed to the misleading system of averages on which the statement Is compiled. It Is worthy of note that a discrepancy of about $10, 000,000 now exists between the clearing house statements and the most accurate preliminary statistics based upon known operations extending over a pe riod of three or four weeks, and the as sumption that the condition of the banks from a cash standpoint is better than shown In the present statement Is not warranted. The excess surplus, how ever, Is large enough at this time to min imize the effect of the heavy changes noted, and It Is not regarded as likely that money quotations will show mate rial fluctuations. Advices from Important centers are to, the effect that difficulty. Is experienced in holding rates at their present level. Th6 statement of the associated ba.nks for the wek ending June 8 shows! Loans. $887,599,100: Increase. $21.684.4'0O. Deposits, $972,118,800: Increase, $19,720,600. Circulation, $30,933,400; decrease, $160,000. Legal tenders, $77,341,500; decrease, $821, 000: Specie, $179,029,700: decrease, $2,160,300. Reserves. $259,371,200: decrease, $2.9S1.40O. Reserve required, $248,029,TOO; Increase, $4,930,150. Surplus, $13,341,500; decrease, $7,911,550. Coffee and Sugar. Coffee Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6c:. mild, quiet; Cordova, 8l2c. Sugar Raw, unsettled: fair refining, 13 213 32; centrifugal, 06 test, io; mo- Anaconda Mining Co... Amal. Copper Co Atchison com AtchiBon pfd Am. Tpbacco com Am. Sugar com Am. Smelter com Am. Smelter pfd Baltimore & Ohio com. Baltimore & Ohio pfd. Brook. Rapid Transit.. Chicago & Alton com.. Chicago & Alton pfd.. Chicago & G. W. com. Chi., Ind. & L. com.... Chi.. Ind. & L. pfd.... Chi., Burl. & Qulncy.. Chi., Mil. & St. 'Paul.. CIMcaro &. N. W. com. Chi.. R. I. & Pacific. Central Ry. of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.... Canada Southern Colo. Fuel & Iron com. Cont. Tobacco com Cont. Tobacco pfd Delaware & Hudson.... Del., Lack & Western. D. & R. G. com D. & R, G.. pfd Erie com Erie 2ds pfd Erie lsts pfd Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville. Met. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated... 'Mexican Central Ry.... Missouri Pacific Mobile & Ohio 'Mb., Kan. & Tex. com. Mo., Kan. & Tex. pfd. New York Central Norfolk & West. com.. Norfolk & West. pfd.. North American, new.. N. Y Ont. & Western. Pennsylvania Ry .". People's G., L. & C. Co. Pressed S. Car com.... Pressed S. Car pfd.... Pullman Palace Co .... Pacific Mall S. Co Reading com Reading 2ds pfd Reading lsts pfd Southern Ry. com Southern Ry. pfd Southern Pacific St. L. & S. F. com.... St. L. &. S. F. 2ds pfd. St. L. & S. F. lsts pfd. Texas & Pacific Tenn. Coal & Iron Union Pacific com Union Pacific pfd U. S. Leather com U. S. Leather pfd U. S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Steel Co com.... U. S. Steel Co. pfd.... Wheel. & L. E. com.... Wheel. & L. E. 2ds.... Wheel. & L. E. lsts.... Wis. Central com Wis. CentTal pfd Western Union Tel Wabash com Wabash pfd 4S! 49 49 120124 120 SiVil X7 XSIA 103-h 103,102 144 144 144144 57 994 10S 96 81 47 81 22 38 72 01 9951 108 96 81 47 81 24 S9 73 169 203 171 160 50 69 103 71 123 168 236 52 99 44 57 il 142 143 oT 99 108 96 80 46 mi 70 n So Q.-S. 165 202 168 160 50 69 101 70 122 lb7168 4S 121 86 102 142 143 57 99 107 96 0 46 S0 23 38 73 196 166 1202 169 160 30 69 101 TO lOOii li-ts 234 51 98 43 57 70 144 143 110761109 173 171 119 116 "6 116 80 30 63l 155 26 118 80 31 64 156 54 SS 90 225 51 99 43 57 70 142 109 118 26 117 80 30 63 155 53 53 5S 90 384 37 151!l50 116 115 45 45 86i 86 209 44 46 56V 56 78' 78 31 341 86! 86 59! 69 46 47 71 87 4S 108 90 14 79 20 63 50 9 21 34 55 24 I 4 94 23 71 S7 49 59 109 90 14 79 20 63 50 209 43 45 55 78 33 86 53 46 71 86 48 58 107 90 14 79 20 63 48 98 97 Zll 20 34 I 33 55 24 48 94 24 55 21 47 93 23 43 44! 42 90 37 150 115 45 86 209 43 46 56 78 34 86 58 46 71 86 4S 59 107 90 13Ts 79 20 62 48 97 20 23 00 24 48 94 22 43 Total sales, 505,000 shares. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, June 8. Money on call, nominal; prime mercantile paper, 34 per cent. Sterling exchange, nominal, with actual business In bankers bills at $4 S84 88 for demand and $4 85 for 60 days. Posted rates, $4 8604 89; commercial bills, $4 84 4 85. Silver certificates, 60c. Mexican dollars, 48c. - Government bonds steady. Refunding 2s (when Issued) registered, 106, do cou pon, 107; 3s registered. 109; do coupon. 109; new 4s. registered. 139; do coupon, 139; old 4s, registered. 112; do coupon, 113; 5s, registered. 108; coupon. 108. State bonds Inactive. Railroad bonds steady. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. Sterling on London. 60 days, $4 86: slsht, $4 89. Mexican dollars. 49&50c. ' Drafts Sight, 12c; telegraph, 15c. LONDON. June 8. Money, 11 per cer cent. Consols, 93 5-16d. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, June 8. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances" In the g"etreral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, ."hows: Available cash balances $167,734,053 Gold 96,392,194 R. W. McKINNON & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS MEMBERS OF THE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 8 and 9 Chamber of Commerce, Portland We transfer money over our own wires, to all the important cities in the United States. We buy and sell cotton, grain and provisions, for cash or on margin, for future delivery. We buy and sell all railroad stocks listed on the New York or Chicago Stock Exchanges. We buy and sell all copper stocks listed on the Boston Stock Exchange. We buy and sell all oil stocks listed on the San Francisco Oil Exchange. Correspondence solicited. Imports and Exports. NEW YORK, June 8. Imports of spe cie this week were $36,591 gold, and $75.C93 silver. ' Exports of gold and silver from this port to all countries for this week ag gregate $1,020,644 silver bars and coin, and $6566 gold. The imports of dry goods and merchan dise this week were valued at $12,907,190. Stocks at London. LONDON, June 8. Atchison, 8S; Cana dian Pacific, 107; Union Pacific pre ferred, 92; Northern Pacific preferred, 101; Grand Trunk, 11; Anaconda, 9;&. MORGAN'S BIG SCHEME. Plans tin International ItnnU to Have a Capital of $l,O00,'O00,OOO. NEW YORK, June 8. According to the London correspondent of the AVorld, It Is reported there that J. Plerpont Morgan Is engaged In arranging for the establish ment of a great Anglo-American bank, with a capital of $1,000,000,000. It is said that it Is proposed to abolish all of the principal financial agencies and banks already engaged In Anglo-American business. The proposed Institution, it Is said, Is Intended to be the principal agency for the already vast and rapidly growing banking transactions between Europe and America. Mr. Morgan Is understood to have asso ciated with him in the stupendous under taking not only the principal capitalists who aided in the organization of the United States Steel Corporation, but also the Rothschilds. Locally, the World says: "Several times since the panic of May it has been reported in Wall street that Mr. Morgan Intended to organize a bank with $100,000,000 capital. These reports have been Invariably denied at the ofilce of J. P. Morgan & Co. The creation of a bank with a capitalization of $1,000,000,000 Is an undertaking of a nature so colossal that nothing approaching it has ever been hinted at before. The aggregate of the capitalization of the 61 national banks In Greater New York is barely $100,000,000. Two banks only are capitalized at $10, 000.000 each the National City and the National Bank of Commerce. The great est bank In the world the Bank of Eng landhas a capital of 14.553,000 sterling, or about $72,765,000. The Bank of France has a capital of 182.500,000 francs, or about $36,500,000. The combined capitalizations of the Bank of France, the Deutsche Bank of Berlin, the' Bank of England and the Banque Imperlale Ottomans, the government bank of Turkey, falls far short of $1,000,000,000. "When It was reported last month that Mr. Morgan Intended to organize a bank In this city with a capital of $100,000.00'), the project was declared to be Impracti cable by conservative banking men be cause of the National banking laws, which impose a tax upon the capitalization of such Institutions. "August Belmont, the New York repre sentative of the Rothschilds, who, accord ing to the London dispatch, are asso ciated with Mr. Morgan In the vast bank ing scheme. Is not at his home in Hemp stead, L. I., and nothing could be learned In New York City concerning the rumored organization of the mammoth bank." change, but were nominally easy at $3 50 10 50 for pig Iron warrants In Northern foundry at $15 2516 50; Southern foundry. $1415 50; and soft Southern at $1315 50. Bar silver 59c. SAN FRANCISCO. June S. Bar sllvec -59c. LONDON, June 8. Bar silver, firm, 27d. Wool nt St. Louis. ST. 'LOUIS. June 8 Wool Quiet, un changed; territory and Western medium, 13fil5c; fine, 10S12c; coarse. 1013c. Hop at London. LIVERPOOL. June S Hops at London, ' Pacific Coast, steady. 4ft4 15s. Satnrdny In Cleaning; Day In Holland Mary A. PIxotto In Scrlbner's. But It was generally understood that our models would not pose on Saturday, that day being exclusively devoted to housecleanlng within and without. Early In the morning every stick of furniture Is carefully rubb.ed and wiped and taken out of the house. Then the women, with their skirts tucked up. entirely Hood tho rooms with bucket after bucket of water, brought up from the canal by means of the shoulder yoke. With broom and brush they souse and scrub the red-tiled floor, and finally pull up a plug In one corner to let the water out let us hope Into the canal. While the floor Is drying a great pol ishing goes on In the street. Quaint old brass lamps and candlesticks, tobacco boxes and ash trays, huge milk cans all are burnished until, like golden mirrors, they reflect the red-cheeked, white-capped faces bent over them. The lacquer man Is busy on Saturday. He goes from house to house painting, the bread tray and honey-cake boxes with de signs of gaudy birds and wondrous leaves and flowers. The street Is In a turmoil until noon, when order Is partially restored and the scanty midday meal Is partaken of. In tho l afternoon washing Is resumed. The ex teriors of the cottages are scrubbed from roof to pavement, and every trace of mold removed, for In this low, wet air the green moss gathers quickly. Then the brick pavements ars drenched and carefully drled, and I have even seen the women slip off their sabots and tiptoe to their f doorways in their woolen chaussons, so as not to solrthe Immaculate sidewalk. Unnte Clenrlnprs. Bank clearings of three Northwest cities last week were: Portland. Tacoma. Seattle Monday $ G14.2(M $ 200 C80 $ !00.545 Tuesday 40J.2A2 218.C51 545,782 Wedne'sday .... 410.522 189.772 600.309 Thursday 348.021 182.712 491.700 Friday 30.1.35:: 252.1H50 4().02.) Saturday 292.814 174.242 473,401 Totals $2,494,100 $1,227,129 $1,102,450 Clearings of corresponding weeks In former years were: Portland. Tacoma. Seattle. 1900 $1,810,885 $1,340.93.1 $2,221,153 1:00 1.008.101 778.008 l.OKS.BOO 1S08 1.835,80.1 1.008,001 1.417 104 1807 1.220.477 The clearing-house statement yesterday was: Among the newest constructions of the Ruselnn Navy to engage the energies of the- shipbuilding plant at Nicolaleff will be a new cruiser of 11,000 tons, 17,000-horse-power, and IS knots speed. Besides this, the same yards will launch a protected cruiser of 6400 tons, 19.5C0-horsepower and 23 knots speed. &rj? Woman .w . 0v 13 Interested and ehoold know CT ) nSIYVS SWA abont tb0 wonderfnl WHm The New Ladles' Syringe kv?SvV?riV. Best. Safest. Most Convenient. patented. ilk lour j.or m( frrll. Jf he Mnnot supitly tho 3IAHYKI.. ncrrtuno other, but end s'.iuii for 11- lnllTvirtlTOlnr and UrtrtKnt!n- "alimMa to Iurt . 31 59.1 Mlsslrn St.. San Francisco For sale by Wocdard. Clarke & Co. and drug gists generally SS vi Nly-T '"f gj -v Portland Tacoma Seattle . Spokano Clearings. Balances. ..$292,814 $ 57.154 .. 174.242 25.099 .. 47.1.401 135.S0O .. 152.2S4 15.82S Foreign Financial New. NEW YORK, June 8. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock market here today was Idle and dull. In the general Inactivity Amerl. cans were neglected, with the rest, and were featureless. There were, however, a few sales In anticipation of the coming settlement. This selling put American shares under parity. Cotton. NEW YORK, June 8. The cotton mar ket opened steady, -with prices up 47 points, and closed steady with prices net 36 points lower, having weakened under heavy general selling. The Mctnl Markets. NEW YORK, June 8. Continued In difference prevailed throughout the list In local metal circles, and prices were without change. Offerings of tin, how ever, were on a liberal scale, but found few takers, with spot quoted at $28 70 23 75. Lead ruled dull at $4 37&. Spelter was dull at $3 954. Copper nominally un changed. ' Domestic Iron markets were without New Herman discovery for Morphine, Opium and kindred drag habits. Easy, ;rinaiie:it homecurr. a bwlutel j pain lew. Write in confidence: stateamount ned daily. We co-operate wltb doctors 1JEKL1. KEUEDY CO., ICO W.S4thSt.,'. Y.CUr FREE TRIAL TREATMENT. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. No line otfera a more safe, absolute or flxej method for bl? returns on every dollar in- irttctorl ?iyi rlnoa our wnomiln t K- dpnnrtmpnf. J One account of $.500 returned over S120O in tnc past niteen (U) days, we guarantee a profit of at leapt 2 per cent per month on all moneys invested through us. Send for a free copy of our booklet on speculative Investment, which gives full particular of our system. LEWIS W. JOHXSOX. Investment Broker. 112 WALL. STREET. NEW YORK. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED. Stock Companies Organized. Charters Secured in any State. Stock and bonds underwritten or Sold undei guarantee and on commission. Good Inventions Marketed. Cash furnished for any good enterprise. DANIELS & COMPANY, BANKERS. C WALL ST., NEW YORK. lso London. Philadelphia. Boston, San Francisco. Stricture CTTItKlJ while "Von lep. JO.MO 4'UKKD Iutst A car. Dr.Cftrtar'B OnjUf-Soi.TEKT Bougie will dislodge, dl Rest and forsTer remote Urethral StrietuJ-c in 15 dnjs. Boncie dissolve in three hours, curins while you sleep. OnOTnn'l vl -nl. T1nrM-llhfre. ST. JAMES ASS'N, innaTi. MANHOOD RESTORED USYSSTSSJSZ remedy guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Headache,WalcefuHness,Lost Manhood. Nightly Emis sions. Nervousness, loss of power in Generative Organs, caused by vouthnil errors, excessive use of stimulants which lead to Infirmity or Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket. $i.oo per box. 6 for $5, by mail prepaid. Circular free. All druggists. Take ao other. Manufaclurcd by the Peau MedrdneCo.,Paris,France. Iaac-Davls Drng Co. distributing agents, Third' ahd Yamkiu. Sts., Potlawp. Oregon.