The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Statistics of Incorporated- Places In
the Country. a Compared With.
"' Ten Years Ago.
WASHINGTON, June S. The census
bureau today Issued a bulletin giving the
population of incorporated places in the
country. The bulletin shows that there
are 10,602 such places as compared with
7578 in 1890.
The bulletin shows S8 cities containing
more than 100,000 people each. Of the
large cities in 1900 three. New York, Chi
cago and Philadelphia, contain more than
1,000,000 inhabitants, the same as In 1890,
while for cities having between 500,000 and
iOOOOO inhabitants these in 1900 number
three as against only one in 1S90. There
were no cities in 1900, containing between
400,000 and 500,000 Inhabitants, but at the
census bf 1890 there were three cities of
this class. On the other hand there were
five cities in 1900 with a population of
between 300,000 and 400,000, but in 1S90
there were no cities coming between these
limits of population. Of the total number
of places in the list, almost one-half, or
4318, contain more than 500 people, while
there are 2051 places of between 500 and
In the states. Illinois leads with 920 In
corporated towns, and Pennsylvania
comes next with 833. New York has 438
such places. There are no incorporated
municipalities In Alaska. The Incorpor
ated places contain in the aggregate 35,
849,516 inhabitants, as compared with a
total of 26.079.S2S persons living in incor
porated places in 1S90. The combined pop
ulation In the incorporated towns and
cities constitutes 47 per cent of the popu
lation of the entire country as against 41
per cent In the towns In 1S90. In the State
of New York, which takes the lead in
this respect, 77 per cent of the people live
In the cities and towns as against 69
per cent in 1890. In six other states,
namely, Massachusetts, Illinois, Rhode
Island, Pennsylvania Colorado and Con
necticut, more than two-thirds of the
people live in the incorporated places.
Mississippi has the smallest percentage of
people living In towns, the percentage
being 15.
Medal and Letters for Men Who
Distinguished Themselves.
"WASHINGTON, June S The Secretary
of the Navy today approved the recom
mendations of the Naval Board of Awards
concerning medals of honor and letters of
commendation to a number of officers and
men of the Navy and men of the marine
"who distinguished themselves during the
campaign in China and la the Philip
pines. Secretary Long's action did not
go outside of the Orient recommenda
tions, and he will not pass upon the San
tiago medals until the return of Assist
ant Secretary Hackett. The honors Ap
proved by the Secretary are as follows:
Ensign C. T. Pettlngill, United States
Navy, letter of commendation fpr his
skill, courage and efficiency at the battle
of Tien Tsin.
Ensign A. H. McCarthy, United States
rNavy, to receive a very highly commend
atory letter from the Navy Department
for his skill, courage and good judgment
In handling his vessel, the gunboat Cala
mianes, in the Augasion River, Minda
nao, February '26, 1901, and the successful
carrying out of the object of the expedi
tion. The board regrets that under the
law no greater reward can be given this
promising young officer. His exhibition
of professional skill and nerve upon this
occasion appeals most forcibly to it.
Major O. J. Richards, United States Ma
rine Corps, to be brevetted Lieutenant
Colonel from July 13, 1900, for distin
guished conduct in the presence of the
enemy at the battle of Tien Tsin.
Captain N. H. Hall. United States Ma
rine Corps, to be brevetted Major from
August 14, 1900, for distinguished conduct
In the presence of the enemy at the siege
of Pekln from June 20 to August 14, 1900,
both dates Inclusive.
Captains Philip M. Bannon, B. H. Ful
ler, Charles G. Long and First Lieuten
ant Robert F. "Wynne, to be commended
in general orders for their gallantry, mer
itorious and courageous conduct in the
battle of Tien Tsin.
The list also includes 37 noncommis
sioned officers and privates, who are
awarded medals of honor and letters of
commendation for distinguished conduct
during various stages of the siege of
Pekin, in erecting barracks under heavy
No Longer Prejudice Against Adop
tion of Battle-Ships.
"WASHINGTON, June 2. An officer of
the Bureau of Construction, of the Navy
Department, who has been prominently
connected with many of the battle-ships
and cruisers that have been added to the
Navy recently, and who Is close to the
chief constructor, was commenting the
other day on the recent report of the na
val board of experts. In session at New
port, in which they reported adversely on
the construction of armored cruisers of
the Maryland type, and favored battle
ships of the Virginia class, making the
assertion that one battle-ship Is worth
two armored cruisers. The Maryland is
a sister ship of the Colorado and South
Dakota, while the Virginia is as a sister
ship of the Rhode Island.
"The fact is," said this officer, "that of
late the armored cruiser and the modern
battle-ship are so closely allied that It is
difficult to draw the distinction between
the two. "When our modern navy was
commenced the battle-ship was a far
different vesael from the armored cruiser,
but gradually the two types have been
drawing towards a common point, the
battle-ship gaining In speed and sacrific
ing a little weight, the cruiser improving
its already high speed and taking on a
little more armor from time to time, until
at the present day there is practically no
difference between the two.
"To my mind, the report of the New
port board may be taken to mean that in
the future armored cruisers wiU be elim
inated and all heavily armored vessels will
be strictly battle-ships. The great suc
cess of the battle-ship . Oregon in the
Spanish "War did much to break down the
prejudice against what had. been termed
the 'slow battle-ships It lias been dem,
onstrated that battle-ships sufficiently
protected by heavy armor to render them
vulnerable can be supplied with powerful
fngines capable of driving them through
he water at a rate of about 19 knots
an hour, an dthls Is all we can expect, and
all we require. When we need vessels of
a h'gher speed, the armor -will have to be
sacrificed and the weight lessened.
"One of these battle-ships with an arma
ment of four 12-Inch guns and a full bat
tery of smaller arms makes as formida
ble naval defense as there will be any
call for for some time to come. The 13
Inch rifle which has been installed on the
older battle-ships, has now been practI-
cally abandoned, as the 12-Inch rifle. In
addition to being as effective. Is much
lighter, and preserves a better balance
on the ship. In case the recommendation
of the Newport board is carried out, we
will have no more armored cruisers and
more battle-ships. As I said before, how
ever, the two are now practically a com
mon type."
Raised the Quarantine.
AUSTIN. Tex., June 8.-State Health
Officer Blunt has recommended to Gov
prnor Sayres, and the Governor has ac
cepted the recommendation, that the quar
antine which has been maintained against
San Francisco for some months pasfbfc
raised. .The Health Officer gives as his
reason that he is unable to confirm the
reports that bubonic plague exists at that
point. Another reason is that there have
been .no cases reported for some time.
The embargo will be raised at once. Lou
isiana has maintained a quarantine for
the past four months, and the Health
Board of that state has been notified of
the action of today.
Graves of Chinese Desecrated in
NEW YORK, June 8. Chinamen in
"Washington are stirred up over the dis
covery that graves in the Chinese plat
in the Congressional cemetery have been
desecrated. Nelson H. Adams has writ
ten to tho district commissioners, calling
their attention, to the affair, according to
a "Washington epeclal. Mr. Adams In his
letter says:
"My attention has been called by Chi
nese friends to the desecration of the
graves and tombstones of their deceased
countrymen in their purchased lot In the
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"t iinnttMtmiitnttttttii ttiitntti
Cppgressional cemetery, which a recent
visit by my w.lfe to the cemetery proved
to be more than fully verified. It was
found that the tombstones had been
daubed with axle grease or similar sub
stance and that the graves were dese
crated -in a most Indecent manner. The
Chinese people have a fervent veneration
for their dead, and are unable to account
for such dastardly and sacrilegious acts
In a land of boasted Christianity, civili
zation and enlightenment. I ask that the
matter be investigated."
Woll-Knovrn Negroes Mnrdcrcd.
PINE BLUFF, Ark., June S.-Robert
and Tom Clegg, prominent young white
men, -shot and killed Everett E. Fluker
and his nephew. Colonel Fluker, well
known negroes, today. The trouble arose
over competition in the ferry business.
Everett Fluker was one of Jefferson
County's wealthiest negroes. He was
grand master of Colored Odd Fellows of
Arkansas, and a member of the order's
executive board for the United States.
The Cleggs are in Jail.
Sympathy for Mrs. Stallion.
AURORA, Mo., June 8. James Crab
tree, father of Mrs. John Stallion, has
been arrested at Cape Fair, charged with
having guilty knowledge of the murder
of Alice Stallion. There are 5000 people
at the little village, attracted by the
crime, and the feeling, especially against
the two Crabtree boys, is strong.' Much
sympathy Is expressed for Mrs. Stallion,
who appears In court with her twin ba
bies. Students Threaten to Leave.
SALINA, Kan., June 8. Practically all
the students of the "Wesleyan Uni
versity here have threatened to
quit that Institution forthwith if
the board of trutees insists upon
removing F. D. Tubbs. professor of nat
ural science, whose name was dropped
from the faculty list Thursday, owing to
his ideas on evolution.
Home for Indigent Elks.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., June 8. Colonel
W. F. Cody Is making an effort to locate
the proposed National Home for TnrHeront
Elks at Cody, a new town In the Big Horn
Basin, Wyoming. He Is personally appeal.
Ing to the members of the National Elks'
Home committee. The matter will prob
ably be settled at a meeting of the Home
committee at Columbus, O., June 15.
Confederate Memorial Exercises.
COLUMBUS, O., June 8. Memorial ex
ercises were held over the graves of" the
Confederate dead at Camp Chase this
afternoon. Addresses were made by a
number of prominent men. A large quan
tity of floral offerings received from the
South were placed on the graves.
Trial Trip of Battle-Ship Illinois.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., June 8. The
battle-ship Illinois left for Boston today.
Her official trial trip is set for next Tues
day, off the New England coast. The ves
sel Is in the hands of a shipyard crew,
under command of Captain Hanlon.
Ohio Debenture Statement.
COLUMBUS, O., June 8. The report of
the receivers of the Ohio Debenture Com
pany, filed in court today, shows that the
sum of $224,767 is due shareholders, and
that the total assets, exclusive of $57,000
deposited with the State Treasurer, are
Spindle Mill Burned.
WORCESTER, Mass., June 8. The
spindle mill owned and operated by A. A.
Westcott & Son, at Splndlevllle, was
destroyed- by fire today. Loss, $50,000. The
mill is said to have been the largest of
its kind In the world.
New Idaho Postmasters.
WASHINGTON, June S. Idaho postmas
ters have been appointed as follows:
B. H. Wood, at Horse Shoe Bend, vice
W.' E. Ray, resigned, and W. E. R.
Brewster, at Leonai, .vice L. L. Merrin,
Mrs. McKInley's Condition.
WASHINGTON, June 8. Dr. Rlxey said
tonight: "Mrs. McKinley has rested com
fortably today. There has been no ma
terial change, though possibly there has
been a barely perceptible Improvement."
Craxed by Cigarettes.
CHICAGO, June 8. Bert McMaher, aged
22, crazed from the excessive use of cigar
ettes, shpt himself today. He probably
will die.
Trial of the Murder Case at Kansas
City Postponed on Acconnt of
the Woman's Condition.
KANSAS CITY, June 8. Lulu Prince
Kennedy cried convulsively In the court
room this morning when a witness testi
fied to- a conversation held with the pris
oner's favorite brother, Bert Prince, a few
minutes after the killing of Kennedy.
Mrs. Kennedy was removed from the
room in an effort to quiet her, but when
she was brought back a few-minutes later
she sobbed aloud, and finally collapsed
entirely. Unable to proceed with the trial,
Judge Wofford ordered an adjournment
until Monday, and the prisoner,, moaning
and crying aloud, was carried bodily
'; 3&irfi
across the corridor to her cell. This was
the first real sign of a breakdown the
prisoner has displayed since the killing In
January last, the cool attitude and ap
parently careless bearing she has shown
having completely puzzled the officers
who haVe had her In their care.
Miss Bertie Litchfield, a former school
mate of Bert Prince, was on the stand,
resuming her testimony of yeslerday.
Yesterday she told of Prince being in the
Ridge Building at the time of the murder,
and of his conversation with her at the
time. The defense had objected to this
conversation being related, and Judge
Wofford reserved his decision until today,
announcing this morning that the state
would be permitted to give the testimony.
The theory of the -state is that Bert
Prince, together with his brother Will and
his father, C. W. Prince, all of whotn are
awaiting trial on a charge of complicity
In the murder, had conspired with Mrs.
Kennedy to kill Kennedy, and that the
male members of the family were present
in the building watching the different en
trances to prevent his escape.
Miss Litchfield today testified to having
seen Bert Prince on the floor above Ken
nedy's office a moment after the shooting.
"I told him," said Miss Litchfield, "that
I had been down stairs, that some one
had been hurt. Bert said: 'Lulu did it;
she gave him what was coming to him.
He did not treat her right and she fixed
him.' "
At this point Mrs. Kennedy gave way
to a fit of crying and was taken from the
room. Bert Prince, who Is a traveling
musician, has since her incarceration
done more apparently than any other
member of the family to make the pris
oner's situation bearable, frequently hold
ing concerts in her cell, and Mrs. Kennedy
had shown her favoritism for him and
keen regret that his name had any con
nection with the case.
In the courtroom Mrs. Kennedy oc
cupied a chair at a table with her at
torneys, and about her dally are grouped
her father, her mother, who visited the
prisoner but once since her arrest; her
married sister, Mrs. Leon, and the lat
ter's husband. Frequently during the
whole session of the court her relatives
pay no attention to her. Today, when
Mrs. Kennedy gave vent to her feelings
In sobbing her father tried to quiet her,
but Mrs. Prince and Mrs. Leon remained
In their seats making no effort to com
fort the woman.
Charles Dittmler testified to Bert Prince,
having forecasted the murder. Two days
before tho murder occurred Dittmler said
Prince accosted him while reading a news
paper account of Kennedy's suit for an
nulment of the marriage. Prince had re
marked: "You'll read worse than that
about him before long."
William T. Hacker told of seeing Mrs.
Kennedy and Bert Prince together'in the
vicinity of Kennedy's office a few hours
before the murder, and Clifford Lawson
testified to having seen Prince there at
about the same time with a woman whom
he did not know.
After Mrs. Kennedy had been taken to
her cell the jail physician was called
and administered a quieting potion. He
said her condition was not at all serious,
and that she would be well enough Mon
day for the trial to be continued. Mon
day last the attorneys predicted that the
jury would have the case by this evening.
Now the Indications are that the trial will
laet all next week.
Gang of Confidence Men Broken Up
and Arrested.
CHICAGO, June 8. In a small room at
the rear of a saloon on Cottage grove ave
nue, fitted with a maze of wires, telegraph
Instruments and all the paraphernalia
necessary to a well-equipped poolroom.
Chief of Police O'Neill and several detec
tives from the Central station arrested 23
men last night and unearthed what they
say was the headquarters for a gang of
the most noted confidence men In the
Those arrested were all taken to the po
lice station, where they were booked on
charges of conspiracy to defraud. The
complainant who will appear against them
Is S. L. Seabrook, a traveling man, who
alleges he came near being the victim of
a swindle involving several thousand dol
lars. Seabrook himself assisted the police in
making the raid. It was but a short time
after the men reached police headquarters
before many of the prisoners were recog
nized and the commanding officers realized
the Importance of the arrests.
Among those arrested In the raid are:
Frank Dubois, Edward Dunne and Archie
Donaldson; From the appearance of the'
place a poolroom In full blast was in prog
ress. The names of horses runnlnc at the'
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different racetracks with their odds were
conspicuously posted on the walls, ticker
machines were being operated and the
continuous click of telegraph Instruments
was drowned by the calling of the prog
ress of the -different races by an "official
Attorney of St. Mary's Connty Found
Guilty of Conspiracy.
BALTIMORE, Md., June 8. The Jury
in the census fraud cases has returned a
verdict finding Joseph Ching, an attorney
of St. Mary's County, guilty on, the fourth
count of the Indictment for conspiracy
with Guyther, who pleaded guilty, but was
not placed 'on trial. On all other counts
the verdict Is not guilty. Graves, Bowles
and Abell, who were jointly indicted on
tho same charge, were found not guilty.
Attorney Marbury filed a motion for a
Pew trial. -
After the trial, counsel for the Govern
ment made a proposition that Abell and
Bowles should plead guilty to the further
indictments against them on the charge
of padding the census returns -without a
conspiracy and accept a slight term of im
prisonment as punishment. The mat
ter was left open for further discussion.
Valet Jones' Condition.
NEW YORK, June 8. Representatives
of four law firms Interested lii the Rice
will contest have again visited the house
on West Forty-fourth street, where Jones
Is to give his testimony under an order of
the Surrogate's Court. He was too ill
to testify. Fear has arisen that the very
measures adopted to prevent Jones from
taking his own life may result In a fatal
attack of. nervous prostration, compli
cated with other ailments.
His removal several weeks ago from the
House of Detention to his present loca
tion did not result in the hoped-for im
provement in his health, and he declared
that the constant presence of detectives
is' responsible for his condition. He says
he cannot sleep with a man watching at
his bedside.
Millions of Human Beings Are Held
In Bondage There.
There are at a low estimate 10,000,000
human beings who are In servitude in the
Celestial Kingdom. China has 80,000,000
families, and this makes one slave to ev
ery eight families, says the London Ex
press. The average Is greater in South
China, where nearly every one owns
slaves. There is scarcely a Chinese fam
ily of means in Nankin, Canton, Macao
or Amoy but possesses one or more slave
girls. Slave boys are less common, but
the girls are found In every street and
In almost every house.
Girls .fetch from $10 to $100 and upward
In South China. They are sold at any
age from 3 to 15, but most commonly at
7 or 8. The prettiest girls are the most
desirable, as in case of marriage or sale
they will bring more to the family which
buys them. Most of the slave girls are
bought to work about the house. It Is
cheaper to buy a servant than to hire one,
for if you take a girl of 8 you can have
her services until she Is 15, getting eight
years of work for nothing but her board
and clothes, and then sell her for per
haps ten times your original price.
Theoretically there are no slaves In
Hong Kong, as It is British territory, but
in reality the city Is full of th'em. They
are the maid 'servants and nurses of the
Chinese. Every small-footed lady needs
slaves to help her about, and In the
houses of the rich, where there are many
daughters, It is not uncommon to find
from 20 to 30 .slaves In a single family.
Female slaves are often presents from
one man to another, and not Infrequently
they form a part of the bridal outfit.
They are commonly bought as secondary
wives and often as teachers.
There are localities in China where the
girls are noted for their beauty. The cit
ies of Yahg-Ctiau and Su-Chau .re as fa
mous for tearing handsome girls as Is
Georgia In the Caucasus, front where
rich Turks so often obtain their wives.
There are persons in these cities who
make a business of raising slave girls.
They search the country about for
promising young girls and put them
through a regular course of training. They
have farms where the slaves are taught
to sing, play upon musical Instruments
and to acquire other accomplishments
which, added to beauty, will cause them
to sell for high prices to the rich man
darins. These girls are chiefly the daugh
ters of poor people or the daughters of
It is common for a man to purchase his
wife. Indeed, there are more wives ac
quired in this way than In any other.
Every man in China has a right to as
many wives as he can maintain, and a
secondary wife is cheaper than a hired
servant. The first wife Is the legal one,
but the others have their rights, although
they are practically slaves.
The man who is addicted to the opium
habit will sell his children, and not In
frequently his wife, to supply his appe
tite. Wives are sometimes sold by gam
bling husbands, being put on the turn
of a card or the rake-out of the cash at
There are slave brokers In all the large
Chinese cities. Their business. Increases
at times of famine, and. the starvation
which lately prevailed In North China
caused many parents to sell their children.
With some it was a question of allowing
them to starve or selling them. The re
sult Is that girl babies are a drug on
in the market.
Think of buying a baby for a shilling!
This Is the price which one of the Infant
asylums of Shanghai Is said to pay for
them. This is a philanthropic institution,
and the children are bought as a matter
ot-charity and religion. They are reared
surrounded by Christian influences, are
taught all sorts of domestic duties, and
when they arrive at the proper age are
given respectable husbands.
The brokers, as a rule, do not buy ba
bies. The cost of rearing them and the
risk of death are too great. They prefer
to have girls or boys of 8 years and up
ward. A Battle of the Bees.
Ladles' Home Journal.
One colony of wild honey bees Jess than
a mile away had survived the famine of,
the 'previous Summer, and In July, made
desperate by lack of forage, certain of
their wanderers discovered my hive, and
succeeded In sneaking by the sentries and
in getting away again with honey bags
filled with plunder undetected. Returning
later with others of their tribe they were
discovered and driven off. But the whole
colony of forest dwellers was now eager
for booty and came In overpowering
force. I narrowed the entrance to the
hive and my bees defended It valiantly;
the fighting was fierce until long after
dark, and In the morning It was again
renewed, and finally the defendants were
defeated with heavy losses. The survivors
were compelled to go into bondage and
assist their victors to carry away the
captured honey to the woods, and before
the midsummer sun was half way up the
sky, the hive stood silent and deserted,
save for a few loitering pilferers crawling
about the torn and empty coihbs, searctUng
among the dead for a last drop of honey.
The queen, I presume, must have been
killed, for she certainly would never have
consented to accompany the enemy with'
the other prisoners. Yet I waB unable to
find her among the dead, and believe that
she died fighting in the open and dropped
into the grass.
Estate of Charles H. Hoyt.
NEW YORK, June 8. The estate of
Charles H. Hoyt, the playwright, after
paying all claims, amounts to $132,106.
Rapid Transit Bills Signed.
HARRISBURG, Pa., June 8. Governor
Stone has signed the Emery and Focht
rapid transit bills.
e r
A Wifely Rejoinder. "His lordship is very
easy to entertain." "He must be. He told m
thCtou wnrfe wltlv"' tfarlnm Ufa.
Hon. Judson W. Lyons, Register of the
United States Treasury, writes as fol
lows: "I find Peruna to be an excellent rem
edy for the catarrhal afflictions 6f Spring
and Summer, and those who suffer from
the depression of the heat of the Sum
mer will find no remedy the equal of Pe
runa." Judson W. Lyons.
Pelvic tCntnrrh.
Miss Elizabeth L. Williams writes from
GoJIad, Tex.:
I have taken several bottle of Pe
runa and now lam entirely well. Pe
runa has not only cured me of catarrh,
but also of female complaints, of
which I suffered a great deal. I shall
always keep Peruna, and 1 do hlQhly
recommend It to everyone In the land,
especially to young girls and women.
"I feel that I owe a world of gratitude
to Dr. Hartman and Peruna." Miss E.
L. Williams.
Systemic Catarrh.
W. H. Shields, Editor and Publisher of
The Douglas 'Co. Democrat, of Ava, Mo.,
Volodyovski, Winner of the Derby,
Was Leased by Whitney From
Lady Meux.
LONDON. June 8. London is still talk
ing of the Derby and the Oaks. The dis
cussion of the relative merits of American
and British methods of training and rid
ing has broken out anew. It must be
confessed that the British comments are
generally very fair. They sorrowfully
admit the superiority of America on ev
ery point. The Sporting Times says:
"The Derby has been won by a French
horse and an American jockey, but never
until Wednesday was it won by a horse
that had other than an English Jockey
in the saddle. Whatever our horses
might be. the supremacy of our jockeys
was deemed complete. But that fallacy
Is now exploded. Thus two records were
broken, viz.: A victory for a jockey who
was not a subject of the King, and the
running of the race in the fastest time
on record. The Derby was an Anglo
American triumph, but -not so that of
the Oaks, which was American, pure and
simple. It is a fact that rivalry ran
high In America last year between Mr.
Whitney and Mr. Keene, almost amount
ing to bad blood, when a colt of Mr. Whit
ney's beat Olympian for tltfe Futurity.
Under the circumstances. It Is not a lit
tle singular that Mr. Whitney should
have won the Derby and Mr. Keene the
Oaks. To add to the American triumph,
the Tammany Chieftain, Croker, rart
third in the Oaks, while an American
jockey rode the winner of the Derby,
and the first three In the Oaks were rid
den by Jockeys of that nationality. Hen
ry, who was Imported by Mr. Keene, who
brought Slpan to this country, has made
a rare beginning."
The papers have printed New York dis
patches saying that Mr. Whitney would
take Volodyovski to America, but he can
not do that. He has simply leased the
horse for 5000 cash and half of what
the horse might win at 3 and 4 years of
age, after which he was to be returned.
Had Lady Meux careo, to sell the colt
outright on an offer that was made, he
would now stand at 25.000. the offer be
ing 15,000 down and 10.000 more If he
won the Derby. In these matters, she
has not looked on money at all. Her
great desire was that, as Hugglns had
borne the jieat of the day, he should reap
the reward. For that reason she accept
ed an offer that would admit of Volodyov
skl's remaining In his stable. The only
thing that might have altered all this
was If King Edward had continued to
be Prince of Wales. But for his acces
sion to the throne, we would now see
him credited with -what no living man
has been credited with, viz., three Derby
winner?. Lady Meux is a very public
spirited woman. She paid fully for a
battery of guns, and the public Is little
aware of the tons of stores and comforts
she has caused to be sent to the troops in
South Africa. She has a splendid col
lection of Nelson relics, Including Lady
Hamilton's jewelry. When Temple Bar
was removed, Lady Meux saved the ma
terials from being broken up for side
walks, had every stone numbered, and
now old Temple Bar. exactly as it was in
the Strand forms the principal approach
of her estate at Theobald Park.
Fabulous sums were won on Cap and
Bells IPs victory In the Oaks. The com
missioners had literally unlimited orders
to back the filly as long as a decent price
was obtainable, and every American won,
and the women that saw Foxhall Keene
for a week were advised to back the
Races at Kempton Parle.
LONDON, June 8. Chance Shot (Maher)
won the Walter mile selling plate at the
Kempton Park first Summer meeting to
day. John Smith's Mountain Buck (Hen
ry) -won the Windsor Castle selling hand
flEN and women are alike
ject LU Udtdl ill
Both men and women are subject
to catarrh both Winter and Summer.
We have then Summer and Winter
In Summer catarrh is more likely
to assume the form of dyspepsia, blood
derangements, nervousness, systemic
catarrh, and in some women pelvic
Pelvic catarrh is commonly known
as female disease.
To thoroughiy understand this sub
ject one should send to the Peruna
Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for Dr.
Hart man's book on catarrh.
This book contains ninety-six pages
of reading matter, and will be sent free
to any address.
wrote the following editorial In his paper
of January 24, 1901:
"Many people of Douglas County know
how long and seriously 111 the editor of
this paper was with systemic catarrh.
"We count it simply an act of Justice to
say that after trying several doctors and
proprietary medicines, we were Induced
to try S. B. Hartman's Peruna as put up
by the Peruna Medicine Co., of Colum
bus, O. This remedy I believe saved my
life and effected a permanent cure. 1
will not say It is the best medicine on
earth, but I will say It Is the best medi
cine I ever used." W. H. Shields.
In a letter dated February 11th, he says:
"Since writing that editorial several per
sons have called at my office to learn
whether it was really a fact or only an
advertisement. I have assured them that
it was written entirely without the know
ledge of the manufacturers, without prom
ise of favor or fear of contradiction. My
case has been the cause of your selling
many bottles of Peruna, both here and
at Drury, where I formerly lived." W.
H. Shields.
A Physician's Letter.
D. Russell Hayes, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, of New London. Conn., writes:
"I would add my testimony to the mass
icap. The Dart Maiden colt (Henry)
came in first in the race for the St. Mar
garet's 2-year-old selling plate, but was
disqualified for bumping, and the race
was-awarded to Morris Benner. A 2-year-old
selling plate was won by R. Forrest
Tod's Czardas: P. Lorlllard's Amoret II
(Maher) was second, and Loch Leven fin
ished third. Seven horses ran. Sir J. B.
Tundel's Maple's Mackintdsh won the
Westminster plate. W C. Whitney's Wa
tershed (J. Relff) was second, and James
R. Keene's Disguise II (M"llton Henry)
finished third.
Blue Girl Won the Great American
Stakes at Gravcsend.
NEW YORK, June 8. The Great Amer
ican stakes of ?12,500 drew 16,000 people to
the Gravesend racetrack today. John E.
! Madden's Blue Girl, at 6 to 1, won clev
erly over a rather slow track, with the
next four horses heads apart. Nastur
tium, the favorite, got the place from
Major Dangerfleld. The Great American
was for 2-year-olds at five furlongs. On
the far turn Nasturtium was cut off, los
ing three or four lengths. Garrlgan, on
the favorite, claimed a foul against the
winner, but the stewards would not al
low the claim. Following Is the summary:
About six furlongs Gold Spinner won,
Outfcinder second, Isla third; time, 1:12 2-5.
Mile and a quarter Andronlcus won,
Sadie S. Second, First Whip third; time,
2:09 2-5.
The Great American, $12,500, five fur
longsBlue Girl won. Nasturtium sec
ond, Major Dangerfleld third; time, 1:02 4-5.
Golden Cottage, Saturday, Whisky King
and Andalusian also ran.
The Broadway stakes, mile and a six
teenthThe Parader won. All Green sec
ond, Vltelllus third; time, 1:49.
Selling, five furlongs Honolulu won,
Man O'War second, Stephen Ward third;
time. 1:031-5.
Mile and 70 yards Belvlno won, Anna
Darling second, Blue Victor third; time,
1:49 2-5.
Rnces at St. Lonls.
ST. LOUIS, June 8. Today's summary
at the Fair Grounds was:
Six furlongs, selling Zack Ford won,
The Butcher second, Tenny Belle third;
time, 1:18. ' '
Five and a half furlongs Katoma won,
Harry Wilson second, Kaffir third; time,
Six furlongs Kings Highway won, HI
Knocker second, Robert, Jr. third; time,
Junior championship stakes, purse J1500,
six furlongs Wyeth won, Monte HImyar
second, Charles W. Meyer third; time, 1:20.
Mile and a sixteenth, purse Hottentot
won, Chopin second, Ida Ledford third;
time, 1:52.
Mile and 20 yards, selling Tammany
Chief won. Tidal Wave second. Clay
Pointer third; time, 1:50.
Seven furlongs, selling Battus won,
Verify second, Sadie Levy third; time,
Races at Newport.
CINCINNATI, O., June 8. The sum
maries today at Newport were:
Five furlongs, selling Sister Kate II
won, Nancy Doblns second, Auchendralne
third; time, 1:0214.
Four and a half furlongs, selling Anna
A. B. wqn, Ingo second, Hand Rail third;
time, 1:56.
Six furlongs Lilly Pantland won. Impe
rialist second, Northumbria third; time,
One mile, selling Strathbrocck won, Ne
karlnus second, Baffled third; time, 1:42.
Seven furlongs, selling Lady Kent won.
Fairy Dell second, Pauline J. third; time,
Mile and an eighth, selling Governor
Boyd won, Slasher second, Albert Vale
third; time, 1:564.
Races at Hawthorne.
CHICAGO, June 8. Following was the
summary at Hawthorne:
Five furlongs, selling Harry Beck won,
Hanswagner second, McChesney third;
time, 1:02.
One mile Bangle won, Algaretta second,
Llvidia third; time, 1:41.
Five and a half furlongs J, V Klrby
o ..
accumulated In favor of Peruna. I use it
in my family and practice to a large ex
tent, and can conscientiously say that I
know of no remedy for all blood aliments
so good. It is especially valuable to
Tried Medicines of All Schools.
Mrs. Laura J. Smith, National Organ
izer Anti-Treat Society, writes from 1217
W.. 33d street, Minneapolis, Minn.:
"I have had trouble with my bladder,
kidneys and other pelvic organs for over
10 years, and It caused me serious Incon
venience and pain.
"I tried the medicines of all schools, but
none could cure my case. My neighbor
received wonderful benefits In a similar
case, and advised me to try Peruna. 1
at once bought a bottle and experienced
relief within a week. I took It nearly
three months before I was cured, but I
am now regaining flesh and feeling bet
ter than I have been for the past 15
years." Laura J. Smith.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
won, Doren second, Herodlade third; time,
Steeplechase, short course Sallust won,
Isen second, Frond third; time, 3:34. k
Mile and an eighth, handicap Wild Pi
rate won, Lady Schorr second, Ben
Chance third: time, 1:53.
Mile and 70 yards, selling Vlncennes
won, Hopscotch second, Hosl third; time,
Mile and 70 yards, selling Federal won.
Winter second, El Caney third; time, 1:46.
Races at Oakland.
' SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. Favorites
fared badly at Oakland today, but well
played horses took some of the events.
In the last race Jim McCleevy appeared to
be hopelessly out of It, but came' fast,
and won, driving by a head from Rainier,
! a 50 to 1 shot. The summary Is as fol-
One mile and 70 yards, selling Torslda
won, Senator Matts second, Hohenlohe
third; time, 1:46.
Futurity course, selling Rio de Altar
I won, Mission second, Bravo third; time,
! 1:11.
Four and a half furlongs, selling Esca
lante won, Snowbery second, Paradise
third; time, 0:5514.
Futurity course, selling Ralston won,
Vantlne second, Gibraltar third; time,
Seven furlongs, handicap Good Hope
won, Montallade second, Byron Rose
third; time, 1:27.
One mile and 70 yards, selling Jim Mc
Cleevy won, Rainier second, Cromwell
third; time, 1:37.
Pottnvrntomics Will .Squat on the
Lake Front.
ST. JOSEPH, Mich., June .8. The tribe
of Pottawatomie Indians living in Van
Buren County held a eecret pow-wow at
Hartford to listen to a report of scouts
sent to Chicago. By a unanimous vote
j the tribe decided to sail for Chicago June
J 22, under the leadership of Chief Isaac
Qulgno, the youngest and most daring
full-blooded Indian of the tribe. Chief
Charles Pokagon, son of the late Simon
Pokagon, was deposed, together with his
I council of "seven advisers, because of their
lukewarm attitude.
The Pottawatomles purpose to Invest the
lake front of Chicago, and then proceed
to prove their claims to the land, which
they believe will be sustained. If tho
Chicago claim is established they will
squat on all the lake front from the Irt
diana line o Grand Haven, Mich., which
they say la their land by virtue of the
same treaty upon which they base their
Chicago claim.
Lawyer McDonald Again Fainted.
CHICAGO, June 8. The Unger conspir
acy case was brought to a sudden tem
porary stop shortly after court opened
today by the Illness of J. J. McDonald, an
attorney for Dr. Unger. Mr. McDonald
fainted In the midst of his speech yes
terday, but appeared in court today. He
attempted to talk, but failed pitifully. A
physician who was summoned declared
that the lawyer would not live 10 min
utes if he attempted to address the Jury,
and Judge Tulley accordingly declared
court adjourned until Monday, when an
! attempt will be made to finish the argu
1 ments and give the case to the Jury.
Is a constltntional disease.
It -originates in a scrofulous condition b.
the blood and depends on that condition.
It often causes headache and dizziness.
Impairs the taste, smell and hearing, af
fects the vocal organs and disturbs the
It Is always radically and permanently
cured by the blood-purifying, alterative and
tonic action of
Hood's SarmapmrHIm
This great medicine has wrought the most
wonderful cures of all diseases depending
on ocrofnla or the scrofnloos habit.
Boon's Pills are tho beat cataartie,