pmm VOL. XX. NO. 23. POETLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS 0u r 1 II H'lf thirty-twopages : II I It it HPtJt I PAGES 1 T0 12 I . . ... E 1 I 1 1 I 1(C1 I I Kx TROUBLEINBALKANS An Explosion Is Likely to Occur Any Day. THE MACEDONIAN MOVEMENT Italian Statesman Accuse Austria Hungary of Carrying; on a Propaganda In Al- bania. ROME, June 8. Slgnor Gulccardlnl, the reporter of the budget committee, speak ing In the Chamber of Deputies on the Al banian question, said it was, In his opin ion, critical, as the movement in Mace donia might precipitate a surprise at any moment. He cited a series of incidents which, he maintained, went to show that a propaganda was carried on In Albania by Austria-Hungary, and asked whether such a propaganda was reconclllable with the declarations made at Vienna and Home regarding the maintenance of the status quo, which, in his opinion, was unstable. Other speakers referred to the unrest in the Balkans. These utterances, taken in connection with Count Koluch owskl's recent speech, indicate that the statesmen fear that trouble is imminent in Southeastern Europe. SECOXD DAY OP THE DUEL. Regis Wounded by Lnberdcsqnc and the Affair Stopped. PARIS, June S. The duel with swords which was begun yesterday In the Pare des Princes between Max Regis (the antl Semlte Mayor of Algiers) and M. Laber desque, an Algerian journalist, and which was adjourned after 19 resultless rounds had been fought, was resumed this morn ing. M. Regis was seriously wounded in the forearm, a copious flow of blood re sulting, and the duel was thereupon stopped. The duel today lasted only a few sec onds. M. Laberdesque, who Is a fine swordsman, yesterday confined himself to the defense, but this morning, after half a dozen passes, he lunged and pricked M. Regis in the right forearm. The lat ter wished to continue the duel, but the seconds refused to let the fight continue. A quarrel then broke out among the seconds and several spectators, which in cluded Malota, a writer on the Aurore; Thomeuex Suitzbacher and others. Sev eral challenges were exchanged and final ly friends succeeded in leading away M. Regis, who was furious over the seconds' decision. Before he left the ground, M. Regis shouted to M. Laberdesque: "I fought you to show I was not afraid of your swords. You are, nevertheless, an assassin." jfrl. Laberdesque promptly retorted, ask tEg the seconds to arrange another duel. Regis wanted to fight Laberdesque with fists when the duel was stopped, but the seconds intervened. Regis, in addition to fighting Laber desque, has to fight a duel with Gerald Richer, a writer on the Petit Republlque. The Temps reporter, describing the. final scene, says it was lucky the duel did not last another half hour or half the spectators would have challenged the oth er half and the duel would have degen erated into a pitched battle." THE LONDON THEATERS. Mrs. O'Connor's Play, "The Lady From Texas," Not a Success. LONDON, June 8. The theaters gener ally are not doing much business. Mrs. T. P. O'Connor's appeal to the critics to give her what encouragement they could, as If she failed It would almost break her heart, has not helped her play "The Lady From Texas" at the Queen's The ater. The comments of the papers are unanimously severe. The production, how ever, is a triumph for Kitty Cheatham, the American actress, and seldom has a player received such good notices, cer tainly not in a play which the critics dis approve. It is now settled that Charles Hawtrey will sail for New York about the middle of September and open at the Garrlck The ater, New York, October 3; with "A Mes sage From Mars." Charles Frohman has engaged Mr. Hawtrey for a second visit to America In the Autumn of 1902, in or der that the New York public may see him in his latest part, "The Man From Blankley's." A meeting of theatrical managers has been held to consider the regulations framed by the theater committee of the London County Council, which, if carried out, will compel every manager to cut off any part of his house where persons can stand with a barrier at least eight feet high. It was decided to co-operate in an effort to bring about a change in these regulations. Mme. Melba's appearance at the opera Thursday produced a gala performance. The boxes were all occupied. In one row of the stalls sat the Duchess of Marl borough, white with roses, with Mrs. George Cornwallls-West. BERNHARDT AS ROMEO. The French Actress May Not'.Be Able to Master the Part In English. LONDON, June 8. Mme. Sarah Bern hardt Informed a representative of the Associated Press that there is still some doubt as to whether she will play Romeo to Maude Adams' Juliet. Her acceptance of the offer was made jokingly, but was taken seriously. Mme. Bernhardt adds: "I would love to play Romeo in English, but I scarcely think I could ever suffi ciently master English to do so." "When Charles Frohman heRrd what Mme. Bernhardt had said, he was much disturbed. "Bernhardt herself," said Mr. Froh man, "suggested the Idea, and she ap peared to do it In all seriousness. She had before her a copy of the part in English. I said, 'Why don't you do it in French?' but Mme. Bernhardt said, 'I shall do It In English. I have It here. 1 shall learn It.' So convinced was I that Grau and I talked over the arrange ments, even to the minutest details of the expenses. Now she appears to have changed her mind about her ability to learn the part. "Why, I cannot think. But I am perfectly willing to make the same arrangements and let the performance take place In French." Mr. Frohman tells the Associated Press that Edna May will next season appear under the joint management of himself and of George Edwards. TRADE OF COREA. Report Compiled by United States Consul-General Allen. WASHINGTON, June 8. No reports up on the trade of Corea have been published for the last seven years, according to Consul-General Allen, at Seoul, In a com- munlcatlon to the State Department. Mr. f Alien, tnererore, submits a report com piled by himself, which sets forth the prin cipal facts relating to Corea's commerce with the rest of the world, and estimates of the value of America's trade with that empire. The total trade of Corea foV 1900, includ ing native imports and goods re-exported is set down at $13,690,213. The net impor tation was valued at $6,550,925. The chief Item of American Imports was kerosene, which was valued last year at $896,815. Next In order in this connection comes mining supplies, of which at least $150,000 worth was imported from, the United States last year. American imports into Corea, the Consul-General states, have more than doubled in the past year and the trade is growing. Corea's total ex portation of 1900 amounted to $4,701,054. Americans are shown to be prominent in the trade and development of Corea, es pecially in regard to the railroad and min ing enterprises. Relative to the currency of the empire, Mr. Allen says: "Corea is greatly in need of money, yet no encouragement is given to the people to develop their excellent natural re sources." KEPT HER DAUGHTER A PRISONER Beautiful French Girl Incarcerated In a House for 25 Years. PARIS, June 8. The sensation of the week has been the arrest of Mme. Mon nler, a rich, miserly land owner, living In the neighborhood of Poitiers, and her son, an ex-sub-prefect of the Department of Vlennea, and a leader of Poitiers so ciety, on the charge of Incarcerating Mile. Blanche Monnler, daughter of Mme. Monnler, for 25 years In a room of Mme. Monnler's house. The police, who were anonymously notified of the woman's de tention, entered the house and found Mile. Monnler shut up in a room In darkness, lying on a mattress, stark naked, and so emaciated that she appeared to be a liv ing skeleton. The room was covered with filth, bones, refuse, food, worms, rats and all kinds of vermin. The unfortunate woman, who had partially lost her rea son, was taken to a hospital. It was thought she would die, but she Is now improving. Twenty-five years ago she was a beau tiful brunette, and fell In love with a lawyer without means. Her mother dis approved of their love, and confined her In the room which she has only recently left. The son, after his arrest, pleaded that he acted as he did on account of filial piety, and that the mother was re sponsible. The lawyer died In 1885. There was another dramatic develop ment In the case today. Mme. Monnler died In prison of heart disease. The gtavlty of her crime was brought home to her at the jail. She became HI and died suddenly In the Infirmary at the prison tnls morning. INGRATITUDE OF DREYFUS. His Shameful Treatment of His Law yer, Labor!. LONDON, June 8.-The visit to Eng land of Maltre Labori, the distinguished French advocate, has developed the fact that the relations between himself and Dreyfus have greatly changed since the Rennes drama. M. Laborl's friends say that Dreyfus has treated his "savior" shamefully. They declare that the last time Dreyfus stayed in Paris he never went near M. Labori, and has In other ways shown what they stigmatize as an utter lack of gratitude. M. Labori does not conceal his appreciation of these cir cumstances, but is as ardent as ever, declaring in private that Dreyfus was wrongfully convicted, and the slightest suggestion to the contrary Is sufficient to send the advocate In a passionate fit of denunciation of Dreyfus' detractors; and, whatever may be the personal relations between himself! and the prisoner of Devil's Island, he certainly has not lost any ardor In behalf of his famous client. MRS. BOTHA IN ENGLAND. On Her Way to Holland and Bel gium. LONDON, June 8. Mrs. Louis Botha, wife of the Boer Commandant-General, arrived In Southampton this morning on the British steamer Dunreagan Castle from South Africa. She refused to grant an Interview, but a son of ex-Secretary of State Fischer, who accompanied her, informed a representative of the Asso ciated Press that Mrs. Botha was going straight to London and later would pro ceed to Holland and Belgium, but that the date of her departure for the Continent .had not been fixed. Mr. Fischer was unable to confirm or deny the report that Mrs. Botha' had come to Europe upon a peace mission. He was released on parole In order that he might accompany her. Duchess of Marlborough's Speech. LONDON, June 8. The Duchess of Marlborough, this afternoon, at the West minster Town Hall, opened a sale of the work of the Children's Union. The Amer ican peeress made a bright little speech, in which she said she could think of no nobler or higher work than saving little children from poverty and pain. The Duchess, who was loudly cheered, was presented with a bouquet of flowers. The Duke, who accompanied his wife, sat be side her throughout the ceremony. Complicity in Paris Robbery. PARIS, June 8. The police of this city have arrested an American named May Churchill, who had Intimate relations with "Tom" Edwards," one of the burglars who robbed the Paris office of the Ameri can Express Company In April, the au thorities having decided to charge her with complicity In the robbery. She was formerly a music hall performer and had made a tour of the United States under the sobriquet of "Chicago May." Divorce Decree Rescinded. LONDON, June 8. Sir Francis Jeune, president of .the prt-ate, divorce and ad miralty division of the High Court of Jus tice, has rescinded the decree of divorce granted to the Marchioness of Anglesy, November 7 last. The arguments on the application of the rescinding of the de cree were heard in Camera. Boer Laagers Surprised. CAPE TOWN, June 8. The British sur prised two Boer laagers at different points In Cape Colony Thursday night and- captured 42 prisoners and a quan tity of ammunition and supplies. In a railroad wreck near Pretoria, June 7, nine soldiers were killed and many Injured. Not Believed In Vatican Circles. ROME, June 8. No credence Is given In Vatican circles to the report circulated that the United States Government In tends to establish a legation at the vatr can, though thl; naturally, would be very agreeable to the Vatican. Russian Tariff on American Goods. ST. PETERSBURG, June 8. The Minis ter of Finance has raised the duty on American bicycles 30 per cent; and on several American resins 20 per cent, the new rates to become effective a fortnight from yesterday. Speech From Spanish Throne. MADRID, June 8. The speech from the throne today, while dealing with finances, does not mention taxation or the exterior debU DYNAMITE IN A GAR Collision Causes Two Trains to Be Blown to Atoms. SIX MEN LOST THEIR LIVES By the Wrecking of a Passenger Train 'in Kansas, the Conductor and Several Passengers Were Injured. BING-HAMPTON, N. Y., June 8. While a freight train on the Lackawanna was taking water at Vestal, 10 miles west of here at 9:45 o'clock tonight, It was run into from behind by a double-header wildcat train. In the second car from the caboose of the stationary train was a large quantity of dynamite, which was exploded by the impact. Six men were killed and three fatally injured. The dead are: J. M. Kelly. Elmlra. Theodore Polhemus, Elmlra. Fireman Wetherbee. Engine'er Mattlce.' Edward Meddlck, trainman. Edward Polhemus, trainman. George Mattlce, a trainman, Engineer Lonergman, of the wildcat, and an un known man were fatally injured. Both trains were blown to atoms, but the remainder of their crews escaped with slight Injuries. Much damage was done by -the concussion, most of the win dows In "Vestal and Union, across the river from Vestal, being shattered. Blng hamton's plate glass fronts did not es cape, many of the largest glasses In the city being broken. The shock was felt at a distance of 30 miles. TRAIN WRECK IN KANSAS. Conductor and Several Passengers Reported Injured. WICHITA, Kan., June 8. The Frisco passenger train which left here at 1 o'clock for the East was wrecked at Greenwood at 4 o'clock this afternoon, but so far as heard from no one was killed. Conductor E. C. Acres' leg was broken and he was seriously hurt about the head., It Is said he cannot live. The dining-car and sleeper were both burned, catching fire from the cooking range. The i dining-car was ahead of the sleeper. Its J front axle broke, the car falling to the track at that end. The Pullman tipped over and both fell off the track. Gover nor Stanley's partner, Mr. Vermillion, telegraphed that many are seriously In jured. A wrecking train which left here at 5 o'clock carrying physicians has not yet returned. A telegram received here late tonight from the scene of the wreck says that seven persons are very seriously Injured. No names have been obtainable so far. FELL FROM A DOME. Commander Ball Seriously Hurt at Pan-American Exosltion. BUFFALSO, N. Y., June 8. Command er J. H. Bull, of the United States Navy, in charge of the Hydrographlc Service on the Pan-American grounds, fell from the dome of the Government building today. His skull was fractured about the left eye, and one of hla legs was broken. The hospital authorities say that, while his injuries are serious, he probably will recover. Appointments During: Recess. WASHINGTON, June 8. Representa tive Mercer, of Nebraska, called at the White House today to ascertain the policy of the President in the matter of re appointment of Postmastera and other Federal officers whose terms expire dur ing the recess -of Congress. He learned that, generally speaking, where It was the Intention of the President to reap point the present Incumbents, the ap pointments would be held over until after Congress convened. In this way the ne cessity of filing two bonds will be avoid ed. In the case of officers having fixed tenures, it may be necessary to make the appointments during the recess. Greene-Gaynor Case Asralm NEW YORK, June 8. Abram J. Rose, counsel for Captain Benjamin Greene, John F., William T. and Edward H. Gay nor, accused of conspiracy with ex-Cap-taln Carter. United States Army, to de fraud the Government In connection with Southern harbor Improvements, made a move today to question the validity of the indictment before the United States Supreme Court. He did this b revoking the ball bonds under which the four men were held for their appearance to stand trial in Savannah, Ga. The men were surrendered to the custody of the United States Marshal, but a tew minutes later they were taken before Judge Lacombe on an application for a writ of habeas cor pus. The application was denied by the Judge, and Mr. Rose took an appeal. The bonds of the four defendants Were then renewed, and they were at once released. The matter will now be taken before the Supreme Court In Washington, but can not be argued before Fall, as the Su preme Court does not meet until October. The questions at issue are the validity of the indictment of the defendants by the United States Government at Savannah, the drawlns of that grand, jury and the question of jurisdiction. t ' UP fO LAWSON. Still a Chance for Him to Enter In dependence in Trial Races. NEW YORK, June 8. "Its up to Law son." This is the manner in which the members of the New York Yacht Club express their opinion regarding the con troversy between the club and the owner of the Independence. Mr. Lawson agrees with Commodore Lewis Cass Ledyard that further discussion as to whether the Inde pendence shall meet the Constitution in ETHNOLOGY BUILDING. QKES OP THE FINEST STRUCTURES AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. the trlal'races is "Useless-. In a communi cation, sent to Mr. Ledyard from Boston today, Mr. Lawson says so. 'But Mr. Lawson does not state specifically that he will not finally accede to the ultimatum as laid down by the committee i.of the New York Yacht Club. Mr. Lawson still has a change to race his boat against the Constitution In the trial races by charter ing his boat to some member of the New York Yacht Club. Secretary Oddle was seen at the clubhouse tonight, and said: "So far as the club is concerned, the Incident Is closed. Mr. Lawson knows the way he can get Into the trial races. All he has to do Is to say the word, char ter his boat to one of our members and the way will be clear to him. Mr.. Law son's letter In reply to Commodore Led yard's most recent communication I saw In the papers. It would lncldate that Mr. Lawson would not accede to the terms of our rules. He does not say so, however, In so many words. There Is still a chance for Mr. Lawson to have his boat meet the Constitution In the trial races." Mr. Oddle was asked about the races off Newport In July. "Those races," he said, "are given un der the auspices of the Newport Yacht Racing Association. This year they have made a class for 90-footers. I don't know whether Mr. Lawson has entered his boat or not, but there Is little doubt that the Constitution will be a participant In the races." Statement by Lawson. BOSTON, June 8. Thomas W. Lawson today issued the following statement: "It now having been settled that Inde pendence cannot take part In the cup de fense, I will do all I can to arrange as many races as possible for her until the season closes, that she may show her friends what a modern Boston boat can do. Her first engagement is the race at Newport against Constitution and Colum bia, July 2. 4 and 6." Further than this, Mr. Lawson would not discuss the subject. Mr. Lawson's position has been made known to the New York Yacht Club in the following letter: "Boston, June 6. Commodore Lewis Cass Ledyard, chairman of committee, New York Yacht Club Dear Sir: Your letter of yesterday received. I agree with you that further discussion can servo no .useful purpose." THE DEATH ROLL. Old-Time Pueblo Lawyer. PUEBLO. Colo., June 8. Judge W. P. Beck, an old-time attorney of Pueblo, while addressing the County Court In a law suit, citing points from a law book held in his hand as he stood before the Judge, fell to the floor, and shortly became 'unconscious. He was taken home and shortly afterwards died. Judge, Beck was a pioneer of Colorado. He was edu cated at Heidelberg University, Germany. Dr. Joseph F. Tattle. CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind., June 8. Joseph Farrand Tuttle, D. D for 30 years president of Wabash College, died 'here today of heart failure, aged 73 years. To Organize Mine Workers. DENVER, June 8. Within a few weeks the organizers appointed by the recent conventions of the Western Federation df Miners and the Western Labor Union will start out on their mission of organizing new unions throughout the West. Daniel i McDonald, president of the Western La bor Union, will spend three or four weeks. In Colorado organizing unions. Bond Purchases. WASHINGTON. June 8. The" Secretary of the Treasury today purchased $200,000 short-term 4 per. cent bonds at 113.81; $100,000 short-term 4s at 113.81, and $50,000 5s at 108,069. DEATHS IN TORNADO Oklahoma Visited by a Dis astrous Storm. THREE SEPARATE TWISTERS Half a Dozen Persons Killed and ' Score Injured Cyclone Cellars Saved Many Property Loss Great. WICHITA, Kan., June 8. The most dis astrous storm which has ever visited Oklahoma prevailed In Kay County last night. A tornado struck Billings, Eddy and Tonkawa and covered a stretch of country 10. miles wide and 36 -rnlles long. Half a dozen people are, reported killed and a score Injured. Nearly every farm house In Northwestern Kay County ,1s" more or less damaged, not a windmill' has been left standing, and "the whole country Is covered with debris. Practi cally every .piece of glass In -Blackwell was broken. It is believed the damage to crops will reach 5100,000.- The tornado was the worst at Eddy, where three persona were killed and seven- seriously Injured. The dead are: Mrs. Maud McGathey. Louis McGathey. Bob McGrlflln. The Injured are: Charles Goldsmith, skull fractured; 'John McBraln, leg broken; Hugh .Prather, nose broken; Jud McWllllams, head crushed; Howard Hamagan, head badly crushed; Ruby Hlg ginbothen, face crushed and Internal In juries; A D. Evans, leg broken. The tornado came from the southwest, and struck Eddy at 5:30. It is also re ported that two were killed at Billings. Very little can be heard from the coun try places. It Is evident, that It was not the same tornado that struck all the places. It Is probable that three sep arate twisters prevailed at practically the same time. At Eddy only two houses re main standing. It was a small town. The prevalence of cyclone cellars un doubtedly saved many lives. The office df one tornado insurance company out of 43 doing business In Oklahoma received 11 telegrams tonight announcing total losses. They claim that their losses will not fall far short of 75 houses In Kay County, and that the total losses of 43 companies will be something enormous. Heavy hall storms struck Blackwell, Ponca City, Lllyvaje, Deer Creek and Perry. Tonlta-vra Houses Destroyed. GUTHRIE, O. T., June 8. A special from Tonkawa, O. T., says a terrible wind and rain storm struck there at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon and lasted two hours, causing more damage than any storm that has ever occurred in that com munity. Wires were blown down and communication was only established this afternoon. Two big church buildings are damaged, and 12 houses were torn down and blown away and 30 residences badly wrecked. The streets were flooded by the rain that followed the wind and hall. One person was Injured, Mrs. John Mar tin, who was hurt by falling on a stone as the storm moved the house from Its foundation. The Salt Fork River Is full of rubbish of houses and furnishings. The Storm at Billings. ENID, O. T., June 8. The worst storm in years swept over the territory last night. At Billings, Noble County, much damage was done. Seven people, it Is reported, were killed, and many severely Injtired. A cloudburst occurred near Hen nessey, Kingfisher County, and Kingfisher City suffered severely. Two Feet of Water. GUTHRIE, O. T., June 8. A terrific rain and hall storm visited Mangum, Greer County, and vicinity last night. The depot and surrounding houses are two feet deep in water, and persons are com pelled to get on the cars a mile from the 6tatlon. Three Deaths at Blackwell. BLACKWELL, O. T., June 8. A de structive rain and hall storm visited here last night, killing three persons and doing much damage to property. J. H. Crawford, a prominent contractor, was killed by lightning. Wheat Damaged by Hall. BLACKWELL, O. T., June 8. Hall in the eastern part of this county and In Western Kay County, adjoining, did much damage to wheat. Kaiser Presented a Crozler. BERLIN, June 8. Emperor William, who was accompanied ' by the Empress, today presented the abbess of the Con vent of Helllgenrode with a crozler, ex pressing the hope that It would "ever be the pastoral staff of motherly love, a Moses staff of steadfast faith, and a pil grim's staff of Joyous life." The convent Is exclusively occupied by titled spinsters. CONCESSIONS FROM HONDURAS Salt to Compel Tracy's Syndicate to Surrender Them. NEW YORK, June 8. A hearing was given today In Jersey City In the suit brought In the United States Circuit Court to compel the Honduras Syndicate to sur render concessions obtained from It by the Government of Honduras. General Ben jamin F. Tracy, ex-Secretary of the Navy, was examined by Jacob F. Shlphlrd, the promoter of the original Honduras Com pany. It Is claimed that General Tracy and others, after learning the projects and plans of the Honduras Company, formed the Honduras Syndicate, and obtained valuable concessions, which should have gone to the Honduras Company. General Tracy said he had been informed that Mr. Shlphlrd had dropped out of the enter prise, but that there was no reason why he or others should drop out. Mr. Shlp hlrd had promised to see him, but failed to do so. Suddenly he was confronted with the signing of the papers. He thought that Mr. Shlphlrd would prefer to have him on the Inside. He told his associates In the enterprise that Mr. Shlp hlrd must be well treated, but he thought the compensation of 550.C00 given to Mr. Shlphlrd was extravagant. General Tracy said the relation of counsel never existed between himself' and anybody In connec tion with the projected Honduras enter prise. Mr. Shlphlrd read a letter written by Frank Loomls, referring to General Tracy and himself as counsel for the Honduras Company. General Tracy said that Mr. Loomls "may have thought? that I was counsel, but I never Intended to create In Mr. Loomls mind that my rela tion was that of counsel." After some further testimony In the same line, the hearing was adjourned until next Satur day. A GOOD MARKET THERE. Japan Buying: Much Railway Ma terial In England. WASHINGTON, June 8. The United States is surpassed only by Great Britain In the matter of Japanese Imports of ma chinery, locomotives and other engines, according to a communication received at the State Department from Consul Bel lows, at Yokohama. Great Britain, he says, continues to receive more than half of the money sent out of Japan for these manufactures, while the United States re ceived a little more than one-fourth last year. Tie total amount Invested In this class of manufactures by the Japanese last year was $5,675,546, about one-flfth be ing for locomotive engines. . The total mileage" of Japanese, railway lines equals 3713 miles, but It lias been estimated, says Consul Bellows, that 7000 miles of railroad would not suffice for the needs of the" empire. A Japanese expert who has lately trav eled In the leading countries of the world to study their railroad construction and' management Is reported to have said that the United States surpassed all other countries In the equipment of Its roads In every respect, except with regard to tho locomotives, which he objected to because of their greater consumption of coal. , America, says Consul-General Bellows, furnishes more than two-thirds of the rails used in Japan, having surpassed in low prices and prompt delivery both Eng land and Germany, which countries form erly controlled this trade. BRITISH PACIFIC CABLE. Preparations Under Way for Laying; the Longest Line in the World. WASHINGTON, June 8. The State De partment is In receipt of Information con cerning work on the British Pacific cable, which Is to connect the Dominion of Can ada with the Australian Confederation. The new cable Is to be 5934 miles In length the longest ever constructed and will be transported and laid by one ship, which Is now being built for that pur pose. Consul Abraham Smith, at Vic toria, B. C, informs the State Depart ment that a surveying party has located the landing site of the Canadian end of the cable at a point on Kelp Bay, near Banffeld Creek. It Is about seven miles from the entrance to Barclay Sound, and something over 100 miles from Victoria. The location Is described as being admir ably adapted for tho purpose. The cable will run from Vancouver Isl and to Fanning Island, which lies south of Hawaii a distance of 3337 miles before a landing Is effected. Thence It will be laid to Fiji, to Norfolk Island, and thence to Queensland. Work on the cable proper already has been commenced In England, and the first Installment, which will be the cable for the route from Fanning Island on to Aus tralia, Is expected to leave England In January of 1902. By the terms of the con tract, the whole cable Is to be laid and In working order by January 1, 1003. It will cost $10,000,000. t May Cause Retaliation. NEW YORK, June 8. The Tribune says that some of the leading physicians of this city think that the order Issued by T. M. Powderly, Commissioner-General of Im migration, debarring immigrants affected with tuberculosis of the lungs from en tering this country may result in some countries adopting retaliatory measures. They further think that these probable measures may be of such a nature that consumptives who might be benefitted by a trip abroad may be compelled to stay here, and that the stand taken by this Government In dealing with Immigrants having tuberculosis may, moreover, lead to action by states and municipalities, which would practically keep consump tives at home. Roosevelt Will Visit Colorado. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., June 8. Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt has promised to visit Colorado Springs In August for the purpose of attending the quarto-centennial. Telegrams were sent to him by Senator Patterson, Governor Orman and Chairman Smith, of the Demo cratic State Central Committee, urging him to come. He will probably make several speeches, itcrward he will go trout fishing. Suicide on a Passenger Train. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., June 8. A man, supposed to be Herman S. Johnston, of St. Louis Mo., cut his throat with a razor In the doorway of the chair car of a Santa Fe passenger train at Wlnslow and fell dead. The car was crowded, and several ladles fainted. A returning sol dier from .the Philippines, driven crazy by the sight, leaped from the car window and ran across the sand hills a long dis tance before being overtaken. Cold June Weather In Iowa. DUBUQUE, la,, June 8. A temperature of 39 degrees was registered here today, the lowest June temperature In 51 years. The previous low record was 40, In June, 1877. CAPTIVE WENT MAD Fate of Major Charles M. Rockefeller in Luzon. DIED, DID NOT KILL HIMSELF The JVews Was Received rrom a Ninth Infantry Man, a Cnptlve In the Filipino Camp at Tarlnc- SYRACUSE, N. Y., June 8. A letter from Paul J. Spillane, of the Ninth In fantry, stationed in the Philippines, has been received by a friend in Waterbown. It states that while Spillane was a pris oner of the Filipinos at Tarlac. he learned from Insurgent officers the fate of Major Rockefeller, whose mysterious disappear ance early In the war has puzzled the American Army. Major Rockefeller, ac cording to the Filipinos, was taken pris oner and went mad while In captivity. Soon afterward he died. Spillane says that the story of the Major's suicide, after learning, that he had killed his own son In battle, Is untrue, as Rockefeller was In no engagements. A PROLONGED STRIKE. Machinists' Union Accepts Employ ers' Challenge. TORONTO, Ont., June S. The Interna tional Machinists' Association today passed a resolution to the effect "that after duo consideration, we accept the challenge of the National Metal Trades Association, and after accepting this de claration of war we cheerfully pick up the gauntlet and hurl it back In defiance. We never will accept modification of our de mands and resume labor until the cause for which we struggle Is triumphant and a shorter workday Is an accomplished fact." President O'Connell claims that the In ternational association did all it could to get a satisfactory adjustment by pacific, means, offering to accept any decision reached by arbitration that would cover the question nationally, but he says the employers refused to accept arbitration. F. P. Sargent, grand master of the Lo-, comotlve Firemen's Association, assured the delegates that his order would assist them by all means In their power. Their Demands Granted. LIMA, O., June 8. The striking machin ists In the Lake Erie & Western Railroad have been granted a 10 per cent Increase. This Includes helpers, blacksmiths and bollermakers. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Philippines. The mystery of Major Rockefeller's disappear ance Is solved. Page 1. Secretary Gage favors a "token" dollar for tha Islands. Page 13. A mint Is not likely to be established at Ma nila. Page 13. Judge Tart will bo the first Governor of. tha Islands. Pago 13. Foreign. European statesmen rear that trouble Is lmml- nent'In thte Balkans. Page 1. A French woman was arrested for keeping her daughter 25 ycara In captivity. Page 1. German emigration to Brazil has fallen off. Page 13. Domestic. The explosion of a car of dynamite at Birm ingham cost six lives. Page 1. Several lives were lost by a tornado in Okla homa. Page 1. A census bulletin was Issued relating to Incor porated places. Page 2. The Kennedy murder trial was postponed owing to the prisoner breaking down. Page 2. Sport. Spokane defeated Seattle in tthe third game of the week 13 to 7. Pago 3. Portland won from Tacoma 5 to 1. Page 3. C. L. Gllllland won the A. H. Kerr cup in tha paper chase- of the Portland Hunt Club. Page 3. Umpire McDermott has resigned. Page 3. Heston. of CorvaUIs. broke intercollegiate two mile bicycle record. Page 3. The superiority of American rluinc Is acknowl edged on tho English turf. Page 3. Pacific Coast. Special session of "Washington Legislature called for June 11. Page 13. Creditors of suspended Salem bank of Gilbert Broa. will try to show that "William Ctfsper was one of Arm. Page 4. Berkeley, Cal., deaf mute was burned to death through carelessness of attendant. Page 4. Five hundred Indiana presented Passion Play In British Columbia. Page 4. Lake "Washington Canal project referred to general naval board for final decision. Page 4. Action of Canadians In Jumping Americans' mining claims causes protest to be mads to former government. Page 4. Commercial. Weekly review of New York stock market. Pago 23. Portland market Quotations. Pace -23. Domestic and foreign commercial news and Quotations. Page 23. Slarlne. No shortage of grain tonnage on the Paclflc Coast. Page 0. June train fleet cut down by non-arrival of chartered ships. Page 0. Columbia makes a fast run to San Francisco. Page 0. Portland and Vicinity. T. J. Brown gets the Oregon King mine. Page 8. Sellwood raises a bonus of $1250 for a. stova foundry. Page 8. Grand Chaster Eastern Star meets here this week. Page 17. Police Captain Hoare resigns; Sergeant John T, Moore his successor. Page 24. Features and Departments. Social. Pages 13 and 14. Mu3lc and Drama. Pages 15 and 16. Book Review. Page 17. "The Second Oregon at Malabon." an illus trated article by a member of the regiment; "Habits and Habitats of the Social "Wasp." Page 25. Sports. Page 26. Humor and Poetry. Page 'a Children. Page 28. Fashions, "Beau Brummel's" weekly article on "From Head to Foot"; matters of Interest to women. Page 29. "Australia, the Worklngman's Continent' il lustrated article, by Carpenter: Illustrated article on Henry "Vlllard and Paul Schulze, by S. A. Clarke. Page 30. Fourteenth installment of serial story, "Tris tram of Blent," by Anthony Hope. Page 31. "Maorlland. and Its Native People." by Rev. "Wherahlko Rawel; poem, "On the Alaska, Trail," by J. Gordon Temple; half-tone por trait of Nellie Brown, granddaughter of John Brown, of Harper's Ferry. Page 32.