The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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.Portland Stores-Crowded by
Christmas Shogpers.
Some of the Incidents of a Very Busy
Saturday Heir Some Women
Chose CIgrars for Their
Men Folic
It looked as though all Portland was,
buvlng Christmas things last evening till
a late hour. All the retail stores were
thronged, and the department stores were
especially the center of a tremendous
business. Last evening's purchases
seemed to cover the "whole range of hu
man wants, and-one has only to watch the
traffic for a few minutes In any portion
of the down-town neighborhood to realize
that Christmas gifts may be purchased
anywhere. Dry goods, boots and shoes,
umbrellas and canes, as well as Jewelry,
toys and books, were bought In great
quantity in the aggregate, and everybody
was laden with some package for Christ
mas on the return home.
Even the Utle stands on the sidewalks
did a rushing business, while the men
who stood In doorways and cried out the
sale of some automatic toy or other nov
elty caught many a Quarter or dime. The
man with the little wrestling harlequins,
worked by an Invisible thread he held In
his hand, took in lots of money while
passing out packages with his disengaged
hand. "Only a dime;. the directions are
on every package: a child can work it,"
and the money came tumbling In, while
the purchasers hurried home to find that
the "automatic toy" was a delusion and
a snare, as the wrestlers struggled only
while some one Jerked the string.
The little stores in the" North End
seemed to be doing their share of the
business, and the storekeepers were heard
expressing gratification at the increase
of trade over the same period last year.
"I wish Christmas would come four times
a year," one merchant said, who lived
with his family in the back end of his
little store. "The poor people seem to
have more money than ever before, and
many of them prefer to deal Inthe little
stores, where they are enabled to trade
with the proprietor himself."
Tomorrow, however. Is expected to bo
the culmination of the great holiday trad
ing period of 1900. Most of the working
people in the city are paid off Saturday
night, and these had no time to mae
purchases last .evening. A .great many
persons also postpone their purchases
until the last minute, as they cannot de
cide what to buy, in contemplating the
vast array of possible Christmas gifts
display ed in Portland w Indows. The day I
win oe especially busy with grocers, poul
try dealers, bakers and conrectioners, and
most of these concerns will require extra
help In selling and delivering the goods.
Christmas is a jojous time with the
children, and the rising generation begin
agitating the question of "What am I
going to get?" full six weeks before the
great eve Itself appears. Parents are not
unmindful of the good times they had or
6hould have had Christmas day when
they were young, and so begrudge not
the brief hours of happiness which may be
looked back to with pleasure when the
cares of life have been undertaken in the
years of maturity.
Prudent Women Came in the Mora
ine "With Memoranda.
Even so early as 9 o'clock in the morn
ing the crush began with the prudent,
level-headed matrons, who were shrewd
enough to make their purchases before the
jostling, excited, nerv e-wearing crowd of.
the afternoon had exhausted the patience
of the clerks. These early shoppers went
about with lists In their hands; they,
knew exactly what they wanted, and
where to find it, and preserved an un,
flurried temper and calm judgment under
all circumstances.
But as the day advanced, the Babel In
creased, and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon
the stores were a perfect Bedlam. With
the exception of a brief lull for lunch and
dinner this continued late into the night.
Trail women were pushed aimlessly hith
er and thither by the surging mass of
humanity hats were awry on pretty
heads and unwise femininity that per
sisted in wearing long skirts suffered
many sorry mishaps. The greatest crush
was in the toy departments, the most
refreshing breathing-spaces in the men's
clothing department. Considerable dan
ger was incurred by the reckless man
ner of carrying umbrellas. Many coun
try girls, accustomed to the freedom of
moving about in large areas, persisted
in carrying these under their arms at
right angles. In such case an umbrella
becomes a more dangerous weapon than
a-shotgun, and such young children as
happened to be near them were in con
stant peril of being jabbed in the eyes
with the sharp rods.
Outside, the rush was quite as madden
ing. Horses were kept in a gallop, de
livery wagons were driven wildly about,
without regard to life or limb, until even
9ld residents felt like taking out an ac
cidentpollcy beforo attempting to cross
the street.
How His Wife Got More Money by
-Buying More Presents.
There is one clever little woman in
Portland who finished her Christmas shop
ping with more money in her puree when
she went out of the store than, she had
when she entered it, and it was all done
in a perfectly honest and legitimate way,
too. It was one of the shrewdest bits
of financiering that the holiday season
has brought forth. This is how it hap
pened: It had been arranged that Mrs. X
and her mother and her sister should all
do their Christmas shopping together.
After an hour had passed, Mrs. X
found that her cash was not going to
meet the demands upon it. There was
a crimson silk smoking Jacket at a little
Japanese store around tne corner tnat
she had had her eye on for the last three
days as a present for John. She feared
jshe would have to give it up.
Suddenly a way out of the dilemma
flashed Into her head. She turned to her
eister. who, with a distrait air, was
studying the curves of a marble Hebe,
and said to her:
"If you have decided to take that Hebe,
I wish you wquld let me buy it for you;
John has a bill at this store, and I'll get
it charged. You will merely be paying
me Instead of the clerk."
"But I am buying It for John!" and a
vision of John, glancing over the bill on
which he was asked to pay for the statu
ette Just presented to him by his wife's
sister, arose before her startled eyes.
Mrs. X laughed. "What of that?
The bill won't come in till somewhere
about July, and John never looks at the
items anyway; he has me to do that.
Besides, John and I are one, aren't
There were more protests.
"I should think you'd want to help me
get that smoking Jacket for John, in
stead of throwing so many obstacles in
my way!" exclaimed Mrs. X , with an
aggrelved look In her ev es. So it ended,
in a pleasant clatter of gold and silver
pieces into her purse, and s. solemn prom
ise extracted from her that she would
place the matter rightfully before John.
Then all scruples vanished, and amid
a. flurry of laughter, Mrs. X s mother
bought a pair of silken hose (for John)
sad & yard of real Valenciennes and an
embroidered center-piece, all of which
made Mrs. X 's purse still fatter. By
the time she was ready to leave the store
she bad just $19 63 more In cash than
when she entered it. So she bought the
crimson smoking jacket at the little
Japanse store around the corner, and
then treated her mother and sister to
ice cream and chocolate creams with
their own money
Now they are all three wondering what
will happen when the bill comes to John
next July.
Women Buying: Cigars.
The unusual sight of women purchasing
cigars and pipes could be seen yesterday.
This Is one of the privileges of the fair
sex at Christmas time. The pipes bought
are of the meerschaum and fancy variety,
and occasionally a. smoking-jacket is
thrown In. This comes in handy if the
man has to He around the house for sev
eral days to recover from the effects of
the cigars. The story has been told for
years that women, in buying cigars, in
variably pick out a fancy box full of Jaw
breakers, being more impressed with the
appearance of the "box than the contents.
It is a well-known, fact to all, smokers
that iine brands of cigars are put Jn up
plain boxes.
A well-known cigar merchant, speaking
of Christmas business and the patronage
received from women, took occasion to
remark that this old chestnut had been
told on the fair ones long enough. He ad
mitted that wives, sisters and sweethearts
do not know much about the quality of
cigars, and are not supposed to, but said
that dealers, as a matter of business, put
up a nice class or goods for the holiday
trade, and that a woman can buy Just as
well as a man, if she pays the price. He
said it was a pity to spoil an old Joke,
but it was equally wrong to hand down,
this stale gag from one generation to an
other, to the detriment of honest, fair
dealing cigar men. The continual circu
lation of this story, he said, caused many
women who might otherwise buy cigars
as a Christmas gift to feel certain T of
being taken in, and afterward laughed at
if they did so, hence they desisted.
An old-timer who stood by listening to
the conversation said the truth was the
cigars were always good enough, but it
was man's mean nature to say they were
bad, in the way of a Joke, merely to an
noy and perplex the dear girls.
Got the Tnrlcey.
He was a fat turkey, xand was labelled
"Our Baby," as he hung from a hook
in a North End meat market. A thin
faced, starved-looklror trlrL accompanied
by a shabbily-dressed, elderly woman.
saw that turkey, and said:
"Look, ma; can't we buy It for our
Christmas dinner?"
"No. Mollic; not this year. That bird
ain't for the likes of us," said the wom
an, sighing.
Another woman, in widow's weeds, was
near, and heard the conversation. She
turned to the clerk who was waiting on
her, and said:
"Give that turkey to that little girl,
and charge it to me, but don't mention
my name."
She grabbed her parcels and walked
swiftly away.
The clerk had quite a time explaining
to the poorly-clad woman and girl, that
a woman they didn't know, had consign
ed the fat turkey to them, as a Christmas
She Liked the Curly Moustache.
At a corner cigar store two stvllshly
dressed women were buying Christmas
cigars as a present for a man, apparently
the husband of one and the brother of the
other. His name was Jack. The cigar
store man was trying to manipulate their
fancy so as to alight on a good brand.
Ho drew out a half a dozen different
boxes and the two looked at them, as
suming a critical air.
"There, now, I like that brand. It
has such a pretty shape, and such a
pretty labeL Red and gold are such
pretty colors," said Jack's wife. "How
'much are they?"
"Those are two for a quarter," an
swered the cigar man. .
"Oh, Jack never smokes such expen
sive cigars! He smokes flve-centqrs those
long blaclc ones, with such a lovely fra
grance. He says the others are too rich
for his blood," she replied, contented In
Jack's veracity and economy.
The man brought out a brand of 5-cent
"There," said the other, "look at those
dear, sweet, little pudgy things! Won't
Jack look two sweet for anything smok
ing those in his new Jacket about the
house? I really believe those are the
"Yes," Jack's wife rejoined, "and look
at the handsome man on the label, too,
with such a nice, curly mustache! We
will take one box of 50."
There will be one man smoking 5-cent
cigars Christmas unless he smuggles In a
handful of Havanas and redecorates them
with the brands of the curly-mustached
Buying; fpr His Sister.
A well-dressed man with a bewildered
expression was wandering about In a
large department store, dodging the clerks
who politely besieged him with inquiries
of this sort: "Are you being waited on,
sir?" He always seemed bored ana
answered': "I am only looking around."
Finally, In desperation, he landed at a
counter where there was a heap of pretty
laces scattered In careless profusion. The
girl at the counter was pretty and lookea
sympathetic, which is worth a dollar a
minute to the proprietor. The man bent
over the counter. "Say, now," said he.
"maybe you could suggest something pret
ty for me to give a young lady." Ana
he looked as If he had exhausted his last
"Why, of course," answered the girl
behind the counter. "Now what do sou
think of this?" She held up a filmy lace
"What's it for?" blurted out the man.
"Why, it goes around the lady's neck.
See?" and she wound the dainty kerchief
about her neck, tied It and let the figured
ends drop loose. "There, what do you
Italian In charge: "Give me one dozen
bananas, please. We want them, for our
Christmas dinner." '
"Alia rlgbta. mlssa," said the proprie
tor, in his choicest Italian. A tall young
man watched the girl, and his eyes said:
"Nice girl, that."
The dozen banans, in a bag, wer hand
ed to the girl, and she opened a delid
ously large month, and ate two. Then
she placed the skins of those bananas
in a piece of brown paper, unobserved
by the tall young man, and walked out
of the store. He followed. Steathlly, the
maiden looked around, and allowed the
brown paper parcel to drop at her feet.
"Here's my chance," thought that young
man, and he rushed forward and pre
sented her with that parcel containing
banana skins, saying, with a gallant alrr
"Allow me, miss."
The girl looked wrathful and said: "I
don't want that parcel. I threw it away,
Lost His 10 Cents.
"Gimme a shine, boy, fer hlc 10 cents.
Blow the hie expense. Christmas," said
a gambler to a bootblack yesterday, at
Second and Surnslde streets. But while
the boy was polishing up the boots, the
gambler fell asleep In his chair. "Fin
ished, mister," said the boy.
A snore was the reply.
"Search his pockets, Chlmmle," ad
vised two other bootblacks, but during
the process of being searched, the
gambler awoke and said: "What the
blankety blank ," and the atmos
phere became lurid.
Hearing the disturbance, a policeman
walked up to the gambler and said:
"Hullo, drunk again. Haven't I warned
you about this? You come along," and
the unwilling man was dragged to the
police station.
"There goes my 10 cents," growled
Jimmy the shiner.
Rebellions Boy Will Nott Avoid His
Johnny Christiansen, 10 years old, is a
boy who rebelled because he was forced
to dress In girl's clothes. His case came
up yesterday for consideration before Mu
nicipal Judge Cameron.
Johnny was in the habit of running
away from home to become a pirate, until
his parents werfe forced to send him to
the Boys &. Girls' Aid Soclejy. Here
it was seen that Johnny had a haughty
spirit, which must be broken, and he was
condemned to wear girl's clothes.
"I'm a boy boo! hoo!" wept Johnny,
but the onlookers snickered and said,
"Don't he make a nice-lookln girl?"
Johnny, however, was wise, and he ul
timately said that it was nice to wear
girl's clothes.
"Is that so?" said a simple-looking boy
who had not been In the Institution very
"Sure thing," said Johnny. "Say, I like
you, and I wouldn't mind If you wore the
suit and allowed me to wear yours Just
for fun."
The transfer was made, and, clad In
boy's garments, as of yore. Johnny ran
away again to be a pirate. But he got
only as far as the North End, when a
policeman who knew him conducted blm
to the police station.
The Judge's decision was that Johnny
should be sent to the Reform School.
JohnnygrInned and said: "I don't car'e
where I'm goin. so long's they don't dress
me In girl's clo'es. I'm a boy."
Sew Year's Religious Service.
A union religious service has .been ar
ranged for the morning of New Year's
day at 11 o'clock at a place hereafter to
be announced. All the religious denomi
nations in the city are interested, and
representatives of the several branches
of the churches are to speak Dr. T. L.
Eliot, for the Unitarians; Dr. Edgar P.
Hill, for the allied evangelical churches;
Dr. Arthur A. Morrison, for the Protes
tant Episcopal churches: Dr. Stephen S.
Wlsd. for the Jews, and It Is hoped the
rine Furniture From Factory to Fireside
This i$ Actually the Jeil Meaning to Purchasers, of
For we have cut down all prices to factory prices in order to close out
our Retail Department at the earliest date possible.
Bear in mind that we have furniture that will fit anywhere in any home.
Quaint, Unique, Colonial, or Modern Furniture, ail are
subject to the same sweeping discounts.
No one would want anything more ozy
than this fine, large armchair. Finely
upholstered In beautiful Velour, any
color, only
Others as high as $50.
closing-out prices.
All discounted to
I i ' a TtT T"i i
We still have hundreds of Iron beds.
This one. beautifully trimmed with brass,
regularly sold for ?14, cl)sing-6ut price
now, only
With every sale on Monday amounting
to 0 or over, in addition to our CLOSING-OUT
DISCOUNTS, we will present
free to the purchaser one of these beau
tiful Jardiniere Stands, mahogany finish,
Several beautiful Mahogany Bedroom
Suits; a number of choice mahogany,
bird's-eye maple and golden oak chlffon
ieres and dressers; a large variety of ar
tistic parlor pieces; choice selection of
parlor and' curio cabinets, In brass and
onyx, mahogany and gold leaf; a few
brass beds; select line of sideboards and
buffets, and thousands of other articles
which abound in any furniture store.
Only 60 of these beautiful white maple
desks left. They are good, substantial
desks, large size, nicely carved, exactly
as cut shows. Closlng-out price.
We can show more couche3 than any
two stores in the city. We have them in
every conceivable style or design. Will
be closed out at large discounts.
208-210 First St., Bet. Taylor and Salmon.
Gresham Will Be the Center of
Free Delivery District System
of Cross Roads.
Gresham, which is the heart of the peer
less Powell's Valley, is coming into Im
portance by reason of the probability
that it will be the center of the rural
iree-ueuverj uismui, uuu uiau uu uttuuui. ;
of the probability that the iiount scott
Railway may be extended there next
5 ear. The Special Agent of the Postoffice
Department Is now Investigating the situ
ation, and there is hardly a doubt but he
will find conditions favorable to establish
ing free delivery shortly after the first
' ' 1 p?1 " v3i7" 3v
V o 1 7' V
gggjgLL'NE road i;L ; - . V
JOlVBLL i W' ' -
P v t J
I -. ' 'aI ISC
vs. v i '. '
from almost all points of the compass,
and It Is a thriving country town.
It is conceded that Powell's Valley is one
of the finest in the state, and It has set
tled up and developed very rapidly dur
ing the past 10 jears. The beauty of the
surrounding country Is beyond descrip
tion. Magnificent farms stretch in every
direction. Through Powell's Valley a
railway would doubtless pay from the
start. A railway extending through the
valley, following the windings of
Johnson Creek as closely as possible, from
Mount Scott to Gresham, and even to
Pleasant Home, would tap a fine district
and pay. The residents of Powell's Valley
are said to be ready to encourage In
every way the Introduction of an elec
tric line that will take their hay, pota
toes and other produce to Portland. Nat
urally, they are looking to the East Side
Railway for the extension of the Mount
Scott Railway at least to Gresham next
year. The distance is vabout 7 miles, and
the grade Is known to be almost a level
one, and construction would not be ex
pensive. The route has been gone over
before and pronounced entirely feasible.
There are many crossroads Intersecting
the main ones and extending to Johnson
Creek, so that the route near Johnson
Creek is thought to be best from all
points of view. Yesterday a resident was
in from Pleasant Home, and said that
as he was coming- to Portland on the Pow
ell's Valley road, before he came to Gresh
am, he passed not less than 35 wagons
loaded with both hay and potatoes, all
on the way to Portland.
The dairy Interests of this magnificent
valley are rapidly coming to the front
"If we could get a railway from Port
land, Powell's Valley would quickly be the
richest In the state," said a resident yes
terday. "I am confident tnat it would
pay well from the start, and it would
help Portland. I believe the time Is not
far distant when a railway will be built."
think ot'thatr said she smiling piquant
"That's great;" said he, "wrap it up. l'l
really believe that's the proper caper."
"For jour sweetheart?" she asked.
"Naw; for my sister," the man an-
swered as the girl loudly cried, "Cash!"
m-Timed Politeness.-
She was a pretty, golden-haired miss,
of about IS years, and she stepped into
a North Bad fruitstorer and said to the
Roman Catholics will be represented by
a member of their clergy. The exercises
will include hymn-singing by a choir and
responsive reading.
The relatives of the late Mrs. Mary J.
Walling desire to extend their sincere
thanks to the Rebekahs and other lodges,
and to all the friends who so kindly ex
tended their sympathy and assistance
during her illness and at hex funeral.
of the year. Any one familiar with
Powell's Valley will know that Gresham
is the central point. There is not a road
east of the Willamette River that does
not have 6ome sort of connection with
Gresham,. direct or indirect. Here is lo
cated the big cheese factory that has
proved such a success. In. the surround
ing country great quantities of hay are
raised and taken to Portland, besides
which the district produces Immense
-crops of potatoes. Gresham Is reached
Christmas Mail Not Burned.
Postmaster Croasman states that the
two cars containing first and second-class
mall matter left Chicago on Wednesday,
December 12, and were due In Portland
Saturday, a week ago, and not yesterday
as reported. Persons having mall on
that car have had time to ascertain that
it was sent, and can guess what became
of it if it did not arrive. The California
mall was a day late, owing to the wash
out at Dunsmulr.
Two stamp departments were in opera
tion yesterday, to accommodate the rush,
and the Postmaster also sold stamps in
his private office. Probably not less than
15,000 persons visited the Fostofflce yester
day to send away packages and money
orders, and letters of advice. Every de
partment was rushed.
, Presented With. a. Charm.
The larzre room of the saddlery depart
ment of the George Lawrence Company
was the scene of a demonstration of good
feeling on the part of the employes of
the firm Saturday, when John F. Rels
acher, foreman, presented George Law
rence, Sr.. president of the firm, on be
half of the workmen, an elegant Turkish
easy cbair..Af ter alluding to the beneficial
influence of the prevailing custom of giv
ing presents on Christmas, the speaker
dwelt on his past associations with Mr.
Lawrence, attributing the success of tho
firm to the untiring efforts, unswerving
integrity and liberality,, of the recipient.
Mr. Lawrence was taken completely by
surprise, and responded in a feeling man
ner, thanking the men for their expres
sions of good-wlll,and assuring- them that
in the management of his business he had
only aimed to do what was right.
Native Dangrhters' Installation.
At a regular meeting1 of Eliza' Spauld
Ings Cabin, No. X, Native, Daushters of
Oregon, last night, new officers were in
stalled as follows: President, Mrs. Elsa
Chrlstensen; past president, Mrs. A. B.
Manley; first vice-president Mrs. R. Stin
son; second vice-president, Mrs. F.
Schmltt; third vice-president, Miss N. To-
financial secretary, Mrs. C. F. Smith;
treasurer. Miss M. Norden; marshal, Mrs.
R, M. Drake; inside sentinel, Mrs. I. Cul
Uson; outside sentinel. Miss A. Willson.
The installation was by District Deputy
Grand President Mrs. J. C. Leasure, as
sisted by Grand Secretary Mrs. W. D.
Pajmer and Grand Treasurer Mrs. J. A.
Scared Burglars Avray.
Mrs. Hall, of Portland Heights, fired
three shots with a revolver at two
burglars whom she caught robbing her
house early yesterday morning, and the
burglars fled In terror.
Mrs. Hall was awakened by a noise In
one of her downstairs rooms, and then
she heard sounds which led her to believe
that burglars were In the house. It would
take too much time, she reasoned, to
telephone for help, so she grabbed a re
volver sho kept handy for just such
emergencies, and softly stole downstairs,
at the southwest corner of Fifth and Sal
mon streets for $9100. He wijl build an
undertaking establishment there In'ia
near future.
Masonic Election.
At a regular meeting of Portland Lodge,
No. 55, A. F. and A. M., held Friday
evening, December 2L the following ofh
cers were elected for the ensuing year:
W. M., James P. Moffett; S. W., Edward
Everett; J. W., William. Boys; treasurer,
George E. Wlthlngton; secretary, L W.
Appeal for Mercy Home and Home
for the Aged.
Dear Friends Will you, in your kind
ness, remember our two Institutions the
Hnm for tYif Atrpri. nt "Rnsf TwpnHpth
She saw two men, in the dim light, busy I and Irving, and Mercy Home, corner Six-
wlth her silverware, and she took aim j teenth and Couch when you are dispens-
and fired three times. Mrs. Hall does
not know whether or not the bullets
struck the burglars.
Paper Chase.
The Hare and Hounds Club had an ex
citing paper chase yesterday afternoon,
near Irvlngton, participated In by 15 to 20
men and women. Miss Goorglna Burns
and Mr. Latta were the hares, and led
the hounds over a splendid course of open
country, underbrush and ploughed fields.
The start was made at 3 30, the hares
having 15 minutes' lead. The course wa3
about eight miles long. Dr. Chlpman won
the chase and nearly caught the hares.
Mr. Goss was second, being closely fol
lowed by Mr. Kerr, Mr. Laugh and Mr.
Carl Lewis. Mr. Sabln rode well up. A
large turn-out of riders and spectators
'will be looked for on New Year's morn
ing, when another chase will be held.
lng charity on the coming feast of Christ
mas? These institutions are both filled to
their utmost capacity, and as the Sister
of Mercy, who are in charge, are in no
wise more than half remunerated for
their work, being able to procure barely
the necessaries by dint of rigid economy.
' they respectfully solicit you to aid them
to make Christmas a pleasant Christmas
time by donating toward a Christmas
dinner for the old folks and a Christmas
tree for the joung folks. At Thanksgiv
ing 50 people in each institution sat down
to dinner (which, by the way, was largely
donated), and as many, If not more, will
be present at Christmas.
I Begging the God of all peace and love,
I who manifests himself so sweetly In tiie
Joy of tne season, to bless you In all your
I undertakings. YoursJnost; respectfully,
Christmas at Boys' and Girls' Aid.
The exercises and Christmas tree for
the children at the Receiving Home ot
the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society will taka
place next Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock,
when the members and friends ot the so
ciety are cordially Invited to attend. Ar
rangements are made to have Santa Claus 1
appear at 8 o ciock ana nana me cnuareu
their little presents. Friends having
candy or toys to donate will kindly ring
up Oregon telephone, East 5.
Christmas Tree.
Christmas exercises were given Friday
afternoon at Miss Annie Mattlnglys pri
vate Froebel kindergarten, 269 Fourteenth
street, consisting of song3, games and
recitations by the children. Their par
ents and friends were present, and showed
much appreciation of the work. There
was a Christmas tree handsomely dec
orated, and the children enjoyed them
selves very much.
Died in California.
The many friends of J. D. Meagher will
be pained to hear of his unexpected death,
which occurred In Vallejo, CaL, yester
day, after a short Illness. His mother,
Mrs. Paul McCann, a sister, Mrs. A. L.
Morris, and three brothers reside In thl3
city. His mother and brother, T. F.
Meagher, left for Vallejo last evening to
attend the funeral.
Former Portlander Dead.
Mrs. Edwin Russell has received news
of the death, at Bakersfleld, CaL, Decem
ber 12, of her nephew, Louis K. jLacom.
He was 35 years of age, and was formerly
well known in. Portland, having been in
the insurance office of Laidlaw & Co.
nine years ago. He was a son of the lato
Louis and Georglne Lacom.
Nevrsboya Admitted Free.
The management of the Metropolitan
have extended an invitation to all the
newsboys of Portland to witness the per
formance of "A Bell Boy" tomorrow
Will Bnild.
SSSSSZZ. K J Sdwar Holman ha. purchased-the lot
Real Estate Transfers.
E. J. Jeffery and wife to John Bays
and wife, lot 8, block 7, King's Sec
ond Addition, December 18 $ 1
Sanderson Reed to John A. Bell, lot
8, Frultvale, December 21 1030
S. W. Church and wife to George Mil
ler, lots 6 and 8, block 5, Richmond,
September 5 400
A. A, Kratz to T. D. Pollock, lots 7,
8 and 9, block 1, Mabelville. June 23. 200
W. F. Nisbet and wife to Julia Hol
man, lot 1. block, 169, Portland, De
cember 4 9000
Alliance Trust Co. to Rose Gullllaume,
52x91x50x87, Seventeenth and Wash
ington streets. December 21 6300
Stephen Barnes and wife to Ellen
Douglass, 5 acres, section J3, T. 1 S.,
E.3E.. January 4, 1897 1
Sterling V. Leabo and wife to Joseph
Cereghlno, lots 1 and 2. block 1,
Leabo's Addition, December 22
Marriage Licenses.
George Dielschnelder, aged 28; Ada Fos
ter, aged 22.
Charles Guzman, 32, Alaska; Christina
Schlottfeldt, 32.
Jake Hartung, 28; Mary Baum, 19.
Herbert A. Maddock, 33; A. Gertrude
Mark, 23.
Deatn Returns.
December 20 Ruth Conser, 340 East
Twelfth street, 44 years; heart failure
December 20 Frank McAfee, 1 North
Goodsell avenue, 1 month; marasmus.
December 19 Hugh Bauer, Coanty JaiL
40; strangulation, suicide.
December 20 Ira F. Abernathy, 352
Chapman street, 1 month; Infantile pneu
monia. Contagious Diseases.
Roland Barrett, 392 East Oak, 10
years; diphtheria,
Lillian Dickson, 303 Twelfth street, 28
years; measles.
"Among the best judges of champagne
it Is a common expression, that 0 order
Pommery is to get the best bottle of
champagne-procurable. There is no oth
er brand of champagne that la more ex
tensively used In the most exclusive and
fashionable circles." From Bonfort'a
Wina and Spirit Circular. l