THE SrXDAT OREGONIAiT, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 23, 1900. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Amnrnicnt Todnr. COKDRAT'S THEATER The Fravrley Co. i METROPOLITAN THEATEU "The Bell Boy." Plans op the T. W. C. A Miss "West. I of Chicago, National organizer of the i Young Women's Christian Association, nas just returned to the city from Seat. t.e, and ivill remain here till a permanent secretary arrives from the East for the ne-R ly-formed local association. It -was In part lue to the cordial helpfulness of Mies "West's presence here that the Port land organization was effected a few weeks ago, and the stimulating Influence of her quiet but forceful personality is sure to be felt In the community. The committee on rooms has been energetical ly at work searching for a suitable club hcuse for the association, tut Is having great difficulty in finding satisfactory quarters, centrally located. Any sugges tions from citizens who -wish to aid the movement will be gratefully received, as It is earnestly hoped that the association can be "at home" by the middle of .Jan uary, so that a general meeting can be cilled for the forming of classes, etc Meanwhile an executive meeting has been arrargc! io take place Immediately after Christmas. Developing Coal. Coal Creek, on the "Warhlngton side of the Columbia, Is en joying quite a coal mining boom, ac c'rllre to Perry Henkle. who has a log g'rg camp In the vicinity. An English cempanv. Mr. Henkle says, has been quietly boring Into the mountain side with d' manO drills, all Summer, and a railroad wi 1 now be built from the bank of Coal Creek S'ough to the mine. 3& miles dis tant. J. L. Blgsbee has secured the con tract of clearing the right of way, and a number of swampers are already at work. The logging camps along Coal Creek have s" down for the "Winter but the coal jr.Srlng and railroad building will make t! ,r"-s lively there in the meantime. Time of Closino Postpcned. The time of exhibition of the loan collection of Remlrandt and Durer prints in the rooms of the Art Association, Library building. ra" bern extended to January 3, giving jr-'-" .in opportunity to enjoy them dur 5rg the holiday week. Photographs from tre work of Raphael are also now on ex hlv:tlcn. The rooms are open dally from 2 to 4 20 P. M.. with free admission on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. U-nrt'L Xmas Girrs. Albums, wrltlng drsks. foot stools, clocks, couches, lamps, plurers. parlor chairs. Morris chairs, r'-r-s. cwlng-machines, sofa pillows, la d'es' cents, skirts, furs of all kinds, un- .drrKirts, waists, gentlemen s suits, hats. 'rurk" mackintoshes. musical Instru ments, etc. Everything at low prices and on e-y weekly or monthly nayments. lEistern Outfitting Company. 388-390 TVnshlrgton street. Diamonds. Having received on ap- lyproval a much larger invoice of extra I'nne diamonds than I can keep, rather than return them I will for the next Ave days sell them at a very small advsne I Jabcve cutter's price. It is a rare op- portur.Uy to secure elegant gems almost at cost. C. G. Tingry. the manufactur ing jeweler, corner Morrison and Sec ond streets, over the Famous. Finest Displat in the Citt. Those , desiring to purchase for their gentlemen friends are cordially Invited to examine the finest assortment of pipes and fancy smokers' articles: al3o, the largest as sortment of fine Havana cigars obtain able. Ladles are specially invited. Ad. M. Simons & Co., 270 Morrison street, be tween Third and Fourth. Golf Contest. On Christmas day there will be competition men's and ladies' handicap singles, and in the afternoon classes of foursomes. The knockout match is now In Its third stage, and the finals should come on about January 1. "WMdden last week won from Gifford. Young from Cotton, and Mackay from C. E. Ladd. Candies for Sundat Schools. JoIIs, 213 Mcrrison, auotes the following prices per pound on large orders of 30 pounds up; Plain hand-mixed. 9c; Boston mixed. 13c; jelly beans, 12c; dainty mix, 14c: assort ed gum drops, Sc; Boston baked beans, 14c; broken candy, 10c; broken taffy, 9c; rib bon mix, 12c; French mix. ISc Joll's, 313 Morrison, has just received a nice assortment of Gunther's candles, and will be pleased to have customers call. He has a beautiful line of fancy boxes and baskets for Christmas presents, also a swell line of animals for the children. "What's more acceptable as a Christ inas gift than a handsome umbrella? Common sense in every particular, and moderate in cost, for right goods. Mere dith's, "Washington, bet Fifth and Sixth. "Will Open Today. Richard's popular restaurant, 310-312 Alder street, is now equipped with a ladies' grillroom, af fording every convenience and comfort to his many patrons. 1901 Christmas bicycles for boys and girls. Price, $1S., Nothing in town of equal value at anything like the price. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company, First and Taylor streets. The 200 employes of Fleischner, Mayer & Co. take this means of showing their appreciation and thanks to the firm for a mristmas present given each of them. Dr. C. E. Hawke has succeeded to the prcctlco of Dr. W. H. Boyd. Office. Rod ney building, corner Williams avenue and .uussc!! street. Landslide In California delayed 'Frisco papers. Both will be delivered today. Real the Portland Dally Mail. B. B. Rich Candies for Sundat Schools. Joll's ,513 cemocr zx. Dy Third Regiment Band, at Armory. Laaios rree, gentlemen 25c The servant girl problem Is easily solved by having your laundering done "rough dry" by the Electric Laundry. You can buy new Ramblers for Christ mas presents, cash or Installments, from $13 up. Merrill Cycle Company. Renowned Moot & Chandon White and Brut Imperial champagne Blumauor Hoch, distributors. Don't forget mask ball in Osweeo. Grange Hall, Christmas night. Orchestra or eight pieces. For Sale. Water company stock nav. lng good dividends. Address Postoffice xox .t. city. For Sale. Water company stock pay ing good dividends. Address Postoffice box 2S6, city. Clearance sale of artistic burnt work this week, at Art Studio, 720 Marquam ouuaing. jhh ".Freckled Sauaw" nlch-crnA nickel cigar. If you don't sec It ask for it. Art Embroidert. Elegant display at Miss Spencer's. 345 Washington, near 7th. Children s Ideal Ramblers $17.50 for Christmas. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. Hollt. carnations, lilies, violets, plants, etc, Burkhardt Bros., 23d & Gllsan. Xmas trees, Lamberson, phone MalnSGG. Dr. Fraser, office at residence. PERSONAL MENTION. F. J. Perkins, of the Gem mines, Spar ta is at the Perkins. S French, a capitalist, of The Dalles, was in the city yesterday. Burt West, a Scappocee logger, is reg istered at the St. Charles. Anthony Moore, a sawmill man of Pa'mcr is at the St. Charles. A. M. Maurttzein, a merchant of Dallas, is registered at theSt. Charles. S Normile, a contractor, of Astoria reg istered at the Imperial yesterday. Judge S W. Stewart, of the Salt Lake district, Is registered at the Perkins. B J. Mills, a merchant of Oak Point, Wash., Is at the St. Charles, with his wife. M O. Lownsdale, a well-known fruit grower, of La Fayette, is registered at the Imperial. E. W West, of the B. & O. T. Co.. lravcs tonight for San Francisco to spend the bo.idays. Miss Bianche Robinson, 74 Overton street. Is visiting Miss Fannie -Allen, at Spoksne. for the holidays. John F. Cordray, manager of Cordray's Theater, has been confined to his home with a severe Illness for nearly a week. W. L. Dudley, of Seattle, connected with the Alaska Transportation Com pany, Is at the Imperial, with bis sen. Judge W. X.. Bradshaw, grand chancel lor of the Knights of Pythias, registered at the Imperial from The Dalles yester day. Mme. Lacelle D'Albertl. the dramatic soloist Is registered at the Vendome. Gcorze W. Solomon, a California fruit buyer, was in Portland yesterday. Too much police duty of 12 houra per diy incapacitated Police Captain Hoare from work, yesterday, and he spent the day at home. The genial Captain was missed by those who know him in a busi ness capacity. Miss Elsie Helen Mitchell and her friend. Mrs. M. Blakely, of this city, are spending the holidays at the home of Miss Mitchell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitch ell, of Spokane, Wash. They will be ab sent until about January 10. Samuel Rosenblatt, of S. Rosenblatt & Co., the popular clothiers of this city, will leave next week for the East to pur chase Spring goods. All the leading man. ufacturers of clothing and furnishings will receive a visit from Mr. Rosenblatt as he Intends to canvass the market thoroughly, and obtain the very swellest goods to be had. Any customer desiring special orders filled can have same at tended to under Mr. Rosenblatt's special attention. NEED GRAVEL PITS. County Commlswlonern Mor Buy Sev ernl for Eastern Multnomah. The County Commissioners contemplate purchasing a few gravel pits between Sandy and the eastern boundary of Mult nomah, for the purpose of graveling the county roads in that vicinity. Very little substantial improvement has yet been made on the roads out there, but the growing traffic begins to demand a roorp durable pavement than can be construct ed of plank or common earth. Gravel pits, to be handy, should not be more than three miles distant frbm the points to be Improved, according to a County Commissioner, who was speaking on the subject yesterday. The eight-acre gravel pit on Powell's road, some eight miles from the city, has proved very useful in furnishing gravel for several highways out there. The tract cost $400, or $50 an acre, some time ago. but the seller did not know he was dealing with Multnomah County until after he Had been paid $100 on the purchase price. Then he thought he should have been paid at least double as "Multnomah County is rich, and the public always have to pay more for things than individuals do." Gravel pits can be bought now much cheaper than a few years hence, the Com missioner thought, but the authorities will always have to guard against the sellei who thinks the county should pay double what a thing Is worth. The macadam roads of the county are. standing the wet weather much better than those thoroughfares where only gravel has been used, as the macadam packs more solidly, and thus resists the action of heavily laden teams. Macadam, however. Is simply gravel that has been broken, and the county is better ablo to crush its own rock each succeeding year. GENTLEMEN Remember your lady friends. Kid gloves are very acceptable and appropriate. Our gloves are warranted for fit and wear. Specials, 95c, $1 15, $1 35. $1 50. mcallen & McDonnell. DON'T FORGET The line of novelties and small iramed pictures carried by Sanborn, Vail &. Co., 170 First street is the most extensive ever carried. All new designs. Store open evenings. OSTEOPATHY. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 416 Dekum build ing. Third and Washington streets, spe cialist in nervous and chronic diseases. Examination free. Phone Main 319. Finest Line or Suit Cnses And bags for holidays. Harris Trunk Co. Handkerchiefs Tills AVeck. New York Mercantile Co., 203 Third. . . A IP i l na Does not want anything else for his Christmas present. Think 's Oxford Topcoats KerseyOvercoats Heavy Ulsters i V 4fvJ-7 Overcoats up to $30.00 Suits $10.00 to $30.00 Hundreds of special bargains in furnishings. When remember that "We have the same thing FAMOU t(tBetifi(((ioeeti5ai99e9C9iMt(a(98 9'aiia WHALE'S MD3ICALE. Largre Andlence Greets 3Irae. D'Al- liertl's Second Appearance last Night. C. A. Whale's musicale, which took place in his spacious piano parlors. Sixth, and Alder streets, last evening, was a great success. Mme. Lucille D'Albertl sang with rare skill and taste for which she Is famous. A prominent feature was the grand overture for two grand pianos with the wonderful electric piano, the grand piano selections being played by Miss E. Hoven and Gilbert Bletor. These charming muslcales are becoming very popular, and is only another evidence of Mr. Whale's well-known liberal policy. E3D GLOVE SALE. Direct importation, new shades, best gloves in the city. We sell kid gloves. McALLEN & MCDONNELL, Corner Third and Morrison. WHERE TO DINE. For Xmas turkey, game, nice side dishes, tempting desserts, plenty of good things. Portland restaurant, M5 Wash. Turkey with cranberry sauce: goose with apple sauce; Xmas plum pudding; all delicacies of the season; claret served with dinner; at the Beverly. - Watson's restaurant will serve their usual turkey dinner on Christmas day. Price,' 50 cents. Musical programme. The usual ch'cken 'dinner. 25c. at Strouse's restaurant, 229 Washington st Jacob Doll UprlRlit Piano. The latest improved. Acknowledged to be Uc:t sold on easy Installments. Pianos rented, tuned and repaired t lowest prices. H. Sins,hclmer. 72 Third. Estab lished 1SC2. The Pride or Orejcon. Sunrise on Ml Hood from Lost Lake. This famous picture, 1Sx2S Inches, by mall, for II (. BenJ. A. Gifford. foto. The Dalles, Or. TJcclc, the Jeweler. No fancy Christmas prices. Fine dia monds, watches, silverware. 207 Morrison. Nowhere on earlh w II you find as com plete and as good a lins of pianos. SPECIAL BARGAINS PIANOS 1 handsome fancy walnut upright - - $125 1 superb mahogany upright, only. .$198 ORGANS j smooth tone, waTnut case, only. . $27 . fancy cast, full size, only $37 Pianos, $0, $S. $10 monthly; organs, $2, $3. We represent the standard piano of the world. A call costs nothing, and will save you money. No trouble to show goods at 126 Sixth Street, corner Alder Price, $35. .. .. . PIANOS n Twice Before You Invest Your Money Suits CJj v a I j CLOTHIN MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS Get Around Here Ouick NEW PIANOS- $500 for $386 $400 for $284 $300 now $218 $250 now $157 Etc., Etc. If you want anything In our line, from a small parlor organ to the fanciest ex hibition style of the Kimball upright piano, or a fancy high-art "Weber or Chlckerlng baby .grand. We're on the round-up. and It means business now or never. This sacrlflce sale Is probably the only genuine low-price sale you'll ever live to see. Remember, too, that Christ mas comes but once a year. We are will ing to save you every dollar of profit this side the factories, if you come while this sacrifice sale Is In progress. But you will have to do business .luickly. Time is money with U3, and we haven't any to spare. .Don't miss the Kimball or Weber or Chlckerlng pianos. They're winners every time. Terms, 525 down and 510 a month, on almost every piano in the house. Ellers Piano House, entrance 351 Washington street Entertainment. The musical and literary entertainment given at the Sunnyside Methodist Church last evening was a pleasing success. A largo crowd filled the auditorium, and many were turned away. It was under charge of the music committee, W. R, Insjey? Mrs. Mabel Datson and Mrs. W. R. Insley. The music was high-class all the way through. Bishop Earl Cranston was present and made a short talk on "The Prosperity of the Church." The Veteran Male Quartet, with Judge Bul lock as leader, was specially good. The music committee Is cultivating a strong love for music at Sunnyside, and the en thusiastic audience at the entertainment shows their efforts are appreciated. Elejrant Variety of Satchels And leather good at Harris Trunk Co. CHRISTMAS SAL Domestic, White, Eidredge Sewing Machines $ryf Buys late Improved drop-leaf j machine: oak case. $00 Buys latest improved oak. drop mJmm leaf machine. A fine machine QtShEL Buys late Improved drop-head JjvJ oak machine. We are making special prices and In ducements on the Domestic. White and Lldredge'machlnes. These machines are the regular J70 ana $i5 machine. You save $30 to $23 agent's commission by coming to our ofilce. Domesticand White Agency 122-124-120 SIXTH STREET. STRONG'S PHOTOGRAPHS Unequalcd In artistic effects. Goodnough Bldg., opposite Postoffice ..DENTIST.. Marquam Building Room 302 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT The Chicago Typewriter, together with a complete course of the Grejjg System of shorthand taught by mail, for $40. This will enable you to own your own typewriter and become an expert stenographer by utilizing a little spare time each day. The Chicago was awarded gold medal at the Paris Exposition, is a visible writer, has stan dard keyboard, and is the most speedy, simple and dura ble of typewriters, and turns out the most attractive work. E. L KING, GenM Agent for Oregon, Albany. Oregon. . ii ran uressea m Prefers clothes. The price of a useless toy would buy a pair of trousers, stockings and a cap. Boys' Topcoats, $4.45 Boys' Reefer Coats, $2.45 Boys' Suits, $1.95 to $7.50 Boys' Sweaters, $1.00 Boys' Neckwear, you see it In other stores, for less money." 0 HOUSE m One more clay (jh tXandsome Tjeckwear New silks of novel designs, loomed in America, France, Germany and Gngland, and made up especially for the Quality Store's holiday trade, are here in wide variety. A most popular line is ours at 50c Ttfufflers Mufflers of generous size, in strik ing designs and colorings, $1.50 to $5.00 Suspenders With sterling silver and gold mounting, 50c to $4.00 Largest Clothiers In the More day in which to make your selection for Christmas Pres ents. Come to this Man's Clothing Store where your wants will be quickly supplied, and at prices you can't resist," too. SAMUEL ROSENBLATT & CO. THE RELIABLE POPULAR-PRICED CLOTHIERS Third and Morrison PORTLAND, OR. BUFFUM & PENDLETON Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Gloves Fancy Hosiery Etc. OPES EVENINGS TJXTII, AF-TER CH1USTMAS COXUfER THIRD AND STARK STS. ristmas re The throngs of smile wearers who left this shop yesterday can attest to the fresh ness and excellence of the holiday stocks and the efficiency of the service. Yesterday's pro gramme shall be re peated tomorrow. Just as much pa tience and courtesy shown here during the rush and bustle, as at any other time. Our grand assem blage of suitable gifts, though consid erably lessened in number, still con tains worthy things of rare beauty in truth none but worthy kinds are ever seen here. Come early as you can tomorrow. Men's Suits $10.00 to $35.00 Overcoats $10.00 to $45.00 We give a present with every boy's suit or reefer. - plated Tfffics aorfws MTTm&mM2' r Northwest Corner 4th and ONLY 50c values In Neckwear - - - 50c values in Suspenders - - - $1.00 values in Gloves - - 75c values In Handkerchiefs - - 56.50 values in Smoking Jackets $5.50 values in Smoking Jackets $15.00 Men's Suits - - - - $15.00 Men's Overcoats - - COSTLIEST BECAUSE BEST. M. STACHELBERCT & CO.'S HAVANA ESPECIALLY PACKED - C.T.PREHN,' Dentist Croirn and bridge work. 131 Third St.. near Al der. Oreeem Tel. Clay S03. Vitalized air tor palnltcs rztractlne. DR. SWAIN DENTIST 713 Dekcm bids. Estimates given on first-class work. equipment Tor alleviating pals. Modern of adying Smoking jackets Saturday's phenomenal sales of House Coats and Robes diminished our assortment greatly, but we still have a favored few at $5.00 to $15.00 handkerchief J Men's Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, 60c each; French Novelty Fancy Eorder Silk and Linen Handker chiefs, 25c to $1.50 Pajamas Oxford, Madres and Silk Pajamas a suit, $1.25 to $12.00 Morrison (Corner Entrance) - 25c 25c - 50c 50c $4.50 $4.00 $11.50 -$11.50 CIGARS FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. AT YOUR DEALER eteoottetttiiate( CANDY! CANDY:! CANDY! It S Carroll's Carroll's Carroll's a Cleanen, Choicest, CLea:est. .e Retail Store 332 Waahlngrton "Wholesale Factory GO First 9eottttsfatit IIJe&I :-