24 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 23, 1900. BAD MAN CAPTURED Police Arrest a Skillful Safecracker, ROBBED BLUE MOUNTAIN ICE CO. JL H. Long; "Gave Himself ATray" tr Showing: Some of the Checks Taken. From, the Safe He Blevr Opes. Wdth a quantity of burglar's tools in his possession, also a mask and several stolen bank checks, A. H. Long, alias J. A. Long, was arrested last night by Detectives Snow and Kerrigan and Po liceman Dubois, charged with breaking into and robbing the safe of the Blue Mountain Company, 247 Stark street, last Thursday morning. The clews which led to Long's arrest were the prisoner's indiscretion in flour ishing around two of the bank checks stolen from the safe of the Blue Moun tain Company, and a "tip" received by the police from a friend- Long is 6 feet tall, is of slight build, has a mustache, and among the articles found in his room was a gray campaign hat. The man who recently shot and killed Fortner, the Monta. villa engineer, was a tall man of slight build, and who wore a campaign hat. When the Blue Mountain Company's cafe was robbed of 5125 in cash and sev eral checks and notes, a portion of the checks was placed by the robber in a convenient mailbox, and afterward mailed to the Blue Mountain Company. Detec tives Snow and Kerrigan noticed, when they were placed on the case, that several of the stolen checks were not In the par cel returned by the Pcstofflce authorities. The question was who still had those checks? Several likely "suspects" in Portland were "shadowed," and what the police call "Information received" led Policeman Dubois and the detectives to believe that Long knew something about the robbery. They watched him specially, as they knew him to be a former employe of the Blue Mountain Company, and they were mor ally certain that the man who committed the robbery was one who knew a good deal about the Interior arrangements of the company's office. In the shadowing process they discovered that Long had served one year in a California prison for burglary, and had also been sentenced to one year's imprisonment at Salem for highway robbery. The climax came, how ever, when the police discovered that Long had been out of employment for two months, and that he had been guilty of the indiscretion of boastfully showing to his associates several of the stolen checks of the Blue Mountain Company. It was supposed that Long's object In showing these checks was to try to raise money on them, but the plan failed. By this time the police decided that they had enough evidence to warrant their ef fecting Long's arrest. He lived on Mar ket street, near Front, and the two de tectives and Policeman Dubois visited the place last night, ostensibly to engage board. They chatted about what the landlady ought to charge them per week, and casually asked about the other board ers In tho house. Long's name was men tioned. "Long, who was an expressman?" Joy fully asked one detective. ""Why, I know him. I'll go and see him now, if he is in the house." Tho landlady pointed out the room, where Long was resting after supper, and the three police officials softly went there. Long was found in a dreamy at titude, and before he knew what had happened the three men were before him with drawn revolvers. His hands went up mechanically, and one detective re lieved Long of his double-shooter and a cartridgebelt which he wore around his waist. i "What is this all about? I ain't fiona nothln'," blustered the prisoner. "We know," briefly said Snow. Then the detectives searched the room and came upon a valise filled with burglar's tools bits, files, fuse, drill and a small sledge-hammer. In the collection were also a mask and a campaign hat. 'Tve got nothln' to say," observed Long, eyeing these proceedings with pro found dissatisfaction. Meanwhile the people at the house were greatly dis tressed, and said they did not know that Long had "slch things" in his room. Long was taken to the police station, where he refused to make any statement whatever. The police also discovered that the prisoner had had an express wagon, which he sold two months ago. and that he was a member of the Thirty-fifth Regiment of United States Infantry which sailed from here for service in the Philippines. The police suspect Long of other offenses against the law. LENIENCE MAY BE SHOWN. Burglar Scott Will Be Called on to Ansvrer Two Charsres. Two informations were filed against W. W. Scott in the Criminal Court yesterday by the District Attorney, and he will be arraigned before Judge G-eorge on Monday. Que of the informations charges Scott with having, on November 17, en tered the residence of Frank Colllnson, at Thirty-fifth and Clinton streets, and with having stolen a carving set, knives and forks and other articles, all valued at ?6L The other Information charges Scott with entering the dwelling house of A. W. Ocobock. on Hoi lad ay avenue, and with the larceny of property worth 59L Scott, since his arrest, has confessed to a lanre number of burglaries, and has restored considerable property to tho po lice, who turned it over to the owners. In the Judgment of District Attorney Chamberlain, It was enough to file two charges against Scott, and he can be given a long enough sentence on these to cover the other offenses. Scott will probably plead guilty. In view of the fact that he made a clean breast of everything, and gave back all of the property he could, tho authorities are not disposed to be too hard on him. - A BOY'S CHRISTMAS Is a great event in his life. The presents he receives help to form his character, if rightly selected. For a boy in Portland, nothing could excel as a present a year's membership ticket In the Junior depart ment of the T. M C. A. The "gym.," the games, etc., are all "fun" to him now, but when he gets old he will look back and recognize their educative value. Cost, $1 initiation; $5 annual dues. A GENUINE TREAT Is in store for all admirers of art who visit the store of Sanborn, Vail & Co,, 170 First, between Morrison, and Yamhill. They have all the latest novelties in frames, pictures and art goods. Also, a great variety of special artistic designs In framed pictures, which are not shown elsewhere. THE QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE Between Portland and all points East is Via the O. It. & N- nnlnr nnrl nnllnnnr sleepers, free reclining-chalr cars and buf- lei iiDrary cars on an trains. Time to Chicago is many hours shorter than by any other line. Ticket office, SO Third street, corner Oak. CARD OF THAXItS. We, the husband and daughters of the late Mrs. Katharine Murphy, wish to ex press our appreciation of the many kind nesses and sympathy of our friends In our sad bereavement- MR. P. J. MURPHT, MRS. KATE FURNISH. MRS. MOLLIE BHUPE. One Minute Toothache Drops. Cure in stantly: 10 and 25 cents. All druggists. Furs for Her Xmas Suggestions by H. Licbcs & Co. FURS naturally suggest themselves to the minds of the thoughtful. $5.00 will buy a storm collnr, collarette, a stylish fur neck scarf or choice fur muff. SI 0.00 will buy one of those elegant animal scarfs, fine Alaska marten cluster boa, cape or collarette. $15.00 will buy an elegant fur muff, an exquisite feather boa In black, natural and gray, or a beautiful stone marten or mink Imperial scarf, a handsome fur cape or collarette. 520.00, $25.00, $35.00, $0.00, $75.00 to $100.00, will buy the choice of numerous fur articles hendsome in design, extremely useful and appreciable as gifts. $125.00, $150.00, $200.00 .to $275.00 will buy a Persian Lamb otter, sealskin, or broadtail jacket of finest quality. H. LIEBES & COMPANY JNO. P. PLAQEMANN, Mgr. 288 MORRISON STREET """""""""tllf II I, , Jewelry in All the Fads ! OF FASHION Can be found in our stock. Our goods are all the most artistic in design and workmanship. We confine our trade strictly to the jewelry business, and have the best and finest of Diamonds, Watches, solid gold Jewelry, also solid Silverware; the best makes of Plated Ware, finest Cut Glass in the market. We carry the best assortment of Optical Goods, Lorgnettes, Field and Opera Glasses. Wo give you better value for your money than any other estab lishment in Portland. While purchasing Christmas gifts call and be convinced. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS 284 WASHINGTON ST. The Prettiest Diamonds andWatches vV ' ULANUtin " Rings Xmas Presents NOVELTIES IN Jewelry Fine Ebony . Umbrellas, Canes Opera Glasses ARE AT Over 1000 Patterns 268 Washington St Come in and examine them THE J. K. GILL CO. Invites your attention to their extensive assortment of Holiday Goods, Comprising FOTJNTAIX PEN'S DIARIES FOR 1001 DRAWING INSTRUMENTS FIXE WRITING PAPERS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS TOILET CASES GOLD PENS AND PEXCU.S PARLOR GAMES FINE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS TEACHERS' BIBLES FINE LEATHER GOODS COM3IOX PRAYER BOOKS BOOKLETS CALENDARS JUVENILE BOOKS DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Onp Alder-street corner, recently refitted, contnlnu a very attractive display of Christmas Roods. Prompt service, and. no delay in xrnltlnu for your pneknges or change. THE J. K. GILL CO. THIRD AND ALDER STREETS OPEN EVENINGS. SMOKING JACKETS The new shop is showing a very elegant line of Rich, Imported house coals, in fine silk velvet. Serge and two side golf effects, ex clusive one-of-a-kind designs, elegantly trimmed and finished. ....IMPORTED CANES AND UMBRELLAS.... Direct from the Paris Exposition fine Silk Neekwear In all the Latest Styles, NIaht Robes and Pajamas, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Hats and Caps OPEN TmCDNPPEV OSZENIISG FURNISHER AND HATTER 288 Washington St. Pi. E. DWARD FURNITURE 185-187-189-191 FIRST STREET S Our Motto: We solicit Inspection and urge comparison. Wishing You A Merry Xmas YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Thousands of People Have turned to sensible, useful and practical lines for gifts this year, Such gifts must unmistakably giv evidence of thughtfulness upon the part of the giver. Giving gifts is intended to be giving pleasure. The most lasting pleasure is derived from durable, useful things. We made big preparations for yeu this year. Our stocks are very large and prices low. Cut out this list and seiect your presents. These Special Offerings for Monday On Combination bookcases, Monday only $14.00 China closets - 16.00 Lady's writing desk 6.00 Music cabinets 9.00 Dressing table 11.50 Hanging hat racks 1.75 Solid brass beds 22.00 Halltrees , 3.00 Sideboards . 9.50 Buffets . 17.5 Chiffoniers 7.00 Medicine cabinets 3.75 Upright folding beds 27.00 Leather couches '..... 30.00 Velour couches 8.00 Rocker, cobbler seat 2.00 Indian Stool $1.25 BIssell Carpet Sweeper $2.50 Jardiniere and Pedestal $1.50 Parlor suit .S20.00 Divans 10.5q Leather armchaira 18.00 Hall chairs 4.73 Dining chairs . 75 Library tables , 7.30 Dining tables 4.00 Parlor tables .. j, 2.00; Reed chairs and rockers ...... 4.23 Children's rockera j .85 Morris chairs 8.15 Children's cribs .... 2.75 Highchairs . .95 Hair mattress , ........ 9.00 Roll-top desks .. ... 20.00 Dressers ...., 10.50 Davenports .... .... 22.50 Mo More Dread ofthe Dental Chair TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or co caine. These are the only dental parlors In Portland having PATENTED APPLI ANCES and ingredients to extract, nil and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from natural teeth, and warranted for 10 years, "WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' experience, and each depart ment In charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. "We will tell you In ad vance exactly whatVour work will cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH $5.00 GOLD CROWNS $5.00 GOLD FILLINGS $1.00 SILVER FILLINGS 50c NO PLATES New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. HOURS-S to 8: SUNDAYS, 10 to 4. BRANCH OFFICE: 614 First Avenue, Seattle, "Wash. CAMERAS At Special Holiday Prices iwn c Mtnrn 82 sixth st. Ui iv. J. Ill LL.lv viVf. Portland, Or. Carroll's for Choicest Chocolates ? Carroll's for Clirlstmas Canes Carroll's for Cheapest Candles J "We Lead. Others Follow. J Retail, 332 "Wash. "Wholesale, 69 1st. 8 ) Oregon Clothing Made as we make them, Is all that can be desired for style and ex-. cellenco of fit TODAY IS THE TIME TO BUY - .J 1 Our Overcoats Stylishly made cheviots and kerseys, In bine and blaclc colorlners, from $10 to $15 Our Suits All tie popala? styles la merge, "worsteds sad caer lots, prices raaslaff troaa $10 to $16.50 Eancy Vests Very handsome designs In silk and worsted effects, $3,$3.5, $4t$4.5 ,$5 Salem Woolen Mills C T. Roberts, Mgr. 85 Third Street ANTI-RUST UMBRELLA FRAME "We are the Inventor and only manufacturer of an anti-rust umbrella frame the only frame suitable for this -wet climate. It pays to have an umbrella recovered. If you have a good frame It -will pay you. "We win reduce all frames recovered on our anti-rust patent FREE OF CHARGE and your Umbrella vrill, last three times as Ions as any umbrella on the market. "We do all kinds of umbrella repairing and recovering. Wa make all of our cover goods. "We carry the largest assortment In um brellas, parasols and handles In the city, Phon.Cnu.t2re. j0HN AJ.ESINA, S SSfo!.'""- gy Ife NEW JAPANESE PLANTS 'Japanese and Fine Christmas Goods of all kinds. See our complete line of BAMBOO Furniture. Prices low. THE K. IN. KIRIYAMA CO., 311 MORRISON ST. Opp. Postofflce, Portland, Oregon. "Wholesale and retail Direct Importers Our Music Store Goes to San Francisco Lis than one month ago we made the above announcement, and since then we have sold thousands and thousands of dollars worth of music and musical instruments, and still our music store is mest complete. Several parties have expremd a desire to take the business and run it as soon as the stock is cut down so they can afford to buy the remainder. More than 20 years have we been in the music business here at Portland, but in the very near future we move to San Francisc. where our headquarters are to be here after, Now, we do not want to taXe a single article with us to California. Every piano and organ we possess, every piece of music and every musical Instru ment we are going to try very hard to sell right here. We have no $600 pianos to sell for $199.99, but we are selling good makes of pianos for about half what they are sold for elsewhere. And we have a lot of organs, among them the Hasen & Hamlin and the Estcy, which can now be procured from us at a very low price. Either a piano or an ergan will make an ideal Xmas gift What is home without a piano or an organ on Christmas day! But if per chance these are beyond your reach secure from us a maslcal instrument of some kind. Tomorrow, "the day before Christmas" we shall make some tremen dous cuts on seme very valuable instruments. We submit some prices. They will surely interest you. IPi&fcios ill MMEJi Musical Instruments Reg. Sale Price. Price. Aluminum Mandolin, engraved, very handsome 5.00 $12.50 Aluminum Mandolin, finely engraved, Just the thins for Xmas present 35.00 17.50 Aluminum Guitar, standard slze.t 33.00 17.50 Aluminum Guitar, finely engraved .45.00 22.50 Genuine Martin Guitar, style 0-18, concert size 30.00 20.00 Genuine Martin Guitar, style 1-21, standard size 30.00 20.00 Genuine Martin Guitar, style 00-2S, grand concert size 50.00 33.35 Genuine Martin Guitar, style 0-42, concert size 75.00 50.00 "Washburn Mandolin, 9 ribs, rosewood, style 115 15.00 10.00 "Washburn Mandolin, 9 ribs, rosewood, style 118 18.00 12.00 "Washburn Mandolin, 15 ribs, rosewood style, 122 22.00 14.65 "Washburn Mandolin, 19 ribs, rosewood, style 130 30.00 20.00 "Washburn Guitar, style 211, concert size 18.00 12.00 "Washburn Guitar, style 212, concert size 2LO0 14.00 "Washburn Guitar, style 323, grand concert size 30.00 20.00 "Washburn Guitar, style 334, grand concert size 40.00 26.65 Violin, Straduarlus model, highly polished, ebony trimmed 8.00 2.75 Violin, Conservatory, very fine 10.00 3.50 Violin, Straduarlus, dark red, highly polished, very powerful tone.... 15.00 4.50 Violin, Straduarlus, dark brown, very highly polished, powerful In tone, for professional players 50.00 10.00 Violoncello, brown color, fine quality, Inlaid edges 20.00 8.40 Double Bass, i size, 4 strings, dark brown, patent heads with brass Plates 50.00 25.00 Snare Drum, 15-lnch, nickel-plated shell, 2 calf -skin heads, with ebony sticks 3500 &00 Bass Drum, 24-Inch, wood shell, Italian hemp chord, two calf-skin heads, with stick ; 24.00 5.60 Pasteboard Violin Cases .50" ' J5 Piccolo, 6 keys, tuning slide, cork Joints, ivory head, German-silver trimmed .............................................. ....................... 7.50 2.95 .Flute, 8 keys, tuning slide, cork Joints, German-silver trimmed. Ivory mouthpiece ' 15.00 . 5.50 Graphophone, with horn, reproducer, recorder and carrying case.'..... 10.00 7.50 Records for Phonographs, per dozen 5.00 3.50 Violin Bow ". .50 Violin Bow, Brazil wood, ebony frog, pearl slide, German silver button 1.00 . .40 Violin Bow, ebony frog, German sliver lined L25 r .50 Some Books Atc0'nsgwlcsh,cYJL'sreateast'f Reg. Bale Bertlnl's Piano Method, complete zoo !? (Mere Piano Method, complete !.""III!III! 300 i't Students Modern Method L50 iio X-andon's Piano Method "" i?X Kohler's Practical Method, No. 1-No. 5, each "' 75 "15 Emery's Foundation Studies 25 S Plaldy's Technical Studies,, foreign and American, boards """ 1.25 40 Czerny s Velocity, complete, foreign and American, boards 1.25 40 White's Organ Method ' X Si Merz' Parlor Organ 200 75 Guitar Gems, vocal and instrumental, Haydn '.'.'.'.'." l"50 CO Elchberg-s Violin Method 1111111211 00 "so Maza's Violin Method roo S Hohman's Violin Method, parts 1, 2, -3, each '..'.'. """ 50 20 "White's Ihiets, violin and piano 260 r'co Arban's Cornet Method Abridged, S E0 Berblguler's Method for Flute ...."..." L2S "!o Bobson's Complete Banjo Method " f 00 "S Matinee Classics. Low Voice, boards 150 Eft Artists' Repertoire. No. 1, boards rS) !so Toung Vocalist's Collection, bds ........... 150 50 Cluster of Waltzes, bds !.. ............. L50 j Home Favorite for Piano, bds .""" 200 90 Uncle Sam's School Songs, muslin..: " 20 "is New First Music Reader 20 10 Battle Song3 Temperance 50 33 Temperance Revival Songs, paper "25 15 Girls' High School Music Reader ; '. 50 L00 Standard Selections for "Women's Voices 1.00 70 Vocal Echoes for "Women's Voices LOO 70 Richardson's New Method Pianoforte 3.00 L90 The Prima Donna Album, vocal, royal edition L50 L10 "THE APOLLO" It can be attached to any piano. "Will play any piece of music. Any one can E?rV-e lu Regular price Is $250.00. Nothing In the world could be a more accept able Xmas presfcnt. Tomorrow we will cut the price. "We have Just twenty to sell, and every one should be sold before the day Is over. . This great removal sale of ours cannot possibly last much longer, and Port lands oldest and largest music house is soon to become the newest and most mod ern music emporium In San Francisco. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 209 AND 211 FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON