THE SUNDAY PUEGONTAX, .PORTLAND, DECEMBER- 23, 1900. INJORWERNlLUZON Governor Appointee) for the Province of Benguet, HPHELPS'WHITMARSH flAMED Thirty-Xine Prlesta -Srrenr Allegi ance to the Flag Several Recent Engagements Panay and Cebn Cleared of Rehels. MANILA, Dec 22. The Philippine Com mission has appointed H. Phelps "Jhit marsh, Governor,""and Otto Scherer, Sec retary of the Province of Benguet. Mr. Whltmarsh has been here, two years, principally engaged as a newspaper cor respondent, and has resided latterly at Baguln which" "will be the seat of the government, and ,1s the central point of the region. ""Mr, Scherer is" a German who has lived 20years in the Philippines, live of -which have been passed in the Province of Benguet. He speaks the na tive language, and is Intimate -with the Igorrotes. - - The amended plaiform of the recently organised .autonomy party, advocates that half of. the territorial Senators shall be elected and half appointed by the Gov ernor-general. The latter hall also ap point the Judges,, and, the municipal gov ernments shall be similar to those of tip United Stales. The completed document, it is expected, will be formally adopted at a private meeting of ifce loyal Filipino leaders Sunday, and published in Manila Monday. The early passage of the Army bill will result In the transportation of all volun teers in transports -without chartering other vessels, and without leaving the towns unprotected. The order of sailing Is as follows: Thirty-seventh - Infantry, Eleventh Cavalry, Thirty-sixth, Thirty fourth, Twenty-fourth, Thirtieth. Twonty slxth Infantry, Thirty-third, Twenty-Second, Twenty-ninth. Thirty-fifth. Twenty eighth. Thirty-first Thirty-ninth, Thirty fifth. Twenty-eighth, Thirty-first, Thirty ninth. Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, Forty fourth, Forty-third, Forty-seventh. 'Toi tleth. Thirty-eighth, Forty-second, Forty ninth. Forty-first and Forty-eighth In fantry, f the regiments sail at an aver age of one a week, all will be transported by July next , Thirty-nine priests. 17 of them belong ing to the Province of Bulacan, the strongest of Tagal provinces, have signed and forwarded to the Philippine Commis sion a paper proffering their submission and loyalty to its authority, adding that the promise is made voluntarily and with-' out mental reservation. Judge Taft has replied welcoming their assistance in the pacification of a people ""over -whom ybu will have so much Influence." A detachment of the Sixteenth Infantry has captured Baustn, the Katlpunan So rlety -in Northwest Luzon. A detachment of the Forrv-nlnth In fantry recently attacked a. village on the Cagayan River, in Isabella Province, drove out the irisurg"ents.kHllng several of them, and captured 10W rounds of am munition. The Americans also burned the Insurgent quarters. The latest reports from Ilo TJo say thp Islands of Panav and, Cebu, since the rainy season ended, are being rapidly cleared of the enemy, and that in a few weeks the only opposition encountered, will be that offered by scattering La drones. The Twenty-sixth Infantry, in Panay, and the Fortyfourfh in Cebu. are conducting an actively aggressive cam paign. The American casualties recently have "been slight. The cruiser Brooklyn proceeded to Su blg Bay today with the board appolntea to examine localities suitable for a naval station. ' The monitor Monadnock has gone t Hong Kong to be docked and scraped. Major Ben. the Provost Marshal, today Instructed all officers tto obey literally General MacArthur's proclamation con cerning persons in Manila giving encour agement to the enemy. It is universally believed that the rebel forces are greatly thinned and scattered through Luzon. Their ammunition supplies are being rap Idly cut off, and numbers of them art becoming amlgos. Much Interest is felt In the movements of the reinforcements In Mindanao. CnKnnltlen in the Philippines. "WASHINGTON. Dec. .-The "War De partment has received the following list of casualties in the Philippines from Gen eral MacArthur. at Manila: Killed November 24. .Psorlsta. Luzon, Corporal Burrows, Troop D. Eleventh Cavalry: Sergeant Bernard Baker; be tween November 24 and December 7, Cal bayen. Matadlnao, Samar. Company H, Twenty-ninth Infantry; "Welbom "Watts. Woundcd-Company M. Twenty-ninth Infantry, Hylas E. Smiley, severely; Com pany B. Twenty-ninth infantry. Charles F. Mackey, moderately: December 15, Puero, Bohul, Company h. Signal Corps, U. S. A., Corporal Charles E. "Wilson, mortally; December S. Antlgue. Panay, ContpaHt'O.' Thirty-eighth Infantry, Mar tin L. Weatherman, in necK, serious: De cember IS, Sn Ignaclo. Luzon, Company G. Forty-ninth Infantry. Musician Hayes Withers, in leg, above knee, moderate; October 30, Burgasen, Panay, Company F, Forty-fourth Infantry. Lee Fyatt, in arm. slight; November 10, Sublg, Luzon, Company L. Twenty-fifth Infantry. "Will iam Smith, shoulder, slight. MacArthur Closes Bone Port1 "WASHINGTON. Dec 22. A general or der recently Issued by General MacArthur. Military Governor of the Philippines, is as follows: ' "Military conditions requiring it, the port of Boac, Island of Marlnduque, opened to the coasting trade June 1. 1900, Is closed to such trade, and all trade of whatsoever character with said island is, until further orders, foroldden." Another order declares the port of Agno, province, of Zambales, opened to the coasting trade, and details Captain Rss I Bush. Twenty-fifth infantry as in spector of customs at that port. HAWAIIAN, NEWS. Chinese May Appeal Ajrntnstthc Ruling: of Treasury Department. HONOLULU. Dec. 14. via. San Francis co. Dec 22. Chinese here who were citi zens of the Republic of Hawaii are ex pected to make an appeal against the rul ing of the Treasury Department that they were not mado citizens of -the United States by the territorial bill. They bise their appeal on section 4 of the bill, which eayg that all citizens of the republic are made citizens of the United States. There are nearly 400 Chinese affected by the ruling of the Treasury Department. The news that Congressman Kahn, of California, has prepared a bill to make the leper setttloment on the Island of Mo lokal a national lazaretto, has deeply stirred all Hawaii. There is strong op position to the measure in every quarter, and no effort will he spared to prevent the bill from becoming a law. Objections to the bllj ,are based upon the grounds that it would be a deep and lasting in. Jury .Jo the. territory and would make the leper settlement Itself a place to whjch It would, he cruelty to send any human being. An -assault is being made by local at torneys, upon the Hawaiian law regarding opium. The lav on the statute books makes it a crime to have opium in pos session at all. It is claimed and general ly agreed among the attorneys that this $s'. in conflict with United Slates laws, which allow the importation, and conse quently possession- of the drug. There is nooher law regulating the matter in Ha waii, and if the' lawyers knock out the possession law use and sale of opium will be utterly unrestricted until the Legisla ture make's a new law. The Mormons of Hawaii have just closed -a- three days'- celebration of the KJlh anniversary of the landing of the' first Mormon missionaries on Hawaiian soIL The meetings were led by George Q. Cannon. "Wireless telegraphy is at last showing signs of being successful, and regular communication is established between here and MolokaL Further stations ar being perfected now on Maul. Rev. J. Cook, a colored preacher from Mississippi, who came here to investigate the conditions, with a view to advising his countrymen in the matter of their coming here to work on sugar plantations, returns today on the Zealandia. -He ha looked over the field and It is understood that his report will be a favprable one. Tne planters are ready to employ 2000 men II they can get them. THROTTLED OPPORTUNITIES. An Eastern Comment on Oregon Mining Development. ST. LOUIS, Dec 22. In the December edition, which appeared today. Finance says editorially under the head of "Throttled Opportunities": "In the strictly mineral section of Ore gon, there are opportunities which the casual observer sees, and the casual ob serves marvels that the world knows f.o little of them, and that they are so slight ly developed. "Only a trifle of investigation serves to show the causes for this. They are those most formidable of all obstacles to development an inordinate selfishness and an ultra-conservatism. "Foreign capital Is disposed to look askance at what local capital, when ther Is such, does not show any willingness to be identified with. Nor Is this In any way remarkable. Indeed, the contrary would be. There has been bad manage ment of some partly developed Oregon mining properties, and there have been promoters identified with some of them who could not claim any close relation ship to necessary capital themselves, nor to any unusual degree of integrity, ov even good sense. Mining development and the mining business as such, how ever, has no monopoly of those unfortu nate attributes. Even the greatest ana soundest and most carefully scrutinized financial Institutions themselves are not infrequently made prey for people of this 'class. And that the mining opportunities of Oregon have not been brought to sucn state of development as they should is, in part, though we are constrained to be lieve, perhaps the lesser part, attributa ble to the misconceptions and the con servatism of focal financial people. It Is, we believe, a fact that should any Port land banking institution, for instance, be known to lend any considerable support to a mining enterprisp, however worthy and substantial, its heavier depositors and the moneyed people whose patron age it enjoyed would so thoroughly dis approve of such a course that not a few of them would withdraw their accounts. "In this matter Portland'is not unlikely to commit the same error that Denver did when it permitted Colorado Springs to become the great world-wide-known cen ter T)f mining transactions, though Den ver "had the advantage of age, and ex perience, and capital. It Is n6t at air Im possible that when the mining opportu nities of Oregon shall have "been further developed,' some community, now small and unknown, perhaps even unborn, will spring up in a night to become and re main the mining market of Oregon, with all that that implies. "There is yet another stumbling block In the way of the Oregon mines, and It Is the more formidable of the two. Human selfishness not infrequently kills the goose that lays'the golden egg, and this is quite as often exemplified in mining fields as elsewhere. In these last it does not .usually .manifest Itself ln .the earlier stages, but comes with the advent of the more powerful operators and comblna tlonsl In the case of Oregon, the disease appeared with the mineral, and no rem edy for it has as yet been successfully applied. The history of the so-called mm. ing development of Oregon which has been no development at all except In such few isolated cases as only prove the coi rectness of our contentions has been one of stumbling upon a rich deposit ana straightway gathering In every square foot thnt could be seen through a long range field glass by the utilization of mining claims filed by sisters and cousins and aunts. This accomplished, the bo'fl and Intrepid discoverer of mineral wealth sat down and waited for other people to make his mines valuable and pay him a monumental and luscious price for his holdings and his great service to man kind. That he did not readily find somt one who would straightway empty thetr pockets for him accounts for the fact that there are scores and scores of splen did claims In Oregon today which have been held from 10 to 20 years and have not had earth enough disturbed on them to make scratching for a brood of chicks. "Perhaps some day the people who ire holding these claims and the local capu tallsts who could develop properties In those cares where it can be done upon an. equitable basis, will awaken to the fact that they have been making a se rious mistake. So far as the capitalists are. concerned, they may not make their discovery until they are In the same re lation to the Oregon mines that St. Louis was for a 'time, at least, to the great zino fields almost at Its very door, when Bos ton, by quick perception and greater en terprise, got the first and the best and the most St. Louis knows better now; As for the dog-in-the-manger claimants," if their own greed does not of Itself show them that they are defeating their own ends and injuring Oregon, some legalized means should be found to deprive th"m of this wholly uneconomic and unnatural privilege of holding opportunities which they will neither develop nor permit oth ers to deyelop." DEAFNESS CURED. Successful Treatment of Jojin D. Rockefeller's Daughter. NEW YORK. Dec 22. A dispatch to the World from Vienna says: The first details of the treatment of Miss Alta Rockefeller, daughter of John D. Rockefeller, for deafness, by Dr. Isa dor Muller. have been made public. In a lecture before the Solcety of Physicians. Mr. Muller said: "When Miss Rockefeller's case was brought to my Attention, It was so grave that all known methods had been tried unavaillngly. I was forced to Invent now methods, which have fortunately succeeded. These were two In number. "The first was to Introduce a small gold plate Into the ear, fashioned into the required 6hape. This was placed between the ear-drum and the chain of small bones which transmit the vibrations to the internal ear. This Improved the pa tient's hearing so much that she could hear the ticking of a watch, something she had not heard for years. The sec ond new method. was to replace the de stroyed portion of the ear-drum by myr lngoplastic means. Here again I Inserted small gold plates. This was tried only after every known method had been used In vain. "Two months ago the patient came to Vienna for the continuation of her treat ment, which I have now carried to an unexpected point of success.' Every glass of Evans Ale and Stout is topped with a lasting froth of cream and gives forth the delightful fragrance 0fa. field of blossoming heps. Bottled by the Brewers to Insure perfection- He TESTED THE-SAUCE WTI'AESS AT THE BOOZ HEARING -DID SOT FIXD IT BAD. More Cadets Were Called to tke Stand to Explain the Methods of Hazing. "WEST POINT, N. T., Dec 22. The court of Inquiry Investigating the alle gation that .the late Oscar. L. Sooz was so ill-treated while a cadet at the mili tary academy that his health was im paired, began work early today, intending to finish Its labors at noon. Major J. M. Bannister. Surgeon, United States Army, told of his testing the ef fects of partaking of four drops of Trop- leal Pepper Sauce.", such as is U3ed In the cadets' mess hall. He said he tried it last night by dropping four drops of the sauce on the palm of Tils hand and tak ing up with his tongue. He swallowed the- sauce, although it tasted hot, like the taste of a cayenne pepper pod. His throat, he said, was very susceptible tq any irritation, but lie felt no ill effects from the dose. Two young ladles, who were present when he made the test. In a spirit of fun did likewise, and they, too, found no difficulty in swallowing the same quantity. In reply to General Clous the witness said: "I positively swear that the taking of this sauce could not directly or Indirectly have caused the tuberculosis, or the death, or in any way be the cause of the death of Cadet Booz two years after his partaking of J-" Cadet John H. Poole, of Michigan, swore that he never hazed Booz. Hq had not seen Breth hazed, but had heard he was "exercised" considerably. "What are the relations of the -upper class men to tho fourth class men?" "With the exception of exercising, which has been abolished, it Js about the same as formerly. "We require them to do special work about our tents, cleaning guns, making up beds, aqd so forth." The witness said that ho had heaYd of four fights between upper and fourth class men since last encampment. """ "Who won?" asked General Clous. "Two were won -by upper class men, one by a fourth class man and the other was a draw. Cadet Guy Carleton, of Michigan, testi fied that Booz was hazedr but that there was nothing brutal or severe In it. Oth ers had similar experiences. In reply to several questions regarding Cadet Breth, the witness said: "I knew him, but did not hear of his being hazed or being put In a straight Jacket. If he had been placed In a straight-Jacket I certainly would have heard of Jt I had a special duty man from the fourth class. He swept out' the tent, carried water and cleaned my gun and bayonet." Cadet Emery J. Pike, of Iowa, had heard of men being required to eat soup, but never knew of a positive case. "You knew Cadet Breth? " asked Gen eral Clous. "Yes, sir, I remembered him because of his woodenness." "Do you mean by that that he was wooden-headed?" "Yes, sir." " "In treating fourth class men by your methods o hazing, was. any "difference made between the sons of rich men and those of the poorer classes?" "Well, sir, there would be no distinc tion, except the rich man's son was con ceited " answered the witness, "Why do you haze fourth class -men?' asked General Brooke. - i "Fourth class men are new'and green and they are hazed to make 'them con form tor the rules, to obey their superiors and make men out of them." "If the son of a General or the son of -a. President of tHe United States came here, would he be hazed?" asked the General. "Yes, Blr, he would if he were conceited, and it is likely he would be ''hazed any how.' "You then evidently wish to make thepi that none is better than the other?" said General Brooke. "That's the Idea, sir." , In reply to .General Brooke, Cadet Cox, of Virginia, said that when a cadet In the fourth class was conceited. It was taken out of him by hazing. "How long does the conceit last?" asked the General. "About 20 minutes," replied the witness. "Ah, then it is 'exercised'?" said the General, Jokingly. "Yes, sir." , "Docs it ever return?" "Not while he Is a fourth class man, slr." General Brooke questioned the witness at length on the cadets' "code of honor,-' and the witness said; "Our code does not require a man to do anything ungentle manly. Sometimes a class has caused a man to resign for making false state ments or doing something in violation of this code." "Any deviation from this standard, then, would be closely Investigated -by the class, and there is no !ntermin.nrv between absolute truth and falsehood?" J Inquired General Brooke. "That is exactly the Idea, sir. I knew of a case about two years ago where a man dll an ungentlemanly act and he was requested to resign," said the wit ness. "Did he?" asked General Brooke "He did, sir." Cadet Leonard A. Pruntey, of Kansas, had himself taken pepper sauce, i The quantity was half a leaspoonful. Ho 'suf fered no Injury from It, the effect pass ing away In 10 minutes. Cadet William M. Colcy said ho could not say that he had not given sauce to lower class men. t "Have you seen It given, and, if so, was any force used?" "I saw it given several times In the mess hall, but no force was used. The men were told to .take It and they did. Eight drops was the most I ever saw given." "Have you known of any cadets being dragged from their tents?" asked Gen eral Clous. "Yes, sir, was dragged myself, when a fourth class man. I was lying on tho comforter on the floor. Ttvo or three'men ciught hold of It and pulled It with me on top out of the tent" "Have you ever known a hand to have been laid on. a man and his body dragged out of the grounds?" "No, sir, the bedding was always un derneath." . The court adjourned until December 2Si at 2 o'clock. Pnsh Will Be Electrocuted. SING SING, Dec 22. Benjamin Pugh, colored, will be electrocuted during the week beginning Monday next. December 24 It will be a sorry Christmas week for him. Pugh went Into a restaurant In Brooklyn where John Tiegan .was em ployed as a waiter, in August last He' ordered a meal, ate it, and started to leave the place without paying for It Ttegen went after him and asked for I tne money, rugn tnrew jt on the table, and as Tlcgen went to pick it up, Pugh swept It on the floor. This angered Tie gen and he struck Pugh la the face. Pugh did not strike back, but went to a store, bought a revolver and cartridges, returned to the restaurant &nd, stand ing in the doorway, shot four times, twp of tho shots taking effect, and Tiegep died instantly. i i i i To Stimulate Prune Trade. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22. A number of prominent prunegrowers, members of- the state association, have determined to suggest to the combine management the following methods of spurring the Job-1 bera to greater activity: To allow then a differential on orders, according to size one-eighth cent for 10 cars, one-quarter cent for 25 cars, and one-half cent for 50 can Many, of the largest packers say that the jobbers of the East are hostile to the- combine, and are attempting to .freeze 't out. The association has sold only about 30.000,000 pounds out. of 125.000,000 pounds of prunes, and has paid out in dividends a little over $700,000. Three-quarters of the tcrop 1st lnjpie warehouse, and. the actual selling season has passed. Such a ''con dition, the, growers think, calls for lmme dlate action. e GASOLINE STOVE EXPLODID 'Foajr Children Cremated and Four Other Persons Earned. SAN JOSE, Cal., Dec 22. The residence of Conrad ;RMff. located north, of town, was destroyed by re this morning. Jj'our young children perished In the flames. Two others, together with Mr. Ruff and a hired man, were severely burned, Tho dead are; . Carl, age$ II. Barbara, aged 8. Katy, aged 10. Conrad, Jr., aged 5. The Injured are: .Mary Ruff,, aged 13.' probably fatally burned on head, legs and abdpmen; George Ruff, aged 12, badly burned about the feet, head and hands, will recover; Conrad Ruff, the father, head, face Jinl arms burned; B. Valdez, slightly burned. Ruff conducts a dairy north of town. At 3 o'clock this morning he and the hired man, "Valdez, were milking in t,he' barn, the rest of the family being asleep In the house, A gasoline stove, which, had been left burning In the kitchen, ex ploded and In an Instant the house was a seething mass of flames. Ruff and Valdez beat, in the " front door with an ax. and succeeded in rescuing Mrs. Ruff and an, Infant child uninjured. They then rescued two of the remaining six children, not, however, until they were badly burned, so rapidly did the flames spread. The other four were crushed by a falling chimney, and after the fire nothing but scattered hits of their remains could be fqund. Bo'th 'Ruff and Valdez were badly burned. It 1s expected Mrs'. Ruff will lose her reason from tho terrible shock. ' i 'Blown o Atoms. LIMA, O., Dec 22. William Reddick. of Findlay, president of the Producers' Ex plosive Company, was blown to atoms this afternoon by nn explosion of nitro glycerin in the magazine at the com pany's factory, nearhere. The explosion shattered hundreds of window panes In the city. The" factory was -closed for the holidays "yesteYday, and Mr. Reddick had gone out to put a padlock on the door. Furniture' .Factory Burned. HANYpR.''Qa.t.. Dec 2L The KnCch el Company Furniture Factory, the larg est furqlturo factory In Canada, has been burned. ' The fire spread to adjoining buildings, causng. a. loss qf J275.000. v -''' . COLONIZATION OF ' QUEBEC. French Canadians Invited to Emi grate From New England. BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 22. The Quebec colonization movement, by which it is pro posed to have a large percentage of French Canadians in New England settle upon unoccupied land In Quebec, was launchcd aboutr three years ago, not long after the advent to power In Canada of Sir "Wilfrid Laurler. the Premier, who Is a French-speaking Canadian, and a resl- 'dent of Quebec 'While Sir "Wilfr'd does not stand directly behind the movemeqt, it Is known that it has h!s sympathy as well "as that of 01 Israel Tartc. the Cana dian Minster of Public "Works, and the second French-fipeaklng member of im-' portance In the," Canadian Government' The real promoters of, the plan are mem:' bers.pfthe Provincial Government of Que-' bee and the La'ke St John Railway. In 189S Rene "Dupont. the colonization agent, and others, came to New England tfld "held meetings in many of the mill towns populated by French Canadians. Special Inducements were offered all" able-' "bodied men with families to return an3 take up new land. The Quebec GQverh nient guaranteed to assist all those jflnan-, dally 'who should Join the repatriation' movement, and the land was to be granted to settlers at a nominal cost WHAT FITZHUGH LEE SAID. The Future of Cuba "Will Depend on .. . the Cnbnns. ST.1 LOUIS, Dec. 22. General Fitzhugh Lee, ,who Is In the city as the guest of the New, England Society, was seen this morning by a representative, of the As sociated Press" in regird to a statement published In Chicago purporting to quote from nis speech In St Louis yesterday, in which he is said to have made the prediction that the American flag would continue to float over the Island of Cuba. "He said: "The meaning I Intended to convey was thii the American flag would float over Cuba until a stable government was forpied that will be capable of protect ing Jlfe and prpperty and giving confi dence to capital. The United States has promised tho Cubans self-government, and will czrry out Its promise. Upon the Cubans will rest the responsibility of de termining whether that government shall do permanent or otherwise." COMMISSIONER PECK RETURNS What Participation In "the Expo- sttlon Has Done for America. NEW TtRK. Dec" 22. Ferdinand W. Peck, Commissioner-General to the Paris "exposition, Mre. Peclc ana Assistant Commissioner-General Wood were passengers on, the St Louis, wfilch arrived here to day. .7The real test of the relative position taken by the exhibitors of the United States at the exposition," said Mr. Peck, "lies in the fact that they have received a much larger number of awards than those of -Germany, Russia, Great Britain, Austria "or any other nation foreign to France. We feel that the cpmnjercial ln terestB of our Nation have been enhanced, our export trade increased, and our in ternational relations strengthened by the part which we have been able to take In the great event in Paris." Commissioner Wood was in bed when the vessel arrived. He fell on the deck In coming" over and' broke his left ankle. Strntton Mine Suits, COLORADO .SPJUNGS. Colo., Dec. 22. T. A. Rlckard. former consulting engineer of Stratton's Independence gold mine, at Cripple Creek, who has arrived here from London, will at once bring suit against John Hays Hammond, who as an expert reported against RIckard's estimates of the mine. Hammond reported, the ore re serves at J2.300.C00, while Rickard had put them 'at 113.000,000. Rlckard claims thnt Hammond's statements greatly injured him- i DENVER, Dec. 22. A judgment for n30,555 was given in the United States Circuit Court here, in favor of Orrin B. Peck, of Chicago, against Windeld S. Stratton, the Cripple Creek millionaire. Peck had contracted to erect a concen trating plant at the Independence mine, and Mr. Stratton claimed the contract was" not fulfilled. - -i i . i John Ovrens Identified. LOUISVILLE,. Ky., Dec. 22.-A"ccordIng to Chief of Detectives S,ullivan, of this city, John Owens, who was hanged. at Paris. 111., yesterday, was Thomas "Shin er" Sullivan, of Louisville, who during the past 15 years has spent nearly all of his time" In the Workhouse In "this city or the Frankfort Penitentiary. He also served time In the Missouri Penitentiary. Chief Sullivan made the discovery today t through a. photograph of Owens forward ea io uus cuy ixom rans. UPON THIS 0?3VW As a Right Which Is His and a DutyWhich Every Right-Minded Person &wes'to Humanity Be Searching Investigation ofThese Cures as the Only -Answer to Careless and Dangerous Criticism. The "greatest irrontr 'that Is in flicted on the splendid work Doctors Cope land and Montgomery aro doing for hu manltty comes from those so-called intel ligent critics, who- say something like this: "Oh, yes; these physicians ' are scientists" and abler physicians all right; they do as much good "as any 'doctors, probably more good than most doctorst but they don't cure. There is nobody who "by the science of medicine does cure; they relieve symptoms, benefit to some degree, perhaps, but they don't cure. "Medicine is not an exact science." Those who talk like this are most dan .gerous enemies to this, splendid, work. The science of medicine that Doctor Copeland represents does cure. It Is an exact science. There are "ncyhalf truths in it la only one answer to such danger ous criticism, that answer is, INVESTI GATIONl Upon that .answer Doctor Cope land Insists as his right in this commun ity, where for seven years he has conduct ed the largest practice ever known In the history of medicine, as a duty that all THESE PEOPLE CURED OF ASTHMA AND . . . CATARRH OP LONG STANDING Mr. S. Sanlcer, Kelio, Wash. Until ten years agoI was In perfect health. At that time X had grippe, which left me with catarrh and that torturing malady, asthma. Only those who are afflicted as I was can know what I suffered. My nose wonld "become stopped up, so I could not brenthe through it. The bronchial tnbes would seem, to narrow and contract partially close up so as to-make it diiUcnlt at times for me to get enough breath to keep me alive. At night I would have- to sit np lh a rocking chnlr to keep from suffocating. ' I was coughing Incessantly. I wonld become black in the fnce in the struggle for air. At times I wan in Imminent and real danger of strangulation. My breath Venn very short and accompanied by wheezing and rattling. I spent almost everything I mado In doctoring and buying medicines, but all I' got was a little temporary relief. I had heard so much about the Copeland treat ment in similar troubles to mine that I decided to give it a trial, .with the result of a cure. X)n my way up to consult the doctor I had to sit up all night on the boat Inhaling medicine, and. was almost too worn, out to get up to tthe office. I hadn't much confidence that I could be helped, and was. completely surprised at the promptness and thoroughness with whiqh the treatment mastered the trtfu, We. 1 began to Impcove almost from the flrsj day.,. Now T have.jjo more asthma or. trpuble of any , kind,, X .am growing stronger every day and' sleep all night CON5ULTATIOM ' j 5 :H , COPELAND MEDICAL THE W. H. COPELAND. M. D. 'J. H. MONTGOMERY. M. D, SPECIAL NOTICE Office Hours Christmas and New Year's, From 9 A. M. to 12 M. THE BOUNTY ON -SCALPS (Continued froni First Pase.) a yet wilder frenzy, and leave a broader and broader an.d higher and denser cloud of desert sand smoking behind and mark ing his long wake across the level plain. ,'AH tHls time the dog is only a short 20 feet behind the coyote, and to save the life of him he cmnot understand why it is that ho cannpt-et perceptibly closer, and 4he. begins to. get aggravated, and It makes him madder "and madder to see how gently the coyote glides along and never pants or sweats or ceases to smile; and he grows still more and more In censed to see how shamefully he has been -taken In by an entire stranger, and what an Ignoble swindle that long, calm, soft footed trot is. "And next the dog notices that he Is iretlng fagced. and that the coyote actu ally has to slacken, his spe,ed a little to j Keep irom running away irum uuu. Aim then that town dog is mad in earnest, and he begins to strain and weep and swear and paw the sind higher than ever and reach for the coyote with concen trated and desperate energy. This spurt finds him bIx fet behind the gliding enemy and two miles from his friends. And then, In the Instant that a wild new hope, is lighting up his face, the coyote turns and smiles blandly upon him once more and with a something about it which seems to say: Wey, I shall have to tear myself -away from you, but business Is business, and it will not do for- me to be fooling along this way all day. And forthwith there is a rushing sound and the sudden splitting of a long crnck through the atmosphere, and behold! that dog Is solitary and aionejn the midst of a vast solitude," The casual traveler upon the prairie will seldom pee a "coyote except at a dis tance Passengers on a railway tralri see' them more frequently than do per- f sons traveling by team. The animals travel mostly by night, but In daylight i skulk In some hiding-place on a river bank, clump of trees r hollow In "tha ground. They get much of their subsist- j enco from cattle or horses that die on tHe i prairie. The mlflle of the Winter is their ; worst season, and" many die of starvation daring that period. As the females bear ' litters of seven to eight young. It would seem that the country would soon be flooded with the beasts, but It is prob- able that starvation takes many of the t young, and that the food supply is the only limitation to the number that will subsist In a given region. They readily give way to the progress of settlement Work of Bank Kohhers. last night attempted, to rob the Wichand j Bankj at Madison, O, 23 miles east of this ! city; They blew open the safe, but were j frightened, ay? ay before sequnng its con tents. A man who discovered the burg lars "at ' work was "selzedj bound and gagged. Officers are on the trail of the dracksmen. ' DALTON CITT. III.. Dec. -22. Between 53000 and40CO was secured by-s- gang who f dynamited the vault, of the-.Dalton City i Bank early today. Although a posse was quickly formed, no trace of the robbers has yet been found. Local officers are I working on me case, ana .rxnKerion ae tectlves have been sentfor. TULLAHOMA. Miss.. Dec 22. -Tha vault 6i the Coffee County Bank, at DR. COPELAND INSISTS well-thlnklng people owe to the splendid science of medicine, as a duty, that all people owe to the brotherhood of man. Investigate these cases, go and see them, write. to them, see and talk with their friends and neighbors, prove tho truth of these words. Here are these cases, Doctor Cope land tells you they nTe enred. Soxr, Trhen n. so-called intelligent critic launches hl dangerous scepticism, he prepared to nnnwr him with thlst "I have been to see these peo pl. I have written to them. 1 have invstlgated their- cases circumstan tially. I know all about them. I EnoiT that they were cured." These cases in these columns are printed for no other purpose than to answer this kind of criticism. They are selected from different localities in this region from people who are accessible to you; whom -you can. go and'see. Searchlng-tnvestlga-, tlon by intelligent, right-minded people Is the 'answer to this dangerous, though superficial, scepticism, which" Doctor Copeland has the right to demand. SPEAK. FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE like a child, something I have not done in years iSfe ffW rWffl?w Mr. S. Saulcer,, Worth. Cured, of Catarrh and Asthma. CURED OF A SERIOUS CATARRHAL TROUBLE Mrs. "W. M. Mafflt, Kenllworth. Portland. It is. all of, seven years since I first noticed that something was wrong with my .head. 7 My head, and vnose were stopped up. first. one side, then the other. Soon the .right nogtrll became completely clogged and I breathed entirely through" the left side and mouth. I had a Dull, Aching Fain Through the -Forehead, And my eyes were weak and watery. FREE. DR. COPELAND'S BOOK DEKUM. THIRD AND .WASHINGTON STREETS OFFICE HOURS From 9 A., 12 Mj EVENINGS Tues8ays and Fridays. Have You PurchasedYour Christmas Presents? IF NOT, SEE IMPORTED, AND DOMESTJC RAZOR STEEL CARVERS POCKET KNIVES RAZORS B. O. A. Scissors, Manicure Sets, Shears And Fancy Nickel Bathroom and Kitchen Ware Don't be deceived by imitations of these .goods. Remember we carry THE "BEST GRADES In the above lines at MODERATE PRICES. Honeyman, DeHart & Cor?3&& Manchester, was blown open early today by five robbers, and all the currency in the bank, amounting to J50OO, secured. The robbers fled, on a handcar. A Deputy Sheriff and policeman from Tullahoma met the robbers a mile from town, and, after a short fjght, captured one thief with the money. .His four companions es caped. . . ... t: K Indians and Game Killing; Denver "Times. There Is a curious disposition among the people to make sport of Governor Thomas' crusade against the Indians, who are said to be killing game outside their reservations and within the boundaries of this state. That is has a comic side Is probably not to be denied- But It may also have a very serious side. The, border country has not had any Indian experiences of late, and the American people show1 an astonishing facility in forgetting unpleas ant things. Those who know anything about the Indian know that the kind of movement now begun may very easily Incite him to acts which will have a very serious significance to outlying, settlers, and pos sibly small villages. The Indians know as well as Governor Thomas does that the Federal power is not behind this move ment They rarely forego a chance for immediate reenge because of the pos sibility of a remote reprisal. That the state can preyail in the end no body doubts, perhaps, but aside, from the harvest of trouble and loss of life we may have to reap, citizens are also look ing to the harvest of debt that must fol low, though we are now at our wits' end to devise means for paying what we al ready owe. Some of them are inclined to suspect the Governor of a -kind of ''after us, tho deluge" policy. Roosevelt' a Mason. NEW YORE, Dec 22. Governor Roose velt has heen elected a member of Matine cock Lodge, No. S05, A. F. and A. M., of Oyster Bay, L. I. Tha matter was kept quiet until an invitation was Issued to the members of the local lodge and many prominent Masons throughout the county to attend a "stated communication," to be held "Wednesday, evening, January 2, 1S01, when the "entered apprentice" would be conferred upon Theodore Roosevelt After NOTE THE CONTRAST. The testimonials that are published in these columns today are testimonials that ''"testify." They "mean something. They tell of years of suffering from real sick ness. These people describe In their own language the particulars of their afflictions,- and of their vain efforts to ob tain relief from other sources. They tell of the complete, perfect and -permanent cures accomplished under -the Copeland treatment. They are common, honest conscientious and trustworthy people, who, if you call upon or write them, will cheerfully verify the truth of. their pub lished, statements. They are not Govern ors, Senators, Congressmen, politicians, public men or actresses, who court noto riety and? publicity, and who are always glad of an opportunity to be brought prominently before the people, but who, as a general thing, are not very sick, and who never claim to have been cured of a serious Illness by the patent medicine they appear to Indorse and recommend. .Added to this uncomfortable, stopped-ap feeling was a continual discharge from the nose, and dripping Into the throat. After a time a ringing- and buzzing came in: the right ear, and the hearing became 'very dull. My whole system seemed tainted by the catarrhal poison. My food-did not digest. 'I was always tired and without ambition or energy. One of my neighbors whose little daugh ter had been cured of a severe catarrhal trouble by the Copeland physicians ad vised me to place myself under their care. I did" so, and the result has been very gratifying" to me. My breathing-now Is as clear as though I never "had this terrible catarrh. t From mr experience with the Copeland treatment, I can conscien tiously recommend it to all who arc afflicted as X was. CURED OF NASAL CATARRH. Mr. "Robert Allen, Cornelius. Or.! had suffered from nasal catarrh for four t or five years, the malady having, been contracted by my taking one 'cold after another, until I had what you might call a chronic cold In the head." My nose being stopped up, there was a constant dripping of matter from, above, causing Incessant hawking and spitting to clear my throat. On getting up in the morning I had se vere pain over the eyes "and always a dull aching through the forehead. My eyes seemed to become affected, and the sight of . the right eye was dim and cloudy. At tCe end of jar course of treat ment, at the Copeland Institute X had no sign, ot catarrh, my eyesight was as clear and perfect as5 ever,- and my gen eral health better than in years. TREE TO ALU INSTITUTE from11a5P.M. SUNDAYS From 10 A. M. to 12 M. OUR DISPLAY OF With Ivory, Bone and Stag Handles. Hand-Forged. The Favorite Brand the ceremonies there will be a dinner, and it is expected prominent Masons from all over the country will' be present" Race "War Averted. FLORENCE, Colo., Dec 22. The threat ened race war and strike of sqaelter men has been averted, the Italians whose im portation caused the trouble having been sent back to Pueblo. The smelter man agement also granted other requests of the union members, and everything is now harmonious. In view of the aspect of affairs, Dr.- Cuneo, the Italian, Consul in Denver, had appealed to the state and .Federal authorities to protect Ws coun trymen. Strike at a Hotel. ' TOPEKA. Dec. 22. "Because the .cook at th"e Copeland Hotel, one of theprlnclpal hotels In this city, refused to give Georgo Bramford, a waiter, a plate of corn beef hash for breakfast, a strike resulted. All but one of the' waiters went out The" men went out at 11:30 A. M., "and the guests were compelled to waft until new help vis secured before dinner could be served. A Diamond Swindle. ' CHICAGO, Dec. 22. John. M. Bredt a diamond merchant, and Mrs. Bertha Fel tag' were arrested and brought before Justice of the Peace Prindevllle today, charged with being" Involved in an ex tensive diamond swindle. Jt is asserted that scores of persons were victimized. . They take possession of the body, and are Lords of Misrule. They are attended by pimples, bolls, tha itching letter, salt rheum, and other cu taneous eruptions: by feelings of weakness, languor, geueral debility and whatnot They cause more suffering than anything else Health, Strength, Peace and Pleasurt require their expulsion and this is posU lively effected, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, by Hoodlum Sarmmpmrillm which radically And permanently' drlvsa them out and builds up the whole system.