The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 23, 1900, PART TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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    jan, poi;yla::i iikcfmkeu 2.1, ionn.
H(A f S ! E Rlftf I""rt r nil I
ml hoAm-r Mm ml 1
Indian War Veterans1 Meas
ure Is Dead.
Bad Precedent It Would Efttnbllnb.
Main Opposition McBrlde Excepts
to Talk of Who Will Succeed
to His Committee Places.
"WASHINGTON', Dec. lS.-Already the
members of the Oregon delegation have
been pressed with petitions asking for.
and sometimes demanding, the passage
cf the Indian War Veteran's bill at the
rrcaent session of Congress. Some of
these requests have come from old vet
erans, who would be benefited by the pas
sage of such a bill, and others, and more
particularly the demands, come from at
t:meys for old soldiers, who assume to
dictate the course Congress will take in
this matter. If the facts are to be
known, and it seems best that they
c.ould, this bill has not the ghost of a
chance of passing at this or any subse
quert session. It is not a new measure,
but has been Introduced and reintroduced;
it has been argued and debated, and as
cftcn has gone down to defeat. There is
o. very strong sentiment against this meas
ure, a sentiment that does not decrease
with advancing years, even though the
r!ea is made that the old veterans who
would bo benefited by such a measure are
dying off rapidly, and soon none will be
left to receive any benefit from it. There
is no doubt merit in this bill, but its pas
sage would establish a precedent which
members of Congress desire to avoid. This
is what has killed the bill In the past, and
what will operate against it in the future.
It Is not that the Western members cf
Congress are unwilling to recognize the
services of the men who served so gal
lantly in the Indian wars of the early
days, but that they must be the leaders
who say that there is no nosEibilitv of
pensioning one class without making like
provision for the hundreds of other classes
which would clamor for and demand rec
ognition. The Indian war veteran bill
is a dead issue, and It Is beyond the power
of the Oregon or other delegations to
get It through.
Private Pension Lej?IlntIon.
Along with the press for the Indian
I war veteran bill is a pressure for private
Fpension legislation, in tne vast major
ity or cases, claimants who resort to
Congressional action in order to secure a
Jpension have no just claim for such al
io wance. and must seek some means of
avoiding the law. Probably nearly every
one of them has at some time or other
had a claim pending before th Ponixn
! Bureau, which was disallowed on some
grounds. Falling in the regular way to
ercure recognition, they appeal to their
Congressman, and sometimes envMii
V Yet there are now before the pension
wiuumieeii ot ootn House and Senate
bills which have, been introduced session
after session, and never get as far as the
House or Senate calendar. The claim
ants are perelstent, and to quiet them
the Congressman or Senator will intro
duce the bill, well knowing at the time
that It can never pass. These claimants
do not seem to learn by experience, but
persist to their dvlne dav nr. or,,.
claims now pending will probably continue
to be recorded with each succeeding Con
gress until the party named has ceased
to breathe the atmosphere of mother
earth, it must not be understood from
this, however, that all private pension
Kibiuuon is unworthy. There are hun
Lreds of cases put through each Congress
where the recipient of a pension is Justly
entitled to this recognition, but is shut
off by the Pension Bureau, because of
some peculiarity in his case. There arc
many bills pending now for the relief of
various parties, some for Oregon men. A
few of these will pass, probably these
that were put on the calendar at the
last session, but it is almost out of the
question to secure the passage of new
bills before adjournment next March, be
cause the press of important public busi
ness. Hlvcr and Harbor Committee.
The course pursued by the rivers an
barbers committee since the Monday pre
ceding the opening of Congress has
demonstrated one thing, that a member
of that committee has more to do than
ask for allowances for his state, and see
that they are embodied in the river and
harbor bill. As long as Representative
Burton, of Ohio. Is chairman of the com
mittee, members of the committee as
we'.l as other members, will have to work
to gain recognition in river and harbor
bills. His committee this year began
early, holding two sessions a day prior to
the convening of Congress, and since then
has been holding two or more sessions a
day. When Mr. Tonguo reached here he
found the committee holding a session in
tho morning, and another which was
jcal'.ci early In the afternoon, while the
nojse was yet In session. In case an
Important vote was to be taken, the com
mltteo would take a recess, but nn ror
! anything of lesser Importance. This went
on ior over a week, until It became ap
lrcnt that greater progress should be
had with the forthcoming bill, and then
the committee began bv holdlne ni-h
sessions, after sitting practically all morn
ing ana tne Better part of the after
noon. And what was more. It w tii
full committee. There were no vacanctei
I at tho table. So close was every Item,
every estimate and every project scru
tinized that members of the commit
had to be on hand constantly in order
to secure the best recognition nossihi
Jor their own states. Nothing Is being
gvcn away in this committee this year.
Every concession that is made is made
tftcr a hard fight and a very good back
ing by the corps of engineers.
As to Committee Places,
An innocent paragraph in this corre
cr2ence regarding the possibility ot
c rr.mUteo changes seems to have been
s mew hat unsatisfactory to Senator Mo
Tr J!e. I believe, as near as I can recall.
tat I remarked that in case Senator
iM.Jrlde was not re-elected his committee
h .srrs would probably be divided between
S -iter Simon and whoever misrht oe
atr McBrldc's successor. Mr. ile-
rrle Is not the only Senator whose com-
ir.t' e traces mav be divided un In the
xt Congress, and speculation as to such
K v.'.oa !s not out of niace. I understand
vt en attempt has been made to enow
:r.t it won't be possible for Senator
I? 1n tr Kiirr.t tt f il3lftA .0-..A .
"njercc, the one place of prime im to Oregon. As a matter of fact.
s committee place is almost conceded
Ito Oregon, but Mc Bride would not have
Imaged It six years ago had it not been
If r tve influence exerted bv his col-
igue, Senator Mitchell. At the same
time rew Senators. Nelson of Minnesota
lr.d E'.klns of West Virginia, secured
blares on this committee, a Senator with
jrr.oro than two years' service, like Sen
ator bimon, would certainly have a right
so a place on commerce committee which
Kvas made vacant through the retirement
f u man from his own state. This would
rr-bab!y be recognized by the Senate, as
It usually has been. At the time the
remmittees were made up six years ago
j'.aees, not only on commerce, but on
fc-Ign relations, and it was by surren-
Icr.-g the foreign relations place to Sen
ior Cullom that Senator Cullom retired
rem commerce, making a place lor Mc-
i Bride. McBrlde'K rAlM nn laiXt
! cou,d-oJ obtained by ms uc-
cessor, as Oregon' right In that com
mittee Is recognized. As to the Philip
pines and Nicaragua Canal committees,
there Is a possibility that Senator Stmoi
and a new man might not secure tnem,
because Senator Simon would be verj
well fixed should he land on commerce.
Tet Senator Beverldge, a new Senator
was accorded a place on Philippines, ana
it would not be unreasonable to suppose
that a new man from Oregon could be
likewise recognized.
Congressional Reapportionment.
Every time there is a reapportionment
bill In Congress the states which are
falling behind the procession In the mair
ter of population make great efforts to
prevent an apportionment of members
which will lose votes for them. Ten years
ago It was recognized that the House or
Representatives, then about 330, was suffi
ciently large. Tet the fact was that It
the number had not been increased to 357
the State of Maine would have lost one
member, and some other states would not
have gained as they thought they shouiu
in membership. The same condition arise,
now, and the State of Maine and other
states which will lose in representation
unless the number of members of the
House Is largely Increased, are making a
tremendous effort to secure Increased
membership. This Increased membership,
means an Increase in the electoral vote
and also an increase in the delegatca at
each National convention, as well as en
larging the House far beyond Its ca
pacity, which is now crowded to the ut
most. Maine was successful 10 years ago
because of Its strong delegation, con
sisting of Reed, the Speaker, DIngley,
Boutelle and Mllllkln. These men were
all-powerful, and the Speaker, of course,
the most powerful of all, and was able
to prevent any bill passing which would
reduce the representation from Maine.
Tho Maine delegation In the present
House, as well as tho delegations rrom
other states which are likoly to lose
In membership unless the House Is largely
Increased, are lobbying with a great deal
of vigor to prevent any mil passing
which will not allow their present repre
sentation to stand. Just how successful
they will be Is hard to say. There Is no
probability of any bill passing which will
reduce Southern representation because
of the restriction of the colored vote.
Senator Foxter Cut Oat for Diplomat.
Friends of Senator Foster are beginning
to believe that he is cut out for n diplo
mat and may. if he perseveres in his new
line, succeed to a position once held and
filled most creditably by a world-renowned
namesake. Senator Foster's en
trance Into diplomatic circles was on a
Email scale, but his success -was none the
less complete on that account. To the
people of Tacoma his case will appeal
as an old chestnut, but the fact that It
has been culminated may be received
with satisfaction. Several years ago. It
will be recalled, a German sailor by the
name of Dietrich Clccke was taken to
the Fannie Paddock Hospital, at Tacoma,
from a German merchant vessel which
had dropped anchor in Tacoma harbor.
This sailor appeared to be alone In the
world, with no means of support other
than his salary, which was cut off when
he left his ship. Thehospltal authorities,
after a time, put In a claim against the
German Government for caring for its
citizen, thinking, of course, that Ger
many, like the United States, cares for
her sailors when taken sick In a foreign
port. It developed, however, that the
German Government has no such practice,
and the claim was rejected. The matter
has been pending for a long while be
fore the State Department. Senator Fos
ter taking it up about six months ago. At
last, after much hammering and the uso
of considerable diplomacy, even though
hammering and diplomacy are not usually
Intermixed, the Senator won his case.
and the German Government has con
sented. Inasmuch as Viccke was sick
when he entered Tacoma harbor, to bear
the expense of his care and treatment,
and will further pay his expenses as long
as he may remain at the hospital. Great
diplomats have made beginnings in
smaller cases than this, and Sonator Fos
ter has no cause to be ashamed of his
entrance Into the world of polite lan
guage and Impolite thoughts.
CimUman Shows Up.
Even though greatly spent, after a pro
tracted illness. Representative Cushman
returned to Washington in his old-time
good spirits and with his customary lev
ity. As he approached the door of the
Houso on the first day of his return, he
was greeted on every hand by fellow
members, newspaper men and the door
keepers. Each had a pleasant word, and
exhibited unrestrained pleasure at seeing
him once more in his old place. A num
ber of the newspaper men who know him
well had just about agreed among them
selves to write him up as the "long-lost
statesman," but his appearance on the
scene cut them out of that bit of levity.
Mr. Cushman is a very close observer,
and all last session watched the way in
which members were continually being
called out of the House by constituents
and correspondents. He himself was
among the often called, and used to re
mark that he thought seriously of moving
his seat out to the front door, alongside
the doorkeepers. When he returned, the
sight of that group of House employes
seemed to recall his experience, for he
turned to the doorkeepers and said: "My
Job, with Its running and all. Is bad
enough, but I wouldn't trade places with
you fellows for anything. Talk about be
ing on the firing line. It don't compare
to being on the main door of the House."
Never Too Bnsy to Take Holiday.
Congress is never too busy to Indulge
in a holiday recess. Only once In the
last 10 years has there ever been an
attempt to remain In session during the
holidays, and that was an absolute fail
ure as there was not a stroke of work
done, nor any legislation passed during
the usual timo that the adjournment Is
taken. The fact is that the holiday re
cess is used by members of Congress to
some advantage. The first three weeks
of the session usually develop the trend
of business, and It gives members an op
portunity to become Informed upon the
subjects that will likely come up dur
ing the remainder of the session. Some
of the committees can work during the
recess, or more particularly those mem
bers of both Senate and House which
decide upon programmes can reach con
clusions as to what business .shall be
put forward when Congress reassembles
after the recess. Most of the members
make arrangements to go home during
the holidays. Very few of them brinir
their families here before the recess, and
it Is found almost impossible to keep
a quorum of either body in Washington
at that time. Senatorial contests give
Senators Interested a desire to return
home and visit members of thoir Legis
lature who are about to assemble on or
near the first of January. Members of
the House also go home and get nearer
view of the desires of their constituents
as to legislation which has been up and
is still pending. The holiday adjourn
ment Is not particularly disadvantageous
to important legislation.
Oleo Petitions Still Come.
Oleo petitions continue to pour in, but
tha tide seems to set In the direction of
Senators, rather than members of Con
gress. Senator Foster is now being be
sieged by the friends of pure butter, and
is receiving petitions favoring the adop
tion of the Grout bill at the rate of from
gO to 100 a day. His desk is now loaded
down with between 1000 and 3000 of these
stereotyped petitions, not to mention
several hundred individual letters of the
same nature. It is one of the business
plans -of the Senator to acknowledge every
letter and communication received, and
his clerk will have no small task when
he undertakes to acknowledge this vast
flood of oleo memorials.
Worker In Historical Societies.
Colonel J Kennedy Stout, clerk to Son
ator Turner. Is an active worker in his
torical societies, being connected with
many of the local institutions in Wash
ington State. During the recent Capital
Centennial in Washington, which was en
tirely of a historical cbaraoter. Colonel
Stout -was placed on one of the standing
committees and took aa active Interest
in the. proceedings. He classiaed the cei
ebxat'on as a "neat, unpretentious affair,
where everything went eff smoothly, and
all hands were pleased."
Olympla Feels Safe About Remain
ing the State Capital.
Thomas Maloney, of Olympla,. ex-chairman
of the Washington State Democratic
Central Committee, is at the Perkins. Mr.
Maloney is also ex-secretary of the State
Land Board, but is now out of office and
deeply engrossed In the development of
gold and copper mines at Lake Chelan.
In speaking of the agitation in regard
to the removal of the state capital from
Olympla, yesterday, Mr. Maloney saiQ
he had no fears of any change, as, ac
cording to the state constitution, it wlu
take a two-thirds vote to get It away
from Olympia. and the opposition to his
town would be too badly divided. Many
candidates would bob up, while South
western Washington would stand solidly
by Olympla, which would also obtain gooa
support from distant portions of the state.
He thinks the state capital question will
settle down -at the next meeting of the
Legislature as Governor Rogers favors
the purchase of the Thurston County
Courthouse, In Olympla, and transforming
It into a -statehovse.
"This Courthouse," Mr. Maloney said,
vk 'Lfe.,11
Mrs. Smith Where do you think you'll go thlsXmas?
Mr. Smith To the poorhouse. If many more bills come In like this.
"is one of the finest on the Coast. It l:
built of sandstone, at a cost of $300,000.
and the state can now purchase It for
$223,000. Including two blocks of land. Gov
ernor Rogers thinks the building, with n
few additions, can be made to do for
many years to come, while the founda
tion for the new statehouse, built by the
McGraw administration at a cost of $100,
000, can moldcr in decay as a monument
to that regime. Thurston County can
erect a neat new Courthouse at a models
ate expense, and she will thus be consid
erably ahead on the deal, while the state
at large will be set at rest in regard to
the capital location.
"In the meantime, Olympia is all right.
Her population is increasing daily, ana
she Is already the great headquarters ror
sawlogs for the mills of Tacoma and
Southern Puget Sound. Logs are haulea
In from the woods of Chehalis, Thurston
and Pacific Counties by the trainload and
dumped into the water at Olympla, to be
rafted over the smooth surface of the
Sound in loosely constructed booms. Be
sides this, the oyster business is being
built up rapidly around Olympia. ana
many of her residents are becoming well
off as a result of It. The people of the
town, therefore, have no uneasiness as to
the future of the state capital, as there
are many resources to help her become
quite a prominent city."
Court Tiotcn.
The District Attorney has filed an in
formation against William Crowston,
charging him with having feloniously
killed a dog, the property of J. C. Beaver.
Samuel Boyce has filed suit In the State
Circuit Court against Clara Boyce for a
divorce. He alleges that his wife de
serted him in December, 1S97. They were
married in October, IStS, at Vancouver,
Mao E. Hart has commenced suit in tne
Stata Circuit Court against R. A. Frame
to recover $300. According to the com
plaint the plaintiff loaned $1500 to. the
defendant in 1&, which he afterwards
agreed to repay in Installments, and only
partially did so.
A decree was rendered by Judge Cleland
yesterday in the suit of Weils. Fargo &
Co. against Charles W. Knowlee for .W2,
and foreclosing a mortgage for a large
number of lots at Arbor Lodge. The plain
tiff holds the notes as the successor of
the Commercial National Bank.
Margaret E. Cody has sued Frank J.
Cody for a divorce on the ground of cruel
treatment. She alleges In her complaint
that they were married in Portland in
June, 1SJK3, and that she was compelled
to leave her husband on April 2. 18, on
account of his actions towards her.
An order of publication was made by
Judge Cleland yesterday in the divorce
suit of Emma W. McKenzle against
George R. McKenzle, because the de
fendant is in San Francisco. The plain
tiff charges the defendant with drunken
ness, and says he left her In June last.
Judge Cleland decided yesterday that
the restraining order in the case of J. A.
Terex and A, D. Bowen against H. Ed
sell, as to the disposition of $KO of the
money received from the sale of the Port
land Tradesman, be continued In force
until the case shall come to trial.
The will of William Church was filed
for probate In the County Court yester
day. The Instrument was dated April 2.
1S87, when Mr. Church was 7B years of
age. He bequeaths $1000 to a son, Robert
G. Church, and to Eliza Church, a daugh.
ter, all of the household furniture in his
houso at 3SI Front street. They all re
ceive the rest and residue of the estate.
Best Delinters in Conpjress.
Ainslee's Magazine.
The best debaters in the Senate are
Chandler of New Hampshire and Spooner
of Wisconsin. Chandler is the keener and
more caustic of the two. Spooner has
the advantage of the spectacular surprises
of a running debate. Chandler Is more
feared as an opponent than any other
man. He has a genius for discovering the
vulnerable point In the enemy's armor,
and he Is merciless In sending his weap
pns home. Both he and Spooner are ln
variibly good-natured. Neither of them
was ever known to lose his temper In de
bate. The best debaters in .the House are
Cannon of Illinois and Moody of Massa
chusetts. It needs a great nature to bear the
weight" ot a 'great gratlude. Oulda.
The Talk; of Reorganization, Tier
AMmcxtf Comes Only From
Oatslde the Party.
To The Oregonian's Inquiry, addressed
to prominent Oregon Democrats, asking
whether or not in their opinion their
party needs reorganization, and what
means should be adopted to bring about
success in 1904, the following replies have
been received:
J. J. Whitney, of Albany, on Status
of Democratic Party.
Tour recent favor asking my views on
the question of the reorganization of the
Democratic party is at hand, and in an
swer I wish to state that the Democratic
party is organized, and not in need of
any reorganization.
The defeat of the candidates of a party
does not necessarily disorganize the oartv.
' The principles enunciated in the platforms
of the last two Democratic National Con
ventions are in accord with the principles
laid down and Indorsed by the leadens of
the Democratic party, which mean "equal
rights to all and special privileges to
In answer to that portion of your letter
which asks what means should be taken
to select candidates who reside in the
Middle States. The men nominated must
be satisfactory to the common people and
to all other business Interests of the coun
try. The platform should set forth the
demands of the people In a conservative
manner, discarding all questions that
have been settled, advocating and laying
down a policy that is Just and fair to all
classes. Much, however, depends upon
how the Republican party manages tho
affairs of the Government during the ii
I have not given any thought to the
question, of whether or not Oregon or
either one of the Congressional districts
can be carried In 1902. That will depend
somewhat on the surrounding circum
stances and the condition that the busi
ness interests are in at said time.
In answer to that portion of your letter
which says, "Do you think that the de
feat of 1000 could have been avoided," I
answer. "No." The Democratic party In
the lastNational convention was bound and
urn adopt a platform that was satisfac
tory to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan was in the
lead, and the Democrats, Populists and
Free-Silver Republicans alike were' all
clamoring for his nomination. That por
tion of the Democratic party who sup
ported Mr. Bryan, together with Its al
lies, the Populists and Free-Silver Re
publicans, would not have been satisfied
with any other candidate or any different
platform, and consequently there was no
other way that could nave been adopted
by said convention. If Mr. Bryan had
been defeated In the convention that nom
inated him, for the time being, and dur
ing the following campaign, it would
have had a tendency towards disorgan
izing the Democratic party and Its allies,
and the men nominated would have been
The Inquiry naturally follows, "Could
there have been a better vote secured for
Mr. Bryan?" I answer, "Yes." Mr.
jowne was very much stronger than. Mr.
Stevenson, Mr. Towne was satisfactory
to the Peoples party and to the Free-Silver
Republicans, while Mr. Stevenson was
not satisfactory to either faction. Mr.
Bryan's position on the Philippine war
was unpopular, and his position on the
business interests of the country aided the
Republican party and lost him votes.
... n J. J. WHITNEY.
Albany, Or.
E. A. Boyd on Needs of Democratic
Replying to your letter soliciting a
brief statement of ray views as to
the questions propounded by you concern
ing the Democratic party, permit me to
say that as the subject presents itself to
me, no successful attempt can be made to
reorganize It. In attempting such reor
ganization, it must be assumed either
that tho party Is disorganized, or, how
ever compact an organization it may now
have, based upon the principles It has
advocated, it Is necessary to reorganize
It npon other and different principles em
bodied in a platform at -variance with
that upon which it acted in the recent
National campaign. It cannot be ad
mitted that a party that cast over 7.O00.000
votes at the recent election Is disorgan
ized; and therefore, upon that score', no
reorganization could be attempted. x
The party that recently polled so large
a vote did so mainly In advocacy of the
principles set forth in the Kansas City
platform, and a different cast of prin
ciples would not appeal to Its present
constituency, but would lead simply to
the abandonment of. Its existing organiza
tion, with its large following, and the
attempt to organize tho party under the
same name, with other principles, with
the hope that the old rank and file will
desert the present and rally round a new
standard, with sufficient new recruits to
carry the day.
Could this be expected? Is It to be
supposed that any such radical change
would attract the support of those who
recently fought under the ' Democratic
banner, or a sufficient number tp Insure
success? Such an attempt would hazard
the very existence of the party, and
would prove abortive. But suppose such
reorganization were thought proper, who
would reorganize it? Shall we be de
livered over to the tender mercies of
"our friends, the enemy"? Or shall we
call upon those to shape our destiny who
deserted us and went over to the Repub
licans, and. In fighting us, "out-Heroded
Herod"? Those, heretofore prominent in
tho Democratic party, who owed all
their public preferment to that old party,
which Is almost coexistent with the Na
tion, but who, proing ungrateful, de
serted It simply because they could not
dictate its policy, and, not satisfied with
opposing us, denounced and traduced us,
using their every endeavor to bring dis
aster upon our cause? Could these expect
to command the confidence cf thosa. they
deserted sufficiently to induce them to re
ceive their dictation?
This could not be. The veteran Demo
crat would turn to them and say, "De
part from us; if we had relied upon you,
there would be no Democratic party to
day!" Such a proposition would be a
mockery. A person, to retain influence
In any organization, must remain with it
and act with. it. He cannot abandon and
fight It. and yet expect to control it. By
such, the party could not be reorganized
They have not been mindful that every
platform is a compromise of views, and
we would have no party organization if
there were no such compromise. The
same compromise is recognized In govern
mental policy. Nearly, if not quite half,
of the population of the United States is
averse to the principles, enunciated by
the Republican party, which control our
governmental policy. But they submit,
yielding to the compromise of opinion,
since there Is no question that more good
Is accomplished by submitting and sus
taining the Integrity ol the Government,
than by abandoning and leaving the
In the same way, it must be admitted
that to maintain party organization, its
members must submit to compromise and
remain with the party, and those who
fall to recognize this lose their standing
in the party. I myself, did not think it
was wise to embody in our National plat
form opposition to expansion. I believe
in expansion, and I do not think that ex
pansion necessarily means imperialism,
as is shown by the history of the country,
and this was one of my compromises of
opinion In the recent campaign. There
was so much else that I approved in the
Democratic platform. Including its noble
stand against trusts, and so much that
I disapproved In the Republican platform,
that I gave our gallant standard-bearers
my most earnest and hearty support.
I believe that the anti-expansion plank
in the Democratic platform lost us many
votes. Then I think the platform was
too lengthy, and attempted too much.
But the great reason of our overthrow
was the apathy existing In the Democrat
ic party itself, which was due to the fact
that it did not have sufficient funds to
pay the expenses -of its campaign or
ators and send out the necessary litera
ture to create the enthusiasm sufficient
to Induce Its rank and file to turn out
and vote. Then, again, it must be ad
mitted that party discipline is much more
observed in the Republican party than in
the Democratic. The Republican party
had sufficient means at Its disposal to
make an active campaign In nearly every
district, and even hamlet, of the United
States, while the Democratic party had
so little means that, outside of a few
"leaders." no canvass was made, and
therefore the Democrats, hearing only the
opposition In a large portion of the coun.
try, became discouraged, and evidently
must have remained away from the
polls. At least, they did not turn out
and vote on election day, as did the Re
publicans. This Is shown by the vote. Take Uma
tilla County. We registered last Spring
some 4G00 votes, but voted this Fall only
a little over 3600, being about 1000 less,
and the bulk of these, I think It might
have demonstrated, were largely Demo
cratic. I hold that this Is not a Repub
lican County, where party lines are drawn
and the voters turn out. The Republicans
had only 150 majority of the votes cast,
and lacked some 400 of having a majority
of the votes registered and certified; and
the State of Oregon polled about 20.000
votes less than Its actual registered and
certified vote. The Republicans did not
get a majority of the voters of the state,
lacking some 4000 votes. Twenty per cent
of the voters did not vote, and this ap
athy seems to have been the rule all
over the country, and evidently affected
the Democratic party mostly. Further,
there were many who were discouraged
by our defeat In 1896, which caused the
desertion of fair-weather friends. The
party In power always has an advan
tage, in that It has so many that are
Immediately dependent upon its patron
age all over the country, and, being
mostly young and vigorous, they are
active In socking recruits.
These are mainly the cause of the de
feat of the Democratic party In 1900.
Now, If the party will take up and dis
cuss all National Issues practically, and
not endeavor to cover too much ground
In Its platforavand striving for the great
est good to the Nation and people, effect
a most thorough precinct organization.
and through this means bring out its
vote, we may look for success in 1902 and
1504; for, after all, as I predict, the re
sult of the recent election may not prove
to be what is to be desired by the coun
try, and in that event the majority of
the electors wllo have so ordered It will
see that they have themselves to blame;
and, although all must now gracefully
submit, upon an appeal made to the
people on a motion for review, they will
be likely to reverse their present decision
and place the Democratic party In power
again. JE, D. BOYD.
Pendleton, Or.
Samuel Wliltc, of Baker City, Says
"Let It Alone."
In response to your favor of recent date,
asking for my views on the subject of
the "reorganization of the Democratic
party, etc., I will say that I do not know
what you mean by reorganization. If you
mean to ask if I think it necessary to turn
down Mr. Bryan and all the present lead
ers of the party at the behest of Don
M. Dickinson. Cleveland, Whitney, Bynum
and others of their ilk, who contributed
toward the defeat of the Democratic
party at the two Presidential elections,
and made Mr. McKlnley's election possi
ble, I answer emphatically, "No."
There Ik. and can be no reason for a
reorganization on such a basis, or for any
such purpose, and the same would not be
tolerated or considered for k moment by
the rank and file of the Democratic party.
God Almighty and the American people
hate a traitor, and the masses composing
the Democratic party will never reward
traitors by following their leadership,
These men and their following, If they be
not satisfied with the present leadership
and management of the party, had better
remain In the Republican camp, where
they have been for the past four years,
if they wish to take an active part in
party management They certainly will
never be taken into the Democratic party
again, except upon the Methodist doctrine
of probation. Under the leadership of
such men the party degenerated from a
party of principles Into a party almost
without principles, willing to advocate
anything to get into power. They brought
the party to that condition where every
money speculator, tariff-grafter, and special-privilege
parasite was as willing to
contribute to the campaign committee of
th Democratic party as he had ever been
to the campaign- committee cf the Repub
lican party. And it made but little dif
ference to all such which party was suc
cessful at the pols. for, having contribut
ed to both, they worked their graft on
whichever ono was in power. It was this
same element that butchered the Wilson
bill in the interest of tariff-grafters, and
made Mr. McKinley repudiate "our plain
duty" to Porto Rico, and in so doing
caused him and a Republican Congress
to violate the Constitution, give the lie
to the. Declaration of Independence and
the contentions cf that nobis army of
pntriots wno made It possible for us to
enjoy the blessings of a republic, and thus
made us appear, not only In our own eyes,
but in the eyes of the world, as a nation
so consumed by greed and avarice that
we had ceased to be actuated by those
purer and holier motives of Justice, honor
and right ,
If you mean, "Does the party need a
reorganization of Its principles?" I again
answer, "No," as there is no need for a
reorganization on such a basis. The prin
ciple of equal rights for all and special
privileges for none, and the principle of
a government of, for and by the people,
for which the Democratic party has ever
stood, as contradistinguished from a gov-,
eminent or, for and by a class, for which
the Republican party now stands, will
outlive any man or set of men; and, when
the party has ceased to exist, these prin
ciples will endure and be contended for
by the masses of the people as long as
there is a semblance of the Republic left
The Democratic party Is founded on
certain principles of government as en
during as time, and whatever position it
may take on arty question of govern
mental policy must and will be deter
mined with reference to these fundamental
principles. Therefore it Is impossible at
this time to say what the Issues of the
campaign of 1904 will be. There certainly
will be no departure from the funda
mental principles of the party In any po
sition it may take on the questions of
Government policy then before the people,
and the party will pay bur little heed to
the criticism of all sucli old leaders here,
tofore repudiated by It
In order to secure success in 1904, Dem
ocrats need but to adhere closely to the
cardinal principles of Democracy as enun
ciated by Jefferson, and trust the Repub
lican party to become so bold In its Im
perialistic departure from the principles
of the Republic, so wild, reckless and ex
travagant in its administration of
affairs, and so notoriously open in
its surrender to the wolfish greed
and avarice of the trusts and other tariff
created and favored classes, that a day
of settlement of the Republican party's
stewardship will surely come about at no
very distant day. The Republican party
has promised the people such a wonderful
amount of prosperity from Its trust-breeding
tariff laws, Its expansion policy on
the imperial basis, its reckless and ex
travagant war in the Philippines, which
is being conducted In the interest of the
rich American exploiter (another favored
class), that when the day of settlement
does come, and It certainly will come
within the next four years. Republicans
will have trouble enough of their own
without worrying about Democratic reor
ganization. When the cheap labor from the Orient
comes pouring through the Philippines
to the Pacific Coast, and enters Into com
petltl6n with our' laboring classes the
frothy patriotism rampant In the land
during the last election will quickly sub
side. The laboring men will then have
an object-lesson which will appeal more
powerfully to their stomachs than did the
argument of the "full dlnner-palL" They
will then be able to see that the retention
of the Philippines is in the interest of
the rich exploiter and not In the interest
of the laboring men of the Pacific Coast
The defeat of 1900 could not have been
avoided. The American people in that
election were simply drunk on a false
patriotism, and their eyea were blinded
by the dazzling allurements of territorial
acquisition. Abe Lincoln once said; "You
can fool some of the people all the time,
all the people some of the time, but you
cannot fool all of the people all of the
time." The Democratic party has but to
continue the battle on the old line of its
fundamental principles, shaping Its course
upon the new questions as they arise In
accordance therewith, leaving the Repub
lican party in its folly to do the rest
and the triumph of Democracy will sure
ly come, if there be any truth in old
Abe's saying, and I for one believe there
Baker City, Or.
Stephen Jewell Says Democracy Is
In regard to your question con
cerning reorganization of the Democratic
party, permit me to say that the party
was effectively reorganized at Chicago
four years ago. Under the leadership of
uch men as Cleveland, Carlisle and Gage
the party had become almost as disrepu
table a3 the party of Mark Hanna and
William McKinley. But at the time when
it seemed that we were without God, and
without hope In the world, W. J. Bryan
came to our rescue and succeeded in ral
lying to the old Democratic banner 7,000,
000 of the truest and bravest men that
ever lived In the world at any one time.
We are Just as well organized as the
conditions of the country will allow. If
there are men In our ranks who believe
that money Is more precious than Inno
cent blood and National character, they
should go to the Republican party, where
they belong. Our success In the future
will depend on our ability to enlighten
Northern Republicans. The people of
tho South are fully awake to the dan
gers that now threaten our American in
stitutions. This Is abundantly proven by
the overwhelming majority given for
Bryan In the recent election. '
The South is the home of true Jeffer
sonlan Democracy. The Southern people
surpass any other people on the globe
for intelligence, hospitality and patriot
Ism. Yes, the democratic party" Is all
right, the Kansas City platform is all
right, and W. J. Bryan Is all right The
principles of the Democratic party are
as eternal as the throne of heaven. The
doctrine of human equality will live when
Republican carpetbaglsm shall have been
forgotten. STEPHEN JHWELL.
Grant'B Pass. Or.
Story of Early Life of Llpton, the
Famous English Yachtsman.
Sir Thomas J. Llpton, who has again
Issued his challenge to American yachts
men and will once more compete for the
cup, Is now an extremely wealthy man,
but has had a varied career, relates the
Saturday Evening Post. Years ago he
was In America as a poor man. and was
at one time a street-car driver In New
Orleans. He hadn't a dollar to his name
when he went to work for the street rail
road company. He only drove his car
one month. At the end of that time the
employes went out on a strike. And Tom
Llpton he was known as plain Tom In
those days had to hunt a new Job. A lit
tle after that he was going from house
to house obtaining orders for a crayon
portrait concern. In the evenings he gen
erally amused himself by playing on his
vlojln. He owned a pretty good violin
one he had brought over from Scotland
with him and he loved. It above any of
his few earthly possessions.
He became acquainted with a merchant
In New Orleans who was fond of music,
and nearly every night Llpton went to
the merchant's shop and played the. old
Scotch airs he so loved. One night when
Llpton was on his way to the shop he
beard the clanging of fire bells and saw
tho people running In the street. He
turned the corner and discovered that
his friend's shop was in flames. The vio
lin was in the shop.
Llpton dashed through the fire lines
and reached the place. The building was
all in a blaze, but th'e front door was
open. Without an Instant's hesitation he
rushed Into the store, made his way
through the stifling, blinding smoke to
where his precious violin lay in Its case
at the back of ths building, picked It
up and staggered back to the door again.
As he rushed out into the streeet a big
policeman caught him by the collar.
"It's my property," gasped Llpton,
"Oh, it Is? Well, you come along with
So Llpton was detained until the pro
prietor of the store could be found., but
all the time he hung on tight, to his
W"aen Llpton. left New Orleans bo had
just.$lS. Ho went to New York and 6i
talned employment on the Anchor Llni
steamer which was scheduled to aall tin
next day. On the trip across the At.
lantlc Upton amused himself In off houn
by playing his violin. He played so well
that he attracted the attention of thi
passengers, and the big Scotchman ,wa
the principal performer one night at a
concert in the saloon.
Subject to Sumptuary Lavrs and
Other Trying- Restrictions.
London Express.
Bank clerks generally look so sleek and
comfortable, and are almost Invariably s
well groomed, that their grievances rarelj
receive a patient hearing. One who wai
recently dismissed for the terrible crim
of smoking a pipe in a city cafe during
one of the hours sacred to what is called
by city courtesy lunch, writes giving a
list of restrictions which he declares ari
No clerk is allowed to smoke a pipe is.
the streets during banking hours, or at
lunch. The average clerk's salary Is not
so very high, but. nevertheless, he must
wear a silk hat and come to the office
dressed as one with double the salary.
Wearing a cap to business Is not to be
thought of. as It Is an unpardonable of
fense In the eyes of the bank officials.
The salary of the average bank clerk
ranges from about 35 shillings per week,
but In many banks the salary Is much
lower, and the chances of promotion very
A clerk's money 13 greatly diminished
by his having to subscribe to numerous
funds, such as a "sports" fund, to keep
tho cricket or football ground In order,
whlih he himself Is never able to see.
Saturday Is no holiday for him, as ho
does not leave the office on those days
until about 4 or 5 o'clock. It must not bo
supposed that the day's work of a bank;
clerk ends with the closing ot the bank
to customers; in fact, it only begins at
that time.
H . Beyrie, Seattle
H C March. Seattlo
D XUvere. N T
B W Pope, USA
F J Layer. Mlnnpls
George Schalnurick;
Miss Blethen, Seattl.
Miss Marlon Blethen.
John J Shaughnessy,
San Francisco
Florence A Smart S F
Maude Thompson. S F
' w x.iooy, n x
C fi L&nsbam, N T
C B Markham
DrCB Darrln, W W
a unmann. .n r
Mrs A Kuhn, Colfax
W J Hotchkln.- San Fr
Henry Doyle & w, S F
Mrs P O Gates, Ark
H R Burke. S F
Q D Stuart Syracuse
Wm Wallace. USA
C G Jacobs. Oregon C
M & Mrs N Camp,
Ed Leszynskr. S F
H B Reynolds, S F
T Daniel Frawley
Miss Mary Van Buren
Miss Alice Johnson
D H McCartney '
Gua HoffBtadt Cluro
E N Doty
W A WaUIs. Moro
J W Fox. Montana
J V Prosser. St Paul
A P Leonard & wife,
South Bend. Wash
Mrs I C Jenks & can,
C Walker. Ludlow
P McDonald. Chicago
F C Robertson, Mont
J S Klftt San Fran
Geo B Malres, Phlla
H B Pennell. San Fr
Wm R Bradshaw, StL
F V T Lee. San Fran
Mrs Wm Ingles, To
ronto John Kelgar. San Fran
J rS Forrest N Y
ceo atrachar. n x
D Corlmer, St Joe
C R Paul. Chicago
F D Newberry. Phlla
Geo W Solomon. St L
E H Morrison
H S Relnsteln. San Fr
G Coleman. Vancouver
D N iicPherson.
F M Munger & wf. S F
C H callender & wife.
Miss Frances Holden,
John W McDonald, Jr,
San Francisco
C A Llndsley. Llttlo
Falls. Minn
E Mansfield. St Louis
M H Thomson. San Fr
A J Mlnard. Chicago
Miss Colllhs. Mllwk
H B Hegarth & son
Robert Hewett
Wm Ingles, Toronto
a C Smith, Lewlston
Ben Mitchell, city
H Barnett, wf & two
children. Tacoma
S H Stewart. Salt L
J Jones, Spokane
Mrs Jones, Spokane
O f Savage, city
W J Hlslop, Starbuck
D A Magulre. do
W T Leach. Wallula
Isaac Van Norton.
Cleveland, Wash
Ted Baker. N T
Thos F Baylls, Omaha
Mrs T F Baylls. do
H Losee. Neb
F C Dobler, Cornucopia
J B Wilson, Chicago
Mrs Wilson. Chicago
Wm Livingston. S F
Edgar L Beever, Elma
B i" Baxter, San Fran
Mrs J H Botsford
M E McNally. Tacoma,
A B Little. Houlton
Geo W Gale. Tacoma
Mr P J Magglo. Low
ell. Mass
G H Schafer. Dawson
W J Barnes. Seattle
S NIelson, Tacoma
J T Jett. Helena
F it Smith. Helena
Mrs C G Gilbert. Spok
John P Haley, Wallace
Mrs J P Thomson,
Geo Brown. Duluth
Geo W Haslop, N Y
J Doran & w, Seattle
Miss Nellie Hammond,
Mrs Fanny Hammond.
C H Hemstreet Goble
Wm Warrington. N Ti
Samtel Greene, Seattle
H F Burt, Chicago
Mrs Burt, Chicago
N W Kline, Dawson
G W Bishop, Monmth
B F Mulkey, Monmth
3 Johnson, Kelsa
Mrs Johnson, Kelso
Hortenso Kimball. Sa
lem, Or
O P Graham. Warren
ton FHtnk E Edwards,
Corral lis
J A Benson. Case Lks
Mrs "W F Slaughter, St
iieiens. ur
E C Smith. Lewlston
C F Alnsworth. St PI
D Fravel, San Fran
Mrs Fravel. San Fran
Master Fravel. San Ft
Mrs S A Gibson. S F
Arthur Gibson. S F
Wendell Hall, Hon
olulu Mrs Lueddemann, An
telope R E Jordan
Mm R E Jordan
H M Swartz. Vancvr
Glenn Howell, Wald-
L R Stlnson. Salem
P D Gilbert. Alriny
L S Lopran, Eugene
W H Moore. Moro
S French. Dalles
Mrs French. Dalles
Geo R Vernon, Jr.
Grass Valley
J O Elrod. Moro
Henry Blackman,
Fred A Edwards, Eu-
Sarah Miller. Victoria
F J Fye. USE Dept,
Fort Stevens
W S Chapman, do
Chas Kedmond. spokn
Mrs Drester & dtr.
Mrs A W Carr. Tacoma
A W Carr. Tacoma
A D Craln. Junction Cy
Gertrude Smith, do
C W. Knowles, Manager.
C H BalL Spokane
Otto J Wilson. Salem
Walter Lyon, Salem
Chas F Battene. S F
J R Amory. N T
G F Grambler, Denver
Miss Patterson, Hunt
ington. Miss McMurren. Bak G
Miss Musageer. do
10 F Van Do Water,
Walla Walla
G F Brown, Corvallls
S Bicknell. Corvallls
Jofln Rleriers. Amster-;
B F Matlock. Eugene
E S Morgan, city
G C Mlllett. June City
w S Montgomery,
Castle Rock
Mrs Montgomery, do
A H Stevens, St Paul
S E Wlllard. McMinn
C D Defferdlng. S F
Mrs Defferdlnir. S F
E H Deer, St Louis
W L Dudley. Seattle
Master Dudley, do
L E Ensign, Tuba -Cy
D A Asbury, McMinn
Vf T. Bradshaw. Dalles
S Normlle, Astoria
Mrs Normlle, do
E D Connor, Astoria
Frank Bender, do
M O Lownsdale. La
C J Riley. Frawley Co
ti c cushman, do
Otto Gllstrop. S F
E H Morrison. Lafleld
D B Huntley, Ind
Mrs Huntley. .Indj,.
Mrs H M
Salt Lake .T "
Miss Cushlmr. do
Mrs A Clough. do
Miss Clough. do
W B Leland. N T
Miss N Eax, Seattle
Miss Chambers, South
Miss Starr, do
Geo A Devlne. Sumptr
W L Broyce. Ft Stvns
Louis O Lester, do
J L Begrdsler. do
P C Hetzler. SratM
C -Kv Thompson, vic
tor, J G M Co
B A Allen. Los Angls
R N Gordon. Chicago
W A Hubbard, Minn
Geo W Lynde, city
J B Edwards, city
W W Reed. Astoria
C D Gabrlelson, Salem
W H Jackson. SumDtr
ID W Yoder. Salem
F Gabbert. Myrtle Crkl
Thos Armarell, Elma,
Miss Gabbert, do
Rev E Korke, Llbets
Hotel BrunnTriclc. Seattle.
European; first-class. Rates. 75c and up.
One block from depot. Restaurant next
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, $3 and up,
Donnelly Hotel, Tacoma.
European plan. Rates. 50c and up.
A well-known authority on bacteriology
says -that all kinds of diseases may bo
traced to the eating of unwashed fruit,
and particularly of unwashed grapes.
After washing some grapes which had
stood for a long" time la a basket on a
fruit stand, the man of science found
that the water contained tubercle bacilli
in sufficient quantities to kill a guinea
pig in two days.
Artificial silks are made of wood fiber,
dissolved to a glue-like consistency by
acids, forced through holes In glass and
drawn out Into threads.
Pacific Coast Steamship Go.
The company's steamships;
Cottage City. Senator and
Al-Kl leave TACOMA 11 A.
M., SEATTLE 0 P. M.. Dec.
1. 6. 11. 16. 21, 26. 31: Jan.
5. 10. 15, 20. 25, 30; Feb. 4.
Steamer leaves every fifth
day thereafter. For further
information obtain company's
The company reserves the right to change
steamers, sailing dates and hours of Bailing,
without previous notice.
AGENTS N. POSTON, 210 Washington st,
Portland, Or.
F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Doek. Ta
coma. Ticket office. CIS First ave.. Seattle. M.
TALBOT. Convt Act.; C TV. MILLER. Asit,
Gen'l Agt. Ocean Dock, Seattle. GOODALL,
PERKINS fe CO., General Agents, Su t
Cisco. -
J- t -