14 THE SUKDAY OREGOyiAS, POKTIAND, DECEMBER 23, 1900. LEADING SOCIAL EVENTS Assembly Ball TrrentietH Century Club Parts Hops and Entertain ments. The Assembly Club bill "Wednesday night was, of course, the social event of the week. The decorations were for tho most part suggestive of Christmas, ever greens and holly. There were holly wreaths garlxndlng the Iron rods that reach across overhead from wall to wall, and the walls themselves were hung with the glossy green, gemmed with scarlet berries. The punch .bowl, which occupied a table In the alcove, wae wreithad about with holly. There was one unique feature, the circular grove of palms and other tropical verdure that, had been planted In the center of the hall, and which lent a charming effect to tho whole scene, lit up by the softly-shaded overhead lights. Of the patronesses mentioned In last Sunday's announcement but four were in active service. They were Mrs. Holt C. "Wilson. Mrs. John A. Shepard, Mrs. Allen Lewis and Mrs. C. E, S. Wood. Supper was served down stair In the remodeled supper-room, from 13 to 1:30 o'clock. The music ws even better than usual. Of the original .members of the Assem bly Club, 13 years, ago, hut three chanced to be present "Wednesday night. They weTs Mr, JFreO, GJlmccre, :,Mr "Whitney 33olse dnd Mr. Ik3 Lc$US It Isiprjc tically arndw" set "that aances'at the balls' this "Winter. The Vancouver "contingent was in evidence, several of the officers and their wives coming over for the occa sion. Some of the gowns worn were more elegant than anything hitherto seen in Portland. Mrs. C. E. S. "Wood wore a pink toilet, Mrs. Allen Lewis a yellow Fllky crepe, embroidered In gold; Mrs. Holt "Wilson -was all In cream white lace. Mrs. Shepherd's gown was a Paris Im portation of white satin, richly embroi dered with roses, the corsage trimmed with point lace and sparkling with dia monds. There was one very effective black toilet, with which was worn hut a. single dash of color, a pinlc pon pon in the hair. i The Twentieth Century Qlub, which danced at, Parsqns Thursday evening, had the benefit of the ' assembl ys" ballroom decorations, and appreciated them -fully. Tho "Wednesday Night Assembly Club, which is a social organization, distinct .andeapnet from the Assembly Club prQjtir.'will dance the old year out and the "hew year In at -Burkhard's. The "Wednesday Night Social Club gave" a party "Wednesday, of this week, at Burk hard's Hall, and at the same place Mon day night the Misses Maxonls fourth monthly hop occurred. The hall was beautifully decorated with ferns and -evergreens. Lemonade wa served throughout the evening, and there was no lack of good music and good dancers. This popular hall was the scene of an other very delightful affair Friday even ing, when the Martha "Washington Social Club gave the third hi a series of parties. AGATHA. WEDDINGS. Kllppel-Brelthanpt. December 16, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Damascus, Charles "W. Kllppel, of Portland, and Miss Myrtlo Brelthaupt werd married by Elder Partch. The brldo wore a gown of white organdie, and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Af ter the ceremony the couple repaired to the dining-room, where tables were set for them and a large company of invited guests. After a bounteous repast the groom brought his bride to his father's resldenceln Portland .where, theyremained a few hours, when they departed on the O. B. & N. for Salt Lake. City. 3rlde and groom and well known In Portland. After December 25 Mr. and Mrs. Kllppel will be at home at 1C02 TJniqa avenue. Klernnn-Yan Meter. A quiet wedding was solemnized In this city "Wednesday, December 12 at 8:30 o'clock, at the residence of 'the bride's parenta, S13 Savler street. The -contracting parties were Miss Cora Van Meter and "Will E. IClernan. Iter. G. "W. Guo officiated. The parlors were prettily dec orated for the occasion with " Oregon grape and carnations. Only relatives and a few Intimate friends witnessed tho cere mony, which was performed under a beautiful arch. The bride was attired in dainty white silk organdie. She carried an arm bouquet of bride roses. Mr. and Mrs. Klernan will be a. homo to their many friends at C4 East Stark. Swecney-Xclcken. ,, At St. Patrick's Cathedral. Monday, J. "W. Sweeney and Miss Elizabeth Ndoken were united In marriage by 'Rev. Father Murphy. Tho bride was gowned, in white satin and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Miss Clara Neicken, as bridesmaid wore a charming gown of pink. A. reception and wedding supper was held at thte jt'- " J JOU bride's parents', after which Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney left for a two months trip to New York. They will return to Port land to reside. XlobertN-Minor. A very delightful but quiet wedding oc curred at the residence of Mr. A. A. Rob erts, 210 Seventh street, Portland, "Wed nesday evening. Decemoer 19. Mr. Frank Roberts, of Heppner, Or., and Miss Etta Minor, of Portland, were the contracting parties, and In the presence of a few In vited guests the Rev. J. F. Ghormley pro nounced the words which made them man and wife. The happy couple left yester day for their new home in Heppner. McGlasImn-SlIter. Thomas Lincoln McGlashan and Miss Charlotte Maude Sllter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sliter, were married at high noon, "Wednesday, December 19, by tho Rev. Mr. Parker. In the evening at 1033 Mabel street. South Portland, the fu ture home of the newly; married couple, a very pleasant and largely attended re ceptlon'was held. Mr. and Mrs. McGlash an will be at home to their friends on "Wednesdays after January 1. Mnllen-Thiel. A very pretty wedding took place Satur day evening at 161 "West Park street, when John C. Mullen and Anna Thlel were mar ried by Rev. Dr. Wilson. The bride was gowned in silver-gray silk and carried bride roses. Miss Lena, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and R. T. Edmonston, best man. The parlors were tastefully decorated with palms and ferns. The brldo's bouauet was caught by Miss Birdie Wise. I'lglcy-McCabe. A pleasant wedding took place Tuesday evening,- December IS, at the residence of Mrs. Counties, 335 Alder street, Mr. John A. Hlgley being married to Mrs Carrie McCabe. Dr. Alexander Blackburn performed tho ceremony. Their future homo will be at Woodburn, Or. FerklnN-Mniinn. A quiet home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. E. H. Bertroche, Sunnyeide, on the evening of December 19, 1900, when Mr. Floyd A. Perkins and Miss Rosa May Mason, of this city, were united in matrimony by Rev. H. H. Cro sier. Axtel-James. At the home of the bride's parents, Portland, P. C Axtell and Mettle James were united in marriage, the Rev. J. F. Ghormley officiating. 4 - Euprngrement. Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis, of Seattle, Wash., announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith, to Mr. Dave Ackerman, of Portland. IN AND ABOUT PORTLAND. Auxiliary Anniversary. Mrs w T Bod'ev entertained the A CHRISTMAS HINT. "reiSgs iCopyrfght. TtOOO. There 14j Delta, by the fireplace. And ner cnetks are all arlorr; Chltfiren asked'oer If she'd stay AM wait fcr Siats, Claus, ybu know. Camp H Auxiliary at her home. 1S5 Sev enteenth street, North, on Monday, De cember 17 1900; The -oecaslpn. was the second anniversary of the society, which was organized two years ago while the boys were In JIanlla, as an auxiliary to Company H, Second Oregon, and alter the return of the regiment, reorganized without disbanding Into, an auxiliary to Company E As a love token from the members, Mrs. Freeman presented the hostess with a brooch pin, and soon, alter came a hlg bouquet from the boys of Company H. There were 35 members present, and all did justice to the refres xnents served by the young ladles. Coming: Events. The Arlon Society announces that the dance of the Auxiliary wIH be held Jan uary 1, at Arlon Hall, and Invitations will sooa.be issued. 'The-December party of the Teller-Miller Club will take place Friday evening at Parsons Hall. The patronesses will be Mrs. Charles Hilton, Mrs. F. M. Bachelor and Mrs. Edward Lyons. For the Benefit of the Poor. A delightful entertainment was given Sunday evening at the Arlon Hall by the Sisters of Israel Benevolent Society, the proceeds of which will go for the benefit of the deserving poor. The success of the evening was mainly due, to Mrs. L Dantoff and Mrs. I. Friedman, the presi dent and first trustee of the society.. Surprise Party. . Monday night a number of Miss Eva Taylor's friends surprised her by calling In a body to spend the evening. They were all -masked and amused themselves and their hostess variously with music, games and refreshments. PEOPLE COMIXG AXD GOING. Miss M. Greenough left on Tuesday for San Francisco Miss Habersham is on a visit to rela tives at Astoria. Miss Grace Hobson left for her home at The Dalles on Friday. v. Mn. A. G. Barker and Miss Bess Bark er have returned from the East. Miss Cella Abrahams has returned from a year's sojourn .In California. Miss Allle A. Loeb left last week "for San Francisco to visit friends dufing'the holidays. Miss Leila McKay returned early In the week from her trip to the post at Vancouver. Miss Hattie Ricks, of Bonneville, was the guesets of Misses Nellie and Sava Hen derson this week. Mrs. B. P. Bodley Is spending the holi days with her daughter, Mrs. H. A. GIbba, at South Bend, Wash. Hon. H. E. McGinn left Friday night for a visit to his parents in Los Angeles. He will return January 5. Mlss'Gussie Funk, of Redland. Or., Is on a visit at the Portland Woman's Un ion, to Miss Hattie Gaskell. Miss Godena Erlck left last night for I a two weel s' trip to San Francisco, to spend Chrl tmas with relatives. Miss Rub' Groat, of The Dalles, has como to Portland to attend business col lege, and Is residing at the Portland Woman's Union. Mrs. J. M. t 'albert has moved from Sal mon street tc 15 North Eleventh, corner of Burnslde, ind will be at home to her friends every rriday afternoon. A Roderick Grant, accompanied by his wife, left for t visit to his mother in Montreal. Ther will go to New York. Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and other Eastern cities. Furs Tor the Holiday. A useful and appreciated Holiday gift is a fur boa, collarette, cape or Jacket. In making a selection at G. P. Rummelln & Son's, 12G Second street; ,near Washington, you can rely absolutely upon their Judg ment and adlce. Among the newest things of the seasqn are, the long Alaska bear boas and pointed sable fox!" Stylish Dreinen That Fit. Mrs. M. Abrahams, 300 Fourth, corner Columbia, has made an extraordinary rec ord In the dressmaking line In the year incf Pinsinir. Lowest prices, combined j with the most perfect productions In fit and finish, have maae ner success nouaie this Fall. Hnyler's Confections, Allesrretil's Chocolates, Are the proper sweets In social circles. 1000 pounds of these delicious triumphs of tho confectioner's art were received by Woodard, Clarke & Co., yesterday. Special Invitation. You can spend a pleasant hour of two examining the fine line of framed pic tures and picture frame moulding at San born, Vail & Co.. 1T0 First, 171 Front street. Store open evenings. ' Indian "Wnste-Bnsliets, Direct from Sitka, arrived; also three Skokomish. very rare. Navajo blankets, selected. Mrs. Frohman's Basket R6oms, 121 Thirteenth. On sale Monday. Late Arrlvnls. imported miniature frames from Paris, New casts, new picture effects, and photo frames. Visitors always welcome. Bern stein's, 207 Washington street. "Jolly Orcgonlans" calendar at Bern stein's. St. Ann's Charitable Society will give a musical and. literary entertainment Fri dnv evenlnsr Janbarv 4 it the Wstern William R. MHIer.) Santa Claus, I think yoa'ra craxyt You're an Idiotic clownl , Don't j-ou see this dear siri wa'tlcgr WeretI you, I'd hurry doirn. Jcaa C H&ves. JCCaderoy of Muslc. Tickets, 23 cents; for sale'bys any of Ihr'members. - fix . . J. OREGON. . " Salem. . , Mrs. J", S. Foster has Joined "h?r husband at Pasadena, CaL '" I, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence are vis Intlng in Portland. -"'-" O. P. Coshow, of Roseburg, Is the guest of Salem relatives. Mrs. I. S. Skiff has gon&'to Portland to visit her daughter. MM.' Phillips, of Mountrldge. Kan.. Is making Salem a visit. Mrs. E. M. Croisan has gone to Califor nia to spend the Winter. Mrs. N. H. Looney, of Jefferson, is. the guest of Mrs. S. C. Dyer. Miss Edna Hubbard Is visiting relatives at Dayton, Yamhill County. . 'Mr. and Mrs. William Brown are visit ing Portland for a few days. Miss Marie Vandersal, of Portland, i visiting her parents In this city. F. 31. Johnson, and iamlly have returned, to their home at Moscow, Idaho. . Mrs. Scott Bazprth and children have gone to Portland to spend Christmas. Horace M. Ramsey has returned from California to spend the holidays at home. Miss S. J. Evans, a teacher in the Chicago-schools, is visiting Mrs. M. B. Nich ols. Tuesday evening the members of Chad wick Chapter, O. E. S., gave a farewell reception to Mrs. Helen P. Gatch, worthy matron, and her assistant officers. The occasion was" thoroughly Informal, and was enlivened by an Impromptu pro gramme, a guessing contest, and light re freshments. Nearly 100 members and vis itors participated. Wednesday evening, at the residence ot M. E. Good&l, In this city, Miss Edna Goodcll and -Mr. Bailey Tlffany-were united In marriage. Rev. John Parsons, of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, per forming the ceremony. The home was beautifully decorated with Christmas .greens, and 9. wedding repast was served The bride and groom are two well-knowv Salens young people, and their hosts ot friends wish them a happy and prosper ous wedded life. The ladles of the High Five Club met with Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner Wednes day, and the afternoon was spent pleas antly In the pursuit of this seductive game, at which Miss Lena Breyman won first honors. The ladles present were: Mesdames H. "W. Meyers. T. C. Smith. Jr., E. C. Patton, Clarence Hamilton, M. O. Buren, G. F. Rogers: Misses Lena Breyman, Lou HIrsch, Genevieve and Etn el Hughes and Jessie Breyman. The next meeting of the Club' will he with Mrs. R. P. Boise, Jr. on January 3, 1901. Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prael, of Falrhaven, Wash., are Visiting relatives In this city. Miss Violet Bowlby-has returned from a three weeks' visit with, friends in Port land. Gus Woods has returned from. Berkeley and will spend Christmas holidays at home. . r Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch have re turned .from an extended visit to East ern Oregon points. Dr. W. C. Logan has gone to Alamedi, Cal.r where he will join nls family and remain a few weeks. Mrs. Elmore and daughter, Floretta, left last week for Oakland, cal., where they will stayfor some time. Mrs. Emma Gallaway. of Oregon City, was here Thursday last, the guest or Mr. and Mrs. G. Zelgler. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Haraden and fam ily have gone Tor a month's "visit vwlth Mr. Haradan's Relatives In ,the East. The Ladles' Guild of Grace'-Church gave an enjoyable tea Friday evening, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown have re turned to their home, arteran extended stay In New York prifl other Eastern cllie&t .. t s , i , . The Young People's Society ot the Pres byterian Church gave a literary dnd so cial entertainment at the nome of Mrs. F. Lelnenweber, East Astorltt, .Friday evening. EuRenc. Dr.. C. E. Loomls is visiting with his family In Eugene. I Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, of Sa lem, visited friends in icugene the past w.eek.'t Hartford Sweet has gone to Mt. Aetna, la., nhera he will visit his parents for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frank have returnee from, a visit of several weeks with rela tives in the East. Mrs. C. M. Young and little daughter are In Portland, visiting Mrs. ioungs mother. Mrs. Comstock. t Mrs. Lizzie Thompson gave a very en joyable luncheon Thursday afternoon, to about CO of her lady friends. E. J. Frasier has gone to San Jose, where ho will -spend the holidays wltn his family, who are spending the Winter there. Mrs. F. E. Chambers, of Independence, Is visiting' at the home of Mrs. J. B. Chambers, and will remain until after tho holidays. Iloiesurs. Mrs"! W. W. Thackrah Is visiting In Cot tagu Grove. Rees P. Daniels, of Seattle, is visiting relatives near Roscburg. W. C. Gawler and son, Mftnr, left Wed nesday for Santa Rosa, Gal. Mrs. Matcie 'Mlnard has gone to Cali fornia, to spend the Winter. Mrs. M. E. Jackson, of Chemawa. Is vis iting her 'son, C. S. JacKson, here. Walter Jxsephson. who Is attending Bishop Scott Academy, is home for the holidays Miss Nellie Beverly, of, Chicago, has been visiting Mrs. 11. C. Blckett for tho past two weeks. Mrs. J. C. Twltchell has gone to Aber deen, Wash., to spend tne nolldays with relatives. Sol Abraham went to Portland this week f tyf I Diamonds I I About Our stock Is most complete, all sizes, and especial care we used In selecting them. Our cutters tell us we are among the most critical and particular firma in the United States. They are right. Our customers shall have only the very choice eems. We know what people want. We are not going to fool you and raise prices on account or tne "war in tne 'lransvaai,- elther. We will sell you a diamond at Just what they are worth. No fancy prices. And our prices will bear comparison. We make our own settings, so can give you what you want. THE G. Jewelers and Silversmiths HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS Sectional Bookcases Fountain Pens Fine Stationery Leather Goods Stamped in Gold Free. The KHhaiii Stationery Co., 267 & I. GEVURTZ & '173-T75 .4A--S- Q.'-slfv vJC J k--jC.I 4lri Jy?4 one aay hefore imas- and we have reso'ved that AJlCat 3aIi'Oi USClUl llIlTSi every fancy rocker, bookcase, 4esk, etc, must be disposed of wv -vjhb .w Monday, cost or no cost. FRAMED PICTURES SEO wArtotype Engravings, fitted with mats In a handsome gilt frame; six 18x27; sold elsewhere at J3.S0; Co r( here tomorrow at .p.vJU 200 Colored Pastels, fitted In hand some Florentine openwork gilt frames, with appropriate mats," size Co 7c 20x24; a pholce -tomorrow sfor -fOm I J 300 Art Pictures, fitted In green oak frame; glass covers; 16x20; pretty subjects; regular. JL50 7Pf Enameled Iron Clocks, brass base and trimmings; 3-d3y strike, cathedral gong; o'js-lnch dial, 104 high, 154 wide; very pretty design; omy fh4.9 Enameled Wood Clocks, black en amel or malachite finish, brass feet and side pieces; 8-day strike, cathedral chimes; 6-lneh gilt or pearl dial; 11 inches high, IS inches wide; a great bargain at $3.65 Yardsticks given away Monday be tween 9 and 12 A. M. 111. Our stock of Genuine Alaska Sealskins, bought direct from the natives of Alaska, at our trading sta'tlons In the far North, is of the best quality. When we make a Sealskin Coat it is perfect in style, fit,t quality and workmanship. We bought our sealskins before the big advance, and we are now giving the public the benefit of our foresight. COO Coats that cannot be duplicated at $300 Xmas Sate Price . $,&yJ The Boa Our stock Is complete in im ported, Domestic. Chinese, Indian, Alaskan and Calendars of every description, from c The Curio Store DEALERS IN Indian BmUets, Navajo Blanket, Souvenir China, Jlexfcnn Carved Lentlier Goods, Views of Oregon Scenery, Woodwork, Burnt Leather, Indian Pottery, Old Brass, Curios, Sea Shell and Soui enlrs of nil kinds D. M. AVERILL &XO., S3X illOKBISOX STREET. ureittitssunsuKtnnTfttratt: n m 1 HE1TKEMPER CO. . ?86 MORRISON ST. g Inkstands Gents' Pocket -Books' Ladies' Pursts :: rrison - f MS jS9L ' SiLVERFIEI 50 REDUCTION OS AIL CALENDARS AND XMAS. CARDS ' - fe 1 SONS. First Street 219-225 Ladles" Desk, solid mahogany, of e x t r e raely dainty design, French legs, twe swell drawers, claw feet, very finely polished, large French bevel mirror, for $22.50 Ladles' Desk, neat polish fin ish ' In golden oak or mahog any finish; large drawer; very special at New I" -y&A These !5iP33i 1 IUMsihiihY r pretty SS5!"S5;3, f2"Tfgwf genuine ftV56N$' M a!. JCL!. Cobbler TflTrfmT 'ftlSs6 Seat Arm !A fljJfillM H W aP,' tt Rockers. U BilH S L fl' Jk In solid Si Jjjjijjin A 9 guiuen oajs crrsM((li!l ff-L-ifjaiqf or raahog- Th?E??SHi! ttiffiJ f&&cH any finish. IMfS 5 I iPSH carved . HVswJ'&sjlL - ,j8srt- back, high SJSftaggggg-rS ? shaped fftfJT M tl Ygl? arms,"etcv; m 'kj Hf. . k kMe. jf?l special. ftS5sSrr U II B this week ' . X II fe-j-Wk S2.75 g P GENUINE ALASKA SEALSKilNS ' ' ' Beautiful The season's most favorite garment, makes an exceedingly attractive gift. We make these boas in red, Sable and blue fox; regular price $15.00. Xmas sale price- For years Collar ettes have been a very acceptable Xmas gift, and .this year has de tracted nothing from its su periority; we make them In all manner of styles. Xmas sale-price Practical People Biiy Practical Presents ' $3 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED- ID FUR MFG. CO. ..Ghrlstmas Presents,.. Nothing more appropriate or appreciate than a nice, up-to-date framed icture, which will last a lifetime, and never be forgotten. All the latest and standard subjects, at prices which will please you. Call and examine the largest line ever displayed in Portland. Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Shaving Sets AjUT) Collar and CufTSets-111 Albums 170-FHRST STREET USt USETUL For IBlllI M mSm eHOMEHJRN SHERS Yamhill St. Latest design In Co m b i n a t To n Bookcases, lik cut.in Tpretty.hlgh polish golden oak, 5 ft. 10 In. high. 2 ft.21n.ide; 4CxH gjassdoor; French berel mirror In c arved top; 4 sholves, pretty carvings, brass trimming, etc; J2S: only $1 9.90 Others as low as JM.90. This handsome Roc1ct; leather back and scat; quartered -oak o r mahogany p o 1 i sh finish; a. thing of beauty a-nd com fort at a. bargain; only $8.90 Larse Golden Oak Morris Chairs, Ilka cut, finely carved and polished, fitted with reversible v e I o u r cushions of dainty designs and latest colorings; brass rods, heavy claw feet; ac tually worth 512; sale price,- Cft QQ Store Open Evenings Till Christmas 283-285 Morrison Street Leading and Largest Furriers in the West tSS? .0RN,VAIL&C0. Picture Frames to Order Miniature Frames, Brass Portrait Frames Cabinet Frames A ' Oval Frames t Circle Frames Between Morrison and Yamhill Toys AH! FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. A splendid assortmentof all kinds at the lowest prices. Also the fin est selection of curios from Japan and China, including ivory carvings, bronzes, Satsuma, Cloisonne, deco rated porcelain ware, embroideries, etc. Visit Santa Claus' headquarters. AlUnDEU J AM f. C( Cor. Fourth and AllUIXLH in & -". Morrison Sts. AND ORNAMENTAL the Holidays A nice pair of Andirons or Fire Set. . J. Walsh - 245 Washington St SUCCESSOR TO FRANK HOLCOMB & CO. Headquarters, fgr hlgh-srade artistic fire place funjiturc. grates and erate renewals. E3tlmatcs'glen en the construction, of tile, and . brick mantels and fire-place repairing. Cailr i.'up on either 'phone. , ? 4 I