The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 16, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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WheatShipments From Port
land the Past Week,
Seven Sailers and One Steamship DIs.
patched for Foreign Ports
Record That Has Seldom
Seen Equaled.
Portland's wheat shipments for the
week ending yesterday -were over 950.0W
bushels. No other port In the United
States has shipped as much -wheat In a
single "week during the present season,
and no other port or other two ports
In the Pacific Northwest ever shipped so
njuch In two weeks, Portland exceeded
this record once In January, 1S9S, by get
ting, out something over 1,000,000 bushels
In six days, but the figures for the week
Just ended are believed to be the second
best on record for this port for a single
week. No attempt was made at record
breaking, buj. the, ships were Just hustled
along because Portland exporters had
bought the wheat and chartered the ships.
The tame exporters are all conducting
branch houses at the Puget Sound ports,
but Pprtland Js the headquarters for the
Pac'Ec Northwest, and will continue to
handle the bulk of the wheat that is pro
duced In Oregon, Washington and. Idaho,
and will supply the 'money for handling
that which Js not shipped from this port
direct. The shipments for the week were
as follows:
Vessel. Bushels.
Muskoka 129,694
Dunsyre 127,513
General Milllpet 92.329
Ardencralg ..k- 116.1G2
Marion Llchtbody 122.995
Herzogln Sophie Charlotte 119.619
X.angdale 113,955
Monmouth (flour) 128,000
Total i. 950.2CS
The Monmouthshire carried 28,000 barrels
of flour, which, reduced to wheat meas
ure, gives the amount in bushels as above.
Nearly all of the firms were represented
in the fleet. The Muskoka and Herzogln
Sophie Charlotte were cleared by Kerr,
GIfford & Co . the Dunsyre by G. "W. Mc
Near, General Mllllnet by A. Berg, Ar
dencralg by the Portland Grain Company.
Marlon L.tghtbody by the Portland Flour
ing Mills Company, Langdale by Balfour,
Gutnrle & Co , and the Monmouthshire by
T. M. Steven & Co. The total clearances
for the first naif of the month (flour in
cluded) have totaled over 1.600.000 bushels,
and, while It Is hardly probable that the
record'wIH be maintained for the rest of
the month, there will be upward of 1.000,
000 bushels go out between now and Jan
uary 1. There are 13 large carriers In the
rlvr to load and at least a dozen others
due. .and out of the fleet it will not be a
difficult matter to run the December
shipments up pretty close to the record.
Monmoutliuliire on Her Inst Voyngre
Under Present Mnnnsrement.
The steamship Monmouthshire wap
cleared yesterday for Hong Kong and
wav ports by T. M. Stevens & Co. She
carried a cargo of .28,000 barrels of flour
and a small amount of miscellaneous
cargo. The greater part of her cargo was
for Hong Kcng. and, in addition to the
flour for that port, she carries 14 bales
of cotton goods and six spars. There was
also the corpse of an Oriental for Hong
Kong, but as 'he manifest asserted that
It was of no commercial value. It Is pcr
haps not worth mentioning. For Manila
there was a shipment of 200 of bak
ing powder. The Moumouthshlre Is mak
ing her last trln in the service gf T. M.
Stevens & Co , and on her arrival ar
Hong Kong she will be turned over to
the Oregon & Oriental Steamship Com
pany, uhlch has seeured her on a time
charter for 18 months. The Monmouth
shire 's one of the fastest and best steam
ers we have ever had on the Oriental
route, and she has remained through all
the vicissitudes of changing line for the
last four years.
Shf first appeared as one of the liners
of the Oregon-Asiatic Steamship Com
pany, and when that company went the
way of Its predecessors she went back
to her old run between Liverpool and the
far East for a few trips. She was then
, secured by the Northern Pacific Steam
ship Company and operated by them on
this route until last September, when she
was taken by T. M. Stevens & Co. She
is a good ship, and has "a right good ca
taln, too," and Portlanders are glad that
the pair will remain on the route.
TTortk German Lloyd Schoolmhlp Is
Aerain Ready for Sea.
The German bark Herzogln Sophie
Charlotte, the North German Lloyd's
schoolshlp. made famous through the fact
tha4 she Is the only vessel of the kind
afloat, was cleared yesterday for Queens
town or Falmouth for orders with 119.61a
bushels of wheat, valued at $65,790. She
was dispatched by Kerr, GIfford & Co.,
and will leave down the river Monday or
Tuesday drawing 22 feet 7 inches. The
Langdale. which was dispatched yesterday
bv Balfour. Guthrie & Co., has a smaller
cargo, but draws more water. She carried
113 935 bushels of wheat, and draws 23 feet
9 Inches. Both vessels "can go througn
without difficulty. The big crew of cadets
on th Herzogln. etc, apparently take up
considerable room on the vessel, as, when
the ship was here In ISM. she carried
away 1S2.SS7 nushels of wheat, or over
13 00u bushels more than could be put
flbo-rd this time. She Is hardly down to
her mark, and with her big crew and easy
trim should make a fast run to Europe.
May Start With Coasters and Extend
to Snn Francisco.
WASHINGTON. Dec. IS. A translation
from an article from a Peruvian Journal
relative to the establishment of a na
tional steamship company on the Peru
vian oast has bsen received at the State
Department from Mr Nellh secretary of
the United States Legation at Lima. If
the crmpany meets with, success, it la
the Intention to extend the service as
far as Central America and San Frar
clsco. Several propositions. Mr. Nelll says,
are being considered by the Lima Cham
ber of Commerce with a view to afford
ing great facll'tles to the country's Indus
try and commerce. The article calls at
tention to the progress of other lines or
steamers trading on the west coast of
America, and is of the opinion that with
JKS4 400 four steamers might be purchased
for the coasting service between Africa,
and Guayaquil, with many advantages to
home traffic.
3fw Steamer Launched.
The new propeller which Messrs. Kamm,
Kellogg and Shaver have been building
as a rat-regulator for the lower rivei
trade, was launched yesterday. She was
christened the Athlon, and is one of tho
handsomest propellers that ever floated
in the Willamette. She Is built on fine
lines, and as she has good power, wilt
undoubtedly prove a fast traveler. He
dimensions are- Length, 124 feet; beam
19 feet: depth of hold, 7 feet. She is
Stn cylinders U aid 24 "SSS ftadK" ne. Drops. Cure in
"mm cylinders u ana 21 inches In dlam- j stantly; 10 and 25 cents. All druggists.
eter by IC-Inch stroke. Her boilers will
be given a license for 200 pounds of steam,
and the flrst man that starts a 15-cent
boat between Portland and Rainier wilt
have trouble on his hands and the Athlon
after him. -
Mnrlne Xotes.
The largest propeller ever made in Port
land was successfully cast at the Willam
ette Iron Works yesterday afternoon, ana
with good luck will be swinging from the
shaft of the Norman Isles in about 10
days. As stated in yesterday's paper, the
casting weighs over nine tons, and It
was cast without a flaw.
The big steamer Chlng Wo spent most
of the day yesterday at the Astoria quar
antine station, and will not reach Port
land before this afternoon.
The steamers South Portland, Despatch,
Del Norte and Fulton are at Astoria.
They are probably taking In stores, etc.
as the Astorlan Informs Its readers that
this is the only delay that ships experi
ence at the mouth of the river.
White Star Liner Disabled.
HOLYHEAD, Wales, Dec 15. The Brit
ish steamer Bohemian, Captain McCal
lum, from Boston December 5 for Liv
erpool, reports having spoken the White
Star line steamer Cuflc, from Liverpool
December 4 for New York, with her pro
peller lost, SS miles from Fastnet, in tow
of the British steamer Throstllgarth,
making for Queenstown.
Domestic and Foreign Porta.
ASTORIA, Dec 15. Arrived down at 9:40
A. M. British ship Dunsyre Condition
of th'e bar at 4 P. M., rough, with south
east gale blowing, and heavy rain.
Aatwerp, Dec 15. Sailed Westernland,
for New York.
Cherbourg, Dec 15. Sailed St. Louis,
from Southampton for New York.
New York Dec 15. Arrived Kaiser
Wllhelm der Grosse n, from Naples, etc
Liverpool, Dec 15. Arrived Belgenland,
from Philadelphia; Cymric from New
London, Dec 15. Arrived Marquette,
from New York.
San Francisco, Dec 15. Arrived Steam
er W. H. Kruger, from Gray's Harbor:
United States steamer MacArthur, from
Umpqua-'Arrlved Dec 11 Schooner
Lucy, from San Pedro.
Seattle Sailed Dec 13 Steamer Victor
Ian, for Skagway.
Port Townsend. Dec 15. Passed Steam
er Santa Ana 'rom Seattle.
Havre. Dec 15. Sailed La Normandle,
for New York.
East Side Residents to Protect Them
selves from the 'S. S. S."
At a meeting of some of the residents
of Central East Portland, held last even
ing, made up mostly of those who had
suffered damage at the hands of the
young hoodlums the past few weeks, it
was decided that the outrages shall be
suppressed. For about an hour the whole
subject was discussed. It was found that
about $150 damages had been done to
property In varlbus ways, Including the
breaking of windows, and there was a
very determined expression from those
whose property has suffered that further
toleration could not be thought of, and
that severe and effective measures should
be taken at once The throwing of stones
through windows, said one man, is liable
to cause Are by striking lamps.
It was reported to the meeting that the
police have the matter In band and are
making a thorough Investigation, and It
was decided to await the result. In the
meantime E. H. Virgil and Joseph Paquct
were requested to confer with Sheriff
Fraser and the County Commissioners
In regard to appointing several special
deputies, but not until action the police
are taking has come to a head.
Several present said they had provided
thomseLves.,wlth shotguns which they in
tended to use if their windows are brok
en again, and It is quite likely that some
boy will get hurt. If not killed. If the
gang breaks any more windows. It was
shown that the main trouble is with the
leniency with which these youngsters
have been treated In the past. Out of re
spect to their parents boys caught in
criminal acts had been let go, and they
had come to believe they were safe from
punishment. It was reported to the meet
ing that boys had been protected by their
parents and time and time again escaped
Just punishment. This has been the mot.
serious part of the whole situation. The
meeting adjourned with the assurance
that the police will handle the young
toughs with no gentle hand.
Funeral of Larkln cT Fortner.
The funeral of Larkin C. Foitner, who
died from the gunshot wound Inflicted by
a .highwayman Monday evening, took
place yesterday forenoon from the Ad
ventlst Church. Montavllla. A large at
tendance of residents was present, the
church being packed and many were un
able to get inside. Rev. J. w. Burden
conducted an impressive service, and
spoke of the peculiar sadness of the cir
cumstances of the death of the deceased.
At the close of the services at the church
the remains were taken to Bralnard cem
etery, where the burial ceremony pf the
Odd Fellows order was given. Monta
vllla Assembly, No. 158, United Artisans,
of which he was a member, turned out
largely and was associated In the funeral
with Montavllla Lodge. No. 154, I. O. O.
F. The City & Suburban Railway Com
pany sent a beautiful floral piece, the Ar
tisans furnished a floral emblem, and
there were many other tributes from
many sources.
Death, of Dr. M. If. Clarlr,
The remains of Dr. M. N. Clark, who
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Henry Moyes, at Falrvlew. will be
brought to Portland for interment to
morrow morning. Rev. and Mrs. Henry
Moyes moved to Falrvlew about a month
ago and Dr. Clark went with them. He
was a very prominent man in Maine
during the 0s, and afterwards at To
peka, Kan. He was one of the men
who helped organize and name the Re
publican party. At a county convention
of the new party formed of the Whig
element In the State of Maine, Dr. Clark
wrote and Introduced a resolution naming
the organization the Republican party.
That year the state convention adopted
the name as suggested. He was well
versed In the history of the Renubllrnn
party and was acquainted with many
prominent men.
Dr. Clark was a man of fine attain
ments. He was 84 years old and came
to Portland from ToDeka about 1SR5. tjo-
sides his daughter, Mrs. Henry Moyes,
tie aas a son living in Portland.
East Side Xotcs.
'When the Johnston yard Is cleared
work will be commenced on a new pro
peller for the Alaska Navigation Com
pany. It will be SO feet long and will be
built mainly after the lines of the tug
recently furnished for the Nehalem. Lum
ber Company. Parts of the frame are
already out and the hull will be set up
as soon as the yard is cleared.
Friday night the officers and members
of Multnomah Lodge, No. 77. Woodmen,
of the World, to the number of about
SO. went to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Wells, COO East Ankeny street, who
were married last Tuesday evening, and
tendered them a reception. Mr. Wells
had been a prominent member of the
camp, and. was pleased with the kindly
expressed good wishes of the membera.
The funeral of Frederick L. Keenan,
the well-known attorney who died De
cember 13, will take place this after
noon from St. David's Episcopal Church,
East Morrison and East Twelfth streets,
at 3 o'clock. Lone Fir cemetery will be
the place of 'interment. Washington
Lodge. No. 46, A. F. & A. M., will h&vo
charge of the services at the grave.
Members of the Portland bar will also
attend the funeral. .
(Continued from First Pag.)
most of which was also covered by tha
report of the secretary.
Officers were unanimously re-elected as
Directors Mrs. Harriet McArthur and
H. W. Scott.
President H. W. Scott.
Vice-president Judge C. B. Bellinger.
Secretary Professor F. G. Young.
Treasurer Charles E, Ladd.
Experiences of Pioneers.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wilson, of The Dalles,
presented a narrative of her personal ex
periences in coming to Oregon. She told
of the great interest of her father and
herself In th Oregon country, and how
they had read everything that bad been
published on the subject, and were ready,
eager to come here, when the opportunity
arrived. Mrs. Wilson's paper was largely,
composed of notes of her trip from New
York to Oregon by way of the Isthmus
in 1S5L She came out as one of a com
pany of teachers. She told her .story
charmingly. Illuminating it with an occa
sional comment and making it a vivid but
not overcolored story. It was not loaded
down with details mechanically told, but
was sketchy and displayed discriminating
Judgment as well as good memory.
Hon. John Minto spoke half an hour
on Dr. John McLoughlln's relation to
the Oregon settlers and the provisional
government. He took for his text Mrs.
Frances Fuller Victor's commendation ot
Dr. McLoughlln for his generous treat
ment of the Immigrants of 1843. This ac
count of Mr. Mlnto was disposed to criti
cise somewhat, and he spoke of instances,
mentioning particularly the case of Henry
Williamson, whose cabin was torn down
at the instance of Dr. McLoughlln. in
which the doctor seemed actuated by an
Illiberal spirit Mr. Mlnto said Dr. Mc
Loughlln laid claim to a tract of coun
try on the north bank of the Columbia
35 miles long. This, he said, was not
known by the settlers until many years
afterward, else the probability was that
the Oregon settlers would have made
short work of Fort Vancouver.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway exhibited
before the audience a quilt which she
had pieced 31 ears ago last month at Al
bany with scraps of silk from a millinery
A vote of thanks was given Mrs.WHson,
Mr Mlnto and Mrs. Dunlway. and the
meeting adjourned, many of the members
to accept the Invitation of the secretary
to Inspect the display of the society Jn the
City Hall.
Membership Roll.
Fpllowlng Is a list of members of the
Oregon Historical Society:
Life member. ,
Life members who have paid In full.
Ackerman, Rev. Arthur W.. Portland.
Ackerman, J. H., Salem.
Adair, John, Astoria.
Alnsworth, J. C, Portland.
Albert. J. IL. Salem.
Allen. Mrs. Margaret V., Portland.
Alvord. W. C, rortland.
Ames, Oram Me Q.. Portland.
Ankeny, Henry E., Jacksonville.
Applegate, Peter, Jacksonville,
Armstrong. A P., Portland.
Arnold, Fred K., Portland.
AverlH, D. M.. Portland.
Ajer. W. B.. Portland.
Avery. V. A. rortland.
Aierill. A, H., Portland.
Adams, Dr. W. L., Rood River.
Alden. Dr. H. R., Portland.
Allsky, C. A, Portland.
Atwood. Dr. J. P., Baker City.
Ankeny, Levi, Walla "Walla.
Ankeny, Mrs. Jennie Nesmlth, Walla Walla.
Baker. Prank C. Portland.
Barber, Dr. S. J., Portland.
Barlow, Miss M. S Portland,
tBarrett. Dr. P. G Hood River.
Bates. George W Portland.
Bates, Rev, Henry L.. Forest Grove.
Beam. C O., Albany.
Bean, Robert 6., Sajem.
Beebe, General Charles F.. Portland.
Bebarrell. H., Portland. '
Bell. Jofcn A, Portland. '
Bellinger. C B.. Portland
Bllieu, W. R., Albany.
Blrrell, A IL. Portland.
IBlack, T, J.. Portland.
Blain, Lelghton E.. Albany.
Blakley, W, M., Pendleton.
Blakeley. George C, The Dalles.
Bljthe, Samuel F., Hood River.
Boise, R. P., Salem.
Boise. Whitney L., Portland.
Bowlby, J. Q. A. Astoria.
Bradford, P. F., Hood River.
tBreck, John M., Portland.
Brewster, William L., Portland.
Bronaugh, Earl C, Jr., Portland.
Brooke, Thomas Scott, Portland.
Brooke. Mrs. 'Annie Pentland, The Dalles.
Bernstein, R. Alex, Portland.
Bancroft. F, A, Portland,
Brecdea. H, O.. Portland.
Blackburn, Rev. Alexancer, Portland.
Beach, F, E Portland.
Brejman, Arthur 'f. Portland.
Bayer. J. C Portland.
Blckel, Fred, Portland.
Blumauer, Louis, Portland.
Blumaucr. Scl. Portland.
Bojs. Dr. William, Portland.
Butterfield, A E., Portland.
Belcher. C. T, Portland.
Barrett, Mrs. Margaret O'Connor, Portland.
Breyman. Werner, Salem.
Burnett. Mrs. Sidney A, McMlnnvllle.
Bell, Rev. J. R. N., Baker City.
Blowers, A S., Hood Rlrer.
JJoyd, Mrs. Mary A, Portland,
Brooks. Sam L., The Dalles.
Burnham. Justin. Portland.
Burnett, George H., Salem.
Burrell. Mrs. Rosa F., Portland
Surrell, Walter F., Portland.
Bush. Asahel, Salem.
Butcher. W. F., Baker City
Blanchard, Dean, Rainier."
Buford, T, Jay, Slletz.
Billings. G. F.. Ashland.
Brltt. Peter, Jacksonville.
Barnes, F. C, Portland.
Reach. Seneca C," Portland.
Bowen. L B., Baker City.
Bean. Charles E.. Pendleton.
Bingham, Mrs. Emma Lewis, Walla Walla.
Backenstos. James S., Portland.
Bennett, "Alfred S., The Dalles.
Balleray. John J., Pendleton.
Becker. Charles. AVestfall.
Bigger, Dr. G. W., La Grande.
Belt. Dr. W. C. La Grands.
Bacon. Dr. C F.. La Grande.
Brents. Thomas H.. Walla Walla.
Cabell. Mrs, Emily F Portland,
Cabell. Henry Falling, Portland.
Cameron. Theodorlc, Jacksonville.
Carson, Miss Luella Clay. Eugene.
Cartwrlght, Charles M., Hay Crek.
Cartwrlght, Mrs. Charlotte M., Hay Creek.
Castleman. P. F-, Portland.
Call I a. John. Portland.
Cauneld. Charles H.. Oregon City.
Cauthom. Dr. F., Portland.
Chamberlain. George E., "Rortland.
Chambreau. Edward. Portland.
Charlton, Dr. Callle Brown, Portland.
Church, Charles P.. Portland.
Cleland, J. P., Portland.
Cohen. D. Soils. Portland.
Collins, Dr. "George, Albany.
Colton, Herbert C, Portland.
CoHlg. W. M., Jacksonvlle.
Condon. Mrs. Cornelia J., Eugene.
Conner. John, Portland.
Cook, James W., Portland.
Cook. Vincent, Portland.
Corbett. Mrs. Helen Laca. Portland.
Corbett. H. W., Portland.
Corbett. Mrs. Julia. Portland.
Cornelius, Dr. C W., Portland,
Cotton, W. W., Portland.
Couch, Mies M. H.. Portland.
Cox, L. B., Portland.
Cox, Dr. Norrls R., Portland.
Crawford. J. G.. Albany.
Crawford, J, M.. Daytcn.
Crooks, William, rortland.
Clarke. Louis G., Portland.
Cardwell. Dr. J. R., Portland.
Cornell. E. W., Portland.
Chase. William B., Portland.
Clapp, Rev. C F., Forest Grov.
Cohen. Benjamin L. Portland.
Coe, Dr. Henry Waldo, Portland.
Cran. John. Portland. 4
Clark. Dr. E. G., Portland. f
Carson. John C, Portland. ,
Calbre&th. Mrs. Irene Smith, Salem,
Carter. Joseph L., Salem.
Charaberlain, M. L., Salem,
Crawford, T. IL, Corvallis.
Campbell. P. L., Monmouth.
Cook. F. R., Portland.
Cornwall. George M., Portland.
Crlchton, E. W., Portland.
Clarke, D. D... Portland.
Chapman. Harra D., Portland-
Cottel. Dr. WUHs L Portland.
Coon. T. R-, The Dalles.
Charlton, Mrs. Margaret C... Pioneer, Wash.
Crowell, George F., Hood Rlrer.
Crandall. Mrs. Lulu D.. The Dalles.
Clopton, Frank B., Pendleton.
Dabney, P. P., Portland. (
Davenport. T, W., SUverton,,
Deady, Mrs. Matthew P., Portland.
Dean. Mrs. Cartherlne A, Portland.
DeHart, E. J.. Portland.
Dekum, Adolph A. Portland.
Dekum, Mrs. Phebe M., Portland.
Donnell, Mrs. Camlla Thompson. Tho Dalles.
Dorrts, George B., Eugene."-
Dufur, E. B.. The Dalles.
Dunbar, F. L. Salem.
Dnnlway, Ralph R,. Portland.
Dye. Mrs. Charles H., Oregon City.
Dolph. Chester N., Portland.
Devlin. T. C, Portland.
Davis. T. T.. Portland.
Davis, Napoleon, Portland.
Dlmlck, Miss Alphla-S.. Portland.
Dubois. N. S.. McMlnnvIHe
Day, Mrs. Nellie Gilliam, Walla "Walla.
Eaton, James H.. Portland,
Eckerson. Mrs. Elisabeth, Portland.
Eckerson, Major Theodore J., Portland,
Edwards, E. S., Portland.
Eliot. Rev. T. L., Portland,
Elliott, William. Oregon City.
Emmons, A C. Portland. (
Everdlng. Henry, Portland.
Ewlng, J, R., Portland.
Estes. Dr. O. B., Astoria.
Estes. Hardin W.. Baker City.
Falling, Edward. Portland.
Falling. Miss Henrietta E., Portland.
Falling, James F., Portland.
Falling, Miss Mary F.. Portland.
Farnham, Miss Mary F., Forest Grove.
Fenton, William D., Portland.
Ferrln, William N., Forest Grove.
Flsk, James H., Portland.
Flanders, J. C, Portland,
Flanders, Mrs. Maria L., Portland.
Floed, Mrs. Sarah Emily, San Jose, Cal.
Foley, John, Arthur.
Frarler, A L., Portland.
Fnwler, William, Portland.
French, D. M., The DalJesr-'
French, J. W The Dalles?
FrJ?d. Leo. Portland.
Friendly. S. H.. Eugene, i
Fulton, C. W., Astoria.
Flelscfiner, L X., Portland.
Fuller, Ti L, Portland.-
FulHlQve. J. N., Portland.
Flegel, A F., Portland. ,
Fulton. G. C. Astoria.
FltzGerald. Thomas, Pendleton.
Fell. Theron B., Pendleton.
Ferguson, James F., Baker City.
Ferguson, Mrs. Bell Cooper Rlnehart. The
Gadsby. William. Portland.
Galloway, William. Oregon City.
Gatch, Claud, Salem.
Gay, C, W., Munt Tabor.
Geary. Dr. E. P., Portland.
Geer, T. T., Salem.
delsendorfer. Dr. J. A, The Dalles.
George. M. C. Portland.
Gilbert. Rev. W. S., Purtland.
GUI, John. Portland.
GUI. Joseph. Portland.
Gllllhan, Martin, Arthur,-
Gillette. P. W., Portland.'
Glcason. James, Pfirtland.
Gllsan, Rodney L.. Portland.
Greenmanj Clark N.. Oregon City,
Gregory, William M.. Portland,
Gimer, La Faette. Portland.
Gantenbeln. C U., Portland,
Gorman, M. W., Portland.
Gray, George P., Portland.
Gofng, J. W., Portland.
Glafke, W. B., Portland. "
Gradon, W. A., Portland;
Gordon, George W., Portland.
Grubbs, F. H.. Portlands '
Gatch, Thomas M.. Corvallis,
Gaston, Joseph. Portland.
Gray, Rev. B. D., Portland.
Glbons. R. F., Tha Dalles.
Hicks, Chas. E., Arlington.
Harding, Mrs. Jennie Barlow, Oregon City.
Hare. )VillIam D., Hllltboro.
Harris, TV. H Portland,
Hartness, George, Portland. t
Haseltlne, J. E., Portland.
HaIey. Willis C Salem.
Hawthorne, B. J,, Eugene.
Hawthorne. Mrs. Rachel L., Portland.
Har. Clark. Portland.
Henderson, John Leland. Hood River,
Hendricks. Thomas Q.. Eugene.
Heivett, Henry. Portland,
Hill, Almoran, Gaston.
Hill. Rev, Edgar P., Portland,
Hill. Dr. J. L., Albany,
Hill, Dr. J. W Portland.
Hlroes, George IL, Portland.
Hinman. Alanson, Forest Grove.
Hlrsch. Solomon, Portland.
Holbrook. Phllo, Portland.
Holman. Alfred, San Jose'. 'Cal.
Holman. Frederick V., Portland.
Holmes, R- H., Portland.
HoltgrleTe, Henry, Portland. r
Hosfonl. Chauncey O., Portland.
Hovcy, A G., Eugene.
Hot, Mrs. Rosa Hoxle, Portland.
Hoyt, Mrs. Mary L., Portland.
Hunt, James E., Portland.
Huntington, B. S-, The Dalles,
Holden, E. C, Astoria.
Harding, G. A, Portland.
Hall. Dr, J. E Qlatskanle, '
Hudson. H T.. Portland.
Hodson, C. W., Portland.
Henderson, Mrs. S. J., Portland.
Harris, W. E., Portland, ""
Harris, Simon, Portland,
Hogue, H. W., Portland".
Holman, Mrs, Mary E., Portland.
Halley, T. G., Pendleton.
Halley, John, 'Pendleton.
Hyde. C. F Baker City.
Hafina. H. K., Jacksonville.
Hellner, S. A, Baker City.
Hibbard. T, R., SllvertOp.
Howell, Joseph. Arthur.
Hartmon, George, Pendleton.
Jdleman.' C. M., Portland.
Inman, Mrs. Francis L., Portland.
Jackson, Colonel Jam?, Portland.
Jeffqnjs, Dr Henry C, Portland.
Johnson. Mrs. Josephine beYore, Portland.
Jarvl. D. W-. Portland.
Jonea, Mrs. Henry E.. Portland.
Jamison, G. E., Portland.
Johns, C, A. Baker City.
Johns, James M.. Arlington,
JCUpper. Henry, Medfofd.
Kamm, Mr. Caroline A.. Portland.
Kearney, Mrs. Sarah M., Portland.
Kelly, John, Portland.
Kelly. Dr. RI,chmond, Portland.
Klncald. II. It., Eugene. '
Jlng. S. W., Portland.
Xing, A N.. Portland.
Kuykendall, Dr. W., Eugene.
Kellogg. Rev. H. W Portland.
King. C. W., Portland.
KIrker, Miss A Julia, Portland.
Klumpp, William. Portland. '
Knapp, Dr. W. B., Portland. ,
Kahler, C. W Jacksori Hie.
Kenhey. Mrs. Elizabeth rVaulLJacUsonvllle.
Kelly, John. Eugene.
Kirk, T. J., Athena.
Le. WaUaoe HQvje. Albany,
Leedn, W. H., Ashland,
Leerer, J. M. Pendleton.
.Lewis, Mrs. Clementine F., Portland,
Lewis. J. W.. RIckreall.
Lewis, L. A, Portland.
Llnklater Dr. a T Hlllsboro.
LInthlcum, S. B., Portland.
Livingstone. Robert, Portland.
Lowell, Stephen A, Pendleton.
Lucas. Jay P., The Dalles.
Labbe, E. R., Portland.
Ladd. Mrs. Caroline A, Portland.
Ladd, Charles E.. Portland.
Ladd. J. Wesley, Portland.
"Ladd. William M".. Portland
Lane. Dr. Harry, Portland.
Lang, Mrs. Mary Yarpey, The Dagafc
Laiourettc, D. C-. Oregon City. " "
Laughlln, Lee. North Yamhill.
Lawrence. George, Portland.
Lee. J. D., Salem,
Lord. Chas. F Portland.
Lownsdale. J. P. O., Portland
Lutke. Robert. Portland.
London. T. W. Bl. Portland
Long. H. R., Portland.
tLamberson, Buell. Portland.
Love, W, S., Portland.
tLlchtenthaler- D. W.. Portland.
Labbe, John, Portland. f
Little. A L., Portland.
Lord, Mrs. W.. The Dalles.
Lathrop. J. E., Pendleton.
Legg. W. T.. Portland.
Lyman. W. D., Walla Walla.
Lyman. H. S., Astoria.
Loomls, L. A, Rwaco, Wash.
Lounsberry, G. W., Astoria.
Long. Mrs. Sallle Applegate, Toncaila.
Mackay, Donald. Portland.
Mackenzie, W. R.. Portland. t.
Macleay, Roderick L.. Portland. ,
Malcolm. P. S., Portland. "
NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS. Always prepared for
emergencies. Holiday sight seers and holiday
shoppers must not forget that the
Keep In their employ only dentists of practical experience, who have spent years of
study In preparing themselves In all branches of dentistry. When the people out of
town come to Portland to spend the Christmas holidays they must take advantage
of the opportunity and have their dental work attended to. Those who are always
busy except during holidays can be accommodated at once, as the New York Den
tists will have their old, time-tried crown and bridge workers and painless extractors.
And don't forget our prosthetic dentist in making up your mind where to go.
Can you give a better Xmas present than a set of teeth to your father or mother, or any other member of your
famDenUstsec& aofttty in our employ UNLESS THOROUGHLY COMPETENT. No students employed. All
""priStbVlowlst wSlSt with flret-claes wtk. We do not try to compete with CHEAP dental work.
Set of Teeth
firtM nilSnn
Rest Teeth. S. S. W.
Gold Crown v
-i trnt
Oliver ninny
We are making a specialty of
what '
Ladles Always In Attendance. Hoars: to 8, Sundays 10 to 4. !K
Branch. 614 First Avenue, Seal tie, Wash.
- ,-. .........'-Jir-jr'j4Z!4?i!.-r'
.- - r--r. - - i i. iii ai wi ira ir fi rim mn iw wrirrwi wrw -itii m i mi
sEvii..'..Bv.'fcr,'"vv.'ii--.---- - - ---v -.- -a.--tv-v'-,"..-.
Mallory. Rufus, Portland.
Masters, W. "T., Portland.
Matthleu. F. X., Buttevllle.
Mattoon. C. H.. Independence
Mayer, Jacob, Portland.
Mays, F. P.. Portland.
Mars, Itobert. Tho Dalles.
Mears. Samuel M., Portland.
Mears. W. A. Portland.
Meier. Mrs. Jeannette A Portland
Meldrum, John W.. Oregon City.
Merchant. William. Carlton.
Mills, A. L.. Portland.
Mlnto. John, Salem.
Mitchell, John H-, Portland.
tMontgomery, James B.. Portland.
Monnastes, David. Portland. -Moore,
Charles S.. Salem.
Moores, Charles B., Oregon City.
Morey, Mrs. Clara E., Portland.
Moreland. J. a. Portland.
Morgan. Mrs. Olivia W-, The Dalles
Morris. Rev. B. WJstar. Portland,
Morrovr, J. W., Heppner.
Morrow. WUH&m H., Portland.
Mprse, A A.. Pprtland- "
Morse. Mrs. Harriet N., Portland.
Moaher. Mrs, Winlfrod, Portland.
JJoss, Sidney W Pprtland.
Mountain. Captain Thomas. Portland.
Myrlck, Mra. M. U. Portland.
McArthur. Mrs. H"arrlet K.. Portland.
!McBrlde, George W.. St. Helens.
Mc.Camant, Wallace, Portland.
McClelland. Rev. Thomas, Galesburg, 111.
McClung, J. IL, Eugene.
McCraken. E. H.. Portland.
McCraken, John, Portland.
Maer, F. J. Alex, Portland.
McLaughlin, A. W., Mllwaukle.
Meleen. Dr, Jf. F.. Pprtland,
Moore, Dan J., Portland.
McGinn, Henry E Portland.
Miller. F. C... Pprtland.
Moore, Mrs. Margaret O. M., Portland,
MlUer, Robert A., Oregon 'City.
Mera, George T., pprtland.
JicKee. E, D.. Portland.
Mackenzie. pr. K. A. J., Portland.
Mcfaantel. W. J.. PQrtland. . ""
Moore, Judze F, A., Salem. r
McCulre, Hugh. Portland.
tMarsh. Robert J., Portland. ..
Moorhousc, Lee, Pendleton.
Mlnto. John W., To'rtland.
Mook. John, Portland.'
Montgomery Mrs. J. B Portland,
Moody, t. F.r The Dallas.
MoMUlen. J. IL. Portland.
McDanlel, Dr. E. B.. Baker City.
Mbller, Max, Jacksonville.
McMurphey. Robert, Eugene.
Metschan. Phil, Portland.
Merrick. W. H., Portland.
Mann, G. S., Portland,
Moomaw. David L., "Baker City.
Moody, Malcolm A, The. Djilles.
McComas, E. S., La Grande.
Nelson, Joslah C, Newberg.
Jifwlln. Rev. Thomas. Newbers.
Noon. W. C, Portland.
Northnip, E. P., Portland.
Norrls. Dr. J. W Oregon yty.
Nottingham. C. W., Portland.
Nol&nd. George, Astoria. '
Ocobock. A. W., Portland.
OJmstead, M. L.. Baker City.
O'Neill; Mark. Portland.
Odell. W. H-. Salem.
O'Neill, Dan. Astoria.
Pague. B. 8., Chicago.
Parrlsh, L. M., Portland.
Patterson. Mrs. L L.. Sal-m.
Pipes, Martin i.. Portland.
Plummer, O-P. S., Portland.
Pope, George. Portland.
Pope. Seth L. Portland.
Pope. Thomas A, Oregon City
Pop. William Henry. Portland.
Pope, William Henwood. Portland.
Poppleton. Dr. Edgar, Portland.
Potter. E. O.. Eugene.
Putnam, Joseph. Monmouth.
Parker, Hollon. Walla Walla.
lowers. I. F., Portland.
aPood. William S., Portland.
Pease, George a.. Portland.
Pbegley. Grant, Portland.
Prescott, C H., Portland.
Packwood. W. H.. St., Baker City.
Prather. George T.. Hoed THrer.
Potwlne. Rev. W. E.. Pendleton.
Paquet. Joseph, Portland."
Page, J. H.. Portland.
Plymale, William Jaaper. Jacksonvilla
'Paine. Dr. D. A, Eugene.
Powell. Alva H., Pittsburg.
Page, Mrs. Ellen Gale. Walla Walla.
Penrose, Rev. Stephen B. L., Walla Walla.
Painter, J. C Walla Walla. '
Phy, Dr. W. T.. Baker City.
Quackenbush. Edward, Portland.
Qulmby. 1 P. W Portland.
Qulgg, Miss K- Alice, Portland.
nous, Ed a, Walla Walla.
Rice. Mrs. Ella Dunn, Ashland.
Beanies. E. A. Jacksonville.
tReames, Thomas G., Jacksonvltls.
Rees. Dr. P. A. Portland.
Riley, E. F., Portland.
Robertson, James R., Forest Grova,
Rocker. Dr. A E.. Portland.
Roas. J. Thorburn, Portland.
Rowley, Rev. R. A, Portland.
Roberts, J. a, Portland.
RIgler. Frank. Portland.
Robertson. W. E.. Portland.
Reed, C J.. Portland.
Roenicke, Otto. Portland.
RIsley. J. S., Oswego.
Raffety. Dr. David. Portland.
Raymond. William A, Portland. !
Ross, Mrs; Grace Watt, Portland. ;
Sabln. R. I., Portland, '
Samuel, L., Portland.
Saylor, F. H-, Portland,
Saylor, Dr. W. H., Portland- - -.
Full Set
We Guarantee a Fit or No Pay.
Have your teeth out in the morning and go
homo.wjth nejv ones the same day.
I ..,......,....$5.00 flfl
' SI .00
$8.00 iftfL
...1 .?. $5.00
, "
gold crown and bridge work. Our name alone will be a guarantee that your
' x PROTECTIVE GUARAXTBE given with all worK
Sohnabel, Charles J Portland
fScoggln, W. A, Portland.
Scott. H. W-. Pprtland.
Sears, Alfred F.. Jr.. Portland. I
Selling. Ben, Portland.
tShattuck. E. D., Portland.
Shelbr. Mrs. Mary Virginia, Portland.
Sherman, D. F., Portland.
Short. R. V.t Portland.
Silver, C S., Portland.
Simon. Joseph. Portland.
SItton. N. K., Carlton.
Sklpworth. E. R., Eurene.
Sladen, Joseph A, Portland.
Smith. Amedeo, Portland.
Smith, Mr. Elizabeth, M., Portland.
Smith, Mrs. Maria A, Portland- "
Smith, Milton W-. Portland,
mlth, Seneca. Portland.
Smith. Silas B., Wirrenlon.
Spalding, Miss Helen F.", Portland.
Spencer. E. W.. Portland. '
Stearns, Loyal B Portland.
Stlllman. A D., Pendleton.
Steel, William G.. Portland,
tStewart. Peter G., Tacoma.
Strong, Frank, Eugene.
Strong, F. R-. Portland
Strong, Thomas N., Portland
Strowhrldge. J. A.. Portland.
Summers, Colonel O., Portland,
Sweek. Alex. Portland.
Sherlock, William. Portland. . .
Slmqn, Sara. Pprtland
fcteel. James, Portland.
Stott. Raletgh, Portlana.
Steel, W. B., Sr.. Portland. . I
Snow, Zera, Portland." .; ,,
Stearns, B. H., Portland. . ,
Sargent. H. K.. Portland.
Slbson. W. S.. Portland.
Sellwood. Mrs. Belle, Portland.
Smith. E. I. Hood Rtver. "
Stranahap, O. I., Hoed River.
Sholes. C. H., Portland.
Samuels, Mrs. Susan 5 , Portland.
Smith; W. V.. Portland.
Stalker, W. Hjde. Baktjr, City.
Shannon. Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons. Eugene,
Shelley. J. M., Eugene ' " -----Sheppard.
George A.. Seattle.
Smith, John H-, Astoria. ,
Slddall, Dr. D Tha Dalles.
Tuffs, j. p.. Grant's Baas.
Tannw, a. H.. Portland.
fTaylcr, Mrs, Kate. Portland.
.Taylor, Miss Nannie Ef, Portland.
Taylor. T. C, Pendleton
Th,ompso.B. David P., Portland.
Thompson, Reginald W Portland
Trlmble, Mrs. Caroline A Portland.
Tuttie. B. B., Portland.
Tucker. Dr. E. F., Portland.
Thornbury, Mrs. Aroanaa, Portland.
Thatcher. J. H., Portland. " l
Trayls, Rev. Wnilam. Portland.
Tuttie, Dr. Jay. Astoria.
Tamtesla, Dr. J. P., Hlllsboro.
Van Schuyver. W. J., Portland.
Veazlo, A I. Portland.
Vincent. Dr. F. W., Pendleton.
Wafthams, William, Portland,
Walker, Rev. J. B., Foo Chow, China.
Walton, Joshua J., Eugene.
A STfat many of our steady customers have occasionally Inquired of, us
If we did not Intend to have a special sale this season. Our answer was
that at the proper time we would. People have come to understand that all
of our special sales and offers in the past have been, based on some simple
plan, backed up by absolute and unquestionable proofs and reasons for the
same. Instead of blow and bluster. You know- it is not customary for a cus
tomer to inquire how you can wfford to sell so close, and yet that is a com
mon question put to us during our specials. And the Impending offer will
make the curious think. But we will do it. and every card and sign dis
played Jn our show windows will mean every word. Don't fail to see our Im
mense, large show windows. In them the most conclusive proofs of tho
genuineness of tHls offer will b on display, and also from time to time in
the columns of this paper.
During our great Advertising Sale, from the 11th of
last June to July 4th, we sold, cut and made 240
orders, which was more than the combined orders
of all the other tailors in Portland but it took
elegant goods at bottom-scraping prices to do it
The coming sale is all and more than the other,
for the benefits will be yours for an entire year.
Don't fail to sec the windows. I
Southeast Corner
' 'H m ii
for ten years.
Warren, Frank M., Portland.
Watt, Ahlo S.. Portland. t.
Watt. Dr. J. F., Hood River.
Watts. Francis A, Portland. i
Weldler. George W., Portland,
Welch, Dr. John, Portland.
Wheeler, Dr. C. H., Portland.
Whldden, Mrs. Alice McLoughlln. Portland.
Whltehpuse. B, Q., Portland.
WHcox. Marlon. Portland.
I WHcox. Theodore B., Portland.
Williams, Frank. Ashland.
Williams. George H., Portland.
Wllloughby, Mrs. Anna McCorkle, Eugene.
Wilson, Mrs. Caroline E., Portland,
Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth M., The Dalles.
Wilson. Fred. Portland.
Wilson. Dr. George F., Portland.
Wilson. Gustaf. Portland.
Wilson, Dr. Holt a, Portland.
tWHson. John. Portland.
Wilson, J. R,. Portland.
Winch. Mrs. Nellie A., Portland.
Wood, C. E. S.. Portland.
Woodward, Tyler, Portland.
Wortman, H. C,, Portland-
Wygant, Theodore, Portland.
Welstef. Georse M., Portland.
Woodward. W. F., Portland.
Wooddy, Rv. C. A. Portland.
Wood, James McL, Portland.
Wright. W. T., Union.
Wisdom, M. D., Portland,
Whiting. Dr. Sandford, Portland.
Walls. Dr. J. T., Portland.
Wtildler, Milton, Portland.
Wittenberg, H.. Portland.
Walt". Mrs. Ellen M., Portland.
Wolverton. Judge Charles E., Salem.
Wheeler, Jason, Albany.
Williams, Mrs. Sarah H., Portland.
Winchester, Rev. B. S., Portland.
Webster, Lionel R-, Portland.
Wakefleld, D. W.. Portland.
Waldo, John B Macleay.
"Wade. Mrs. Adella D.. Pendletoa.
Wright, George W.. Albany.
Watson. C, B., Ashland.
Whlteaker, John. Eugene.
Ware, Miss Marie, Eugeas.
Weeks, R,, Portland.
Wooden, R. M., Jewell.
Watson, William Perm, Hood Rlvar.
Yoran. S. M., Eugene. ""
Toung, F. G., Eugene.
Toungj, Mrs. X.evl. Portland.
Young, J, Q. A, Cedar Mills.
Young, S. E-, Albany.
Yenney, Dr. R. C, Portland.
Yoran, W. C. Eugene.
Christmas for the Children.
All the free kindergartens under tha
management of the Kindergarten Associa
tion will havo Christmas entertainments
this year, as follows: Third-Street Mis
sion, 69 Third street. North,-Miss Barin,
teacher, Thursday, December 20, 10 A- M.;
Seventeenth and Market streets. Miss
Gaylord. teacher. Friday, December 21, 9
A. M.; 391 Eighteenth street. Miss MalUa
Efflnger, teacher, Friday, December 21,
JQ:S0 A. M. .
Fifth and Alder. I