THE SUJKBAY OREGCmiAK, PORTtiAgD, DECEMBgjj 16,l90O: ;!TY NEWS IN BRIEF Aznnsements To tin jr. mDRATS "Human Hearts." ITROPOLITAX "Under Sealed Orders." Jiioou Holidats. Portland school chil- jen will hae 11 days' holiday vacation lis time, bet'lnnlnc with Saturday. D- iber 22, and ending with Tuesday, Jauu- y 1. VTl inclusive. School will take up ain the morn'ng of Wednesday. Janu- y 2. The purlls have been counting the ys for sceral weeks, and every 2 urs hrlrgs tfce-n. -that much nearer their crlshed period of frolic, freedom from, oks and the enjoyment of Christmas its Judging from the way the holiday ferchases are already being made, there 11 be very few children missed In Ore n by Santa riaus this time, and the tnual feast bids fair to be one long Te- ?mofred oy the little ones. Choicest Havana. Henry IV cigars. amiehs" Mass. At St. Patrick's lurch mass will be celebrated this morn- lg at lO.GO. The Rev. Father O'Brien 111 preach. Farmers' mass will be sung a full cliolr of 20 voices. At the offer- Iry Mrs. J. 12. Owens will sing Luzzl's We Maria." Benediction lmnieaiately Iter mass The "Yanturu Ergo" will b& !ng by a male quartet, unaccompanlea. Silutarls. ' selected, by Mr. James E. rcrs. M:ss Mary O'Dea. organist. Mrs. C. Owens, choir director. Icnrv IV Cigars are the best. olp Contest. In the mixed foursome itcct jesterday. Dr. H. E. Jones and s. Aer tied with Major Wood and lis. H. C. Wilson, with net scores of Mr. Whidden and Mrs. Koelrer came xt w'lh 111, and Mr. Spadon and Ml&s v's 111 The day turned out very well ll the links ire now in excellent cendi- n. The new greens committee are rsrs. Gifford, Whldden and Mills, ana e handicap committee Messrs Eurr.:, rg ard Du Tlon. :mas Gift. Box Henry IV cigars. Co Attend in a Bodt. At the meeting the Muitnomah bar yesterday mornlna wit decided to attend in a body the frcral of t'le late Frank L. Keenan, at o'e'eck thl: afternoon, at St. Davld'a il- pal C' ut'h. East Twelfth and Mor- i streets. The following were appoint to draft resolutions to be presented at meeting of the bar tomorrow morning: J Schnabel, E. B. Watson, Lawrence IcNrry, Guy G. Willis and A. T. Lewis,. lENitr IV Cigars are always uniform. Ckh Ete. Luce a Camera, f Photographs loved scenes and faces; But defective vision Impairs the camera. IBrlghten the pictures )f relative or friend !r a Christmas gift with 'crfect-fittlng gold spectacles )r jfunty eyeglasses from alte- Reed, the optician, 133 Sixth street. Fhe connoisseurs smoke Henry IV. Diamonds. Having recehed on aD- roval a muca larger Invoice of extra lie diamonds than I oan keep, rather tan return them I will for the next days sell them at a very small ad- ince above cutter's price. It is a rare iportunlty to secure elegant gems al- lost at cost C. G. Tlngry. the manu- cturlng jeweler, corner Morrison and pcord streets, over the Famous. Ienrt IV. First, last and always. andies for Sunday Schools. Jolls. S13 lorrlson street Quotes the following rices per pound on lartre orders of 30 u- ds up: Plain hand mixed, 9c; Boston ixed, I3e: Jeily beans. 12c; dainty mix. c; assorted gum drops, Sc: Boston-baked fans, Hz; broken candy. 10c; broken Iffy, 9c; ribbon mix. 12c; French mix. .Place your orders early. Lll leading dealers sell Henry IV. rnovo Field Glasses Jrirg the bea-nties of Jature within easy range. Are Christmas present r'cr sportsman, hunter or lamb Ing friend. rhe best are kept by rait r Reed, the optician, 123 S'xth street Ienrt IV. An Exquisite Smoke. IMr. L. C. Henrichsen. of the L. C. lenrlchsen Company, jewelers and op- nans, 2S4 Washington street, has been nnectd with the Jewelry business here 39 years. "Sales this season," he rs "are more brisk than at any Urns ince 1892." 3ies like Henry IV the fragrance. iFort the Holidats We hae ladles' rfumes (bulk or bottle), toilet cases. ln-y perfumes, atomizers, 25c and up; lather goods, purses, razors and silver iveltics. Get our prices before purchaa- g. Albert Bern!. Second and Washing n. Rx. "For the blues," Henry IV cigars. Notice To All Whom It May Concern: ou are hereby notified not to give any jrcon any credit on my account, and fiat I wLl not pay any bills or accounts lless contracted by myself In person. hjmas Caufield, Salem, Or. Dec 12. 1900. Henrt IV. Largest sales, satisfaction. Sisters of Israel Benevolent So- ett will give grand entertainment and larlty ball Sunday evening, December at s P. M at Arlon Hall. Among the itertalrers of special notice is a duet by tme. rnd Slgnor Ferrari. jlOc to 23c sizes, all shapes, Henry IV. Save Monet.' Money saved by calling on Irltz Abcndroth, 207 First street, before lying your diamonds, watches, silver- tare, clocks or anything in the jewelry ie. Next door to Wiley B. Allen's music fore. ISion of PROsrERiTT. Henry IV cigars. What's more acceptable as a Christ- gift than a handsome umbrella? lommon-sense In eery particular, and Moderate in cost, for right goods. Mere ith's, Washington, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Tmcn Cigar? "Henry IV, of course." iPlevtt of time yet to have photos for Ihrlstmas. We can take just as good IcturcB In rainy weather. Open Sun- lys. A. B. McAlpln, photographer, 123 ?ventb street. !GoE Up in Smoke. Millions Henry TV. Mrs. Weister's art pupils will exhibit lelr m nth work at Weister's Picture toue, ZZ1 Morrison street, far four days, glnnrg uednesday eenlng. All wet- ime. Take no substitute for Henry IV. IShecial Session Christian and Mlslon- fc-y V iince Sunday afternoon, at 2.30 Shilch Mission, Second and Jefferson tree's. Ilbur r. Mimlnger will speak. IHevrt IV Best workmanship & quality ITiie uwal monthlj: open meeting. Na ive t'ns -"-i Dauchters of Oregon, will li b -v 1 'ru"-day, 17th Inst. Next open r wr 1 be hrtd January 15. 3901. ICigai s Henrt the rouRTH" Cigars. D'nal Work Trbe at the college, cor- r riifrTth and Couch streets, exeent st.1I fee to cover cost of material, for ;icre 'n m Verate circumstances. Dcn't fcrget Henrj' IV cigars. St P.vr v-k s Fair. The St. Patrick's athc' ; Fa'r till continues at Merrill's c'rry Lunch from 11 A M. to 11 P. M Henrt IV. Choicest havana cigar. Pi -s-s contempteting purchasing dec- raei rvina should Inspect that offered Mrs. O A. Gray, at 533 Glisan street. IThe servant girl problem Is casllv :Ied by hiving vour laundering done -h r" K, tw l---r I.tundrv. JMiss Cvtherink Britt has charge of lie c " ng-room oi "ine stevenc." 26 llder. Me1!; Is a airplay of fine paintings from ie Fcantaln studio for sale at 321 Sixth Irect. Ten carers and table cutlery seo ICroch- i & Hartman 1S8 First street. iDriLriNC-GROCXD for lease. See Real Isfa'e EXCELLENT BEAUTIFLER rr, tVA TAl!.5noV.n wf.rilB of aTI th In. es" who have been so greatly bcnerttcl y us -"j Dr. Piunacr sm lamous oregoii tood Purlflcr. EI; SYMPHOHIE CIGARS Contain the choicest Havana tobacco and satisfy the most astidloiis smoker. The are1 carried in 16 sizes, ranging from 3c io i3c eachf so as to be within the reaoh of everjone. Particular atlentlon is called to the 20th century rizs, with which a cho'ce zinc-lined oak box is givn free. Mat Foeller, In the Chamber of Commerce, Is the" sole agent for these i cigars, and carries in stock a full line of ' imported Key West and domestic cigars; also the choicest smokers' novelties in the city. WHERE TO DINE. Open day and night, always serving tle very best- The Portland Restaurant. 305 Washington street, opposite Oids & King. Soupj pudding and. pie served free with our 15-cent dinner. Zlnsley's, 230 First. Tho usual chicken dinner. 25c, at Strouse's rcstadrant, 229 Washington st. GLOSLNG OUT AT COST. The "balance of our ladies' tailor suit ings. We have about 200 suit patterns left which will be sold daring the next two weeks at or below cost. The line is the finest ever shown in Portland, having many exclusive novel ties, as well as staple patterns. -J. L.. Bowman &. C6 . 342 Washington street. GENTLEMEN, Remember your lady friends and leave your order for kid gloes with McAHen Sz McDonnell, corner Third and Morrison. Prices reduped f6r holiday trade to 95c, $L15 and SL35. Warranted and fitted. Ouf gloves arc the best in the city. GERMAN BOOKS. German Christmas and New Year cards, Gorman Bibles, leading German magu. zincs all on sale at German Book Store, 228 First. Don't forget they are all gooa holiday gifts. OSTEOPATHY. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 416 Dekum build ing. Third and Washington streets, spe cialist in nervous and chronic diseases. Examination free. Phonfr Main SI9. Jacob Doll Uprlcht Piano. The latest improed. Acknowledged to be best sold on easy installments. Pianos rented, tungd and repaired at lowest prices. H. Slnsheimer. 7i Third. Estab lished 1SC2. The Pride of Orcsron. Sunrise on ML Hood from Lost Lake. This famous picture, 1Sx2S Inches, by mall, for $1 00. Benj. A. Gifford, foto. The Dalles, Or. Beet, the Jeweler. No fancy Christmas prices. Fine dia monds, watches, sil erware. 207 Morrison, Elecant Variety of Satchels And leather goods at Harris Trunk Co. Finest Line of Snlt Cases And bags for holidays. Harris Trunk Co. Two Days' Sale. Capes and jackets. N. T. Mer. Go., 205 3d. Can't you see the point? If you have a piano you may have, eveiy day of you life, music which In another way can be obtained only from a few great masters of the piano. M. B. WELLS, Norlhwcit Agent for the Acollart Company Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park, Portland, Or. We are Sole Agents for the Pianola; also for t he Stelniray, the Chase and the 33merson Pia nos. Price, $35. 0tf 99i90Q Thousan Take them in. Save RAGLAN COATS, A glance into X ih for you. I FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS 9Q9 G'3h awi'iiiiiifliaoaofoc !5 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Heating Stoves, Steel Ranu, Steel Coukstov cs and CooUIns Utensils. ' Mild weather kills our heater trade, and in order to stimulate It we have decided to make a discount of 15 per cent on all spot cash orders for heating stoves, steel ranges,, steel cookstoves and cooking utensils until January 5, 1E0L thus iUng time for late as well is early holiday purchasers. Open eanlngs. Hunt Hard ware Co., Second and Morrison streets. HOLIDAY ITEMS. For years we have made special efforts to secure novelties suitable for smokers' use, and feel confident that we are recog nized leaders In this line, as well as in high-grade. Imported Havana and Key West cigars. We have surpassed all previous efforts. Our Mr. Slg. Sichel, wh le in New York, had the opportunity to meet European manufacturers of novel ties in smokers' outfits, and purchased a variety of articles for our trade, whicn under ordinary circumstances would not be aallable for this market, until one or two j ears later. We are showing ex clusive designs In smokers' tables, smok ers' sets, pipe plaques and racks, cigar moistening cases, tobacco jars, finest Vienna leather goods, and an endless variety of finest meerschaum, French and English Sweet Briar pipes. Our line of cigars is the best in the city. Our prices most reasonable. Respectfully, SIG. SICHEL &vCO. Opposite Chamber of Commerce. DOVT FORGET. We have plenty to offer In the. way of Christmas goods, both useful and pretty. A splendid line of silk initial handker chiefs, at 10c, 12c. 25c and 50c, for men, bojs and ladles. A lovely line of neck wear at 25c and up. Suspenders, pretty, durable and reasonable, and full line of useful Christmas presents at Henry J. White's. 1G9 Third street. CHRISTMAS SAL Domestic, White, Eldredge Sewing Machines $20 Buys, late improved machine: oak case. drop-leaf Bujs latest Improved oak, drop leaf machine. A fine machine. $2 rm Buys late improved drop-head oak machine. D We are making SDecial prices and in ducements on the Domestic, White and Eldredge machines. These machines are the regular 70 and $75 machine. You save J20 to $25 agent's commission by coming to our office. Domestic and White Ageficy 122-124-120 SIXTH STREET. C.T.PREHN, Dentist Crovrn and brldpe work. 131 Third st., near Al der. Ortcon Tel Clay S05. Vitalized air for painless eztrartlne AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT The Chicago Typewriter, together with a complete course of the Gregg System of Shorthand taught by mail, for $40. This will enable you to own your own typewriter and become an expert stenographer by utilizing a little spate time each day. The Chicago was awarded gold medal at the Paris Exposition, is a visible writer, has stan dard keyboard, and is the most speedy, simple and dura ble of typewriters, and turns out the most attractive work. E. L KING, Gcn'l Agent for Oregon, Albany, Oregon. ds of Good We mention i few. Don't let half the price 50c Neckwear is down to 25c Save more than half buy two for the price of one. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Silk Mufflers, Save $1.50, save $2.00. When buy ing Smoking Jackets, don't over look this. They arc down, some as low as .75 and $4.35 Men's $18 and still our windows will make holiday GhfistffittS tyisakiveizr Ac Pnrflnnrl's lftrirlinfc? cravalisfs by poptilaf appointment we havS placed on view a hafmoiiio'ils gath ering of special holiday Scarf shapes for men and women. A brilliant line 6i hew Color schemes in Ogee strings, batwingsj Impe rials, Ascots arid Four-ih-Hahds, at 50c lo ?j oo. 9tfuffler$ That haV6 that tduch of piety and brightness appropriate to aflrj ex pected for trie festiV'e seas8ii, $2,661 I2.50 aha $3 op, tttidkisrdhiofs Plain and fancy 'border Lthehs at 25c to $1.50. Efench novelties at 50c to $1.50. Siilc initial k? chidfs at 50c each. Suspenders Exclusive nalterhs in &iisr3end- ers, with hickelj sterling silver gold-plated mountings, each in a neat box; 56c to $4.00. CAMERAS At Special Holiday Prices J NO. S. MEEK CO. Portland, Or. O. C. NE3flCHSTLE ..DENTIST.. Mirquam Building Room 302 DR. SWAIN"--",. Estimate given on first-class work. Modern equipment tar allerlatlntr pain. Cf 999 them 9 by. 5 Sale $20 Suits and Overcoats down to $14.85. buying an easy M 77fen's Stoves kj Gloves Of every kind, for every EJ purpose, in every size, $1.00 to fjjj $2.50 a pair. 1 - n M Largest Clothiers In the Northwest fourth and Morrison Streets (corner entrance) M Things i fig" rsSrtjSsSiS m 7"HE scfafftblfc Is drt; Everybody. Is In everybody else's way. Pushing and shoving, the throngs come and go. We swing fairly Into the surge of holiday sell ing -with thorough preparedness and perfect ac cdfrimodatjohs to rertder good add courteous service to everyone This storeys ablbom wltH the radiant beauty tif holiday attractions: Months of planning have brought the stock Into the grandest conditions of fitness and eorflpleteriess we evef kneWV There's heWriess and beiuty in fivery departfiieflh Exclusive 3rid popular, tasteful atld pf0silc$ the; Useful arid attractive thirigs isscfTtbted here for men and boys will ftiet the needs and preferences of alh m m $ Clothing Suits and bvefebats that are fight tip- to the Steinbach standard of perfection garments of high tond and styUii excellent tailoring and guaranteed fit BUSiriess Suits at $10 to $35. EVehing Dtess, Prince Albert arid Cutaway Suits. OverCoats at $10 to I45. and pair A CiHsitafld resiit fclveB Christmas Presents Are the kind that every Don't you fler, House pSease him? If you anticipate purchas ing any such article as a gift be careful that you get the latest. SAM'L THE THIRD AND MORRISON HOLIDAY SHOES Patent Colt Skin Patent Kid Patent Calf Enamel French Vici Leather Dress Slippers House Slippers E. C. GODOARD & CO. ORCr.OSIAS BUILDISG. Clothing Make the boys' Christmas merry by giving ttiem good, serviceable clothes like tiurs. There's a tempt ing affav Of Bright, well-fitting Shits and ReefdrS here for boys of fcvery age. Vestee and Sailor Suits, Russiari BloUse Suits, School Suits, Boys Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, etc. etc vrlth. every boy's suit or reefer. That Are Useful as as Ornamental think a handsome Tie Coat or Bath ROSENBLATT & CO, RELIABLE .POPULAR-PRICED CLOTHIEkS STREETS BUFFUIH & PENDLETON Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Gloves Fancy Hosiery Etc. OPEV EVENING S UKTI1 AFTER CHRISTMAS CORNER THIRD AND SfARK STS. Smoking jackets Useful and ornamental certainly applies to our Smoking Jackets artd Dressing Gowns. They are made in an extensive ariety for choice Smoking Jackets, with golf plaid reverse and silk cord edge; 55 to S15. SBati fflobes Eiderdown and Turkish Robes at $5 00 to $22.50. Bath Sets, con sisting of robe, slippers, towels, etc., $6 a set. fyykt ftobes and ZPajamas In Silks, Sateens, French Flan nels and fine Muslins, $1.25 to $12. janci Shirts . New selections in Madras and Percale Shirts, at $1.00 to $3 00. 9m6reiias All kinds of new creations for ladies and gentlemen, $1 to $10. Suit Cases. Fancy Vests. Vdlises. Canes. Trunks. Hats. Hosiery. Caps. Etc., etc., etc ViUIMrw man desires. Robe PORTLAND, OREGON Indian Baskets For Xmas Gifts. Handsomest display ever seen, are for Bale at all prices 20c to $50 , 2000 Baskets to select froni. Mrs. Frohman's Basket Rooms Inspection Invited. SoliJgeomfort Truss G HWoodard & Co. 108 Second Street. Strong's Photographs Moderate in Price, Superior in Style 3hd finish. STRONG'S 20TH CENTURY STUDIO Goodsoush bulldlns. opposlta post office.