The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 02, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Amusement Today.
CORDRAT-S THEATER "liy Ittend From
evening. Royal ilarlne Eand.
Boluxb, the Artist, in Boston. TV.
E. Rollins, the Portland artist, has Just
arrived In Boston, Mass., where he In
tends spending: the Winter, pursuing his
art studies, dividing: his time between
that city and New York. On his way East
he stopped over at Chicago a few days,
end of tnls he says: "Chicago may well
boaat of the high standing she holds In
the field of American art, I had the
good fortune, while visiting the Art In
stitute of seeing the exhibition then be
ing held by the Society of American art
ists. The collection was large, and, tech
nically speaking, was one of the most In
teresting exhibitions held for years. Many
schools and phases of art-work were rep
resentedthe tired and wooly, the impres
slonlbtlc, the overloading of color for col
or's sake, the dramatic style, the calm
and majestic, specimens of brilliant tech
nique, the canvas that lends Itself to
story-ielllng. Out of all these one feels
the growth which will develop Into a
great, National art; for there Is seen an
upward tendency in the portrayal of the
simple and beautiful truths of nature."
Boat SEnviCE on the Willamette
River. Commencing Thursday, No
vember 29, the O. R. & N. Co.
will Inaugurate a dally service on
the Willamette between Portland
and Independence, and a thrice-a-weck
service to Albany and Corvallls. The
following schedule will be effective on the
above date: Steamer Modoc will leave
Portland at 6 A. M. Xor Corvallls and Al
bany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days, leaving Corvallls at 6 A. M. on Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays; Steamer
Ruth, for Salem and Independence, leave
Portland at 6 A. M. on Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays, leaving Indepen
dence on opposite days at 5 A. M.; steam
er Elmore, for Dayton and Yamhill River
points, leaves Portland at 7 A. M. on
Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays; re
turning, leaves Dayton on Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 6 A. M. These
boats have all been overhauled and are
in first-class condition to handlo freight
and passengers.
Audited Bills. The Committee on
Health and Police of the Council held a
meeting In the City Hall yesterday after
noon, but beyond auditing a few small
bills Mttle business was transacted. The
monthly report of the Municipal Judge
for November was received, but Its con
tents were not examined. A deputy will
be appointed to visit the court, and go
over the books to see that report and
accounts correspond. Harry TJpham, a
Bellwood dairyman, was present, asking
for a rebate on pound fees paid by him
several months ago, which was granted.
Congregational Bazaar. The ladies
of the First Church will hold their annual
bazaar and sale of articles suitable for
Christmas gifts on Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings of this week. The addresses
on Ambrose, Gregory and Palestrina by
Rev. A. W. Ackerman will be on sale,
also, rare Indian pictures and photos. Re
freshments and delicious home-made can
dles will be among the many attractions.
A special feature will the fine New Eng
land supper served at 6 o'clock Wednes
day evening for only 25 cents. Admission
to the bazaar free.
New Firm op Stockbrokers. On or
about December 10. R, W. McKinnon &
Co. will open offices at 8 and 9 Chamber
of Commerce building, with the Logan
6ystem of private wire, furnishing con
tinuous quotations of New York stocks,
bonds and cotton and Chicago grain and
provisions. They will conduct a strictly
commission business. Market Information
will be cheerfully furnished on applica
tion. The firm is thoroughly reliable, and
refer, by permission, to the First National
and United States National Banks, of this
Tatlor-Strebt Bazaar. The annual
bazaar of the women of Taylor-Street
Church will be held In the church parlors
'.Tuesday evening, Wednesday afternoon
and evening, December 4 and 5. There
will be dolls of all sizes and styles, and
all sorts of fancy articles suitable for
Christmas presents. Also a programme
each evening, consisting of "a dairy
maids' convention," will be given, com
mencing at 8 o'clock. Admission even
ings 30 cents. No charge Wednesday aft
ernoon. At the Free Museum. The free mu
seum was plentifully patronized by inter
ested visitors yesterday, and Colonel
Hawkins looked happy. He was around
among the showcases, explaining this or
that curiosity, and when not thus en
gaged, was setting things to rights In
some of the various departments. He was
Feen carrying a huge stork In his arms,
and the bird seemed to fondle the Colo
nel as though It realized what a friend
ho had been to all the stuffed things at
the museum.
Wanted. Men or women to solicit
members for our special sick and accident
certificate: for $1 per month pays $10 per
week for 52 weeks (not six weeks); for 50
cents per month, pays $5 per week and
$100 funeial benefit. You can make $5
per day if you work. Call or write. Order
of Lions. Alex Sweek. Supreme Secretary,
E to 549 Worcester building.
Ttib regular meeting, for members only,
of the Portland Section. Council of Jewish
Womenj, Is called for Wednesday after
noon. December 5, at the Selllng-Hlrsch
building. An attractive literary and mu
sical programme has been prepared. Ex
ecutive meeting at 1:30 P. M. General
meeting at 2:S0 P. M.
Mr. Charles Baumgarten wishes to
inform his friends and the general pub
lic that he has purchased the saloon ol
the late Mr Frank Keller, known as the
Pine. 2C6 Pine street, between Third and
Fourth, and will be pleased to see all old
frlenda. as well as new. at the above ad
dress. A Word From Jolls. Having disposed
of his Washington-street Interests. Jolls
has concentrated his business at 313 Mor
rison, and can supply the finest and dain
tiest confections. He says "thank you"
for all past favors and solicits a contin
uance thereof.
Remember, Christmas Is drawing near,
and for a nice Christmas gift, there is
not anything more acceptable than a pho
tograph made by Hayes & Short. Seventh
and Washington streets, over Dresser's
new grocery.
Joi.l's Candt Compant, Portland, Or.,
wishes to establish an agency for their
fine package goods In each town in the
Northwest. The opportunity Is a good
one. Particulars on application.
November Fines. Municipal Judge
Cameron turned over $4512, yesterday, to
the City Treasurer, being fines, etc. im
posed in his court for the month of No
vember. The Knights of Brotherhood will give a
grand entertainment and social hop at
Foresters' Hall, Wednesday evening, De
cember 5. You are Invited to attend.
Mrs. Abbie C French is again at C6
Lewis building, srfving magnetic massage,
teaching physical culture and the care
of the body. Ladles only.
Drt slabwood. Jl 75 a load: fir and oak
wood; all kinds of coal at lowest market
rates. Portland Fuel Company, S3 Wa
ter street.
The servant girl problem is easily
solved by having your laundering done
"rough dry" by the Electric Laundry.
Dr Howard has removed his office to
the new building, southwest corner of
Seventh snd Washington streets.
Trimmed Hats greatly reduced; also,
hair switches, from 51 up, at Becker's,
220 First street.
Real fresh-cut flowers, most reasona
ble, at Burkhardt Bros.' greenhouses.
O. B P its name and Its fame, rouni
the world the same. Try me.
Dr. Fraser, office at residence.
read Beck's adv., page li.
Death at Old Age. Towards the close
of Thanksgiving day, there passed away
at her residence. 454 Yamhill street. Mrs.
Delia A. Pringle. In her SOth year.
She was th widow of the late Dr.
Charles Pringle, of Fredonla, Chautauqua
County, N Y., and came to Portland
along with her family In the year 1SS3,
some time after the death of her hus
band. A highly Intellectual woman, and
of a kind, sympathetic nature, she gained
a large circle of very devoted friends,
who sincerely feel her loss. A member
of St. Stephen's Episcopal Chapel, and de
voted to Its interests, her presence will
be missed very much.
To Lat Steel Rails. The City & Sub
urban Railway Company has signified its
intention to City Engineer Chase of put
ting down seven-inch steel rails on the
extension now being constructed on North
Second, Flanders and Seventh streets, by
which the company expects to connect
with the Terminal grounds. Some little
delay will be encountered in obtaining the
rails from the East, but the company's
franchise will be extended another six
months", as asked for.
Elk Memorial Services. All members
of Portland Lodge, No. 142. B. P. O. Elks,
are requested to meet at the hall at 1 P.
JL. Sunday December 2. Memorial serv
ices will be held at the Marquam Grand
at 2 P. M. By order of exalted ruler.
Charles S. Walte, Acting Secretary.
Unitarian Bazaar. See page 14 for an
nouncement of bazaar to be held in Uni
tarian Chapel next Wednesday and
Thursday evenings and Thursday after
noon. Glove contest, Denny vs. Riley, 20
rounds; Paine vs. Houghton, 10 rounds.
Exposition building, Friday, December 7."
Messrs. Eugene and Josef Steblngcr
have postponed the next musicalo to be
given by their pupils until January.
New studio, new building, new firm.
Hayes & Short, Seventh and Washington
streets, over Dresser's now grocery.
On the Road to health, wealth and
happiness. Use Oregon Blood Purifier.
Subscribe for your magazines for 1901
at Gill's, Third and Alder streets.
842 Washington Street,
Are showing the choicest goods In Port
land suitable for both men's and ladies'
tailor suits. Cloth sold by the yard and
shrunk free of charge.
Are appropriate holiday gifts. We carry
a complete line, also German Xmas and
New Year cards. We take subscriptions
for any German magazine published;
samples free. A. W. Schmale, 229 First
street, Portland.
Have you observed the constantly in
creasing natronage at the Portland res
taurant, 305 Washington street
Wild ducks from our own lakes. Milk,
cream and chickens from our own ranch.
Turkey and cranberry sauce. Home
made pies and cakes. A bachelors' para
dise. E. "House's Cafe, 128 Third street.
The usual chicken dinner, 25c, at
Strouse's restaurant, 229 Washington st.
Dr. R. B. Northrup, 416 Dekum build
ing. Third and Washington streets, spe
cialist in nervous and chronic diseases.
Examination free. Phone Main 319.
Did you try that dose of Dr. Pfunders
Oregon Blood Purifier after your Thanks
giving turkey?
I wish to announce to my patrons that I
have disposed of my millinery parlors,
349J4 Morrison street, to Miss A. Nathman,
who has been in my employ for the past
six years, and hope you will give her the
same generous patronage you did me. I
can recommend her as being thoroughly
competent, and I also authorize her to
collect my outstanding accounts.
If you want to Teach the farm
ers and livestock breeders of the
Pacific Northwest, try an "ad." In the
Rural Spirit. It is read by more wide
awake and up-to-date farmers and breed
ers than any other paper published on the
Coast Published weekly at 121 Third
street, Portland, Or.
Jacob Doll TJprlprlit Piano.
The latest improved. Acknowledged to
be best sold on easy installments. Pianos
rented, tuned and repaired at lowest
prices. H. Sinshelmer. 7i Third. Estab
lished 1S62.
Fire sale at adjuster's prices overcoats,
suits, shoes silently damaged by smoke.
Sale commences from Dec 3. Oregon Cloth
ing Co., 169 First street, near Yamhill. .
Beck, the Jeweler.
v...uuaa 6uu"o- --uv oiur;; new SIOCK.
Low rent makes low prices. 207 Morrison.
Mr. Watfion. Ontlclnn.
combla prices. 3S Washington building.
Only 200 feet from
in prices. The
that are shown
, . . ' -
It's "The Same Thing for Less Money" or a better article for the same v
money, $25 and $30 garments, plenty of them, for $22.50 and -$27.50.
When a theater is crowded night after
night it Is a sure Indication of a first
class performance, and that the audience
is receiving full value for their money.
When a store Is crowded day after day
and the business Increases from year to
year so that the cream of the trade Is al
most monopolized by one firm. It must In
dicate the best possible value for the
money zoins over the counters, combined
with correct style and superior quality
of material. The success of the Sllverfield
Fur Manufacturing Company has .been
phenomenal, and Is the result of the ex
cellent line of all kinds of furs carried
by that firm, and the style that character
izes every garment that leaves Silver
field's establishment. Correct dressers
can tell a Sllverfield garment a block
away, and his famous collar has never
been successfully duplicated. Present
your wife with a suitable fur garment
Christmas time. It will be appreciated,
and Sllverfield will hold any desired ar
ticle until that time for responsible per
sons. Don't fall to see the many Christ
mas novelties shown by this firm.
For Ten Days.
We will offer for 10 days all our lines of
furnishing goods at reduced prices. Here
are a few of our prices: Heavy natural
wool underwear, good value at 75c, our
price, 47c; fine line of camel's-hair under
wear, sold everywhere at 73c, now 4Sc;
Winter weight, all-wool underwear, just
the thing for this weather, a bargain at
$L00; our price, C9c; the celebrated Eagle
fleeced underwear, a bargain at 90c; our
price 49c; fine lambs' wool underwear, In
different colors, worth ?L50, special for
10 days. 97c: heavy wool sox, worth 20c,
our price 10c; $L00 fancy percale shirts,
for 10 days, now 50c; Oregon blue flannel
overshlrts. worth ?L75; now 5L25; Califor
nia heavy flannel oversnirts, wortji JL50;
for 10 days, $1.00. Remember the sale
of our J2.00 and $2.50 Fedora and Derby
hats, latest blocks, at 5L63, at Henry J.
"White's, 169 Third street.
CWitli Apologies to Dickens.)
Where are you going, my pretty maid?
To Carroll's for candles, sir, she said.
You have good taste, my pretty maid.
So have his candies, sir, she said.
For holiday gifts, buy Ford's beautiful
photos of Oregon. Columbia River, moun
tain, timber and fishing scenes. 1S5& Morrison.
Commencing Monday, sale ladies' fur
collarettes. N. Y. Mercantile Co., 203 3rd.
White and
Buys late Improved drop-leaf,
machine; oak case.
Buys latest Improved oak, drop
leaf machine. A fine machine.
Buys late improved drop-head
oak machine.
We are making special prices and in
ducements on the Domestic, White and
Eldredge machines.
These machines are the regular 570 and
575 machine. You save 520 to 525 agent's
commission by coming to our office.
Domestic and White Agency
122-124-12G SIXTH STREET.
CT.PREHN, Dentist
Crown and brldjo Tvorlc 131 Third St., near Al
der. Ortcon Tel. Clay S93. Vitalized air tor
painless extracting.
The Christmas gift habit Is not all Joy, but If you MUST give, why not give
something that will bring pleasure to your household the year round? A pianola
will do this.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street cor. Park, Portland, Or.
We are sole agents for the Pianola; also for the Bteinway, Chase and Emerson
Price, 93.1.
the high-expense district, but oh what a difference
same kind of Suits, the same kind of Overcoats
elsewhere for $18 and $20; we have them for
Famous Clothing
Many a Homemade Happier
and Brighter.
Several "Were Secured and. Set Aside
for Christina Sarprlses by
ThooRhtf a! Parents Everybody
in for a Piano or Organ Norr.
Friday eleven Instruments were sold,
and yesterday's record will eclipses all the
previous big days. People are quick to
recognize a bargain when they see it, and
nowadays everybody seems to have the
i necessary wherewithal to furnish the home
witn a good piano or organ. Few peoplo
there are who leave the store without
securing ono of the many bargains which
we now offer.
Wo are compelled to buy out a retiring
Eartner's interest in this concern. We
ave never borrowed a single dollar out
side of the firm since commencing busi
ness, nor do we feel that we want to
take another partner Into the firm now.
We are therefore confronted by the ne
cessity of converting at least one-third of
our present stock Into caBh or short-time
I paper, and to accomplish this purpose in
1 the limited time at our command, we
have commenced a special closing - out
j sale of our Portland stock at such low
prices, the equal of which have never
I heretofore been seen in print.
You will find here some fine square 'pi
anos. Bteinway. Hallet & Davis, Emerson,,
Fischer and other makes, for sale at 54S,
553 and $CT respectively; strictly up-to-date
squares, worm iw, juu &na i, respect
ively, at the lowest estimate. Several
second-hand uprights and used organs, for
a mere song.
Wa offer a strictly high-grade, fancy
seven and one-third octavo piano, full
swinging duet music desk, revolving lock
board, with three pedals, the third a soft
or practice pedal, for 5216, which ia less
than half price. A fancy figured Brazil
ian mahogany case for 522 more money.
Largest cabinet grand size, thoroughly
reliable, fully warranted upright pianos
in mahogany or oak, standing four feet
nine Inches high, with large duet desk,
rolling fall-board, and three pedals. In
struments that we guarantee cannot be
bought in Chicago or at the New York
factory for less than 5325 each, will go
during the salo for 517s and 5192. Rose
wood cases for 522 still less money.
With the exception of the three high
est priced styles, the cost of which slight
ly exceeds 5350, and on which terms of
payment will not be made less than 5109
down and 520 a month, allplanos are for
sale on payment of 515, 530 or 525 down,
and at the rate of 56, 5S, and 510 a month,
according to make, style and design.
Every piano and organ sold will be ac
companied by the respective manufac
turer's five years' warranty, duly counter
signed by us, thus fully protecting the
customer in every way.
This sale is now in full progress at 351
Washington street, in our new Music
block, and if you have any possible use
for a piano or an organ, come at once,
and do not delay, for times are prosperous
now, many are taking advantage of this
opportunity at this time of year, and we
will turn this stock into money or paper
within a very few days. Store open day
and night till stock Is closed out. Re
member our street number. Ellers Piano
House, 351 Washington street.
At Special Holiday Prices
JNO.O. HILlKU). Portland, Or.
Strong's Photographs
The Standard
of Excellence
Goodnouffh building, opposite postofflce.
The Chicago Typewriter, together with a complete
course of the Gregg System of shorthand taught by mall,
for $40. This will enable you to own your own typewriter
and become an expert stenographer by utilizing a little
spare time each day. The Chicago was awarded gold
medal at the Paris Exposition, is a visible writer, has stan
dard keyboard, and is the most speedy, simpis and dura
ble of typewriters, and turns out the most atlractlvo work.
E L KING. Gen'I Agent for Oregon, Albany. Oregon.
The little Expense
The Little Prices
and Second Streets
ifew things for
Sverything' s ready A 7leve made even more, than our
usual preparation to supply you with the most ap
proved needfuls and luxuries for Christmas yiftyiviny,
We solicit your early inspection of
our Immense showing of richly-patterned
Smoking Coats and Lounging
Robes, in bright color combinations
and with appropriate trimmings.
A profusion of golf-plaid Scotch
cheviots, brocades and serges, at $5
to $15. Bath Robes, $5 to $14.
Largest Clothiers in the
Stop Before It's To
And examine those handsome
WAo. A
yyo aum
.;piknos.. Bach
TVe will give prices and terms to
suit you. Come and see tts before
you buy. We cave several bar
gains in slightly used pianos in
C. A. Whale
128 Sixth Street 311 KMtx Street
r F r- 1
ri V l
The Stelnbach label insures trustworthiness.
old Christmas
Assembled under
this roof is a grand
array of carefully
chosen right-priced
good things for the
Yuletide surprises.
The completeness
of our assortment
Is absolute. Noth
ing Is missing. The
holiday spirit is su
preme. No better
time than now to
commence your
holiday shopping.
No better place
than at the "Qual
ity Store" to make
Men's Suits at $10 to $33.
Overcoats up to $45.
Boys' Suits and Hesters
at all prices.
TtmtcE aomatj jfmFDMFmami
Which we ire selling at
1 1 vjvl
m.,Ay :r,, r xu c !
uvci uuy ui uiciii ocuurudy. ii means
a $16.50 garment for
Purchasers should make
selection while
the stock Is complete
6" fiDj
f IT"
Jor the holidays
Yuletide is heralded with delight in
this unrivaled department, where a
perfect panorama of rare beauty is
now on review.
Neckwear of crispy newness, swell
suspenders, gentlemen's manicure
and traveling sets, shirts, jewelry, and
a profusion of other brilliant exclu
sives are gathered here for the holi
day wants.
Prices to please.
and Morrison (corner entrance)
ix ri
& CO.
Indian Baskets
Suitable Christmas Gifts. Fish
net for decorating Indian cor
Burnt Lcatfccr Orders Taken. Inspec
tion Invited.
Mrs.FrolimaDs Basket Rooms
Solid Comfort
C. H.Woodard & Co.
108 Second Street.
Marquam Building - Room 302
713 Dekum bids.
Estimates rfven on flrst-clasa vrork. ilodent
equipment for alleviating pain.
jj "