12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAff, PORTLAOT, DECEMBER 2, 1900. '''''ft''Vm'fc MpSppX FranI Tn foJlgifr & Franl fn liAar X Franb Cr uiIit, Fanl fV w i V s luiin vvrs itiii v. utu. vvr itivii s iuiiii vvr 1 it kxivI w a 1 uzir. Cut Glass and Solid Silver for Holiday Gifts in Great Variety. Shopping Should be Done Early While the Assortment is at its Best. Toy Land (Third Floor) is Complete with Every New Contrivance to Interest Children. Artistic Picture Framing. Watches Cleaned 75c Eyes Tested Free by Oar Optician mr mr i .- ,- mr s m mss s M m JF S m J M MrMm w W Msm M M s rf w F JPV M S-i W yy x m W M W m m K m Tm Jm W ' y-y .. CJ- . g. a m r We are ready for the holiday tracle. All over the store, no matter where you turn, you will find "Christmas." Nor has the first floor all the attractions. Our Art Department, with its fancy work materials, its cushions, its dainty pottery, opal ware, glassware and a hundred other Christmas offerings, has outgrown its own space and now occupies in addi tion the big millinery store, making an immense display room. You should visit it Fine French and German Dolls A BROAD AND INTERESTING DISPLAY. ON THE FIRST FLOOR The final touch of beauty to the store is the doll display at our Third-street entrance. Our constant effort is to gather together a collection of dolls worthy alike for beauty and quality. We buy the best dolls only sell them at the same prices you pay for poor, infe rior dolls so we sell the best dolls cheapest Kid, Bisque, Jointed and Dressed Dolls; Baby Dolls, Mamma and Papa Dolls, Boy Dolls, Girl Dolls all kinds of Dolls. WE HAVE JIN EXPERT DOLL DOCTOR ON THE FIRST FLOOR Oregon Calendar The handsomest Calendars ever offered to Oregonians a fit souve nir of our state and city to send to Eastern friends and relatives. Price, $1.25. Holly Boxes The daintiest Christmas Papers ever offered in pretty holly boxes, with red and green ribbon. Prices, from 25c to $2.50 a box. Picture News New framed water-color repro ductions $1.25 New framed Gibson pictures, lust placed on sale $2.00 The old English prints, appropri ately framed $1.25 Last year we had to refuse frame orders on the 18th of December. Don't delay your frame orders. We can fill them now; later on we can't promise. And you have new stock to select from now. Books Need no introduction. Every one knows our book store. We are ready for the Christmas rush with a bigger stock than ever; with prices lower than ever, and, above all, with intelligent book salespeo ple, who will make your book-buying a pleasure, not a task. Silverware and Rich Cut Glass " A JOINT OFFERING JIN OPPORTUNITY. SPECIAL Incentives to Seekers of Good TABLEWARE Chief amongst the group of Im portant offerings Is our four-piece tea set We will sell tomorrow ico tea sets, regular price $7.00, special $4.45. 50 tea sets, regu lar price $8.50, special per set 55-95. 50 quadruple-plated wa ter pitchers, special $2.95. Also butter dishes, berry dishes, cake dishes, fruit bowls, syrup mugs, bread trays, etc, etc., etc From the AUSTRIAN Section PARIS Exposition A display of Austrian pottery new, exquisite works of art. Such a display has never before been seen here. Tomorrow at our jewelry store. Yours to enjoy. Sparkling CUT CL A S How these brilliant pieces catch the rays of light, and after paint ing them in richest hues, dart them across the table or from the sideboard 1 There h a wonder ful difference in cut glass. These we tell of today come from the most expert cutters In America, and they glint and sparkle with life and color. The tumbled prices do not affect their brilliance, though they double the tempta tion to lovers of exquisite table wares. 6-Inch rich cut glass nappy, regular price $2.25, special $1.88. 6-Inch rich cut handle nappy, regular price $2.75, special $2.15. 11-lnch rich cut celery dish, regular price 6.50, special 14.48. The same and greater reductions In elegant bowls, trays, Ice cream dishes, rose bowls, water bottles, vases and nappies. An Army of Good Dressers H f 1 T i fl L if i Jf 1 LV J vW a I - ' tV 1 . V 1 ill '11 II 1 l- m J 1 jl Can find good choosing in these splendid stocks of Men's Suits and Overcoats. Many of Portland's best dressers have been satisfactorily fitted out this season. "Moyer" Gothes are to be seen everywhere. They are the sort that comprise all of the desirable qualities correct in style, worthy in material, honest in making, moderate in price. If you are thinking of a suit come in here and do your thinking. If it's A SUIT FOR 10.00 You won't have to think very long, because the extraor dinary value is so apparent your decision will come quick. They re strictly all-wool Oregon Cheviots, in stripes and checks, fashionable patterns, perfectly tailored, sack styles. They'll stand inspection. They'll stand a try-on. They'll stand wear and they'll stand a "Moyer" guarantee. THAT OVERCOAT Offer is still being made. Fortune knocks once at every man's door. Don't expect us to knock again. These are genuine $15 OXFORD OVERCOATS FOR $10.00 Oxford Gray is the extremely stylish color this sea son. These are fashionable garments in every respect Velvet collar, inside fancy back, black satin sleeve linings and satin piped seams. Come early in the week while we can fit you properly. Gifts With Boys' Clothes "We are presenting1 Ta.lua.blo presents -with each boy's suit, overcoat or mackintosh. Boy's Insersoll nickel watches, guaran teed to. keep correct Urns for & year; boy's steel runner coaster sleds; boy's large, metal-bound drums, cannons, and school com panions, with pen, pencil, rule and eraser, go ires o charge. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MOYER CLOTHING CO. POPULAR-PRICE CLOTHIERS BEN SELLING, Manager. Corner Third and Oak Streets Holiday Handkerchief Store Handkerchiefs will have their formal opening here this week-commencing tomorrow. Of course this is a good handkerchief store the year round, but we put forth extraordinary efforts during the holiday rush to make handkerchief buying a pleasure. This year the display promises to be a feature of the store such as it has not been heretofore. ;A hundred feet of counter and shelf space crowded to their fullest capacity for extent ?the town has never met it. Our holiday handkerchief store is ready to receive youwaiting. With mention of a few specials we leave them to tell their own story. zzzr j i QJRTF A-f f Orr All-linen tinlaun L 14K, dered hand em. broidered initialed handker chiefs, 1-4 inch hem. Extra value at 12o each. A 1Zr All-linen hem stitched hand- embroidered handkerchief. Great value at 15c each. Handkerchiefs by the thousands. A-f Err an 200 ri.ss o.. sheep dozen of lawn handkerchiefs, embroidered corner. Big value at 5c each. A-f 1 (n pure linen hand- WL, kerchiefs, 1-8 and 1-4- inch hems. Big value at 10c each. Children's hemstitched in itial handkerchiefs, 25c box. Handkerchiefs at all prices. A"f Jc AH Pure linen rvL -i hemstitched hand embroidered initialed handkerchiefs. The best value ever offered at 21c. A"T 1 r Unlaunderedhem rxL 10 stitched and hand embroidered handkerchiefs. Big value at 15 c. The largest and most com plete stock you ever selected from. Sheer linen lawn handkfipp.hipfs Box hand embroidered initial, 1-4 inch hem. 3 in box, $1 a box. 1 7c All pure Irish linen PiVO handkerchiefs, $ dox hand embroidered and hemstitched. 6 in box, 1.75 box. Handkerchiefs always make ah acceptable holiday gift. Furs Reduced Fur stock is too heavy. Contin uous warm weather has made buying slow. Commencing to morrow, we offer values in fur scarfs, capes and jackets, that will turn all fur thoughts in our direction. Then why not a fur scarf for a holiday gift? $4 Scarfs, $2.35 Cluster scarf in electric seal, stone and brown mar ten, 6 tails, regular $4 val ue, $2.35. Collarettes, $5.95 $7.50 and $8 values Ladies' collarettes in near seal, variety of styles, $7.50 and $8 values at $5.95. Seal Jackets Iceland seal jackets. S35 value for $27.25 $28 value for $21.45 (Second Floor) $6 Scarfs, $3.85 Large animal head scarf in red fox, regular $6 value, $3.85. Collarettes, $8.92 $11 and $12 values Collarettes of American marten and Iceland seal, also nutria, $11 and $12 values, $8.92. Astrakhan Cape, $12.45 24 -inch Astrakhan cape, heavy satin-lined, regular $16 value, $12.45. Automobile Coats $23-45 $28 to $32 Values, at Ladies' handsome au tomobile coats in tan, cas tor, black, Oxford gray. Finely tailored, the regular $28 to $32 values at $23.45 (Second Floor.) MEN'S SHIRTS, $1.00 to $2.00 Values at... 79C $2.00 to $3.00 Black Dress Goods $1.39 yard The entire stock of mill remnants of a prom inent Mack goods manufacturer Is offered to morrow at a price the lowest ever quoted on goods of this merit. Fill your dress needs now. 72 Dress Lengths, 5 and 6 yards in length 86 Skirt Lengths, 3 1-2 to 4 12 yards in length. Black fancy silk and mo hair crepons and figured pierolas. All are goodfabw rics and the values range from $2 to $3 yard. Your choice, at the low price of $1.39 yd. Spachtel Goods Tomorrow morning on the second floor we place on sale a special lot of Spachtel goods in Shams, Center Pieces and Bureau Scarfs. They were purchased at a price which enables us to sell them far undervalue as you will note by comparison. (Second Floor.) ? . "Spachtel" pieces JL IL 24x24 size, and -'f "Spachtel" Bu reau Scarfs, sizes. 18x27 or 18x36. Handsome designs. "Spachtel" F y Shams or Center W pieces, size 32x "Spachtel" Bureau Scarfs, 18x54. Big value at 53c. (Second. Floor.) A great lot of men's high-grade Shirts to be offered tomorrow at a remarkably low price. All are the highest-grade makes in Fercales of the best designs and colorings, stripes and figures. Attached or detached cuffs, open-front or open-back styles $1, $1.50 and $2 values, Your cr Choice, 79 MEN'S HATS AT $1.65 Special lot of men's Derbys and Fe doras, black or brown, all sizes. Reg ular $2.25 values at $1.65. Boys' all-wool Vestee Suits, fancy double-breasted Vests, navy blue serges and cheviots, dark and medium mixtures, ages 3 to 9, I Special at $4.45 Bargains in Slippers Christmas bargains in ladies' and men's slippers. Ladies' fur -trimmed satin Juliets, red and black, atf?"52.6. $1.60 Ladies' serge quilted Juliets, black and cerise, cl $1.75 value at-.-.PA'O Men's velvet embroidered Everett, leather o -, back, reduced to OOK Men's black and tan imitation seal $1.05 Jardinieres Reduced Tinted and glazed, new styles and shapes 5-inch at 12 cents 6-inch at 22 cents 7-inch at 33 cents 9-inch at 68 cents 10-inch at 98 cents nillinery Bargains Ladies' Trimmed Hats Trimmed with silk, chenille and velvet Best shapes and colorings Regular $5 values $3.29 Children's trimmed hats, trimmed with ribbon, silk, velvet and wings, variety of shapes, regular ci act $3.50 value for. . . .i.VD Ladles' walking hats, plain and camel's hair, black, gray, castor and qe. black, $1.25 values at OOC Tarn o' Shanters 37C Imported Scotch Tarns. o5C Bring the children to see Toy-Land on the third floor. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. ww