The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 14, 1900, PART THREE, Page 28, Image 4

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oys and Girls
I 1
The rairlen' Ball.
Tho Queen of the fields and the forests
Was eolng to give a ball
To the little flower fairies.
The humble, the stately and alL
rTwas going to be on a moonlight night,
In a beautiful fairy dell.
"Where a little brook winds its way along
And sounds like a sliver bell
lAt the appointed time the fairies came
(And Oh! 'tvte a beautiful night).
iTbey told -weird tales and sane swet songs,
And danced by the moon's soft light.
A toadstool formed the table.
Some mossy stones the stools;
IThey liad honey f rcoh Jrom the sveot -wild rose,
And they drank from the sparkling pools.
.t last each fay, with happy heart.
Bade their kindly Queen "Good night,"
Lind spread their bright and gauzy vines.
And disappeared by the moon's pale light.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Istory of the Captivity of Lovely
Senora Sebastian and Her Two
Fair Young Daughters,
Ah! could you have seen, Ophelia Sebas-
the little maid of four years, who
lwelt In Pachuca, capital city of the Mex
ican state of Hidalgo, you -would have
said, as I did:
"She is not mortal. She must be a
fairy, stepped out of e beautiful tale."
And, with her hair that hung below her
ralst, in sun-gold curls; her eyes shin
ing like stars on a frosty night, and her
sheeks that resembled half-blown La
France roses, Ophelia, Indeed, resembled
Her mother, a beautiful American lady.
Mid married Senor Sebastian, a wealthy
iivicxlcan, high In the official circles of
she capital. The Senora, with her two
laughters, Ophelia and Septlma, the lat
ter then three years Old, excited much
kdmlration among th. dark-haired, dark-
pklnned Mexicans of Pachuca. Their
tame resembled a palace in its mag
nificent furnishings, for the Senor .de-
tghted In surrounding his wife and daugh
ters with every luxury which money
could ly.
Senor Sebastian had extensive proper-
interests in the state of Hidalgo, among
hem being an immense coffee planta
llon which yielded him a large income.
or several years it had been under the
Sfflcient management of Don Gonzales, a
lark, handsome Mexican.
Just before this story opens, however.
change had neen observed in Don Gon-
iales. He displayed a discontented spirit
nd paid less heed to his duties as mana
ler of the plantation than formerly. -This
.'as attributed, in part, to a severe af-
pction that had befallen him, in the loss
If his entire family by yellow fever. On
it account, and also because of his
frevlous -valuable services, the Senor Se-
iastlan was Inclined to deal conslderate-
wlth him. However, he could not al-
iw his fine plantation to go to ruin,
Snd so he warned the manager to exercise
lore care over the place. Bat Don Goa
lies continued to neglect his duties and
ie Senor was forced to discharge him. "
Soulier Xnstncsncs.
Eastward from Hidalgo is a mountaln-
mge which borders the Mexican coast
fine. This range was infested with rov-
ag bards of robbers who made Us cun-jingly-hldden
caves their hiding-places.
was the custom of people, then, to trav-
by carnage over the mountains to the
sast cities, as Tailroads had not jet been
lilt, and many of the travelers fell a
rey to the outlaws.
Among the latter c?mcr the discharged
Ion Gonzales, now grown -vengeful end
toofly. He embraced their evil life, and
last became the acknowledged leader
tRte band, -which had swelled to a hun
ted members. He made a very polite
id courteous bandit. If ladles happened
be in the party -which he -was holding
3, he never permitted his men to -frighten
injure them, and lie corred to de
lve poor travelers of their money and
w possessions, choosing to make his 11 v
g from the wealthy ones.
senor Sebastian decided to send his fam-
to a seaeoaet tow n during the hot hca-
n in Pachuca, and preparations having
Len made, they irtefl oer the moun
ting, in a large traveling carrlnge, Sev
al days of the trip passed Tinevent
llly, and the party had nearly complct-
the mountainous part of the Journey.
len it was suddenly surrounded ?jy a
reat band of men who appeared from
it the bush on both sides of the road
En the man who appeared to be their
ier, Senora Sebastian recognized the
tscharged manager of ner husband's
Itate. He was a very prince among
le villainous-looking men, and was at-
ed in the fantastic trappings of a Mex-
brlgand. Revenge and retaliation
are written upon his face, as he bowed
before the Scnoia. The guards of
le carriage had been overpowered and
fund hand and foot, and the bandits
pre engaged in looting the luggage
1'Oh, Don Gonzales' have sou come to
lis?" began tho trembling Senora.
The Bandit and the Lady.
IWho, my lady, but your husband drove
to It?" answered the chief of the
"Tvvas 3 our own madness, and not my 1
tsband's Injustice," she replied.
ITU allow you that view of it, Senora,"
turned the bandit, but you and your
lllfiren are now my prisoners." ,-
o saying, he bound silken, bandages
sr the eyes of the benora and the little
fls. Then they were placed on horses.
tho party started for the cave of the
pe Journey "was long and very fatigu-
and, during its course, the Senora Se-
ijtian -wept bitterly over the fato which
befallen herself and children. When
cave was at last reached, she and the
lie girls "were led into a separate apart
jnt, where the bandages were removed.
en they beheld a room of the most
iutlful furnishings, wth rich, rare dra-
ics and a soft, velvet carpec
Jon Gonzales looked on in silence, as
his prisoners surveyed the placo, and then
"Senora Sebastian, this Is the private
apartment of yourcelf and your children.
None else shall enter here -without your
f bidding. You -will he treated by me and
mv men with all the respect and courtesy
that 3 our station demands, but give up,
now and forever, any hope of liberty.
This cave Is hundreds of miles from any
habitation, and jou cannot possibly find
your way out. For your own safety, I
warn you not to attempt to escape."
He bowed low and withdrew. Tho won
dering children had looked on, terrified,
and when he -was gone they burst into
tears. After quieting them, their mother
eat through the long night, pondering up
on the situation, and wondering how It
would end.
Ab the days and weeks passed, she
lost her fear of the robbers. Their leader
exacted of the men the utmost courtesy
toward her and her daughters. Her Madonna-like
beautj' and queenlv bearing
Inspired them with awe, and they grad
ually came to regard her with the ut
most respect. Ophelia and Septlma found
a soft place in the hardened hearts of the
outlaws, for their dainty, charming ways
slderable liberty, and played In the forest
near the cave, like woodland fairies Don
Gonzales, too, fell a victim to their wiles,
and he, also, loved to watch the pretty
children. Often, upon returning to tho
wWm i JBv
"I'll leave ay happy home for 'oo!"
Papa's little ragtime girl
Can sing an' dance an' play it, too,
.Jus' one little ragtime gin
cave, laden with booty, he brought them
wonderful toys.
So the days and months went by, and
Ophelia and Septlma grew out of sweet
babyhood and into girlhood, becoming
more beautiful, so It seemed to the moth
er, as they grew older. But she did not
allow them to grow up in Ignorance, ac
customed only to the rough, uncouth
ways of the thieves. Still cherishing a
hopo of freedom. ?he instructed them in
many accomplishments Being an edu
cated woman, she knew and apprec'ated
the value of learning and how to impart
Fully five years had passed since they
were cut off from the great outside world,
when the Senora fell 111 of fi. strange
malady which refused to yield to the sim
ple remedies applied Hourly she grew
worse, and heT suffering was terrible to
witness. The frightened girls tried to al
leviate the pain, but their efforts wero
useless, and Senora Sebastian drifted Into
a state of unconsciousness from which
they could not rouse her. Then Don Gon
zales dispatched one of his men for a
physician. ALICE Si. WELLS.
(To be concluded next Sunday.)
Ingenious "Whimsicalities of Busy
Paragraphic Scribes.
A mother was -showing her dear little
Joe a picture of the martyrs thrown to
the lions, and was talking -very solemnly
to him, trying to' make him feel what a
terrible thing it was.
"Ma." said he all at once, "oh, ma, just
look at that little Hon right behind there!
He won't get any." Cincinnati Enquirer.
Grandma one Surday set to teaching
7-j ear-old Bertie his catechism, and at
that part of the lesion where It sajs:
"God made man of dust, and breathed
Into his nostrils the breath of life." Ber
tie looked up and asked: "Where did God
get the skinto put him in?" Philadel
phia Inquirer.
Little Eleanor (after gazing Intently a
long time at sister Annie's mash) Hay I
climb up on jour knee for a minute, Mr.
Mr. 2&yx Yes. pet, If you like. Want
to pull my whiskers again, eh?
Little Eleanor No: I wpjit to see If I
can And that word.
Mr. 3Iyx Word! What word?
Little Eleanor Whj, I heard sister An
nie say that-if ever a man had the word
"Nincompoop" written on his face. It was
you ! Plck-Me-Up.
A little East End girl who had hash for
breakfast the other morning looked at the
last mouthful of her share long and earn
estly as she poised it on her fork Then
she passed it out of sight.
But the mastery still engrossed her
"Daddy," she said, "what was hash
when it was alive?" Cincinnati Enquirer.
Teacher "Now, children, who can tell
me what an epidemic Is? What1 None of
you? I-et me prompt your memory. It is
Ding dong! goes tho school bell;
Time for school to begin;
So here arc the Lollipop children
Each one as neat as a pin.
And now ah, 1
"What is It, my
"Did that kid ask you If you wanted a
"No. He asked me If I desired to have
my pedal teguments artistically illumin
ated for the infinitesimal remuneration of
one dime. He's from Boston." Denver
"Say, teacher, here's a snake called the
annycondl, an' It takes it a week to di
gest its food." "Xes, Willie. What of
it?" "Well, would it be right to say it
had a wreak digestion?" Cleveland Plain
Friend of Salvation. Army and Gives
Iiib orally to Its Funds.
In an illustrated sketch, of the Queen
of Sweden in The Young Woman, one Is
told that many exaggerated stories Have
been published of her relation to the Sal
ivation Army, one of which is to the ef
fect that her majesty wears the Salva-
Hnnlf Vvonrmf n1 nlavc tiA tftrnhnurlno.
H connection wltlTtho Army Is ex-
plained by Booth Tucker in this way:
"The Queen is the friend of the Army.
She has contributed liberally to our funds.
She is Interested in the Warm Shelter,
which is a club room for tho poor in
Stockholm. Her son, Prince Bernadotte,
often speaks at our meetings He has
entertained me at his home. When I en
tered, the Princess, his wife, came toward
me in impulsive Sw.edish fashion, with
both hands outstretched 'We love you
because ou love the Army,' she said
Prince Bernadotte has given up court life
and his succession to the throne to work
for humanity and religion "
The Queen's daily life is very simple
something that spreads,
see' one of you knows,
little friend?" '
"Jam, sir." Exchange.
-er viBk
Rising at 8:30, she spends an hour alone
in prayer and meditation, and then break
fasts with the King. From 10 to 2:80 she
devotes herself to reading or else knits
or does needlework, while one of her
ladles reads to her. At 2.30 comes a sim
ple lunch, and at G o'clock the family Bit
down to dinner. The rest of the evening
Is spent together In reading aloud, or
plajing games, or listening to music.
Hnd the "Tummynche"
Sho was the parson's baby, and prided
herself on her goodness, but that day
moie than commonly she misbehaved In
church. Thereupon her father fixed his
awful eye upon her nurBC, who caught
tho signal from tho pulpit and trotted her
restless charge Ignominlously down the
aisle But at the door of the sacred edi
fice the small person balked. Sho was
not overwhelmingly afraid of her father,
and she was tremendously anxious to sot
herself right with the congregation.
So. turning firmly about, she set her wee
hands behind her and announced, unmind
ful of the solemn harangue from the pul
pit, In the dreadfully penetrating treble
of a small, but earnest child "Well. 1
don't care. I had tho tummy ache, any
way!" She hadn't." But she felt that she was
vindicated from the charge of bad be
havior, and went serenely away, leaving
an embarrassed parson and a congrega
tion in tormenting throes of laughter.
Chicago Times-Herald. "
Of course they will learn their lessons.
And trj to keep each rule!
"Wouldn't vou like to visit
Their queer little Lollipop school?
Priraarj Education.
Susy Bess.
Eight small children for busy Besa
Eight to feed and wash and dress
Four small girls and four small boys
In one small Jiouso make no small noise;
And bo, to have them out of the way,
She's sent them off to the woods to play.
"Don't quarrel, nor tease, nor fret, nor frown.
But come back home when the sun is down.
.And, if jou seo Jho chipmunk small,
Don't throw stones at him that Is all;
For he's just as busy as he can be.
And I know how that is myself." said she.
Joy Allison, In October St. Nicholas.
Little Monkey Organises Swimming
-School, and Mr. Zebra and Mr.
Tiger Acquire Stripes.
1 Little Monkey lost his tall, and 'the
other monkeys made so much tun of him
that ho could not live with them any
more. He went away by himself and fed
on berries. Ho was sitting on the bank
of the .river one day, when the earth
gave way, and he fell In the water. He
swam out again, and as ho did so, he had
an Idea. .
"I'll start a swimming school," said
he. "I'll teach all the other animals to
swim, so that their lives will be saved
if they fall Into the water."
So Little Monkey built houses on the
shore of tho river and put up a sign,
which read:
Swimming Skulo.
Bathing Suits to Hire.
He had 100 bathing suits in sizes 1n
fit any animal from a mouso to an ele
phant. He hired the Tailor Bird to
make new suits as fast as the old ones
wore out. Ben Crocodile was always
swimming around to save tho lives of
the animals who .swam out too far Lit
tle Monkey put a raft away out in the
stream, where the animals could rest
after they had swum as long as they
When all the animals and all the birds
heard that Little Monkey had a swim
ming school, they said: "How very fash
ionable!" Some of them thought they could swim,
but then It became the style for all ani
mals and birds to swim like little mon
keys without tails. Every afternoon the
beach in front of Little Monkey's bath
ing houses was fiegdll fiiricmfwyp cmf
lng houses was filled. by tho jungle folk.
They went In hired bathing suits, and the
Tailor Bird was kept busy all day making
new suits and mending old ones. Little
Monkey wore a fine gray suit, and he
swam up and down to teach tho animals
how to swim
Tiger and Zebra were very great friends,
and oAe afternoon they went to Little
Monkey's swimming school
"We want nice new suits;" said Tiger
Tailor Bird brought out two suits with
yellow and black stripe. Tiger and Ze
bri then had white hair, for this was
many years ago.
"They're fine," said Tailor Bird, "They
fit like the bark on the tree, and the col
ors are so new that they would be
ashamed to run "
"What pretty suits," Zebra and Tiger
said at once.
They put on the bathing suits and sat
down on the smd
"Why don't you come In7" asked Her
on, who had stayed In the water until
he was blue.
"We want everybody to see our fine new
suits," answered Zebra.
-IV "-- - '
A . - .
"Come on!" cried Little Monkey. "Bath
ing suits were made to get wet."
So Tiger and Zebra stepped into the
water and followed Little Monkey.
"Tiger," cried Little Monkcv, turning
around, "you must keep your mouth
tightly shut."
Every time Tiger got near Little Mon
key his mouth flew open This made Lit
tle Monkey very nervous, for Tiger had
big, sharp teeth. When Tiger was not
scaring Little Monkey, Zebra was kick
ing the water over the poor little animal,
which was doing Its best to teach its pu
pils how to swim. The other animals and
birds got out of the water and sat upon
the beach and laughed at the fun which
Tiger and Zebra were having with Little
Tiger, and Zebra mado believe that they
were very awkward. They werer all the
time catching Llttlo Monkey around tho
neck until his head was under water.
Then when he came up again with his
ears and mouth all streaming, they would
say: "Noble Little Monkey, you have
just saved our lives." They even got a
little fish to swim under Little Monkey
and bite his toes
Little Monkey pretended not to be an
gry. All tho time, though, he was vexed,
and he made up his mind that he would
pay back Tiger and Zebra for the mean
way In which they were treating him He
was all tired out, but he kept swimming,
for he saflr that something was happen
ing which would give him a fine revenge.
Adlnes His Tormentors.
"Tiger," he said, "if you would keep
your mouth from being open so much, and
Zebra, if you would not splash with your
feet, you both would become very fine
swimmers Don't bother to tako off your
bathing suits. Just sit in the sun, and
when I teach Antelope how to dive, I'll
give you another lesson "
So Tiger and Zebra sat In th sun and
told the other animals about the great
fun which they had had with Little Mon
key. Then they found somebody else to make
fun for them. Leopard, who was all
spotted, came down to the beach.
"Ho, ho," laughed Tiger, "did you ever
see an animal In a polka dot skin?"
"He, He! isn't he gayly dressed?"
neighed the Zebra, as he grinned, and
looked around at the other animal.
"It is not every animal," answered the
Leopard, as he tame out dressed up In
his white bathing suit, "who has the
good fortune to be born with a beautiful
white skin. Many Is the.time I have tried
to change these polka "dots for a plain
checked suit, but somehow I could never
do it. I may be funny, but I never looked
so queer as do two very mean animals
who are lying on this beach all dressed
"up In ugly, striped bathing suits."
men zcora nna Tiger became angry.
They got up and took off their, bathing
suits and threw fhem at Tailor Bird.
Then all tho birds and the animals
("Sca )
d&aaa P"
laughed so hard they had to -put their
hands to their sides. Hyena laughed un
til he rolled over and over on the beach.
"Hyena," roared Tiger, "you are al
ways laughing Jit nothing. What is the
matter with you?" x
Hyena pointed with hl3 paw. Tiger and
Zebra looked at themselves and found
that their skins were all Btrlped. The
color had come out of the new bathing-
Suits and the sun had dried it into their
hair. Ever since that day the beasts in
the Jungle have always said Striped Tiger
and Striped Zebra, and it was not until
the Spotted Leopard told me this story
that I knew that those two animals wero
once as white as the Polar Bear. Phila
delphia Inquirer.
Fairy Story That 'Should Interest
Very Small Folic.
The little fairies were alj busy doing
their work, or helping Some neighbor
who had mote to do than they, for the
fairies are always willing to lend a help
ing hand wherever It Is needed.
The royal household "was all astir, for
Her Majesty the Queen had decided to
glvo a ball, the first of the season, at
the royal palace. She sat In the Summer
house, which was a large pink rose, writ
ing Invitations. The good Queen did not
want to slight anybody, for she was loyal
to her subjects, so she invited everybody
she could think of.
The invitations were written on rose
leaves, with a feather for a pen and dew
for Ink.
After she had finished she 'rang a llttlo
Stolen Sweets.
fpwfaf VCl. jT
Mrs Fly I thought I told j ou, JImmIe, that
I wanted that Jam for supper1
silver bell and a little page clad In pink 1-
ana goia witn a goia trumpet at nis sloe
came In
The Queen ave him the dainty invita
tions, and, bowing gracefully, he retired.
He blew on his trumpet at the houses
and gave the invitations to whom they
were addressed
The ball was a grand affair, as well as
a success. There were fireflies for lamps
and birds to sing and dance, besides fai
ries, brownies, elves and all little people.
The Cueen thought sho ought to get
married, so she married the King of the
Brownies They lived to a good old age,
doing good to other people. Bessie Fra
zee, in the New York Herald.
Wonderful Bicycle Clock.
The most wonderful and probably the
most unique clock in existence, as de
scribed by the French papers, is one that
has just been completed by Alphonse
From Scraps.
Duhamel, In Paris. It stands 12 feet high,
and Is entirely composed of bicycles and
their component parts. The framework
of the clock is an immense blcyple wheel,
around which are arranged 12 ordinary
sized wheels, all fitted with pneumatic
tires. An inner rim within the larso
wheel bears the various figures which
indicate the hours and minutes, which
are constructed of crank rods. The hands
are made of steel piping, which is used
for the framework of bicycles. The min
ute strokes on the dial are small nickel
plated spokes The top of the clock is
an arrangement of 12 handle bars.
The clook strikes the hours and the
ffgfefeasWiKffll W . n ib hi I ' iiiiliMiiiiifaaMiiiMSM
It was only nine years ago that the subjects of Queen Victoria wero grieving over the
fact that her first great-grandchild In the line of succession was a girl, and daughter of the
Duke of Fife at that Moreover, such a case as a great-grandchild of the sovereign was
absolutely unprecedented and wholly unprovided for that is, the Duchess of Fife's child,
though at that time the fourth In lino from the crown had no rank except that of a Duke's
daughter, and might bo passed in precedence by some one not a grandchild of the Prlnco of
Wales. "When the Duke of Clarence died, that amiable helr-presumptlv e whom the people
had nicknamed "Collars and Cuffs." the Queen's subjects were all in a flutter until his
brother George, the sailor Prince, had espoused Clarence's betrothed, tho lovely Princess
May of Teck. The following Juno a son and heir was born to tho happy couple.
quarters, bicycle bell3, of course, maklng
the chimes. The pendulum Is made of a
bicycle, wheel, and the pendulum rod of
various portions of a bicycle frame. The
whole mechanism Is said to work perfect
ly, through being regularly and fre
quently oiled. At the end of the first
month of Its existence the clock had only
lost one-sixteenth of a second.
The masterpiece Is to adorn one of the
public buildings of the City of Paris.
Fonnd the Man She Wanted, Bat He
Didn't Want Her.
There was once, says a writer in Har
per's Bazar, a womaji who understood
her fellow-men very thoroughly. This
ondeared her to many of them, but as sho
was very particular In her tastes, they
seldom suited her. Finally, however, she
found a man who perfectly suited all her
requirements. She then brought to bear
upon him all her Information concerning
his sex, which was grrat. One day the
man's sister called on her and said: "It
is a good thing that you are so strong,
for so Is he, and he does not like delicate
At this the woman smiled. "I should be
very foolish were I to act on this hint,"
she said. "My knowledge of men teaches
mo that such men Invariably prefer wo
men of opposite dispositions from them
selves." So when he next saw her she
told him that she was terribly afraid of
mice and could not walk far.
Again his sister called on her and said:
"It Is a good thing that you understand
politics so well, for he is much Interested
In them, and sajs that all Intelligent
women should be, too."
The woman smiled wisely. "I should
bo more than foolish were I to allow
myself to be deceived by this," she said.
"When a woman admits that she can
master politics, then It is all up with
A man's last claim to superiority
is gone, and life would be unendurable
to him without that." So when he next
saw her she asked him If It were true
that Republicans were better dressed
than Democrats, and why so many people
were betting 16 to 1 on the election.
By and by he stopped calling, and she
learned, to her horror, that he had en
gaged himself to a woman who had writ
ten a pamphlet on the sliver question.
She herself had glv en a great many ideas
on this subject to the other woman. Thus
she realized that the man was peculiar.
This teaches us that things are some
times what they 3eem.
Boy Spcnks Eight Langrnnsres.
StelHo Arghlri is but 11 vears of age,
yet he Is perhaps the most wonderful lin
guist of his age In the world. He speaks
fluently eight languages. He is a protege
of Sir Thomas Lipton. of yacht racing
fame, who sends him to the grammar
school at Enfield, England.
The young marvel Is a Cretan by birth.
His father was killed In May, 1S96, by the
bullet of a Turkish soldier, and his
mother, taking refuge in the hills,, finally
starved to death. The little orphan be
gan his education In the government
school of his native place. Later he went
to North Africa, where he attended the
French and Italian Government schools.
It was here that he became an accom
plished linguist, and Is the master of
Russian, German, French. Italian. Greek,
Turkish, Arabic and English languages.
Sir Thomas Lipton, having heard of the
wonderful boy, took him on board his
vessel and sailed for England, where he
placed "him at school. The only luggage
he had to take aboard the ship was a
parcel of books.
Che-wed Gnm In 1402.
A correspondent of the Popular Science
Monthly calls attention to the following
interesting passages In a letter written bv
Columbus, shortly after his discovery df
"Finally that I may compress in few
words the brief account of our departure
and quick return and the gain, I promise
this, that if I am supported by our most
invincible sovereigns with a little of their
help, as much gold can be supplied as
they will need; indeed, as much of spices,
of cotton, of chewing gum (which Is only
found In Cheos), also as much of aloes
wood and as many slaves for the Navy as
their majesties will wish to demand."
The date of this letter Is March 14, 1S93.
over 400 years ago, and it is very evident
from the inclusion of chewing gum in
his list of products obtainable In the new
country, that ColUombus considered It an
Item of considerable Importance; so one
may fairly assume that the chewing-gum
habit was prevalent in Spain in 1432.
My first is In have, but not In give;
My second is In love, but not In live;
My third is in hut, but not In home;
My fourth Is in flesh, but not In bone;
My fifth Is In save and also atone;
My whole Is a place that a called a home.
School Teacher (to boy at head of class,
the lesson being philosophy) How many
kinds of forces are there?
Boy Three, sir.
Teacher Name them.
Bov Bodily force, mental force and tho
pollco force New York World.
Little Boy Bine.
Oh. Little Boy Bluo was a bravo little man
And Little Boy Bluo was bold.
And his blr umbrella sheltered him
From the Storm, so wild, so cold.
But tho Stqrm. was brave and tho Storm was
And fond of havlnc hla way.
So ho caught up Little Boy Blue's umbrella
And carried Its owner away. ,
Then up to the clouds went Little Boy Bluo
On the wine of. tho roaring Storm,
Till the earth, so far, 10 far away.
Had lost its U3ual Torm.
But down came Little Ifoy Blue once more.
For he heard his mother call.
And Little Boy Blue awoke In surprise
To find he'd dreamed it at all!
James Albert Wales, In New York Herald.
Bepclns in BInze of Glory and Ends
Igrnominlonsly In Complete and
Irretrievable Disaster.
I guess you have never been out to my
Aunt Fannie's farm, have you? I was
out there this Summer for about two
months, and I had such a good time, it
didn't seem like I wa3 there more than
two weeks. I don't know what I did
enjoy the most. We had boatriding and
horseback-riding, and a swing down in
the orchard.
My Aun.t Fannie is the nlct aunt Tvo
got. She doesnt think It hurts "a fel
low to go swimming, whenever he feels
like it, and she is not always worrying
about railway tracks, and she bakes "th
best things to eat; it makes me hungry
now just to think about It. Then she Fa
always going 'rouiyi laughing and, sink
ing, and can tell if a fellow Is homesick:
Just by looking at thlm. and she know
just what to say to make him feel bette.
I've got two cousins out there. Rob is
a year older than I am. He Is In th
same books at school. He doern't know
much about football, and never played
cricket, but sav' you just ought to see
him swim; he can, stay under the wat r
the longest time, and he can climb anv
kind of a tree and shoot a gun a good
deal better than I can.
Sue Is only a little girl. She Is a year
younger than I am, and all she does Is
to just tag tag 'round and bother us boys.
I know a girl that can run faster and
whistle louder than any boy on our
street, and she ain't afraid of nothing
either. That's the kind of a girl a toy
likes If Sue was like her, I would like
to stay at Aunt Fannie's all the t me
Bob's Biff Doff.
Rob has a great big dog. and on his
birthday his father gave him an express
wagon. We thought we would fix a har
ness and teach the dog. so that when
we went camping or fishing he could
haul our traps. We worked about two
days on that harness, and when we got
It done. It was a dandy. The do z
wouldn't stand still to be hitched up un
til we got some scraps from Bridget to
feed him.
Rob said all the time that he wouldn't
ride first; said I was company. I didn t
care about that, and told him so. Whlli
we were talking about it. Sue begar to
cry. Rob asked her what the matter
To', and she said: "Rob Curtis, if ysu
don't let me ride first. I'll go right
straight In and tell my mother."
I didn't want to ride first; neither dirt
Rob, for, you see, you never can tell
just what a dog will do, when he l
hitched up. But Sue Is fat, and I hid
heard Aunt Fannie say that her scratches
heled up quickly, so I didn't think it
would hurt her much, even If she dl l
fall out. I said: "Let her ride, Rob!"
and Rob said that If she would be a
good girl, and find him a piece of rope,
sho could ride first.
Well, when we got all ready, we put
Sue In the wagon Rob told her to hold
on to the sides with both hands. Tho
dog made one move, but when he found
what a load he had. he just settled back
In the harness and stood still. Rob ran
down the path and called him. but he
wouldn't stir. We were afraid to twist
his tall, for, though he never h?d tried
to bite us, sometimes he growled and
showed his teeth.
ne Gets Her Ride.
Sue began to squall, because she want
ed to ride. Then I saw some cowa away
down the pasture, and I just clapped my
hands and told the dog to go after them,
and you should have seen him! There
was a pile of wood in the way, but ho
never stopped to go around; he just went
straight across. I thought sure the wa
gon would tip clear over, but It didn't,
and Sue hung In. How she did yell'
Then they went tearing across the yard,
until they came to the fence. The wagon
was too high to go under, so Sue went
up against It, chunk I and then she
spilled out. while the dog tore loose and
went on alone.
Sue had a bump on her head as big as
my fist; the wagon was all scratched up, '
but, worst of all, the harness was busted
all to pieces.
Aunt Fannie and Bridget and the hired
man all came running to see who was
killed,, and they took Sue to the house
and bathed her head and gave her a
great big piece of cake. Rob and I
played by ourselves all the afternoon,
making another harness, and we had lot1
of fun. Aunt Fannie wa3 going to scold
us for letting Sue get hurt, but we bo h
explained to her how she cried to ride.
Oh, I tell Vou! you ought to go out
to Aunt Fannie's farm; you'd enjoy
yourself 'most to death. J. B. S.
On a piece of paper draw 20 lines, and
on each line place five circles. The circles
should be 37 in number, and each circle
should not re3t upon an angle, and be at
an equal distance from its follows on a