The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 07, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Amusements Today
CORDRAY'S THEATER OVashincton Street)
Klns of the Opium Bins."
Fckerax, or H. . Baton. The funeral
of H. E. Battln -will be held this afteiv
noon at 2:30 from his late residence on
IBase Line road near "VTlbery lane. Mount
Tabor. The services will be held at '.the
iouse under the auspices of the G. A. R.
Interment vrlll be at Lone "Fir cemetery,
where the A. O. TJ.-W. tvIII have charge.
SChe following "will act as honorary pall
bearers: Senator Georgp W. McBrlde;
Colonel David M. Dunne, Captain H. E.
Edwards, M. G. Hall, H. C. Dckenberger,
J. W. Wright. The active pallbearers,
Irom the ranks of the urand Lodge, A.
O. XT. "W., will be as follows: R, L. Dur
ham. George H. Durham, Newton Clark,
K. Z. Ramsdell, A. J. Marshall, F. M.
Waiting ron the Rain. Farmers adja
cent to Portland would like to be plowing
this fine weather, but they think the
ground is hardly wet enough. In "Wash
ington County, a good deal of Fall grain
will be sown if the weather conditions
are Just Tight In California farmers
tear up the ground while it is Still dry
and hard, and the clouds of dust hide
both plowman and team, but in Oregon
the farmers think they must have the
soil well wet down before they begin
Fall operations. There appears to have
been more rain right in Portland than
upon the fields a few miles away, where
the soli is only wet down three to our
"Wants to Fxkd Patrick Daly. City
Auditor Devlin has received an inquiry
irom John Daly, 35 Gramercy Park, New
York City, relative to Patrick Daly, who
was thought to have located near Port
land in the year 1642. Since 1877 Patrick
Daly has not been heard of, says the
"writer, but Is understood to have pos
sessed real property in the vicinity of
Portland. The eagerness of the writer
ipr Information and the hint about real
estate seem to Indicate that a lost heir
has scented an inheritance from afar.
Jlr. Devlin knows many Dalys, but does
not know a pioneer by the name of Pat
rick Daly.
Farbwelxi Reception. Last evening
the members of the Japanese mission met
at their church, Ninth and Flanders, to
bid farewell to their beloved pastor, the
Rev. Y. T. Xoudo, who for the past
two years served his countrymen in Port
land and vicinity as an able, zealous,
iaithful minister of the Gospel. "While
In this city he made many friends, who
regret his departure, and whose best
wishes follow him to his new field of
labor in Sacramento, Cal. He is a young
man of attainments in all that belongs
to a liberal education, which will en
title him to a hearty welcome everywhere.
Soldiers' Mestinq Tomorrow. Ar
rangements have been made to hold the
meeting of ex-soldiers, called for ex
pressing their sentiment favoring the In
dorsement of the Administration of Presi
dent McKinley. at 7:30 tomorrow even
ing, in room 600, sixth floor of the Cham
ber of Commerce building. All ex-soldiers,
whether serving in the Mexican, Civil,
Indian, Spanish or Filipino Wars, are
asked to be present to join in condemna
tion of a policy that encourages resist
ance to the armies of the United States
In the Philippines.
Change op San Francisco SAitzNa. i
Owing to the steamship Columbia being
laid up at San Francisco for repairs she
will be unable to get away from San
Francisco on schedule time. The steam
ship George W. Elder will be put in service
temporarily, leaving San Francisco Oc
tober 7, and leaving Portland October
U, Instead of Sth, as advertised for the
Columbia. The Columbia is expected to
be ready to resume her place in the serv
ice commencing with advertised trip from
'San Francisco, October 15.
Find September Weather. .Portland
ers have been enjoying what many con
sider the best part of the year, lately.
The temperature is perfect, being neither
too warm nor too cold. The streets, roads
and bicycle paths are in fine order, and
the drive or wheel In the crisp air thrills
the system with pleasure, as one bowls
along, surrounded by the most lovely
scenery on the globe. Today Is likely to
see many rigs and wheels out along the
favorite drives and paths leading out of
the city.
Council op Jewish Women. The Tegu
lar meeting of the Portland (Oregon)
Section Council of Jewish Women is
called for Wednesday, October 10, 1900,
at the Hlrsch-Selllng Building. A full
attendance Is most urgent, as committees
are to be named, calendars for the year
distributed and other business of import
ance is to be transacted. The executive
meeting will he held at 2 o'clock; regular
meeting at S o'clock.
Anton Schott'b lecture recitals, com
mencing Tuesday, October 9, 8:15 P. M.,
at the Armory of Bishop Scott Academy.
The evening will be devoted to songs
from operas and folk-songs from differ
ent nations, "Home, Sweet Home," "Dast
Rose of Summer," "Robin Adair," "The
Heart Bowed Down," soldiers' songs, etc.,
end "The Marseillaise," and "The Two
Grenadiers." Single tickets, $1; party tick
4ts, six for $4. '
Oregon Assembly. No. 1, United Arti
sans, will give a benefit entertainment
end dance at their hall, Abington Build
ing, on Tuesday evening, October 9. Ad
mission, 5 cents. Tickets can be ob
tained from the members, at the door or
from the secretary at 512 Marquam Build
ing. New Turkish Baths. The new Turk
ish Bath Parlous, 52o Chamber of Com
merce Building, are now open and ready
for business. The parlors have been new
ly furnished In every department with
modern appliances. For gentlemen only.
jr. F. King, manager.
Is Your Real Estate for Sale? If so.
If you mean business, and if you are will
ing to put a reasonable price upon your
property, we can sell It for you with
out delay. Title Guarantee &. Trust Com
pany, 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Congregational Bazaar. The ladles
Of the First Congregational Church wfll
hold their annual bazaar and sale of
articles suitable for Christmas gifts on
Tuesday and Wednesday, December 4
and 5.
Y. M. C. A. Meeting. Rev. Huber Fer
guson will deliver the fourth of a series
of addresses in the gymnasium of the
Young Men's Christian Association this
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All men ln-Tited.
This is a positive snao, for a few days-
only, that quarter block on southeast
corner East Second and East Taylor
streets, only $2000. Title perfect. Roun
tree & Diamond.
Is Your House tor RENT?-We can
secure you a good tenant right away.
Rents collected. Title Guarantee & Trust
Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Large Shipment Just Received of
choicest hyacinths, tulips and narcissus
bulbs, both single and double. Lomber
son's. 180 Front
Save your money. 'See Madden about
your printing. Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner First and Alder sts. 'Phone Red 833.
Dr. M. Fried has returned from Eu
rope and resumed practice in Dekum
building, rooms 407-408. Phone Main 556.
Umbrellas, Made in Oregon; best and
cheapest; repairing and recovering. Mer
edith's, Washington, bet. 5th and Cth.
Attention of A. O. U. W. members is
called to meeting notice (this Issue) of
Industry Lodge, No. 8.
Bishop Andrews, of New YoTk, will
preach at Taylor-Street M. E. Church this
morning at 10:30. .
AuroRNET Hull has returned from his
trip. Offices in the Chamber of Com
merce. XiADros Tailoring and stylish work.
Mrs. Moore, 152 Russell street, Albina.
See special notices for ad. bids for
site for Odd Fellows Home.
Indian Baskets, Mrs. Frohman, 121
Thirteenth s'treet
kitincfitockEccliazytelOdOA.M, 1
Hart St Mnrpky's Cigars Are New
Handled by Handler & Co.
The best cigar obtainable is none too
good for Handley's customers, and he Is
now sole agent in Portland for the La
Flor de EI Firma, a clear Havana cljar,
manufactured by Hart & Murphy. Hand
ley has Just received 10,000 of this cele
brated brand, and all lovers of a good
smoke will be more than satisfied after
trying one. It is one of the most popular
cigars amongst connoisseurs of the weed
in the large Eastern cities. Customers
can secure this brand by the box at
wholesale prices.
Handiey has also secured the Duke of
Parma, a high-grade domestic cigar man
ufactured by Hart & Murphy. These
goods Will be sold in boxes at wholesale
prices. Remember to call today at the
Cut Rate Cigar and News Stand, J. F.
Handiey & Co., proprietors, Perkins Ho
tel building.
By all means go to the Portland restaur
ant, 305 Washington, near Fifth. Coffee,
meats, dairy products, etc., are the best.
The general public rarely sees tho
kitchen of a large restaurant. In many
instances this "Ignorance is bliss." But
there are exceptions. An inspection of the
extensive kitchens connected with Wat
son's restaurant by a representative or
The Oregonian was a revelation. Few
realize their magnitude, completeness and
perfect equipment. No hotel oj restau
rant in the Pacific Northwest- has more
perfect cooking facilities than Watson's,
of Portland. Everything is provided for
on a large scale. Baking, roasting, boil
ing, broiling, toasting, every branch of
cookery has Its proper place. Its re
frigerating facilities are ample, the yen
tllatlon of each department Is absolutely
perfect, and the most scrupulous cleanli
ness la maintained everywhere. Only the
very choicest meats, poultry, game, but
ter arid cream are served, and they reach
the table in perfect condition. One can
not go through the kitchen without be
coming hungry. Everything Is as neat
and clean and appetizing in the kitchen
as on the table. Every article has lis
place even the butter-patties are subject
to the touch of no hand, but are kept
on their plates In their .own refrigerator,
ready for serving. The odor of the
kitchens is like that of an old Eastern
farmhouse kitchen at Thanksgiving
time. It is all the result of neatness ana
care. And it means appetizing, enjoyable
At B. House's restaurant, 128 Third, the
service is perfect, and every article set
before you Is the best obtainable. Butter
and cream from our own ranch. Oysters
and clams fresh daily.
Chicken dinner, complete. 25c, Strouse'a
Cafe, 229 Washington, between First and
Second. "White labor only.
Ahead of All
Is in part the result of many Inventions which are protected by United
States letters patent. More than 50 valuable improvements are thus se
cured, notably among them bejng the brass pin-block covering in the
piano and the arched iron brace and steel truss, permitting of a contin
uous bridge. Now comes an important " device in the piano action
whereby the old wooden hammr and damper flanges are replaced with
the Kimball patent combined flange of brass, which, prevents loosening
or wabbling of Hammers and dampers, and is not affected by changes of
atmosphere. Piano-tuners and regulator, in commenting on this great
Kimball achievement, SAY JT THIS WAY:
"Replaces the, old wooden flanges to hammers and dampers."
"Makes it impossible for hammers and dampers to get loose."
"Surely the greatest Improvement of the age in piano actions."
"Entirely prevents wabbling of hammers, caused by loose center
pins; sluggishness, caused by extreme dampness, or loosening of flanges,
caused by extreme dryness."
"Will save much expense attached to other actions the world over."
These opinions more firmly establisii the title of sovereignty already
bestowed upon the KIMBALL by World's Columbian Congress and mas
ter musicians of the present age.
Eilers Piano House
In the Mew Music Building
- 351 Washington Street
Don't expect to hear of good qualities of our pianos from people
who are trying to compete with us; they have pianos of their own to sell.
Saub & Llden's shoe store, 310 Wash
ington, between Fifth and Sixth, Is to be
demolished. Within 30 days stock must
be sold. Celebrated ''King" quality $3 50
men's shoes for $3. Ladies' fine $2 50 shoes
J2 25. Children's shoes proportionately
low. Everything must go, and go cheap.
Do you want a good domestic cigar at
a reasonable price? If you do, buy a
box containing 25 General Good cigars for
$1 at Handley's Cut Rate Cigar and News
Stand, Perkins Hotel building. They will
fully sustain the good name they bear.
Fall .Underwear and Hosiery Sale.
New York Mercantile Co.. 205 Third.
Following garments are exclusively
shown by me: Correct velouf jackets,
box coats, golf capes, dress and common
sense golf suits, evening suits and man
tles, silk and real French flannel waists,
and young ladies' suits; all are exclusive
in my establishment Better value and
more correctly made, finished and
trimmed than any house this side of New
York offers. Orders filled C. O. D. on re
ceipt of a deposit and measurement. Tnls
week my complete stock will all be in.
Customers who have been waiting will
take notice; also will note that new. ac
counts are opened with reliable parties on
0 days' charging. H. B. LITT.
Gas will be shut off from East Port
land between 10 and 11 A. M. today while
making connection with the submerged
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ordway desire to
express their appreciation of the many
kindnesses shown them in their recent be
reavement, and to especially thank tho
Euplls of the Holladay school for the
eaiitiful floral tribute to the memory of
I wish to express my sincere thanks to
my friends and neighbors for their kind
ness and sympathy extended In the late
bereavement of my beloved husband.
Jacob Doll Upright Piano.
The latest Improved. Acknowledged to
be best sold on easy installments. Pianos
rented, tuned and repaired at lowest
prices. H. Slnsheimer, 72 Third. Estab
lished 1S62.
Mrs. "Watson, Optician.
Scientific fitting, high-grade goods, rea
sonable prices. 38 Washington building.
Mexican Hand-Carved
Belts, 35c each
Purses, 35c each
Velvet Skins in ail colors for
Poker Burning
75c and $1.00 each
The Curio Store
D. ML Ayerill & Co.
331 Morrison St.
And guaranteed to fil.
Lady attendant.
108 Second Street.
. .a
Genuine Snaps in Good Standard
Made Pianos.
"We would like to have you come ana see oar
large naw store, whether you buy or not.' We
want you to MRow Where we "have moved to,
122 to 126 Sixth street, and we make cenulno
inducements for you to come and aeo us by
offering the following amazingly low prices.
Some of these pianos are way below coat to
some dealers:
1 small Fischer . ".... $ 75
1 Chase light-case upright 08
1 Harrington," dark case .' J.... 110
1 Kingsbury, oak case (large)..'. 135
1 Dunham, very fine ....... .....,. 145
1 Kingsbury, oak case 155
1 Cameron, oak caso (large) 165
1 Decker, very large 176
1 Flsoher, oak case ". 183
1 Waldorf, cftBe injured .f. 200
1 Emerson, oak case -. 175
v AH have full iron frames, real Ivory keyo;
the best piano Wire, Ann actions and the bent
tone. The cases are plain and some not quite
up to date, but are in fine condition.. Some
can scarcely be told from new .ones. Remem
ber, a good-piano slightly used is much better
than a "Cheap John new one. If you. do not
care to buy now, rent one at ?3 or $3.50 for
a few months, then If you are pleased with
the piano you can buy.
"We are also showing a fine Una of the well
knpwn "Washburn guitars and mandolins, $15
Up; the S. S. Stewart banjos, $10 up; 'Stewart
& Bower guitars and mandolins, $8 up. Also
tho famous .Bohmann mandolins, which have
just received first prize at the Paris Exposi
tion, 1900. Try our genuine Russian goat gut
violin and guitar strings. They are the beBt.
122-124-126 . . . Sixth Street
Pianos for rent, $3 per month.
Four items of interest
There's a profound pleasure in writing these trade invi
tations for this store, from the fact that we can do so much
better for you than we can tell youthe reality here is better
than your expectations. Somebody says "an ounce of sat
isfaction is worth a ton of talk." Wo guarantee satisfaction.
Ail' ; .i
I J J Trt
A business
Made in newest
sack style, of de
pendable worsted
fabric, nobby pin
head check pat
tern. High-cut six-
)f button vest. Best
Princess lining. We
guarantee a per
fect fit.
$1 underwear
for men
Token as a whole, our generously
good underwear assortment is un
equalled for its variety, quality and
fair price. Note, for instance, our
new line men's Winter-weight under
wear in natural gray and tan colors,
which we offer at
p 1 per garment
Stockings JfeS
IVfade to.Orderl-pgaff1.!
A fashionable
Latest' shapes in Fedoras and low
crowns, in shades of pearl, hazel,
nutria, brown and black. We think
in fact, we know that these hats
are not excelled anywhere else for
intrinsic value. Our price,
For the boy
r -i
Sizes 8 to 16 years.
Boys' double-breasted
short - trousers suits, well
adapted for rough-and-tumble
wear. Made of pure
wool cheviots in browns
and grays. Two pairs of
trousers with each suit.
zcz cLQWfflj fAmtj&mwm'
Marquam Building Ruom 302
Music! Good Music! Slathers of It!
Commenting- on a recent concert, the Pittsburg Times says:
"It is well known how beautifully the Pianola will render the most difficult
piano music, even under the hands of an unskilled and uncultivated person; but
Mr. Parkyn's performances showed that there "are practically no limitations to
tho maKnlficent effects to be produced by tho Pianola. In fact, It lends itselfim
mediately and sensibly to the sentiment and skiy of the most accomplished and
exacting musician."
There Is nothing to prevent anyone from having magnificent piano music at
home. Call and Inspect the Pianola and the Aeolian. "We sell high-grade pianos
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for ths Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park, Portland, Or.
We are Sole agents for the Pianola. It is exhibited only at our warerooma.
Cast your eyes 'upon this
On Monday morning we place on sale
300 Vestee Suits, like cut. $2.50 suits,
all nicely trimmed for $1.70.
- i
''T -!
On Monday we begin to sell 200 3-piece
suits, like cut. Patterns In great variety.
Separate vests with suits' and 'silk fadng
on lapel for $2.65.
l wVlP I V
Wp 1
' It IV A
The Stesn-
Bioch Co.
A swell line of 3-piece suits, nicely trimmed,
newest shades ;
McKINLEY CAPS, BRYAN CAPS, Free With Boy' Suits.
Morrrson'and Second Streets
iAre recognized as the most perfect fitting ready-
to-wear garments in the World. e have a grand
assortment of their very latest styles for Fall and
Winter. A visit to our store will convince you that
they have No Equal for fine fabric, perfect work
manship and wearing qualities.
For this make of elegant wearing apparel we
quote the following prices:
Bloch Co.
The Stein
Bloch Co.
:$1 5.00
$1 8.00
No Other
Fits Like
The Reliable Popular-Priced Clothiers
Admits both sexes, Is nonsectarlan. away
from the city, beautiful and healthful
legation. "?he academy receives younger
and less advanced pupils.
Strict Mili
Expense's reasonable. Send for the new
catalogue before deciding? upon another
school. Address a postal card to
President A. C. Jones, Ph.D.
Burton, Wash.
Saint Helen's Hall
Normal Klnderffartcn Department opens Oct.
1, under tho direction of Miss Valentino
Prtchard. Circulars of Information to be had
nn antillcatlon to MISS ELHANOB TEB-
I BBTTS, St. -fieleo's Hall.
Yamhill and 11th Sts.
Send for New Illustrated Catalogue.
BrOyirJC Pnin Shorthand and
L0IiIL 3 Commercial ColleB
614 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. Speed for
practical work 0 to 12 -weeks. Circulars free.
C.T. PREHIN, Dentist
Crown and bridge work. 131 Third at., near Al
der. Oreeon Tel. Clay 885. Vitalized alx for
jwdfllesj extracting.
any Lives Saved
And many a sufferer
Is permanently cured by the
use of the
Voltamp Electric Battery
105 Second Street