cf b X. - fl1 THE. SUNDAY 0KEG0N1A2, POETLANH, 'AUGUST 26, 1900. l12f ; With a One, two or three Bqrnr Hot Plate : v V; : ":..: ij JCS f5JjS cN4 One Burner Hot Plate, con nected, ready for use . . . Two-Burner Hot Plate, con- nected; ready for use . . - Three -Burner Hot Plate, connected ready for use . i JLI' $ Jp i - - y tY vn . , ,.?ftni Free qas services wiil be .run during the m&nt'li' "of-SBpteixi-bep-'4WVtfi' from our street mains to basements, , for those who intend JojciUI 1 i n n -i -l i n K 1 ni i ' v maKe immediate juse 01 gas-ior ngnxmg or iuei. ms proposition coupled with the - I-.! .ft REDUCTION INT pRiee GTTC: u. 1" r ' - s . -Constitutes a doubly practical inducement, to, .adcppt... modern-v-vc ,.: . ir.,",: rT :5 ;rreans of cooking 'arid lighting-. ''" "" ' '' ;VT"" ' : t t - . .., . ..-. . - , -.-- . 7 - . -- W- - -U- -- .--... . .- e&zzb FWCiS MURPHY TODAY T i. Ti XTIIilj PL&AS FOR TEMPBRAKCB IN PORTLAJD'S CHURCHES. y' ObBcrr&nce in tlie Place of orsliip ErcniiouB Service at Hollnday Paxlc V , 'ncls Murphy, tho great temperance A cate, who has foa International )f&mo In this causa, -will speak twice to day. ThlB mornlnff he will address a meeting In Ms stirring fashion at the Grace Methodist Church, corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets, to which he bas been invited by Itev. H. D." Atchison, in the evening he will speak in the Taylor-Street Methodist Church, to which he has been cordially Invited in Dr. Kellog-g'g absence. While Dr. Gue, presiding elder of this conference was in Chicago, he tnet Mr. Murphy and extended to him a Very cordial invitation to stop over here whtle passing through. It was partly upon this request and partly because of the pleasant memories entertained by Mr. Murphy of his visit hero nine years ago that he will appear in the local pulpits today. At his former visit the churches. Young Men's Christian Association andTPoman's Christian Temperance Union combined to hold forth the inducement of hearing Mr. Murphy speak, and joined in tho prelim inary work of getting up big meetings. Good results were had, and many men wore assisted to do right. o'clock this afternoon an open-air evensong service will bo held at Holla day Park, by tho clergy and vested choirs of the Episcopal Churches, which should Cevelop into a popular service. Grace Methodist Eplscojml. At the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, corner Twelfth and Taylor streets, Francis Murphy, of international Came, the groat advocate of Gospel tem perance, will preach at the morning serv ice at 10:30. In tho evening at 7:30 tho pastor, Hugh D. Atchison, will preach on "Judgment and "Separation," from the text, "His fan is is in his hand." Tho Jnuslc for the day will be furnished by a fiuartot choir under the direction of Miss EUs. Hoberg. The "Onion Bpworth League meeting at C:5 P. M. will be held at tho Taylor Btreet Church. Firt Conirrcfimtlonal. This morning the last Sunday of the vacation season, services will bo held at tho First Congregational Church, corner Park and Madison streets, beginning at 10.30 o'clock. Rev. "W. C Kautner, D. D of Salem. Or., who has filled the pulpit very ably during the month of August, vUi conduot .the rervices. The pastor. Rev. A. "W. Ackerman, wiil return this week, and will resume his active work ext Sunday. There will bo no evening wices today. First Christian. Rev. J. M. Allen, of Spokane, will each today at tho First Christian" lurih, corner of Columbia and Park eeta. at U A. M. and S P. M. The sub- t of morning sermon is, 'The Victory Faith"; of evening sermon, "Tho rlstian Endeavor Society; Of "What 5?" Trinity EpiscopnL .t Trinity Church. Sixth and Oak ttreets. Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector, ev. C. H. Lake, assistant in charge, e following services will be held today: oming prayor and sermon. 11 A. M.; tunday School. i-5 A. M. There will be io evening service today. St. Mnrlc'n lpSseopal. At St. Mark's Episcopal Church, corner Nineteenth and Quimby streets, this morning, the rector. Rev. J.' E. Simpson, will conduct the following services: Holy communion. ":3 A. M.; morning prayer. LStany asd sermon. U A. SI, Sunday School Is he at 10 A. M. The union1! cexvice at uolladay Park will take the plice of usual evening prayer in this church. Immannel Baptist. H At the Immanuel Baptist Church, cor ner Second and Meade streets, services will be held today at 10:45 A. M,. and S P. M., conducted by the pastor, S. C. Lapham. The subject of the evening sermon will bo "Tho Swelling of Jor dan." Sunday School Is held at 11:45 P. M.; Toung People's prayer meeting, 7:00 P. M. Midweek prayer and praise serv ice Thursday evening. Swedish. Lutheran. At the Swedish Lutheran Immanuel Church. 430 Burnsldo street, tho pastor, Rev. John W. Skans, will conduct serv ices today at 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday Schodl is held at 12 OL First A. 31. X3. ZIon. At the first A. M. E. ZIon Chufch, cor ner of Main and Thirteenth streets, the -paster Rev. Erving Swan will preach both morning and evening. The morning sub ject Is "A Bruised Reed Shall He Not Break." Class meeting will be held at 12 M. Sunday School at 1 P. M. Tho evening themo is "Tho Requirements of God." This is rally day at the church. Every one Is invited to come. In tho evening the choir will furnish tho music. "W. H. Carter, chorister, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, organist. Mount Olivet Baptist. This morning at tho Mount Olivet Bap tist Church, Everett between Fifth and Sixth streets, the pastor. Rev. T. F. Smith, will preach at 11 o'clock on tho subject, "Suffering." This evening at 8 o'clock memorial services In honor of David P. Bouiser, Excellent Grand Sec retary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. All are Invited to attend. Universal Brotherhood. Universal Brotherhood and Theosophl cal Society, headquarters 444 Washington street, will meet this morning at 10:30. Lotus Group, at 8 P. M., public meeting. No regular subject, but ft general dis cussion on questions by the audience. Regular weekly study class on Tuesday evening. Christian Science. At tho Portland Church of Christ (Sci entist), Auditorium, Third street, between Taylor and Salmon, services will be held at 11 A. M. today. A Wednesday testi monial meeting will be held at S P. M. The reading-room Is open dally from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.. Church of Christ (Scientist). At the First Church of Christ (Scient ist), Twenty-third street near Irving, tho regular services are suspended during Au gust. The church will be open at 10:30 Sunday morning, and the reading-room from 2 to 4 daily, except Sunday. Spiritualists At Artisans Hall, In the Ablngton Building, 106 Third street, today at 11 A. M. and S P. M., there will be lec tures by Rev. W. C. Bowman, closing his Portland work for the present. Morn ing topic: "Foundations, Sources and Breadth of Modern Spiritualism"; even ing, topic, "An Inquiry Inter the Nature of Deity." The public is welcome. EAST SHOE CHURCHES. Bishop Cranston at the Sannyslde Methodist This Morning. Bishop Earl Cranston, one of the most widely known bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will preach at 11 A. M. today at the Sunnyside Methodist Church. Bishop Cranston's recent experience In China, where ho has presided over the missions during the past two years, makes his discourse of nreat interest at tho present time. Arrangements have been made for a larger seating capacity in order to accommodate visitors. At S o'clock this evening the pastor. Dr. H. B. Elworthy, will preach from the text, "The Utility of a True Life." Tho following musical programme will be rendered: Morning Prelude. Pastoral No. 3, Ben da, H. D. Crockett; anthem. "Beautiful Robes," Klrkpatrlqk. chorus choir; of fertory. "Mine." andantino, H. D. Crock ett; duet, "No Hope Beyond." White. Mrs. Insley and Miss Royal; postlude, Mardale. H. D. Crockett. Evening Prelude, Moderato, Barnett, H. D. Crockett; anthem, "We Shall Cross the Rolling Tide," chorus choir; offertory, Rubinstlne, H. D. Crockett; anthem', "Thy. Boundless Lovo," Gabriel, chorus choir; postlude, Batterman, H. D. Crockett Taylor-Street. At the Taylor-Street Church, corner of Third and Taylor streets, Rev. W. W. Youngson, of Vandergrlft, Pa., will preach this morning at 10:30. Rev. Mr. Youngson came to this city first -with Dr. Charles Edward Locke, remaining nearly a year regaining health and strength, which had been Impaired In his college course. After three more years in Drew Theological Seminary, he was made the first pastor of the church at Vandergrlft, Pa., which has grown dur ing his four years pastorate to a mem bership of over 400. He Is spending the vacation granted him by his official board with friends in this city. The evening services at 7:30 will be a Gospel temper ance meeting, under the direction: of Mr. Francis Murphy, the, distinguished tem perance orator from Pittsburg, Pa. The music will be under the direction of Pro fessor W. H. Boyer, with Mrs. A. M. Smith as contralto soloist. The Rev. Mr. Story, rector of Marys vllle, Cal., will preach at TrlnltyChurch at 11 A. M. today. Mr. Story was rector of tho parish for some years. United. Brethren; Regular services will be held at the United Brethron Church. In Alblna, to day. There will be preaching both morn ing and evening by the pastor, Rev. F. E. Coulter. His morning theme will be "God Growing in Us (Regeneration)." In tho evening ha will aieak on the subject, "God Acting Through Us (Religion)." Tho musical selections for both services have been carefully selected. One of the features of the musical service will be an Instrumental duet on -the saxaphone and ballad-horn at the morning hour. There will also be other excellent selec tions. Next Thursday evening the pastor will begin a series of Bible readings on prac tical topics. The subject for next week Will be "Light" Centenary Methodist. Services will -bo held as usual at the Centenary Methodist Church today. This morning there will bo a sermon by Rev. A. S. Mulligan, of Mount Tabor. The evening service will be In charge of Rev. G. H. Bennett, of tho Clark-Sstreet Church. Snnnyslde Congregational. Tho Sunday School convenes at 10 A. M. ofr the stury of tho lesson, "The Good Shepherd," under tho superintendence of Dr. M. A. Jones. At 11 o'clock tho pas tor. Rev. J. J. Staub, will preach on the subject "Effectual Forces of Early Chris tianity and Those of Today." The Young People's Society will gather for tho monthly consecration meeting at 7 P. M. and consider the topic, "Ministering to Christ" under the leadership of Miss Charlotte Huff. Most of tho members and friends of the church having returned from their vacations, tho usual evening preaching sen-Ice will be resumed, begin ning with this evening, the pastor taking for his subject 'The Foolishness of Preaching." Miss Alble Fowler and Mrs. J. J. Staub will render some choice" se lections in connection with the evening service. Strangers are always cordially welcome. Free Methodist. ' At the Free Methodist Church, corner East Ninth and Mill streets, Rev. H. V. Haslam will preach at H A. M. and Rev. C. A. Wllley at S P. M.; Sunday School will be held at 10 A. M. CHURCH NOTES. Evensong Service in Holladay Par Under Episcopal Auspices. This afternoon, beginning promptly at 5 o'clock, the clergy and vested choirs of the Episcopal Church in Portlarid will sing Evensong in Holladay Park. "The service will commence with the singing of the processional hymn, "The Son of God Goes Forth to War." which will continue until all the clergy have reached the places set apart for them and will be followed by the regular or der of Evening Prayer. Among tho fa miliar hymns that will be .sung- are the following: t ' "T,he Shadows of the Evening Hour." ' "Hark, Hark My Soul, Angelic Voices Sing." " " ' " ' "All Hall the Power of Jesus' Name." "Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Namo We Raise." ' "Jerusalem, the Golden." At their proper places In tho servlce( the choirs -will sing the hymns "Magnifi cat" and "Nunc Dtmlttls" to Simper's festival setting. The Bishop of the,dlocese has requested the Rev. E. T. Simpson, of All Saints' Mission, to preach on this occasion. X hearty Invitation is extended to everyone to take part in this service, and is especially extended to those whose close confinement to business during the rest of the week render an outing on Sunday indispensable. Copies of the en tire service have been printed and will bo distributed free to all, so that all may take part and join In the responses.. There will be no collection. Tako Inr ington car to Holladay Park. It will be- possible for families wishing to do so, to take their lunches and spend tho day or afternoon In the Park. Tenth Anniversary. .Bishop O'Dea will preach In the Chufch of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.t Al blna, at tho 10.30 mass today. His aub ject will b? "What Catholics HaveDone for America." As it is alwaysa pleasure to hear the bishop, no doubt a large con gregation will listen to his eloquent flis course. Today 13 the patronal feast of the church and the 10th anniversary of itB dedication. The services and musical programme will bo unusually impressive. J Methodist Cnmpmeetlng. A campmeetlng under the auspices of the Portlanddlstrlct of the Free Metho dist Church will be held In Ladd's Grove, corner East Stark and Thirty-fourth streets, from Wednesday, August 29, to Sunday, September 9. District Elder Will lam Pearce and Mrs. Pearce, of Oakland, Cal., will be present and assist In tho services. At tho Shlloh Mission, corner Second and Jefferson, there will be preaching serv ices -today, conducted by Superlntendept Rev. J. H. Allen, at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. "Dispensation Truths" are the themes which will be presented. Tho pub lic Is cordially Invited. Seats qre free. Tho Latter-Day Saints will hold ser vices today In hall 400, Allsky building, corner Third and Morrison streets, at 2 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. A cordial invita tfon Is extended to the public. ,There will be no services at the -Unitarian Church today. Rev." Mr. Lord Is expected to return from his- vacation this week, and to preach Sunday, September 2. i . CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist. Alblna Rev. E. E. Bliss, ' pastor. Services morning and cveniae." Sunday school at 10. Qkorgo F. Jameson, superintendent. , Grace (Monta. Ilia) Key. X. S. Hollcroft. pastor. Services, 7:30 'P. JJC.5 Sunday eehoo, i0: prayer, Thursday, S. Parjt Plaos (University Park) Iter. JT. S. Hollcroft, pastor. Services, 11: Sunday school, 10; junior meeting, S. Immanuel, corner Second and Meade streets Hev. Stanton C. L&pmas, pastor. Preaching1, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 11:45; Young People's meeting, 0:30. First corner Twelfth and Taylor streets Dr. Alexander Blackburn, pastor; residence, .427 Market. Preaching at 10-30 A. M. and 7:43 P. M-: Sunday school. 12 II.: yountr people's meeting. 0:30 P. M.; prayer meeting Thurs day. 7:45 P. M. ' c Mount Tabor" Rev. S. K. Dlehl. pastor. Services 11 A. M.: Sunday-school. 10 A. "M: v Mount Olivet Everett street between XPlf th and Sixth Rev. T. F. Smith, pastor. Preach ing at'll A. M. and 8 P. M.; prayer "meeting, Thursday. S P. M. , Second Rev. Ray Palmer, pastor. Services at 10 30 A. M. and SP.1L; Sunday school. 12 M.; B. X. P. U. meeting. 0:45 P. M.; -prayer meeting, Thursday, S P. it Third Rev. Eben Bliss, pastor. Preaching morning and eienlng by the pastor. v Christian. Bodney-Avenue, corner of Knott street Al blna Rev. A D. Skaggs, pastor. Services at 11 A It and S P. it; Sunday school 0:45; J Y P. pS. C. E., T P. M.; prayer,. Thursday, 7:80.,- r Flret; Christian Churphr comer Park and Co lumbia streets Rev. J. F. Ghormley, pastor 'Sunday school, 0:45 A. M.; preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:43 P. M.; Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 P. M.; Strangers made welcome. "Woodtawrl' tMailrona) Rev. A. D. Skaggs, pastor. Services, 3 P. M. Conffreentlonnlist. German Rev. Jqlm Koch, pastor. Services, 1(1 30 and 7:30; Sunday echool, 9 30; Y. P. 3. C. E.,. Tuesday, 7.30; prajer, "Wednesday, 7:30. Sunnyside Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. Serv ices, ll and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Young People's Society, 6:30; prajer. Thursday, 7:30. Mississippi-Avenue Rev. George A. Taggart pastor. Sen ices, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Juniors, 3; Y. P. S. a E., 0 30. prajer, Thursday, 7.30. First Park and Madison streets Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman pastor. Morning service, 10 do; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.J Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting, 0 45 P. M.; evening service, 7:45. Hossalo-Street Rev. B. S. Winchester, pas torr Sen Ices, 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 12 M?; Y. P. S. C. E . 0:30; prayer meeting, Thursday evening, 7:45. "" Eplscopnl. ' ' St Stephen's Chapel, corner Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. Thomas Kelll Wilson, cler gyman In charge. Morning prayer and ser mon at 11 o'clock; Sunday school, 0:15; holy communion, after morning service on first Sunday in' the-month. There will be no -evening service during August. at David's Church, East Morrison street, between East Twelfth and Thirteenth Rev. George B. "Von Waters, rector. Holj' com munion, 7AM.; Sunday school, 0.43 A. M.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 A M.; even ing "praj er and sermon, 8 P. M. St. Mark's corner Nineteenth and Quimby streets Rov. J. E. Simpson, rector. Holy communion, 7:30 A M.; morning prayer, 10 A. M.; second celebration and sermon, 11 A M.; evening prajer, S P. M. St. Matthew's, First and Caruthers streets Rev. J. W. "Weatherdon, clergyman in charge. Holy' communion, 8AM.; Sunday school, 0.45 A. M.; morning service, 11; evening service, 8." Trinity. Sixth and Oak streets ltev. Dr. A. A Morrison, rector. Rev. C. H. Lake, assist ant Services, morning prayer and sermon 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 0.45 A. M. .Church of the Good Shepherd Service morn ing and evening by the rector. Rev. Mr. Breck. Evangelical. Emanuel (German) Rev. E. D. Homschucb, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; prayer, Wednesday, 7:10; Y. P. A., Friday, 7:B0. First (German) Rev. F. T. Harder, paotorj Services, 11 and 8; 'Sunday school. 0-30; Y. P--"Al 7:15; prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 P. M.; Wednesday. 8 P.M. Memorial Rev. Robert Pierce, pastor. Sun day servloes, 11 and 7.30; Sunday school, 10; Y. "P. A, 6-30; Junior Y. P. A. 3; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30; young people's prayer, Thursday, 7.30. 'First (English) Rev. Ezra Maure, pastor. Services, 11 A M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A M.; Y. P. A. 7 P. M-: Thursday prayer meeting, 7:45 P. M. Evangelical (United). East Yamhill Mission Rev. Peter BIttner, pastor.' Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; K. 1. C E.. 6.30; prayer, Thursday. 7:30; Junior League. Saturday. 2-30 FU&t United Rev. C. T. Hunt pastor. Serv ices, 11 and 7.30; Sunday school. 10; K. L. C. Ei 6:30; prayer, Thursdaj. 7:30. Second Rev. S. J. Lindsay, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:20; Sunday school, 10; Keyston League. 6.30; prayer. Wednesday, 7:30. Lutheran. GrmanTrInlty. Alblna Rev. Theodore Fleck ensteln, pastor. Preaching, 10.30 and 7:30; Sundaj- (school.. 9 -30. Immanuel (Swedish), 430 Burnslde street Rev. John TV. Skans, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 A M. and S P. M.; Sunday school. 12 M. St Paul's EvangeUoal German) Rev. August Krause, pastor. - Preaching, 10-30 and 7.30; Sunday sohool, 9.30; Bible stud". Thursday, '7.-S0. ZIon's (German) Services, 10 and 7:30; Sun day school, 0:30; Christian day school. Monday to' Friday! St. James (English) Preaching in the morn ing at 11 by the Rov. Charles S. Rohn; Sun day school .at 12:15. v Presbyterian. t Forbes Presbyterian Rev. "W. O. Forbes, pas tor. ".Services morning" and e cning by the pas tor. All welcome. Third Rev. Robert McLean, pastor. Services, 10.30 and 7:30; Sunday scacol, 12; 'Boys' Bri gade, 5-30: young people's meetlur. C.30; prajer, ThurvJaj-, 7.45 Cumberland Rev. J. J. Dalton pastor. Serv ices, 10.30 and 7 30; Sunday school, 12; Junior Y. P. S. C. E., 3.30; T. P. S. C. E., 6-30; prayer, Thursday, 7.30. Grand-A-v enue (United) Rev. John Henry Gibson, D. D , pastor. Services, 11 and 7 80J Sunday school, 10; Y. P. S. C. E C 30; prayer, Thursday, 7.30. Calvary Rev. W. S Gilbert, pastor. Mrs. Mann, soprano soloist and director of chorus; Miss Fleher, organist. Services. 11 and 7:30. Friends (Quakers). Friends, East Thirty-fourth and Salmon streets Rev. A. M. Bray, pastor. Services. JO; 15 and 7 30; Sunday school, 12; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6 30; "prajer. Wednesday. 7 30. Methodist Episcopal. Second German Rev. Charles Prleslng, pas tor. Services, 10:45 and 7:30: Sunday school. 0:30; prajer. Thursday; 7:30. Taj lor-Strcet (First) Rev. H. W. Kellogg. D. D.. pastor. Services. 10 30 and 7:30; Sun day school, 12.15, Ep-ROrth League and prayer meeting. 6-30, Subordinate League. 5. Centenary Rev. L. E. Rockwell, D. D.. pas tor; residence, CO East Eighth street. Services. 10.30 and 7-30; Sunday school. 12; Epworth League, 0 30; prayer meeting. Thursday even ing, 7.30. Central Rev. W. T. ,Kerr. pastor. Services. 10,43 and 730; Sunday school. 12:15; Epworth League, 6 30: prayer, Thursday. 7.30. Mount Tabor Rov A. S Mulligan, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Epworth League. 6 30; Junior Epworth League. 3; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Trinity Rev. A. L. Hawley. pastor. Serv ices. 10:45- and 7 30, Sunday school, 0-40; Ep worth League, 6-30; prayer. Thursday. 7 30- Shlloh MljmJon Rev. J. H. Allen, curyrln tendant. Corner Twelfth and Taylor streets. Services. 10 30 and 7.30. Grace Hugh D. Atchison, pastor.' Services at 10 30 A M. and and 7'45 P. M. " TJniversalist. Flrat Rev. II. H. Hoyt, minister. Services 11 and 7:30. Y. P. C. U.. 6 30. Christian Scientists. Tortland Church of Christ Auditorium bulTd lng. Third street, between Sairron and Taj lor. Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school, 12; Wednes day evening meeting, 8. First Church of Christ Twenty-third -street, near Irv ing Services, 11 A. M.. 8 P. M.-. Sunday school, 12.15; Wednesday evening meeting, 8. Reading-room at church open dally, 11 to 4. Unitarian. First corner Seventh and Yamhill street"- Rev. W. R. Lord, minister; Rev. T. L. Ellnt, D. D., minister emeritus. Worship, 11 A. M. United Brethren. United Brethren Rov. Frank E. Coulter, pastor. Preaching by tho pastor. 11 A M. ana 8 P. M. Sunday school. 10: Christian En deavor. 7 P. M. Class meeting; first Sunday In each month, at 12 M. Prajer meeting. Thurs day, 8 P. M. Musical rehearsal. Saturday. 8 P. M. Official board and general business meeting, tho second Tuesday lrf the month. Roman Catholic1. St. Mary's Cathedral Most Rev. Archbishop Christie, pastor. Services, moss and sermon. 6, 8 and 10.80; mass for children, 9; Sunday school. 0.30; vespers and Bcrmon, 7:30; ques tions answered at, evening services; weei dajs, moss, 6:30 and S. ROUND TRIP ONLY 50 CENTS The SO-cent Sunday excursion rate to Bonneville and return- is still in effect. Tickets good on train leaving Union de pot Sunday morning at 9:15, and returning on train reaching Portland nt 4 P. M. Take advantage of this low rate and spend Sunday under the. trees on. the banks of the Columbia. IMPROVED SERVICE TO AND , FROM ILWAC0. . . . r y ; Read the O. R. & N. advi on page 7 and note change in leaving time "of" steamer T. J. Potter fronf Portland. . it POTTER CHANGES TIME. See O. R. & N. adv. on page 7 for com plete schedule. Potter makes round trip dally. An unlimited list" 'of -wonderful cures I proves the merit of uooas sanapartua. BURNED THEIR MORTGAGE EAST SIDE METHODISTS HAVE A, CELEBRATIOX. Interesting- Ceremony at Trinity Church, Which Is Now Entirely Without Indebtedness. At the Trinity Methodist Church. East Tenth and Grant streets, Friday ovenlng, the pleasing ceremony of publicly bunilug; the mortgage that up to a short time since had encumbered the proporty "wa? conducted by Rev. G. W. Gue, D. D., pre siding elder of Portland district. Ho "Was assisted in tho burning by Rev. Gabrlei Sykes, Rev. C E. Cllne. Rev. C. A. Lewis, Rev. Samuel Snyder, all former pastors ot the church, nnd also by Francis Murphy and wife, the former the noted temper ance evangelist now visiting the city, be sldes tho , official board and the member ship. Rev. A. I- Hawley, pastor, -was not present, as ho Is sojourning In the? mountains with Rev. 'H. W. Kellogg, of. Taylor-Street Church. After a song by fho. choir. Dr. Gue made a short talk in which, ho said that with the wiping qut of tho in debtedness Of Trinity it would flnlsh up 15 Methodist Church debts paid, while ho had been in chargo of Portland, district, leaving some other churches In a fair way to do the same thing, it afforded hlnvprofound satisfaction to see a church debt paid off and interest charges, which, accumulate night and day, stopped. He then called on the various pastors in their turns. Dr. Clino first who told of,lUa one yearns experience at Trinity arid how the financial Ranlc had swept so, many men and institutions off thqlr feet. He was followed by Rev. C A. ;Lewls, who, fell heir to the main burden of debt. Ha said that when ho came to Trinity, ia 1592 the debt was J16C0. At the closo at his term ho turned. over a debt of $7fja to his successor. During his service- many improvements were made. Rev- Mr. Sykea followed In a short talk of congratula tion, and he was followed by Rev. Samuel Synder, now of Newberg, who was tbo pastor before Mr. Hawley. It was through his exertions and those ot Dr. Guo that the J7E0 wd3 raised. He- said that Dr. Guo pledged himself to rilso JSOO if tho church raised the rematnder. Mr. Snydes told of tho efforts made before the whole sum was made up. but It was finally ac complished. ' After all theso addressee were made, Francis Murphy was called on and ho made a very touching talk of congratu lation, which was followed by remarks by Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. Henry Moyer, formerly of the church, also spoke- pleas ing word1?. Dr. Gue then spok6 a word of caution about contracting further debt, and advised that when Improvements- wero made that the money be on "hand to pay for them. Then came the burning of the mortgage that had caused so many sleepless nights., Mr Morrow held a plate with the mort gage, while Mrs. Tuttle. one ot the oldest members of the church, struck a match and soon the mortgage went up in flams and smoke as the entire congregation gave the Chautauquan ialute by waving handkerchiefs. Then followed an hour 6f social good time In the lecture-room, wherq refreshments were served., Trinity Church ground wa3 purchased through Rcvv 1. D. Driver about 1? years ago. It included an old engfne-hause aqd grounds, the property pftbe former East Portland governmsnt. James Abraham loaned J750 to make the payment. Rev. G. M. Pierce was the first pastor and ha erected the church building. It was the first of five East Side ahurches erected by Mr. PIerce.- The others are the Central, of Alblna, now a strong chureh. Wood lawn, Patton Home and tho University Park. Trinity has had a hard struggle, and the members hay.e reaon fox feeling thankful that the mortgage was burned.