THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, AUGUST 26, 1900. 23 - i ; 9 i..T.w-,ni JT jrtLtiM$ i -te l5 LI j ft ' - I (A - "Don't Worry-l" !&t icms. la ih torrid beat, X T?"' began la accents sweet, r say: "If rotfil net feel the beet, Jont worry." And every person whom he met He'd stop and murmur: "Hot? Toa betl But to keep oool now, don't forest. Don't worry." Eea greet them with a, pleaaast bow. And sayt How are too, anyhow? You're looking warm. I'll teU you, now, Itoa't worry." JLt last th men he woirlcq so Seised him, and nunc him to and fro. And answered all his yells with "Ob, Don't worry." Eta epitaph was Terr aeatt 'Cocd friend, don't worry at the heat Where you are now. Keep cool cod sweet Don't worry." Baltimore Aiactloaa. PAW GETS ALL "HET UP' CfeB Out on 'the Porch to Sleep end Ebm Axon! of the Keiefc.hor's Doff, WJto Tree Him. One nlte when it was bo hot paw got up tbout xnldnlte and sed He was going out on the portch to sleep, becor he would Buffick cate if he couldn't have Fresh air. Well, you better put your close on," znaw told him, becor he was dressed only In his Long nlte gownd. "What for?" paw says. "Nobuddy can see in amung the vines along the Frunt of the portch. If I would haft to ware trowsers it wouldn't do enny good to go out." 60 he went and got in the hammuck and prltty soon the muskeatas and Things began to find out where he was. If he would of rung the bell when he wanted to come back In the bouse it would of Been all rite, but he forgot he didn't Have his keys in his nlte shurt pocket when he went out, and he hated to disturb the Faxnbly. They are a big tree beside our house, with the 11ms growing out over the top of the portch. Bo Paw thot he would clime up the tree and get on the portch and go in a nopen wlndo. Then nobuddy 'would haft to get woke up. The first thing me and maw and Little albert new about it was when we herd paw hollering and Captun Cooper's dawg from next door Barken prltty savidge. The dawg saw paw when he started across the grass toward the tree, and I gess he must ofthot it was a goast or sumthlng. VzLjr Was HoUerlnV vWhen we looked out ofthe wlndo we caw paw go past first, and "prlttx Boon the dawg. They were having a Tace around the house. Paw was hollering "Help," and the dawg wasn't losing ennything on each lap. "Walt, paw," maw told him, "and I'll come down and open the door." "I haven't time," paw sed when he went past again like a Sack of flower shot out of a cannon. Then the dawg got to gaining, and prltty soon paw gave a Jump, when he got near the tree, and cot a Hm. It was the highest Jump paw ever made In His life, and he couldn't of done it if he would of had a lot of close on. But his nlte shurt didn't seem to way mutch. After he got so he was settin on the 11m catching his breth and talking harsh to the dawg, a poleasmun came running to the seen of trubble. "Come down out of that." he told paw. "That's all rite." "paw anserd. "You wait till I go in the house and get some close on and Til tell you how it happened." Then paw began to crawl up the tree bo he could step on the portch and get In the wlndo. "Hold on there," the poleasmun hollered when he saw what paw was doing. "Don't you go enny further or 111 shoot." "My goodnuss!" maw screamed, "this mlto be a turrable tradlgy before we could help it Please don't shoot" she told the poleasmun. Then she got paw's trowsers and sed: "Here they are, paw, catch them." Tronneni "Were Saved. She gave them a fling, but they didn't go straight and the poleasmun and the dawg made a run for them. Each one grabbed a Lalg, but the poleasmun hit the dawg with hls club, and the trowsers got saved. Then paw,clum down the tree and put on the trowsers, with the poleasmun hold ing him by the collar of-the nlte gownd so he wouldn't escape. While they were tawklng about it maw got Dressed and went down to the frunt portch, so pritty soon she and paw came back upstairs, and the poleasmun went away, when paw gave him a quarter to By some cigars. It was prltty still for quite a while after we were all In Bed again. Then paw sed loud enuff so vou could hear him all through the house: "That's what a-body gets for having a kind hart If I wouldn't of cared for the cumfert of the rest of the fambly I would of rung the bell and woke you all up. But that's alwaj-s the way when a person does kind deeds. Here you are, maw, snickering like a nold man. at a bailey show, and me all het up, too! Think what mite of happened If I wouldn't of cot that 11m when I Jumped." 'That's what Pm doln'." maw sed. Georgie, In Chlca'go Times-Herald. HAD A SURPLUS, ALL RIGHT. But, la Effort to Realise, She Made a Bnd Mrm of It. Having graduated at a famous Eastern seminary, and always remembering that her father had started from the scratch and won handily in the race for business success, she felt Justified in announcing right after marriage that she would run the whole outfit at home, keep books and render reports once a quarter. It must be admitted that she got a shade off on almost everything she bought sent back everything that was not up to the quality ordered, and seldom provided in excess of what she required. At the end of the first year rather a puzdtag situation was encountered. By some rayterlous and paradoxical perver sion f figures that she could not unravel, though she lost hours of sleep and grew hollow-eyed in the attempt she had a eurplus of $125, though she was without a dollar lq, the family fund. Bho gleefully told her husband how -well she had done, and he -was Inconsiderate enough- to ask for a sight of the "velvet," as he termed It "It must be some place," she assured him. "I know 'business better than you know your profession. I'm just one 25 ahead, and Til find it. too." That night she sat down at her books after supper and never left them until called to break fast. Then she wanted a little walk and headed toward! the depot. Two hours later she was awakened to read a re sponsive telegram from her father: "Have wired the ,money. You can fool that Jay husband of yours all right enough, bnt don't try any such game on your dad again. Far better to ask right out for what you want." She triumphantly laid the money before her husband with a request that he havo & little greater confidence In her after that. He responded by laying before her another telegram from dad. "Don't know whether you are trying to Job me, but will stand no more for Bet ty's bookkeeping. Discharge her and hire cheap young man at 'my expense." De troit Free Press. "CHUCK" TRIES TO EXPLAIX. Bnt John Chinaman Falls to Grasp the Situation. "Chuck" Coimera was proudly exhibiting in Chinatown -yesterday a letter which he had Just received from Auburn. Ac cording to the postmark it had been mailed the day before. It was addressed simply to "Chuck" Conners, New York, but he had received it without delay. "Chuck" was proud of this because It showed that he was well known. He de clared .he was not surprised that he had received the letter so soon after It was posted, because he recently, got one from Japan addressed, "Chhck" Conners, Unit ed States. "I guess I am abqut the best-known man in America outside of the Presi dent" said "Chuck" to the reporter. "1 heard that he got a letter from Bposla or s'mother place wld only Bill McKln ley writ on der anvelope." "Chuck" began to tell the reporter of his theatrical plans for next season, when he was Interrupted by a passing Chinaman. The latter was a laundryman in Yonkers, and he had not visited Chi natown In several weeks from fear of being mobbed. He knew "Chuck." JHullo, Mis' Conners!" began the Chi naman. " "Hullo, John!" responded "Chucls." "How about the war?" "Wa? wa?" replied the Chinaman, as a puzzled expression came Into his eyes. "What war' '" "Why, de war In China; what war d'yer fink?" "Wa? wa Wa Lee?" asked John. "No, no; not Wa Lee war in China; war between China and America." John was gazing apparently at nothing down the street at this point and he still had the faraway look in his eyes as he resumed:. "Wa, wa China and Mellca?" "Yes, dat's what I said; war between China and America." v"Wa, wa," mused John, as if sorely perplexed, "why for wa China and Mel lca?" " " 'Cause de Chinks are killing all de Americans In China, dat's why 'cause China is making war on America, dat's why." "Wa, wa why for China make wa Mellca?" "Ask me something easy. You Chinks : The One-Price Man. Tew wanter buy thet heifer, Zeb? I don't be lieve yew can; I wouldn't sell thet heifer, sir, to any ltvln man. No, sir. If yew should come an' lay a fifty in my hand Td go an' shot the stable door an' let thet heifer stand. Td let her stand right where she Is till she la old an gray Afore I'd sell one side of her, thet'a all I've got to say. Yew heerd I wanted to dispose? Yew must hev heerd It wrong; I'd buy a dozen like her, Zeb, if yew'd bring them along. Of course I've got a lot of stock, more stock en what I need. An' I am short of stable room, an somewhat short of feed; But ex for sellln' thet there beast I wouldn't, no street Let forty dollars come between thet heifer, Zeb, an' me. I am a one-price critter, Zeb, no man kin beat me down; ' She's wuth a heap more n forty, Zeb, ask any man in town. HI Hunker wants her purty bad, an' so does Deekln Hale, But ex I said before, of course, the heifer ain't for sale. She's gentle an she's good an' kind, an' slick er then an eel; A child could milk her any time, she'd never raise a heel. She never hooks nor Jumps the fence, she never runs away. An comes around at mllkln time es rcglar ez the day. You'd otter see the milk she gives. It's yaller, thick an sweet. An" ez for quantity, by gum, thet heifer can't be beat! They's Junks of butter floattn round Inside the mllkln pall. An speakln' of her butter, Zeb but then, she ain't for sale. Yew say yew're bound to hev her, Zeb? Yew want her purty bad? The slickest rlece of, cow-fiesh. sir, a farmer ever had! Wnth thirty dollars ez she stands, an not a dollar less; For I'm a one-prloe critter, Zeb, yewll And thet out, I guess. j "Wuth thirty dollars ez she stands, 111 tell yew f what Til dew; Til swap her now for twenty-flre 'twtxt me ' an' her an" yew. ! Jest twenty-five, no more or less, for I'm a one-price man. An" if yew want to swap her hack, why dura it, Zeb, yew can. Joe Cone In New York Sun. Clinched. , They talked about the margin wide Between the wants of men. How some had simple tastes, and soma Fastidious were again. Quoth he: "Oh, yes, some are content With things of little worth. But that won't do for me; I want The best there is on earth." With Joy of uncaged bird that once Again to freedom soars She fell Into his arms and screamed Thanks, darling, I am yours." Boston Courier. oughter know dat But America la going to make war on China now, you bet" "Wa, wa," continued" John, In musing tones, "why for Mellca make wa on China?" " 'Cause China makes war on America. But America Is going over to China and lick China out of her boots." "Wa, wa Mellca lick China's boots 7" "Lick China's boots! Not on yer life! America's going to lick China off der face of de earth, you slant-eyed lobster. What'll you Chinks do then?" "Wa, wa," responded John, with the same blank, expressionless look upon his face, "Mellca lick China, Mellca HcK China." "Yes, dat's what I said America lick China and what will China do then7" "Wa, wa; Mellca lick China," mused John, in slow tones, as he continued to gaze down the street Silence reigned then for several moments. It was flnallv broken by John, who murmured, gently as a Summer breeze, "Splose China lick Mellca, what Mellca do then?" New York Tribune. GETS BACIC HIS BLIKTJ HOItSE.i'"' Slick Parson.' Outwitted by Slicker Horsedealer.- He never read David Harum, but this Long Island veterinary, surgeon has a stock of tales that have a decided Harum flavor. One of them relates to the time when ho got the best of the parson in his native village. It was more than 50 years ago, and he was then In his teens. Ho and the minister were the most pro nounced lovers of good horses in town, and when he saw the reverend gentle man drive out a handsome, well-galted new horse, envy and other unchristian qualities entered Into his soul and in creased every time he saw the horse. He knew he would never be happy until he could own It After a great many skirmishes, in which" both knew they were dickering for a deal, though neither would have owned to it, they reached the bargain stage and the youth, depleted In pocket but tre mendously self-satlsfled, took home his purchase, the coveted horse. Nothing marred his elation until he reached the stable door, when the horse refused to step. Investigation proved that the beau tiful horse was blind. He would go In ana out of familiar quarters all right, but was lost In a strange place. His new owner was cast down and dis appointed, but he did not despair. In stead He determined that, In some way, at some time, he would even matters with the tricky clergyman, so he said nothing but kept thinking. Shortly after ward he went to a neighboring town on a visit and took the horse with him. When he returned, it was understood that he traded his horse, and the min ister was one of the first to show an In terest in the new animal. Every day the young man passed and repassed the par sonage, and as- often as he did so the clerical figure appeared at the front gate. When the time was ripe there was some preliminary talk about horses In general, and finally about that horse in partlcur lar. "Want to sell him?" Inquired the min ister at last "No, he suits me." "Looks a great deal like that horse you bought from me," he remarked, with a smile. "There is one difference: I don't get taken In the second time on a trade," replied the young man; "besides, he's a better horse all around; goes twice as well, you can see that yourself." The talk ended, as all such talks do, In a trade, by which the clergyman got the horse and the youth made $25 over his former deal. Then he awaited the sequel. It was npt long In coming. The mln- A Matter of Tolicy. While honesty Is policy And truth a Jewel too, Td hato to be the person Who told everything that's true. Who Instead of lying glibly, "What a lovely child Is that!" Must In truth say to Its mother, "What an ugly little brat!" Just suppose at some reception, Entertainment shouldbe slow, And we fret and fume and fldat As wo often do, you know, Who would care to make his farewell Truthfully to host and say, "I've been simply bored to death, air, And I'm glad to get away7" Who would care to meet a lady Whom he hadn't seen for years, Greet her pleasantly and tell her How much older she appears? How much nicer to lie glibly. Lie sincerely, and to say, "Why, It seems to me that you are Growing younger every day?" Be he saint or be he sinner. Would a mortal man, forsooth, Ever dare go out to dinner If he had to tell the truth? Say the roast was tough, and tasteless. Soy the soup was seasoned wrong. Say 'twas strange how weak the coffee When the butter was 20 strong! When the amateur canary In the parlor warbles gay, Like a buzzsaw on a tantrum, ' Who would care to rise and say, "Goodness me. but how you flatted. My, how shrill your high notes are, " I have heard young calves that blattcd Better music better far?" It to truth you have a leaning. It's not always best to say What you think on some occasions. There's another, wiser way; 'Twlxt your policy and conscience To affect a compromise. Let what you think be truthful If what you tell be lies. Bismarck Tribune. Good Timet in- Georgia. Bees are swarming. Honey is In, Birds are singing On every limb. , Gardens growing Full of sass, r Cows are lowing. Finding grass. v Farmers happy Hear their "gee," " Fruit is loaded - On every tree. Chickens growing Day and. night. f Fish are willing Your hook to bite. 1 Candidates coming v Thro" thick and thin. And telling they're Going to win. Clerks are busy In every store. Girls are pretty , As never before, Walker County Messenger. I ister appeared In a terrible rage, breath ing threats of vengeance, "That's the came old horse. You've de ceived and cheated, me," he declared. 'You will have to refund the money." "Go slow,, parson. T didn't say anything about it being a different horse from yours. I said he was different in one way, and so he was. That hair dye I put on his white legs and the spot in his forehead was all right I dln't tell you 1 hadn't used any, did I? That was what made him ("liferent, nothing else. NOt EXACTLY Mr. Snodgrass (to hired rnan) Say, Jim, forkfuls? Air ye glttln' weak? Jim No; 'taln't exactly weakness ez I knows And If I was you I wouldn't say much. Seems to me It would be better not to. If I should tell the whole story It wouldn't sound nice for you." Evidently the parson decided that It would not, and the subject rested. New York Press. ROUGH OX THIS GAS MAX. Bnt Says He'll Get Even for Belnpr 'Trapped'as Burfelnr. "Help! help! police! Merciful goodness, where Is that policeman?" When it Is -whooped up In this style along the upfier section of Cass avenue, from a fronf-gorch In the middle of the afternoon, It lk"paralyzlng, blood-curdling and generallyerrific. Therd was a great rushing forth, to women. They held their dresses in the best position for running, leaped eagerly forward, asked what it could mean, and wondered. One wiry little woman of 70, gritty as The Tongue. I. "Go, bring me from that crowded street The choicest morsel man may eat; Prepare It for my miaday meal. Let this thy skill and taste roeal!" Thus to his servant spake the sage. Renowned for wisdom In his ago. II. The willing slave, no longer young. Went forth and purchased only tongue; Prepared the meal, without a word. And boro It to his gracious lord. He silent ate. and eating, thought It strarge that onlj tongue was brought. III. The morrow came; "Go bring me, sure. The -Ulest dish thou canst procure; Prepare It for my midday feast, Mj Sandate change not In the least!" , Thus to his servant spake the sage, Benowned for wisdom In his age. IV. Again the crowded street was sought. Again tongue only tongue was bought; Prepared again with skillful hands. This servant filled his lord's commands. The master ate, and eating, thought ? It strange that tongue again was brought. "How Is it" thus at length he speaks "Thou dost Indulge such senseless freaks? I ask the best, and tongue receive; The worst, and tongue again jou give; I cannot surely understand v- How this agrees with my command." 1 VI. "My lord! for wisdom world-renowned, I pray thee thlnk;"where can be found A thing so good, so pure, forsooth. As the good tongue, the tongue of truth? And what so bad, so vile, so mean, """ As tho bad tongue. Impure, unclean? VII. "Both good and bad they are, my lord, And thus have I obeyed thy word." The master gravely bowed his head; " 'Tis ever thus; thou haB't well said; In high or low, in old or young. The best the worst is found in ongue." Harvey Wendell in Harper's Monthly. His Hope. "What Is his bridge to heaven?" they cried, And the warriors held their breath, Ao the grizzled King of a hundred fights Went down to the river of death. "What Is his bridge to heaven?" they, cried, "Is it bostloned with buckles and spears, ' And girded strong with the Iron blades Of the battles of bygone years? "And what are the voices he hears In his, dreams? Are they the clamors of fight Or the echoes of splendid victories that com As he stands by the river at night?" "Nay, nay," and they stand by In wonder and awe. For all that he builds on there Are a withered blossom, -a baby's shoe, And the lock of a woman's hair. And the only voices he hears In his dreams. As the world dies out on his ears, . Are an old love-ballad, a baby's laugh. And the sob of a dead wife's tears. W. W. Campbell in Pearson's Magazine. ' ' she was venerable, beat the corpulent po liceman to the scene of trouble. "What Is it?" they inquired In discordant chorus. "Burglar," in high note3. "burglar in the cellar. Wonder that you got here at all. If you can't run faster than that why don't you walk or send for the wagon? Burglar in the cellar, I said." "D I guess not," from the policeman, "not in broad daylight" "Well, sir, you can Just guess again. Didn't I say there was a burglar in the WEAKNESS. what's tho matter that ye. pitch up such leetle " on. cellar? Hasn't he been pounding, swear ing and yelling to get out? I've got him trapped. Come on, If you are not afraid." The policeman led the way.- The woman of the house had a hatchet, the old lady was armed with a flatiron and the police man had a gun in one hand as he raised the trapdoor with the other. "Up the steep, narrow steps came a man with a lantern and a-unlform. Jle was,mad for keeps and roaring forth his word that somebody would pay for his imprisonment "Been in there an hour," he announced. "Case of false imprisonment, if there ever was one. Bolted the door just after I went down. But don't you forget that I'll get satisfaction." "Man that reads the meters," sneered the pollpeman. "Came mighty near hitting him," trem bled the old lady. "Lands. I forgot alL about his going down," from tho lady of the house, "but England' Lanreate. Oh, H'England 'as a poet with a 'arp o many strings, But Lor! they seem h'all busted when 'a lifts Ms voice and sings! Is metre's like a daschshund with bow Tegs behind h'and 'fore; III tell you, H'England quivers when 'is Pegasus doth soar! ' 'Is laurels h'are o burdock er o chlckweed er th' like; 'Is verses all remind us o' the novice h'on the hike; 'E wobbles h'and 'e wobbles, h'and 'Is bloom in' tires give h'out. When 'e fills 'is lung wltn atmosphere h'and starts 'is mighty shout! They dassent jump h'upon 'is neck because 'e's laureate. , H'and gits three hundred pounds per year h'and Malmsey wine h'and cate. 'E h'is the fambly minstrel, and 'Is wires h'are badly sprung, H'and h'lf 'e lived h'ln n'olden times, 'tis plain 'o would be 'ung! Oh, h'evcry time the British h'ln South Afrlo win a town. This laureate. In jig time, does the h'eplsoda h'up brown. 'E gallops h'ln h'lambics, h'and 'o whoops h'ln spondees long. H'and 'is dactjls h'and Ms trochees h'are both picturesque h'and strong. Oh. 'all Columbia, Yankees h'all. that we've no tethered muse That wobbles for three hundred pounds h'and eke a keg o booze. The shade o' Tennyson h'and h'all who rodo h'ln golden cars Oh, well, this H" Alfred h'is a poet hut HI tell you what. It Jars! Harold MacGrath In Syracuse Herald. "Willie "With the Short Coat. We've sung about the women and their frills and furbelows, Their waspish waists and trailing skirts, their tightly compressed toes; v We've laughed at all their foolishness their follies we've expressed Of things that we must put up with, if they would be well dressed. But while we wax sarcastic lot us make a yttle note Of the man with padded shoulders and the muchly shortened coat. Wo rave of woman's "silllnes" in rainy-day attire. Which she'll not wear excect'on days when sunshine beams like Are, We hoot and howl at her big hats, we Jibe and sneer and scoff. Because she'll use complexion tints that some times peel right off. But overlook her for a while, and help us to assail. The masculine attire the coat that hasn't any tail. It strikes him at the wafet band, and looks like a widened belt, The queerest-looking garment that you ever saw or felt The shoulders lump and hang around In broad and swagger style. And miss the shoulders of the man by some thing like a mile. Let's sins no more of woman's whims, but take a carping crack. At Willie with his coat tall ending half way up his back. Baltimore American. his last bill was highway robbery any how, and that's worse than burglary." Detroit Free Press. - JUMBLED IDEAS. Tried to Rise to the Situation, bnt Couldn't Manase It. He So nice to find yoa here I scarcely thought you had returned to town. Her Sister Oh. yea: we brought Our pastorale to quite a sudden close The. chilly weather. He Too bad! I suppose Your sister, also, has returned? And how yHer Stster Oh, she's quite wen. She's not at home Just now. He Ah!. What & charming season we hart had! Her SisterJust charming! Yet tt makes one feel so glad to be in town. He Yes. truly. Did you say You thought your sister would stay lonr away? Her Sister Oh, no. She meant to make a call or two He What are you reading ? Is It something new? Her Sister A Tery clever, comprehensive screed Upon the negro of the South. He Indeed! That should be Interesting. Z have seen Much of the Southern negro. Has she boen j Long gone? Do you expect her soon? X mean your sister. Her Sister Not Just yet Ho Aheml Of course, The negro of the South lacks mental force. Such as the Northern negro shows. No doubt She'll come In time for dinner? Her Sister She went out Just after luncheon. He Well ah as I said. Tho Northern negro has the clearer head; His mental qualities havo far outgrown, Those of the Southern ne Is she alone? I might walk rd own to. meet her. Her-Slster (with sarcasm) Tes, you might. He Though, to be sure. It- la .delightful, quite. To chat with you. The negro et the North Has had a wider chance of branching. forth. Whereas, the negro of the South, at home You don't exactly know which way she'll come? Her Sister I don't He The negro of tho South, well, he The necro of the South in fact, you ee. He naturally Is er ah of better stock. And finer grain. It must be 5 o'clock. I really ought to go. Tell her I'to found The book we spoke of. I wilt bring It 'round , Yes, his association with the whites has made , Him gentle, cultured, graceful. The negro of the South he well In this Bespect. would seem By Jove, ah! there she Is! Madeline S. Bridges In Truth. "1TTS SHANGHAI 1" Specials That Lie and Dispatches That Pain. He but smiled a smooth smile that was childlike and bland, watching Seymour the while1 he allowed him to land. That was Monday-7-next day he for fight colled his queue, and the dickens did play with the ships at Taku. Then on Tuesday ho smashed and bombarded Tlen-Tsln, while Goin', Coin? Gonet Goln', goin', goin' gonot Mother, dear, don't cry, Th' old home passed t' other hands, but mebbe, byjm' by Wo may save an buy another, though no place" 11 ever be As dear as this one that we've lost has been V you an' me. Goin', goin', goln' gone! Mother, come away, Th ol' farm's ben knocked dawn an sold It does no good t stay; We've tried our best t save it hut tt wasnt ordered so; It ain't our home no longer mot&or, dear, le's go! I don't know as I ever see th' oi farm look so fine. Never see a deeper green en every shrub an vine. Clover blossoms never smelled t$ fresh and sweet, somehow, Iitlacs never grew so thick, it seems, as th do now. The ol' white house with its green blinds, the woodbine creepin on, 'T won't do no harm, I guess, t take a las' look 'fore we're gone. Tried our best f pay th debt we did. th Lord must know; But somehow couldn't make Itquite mother, dear, le's go! Goln', goln', goin gone! I seem V hear It yet. Seem t hear the auctioneer my eyes some how gets wet. Gone t pay th' mortgagee, an wo are crowd ed out; Gone! So many things are gone that folks don't think about. Every blade o grass an' tree;" every foot cf ground. Has got some hauntln memory, some sweet ness cllngln 'round. Somo memory for you an me, that other folks don't know. It seems somehow they're speakln now moth "er, dear, le's go! Goln, gone! We couldn't save It, mothtr dear wo tried. But everything went criss-cross th caws took sick an" died, We had t' sell th' horse th farmln didn't pay. An" troubles sort o' double-quicked sometimes the' come that way. Goin', gone! The pasture lands; th dairy house beside , Th brook; the first house that we built where Sue and Johnny died. T other folks it's simply loain' of a bit o land. But toe's a loss t you an me that they can't understand. Goin', goln', goln' gone! X wonder what's th use , Twlnln' heartstrings 'round an' 'round, Jes tT tear 'em loose. Goln', gone! Th' way o life; why th good Lord knows, Bulldln up for yeara an' years, an' then away she goes! Hopes or homes, lt' Jes th same what we build about. Other bands mus reap th fruits an wo are crowded out. Story always Jes the same, frm th light o dawn T th twilight's mist an shade hopes goln', goln, gone! -- - Blimirck'Tribuna. Seymour Just dashed up and captured Pe kln. But on Wedneseday willed It tha Orient fate? Sir Seymour was killed Just outside tho South Gate; and that same afternoon, on the very same ground, the perverse I-Ho-Chuan. did Sir Seymour surround, and compelled him to shin down the road to Taku. while aavine- Tien Tsln. as he'd set out to do. But in ways that are dork (which I mentioned before) the top high-water mark was here reached by Seymour, when the state he descried of the town of Tlen Tsln, missionaries outside and the Box ers within! For he charged on the walu and before 6 o'clock ha had massacred all that evangelist flock! Twas a way that was dark, call It right eous who mayr 'twas a very strange "lark" for a man dead a day. Yet fret not nor chafe for his treating them so he believed them safe at the mouth of Pel ho. while maintaining hl3 ground 20 miles from the coast 'gainst the prisoners bound and a wild, fleeing host. And 'Ms fully assured that the envoys he'll save, though each has been Immured 20 times In his grave; for each time they are alain. or by ones or the batch, their hopes they oxplaln through a cheering dispatch, of his allied marines, each to each a true brother, fighting Boxers by means of at tacking each other. "Oh." we say, "It's Shanghai I That's the way we explain that for specials that He and dispatches that pain 'the Mongo lian faker's peculiar. New York Mall and Express. NEW SYSTEM OF MXEMOJflCS. Hovr .Missies Remembers "What His "Wife Wants Him to Bay. My friend; MIcah Mlggles, has a sys tem of mnemonics all his on When he wishes to remember one word ho thinks of another that may sound qulta different but that bears some relatloa of ideas to the word ha seeks to retain. Thus, if you told hint to buy a pair of socks, he would Immediately think of tho word "sockdolager," and, 10 to 1, when he arrived at tho store the word would have turned Into doxology, and he would come back with a hymn book. Bo his system has its faults, but Mlggles swears by it, and once In a while ho evolves a triumph In his line. Last week, his wife asked him to stop at Munnimaker's and buy a few things for her. He Immediately made a list so that he should not forget I was with him when he drew out this list at Munni maker's. "Hello 1" said he, "what's all this royal family about? I can't think whether It was books or kitchen utensils that Mrs. Mlggles asked me to get" This, after reading his list "What's on the list?" I asked. "Why, I made It out In my. own system, you know, and I can't think of the key to It I've got to have a starter always. It says, 'King Henry V., one Prince of Wales, one Duke of York, Queen Vic toria and Marquis of Lorne.,, too." "Why, It's historical works or photo graphs," said I, but I was really quite in the dark. "No," said Mlggles. "Just help me to think. I'm sure It wasn't books or pic tures. I think It was dry goods." Quite accidentally I put him on the track. If I hadn't, In spite of his sys tem ho would have gone homo without a bundle, and as he is a commuter, that would have been a little irregular. "What is King?" I said, half to my self. "Ha!" said Mlgglns; "thanks. "Cotton 13 king old expression. Cotton 'King Henry V, equals five yards of cotton." "Good!" said I. "But what In thun der Is 'one Prince of Wales? " "Prince Prince prints one yard of prints!" And Mlggles laughed with Joy. "There Is more intthat system than 1 thought," said I. "But what can you make out of 'one Duke of York? " "Duke Duke Duke. Duke Duchess. Ha! one yard of duchess lace." "You're a wonder!" said I. "But what can 'Queen Victoria and Marquis of Lorne. too. mean?" Like a shot he answered: "Two yards of Victoria lawn! Hooray!" Charles Battell Loomls, in the Smart Set He Was the "Party." A Coney Island excursion, steamer was leaving New York with but few passen gers aboard. The boat had just cost off, when a stout man, with a very red face, rushed down the pier, and, flourishing his stick, shouted: "Hey, captain! Put back back her quick! Here's ,a largo party wants to go." The captain was at first derisive, but finally Bhouted from the pilot-house: "How large Is the party?" For an instant the fat man hesitated, then he yelled back: "Between 60 and 70." As soon as the captain heard this num ber he Instantly ordered the steamer back and made fast again. The fat man wad dled across the gang plank, and, picking out a nice deck seat, fanned himself with a straw hat Meanwhile the captain and his crew waited for the party to arrive. After waiting five minutes and more tho captain turned impatiently toward the stout man and asked: "Where's your par ty between 60 and 70? Thlsbpat can't wait all day for them." "Oh, that's all right" replied the fat passenger, with a bland smile; "I'm the party; 65 today, sir." The captain's face grew redder even than the passenger's as he furiously rans the bell to steam ahead, but the fat man at once became the hero of tha boat Collier's Weekljv Killed His Patient. At a lesson in a medical college tha other day one of the students who was by no means a dullard, was asked by tho professor: "How much is a dose of ?" (giving the technical name of a stronff poison.) "A teaspoonful," "was the .ready reply The professor made no comment but the student, a quarter of an hour latrtJ7 realized that he had mode a mistake,, and straightway said: "Professor, I want to change my,an swer to that question." "It'B too late, sir," responded tho pro fessor, curtly, looking at his watch. "Your patient has been dead 14 minutea." Weekly Telegraph.