23 THE SUKDAY 0"REG02xIAK, P0BTLAND, AUGUST 26, 1900. S M4ffl fi O JSrn i cS Afl Mf)w I fjfjg InLi if 1 ?JJBJtf. fob,'' yl E3HK ki Silence at the Tee. "Ho player, caddie, or onlooker should move orjtaJk -fiurinc a stroke Etiquette of Golf. TMt Is the fateful moment. Let all things quiet be, Tor new the colter's Teady, The ball Is on the tee; Don't move -while he's addrtsblnz. To whisper do not dare. And when his club he's wagging No sound must Ftlr the air; Should aught distract attention It might disturb his poise, And cause the man to foozle. So do not make a noise; Let not a sigh escape you. Don't speak, or lauh, or sneeze, Xict all the birds cease singing. And hush, tbou murmuring breezel The crickets must stop chirping. And Insects buzz no xnorA, The broad and restless ocean Must quell Its mights roar: The deep voice of. the thunder Shall not be heard aloud There must not be a nhndow- From flectlnr Summer closfe: In fact. I think there's dancer Within a simple -wink And, In so great a crlfls. Perhaps one Should not think! O'er earth and all creation. Hang- silence Mke a. pall! And ler It not be lifted Till the golfer hlti the baJ. Frank J Bonnelle, in Golf. .. REGATTA EVENT OF WEEK Attention of Local Oarsmen, Yacht Prrnera and. Athlete Chiefly De voted to Astoria. - -Tha-jnterest-of local-athletes was al-ost-entirelyJ.entored -onthe annual As 'torla regatta and games during the past "Week. The event had been eagerty looked forward to by them, and rigid practice and training were In order dally lor those Intending to take part In the various competitions. The training quar ters of the Multnomah Club presented a scone- of bustling activity during the fore part of the weelc- Tho training 'ceased Thursdays tho athletes leaving hero Fri day for Astoria. The running track un. til then was in continuous use by those who intended to compete In the sprints and distance runs. The jumpers, pole vaulters and hurdlers also got In their share of work. Indulging In hard and unremitting practice. Taken altogether. it may be said that Multnomah put forth licr best energies to. helpjnakc a suc cess -of rreUatta week. Readers of The v-Grgontan know the-rcsulta of the evenj "Whlchi In some respects, is- the leading annual fixture in sporting circles In the Northwest. Tho Multnomah athletes had some wor thy opponents in the Olympics, of San Francisco. The Caltfornians had the ad vantage of being well-tried men, with years of experience In athletic competi tion, while the Multnomah contingent, with the exception of a few men like Bert Kerrigan, Frank Watklns, Blumenthal, Dammasch "and Heater are practically new men, a few of them being novices, and tho Astoria event having been the only athletic meet in which they f ever competed. But their good work at the games took them out of tho novice class. Absence of Seattle Athletes. It was the subject of much regret that the Seattle Athletic Club, as an organiza tion, did not participate in the sports. A three-aornered contest would have been more acceptable. Still, the strength and personnel of the two competing teams tho Multnoraahs and Olympics left noth ing to be desired. Tho Multnomahs. however, would have liked to meet the Seattle athletes, as there is a little score TO bo settled between them. The two teams may come together yet, as the sea son Is far from over, and offers great pros pects. Multnomah has an Important addi tion to her strength this year. In the per son of Roy Heater, the young athlete for-, merly of Pacific University, whose re snarkable work in the high and broad jumps assures him a great future In the athletic world Heater is an all-around athlete, and is a valuable man one to be deponded on. It Is very much regretted by the mem- i . - .. t..mo.? tj.- i.,h , ' hers of the Portland Rowing Club that the could not outer in the double and four-oared rowing races of the regatta, but owing t the style of boat used by "f,he Californians, this was an impossibil ity. The California oarsmen used racing barges, in the doubles and four-oared events, and such craft could not be pro cured hore in time to familiarize the Port land Rowing Club oarsmen with their use. Shells are used exclusively by the Portland men, and as these are much epoedlor than racing barges, it would Have been unfair to compete in them with opponents in barges. Local Aquatics. Gloss and Patton put in a great deal of tlaa6during the early part of the week in hard practice, training for the I singles. The single-scull race was looked forward to with the most interest, as It "was to decide the amateur championship of tho Pacific Const, an honor which lay "between Papo, of the Dolphin Club, of San Francisco, California's champion single-sculler, and Patton, of the Portland Rowing Club, champion of the Northwest, The members of the Portland Rowing Club are looking forward with great ea gerness to the Fall regatta of the club. This will be held September 15, and will ,be participated in by tho club crews. Practice will be begun without delay, ana good results are expected. There aire several new men who wlir be sprung, as a sarprlse on -those interested in boat racing locally. "Tho annual cralse f the Oregon Yjcht Oiab was held this wek. the fleet sail tog in a body to Astoria, whore various tpt the waft took part in the ya.cht races, the Porrtanders having 13 entries out of a total of 3d. llnnchall. The Tope4 hssebaH team, by defeat ing VMttem)i6 a week ago, retain the championship which they had held for ! Rrtyigv some time. The game was tho best played this season, according to base ball enthusiasts. It was close and vigorously contested. The Torpedoes also played the Stephens Addition team last Sunday afternoon and a good game was witnessed by those "fans" who hive not lost all enthusiasm for baseball, as seems generally the case in Portland. The Tor pedoes left "Wednesday for Spokane to play a series of games with the Spokane Athletic Club, for the amateur champion ship of the Pacific Northwest. The only other game played during the -Reek was that between the Astoria team and the Multnomah team at Astoria during the regatta. Baseball is practically dead In Portland this season. Aznonc Tennis Players. Local tennis players were gre"atly in terested In the outcome of the tennis tournament at Seattle, which ended last Saturday. The championship of the Pa cific Northwest In the singles was won by Lewis R. Freeman, of Pasadena, Cal., against J. F. Foulkes, df Victoria, by scores of 6-1, 6-2, 2-6, 6-4. ' Freeman was for a- long time tennis "singles champion of Southern California. "When he wentto Stanford, in the Spring of 1896, he "became champion of that col lege, and ho subsequently represented Stanford at the inter-colleglate tourna mant against Berkeley. No Portland players competed in the games at Seat tle, although several were entered. Next year however, a number will he entered in the championship games at Tacoma, when they hope to carry off the high honors. The tennis courts at the Multnomah Club were a scene of activity during the week, the three courts being in use nearly all the time. Several Interesting matches we're -played, fbremost of which was an exciting challenge .contest between Goss f and Smith,' which was "won by Smltlu Smith played his usual &rllllant game, but the work of Goss was not so steady; This makes the second defeat Goss has suffered at the hands of Smith. The scores were 6-4. 6-2, 4-6, 6-4. F. E. Forbes made quite a remarkable Jump from the eighth to the sixth class. He beat J. E. Dukehart 6-3, 6-4, which ad vanced him to the seventh class, and ..George McMillan, of the sixth class, which advanced him to the sixth class. Forbes is a new player, and his progress -has been rapid. On the Tnrf. The entries for the Fall meeting at Irv Ihgton closed Tuesday, August 21, with a fine showing of good horses entered. The Merchants' and Manufacturers', the Brewers' and thet Hotel stakes are fhe leading events and furnish a new de parture in the -way of racing fixtures on the Portland turf. The Irvington track has hoen iraprqved and will be. In a fine condition by the time of the races, which will be iftld September 11-15. A suggestion has been made by the Carnival committee that the meeting be postponed to the last week of the Carni val. Manager Willis states that he fixed the dates of the meeting before that of the Carnival had been announced, and he feels justified in holding them. Sensible Proposition. A petition, signed by several hundreds of .the Multnomah Club members, has been -presented, to the board, of -directors of the club, asking It to provide the means for sending Mr. Wilkle C. Dunl way to represent the club at the forth coming billiard tournament, to be held at the Olympic Club, in San Francisco. Mr. Dunlway would stand a very good chance of coming out at the top of the list of players, as he Is one of the very best hllllardlsts on the Coast. The Mult nomah directors have an opportunity to advance, the interests of the club by sending him ;ttf San Francisco. .-ffhec-Monday.. night bowllpg contest at, the Multnomah Club brought forth a new lot of contestants to wear the-medals. Tnis was Sydney's team, which pulled out wjth a total score of 6S0. Craft, of the same team, made the high score for the evening 61, In his first game. Local sporting men arc already pre dicting the outcome of the Fltzslmmons Sharkey fight, and probably quite a lit tle money will change hands here over the result. Fltzslmmons' admirers are very glad that he exposed the offer of $100,000, made to him on the proviso that ho would throw the fight. They declare tint EUz Is not the man to take a bribe, and they are right. WILLIE ATKINS. FUN IN SPORTDOM. nnmorons Side of the Situation, m Seen by Pnrnflrrnphers. "You don't mean to tell me that you spend on an average an hour a day play ing whist?" said the "man who takes life very seriously Indeed. "Teg," answered tho friend. TVnt Ik :! hours n week. "Whv. ttit - , . A , ,, , i,v ,. dar sir, do you realize that with the time thus consumed you could learn Sanskrit in six months or so?" "Maybe, But what's the use? I could not get any fun out of Sanskrit." Wash ington Star. "You have repainted you "Man With a Hoe. " "Yes; I'vo put a cleek In his hand, and he looks all right." Chicago Record. Tho Pessimist Man. you must admit that the Nation een now is showing signs of decay. The Ontlmlst I have noticed none, ex cept in the case, perhaps, of the baseball umpires." Indianapolis Press. Ella rm afraid that Bella didn't enjoy tho game. Stella What makes you think so? Ella She didn't onco ask what trumps were. Harper's Weekly. 'Dld Dick loso much over the big race?" "'Yes; his- head." "Ah! that explains It!" "What?" "Oh, he said ho lost a lot." Judy. "Can I take my wheel Inside?" "I should think you could with that mojith," replied the surly Janitor. Cleveland Plain Dealer. St Peter shook his head doubtfully. "THls record," he said, "shows that you have bean in tho habit of using profane language." "But only on the golf links." urged the applicant for admission. Chicago Even ing Post. "It's gettin fashionable now. It seems. anng the hlgh-tono- clubs to buy the most expensive chlnywaro they kla flnd." 1 -. said the good old soul, looking up from her paper. "You don't say!" exclaimed her hus band. , r "Yes, indeed; it says here, 'The -Boston Club has just paid $2000 for a now pitcher. "Philadelphia Press. TO HELP THE "BIG FELLOW." Friends of John L. Snlllvan to Raise a Fund for Him. The friends of John L. Sullivan will tender him a- "grand testimonial bene fit" in Madison-Square Garden, New Tork, Wednesday evening next, August 23 the night prior to the Corbett-McCoy contest. With all his failings the old king of pugilists retains the affections of his ad mirers, and It is believed that a fund sufficiently large to maintain him in com fort, in his old age, will be raided from MR. J. N. TEAL'S PRESENT The marble bust is by NIchI, one of the first sculptors of Florence, and is copied from the bronze in the Library of the Vatican, one of the finest extant portrait busts of tho Em peror Augustus Mr. Felloes has made the draw Ins from Mr. Teal's photograph of tho orig inal bronze, which shows the fractures and restoration. the proposed testimonial, and by general subscription, an appeal for which has been sent to i urtlng men throughout the country. It .s intended to place such funds as maj Le raised In the hands of a committee of business men for invest ment, and to devote the interest arising therefrom to Sullivan's future mainten ance, If needed. The "big fellow" has spent and give away nearly all that he ever earned, and that Is close to a million dollars. Among the fistic stars who will take part in the Sullivan testimonial are: Cor bett, Fltzslmmons, Ruhlln, Sharkey, Choynskl, Maher and others. In the wind-up, Sullivan, the old champion, will appear against the new champion, James J. Jeffries. STAR BASEBALL AGGREGATION OF THE PORTLAND LODGE, B. P. O. E. "Jlmmle" Berger, 3b. George Robinson, lb. A. D Simon, c. f. "Harrj" Jones, c Dr. J. J. Fentoa. s. s. Henry Griffin, 2b. "Billy" Mead, umpire. J. E Kelly, L f. "Ham" Locktardt, r. f . "Johnnie" Betts,. s. s. Judge F. D. Hennessy, p. AS XIXB AND UMPIRE APPEARED, WHEX ROBED FOR THE RECET FRAY WITH THE REDOUBTABLE BALL-TOSSEVG EAGLE COMBINATION ON MULTNOMAH'S CLASSIC FIELD. HIS INITIAL EXPERIENCE CUIcasro Young Man Goes Yachtlns on lake Michigan and Strllccs Against Hard Knocks. A, young man, clerk In a Chicago de partment store, relates his experiences on his first yachting trip, in an amusing manner, to a reporter of the Tribune of the Windy City. One of his friends who was the friend of a man who was tho friend of another man who owned a yacht procured an invitation for him, and he accepted. ' "Iwent aboard the yacht," sajs he, about 2:30 ' o'clock Sunday morning. Tho yacht has another name, but TO THE MULTNOMAH CLUB. I vA call it the Sad News, because that is not its name, and I don't want to make the owners of the yacht feel that I have gone out of my way to bring their boat into "news paper notorletv. I was told it was a fino boat, and I think it must have been, or I would not now be writing of the stir ring events that befell us. "It was the first time I had ever been on a boat of any description except the little row boats in Lincoln Park. As soon as I got on the yacht the floorwalker, or the manager of that department, or whatever he was, who stood at the steer ing business In the rear of the yacht, told mo to go down below and find some canvas trousers and put them on. I went down In the basement and hunted around and found the canvas trousers and put them on and then came up on, the Toof, or whatever you call it, again. .The other fellows had been fussing around, hauling the totta even which way, and pretty soon wo were gliding through .the wafer and out of tho har--bor. I sat down to enjoy the cool breeza when the manager yelled at me to 'stand by the fore sheet.' I didn't know the foie sheet from any other kind of a sheet, but tood up and tried to look intelligent and walked up the aisle along one side of the cabin and laid my hands on one of the sails, which I thought was what the manager meant. I stood straight up and kept standing there until tho manager commenced saying swear words and some of the other fellows camo back and commenced hauling oir one of the ropes. Then I sat down again to think, things over, and I wondered how much there was about a acht 3 didn't know. Icnrns the Ropes. "They kept telling me to do things that T dldnt 'dq because I didn't speak their language. Finally they discovered that tho only way to get anything out of me was to grab me by the collar and lead me up to it, whatever it was, and say, ere, now, pull on that.' I pulled on ropes until my hands were raw and my back sore. I wondered if they didn't do anything else when out yachting but Just pull old ropes back and fth. "I stood by tho main sheet'and the fore sheet and ' 15 other different kinds of sheets, and got hit on the head by a tackle block. &nd fell down and stabbed myself on a boathook, and thought "of all the fun I was having while the other fellows -in the store that didn't know anybody that owned a yacht would have to sit around nice and lazy-like in the shade In the park and listen to the band play. "Finally we seemed to have hung" up every sail there was on the boat and to have pulled the ropes until they were almost worn through, and then they told me to go down and turn in. I went down the stairs into the basement again and went to sleep in one of the cots against the wall. When I awoke we were off Michigan City, and were going into the harbor. I was Just in tflje to do some pmnng' ana naming or tne ropes- i had a rope in each hand and one between my knees, and I think by the way the manager was yelling ho was mad because I wouldn't take another rope between my teeth. Tho yacht did some sort of a flank mo tion I didn't understand and went bump ing the pole that reaches out in front into the wharf. Then the manager, who by this time I discovered to bo the captain,, made a great many remarks that would have been considered sufficient cause for dismissal even in the case of one of our drivers given an order at 10 o'clock on Saturday night, when it was raining, to deliver in Woodlawn on his way. home In Rogers Park. Finally 'the yacht stopped and we dropped the anchor. The cook got breakfast, and we went swimming and had a real nice time. He Gets Thirsty. "At noon we put up tho sail3 again and' did a few more stunts with the ropes and sailed for home. I forgot to say that be fore we sailed wo pulled tho anchor up. We sailed along nicely. The sky over head was a bright blue and the breeze was cool and sweet. I lay in the shade of one of the sails ana thought what a nice thing yachting was. I went down In tho basement again and hunted around for the water casks that I have always read had to be carried by every ship. I couldn't find any water casks and came up w 1th my throat parching. I concluded the captain had forgotten to put any wa ter casks on the yacht, and I didn't like to mention it for fear of hurting his feel ings. But when I found there was no water on board I got thirstier and thirst ier. "Finally I began to feel like a cast-away on a desert island, and when I couldn't stand It any longer I went up to the Cap tain and said. 'Look here, I'm dying for a drink.' He picked up a long-handled tin dipper and reached down over one side of the boat and scooped it full of water. But I wasn't going to drink that. I thought he was playing a trick on me, but I had read too many stories about shipwrecked sailors drinking the sea wa ter and then going mad to be taken In like that. " 'No,' I said, 'not by me. " 'What's the matter?' asked the cap tain. " 'No sea water in mine," I said. 'No county insane asylum for me," I told him. " "Why, you fool,' said the captain frankly, I thought, 'this ain't salt Water. It's lake water. ' It's what you drink ev ery day of your life. "So It was- But I had never thought of It that way. The Idea of reaching right ;out and dipping up a tin full of water out of the lake and drinking It was some thing I had never happened to think of. Didn't Like the Idea. " Still, I didn't exactly like to drink that water. When we had passed over about that same place In the lakeln the morn ing I had stuck my feet overboard and dabbled my toes in the water. I didn't like to drink out of the same water I had washed my feet In. This Is not pretty to say, but it was $he way I felt about it. Still, everybody else drank out of the dip per, and I thought if they could stand it I could, so I shut my eyes and'drank. "Then. I went down In the basement again and wentto sleep. When I awoke I heard a terrible din of people running by on the sidewalk overhead. It was some time before I realized that I was on a yacht and that it wasn't a sidewalk. oerhead. but the deck. The boat seemed to be rolling over. I clutched at some thing to hold on to, but before I could get fixed I was shot out of the cot clear across the room. A lot of dishes tumbled over on my head and a 'clock and a spyglass tumbled out of a rack and hit me In the face when I tried to get up. Some body was looking down the stairway yelling at me to come on deck and stand by the helm. "I-was willing enough to go on detk. I thought If thd yacht was going down it would be nicer to be outside where I could have some show for my white alley than to be cooped up In the basement. I tried to crawl up the stairway, but when I got half way up the water came pour ing down on top of me and swept me back again. I tried again, and this time I got out on deck. The captain was yell ing like a madman, 'Stand by the stay'sell sheet.'- The yacht was tipped over so that the deck was at right angles with the water, and it was all I could do to hold on, let alone bothering with some thing I didn't know anything about. Takes the Tiller. '"-Stand by the stays'! sheet,' yelled the captain at me again. 'We're going down, fool, he howled, 'we're going dow n if you don't stand by to ease off that sheet." " 'Well, I yelled back, as loud as I could, so as to be heard above the shriek ing of the wind. ' 'I'm from Missouri. You've got to show me,' "He ripped oft a lot of swear words that would have made a policeman sick. " 'Take tho tiller, fool, he hollered at me. " 'Where Is it? I, hollered back. "I'll take anything there is coming. .He grabbed me by the collar and dragged mo down into the little half circle where he stood. Then he let loose of the tiller and, made a wild dive for some of the ropes. Just as I started to take hold of the helm the ship gave another lunge and the water came pouring tver the side. The tiller Jumped right at me and gave "me a swat below the belt that Knocked the breath 6ut of mo. "I was swimming around there" Injthe water trying to find that tiller". 1 thought we were going to drown, sure. It occurred to me that I could never ga bicycling In Lincoln Park again. And 1 felt bad, for I'm kind of foolish about my bicycling in Lincoln Park. I dived down In the water and got, hold of that tiller and pretty nearly yanked It loose. The captain was yelling: 'Put her down hard a-lee! Put her down hard a-lee!" Well, I didn't know what to do, but just to show him my intentions were honorable, I gave the tiller a vicious shove to one side. All the sails acted as though they had been hit by the roof of a house, and the boat stood right up on its head, and I thought, 'Here Is where wcj sail right straight down and go out of business.' Catches the Idea Finally. "Put her hard a-lee; put her hard a-leo!' the captain was yelling. He tried to come toward me, but he and the other fellows were hanging like bulldogs on to the ropes and trying to pull the sails In. I concluded that If what I had done with the tiller wasn't hard a-leelng It, then I had better do something else and see If that was It. So I fetched the tiller clear around in tho other direction to the other side of the boat. That seemed to be It, for the captain turned his attention frcm me and began to swear at the other fel lows. "There are people who like the broncho bucking decK of a yacht. Not by me. I just want dirt good, nice dirt to stand on. I'm a little foolish about my dirt since I went on that yacht. It's good enough for me now. People that want to go out skimming In white, bird-like yachts and all that sort of thing have mp permission. But any old time jou catch me out again, have the ambulance and a man with a strait-jacket from tho Detention Hospital down to meet tho boat when I come back." ONE ON THE .MAJOR. Experiments on Jeffries Plaster of Paris Arm. Major Hughes' admiration for the once mighty John L. Sullivan Is so well known, In sporting circles that It no longer ex cites curiosity or comment. The Mojor does not regard the present-day cham pions as being in tho same glass aa tho once great fighter, and hl3 contempt sometimes leads him astray. He and Jef fries recently met In the samo clty and, of course, the conversation drifted around to the prize ring and the pugilists. "Why," exclaimed the Major, "you fel lows were not in it with Sullivan. You should have seen him In hi3 prime. He had the toughest arm that I ever saw. The muscles were like iron, and It was imposlble to Indent the flesh." "Why. Sullivan in his palmiest days never had an arm such as mine,'" replied the champion. "Why, that's ridiculous," retorted the Major. 'Well, feel this arm, then," and Jeffries held out his left. The Major felt the arm and found It as hard as steel. Then ho thumped on It. but with no better result. He might as well have struck a brick wall for all the impreslon that he made. He tried hard and long: then turning to the champion he said: "Well, I never expected to see an arm like that. I must admit that you have Sullivan beat a block, and I take off my hat to you." The crowd laughed, and the Major felt uncomfortable. "Well. It's on you. Major," said one of the sports. "You were feeling Jeffries' gams arm. It is dono up In a. plaster of paris cast." ' The Major treated. Louisville Courier JournaL "When Phyllis Plays. The timid Cloer backward shrinks. The Red-Top plays at hide-and-seek. Ltts will be cuppy on the Links "When pretty Phyllis BTTiags her Cleek. Coif. - g43feff ;' - -LjX vy'EJsgs- jtfcSSw? I EQJR Go a-Fishinsrt When there's trouble on your mind. Why so a-Oshlng: No matter what Its kind. If it Is Renins; Toko rod and fly and line. If no ash. why. don't rapine; You'll cast away your worry. Whllo you're fishing. If bills are overdue, Why go a-flshlnc: Hunt up a friend or two. For your enriching; If denied by all jou ask. Have patience In jour task; It's what you sadly need When jou're fishing:. Reporters for the press All so a-flsningr; With calm and ccol address, The news up-dlshlnr. A fact of black and whlta They ralnt in colors bright. The bow Is badly stretched When you're fishing:. How often on the stago We go a-flshlng: "When the prompter's lost the page. For fear of hissing. We fly from erse to prose. And say (Heaven only" knows'l Sometimes the words oft used When you're fishing. Charles Kent. In Dramatic Mirror. PLAYS MULTNOMAH TWICE Eugene's Football Team "Will Tackle Everjthinjr Within Its Reach This Year Its Plans.- EUGENE, Or.. Aug. 25. Football Man ager Goodrich, of the University of Or egon eleven, has completed arrangements with tho Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club for two games during the comlne season. The first will be played on Mult nomah Field. In Portland, on November 3, and the second on Thanksgiving Day. Immediately after the first Multnomah game, the U. O. eleven will start for Palo Alto, Cal.. where It will meet tho Stanford team on November 10. The team will spend 10 days In California, apd will play Berkeley and the Univer sity of .Nevada. la addition to Stanford. The men will stop at Ashland, where they wlll play the Southern Oregon Normal SchooL. -about Nq.vem.ber 20. -Manager Goodrich is also endeavoring to bring "about game3 with the state uni versities of Idaho and Washington, and will also probably arrange to play sev eral of the local teams of the state. Ha expects to complete his schedule of games during the next few weeks. The university will open on September 19, and Coach Kaarsberg will be on hand about October 1. Trainer W. O. Trine, who has been a potent factor In U. O track athletics for years, will be put In charge of the football men this ycar and will look out for their physical con dition. From present indications, there will be a very material Increase In tho. Student enrollment during the coming year, and It is thought that there will be over 60 candidates for 'varsity football honors. Although some of the best men of the '93 eleven will not rpturji to col lege, there are several promising fresh men In view, and the University eleven will probably be stronger than ever. Bush, captain of the Ashland High School team, i? coming to Eugene, and It Is thought that he will fill the end po sition vacated by Young, '00. although Garrell, the crack end of '07. will play this year. Some other valuable men will come from Ashland, and there- ore a couple of good plaver3 from Eastern Ore gon who will probably be on the team. Fred D. Herbold. formerly a student of the University of Oregon, and a grad uate of Perdue University, will, coach the University of Idaho eleven during; the coming year. Herbold placed tackla on the U. O. eleven In '94, '93 and '96, and was-Perdue's best man In '97 and '93. He played on the Butto team last year. U. of I. and U- of W. play In Spokane Oc tober 20; U. of W. will be coached by an Indiana man. A number of inquiries have been mado concerning the probable effect on state athletics" of the action of the regent1? of the Oregon Agricultural College. U. O. Is putting forth more athletic activity than ever before, and her football and track teams will contest with the leading Insti tutions of the Coast during the comlnff year. The other colleges of the state will also be actively engaged, and it is not thought that O. A. C. will be greatly missed. Some of the Corvallls athletes are coming to Eugene, and some will go to other Institutions. "WASTING IN." Molhous Adopted by Joclseys to Re- dnce Their Weight. Being a jockey is no fun. Even a llttla fellow like Tod Sloan or Johnny Relff will. if he lets himself go. soon weigh 20 pounds moro than he ought. This will happen every Winter. When Spring comes there, la the problem of getting rid of the over weight and doing It quicKiy "wasung It Is called. 'Different Jockeys adopt various methodt of "wasting." Fred Archer used to spend entire days In his private Turkish bath, eating nothing meanwhile but a little dry toast. John Osborne once relieved himself of seven pounds of flesh In a sin gle walk, but the walk covered forty miles and lasted nine hours. His diet on this occasion was a hard biscuit., purchased at a roadside public-house, and a poached egg served In vinegar. John Arnull, again, once ate nothing but an occasional apple for eight con secutive days. In order to reduce himself to ride a particular horse for the Prlnco of Wales Benjamin Smith, one of the gamest Jockeys on recordt who rode and won a race with a broken leg. used to live for days In front of an enormous open fire, eating practically, nothing and drinking huge quantities of senna tea. Prize-fighters never train off anything like as many pounds in proportion to their weight aa jockey. They couldn't keep their strength, IX they did.