The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 26, 1900, PART TWO, Page 13, Image 13

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"OTaer He Brerr the Lino.
Kae ea serpent lay on bl se&weed lawn.
And wept like a thine possessed;
El life Eeemed dreary and hopo seemed gone,
Elfl bosom was sore distresses.
JUas and alack,'" he sobbed In wos.
These bere ain't the times of lone Col
gLad bis sorrowing drowsed the rest.
"Wliat Jf I showed on the shore today?
There couldn't a man be found
fro capture me and my form to flay.
Though you inarched for ten miles around.
And the girls if they caught but a sight, oh,
they're so awful hard up they'd moke lore
to me!
.And I couldn't stand that, Tm bound.
New Tork World.
Advance Guard of Returning: Seaside
Dweller Folds Its Tents and on to Town.
AT THE COAST, Aug;. 25. The homo
t?ard rush from Lone Beach set In In
earnest this -week. The cottages are los
ing their tenants at an alarming rate
the campers have mostly folded theh
tents and departed, and It Is now but tht
Question of a short time -when the popu
lation shall dwindle to but a shadow ol
what It was at the crowning: point of the
season The outward movement com
menced early in the. week, but. In a few
flays, It looked as though It had spent
Its force. Then the weather man pro
vided momentum by sending a "cooling
uhower, of quite liberal proportions. This
was apparently the signal to "break
camp" that many were anticipating, anc
a rush and scurry, similar to the one at
tending the heglra to the coast, at once
ensued. The people moved as If by com
mon Impulse, and the change In the life
of the beach wrought In one short week
Is difficult of conception.
This has beon an eventful year at thi
beach, in many ways. Never before die
bo many people And It convenient to taki
their outing at the "Washington coast
and a largo crowd of visitors Insures In
creased pleasure. Then, for the mos
part, the weather has been Ideal; meant
of transportation and accommodatioi
have been up to requirements, and so
taken as a whole, the conditions have
boen favorable for a successful season.
In addition to the rain, which set li
Thursday, fogs have also made their ap
pearance at the beach during the week
The absence of high winds, however, has
been marked, and, as the surf has been
unusually high, bathers have found plent.
of enjoyment at their favorite pastime.
The week has been quiet, socially. Peo
ple have been too busy seeing their
friends off and lending assistance lr
"packing up," to bother about entertain
merits, and as rest and quiet is the chief
desideratum with the most of the sojourn
ers at the beach, not much should be
looked for. In the way of festivities, any
Current Amusements.
However, the regular dances at Lonr
Beach on Monday and Friday evenings
were well attended, and thoroughly en
Joyed Bowling is spring into renewed
Tavor, and many good scores are being
made There -were privato dances at the
Portland Hotel, Long Beach: Hackney
cottage, Seaview. and Pine-Hurst cot
tage. Ocean Park, MUsicales nave been
riven at the Hackney cottage almost
every evening during the week. Launch
ing parties have become quiet popular.
Parties from the Portland and Tioga Ho
tels, at Long Beach, and Pine-Hurst cot
tage, at Ocean Park, visited the Nasel
River this week and enjoyed good trou:
fishing. Bonfires are still In evidence.
Perhaps the leading social event of the
week, and that of a purely Informal na
ture, occurred at the Portland Hotel.
Long Beach, "Wednesday evening, when
a Jolly crowd took possession of the bowl
ing alley and bowled for several hours.
Tiring of this. Anally, the company ad
journed to the dining-room, where danc
ing was indulged In. Those who partici
pated were:
Miss Alice MUUlgen. Mrs. J. A. Paulson,
Mrs. T. I. Richards, Mrs. E. Smeltzor.
Miss C Cady, Miss R. Mitchell, the
Misses A. and E. Hanneman, Messrs. R.
B. Hansen, G. Wchrung. A. Beavers, S.
J. Kafurla. George Smith. F. N. Steen,
B. Collins, Thomas Milburn W. D. Wal
lace, M. Collins, W. S. Beattle and Pro
fessor W. M. Rasmus.
Little Marguerite Templeton, daughtei
of Dr. and Mrs. Templeton. gave a charm
ing party In celebration of the third an
niversary of her birth, one evening during
the week. After she and her small guests
-bad disposed of a toothsome repast, they
gathered on the beach about a big bon
fire and were entertained with a display
of fireworks.
A pleasant birthday party "was given
at the residence of Mrs. M. A. Burke, at
Ocean Park, to Joseph Burke, last Sat
urday. The lawn presented the appear
ance of an electrical display, so numer
ous were the Chinese lanterns. Games
and dancing were Indulged in till the
small hours, when a dinner was served,
after which the party disbanded. Those
present were: Mrs. E. O'Dea. Mrs. M. A
Burke, the Misses Mary O'Dea. Gertie
Lyons. Mabel Burke and Marclllls Flem
alng. and Messrs. J. J. Collins. Frank
Elhler, James J. Kennedy, "William Burko
end Joseph Burke.
A Jolly Trip.
A Jolly party from Tioga enjoyed a sev
eral days' trip up the Nasel River, or
Captain B. Irwin's gasoline launch, dur
ing the week. Hunting, fishing and swim
ming were indulged In, and a most de
lightful time was had by all. Those who
composed the party were: Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. John De Boise,
Judge Tanner, wife and children. Miss
G. Miller. Mrs. Stone, the Misses Ruth
and Edna Stone. C Shanhan. Anna
Holmes. Norma Rankin, May McGulre
aad Cole, and Messrs. Robert Moore
"West. Clark, Charlie, Arthur and Bert
A pleasant watermelon and bdnflrt
.party was given by Mrs. G. D. Dunnlnc
iCAd. J. A. Kelly, in, honor of their guest.
MSss Mario J. Clarke, of Portland,
"Wednesday lastC Singing, music, cake
walking and games were the amusement
of the evening. There was a numerpu
Names of: Persons Registered at the
Seaside Hotels.
Portland Hotel.
H. N. La Dow, Philip Stout, Louts Sea
osky, Charles J. Frutscb, a W. Lelck,
C. C Thatcher, David Gray, B. J. Bak
mer, Thomas Milburn, Miss Alice Mulli
gan, Fred Zaneilo. W. D. "Wallace, Ern
est Vlnce, H. Loidlaw, F. A. Roach, F.
Friedlander, Jacob "Weber, Mark T.
Kady and wife. Miss Lizzie V. Gilbert,
"W. T. Jacobson. B. H. Haslan. Mrs.
John A. Paulson. John Fung, H- A. Law,
F. Wiede, Miss Grace Dow, John Moran,
W. N. Gatens and wife, A. "Vullleumler,
Miss Inga Hanscom, Miss Edyth Collln
son, Robert Oolllnson, Miss Ireno Dun
ning, Mies & Ballam, Miss Alice F. Fay,
B. Meyer, A. R. Caruthers, B. Sbckey,
R. Schacht, B. Johnson, H. Schnell, Ed
win Hughes, Raleigh B. Hughes, "W. S.
Beattle Mrs H. B. Johnson and son, Guy
M. Holman, R. M. "Wendell, C. MoKer
cher, Simon "Wolf, A. C Lohmire, Mrs,
Joseph ReideL Mrs. C. Barns, all of
Portland: Lester N Satterlee and wife,
Tacoma; H. T. Booth, Baker City; J.
B. Foley. La Grande; T. E. Fish, "Wash
ington; John P. Fitzgerald, Minneapolis;
A. T. Woodburn, San Francisco; Thoma3
Branlty, Helena; C. E. Kerlie, Hwaco;
W. J. Bohn, "Vancouver; Mrs. "W. C.
Bothrlch, Mrs. H. Ichneide, Montavilla;
B. Collins, Skamokawa; G. A. "Webrung,
Hlllsboro; Miss Cora Cady, Miss Rose
O. Mitchell, Averill Beavis, Seattle; J.
L Tucker, San Francisco; R, B. Hanson,
Salem; Mrs. L. N. Crocker, Aileen Crock
er. R. H. Crocker, L. H, Crocker, "Walla
Loner Beach Hotel.
P. Gevurts, L D. Alexander, L. Ben
osky, E. B. Snelllng. H. N. La Dow,
James F. Hill, S. "W. Aldrlch and fam
ily, Chester Hughes, F. a Morris, "W. H.
Hurlburt, H. Snell, Lansing Stout, Geo.
C. Stout, P. Stout, F. S. McCullough and
wife, J. C Brynes, John Conley, "W. H.
Mall, John "W. Kelly, "W. ML Rasmus,
Mrs. A. Steward, Miss Ethel Steward,
T. H. Burrls and wife. Miss Dow, John
Moran, A. A. Loeb, A. C. Barnekoff, B.
S. Benson and wife. Mrs. B. Campbell,
A. L Mohler, "W. H. Kennedy, "Wirt
Miner, E. J. Cowllshaw, "W. B, Kirk
patrick, Mrs. C O. Hill and son, H. Ed
sell and wife. Miss Kate Smith, Mrs. D.
J. Beakey, Ed Summerfleld, all of Port
land; J. M. Brown. John D. Rlxon,
Chicago; Z. B. Brown, L. P. Slack, C.
A. Helth, Mrs. A. P. Leonard, "W. B.
Hcwen. South Bend; B. Baggott and
wife. Oakland; Mrs. "W. F. Vantall, Mrs.
J. D. Murray and child, San Francisco;
Mrs. F. M. Bell and daughter, Mrs.
James "Wallace and daughter, Kelso.
"Wash.: F. Catlin, Catlln, Wash.: H. B.
Hallley and wife, Indianapolis; Miss
E. Sweasey, Redding: E. C. Hughes, Mrs.
F. M. Greene, C. "W. Fulton, Charles
McDonald, Astoria; H. M Hughes and
wife, J. J. Blake. Boise: "W. H. Bahnen
kaney. La Grande; Sam R. Stott, Sump
ter: George Swlnburn, New Tork; A. B.
Lukenby, Rainier; "V. H. Miller, Mrs. N.
A. Miller, Miss Miller. Tacoma; "W. H.
McDonnell, G. H. Thorley, la.; Miss D.
Bingham, Dakota; H. J. Toluim, Spo
kane: H. Bennett. Cedar Rapids; John
H. Ferry and wife, Aberdeen, S. D.; G.
D. Jones and wife, "Warsaw. "Wis.
The DriftTTOod.
Miss Minnie Uhlman, Charles A. Boyce,
Miss Grace Staunton, C. "W. Stinger, C
L. Bergeoln, Jr., Miss Shepherd, Miss
Nettio Cooper, Miss Flo Isaacs, F. H.
Poehler, Mrs. E. J. Friendly, F. G.
"Walch. Miss A. M. Nasts, John De
Boest and wife. Miss Jackson, H. H.
Hewhall. E. Kaufman, TV. M. Rasmus,
Miss Ethel Stewart. Guy B. Holman, "W.
A. Robb. P. M. "Weddell, Miss Lillian
Croasman, Miss Marguerite Chamberlain,
Mrs. AL Cody, "W. H. Mall, Miss Ada
Mercer, H. Edsell and wife, L. B. Ly
nlff, Frank Lyniff. all of Portland; John
Dole, Salt Lake; "W. A. Hall, Clatskanlo;
E. J. Lake, Spokane; M. Roneycamp,
Miss B Toley, J. E. Toley, La Grande;
frc Ti n. Thividson. Vancouver: A- J.
Tolume, The Dalles; Miss Annie S. Ross,
Milwaukie. Or.
The Newton.
Miss L. Hussej-, Miss Harriet B. John
son. Mrs. Oliver Season, H. E. Coleman,
W. E. King, R. H. Dunn and wife, J.
"W. Ganong, M. J. Roche, Miss Kate
Sherlock, Mrs. FIske, A. Flske, Miss
Frances L. Stinge, G. S. Taylor, all ot
Portland: Mrs. F. C. Moore, Spokane;
Harry M. Parks. Crest on, la.; F. B.
Harner and family, Tacoma; Andrew
Davis, Rlerside, Cal.; John B Heaton,
New Haven, Conn.; Miss Rose E. Dow ell,
"Walla "Walla.
Tloffft Hotel.
Henry Hewitt and family, Mrs. "War
ren, Miss Bedk, Miss Laura Smith, Miss
Elsie Smith. Charles Gaylord and wife,
L. G. Stout, A. Oviatt and wife. Miss
H. McGulre, JIss B. Cole. C. "West. Mrsi
H. Bggert, Miss Hamilton. G. A. Bald
win and wife. L. D. McArdle. H. L.
Hutchinson and family, all of Portland;
Herman Kooser and wife. Salt Lake; M.
Flynn, Mrs. H. M. Pearsall, Salt Lake;
Robert Moore, "Walla "Walla.
Other Hotels and Cottages.
Mrs. Abrams Miss Mary Hevlson, Mrs.
Garland, Miss Garland, Miss Ruth Hall,
Mrs. C D. Montelth, Mrs. ,F. Pierce
Mays, Miss Genevieve Mays, "Wilson
Mays, G. L. Honeyman. C IC Baker,
John. Holden. N. A, "Waeder, "W. L
Abrams and wife, all of Portland; Miss
E F. Brennen, Boston: G. "W. Ballard
and wife. Tacoma; Miss Minnie Mlchell,
Mr?. William Mlchell, The Dalles; J. E.
"Wells and wife. 3Iiss Maud S. "Wells,
Portage, "Wis.; Dr. and Mrs. B L. Per
ry. Chicago.
The Honorlue C Parke Poston. E. H.
Feldman. Miss E. M, Carson, C. L. Gll
llland. J. C. Olds. G. Derkehart, Robert
Holt. Richard "W. Price. Paul C. Bates,
all of Portland; "W. F. Kettinbach, Lew
is ion.
Hackney Cottage "W. D. "Wallace,
Ernest VIerce. Miss "W. Schmeer, Mrs.
W. G. Venator. Miss Edina Venator,
James F. Bell, Miss Hallle Zimmerman,
S. B. Frutchsteln. D. L. Micklin. Charles
J. Cook and wife. Miss Bertha L. Jones,
Miss Eva Friendly, Milton St Friendly,
Mrs. E. A. "Whealer. Miss Z. A. "Wheal
er, L. B. Hledgo, "W. G. Venator. L. L.
Loomls, "W. M. Rasmu.s, Paul L. Mc
Cann, Miss J. Ethel Stuart, Miss Grace
Dow, John G. Loomlci, Jack Moran and
wife, Mrs. M. B. Cooper, J. H. Strublo,
Miko Jacob and wife, Miss Hortense
Jacob, Edwin Jacob, J, J. Callahan, Miss
Jacohson, Mrs. C. Honnes, "Will D. Car
lisle, all of Portland; Miss Margaret
Thorsen, Minneapolis; H. H. Seekler, A.
Osbum, Astoria; tha Misses Grace and
Edna Glenn, The Dalles; Miss Laura
Ashley, "Weiser, Idaho; Dr. S. G. Hagen
berger, Helena.
The Shelburne Mrs. "W. H, Flake, John
Farell, Jr., Portland; M. Mclnnis, wife
and four children, The Dalles; Miss M.
A. Faull, Mrs. G. W. Stewart, Ban Fran
cisco; F. M. Studley, wife and child. Se
attle;. Mrs. Anna G. Stout, South Bend.
Mrs. Chamberlain's S. SL McJFadden
and son, E. L. Shlnkle, V. G. Shinkle, H.
B. Van Duzen all of Portland; Mrs.
L, ai Crocker, Rowland TLt Crocker, Lo
land H, Crocker, Aileen Crocker, "Walla
"Walla; "W. O. Donelson and wife, "W. J.
Benson and wife, Hlllsboro.
Mrs. Jacobsen's Andrew Olson, Miss
A. Robertson, Miss H. Dreger, J. J. Ger
aghly, H. Dickson and wife, Miss Helen
Reade, "William Gates, Miss Gates, Mrs.
G. L. Hutchin. Mls3 Louiso Hutchin, all
of Portland; L Creagh, Astoria; Miss
Nellie Duff, "Woodlawfl.
Ocean Parle Hotels.
Pere-Harst Cottage Mrs. J. O. Qulg
ley, Miss Lulu Thompson, Miss Sarah
Sleeper, Sidney Bates, Miss Estelle Bish
op, Miss Helen Falling, Miss Anna Hill,
Miss Emily Meinzer, Elmer Stanard, "Will
Carlisle, all of Portland; H. T. Booth,"
Baker City, Walter Williams, Hwaco;
Roy Bishop, Salem; A. torey and wife,
Oregon City.
Taylor House B. J. Kolshoner, Dr.
Hiram Straight, L. Horsford, Clyde
Owen, M. E. Barlow, F. T. Barlow, Mrs.
S. K. Blonet, D. Smith, J. Mair and wife,
W. D. Scott, wife and child, a M Col
lins, B. C. Weaver, Mrs. H. B. Swart
wood. Miss Helen Swartwood, M. M.
Reed, Miss Mildred Magoon, B C. Reed,
all of Portland; Captain Young and
family, Oregon City.
Sealand Hotel Mrs. George HowelL
Miss Dukehan, Mrs. W. M. Knight, G.
M. Smith, J. T. Carlyle, M. J. Grout,
Miss Lena Ayers, F. B. Smith, Miss
Anna M. Dunne, J. A. Johnson and wife,
all of Portland; S. B. Hamon, Astoria;
B. L. Burch, San Francisco; Miss Olive
G. Nagle, Butte; 0.B. Whitman, Seattle;
Miss Mary B Bruce, Tacoma,
Chona-e of Landlords.
H. H. Tinker this week succeeded A. B.
Colby as proprietor of the Long Beach
Hotel. Mr. Tinker is a veteran hotel
keeper of the beach, and is well known
to the traveling public Mr. Colby has
taken a cottage at the beach and will
remain till the end of the season.
Among Summer Freeiuenters ot the
Washington Beaches.
Mayor H. S. Rowe and family closed
their cottage at Ocean Park for the sea
son Tuesday, and took their departure
the same 'day.
Hon. J. J. Shipley Joined the pleasure
seekers at Ocean Park this week for an
indefinite season.
Thomas Milburn. a member of The Ore
gonlan's advertising department, is enjoy
ing his vacation at Long Beach this week.
G. Wehrung, a Hlllsboro merchant, ar
rived at Long Beach Wednesday.
Miss Mabel Phillips is a guest of Miss
Ethel Hearns, at "Lazy Lodge," Ocean
H. A. Haseltlno Joined his folks at
Ocean Park Sunday and remained until
Wednesday. Mrs. Haseltine accompanied
him on his return home. They count on
another brief visit next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haseltine were guests
at the H. A. Haseltine cottage at Ocean
"Ho has known nie only two days, and
"Tou mean that ho has known ou two
Park for several days the early part of
the week.
C. W. Lelck and family, among the first
of the pleasure-eeekcrs to arrive at Long
Beach this season, took their departure
Lansing Stout, chief deputy in the Cir
cuit Court Clerk's office, enjoyed a run
to Long Beach last Sunday.
Mrs. L. F. Clark and Mrs. W. J. Pat
ton and son, accompanied by their moth
er, Mrs. S. O. Gaston, and Miss Rosa
Welch, have been at Long Beach for the
past week?
Mrs. John A. Paulson enjoyed a brief
stay at Long Beach the first of the week.
Miss Helen Falling enjoyed the com
pany of friends at Ocean Park the first
of the week.
L. D. 'McArdle Joined his family 'at
Will make this department Interesting
to every lady. Charming styles for both
street and evening wear. All dress
maker made, thoroughly well finished
and extra values for the prices.
$5.00 TO $25.00 EACH
Both black and colored, such as
BLACK CRBEB SILK, all over shirred.
Arabian lace trimmed.
BLACK TAFFETA, with serpentine cord
ing and white silk embroidered polka
dots. Yoke of chiffon.
lace and ribbon yoko and sleeve trim
mings; and
collar, revers and sleeves, trimmings,
embroidered with white polka dots, and
lace jabots. These are bare outline.
With fine fluffy plumage,
PRICES, 3&00 TO $86.00 BACH.
Nothing more dressy, and just right for
these cool afternoons and evenings.
In great profusion. Dame Fashion's
latest ana Dest is arw&ys w ua iuuuu
here. These as hints i
Black, white and colored, crushed ef
fects, silk braid trimmed.
With plaited flowing end ties, Teck
style, or WITH JABOT of fine plaited
liberty Bilk, gold trimmed.
14 New Lines of
They Include all the latest upto-dato
Fall styles for street or dress. You're
"GLORIA." Three swell styles are
With patent leather vamps, dull matt
tops, Boston toes, and hand-turned
With patent leather vamps, welt soles
and full, round toos.
With full, round toes and heavy soles.
ALL $3.50 PAER.
Extra Values In
Ladies' Slippers
For lionse or Party Wear
Colonial Slippers of patent
leather, hand turned, ex
tra high Louis heels, and 3 CA nr
fancy cut steel buckles, at 'PJ"'W H
Same In fine kid $2.50 pr
Paten,t leatheror kid three- CO AA Dr
strap slippers "fi"vu r
Party Slippers, pink, blue, ff-1 PA
white or red, with Louis I Jll llf
heels, only vw p.
Tioga for a few days the first of the
Professor W. M. Rasmus passed the
week at Long Beach.
H. H. Seekler. city editor of the Morn
ing Astorian, spent last Sunday at Boa
view. C M. Rankin and family closed a pleas
ant sojourn at Long Beach Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Hug and daughters, Mrs. C. C.
Murphey, Mrs. C. R. Twineham and Miss
Addio Hug, and their friend, Miss Esther
Vullleumler, are at the Wilcox cottage,
Long Beach.
Mrs. Frederick Stewart and son arrived
at Long Beach thJa week to share the
hospitality of the Stewart cottage.
A. C. Gieger and family, who have been
among the Centreville cottagers, concluded
their stay Tuesday.
Adolph Prasil spent a week with his
family at Long Beach. Mrs. J. Smith was
again at the Prasil cottage for a week.
Miss M. Grant spent a few days with
Mrs. Cecil G. Applegath at Long Beach.
C. Lord and S. French, of The Dalles,
with their families, ended their regular
Summer residence at Seaview this season
by taking leave for home Thursday.
C. H. Fox and family were among those
to conclude their stay at Long Beach
R. B. Knight and family took leave ol
Long Beach Tuesday.
J. M. Russell and family were among
ho has put his arm around me."
days and only" put his arm around you once."
those to depart from Centerville Tues
day. C. C. Allbrlght and family will be num
bered no more this season among the Sea
viewites, having departed Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Rigler and family returned
to their home from Seaview this week.
Dan McGill spent the week with his
people at Long Beach.
Judge and Mrs. J. C. Moreland left
Ocean Park this week.
Mrs. D. A. Honeyman returned home
from Ocean Park Tuesday.
J. F. Handley joined his family at Long
Beach this week.
R. Porter, J. C. Carpenter, A. T. Wes
ton and A. Cane, with their respective
families, and Mrs. W. H. Brunlsto, Charles
Butterfield, Mrs. Amos Shaw and Mrs.
Dr. Smith, all of Vancouver, arrived at
We Go by
That well-satisfled customers are the outcome of Ideal business methods. The to
sult only or keeping the rights goods at the right prices. The moat exacting
cannot fall to be pleased with bothistyles and values mentioned In today's list.
Big Sale of Oriental Rugs
Commencing tomorrow, wo will offer TOR
consisting of about 350 TURKISH AND PERSIAN RUGS,
At Specially Reduced Prices.
These Rugs can be depended upon as being the CHOICEST PRODUCTS OF
THE ORIENT. Every one must pass- the most critical examination of experts
before we will accept it. thus insuring most perfect weaves, best patterns and
richest color combinations. The makes we offer are the old reliable Bokhara, Khi
va, Daghestan, Missoul, Malgaran. Ou3had. Shlrvan, Nlelas, etc ALSO KISKI
LIM AND BAGDAD DRAPES. A most timely salo with Fall furnishing close
at hand.
A Sale of Great Proportions In
Latest Fancy Silks
A fine assortment of new arrivals added to some of our best Summer patterns,
comprising lace, cord and fancy woven stripes, delicate printed patterns, etc- Col
ors both lteht and dark; plain or harmoniously blended. STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE
Only 91c yard
Begjftn BIack Dress Goods
Batistes, Drop de Paris, Clay Serges, Unfinished Worsteds, ChevlotSjVenetlans,
Granites, Foules, Zlbalines, Gros do Lyons and dozens of others. PRICES RANGE
FROM 60c TO $4.00 YARD.
i. "mbi. Colored Dress Fabrics
But few get mention. All the popular Fall shades and smart effects embraced In
Inches wide. 51.25 to $2.75 yard. wide. 60c to $1.60 yard.
CLAY WORSTEDS. 62 to 56 inches wide. STRIPED BACK VENETIANS, 60 Inches
$1.75 to $3.25 yard. wide, at $2.25 yard.
wide, waterproof finish. $2.75 yard. wide, 60o to $2.00 yard.
""""a",. . Fa" Street Hats
SDITPLY TRIMMED FELTS in many novel effects, such as fine DPtjc Afl
French Felt Hats, with real calfskin bands and silver-buckles. pi.vv
"ROUGH RIDERS." stitched "LADYSMITHS," with puggaree J A A 3
bands; FEDORAS with gray polka dot bands and many others lw vt'vu
Ncftv Importations of
Fine French China
Plates, Sugars, Creamers, Coffee and Chocolate Strts, Chop Plates and odd pieces.
Special Sale of Chamber Sets
Bplendld values at regular prices; remarkable at these
6-plece sets, new fancy 1 CA , 10-pIeco Sets In novl CO ifi ,i
shapes at..T?. .pi.OU SCI shapes, ot .. ?40 3CI
600 Sets to select from, ranging from $LS0 to $16.00 set.
It was the be st half a century ago-lt is the best now.
Knives and Forks
Table Spoons ........ ...
.33 85 sot
.$3.13 set
Ocean Park this week and occupy tents
in the grove near the depot.
Miss Marion Stackpole Ib the guest of
Mrs. H. A. Hazeltlne at Ocean Park.
Captain B. J. Young and family, of Or
egon City, and the Misses Maggie and
Sadie Koontz, of Toledo, Wash., form a
jolly party which arrived at Ocean Park
thi3 week.
H. A. Alger and family ended a month's
sojourn at Ocean Park Tuesday.
H. T. Booth, of Baker City, visited
Long Beach this week.
F. A. Knapp and family, among the cot
tagers at Long Beach, went home Tues
day. Judge J. Bullock and family have tak
en their departure from Ocean Park.
Mrs. D. A. Near and family returned
home, after a pleasant eojourn of sev
eral weeks, at Ocean Park, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Waldrich were Long
Beach visitors the first of the week.
John W. Kelly spent last Sunday at
Long Beach.
A. L Mohler. W. HI Kennedy. W. H.
Hurlburt. E. L Benson and Wirt Miner,
prominent O. R. & N. officials, combined
pleasure with business in a trip to Long
Beach Tuesday.
Mrs. E. S. Benson and Mrs. B. Camp
bell were Long Beach visitors Tuesday.
Hon. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, was at
Long Beach this week.
Samuel R. Holt, of Sumpter, was among
the Sunday visitors- to Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. John De Boest spent last
Sunday with friends at Long Beach.
Mrs. M. J. Craig and family closed their
cottage at Centerville and returned home
M. J. Roche spent last Sunday with Mrs.
Roche at Newton.
George S. Taylor visited his people at
Newton this week.
George Hewitt and family left Beavlew
Mrs. J. M. Lynch and family left Sea
view Tuesday for home.
Mrs. M. J. Craig and family closed
their cottage at Seaview Tuesday and
took their departure the same day.
C. C. Follock and family were on the
list of departures from Seaview Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaylord are spend
ing the week at Tioga.
Mrs. F. Pierce Mays and daughter. Miss
Genevieve, passed the week at Seaview.
J. C. Olds "was a Seaview visitor last
Dr. Mlcklln was among the pleasure
seekers at Seaview last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cook renewed
their acquaintance with Seaview last Sun
day. Will D. Carlisle, of Seaside, visited Long
Beach this week.
Mrs. G. L. and MIbs Hutchen spent the
week at Tioga.
Roy Bishop, of Salem, passed the week
at Ocean Park.
Dr. Hiram Straight was a visitor to
Ocean Park this week.
Miss Mamie Gorman is visiting Mrs.
James Sheeny at her Sea View cottage.
Disagreeable Weather Stnrts Exodus
From That Resort.
A goodly portion of the transient popu
lation of Clatsop Beach wended its way
homeward this week. The coming week
will undoubtedly witness a still greater
reduction in its numbers. It will have to
be, ' admitted that the season at Ore
gon's most popular resort is nearing an
end. It had been generally conceded that
the outward movement would begin early
in the week, but if the beach sojourners
had any such intention, they evidently
changed their minds. The middle of the
week passed without any notable exodus,
but, all at once, it set in, and it has since
continued with but little diminution of
strength of interruption.
The rain is largely responsible for this.
Beach frequenters at Clatsop haven't had
much to complain of in this respect till
the coming of the present week, but the
last few days have changed all that, and
now the people are packing up and get
ting away. There has been pretty steady
rain and it has been made accordingly
unpleasant for beach sojourners. An exo
dus, under the circumstances, was inev
itable. Social Happenings.
The week knew no social events of
consequence. Several enjoyable dances
have occurred at the old Grimes Hall,
Seaside, and there have been several pri
vate dances and muslcales at Gearhart
the Theory
Dessert Spoons ............... ...$1.S3 set
Tea Spoons ..$1.07 Bet
Hotel, the Seaside House and Locksley
Hall. There have not been many bon
fires, the unfavorable weather Interfer
ing with this form of amusement.
Two very pleasant Juvenile parties oc
curred Thursday evening. Miss Lang
gave a dinner to the members of the Kln
nlklnlc Club at the Seaside House, while
Mrs. J. F. Davles entertained the younger
folks of Seaside at her cottage with
games and refreshments. The party was
In honor of her eldest daughter.
Among the pleasant social events of the
week at Seaside was an Invitation musl
cale Tuesday afternoon at the Grimes
Hotel, about 40 persons attending. Solos
were TBung by Miss Jennie Sears, Mrs.
Lind and Miss Margaret Dobson. Those
who attended enjoyed themselves greatly.
Names of Persons Registered at the
Seaside Hotels.
Nevr Grimes Hotel.
C. H. Jackson and wife, Mrs. Fanny
Love, Mrs. Jane McCorston, Miss Jones,
Miss Agnes Gilbert, Miss Ethel E. Pike,
Miss Grace E. Watkina. Miss Edith Pike,
Sam Cordan, Miss B. G. Chambreau, A.
W. Sydney, Miss Harris, C. E. Stone,
Mrs. E. O. Lynne, H. Edsell and wife,
C. W. Stinger, Don B. Ross, J. F. Rob
ertson, Mrs. A. L. Moore, Miss Jessie
Russell, C. H. Peterson. H. L. Plymale,
C. J. Dammier, C. Sellers, F. Gray and
wife. Walker Gadsby, A. L. Little and
wife, Mrs. E. Hellerlng, F. D. Cunning
ham, Mrs. L. G. Keady, Samuel Jaggan,
W. H. Taft and wife, E. E. Miller and
daughter. Otto J. Kraemer, Evelyn Hur
ley, M. N. Morrill, Mrs. Frank A. Ford,
Edsall Ford, Mis3 Muriel Ford, Miss Sam
uels, Miss Germayne Samuels, Miss Kosh
land. Miss Florence Koshland, Theodore
Barnham, Mrs. W. Lucky, Mrs. F. A.
Bullock, Mrs. A. J. Armstrong, Mrs. H.
C. Anderson. C. Anderson. William Reld,
A. R. Draper, Peter B. McCraken, Miss
Ruby L. Archambeau, Mrs. W. L. Ar
chambeau. W. A. Ackerman, William
Harder, B. Langley, B. W. Dennis, Miss
Mayme B. Dennis, Professor W. W. Wild
er and wife, Mrs. J. C. Luckel, Charles
Hilton and wife, Miss Florence Hilton,
Dr. C. M. Holbrook. II. Brennan. Mrs.
Morgan, George H. Shinn and wife. B.
E. Gaton, Charles Gage, William E. Mor
ris, Mrs. D. W. Ross, Mrs. C. O.. Davis.
Miss Wett, Miss Wrenn. J. D. Coleman.
P. B. McCraken, Morris Dunne, Benja
min Gadsby, all of Portland; R. M.
Breeden, Ogden; Miss Estelle Sherman.
Spokane: Mrs. Sarah Hovenden, Hubbard;
Miss Mabel Jones, Brooks; W. C. Jack
son, Victoria; Miss Elma Albright, Dr.
E. A. Sommer and wife. James P. Lovett
and wife. Miss L. Draper, Mrs. J. A.
Moore, Oregon City; A. G. Durand, Gear
hart; Miss Gerronde. Stockton; Miss Ella
Hare. Miss Dealy, Miss Carrie A. Krager,
W. F. Copeland, J. F. Thorburn. Astoria;
Miss Ella Strauss. B. Rosenfeld. Mrs.
Redman, Dr. Thomas II. Symlt. Mrs. B.
R. Cllne, San Francisco; F. W. Symlt,
Seattle; A. H. Bartle and wife, Washing
ton; August St. George, Chicago; F. L.
Greenough, New York; R. D. W. Holden.
Belleville, 111.; W. F. Klttenbach. Lewis
ton; F. B. Clark. St. Paul; W. D. Rea and
wife, Minneapolis: R. C. Shavers, Seat
tle; W. S. Keely and wife, Clatskanie;
A. M. Wills, Miss Amy Wills, Hlllsboro;
Frederick B. Barnes and wife. Hood Riv
er: G. D. Daniel, Duluth; E. F. Jones,
Walla Walla.
Hotel Gearhart.
Zera Snow, Mrs. E. E. Lytle, Miss Hel-
i en Lytle, Harry Lytle, J. R. Smith. B.
F. Shambrook, Miss Robertson, Mlas
Combs, Kenneth C. Mackenzie, Wilson P.
Mays, L. M. King, William W. Harts,
wife and child, W. Macleay, John Sut
ton, Thomas Verr, Mrs. W. W. Peaslee,
Miss C Lang. Miss Sarah Kohn. J. Behr
man. I. Kauftman, C. A. Bell, L. Samuel.
N. Besslnger, J. Hedner, A. Grayson,
Frank Rothschild. Leonard Rothschild.
Theodore Bernhelm. Miss Florence Kosh
land, Miss Cora Koshland, C. H. Lewis,
D. C. Lewis, Mrs. P. F. Morey, Miss
Maud Morey, Mrs. W. H. Skpne. Miss
Hoyt, Miss Helen White, Mrs. Milton W.
Smith, the Misses Ruth, Marion and Jo
sephine Smith. Miss S. Rothschild. Miss
Eva Roach. Miss Grace Roach. Miqs Jen.
nle M .Sears, Miss J. Miller, Mrs. George
C. Sears, P. D. Cunningham. Mrs. M. G.
A. Du Busson. Miss Maud Carson, Miss
L. Loveridge, F. N. Pendleton and wife.
Mrs. David Robertson. John Moffet, L.
Gerllnger, E. Gerllnger, Miss E. J. Ruth
First Shipment of
Fall Linens
Richardson's genuine Irish ?satah-9a6
extra good values hi table domasSr axd
napkins among them. IF YOU BE
fall to visit this department.
Linen Huck Towels
Size, 19x33 inches; fringed. 3 ffOIWBa.
Turkish Bath Towels
Size, 2x45 Inches, unbleached. SPE
3 Cases of
Honeycomb Oullts
Full siae. heavy quality fi 5C.-
and best patterns. AU hem- I J 18
med. Special values at....''' '
100 Dozen
Pillow Cases
Well made of soft muslin, "jOic CJI
For Child's School Dresses
We've made special prep
aration, sow yards of ran
cy worsted PLAID AND
CHECKED dress goods,
double width, only
15c yd
Closlag Sale of
Men's Golf Shirts
Prices reduced as the season &dracoe&
About 35 dozen soft-bosom shlrta EX
Oxford and Madras Shirts, with ono
pair cuffs. All fresh styles and correct
S.00 and $1.25 Shirts at 69o each
.50 and $1.76 Shirts at 97o each.
Now is the time to supply yourselves.
Men's Half Hose
Fine French Lisle, black and mod col
ors. Prime values, at
3 pairs, for 50c.
Agents for the celebrated
Hlqhj Grade Underwear
In silk and linen, natural and fancy
mixed wool. Extra form-fitting, with
elastic neck, medium weights and closed
or .open fronts.
Percale Petticoats
At Half Price
In fancy plaid percale, with O- .
11-Inch Spanish flounce; hif "
$1.25 grade, at ...! UvJ
Splendid for home and general wear.
Summer Corset Sale
47 -.- For 75c Royal Worcesters.
4r Pfl Usht weight, medium length
x w vm and Dresden, patterns.
All Sizes of
Couch Cushions
Cambric covered, with eiderdown, feath
ers, silk or floss filling.
Foil Assortment of
New Lace Braids
Honiton. Battenberg. Flemish, Duchess,
Renaissance, Princess. Point de Alen
con, Venetian and Irish Point.
erford. T. D. Honeyman. M. Bowman,
Miss Hattie Armprlest, Mrs. Valent n,e
Brown. Miss Josephine Koehler. Miss Lot
tie Bridges, Will Bridges. Marion Grant.
Mrs. Walter N. Cook. Mrs. R. W. Hoyt.
A. K. Bently. Miss Laura Taylor. Miss
Lillian Taylor. Miss E. P. Gilbert. James
F. Failing, Miss Alice E. Vosf, H. Potts,
Peter B. McCraken. Morris Dunne. Mrs.
Eugene D. White, Mrs. Martha G.
Crewell. William W. Touly, Mrs. Theo
dore Bernhelm. Miss May Koihland, Mrs.
Theodore Kruse, William McMaster. Mrs.
T. W. Chandler and daughter. Laura A.
McArthur. M. Eastham. all of Portland;
Miss Helen White. Seaside; Miss Sabhv
Milwaukee; Mrs. Rufus M. Graves. Mrs.
Emma Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Maude
Gulllett, Camden; Miss Carrie M. Harvey,
Eugene; Frank Woodfred. George W.
Ralston. Robert A. McLean. Randall
Reed. George Hohles. W. R. Reed. Percy
B. Sovey, Astoria; Miss Alice B. Gardner,
Seaside Houne.
Miss Nellie Tozler. W. F. White and
wife. Miss Helen White. Jame3 HIslop.
Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Miss A. Heltahu.
Miss Heltshu. Miss AInsworth, MI33 B.
WIthington. Miss S. Lewis. C. H. Lewis,
M. Goodman, Miss Goodman. Henry
Lang, T. W. B. London and wife, C. H.
Lewis. D. C. Lewis, D. S. Peters, J. P.
Lombard, N. Besslnger. N. K. Beatty and
wife, E .S. Benson and wife, J. B. Lum
galr. G. W. Hall and wife, William D.
Wheelwright, George Taylor, C. J. Schna
bel and wife. Mrs. W. W. Cotton. Frances
Gleason, Frederick Neth, F. H. Hopkins.
William M. Whldden, George W. Hoyt,
J. N. Teal, Mrs. F G. Buffum, J. Sea
ton Taylor. R. L. Stevens, S .H. McCall
and wife, Mrs. George Taylor. J. B. Lum
galr. A. T. Smith. Paul Vial. Miss Maud
Morey, Benjamin Holladay Mlas A. Buck
enmeyer, J. F. Creders. Miss Macleay;
MIsh King. F. H. Lewis. Mrs. J. H.
Woodward. B. Fallows and wife. Mrs. F.
S. Pierce and son. Miss Laura Taylor,
Miss Lillian Taylor. Mrs. Van Renisalaer,
Miss Cora Kadderly, Ml-s Louise Mesick.
H. W. Hogup and wife. Miss Caroline
Wilson, Miss Evelyn Wilson, Thomas Wy
gant Mrs I. Lang. R F. Bell. E. Lewis
Mead, Emll Eyssell, Harvey Howard and
family, John M. Brooke, all of Portland;
Olo Rosten, Mists Hilda Rosten, Wlnlock;
J. P. Ebcrman. Seaside; T. W. Glllen and
wife, S. A. Mitchell, Spokane; Mi33 Caro
line C. Burns. Miss Josephine Smith,
Gearhart: N. Sebree, San Francisco; Fred
B. Barnes and wife, Hood River; E. L.
Canby, Vancouver: Mrs. Ella C. Sabln,
Milwaukee; G. B. French. Wayne.. Neb.;
Mrs. R. B. Pusey, Miss Galtler, Elizabeth
town, Ky.; E. A. Taylor an,d wife. As
toria; W. J. Strong. Carlton: J. Heilller,
Baker City; A. R. Jacobs. Oregon City;
M. J. Canahard and wife. Anaconda,
Loclcsley Hall.
Mrs. M. Worick. Carl H. Jackson and
wife. C. Wlntzingerode, wife and
daughter. Mrs. S. E. Gilbert. Miss E. P.
Gilbert, Samuel D. Jordan. S. Hose and
daughter, Frank Bell and wife, Mrs.
E. B. Rice. Miss G. L. Rice, Miss M. M.
Rice, Henry Coffey W. E. Stevens and
wife, W. H. Guild, William H. Bennett.
L. A. Crulkshank. Guy E. Holman. P.
M. Weddell. Leconle Stiles, A. H. Brey
man. Miss Edith Breyman. Frank J. Sla
den, "SS.H. Brlggs. G. F. Russell. Captain
Thomas H. Downs, Miss Mary E. Bruce.
William M. Cake. F. S. McCullough and
wife, Hervey H. Hoyt and wife, L. W.
Bates. Curtis Wessels, all of Portland;
Averill Beavers. R. S. Durham, Seattle;
John W. Roland and wife. A. N. Gilbert.
R. B. Hansen, Salem; Charles B. Moores
and wife. L. Adams. Oregon City; R. H.
Greer, Hlllsboro; A. H. Bartle and wife,
Washington; Miss Minnie Eddlngs, Mrs.
L. H. Walker, F. S. Thomsen, wife and
children, Vancouver.
Hotel Flovel.
R B. Wilson, A. L. Hexter. Mrs. A.
L. Hexter. M. Flelschner, August ObeT
dorfer. Miss Poppleton. Joseph Simon,
Samuel Simon, A. Goodnough, C. C. See
ley, S. B. Llnthlcum, Mrs. Cleveland
Rockwell, Miss Rockwell. E. G. Rogers.
Cecil H. Bauer, Mrs. N. D. Simon, H.
Edsell and wife, Mrs. R. B. Pusey, Ml3
Lowenberg. Mrs. H. L. Wells. Roy
Wells. Mrs. A. B. Hammond. Thomas
M. Richardson. H. A. Hogue. Mlsa
V. Wilson. W. J. Clemens and
wife. Charles Mackle, all of Portland; T.
(Concluded on Fags 13)