The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 26, 1900, PART TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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Then and Sow.
Ohihen, how glUtcned nil the strcad.
Deflecting Luna's rajs.
And how you -wished rey path mieftt b
As bright through all life's -ways.
AfeA"how th Joyous tones leaped high
Tto catch each -whispered -word.
And Hd they guees I felt enthralled?
That feii my pulses stirred?
An4 -do you. too, recall last year.
Or It the -memory blurred?
Once mere I press the silver etraad
And ifid the mlst-llke spray
Or waves that leap, hut sot to catch
The word that j oa "would say;
Ftor you are where -I scarca can know.
Time's wrought a change, ah, met
But then, the landscape's just the. soma
A then, or seems to be;
The same moon bends to hiss the foisx '
That caps the. crested sea.
And so you marvel that I shed
N tear? that not a, sizh (
Escapes mo? "Well, be patient, plefcse,
Sor now I'll tell sou why
The man -who's -Hoiking- with mo now,
I Mke him better Oh!
iota better than tho score of met
I met one year ago.
That's why I
Philadelphia, Inquirer.
Will Give Eicnnc for "Wearing: S'ew
Clothes Wakefield Ten. Leading
Feature of the Weelc
Threatening skies and a south wind,
ladon with dampness, are not conducive
to comfort at tho seaside, or in the moun
tains, and the pleasure-seeking public Is
turning Its face cityward again. The re
gatta, in spite of tho usual rain, at
tracted a considerable crowd to Astoria
by the sea. But now that it for this
Boason at least Is as much a thing of the
past as an empty bonbon box, the coming
Carnival is looming up large and near.
That long-heralded public function can
be made an excuse for new clothes, and
tho modistes are already busy with or
ders that foreshadow a dress parade on
tho part of socloty, somewhere about the
llrst week in September.
Tho monotony of the week was most
delightfully disturbed by Mrs. Du
ron W. Wakenold'a tea at the
Hobart-Curtis Thursady afternoon
from S to C This pleasing func
tion, to which over 400 invitations were
issued, was given in honor of Mrs. Wake
flold's daughter. Mrs. Walker, who ex
pects to leave Portland, in the near fu
ture, to take up her residence in San
Francisco. The parlors of the Hobart
Curtis never looked more inviting than
on the afternoon of this reception. The
ilowors most in evidence were roses, and
such roses! Not mere cut stems, with
one, or two, or thrto blooms to boast of
hut great branches of glorious, ravishing
blossoms, fragrant as the gardens ot
Damascus. In the hall masses of sweet
peas shed an exquisite glow of faintest
pink over the cool green of ferns and
palms. The back parlor was given over
to a rich riot of yellow.
Mrs H. C. Campbell and Miss von Bol
ton poured tea. and Mrs Martin "Winch
and Mrs. Robert Lewis dispensed coffee,
assisted by a quartot of pretty girls in
3retty gowns. Mrs. Wakellold was most
becomingly gowned in lavender and black,
.and "Mrs. Walker, who Teceivcd "with her,
was lovely in a gown of pink -and cream
eillc There were several very handsome
dresses, some of them designed specially
for the occasion.
There are two weddings announced for
next wek. and the engagement of Miss
JSdna Mao Crosby and Mr. William Charl
ton Lawrenco is no longer a socrct The
marriage will talco place in September.
Vnriona Happening of the "Weelc at
Vancouver Uarrnclcs.
Mrs. Dougherty left Friday week for
a trip, to Alaska.
Mrs. A. W. Greely and Mrs. Squires
were the guests of Mrs. Glenn for a few
days. They loft Wednesday for the East,
The Seventh Infantry Band gives open
air concerts very Monday and Friday
-evening, and every alternate "Wednesday.
The alternate Wednesday evening Is thai
of the children's dance.
A delightful reception was given Mon
day evening by Colonel Dougherty in
honor ot Mrs. Greeiy and Mrs. Squires,
and to which the officers and Indies of
the garrison "were asked. The affair was
enjoyed by all. the music furnished by
the Seventh Infantry Band adding much
to the pleasure of the occasion.
Mrs. Etoert gave a very pleasant bicy
o?e ride, followed by a luncheon, Wednes
day afternoon, for her guest. Miss Ethel
Dunham. The 3 oung- people in- ited were:
Marlon Allison, Rachel Johnson. Mar
garet Glenn, Louise Glenn. Lolia Carring
ton, Louis Dougherty and John Trotter.
Colonel and Mrs. Lee visited the post
Tuesday and took lunch with Captain
and Mrs. Cabell They are on their way
to the Yellowstone Park, where they ex
pect to be joined by their daughter, Mrs.
Mllls Colonel Lee was stationed here
several years ago. and during that time
built werat of the beautiful roads in
the weets at the back of the reserva
Weddings of the "IVeeU In Portland
and at Other Points.
There was a prettj wedding Thursday
of last week at the German Lutheran
Church, ob Chapman street, when Miss
Martha. Bblcrs was united in the bonds
of matrimony t 3jr. Christian Mark
worth. The hride wore a becoming gown
of wMta organdie, with veil, and carried
fertile roee and white carnations. Tho
two bridesmaids. Miss Esther Hansen
and Mlm Loutae Lankoa, were also in
white, and carried bouquets of pink and
red roues The maid of honor was Miss
Bertha Veartacr. There -were two flow
er stale and two pillow-bearers. The
grown am wore Mr. Ettiaa, Mr. Spacbt
and 3ir. Henry Tewwend. The church
was made beautiful with ferns and
palms. After the. ceremony the invited
guests accompanied the newly Wedded
couple to their home, on East Twenty
seventh .street, where a delicious colla
tion was served on the spacious lawn,
which was Illuminated for tho evening
with Japanese' lanterns.
A pretty home wedding was solemnized
last Sunday, at tHo homo of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freedman,
the contracting parties being Miss Annlo
Freedman and Mr. David Franklin; Rev.
Mr. Abrahamson officiated. Tho bride was
daintily attired in white organdie, en
train, and" carried a bouquet of brido
roses. Tho bridesmaids were Miss Rosa
Freedman and Miss Rae Garflnkle, of
Seattle. The bride's bouquet was caught
by the maid of honor, Miss Gertrude
Freedman; the best man was Mr. Charles
Franklin. Many costly presents were rex
celved, also many telegrams of congrat
ulation. Mr. J. M. Albert was toast
master. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin left tho
same evening for the Sound.
A pretty wedding was celebrated In
Grace Church Thursday evening August
23, immediately at tho close ot the prayer
meeting. The contracting parties were
Mr. Alfred Smith and Mrs. Julia G. H.
Sterling, both of San Francisco. They
wero attended at the altar by Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Jenkins, of this city. The
bride was handsomely gowned in light
brown satin and carried a largo bunch
of "vvhito rosos. After the Impressive cer
emony, which was performed by Rev.
H. D. Atchison, the newly wedded pair
received the congratulations of many of
the congregation. They will make their
home in San Francisco.
Tho wedding of Mr. George E. Jack
son and Miss Mario. Harwas, both of
Portland, took place at St Lawrence
Catholic Church, in this city, on Thurs
day. August 23, at 7:30 A. M. Rev. Fath
er Hughes officiated. Miss Ida Jackson,
sister ot the groom, was bridesmaid, and
the Misses Lena and Lizzie Horwaa,
sisters of the bride, were the maids of
honor. Mr. W. J. Masterson was best
man. After the ceremony, a wedding
breakfast was served at the residence of
the newly wedded couple, 623 Sixth, street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will bo at home to
their friends on and after Monday, Au
gusts. Rell-Terry
One of the pretty weddings of the
season took place Wednesday, at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Ter
ry, at Mount Tabor. The contracting
parties wero: Mr. Lee C. Bell, son of
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, and Miss Dora Ter
ry, sister of Mr. Duane R. Terry. The
groom i3 a young business man of Bak
er City. The officiating clergyman was
Rev. Richard M. Hayes, formerly of
Portland, but now pastor of tho First
Presbyterian Church of Olympia. Only
the relatives and immediate friends of
the contracting parties were present. Af
ter the ceremony a wedding supper was
A wedding of interest to Portland peo
ple occurred in New York, July 1L when
Miss Mamie E., eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Owen McCarron, was united in
marriago to Mr. Oscar W. Home at St.
Joseph's Church. Mr. and Mrs. Home are
spending their honeymoon at Asbury
"Wedding' Announcement.
Lieutenant W. F. Cogswell will take his
departure for Washington, D. C, on Sep
tember S, and will be United in marriage
in that city to Miss Alverda Gertrude
Ha-w k, of Portland, soon after his arrival.
Engagement Announcement.
Tho engagement is announced of Miss
Edna Mae Crossley and- Mr. William
Charlton Lawrence, both of this city. Tho
wedding will take place in September.
Entertainments and Social Events
Here and "Elsewhere.
A pleasant party was given Monday
evening last, at tho residence of Mrs.
Georgo E. Seed, 455 Eleventh Btrcct, the
occasion being the departure of Miss
Maud Moyer to Dallas, Or. The evening
was passed'ln singing and dancing, after
which refreshments wero -served.
Thursday evening, August 23. about CO
Criends of Ed Inglefield gave him a
pleasant surprise at his home, 646 Pow
ell street, by presenting him with a hand
some caso for the medals won by him
in bicycle races. The evening was 'pleas
antly spent in music and speechmaklng.
Refreshments wero served, and the par
ty broko up at a late hour. Those pres
ent wefe: James Ruddlman, L. S. Dauve,
R. Robertson, J. "Urfer, D. C. Rushlight,
G. E. Collins, Ed Krinlck. Theodora Ohls
ner, George Hammond, J. F. McConnoll,
3L S. Schandd. WllUam Taylor, J. J.
Stark M. J. Tonhey. J. J. Touhey, John
Sullivan, D. Oliphant, a J. Williams, T.
J. Howe and Frank Rohr.
Monday evening, August 20, a Jolly com
pany gathered, at the home of Theodore
Ohlsncr, G44 Powell street, the occasion
being Mr. Ohlsner"s wedding. The South
ern Pacific Band, of which Mr. Ohlsner
is a member, presented him with a silver
bread tray, and played several selections
during the evening. The machinists of
tho Southern Pacific shops presented him
with a handsome carving set, also a
silver butter-knife and salad spoon. There
were numerous other presents.
Ebb and Flow ot the Social Tide in
and Abont Portland.
Miss Minnie Kapus is at Alameda. Cal.
Miss Frances L. Stinger is visiting
friends at the seaside.
Mrs. W. Wolfstcln and 'daughter have
returned "from Cliff Farm. s
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Raster returned last
Sunday from Long Beach.
Miss Louise Ross has returned from
an extended trip to Europe.
Miss Kate Bobbins, ot Kelso, Wash., is
visiting friends In this city.
Mrs- SSlllott Habersham -and children
have returned from Seaview.
Mrs. M. Steele returned oa Mcaaay from
Newport, where she was a visitor at the
Damon cottage at Nye Brook.
Miss Clara Grimes has returned from
North Yakima- and the Sound.
Mrs. Ira Q. Campbell, of Eugene, spent
Thursday evening in tho city.
Mrs. H. E. Ankeny, of Eugene, has been
visiting Portland since Thursday.
Miss Minnie Brugger has returned from
a month's outing at Long Beach.
Miss Clara M. Hughes has returned to
Portland, after a visit at Seaside.
Edgar E. Coursen and family will re
turn from White Salmon tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Hughes and Mrs.
W. J. Bruce have returned from Sea
side. Mrs. F. L. Washburn, of Eugene, spent
the week -in Portland, as the guest of
Miss Friendly on Sixteenth street.
Judge Kean and wife, of Tacoma, spent
last Sunday with Mrs. F. C. Whltcomb.
Mrs. George Buck and daughters, of
The Dalles, spent Friday In Portland.
Miss Clara Philpott has Teturned from
a visit to her homo in Southern Oregon.
Miss Florence Peel is visiting Mrs. John
Holman, of Salem, at her Newport cot
tage. -Roland Jackson, of 2SS Fourteenth
stre'et, has gone to Seattle for a 10 days
Mias Marie Healy, of 4S0 Stephens street,
returned Monday from Collins Hot
Miss Laura Thompson, of Tho Dalles,
who has been here on a visit, has re
turned home.
Miss Bessie De Bevolse, who has spent
the past six weeks at Newport, has re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A Milne closed their
cottage at Long Beach, and returned
home last Sunday.
Mrs. Bolle J. Sellwood Is visiting at
Piedmont for a few days as the guest of
Mrs. A S. Foster.
Mrs; Hardy, who has been visiting
Mrs. Therkelsen, left last night for her
home in the East.
Mrs. J. T. Foster and daughter, of
North Taklma, are visiting friends at 123
Fourteenth street.
Mrs. Wj S. Ladd will be home early
In September. She has been absent since
Spring, visiting in the East
B, S. Farrell left Saturday for Europe,
where he will visit the Paris Exposition
and tour tho continent awheel.
Oscar Wells, son of Dr. G. M. Wells,
returned la3t Sunday from the Klondike,
coming by way of Cape Nome.
Mrs. Robert Lutke has returned from a
visit to Illinois and Wisconsin. Her sister,
Miss Kneer, remained in Illinois.
Colonel I. B. Snow, of Springfield, Mass.,
who has been In tho city the past week,
leaves today for Seattle and the East
Miss Gottschalk and Miss Camilla Gott
schalk, of Bozeman, Mont, visited Miss
Travis, of this city, the first of the week.
Mrs. T. J. Hannlgan, -n ho has been lsit
lng her mother at Harrlsburg, has re
turned to the city, with her two daughters.
Mrs. James N. Sutton has removed to
1S5 North Fifteenth street, and will bo
at homo to her friends, first and third
Misses Rosetta and Edna Levey, of
Louisville, Ky., were the guests of the
Misses Bergman, C94 Hoyt street, during
tho week. ..
Mrs. Lottie Mitchell and Mrs. Harkness
will soon return from New YOTk with Mrs.
Harkness' son, who has been ill, while at
tending college.
Thomas N. Strong and family, who have
been spending the Summer vacation with
Mr. Duncan at Metlakahtla, Alaska, re
turned to the city Friday.
Miss Ruth Scott, Miss Allco Sibson
and Miss Laura Jordan were among the
young society people who went to As
toria to attend the regatta.
Tha Misses Bruce, of Portland; Miss
Celoste Coghlan, of St Paul, Minn., and
Miss Louise Gibbons, of Keokuk, la.,
have returned from tho beach.
Miss Bernard, manager of the Olds &
King Co.'s suit department, returned last
Friday from a six weeks' business trip to
New York, in the interest of her depart
ment Miss Delia M. Garrow. of Marinette,
Lady The doE" you sold mejast week, came very near eating my little boy.
Dealer Well, you said ou wanted a dos that was fond ot children, didn't you?
Wis., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E.
Wallace, 24S North Fifteenth street Miss
Garrow will remain In Portland several
Miss Jmlllo Frances Bauer has re
turned from a pleasant visit to Santa
Cruz, Cal. Next Saturday, accompanied
by Miss Marion Bauer, she will proceed
to Boston.
Mts. Ellen Barbarc has taken a trip to
relatives in the East She will visit New
York, Philadelphia and other points of In
terest She has been a resident of Port
land for the past 34 years.
Mrs. Sarah Heilbron and Miss Florence
Heldman, of Cincinnati, have been -islt-
Ing their cousins, the Misses Ida and
Clara Bergman, of this city. They are
making a tour of the Coaat
Mrs. L. M. Robertson has returned from
an outing at Seaside, and will resuma
business September 1 at 203-204 Marquam
Lon DcYarmond, and wife left Wednes
day evening for a visit with relatives in
New York and other Eastern cities. They
will be gone several months.
Miss Bertha Banett, of San Jose, Cal
ls visiting Miss Jennie Owen at 305 Four
teenth street. Miss Banett is a member
of the Delta Iota Chi Sorority, and while
in Portland, will visit a number of 'tho
Sorority girls.
At the Woman's Union.
Miss Hattie Gaskell has returned from
a visit to the coast
Miss Jessie Hadley and Miss Maude No
ble spent last Sunday at Oregon City.
Miss Rose Burwltz has returned from a
month's vacation at Vancouver.
Miss Emberg left early in the week for
a two weeks' visit to her home at As
toria, and. Incidentally, to shine as a
bright and particular star at the regatta.
Miss Sarah Henderson, from The Dalles,
arrived Thursday for a flying visit to her
sisters, the Misses Nellie and Jennie.
Mrs. M. B. Evans, of Woodburn, Or., ac
companied by her son, George, were among
this week's transient visitors, while en
route to Kelso. Wash.
Mrs. B. W. Rice, of Ontario, Or., accom
panied by her little son, Wendell, were
guests for a few days while on their way
to the coast
Miss E. Mae Hart ot Payette, Idaho,
was among the later comers of the week.
Miss L. Coulter, of Canby, Wash., has
been the guest of Miss X. Mooro this
Miss Althea Leach, of Heppner, Or., has
been In town this week, making the Union
her headquarters.
Miss Elsie Deck, of Woodburn, has been
among the transient guests.
Miss Jennie King, of Ciatskanle, Or.,
made a short stay at the end of the week.
Miss Rlchardfion, matron of the Deaf
and Dumb School at Vancouver, accom
panled by her mother, registered their
names on Thursday for a brief stay.
Miss Grace Ross, who has been at tho
Union for some time, left on Friday.
Miss Marion Evans went to Astoria Sat
urday morning.
We aro showing the largest assortment
of the best and most exclusive styles In
ready-to-wear hats; selected and forward
ed by Mrs. Heller from New York. Hel
ler's Millinery, 380 Washington.
Will rill Chair at Mount Angel.
Rev. Bernard Feeney, author of the
well-known book, "How to Get On," will
direct the English and elocution classes
at Mount Angel College, for the coming
Dancing Lessons.
Mrs. Nina Larowe will now arrange time
with inquirers. Call, 10 to 3, or 7 to 8
P. M. Telephone, Black 20SG.
Madame Amello do Fonfrlde Smith, who
Is now in San Fianclsco. uill resume her
French classes in this city September 23.
Various Events of the Weelc in the
State of Oregon.
Dr. W. F. Amos and F. D. Shields were
in tho city during, tho regatta.
Miss Gertrude Rockwell, of Portland,
visited Miss Wood during the week.
Tho Misses Hammond, of Portland, are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Elmore.
Miss Anna Wilson, of Portland, Is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wilson, of this
Professor O. A. Thornton has returned
to this city, after spending a few months
in Alaska.
Miss Henrietta Eliot, of Portland, was
a guest of Miss Harriet Tallant during
the carnival.
Miss Alice Strong, ot Portland, was a
guegt during the regatta of Mr. and Mrs.
D. K. Warren.
Mr. E. S. Halsted, of Brooklyn, N. Y
entertained a number of friends on "Tho
Callender" Friday.
Sixteen young people composed a sailing
party to Olney Tuesday. They took lunch
with them and had a delightful outing.
Captain Charles Richardson and the of
ficers of the Columbine have returned
from a six weeks' cruise in Northern wa
ter?. Miss Elmore gave a charming reception
on Wednesday afternoon In honor of the
Misses Hammond, of Portland, and the
Misses Palmer, of'Oakland.
At tho Invitation of Mrs. Rlfchardson, a
large number of her friends viewed th,e
regatta events of Thursday from the
United States steamship Columbine.
On Thursday evening, at the regatta
ball, the minuet was danced by the following-named
young women, who were
soma of the attendants on the queen:
Miss Lionberger, Miss Wood, Miss Hlg
gins, Miss Crang, Miss Hobson, Miss El
more, Miss H. Tallant and Mrs. R. F.
Oregon City.
Miss Aimo Bemhard, of Mllwaukie,
went to Salem Friday to visit relatives
for a couple of weeks.
City Recorder and Mrs, Bruce C Curry
returned Monday from a two weeks visit
to Southern California.
Miss Rebecca Reynolds Is visiting rela
tives in Eugene for a couple of weeks.
The Misses Holden entertained a num
ber of their friends at their noma on
Monroe street Wednesday avenlng.
Mrs. L. M. Andrews, of Seattle, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Georgo Marr, started on tho return trip
home Friday.
E N. Carter, superintendent of the
Clackamas hatchery, and family,, have
taken" up their residence on the bluff on
Upper Seventh street
Captain M. D. Phillips, lata of Albany,
has taken up his residence here, .having
accepted a position as dock superintend
ent at the paper mills. His family will
join htm soon.
Misses Emma and Carrie Pilsbury, of
Boston, who have been visiting their
uncle and aunt", Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pils
bury, for the past two months, started
on their return trip home Friday.
Miss Edna Belle Taber was married to
Ralph de Lyle Miller Wednesday after
noon at the home ot her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Taber, at Mount Pleasant In
the presence of a few immediate rela
tives and friends. The officiating cler
gyman was Rev. R. A. Atkins, pastor of
the Flrs't Methodist Episcopal Church, of
Oregon City. The bridesmaid was Miss
Edyth Ransom, of Portland, and the best
man was Gilbert L. Hedges, of Oregon
City. Miss Helen Riggs. of Mount Pleas
ant, played the weddlng march, and
little Miss" Annelta Dixon was the flower
girl. After the ceremony an elaborate
wedding dinner was served In the dining
room. The parlors and dining-room were
artistically decorated "with sweet pea3,
roses and maidenhair ferns. The bride
was dressed In white silk organdie, with
taffeta trimmings, and she carried, a bou
quet of Marchal Nlel roses. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller left on the evening train for a 10
days' trip to the Seaside, and on their
return will reside in Oregon City. The
bride was a successful teacher In the
public schools, and the groom is a scion
of one of Clackamas County's prominent
early pioneer families.
Forest Grove.
H. B. Mellls, of Portland, Is visiting
Forest Grove.
Rev. M. D. Dunning and wife haye re
turned from Garibaldi.
C. O. Roe, wife and sister Anna are
rusticating at Garibaldi.
R. W. Lancefleld, wife and son returned
from Garibaldi Tuesday.
Miss Jessie Alexander, of Portland, is
visiting Miss Bessie Bacon.
Miss Maud Morrison, of Monkland, is
the guest of Miss Gertrude Marsh.
Tho Misses Anna, Minnie and Frances
Myers have returned from the coast
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Baldwin and
daughter have returned from Garibaldi.
Mrs. A. R. Leabo, daughter Bertha and
son have returned from the Wilamlna.
Miss Mary Bailey, accompanied by Mrs.
M. H. Shipley, has returned from Seaside.
Miss Anna Rogers, of Portland, visited
during the week with Mrs. I. W. Single
ion. Miss Elaine Hlnman, of Ellcnsburg, is
visiting at the homo of Hoa. A. Hln
man. Ray Wright and wlfo of Ro?eburg. vis
ited the family of Emery Wilson during
tho week.
Austin Craig, formerly editor of the
Washington County Hatchet, has located
at Sumpter.
Wilson Bump, of King's Valley, recently
returned from Cape Nome, has rented a
house here.
Professor A. R. Sweetsor, ot Pacific
University, and family, are camping on
Gales Creek.
Dr. H. Hovey, S. G. Hughes and Miss
Nellie Jackson are rusticating at the Til
lamook coast.
Mrs. M. R. McDonald returned to Port
land last week, after three weeks' stay
uith Mrs. E. A. Krelder.
Mrs. Julia Ann Vosper, of Portland,
after five years' absence, visited the fam
ily of J. G. Boos last week.
Professor Craig, of Pacific University,
and wife have returned from Garibaldi,
and Mrs. Jessie Caple3 has returned from
Mrs. Amanda Rummelln, son and
daughter, of Portland, are. stopping for
a month at Mrs. James Shannon's, in
this city.
Mrs. N. W. Rice, who has been Isltlng
for two months with her daughter. Mrs.
M. E. Austin, returned home to White
water, Wis., Monday.
Itoseburer. -
Mrs. Guy Younger is visiting relatives
in Portland.
Mrs. B. M". Henley has returned to her
homo in Portland.
Mrs. E. R. Bush has returned to her
home in Portlaud.
Mrs. Elmer McBroom Is visiting" rela
tives at -Marshfleld.
Mrs. Jesse L. Fisher, of Medford, 13 vis
iting relatives in and near Roseburg.
Mrs. Walter Drennan and daughter.
Hazel, aro visiting relatives In Portland.
Miss Edna Thompson left Wednesday
for a visit to her parents in Cole's Val
ley. W. W. Scott and wife, of Centralla, 111.,
are visiting Mr. Scott's sister, Mrs. W. J.
James McQuald and family returned
Sunday from a month's visit at Wllhoit
Mrs. Will T. Wright left Tuesday for
Chicago, having been called there by the
illness of her mother.
Mrs. W. H. Jamieson and children left
Wednesday for Portland, where they
visit H. E. Happersett and wife.
Miss Lizzie Parrott has returned from
an extended visit with the family of Hon.
C .A. Sehlbrede, at Skagway, Alaska.
Mrs. W. H. H. Clayton and son, who
have been visiting relatives in Coles Val
ley, have returned to their homo In Or
ange, Cal.
Dr. and Mrs. Plckel have returned from
the mountains.
Mrs. J. C. Hall and son, of Gold Hill, are
gnests of Mrs. I. L. Hamilton.
Miss Mayme Isaacs is visiting Mrs.
Alice Rosenbaum at Wolf Creek.
Mrs. L. B. Llttlefleld, of Sacramento,
Cal., Is visiting her brother, B. N. Bunch.
Attorney Hammond and family have re
turned from their Summer's outing at
F. M. Wilson, H. W. Stevens and T. G.
Spangler have been rusticating in the
F. L. Cranfll, accompanied by his daugh
ter, Miss Edith, have returned from Look
ing Glass, Or.
L. P. and F. W. Kllppel have returned
from Nome, Alaska, and are now outing
at Cinnabar Springs.
W. T. Kama and family. S. L. Bennett
and family, Mr. McKlnney and Rev. Mr.
Crandall are at Crater Lake.
Miss Isabella Butler, of Palo Alto. Cal.,
who has beerf the guest of Mrs. Charles
Pierce, left Thursday to visit Portland.
Mrs. Ira Phelps and sons, earl and Fran
cis, of Scio, Or., are visiting Mrs. Phelp3'
mother, Mrs. Tice, and Medford friends.
Otto Lee Is spending a few days at the
P. J. Smiley is at Newport for a few
days. ,
J. K. Weatherford has returned from
Mrs. F. Johnson, of Bloomlngton, I'l ,
Is visiting Mrs. P. R. Conn.
Judge L. Flinn returned Wednesday,
from an outing at Breitenbush.
Frank G. Will left Wednesday for Beth
el, Mo., to be gone about a month. ,
Luther Elks left Tuesday for Lyle,
Wash., to visit his brother, Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, of Mount Tabor,
Carpets. beautiful patterns
Smith's Best Brussels, yard.... 73c
Axmlnsters, yard ,. ft 10
E.pioca Tapestry Parlor Set, ma
hogany frame $25 50
6-plece Velour Parlor Set, ma
hogany frame $30 CO
5-plece Silk Damask Parlor Set.
mahogany frame $40 CO
Beautiful mahogany finish Par
lor Stand ., $3 00
Pretty heavy Tapestry Portieres,
pair $3 CO
Nice Irish Point Lace Curtains.. $3 0
Carpet, all-wool, ingrain, extra
heavy, yard 7ic
Window Shades, 3x7. each 40c
Good, solid oak Bedroom Set $25 00
Neat hardwood Bedroom Set.. ..$13 00
Bedroom Chairs, each 73c
Bedroom Rocker, each $1 50
Toilet Sets, colored, from $2 CO to $7 CO
I fiPVi T?T7 , QHNS Tho
1. vii-T viviit- a sjji w, i:junum.iuiiiuiii.ij,
Correct color, fmbroidcred with elk's
Just In
New Eiderdown Sacques and Robes from
75 cents up.
BECK'S, 272
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. B.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Clark, of Portland,
visited D. O. Woodworth during the week.
Attorney-General Blackburn and Mrs.
Blackburn spent a few days in Albany
last week.
David and Grant Froman and Millard
Dawson and son Wayne left Monday on
a fishing trip to the Metole3.
Rev. Mr. Reed returned Wednesday
from his trip to Mount Jefferson, by way
of Fish Lake and Belknap Springs.
Mrs. Hochstedler and Sirs.' Alice Rich
ards left Wednesday for Detroit, Mich.,
to attend the meeting of the grand lodgo
of Rathbone Sisters.
Mrs. Miller and daughter, Gusslo, left
for Portland Monday.
Mrs. Ella Benham, of Cottage Grove.
Is visiting friends here.
Mrs. Russell, of Belfast, Me., is visiting
her son, W. Ev Russell, here.
Mr. Le Barr and family have returned
to their former home in Texas.
Mrs. H. Bushnell has returned from a
short visit to her mother in Halsey.
Miss Margaret Hollenbeck, ofx Eugene,
Is the guost of Miss Minnie Slbbetts.
Mrs. Buck, of Eugene, has been visit
ing friends In Junction and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tyler, of Port
land, are visiting Mrs. Tyler'3 mother,
Mrs. Love.
Mr. Ernest Lee, wife and daughter,
Croesus, of Eugene, have been visiting
relatives here.
Mrs. Crane and daughters, Nellie and
Marlllah, of Shenandoah. la., are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hurlburt
Miss Ruth Caldwell has returned from
Portland, accompanied by her niece and
nephew, Helen and Alfred Woolsey.
Mrs. Nixon and son, of Farmlngton,
Wash., who have been the guests of Dr.
Lee and family, have returned to Albany.
Miss Emma Wold, who has been the
guest of Miss Craln, Is making an ex
tended visit at Portland and Clatsop
Mrs. G. C. Morgan and sons, Clare and
Cloud, left Wednesday for their home in
Portland, after a month's visit to rela
tives and friends here.
Mr. Hank Hill gave a tally-ho party
Tuesday evening in honor of his sister.
Miss Grace, who left Thursday for Pa
louse, Wash. A jolly crowd of 16 drove to
Mr. Hill's country home, where they were
royally entertained until the wee sma
Mrs. G. W. Biddle Is visiting relatives
in Spokane.
Mrs. D. A. Paine returned Thursday
from Portland.
Mrs. H. N. Cockerllne returned Thurs
day from Albany.
Mr. Romeo Gilbert visited relatives in
Salem this week.
R. S. Bryson, of Corvallls, Is visiting
friends in Eugene.
Mrs. Nettie Krauase has returned to her
homo in San Jose, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H Johnson have gone
to tho coast for an outing.
Mr. J. W. White and family have re
turned from Crescent Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Logan have returned
from a trip to Crook County.
Mrs. James McDonald, of Linn County.
is visiting relatives in Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jennings arrived
home from Iowa Monday afternoon.
Miss Washburne, of Junction City, 13
visiting her sister, Mrs. E. U. Lee, here.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Skeels. of Onoga.
111., are visiting their son, L. C. Skeels,
George T. Hall and family have re
turned from their place at McKenzle
Mrs. M. E. Lucas, of Aberdeen, Wash.,
is visiting' her mother, Mrs. Bean, at
Mrs. T. G. Hendricks and Misses Ada
and Ruby Hendricks returned Thursday
from Newport
Miss Mary Collier has returnpd from
the East whero she ha3 been visiting for
several weeks.
Miss Alice Buell, who has been visiting
her slater, Mtb. Strong, has gona to Ta-
Carpets, Smith's Best Brussels,
yard ...... 65c
Quartered Oak Tables, square or
round, from $7 to TS 00
Ash Extension Tables. $3 25 to... $5 00
Oak Chairs, from OOc to J4 0)
Ash Chairs, from flSc to $1 00
Quartered Oak Sideboards, from
$15 to $70 CO
Nice Ash Sideboards, from $0 CO.
to $15 00
5S-plece Dinner Sets, from $S to. 5 5 00
Neat Glass Sets, from 50c to $3 00
tftWFw V O-rs-TiEV J- -
! A 6-hole Eclipse Steel Ranw $:5 03
A set of 52 pieces Cooking Uttn-
slls 5"C0
' Linoleum, per yard, from 37c to. $1 00
Oilcloth, per yard, from 25c tp... 33c
'Kitchen Treasures, from $2 CO to $3.51
: Kitchen Chil s 33c
; Kltchn Tables $1 CO
Wood-hand ed Knives and Forks
: No. S Cook Stove $3 00
HnmnFiirnichorc 173-173 Flrit St.
W. Cor. Yamhill St.
New Wrappers
And swell-style Fair Waists to arrive this
Washington St.
coma, where she will take a position ia
the schools.
Mre. L. WIthee. Mrs. Haskell WItheo
and Miss Belle Brown have returned
from Newport
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Saunders have gono
to Colorado, In the hope of benefiting Mr.
Saunders' health.
Mrs. I. L. Campbell is visiting relatives
In Portland, and will also visit in Pen
dleton before returning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Titus returned Tues
day from a visit to their daughter, Mra.
John O'Brien, in Albany.
Mrs. L. L. White, who has been visit
ing relatives In Eugene, started Tuesday;
for her home In Chicago.
Mrs. J. C. Welch, who has been visiting
her mother. Mrs. M. Wallls, returned to
her home In Portland. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Matthews and
daughters. Ada and Agnes, have gono to
Belknap Springs for a short outing.
Mrs. R. S. Huston. Miss Mount. Misa
Roberts and Miss Glbbs returned Wednes
day from an outing on the McKenzle.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Johnson returned
Tuesday from Bingham Springs.
Miss M. V. Galther, of the Indian
School, is enjoying a vacation at Port
land. E. P. Dodd has been enjoying an out
ing at Saling's camp in the Blue Moun
tains. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd and Miss
Roberts have returned from Bingham
Mrs M. A. Murphy and Mr3. Dare
Phelps are home from a three weeks' vis
it at Sound points.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clopton and daugh
ter, Sybil, have returned from their Sum
mer outing at Bingham.
Harry L. Hexter, Miss Ella Hexten
and Miss Stella Alexander have gono to
California for an extended trip.
Miss Eveljn Starkweather has gone to
Lehman Springs to Join her sister, Mrs.
W. J- Furnish, who is camping there.
R. M Turner is a visitor in thl3 city
and Mrs. Turner and their children ara
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jade Switzlcr,
on Switzlers Island.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Feldenhelmer and
children and Mrs. Charles Feldenhelmer,
maid and children, passed through Pen
dleton Wednesday on their way homo
to Portland from. Bingham Springs.
Mrs. Kato Henderson, of Walla Walla,
returned home Wednesday, after a visit
at the Fletcher home, on Jackson street,
Miss Agnes Fletcher accompanied hee
and will remalnsome time visiting friends
in Walla Walla.
A party was given Wednesday evening
by Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Haliey. st ?
home on Jackson street, in honor of Mrs.
Hailey's brother, Hal Beach. A larga
number of young people passed a pleas
ant evening at cards, dancing, etc.
Dr Leti Is Perkins, for tho past seven
years physician on the Umatilla Indian,
reservation, has received his commission
as second lieutenant, or assistant surgeon
in the United States Army, and has gona
to San Francisco, under orders to re
port at the Presidio. Mrs. Perkln3 and
tho children have gone to Des Moines.
Mrs. E. Hendrix ia visiting in McMInn
ville. . ,
.Miss Fay Martin is visiting friends in
T 3.1113
Miss Fern Stout is visiting Forest Grovd
and Portland friends.
Vern Roberts, of Portland, is visiting
his aunt, Mrs. Hendricks.
Mrs. J. W. Hobbs and son, Harry, re
turned Saturday from Meadow Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wortman are camp
ing for a few weeks upon the Willamlna,
Mrs. J. M. Powell and children, of Mon
mouth, are visiting relatives in this city.
p. w. Fenton and family returned to
their home in this city Wednesday from
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rogers returned to
their home in this city Monday afternoon
from Newport.
Mrs. J. W. Henry has returned to her
home In this city from Idaho, where sha
has been visiting several weeks.
Mr. Stobbart of Creston, la., and MIsa
1 , : ,
(Concluded on fajr 10.)
lLr-S&XrC'' J? '