S "sH mm VOL. XDL NO. 34. PORTLAND, OBEGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. $ TWEKTY-HGHT PAGES :-; mW I I WAR ONTHE CHINESE Declaration by Russia, Ger many and Japan. RUWOR COMES FROM CHE FOO It la Also Said That England and the United States Have Been In vited to Retire. CHE POO, Aug:. 24 (Friday). It la ru mored on good authority that Russia, Germany and Japan have declared "war on China and Invite England and the United States to retire. MAXT BOXERS IX PBKIIf. Prince Clilnjf Has a Force of Chinese Troops iu. the Imperial City. LONDON, Aug 25, 2.1S A. M. The only news of the night from China comes via Berlin, -where official dispatches have been received, dated Taku, August 25, report ing on authority that an undated Russian XVkin telogram received Wednesday last saytj that large masses of Boxers -are still in the southern part of the capital, and that a force of troops under Prince Chine Is in the Imperial City. According to a special dispatch from Berlin, Germany has not received any proposals or suggestions from the United. States for an International conference. The Foreign Office considers the Idea of euch a conference as premature, and de sires the allied commanders to exercise control In Fokln and the occupied parts ot .China until Count Waldersee shall have assumed command and have time to report on the situation. The generally well-Informed Viedemosti, cf dt, Petersburg, says it is the opinion in diplomatic quarters there that the withdrawal of the allies from Pekln, now that the foreigners have been rescued, would facilitate peace negotiations. A Defiant "Viceroy. LONDON, Aug. 25. A special dispatch received hero from Shanghai, dated Au gust 26, says: "Viceroy Chang Chlh Tung, of Hankow, declares that ho will resist an attempt to extort territory or to Interfere with the armies of the various Viceroys. "It Is stated here that It was Prince Turn and not Prince Tuan who was cap tured by the Japanese." Americans Return to Tien Tsln. LONDON. Aug. 25 A special dispatch from Pekln, dated August 13, says: Forty Americans, with an escort of United States troops, start for Tien, Tsln tomor row. The Maine at Hone Kong1. IXXN1DON, Aug. 25. Advices from Hong Kong report that the American hospital- ship Maine, wMch sailed from Southamp-H ton lor China July 12, arrived there to--day. problem, of the cexturt. Present Complication Is but the Be ginning, Sai John Boolcsralter. (LONDON, Aug. 25.-John "W. Bookwal tor, of Ohio, -whose Tecent books on Si berian and Asiatic problems have been much quoted in recent English papers, is now in London. In an interview with a representative of the Associated Press, (Mr. Bookw alter said: "The present situation in China, it seems to mo, is not Its serious phase, as it Is likely to precipitate the whole Asi atic problem, with its many complica tions, for permanent solution. There are two chief considerations in this problem, rirst, the double relation that Russia oc cupies toward China, and that which Rus sia occupied toward England through her dependency in India, .for since the com pletion of the great Trans-Siberian and Trans-Caspian Railroad systems Russia has been brought into direct contact with China from the Hinterland. It Is obvi x ous, therefore, that Russia Is the most potent factor in directing events w&lch will detormlno what the future rela tions of the various nations shall be in the Asiatic continent. "It is hardly likely that the contest be twten Western civilization and Eastern conization, which must Inevitably occur sooner or later, would have developed at the present time, had It not been for the bulld'ng of Russia's great railroad lines, the effect of which would be to estab lish a practical dominance of Russia In Asiatic countries, and which might be re garded as a menace to those nations now holding spheres of Influence there, as well as to those who see in the possible par t.tln of China opportunities for territor ial aggrandizement As an indication of thih condition. It may be said that Rus sia was 10 years ago the furthest nation away Xrom China, separated by tanas--1 same steppes ana without a navy, whllo till the other European powers could reach the Chinese littoral by water. The building of these railroad systems has rapidly changed the entire situation, bringing China politically and commer cially to the very doors of Russia, and making a conterminous border of from 4000 to 5000 miles. In fact. It brings China In physical contact with the Russian Em pire alone, her contact with other nations being only through, the dependencies of those nations. "'In view of these Important facts, it is easy to see what is to be the probable relation ot Russia to China, which, it seems to me, can only be of the most friendly character, and to that end the n.aintenance of the integrity of the em pire, especially the Middle Kingdom, is of paramount importance. I believe that w hen a general showing- cf hands is mado t will be apparent that if there Is not an c-tual alliance between Russia and China ihere will be found to be an intimate co opeTrtlon. for the maintenance of their political and commercial interests. "Under these considerations, it does not seem possible that the partition of China rmong the Western powers can occur, rtor could a composite control be estab I.shod, since Russia's imperial Interests demand that she deal with a permanent situation, such as a united China would insure, rather than the ever-changing condition certain to follow the division of China among- other nations. "Suppose there existed in British Amer ica a nation with tkree times the popu lation of the United States; that this country fell into evil ways under insur rection, and that European powers found It necessary to send troops, under cover o' whom they attempted to effect terri icwial division or a composite control. The UnMed States would rightfully and immediately say, 'Hands off. that this ration bordered on. the United States, and rot on others, and that no change in the political status would be permitted with out nor consent. Tnder these circumstances, it would seem, therefore, probable that an Iden tical note will be Issued by Russia and China, in which they will iolntly agree to guarantee the Integrity of the Chinese Empire, which is In direct line with the present expressed views ot the various powers, and also the safety of foreign resident and the property of-other na tions In the country. Such it guarantee from such a powerful and reputable na tion as Russia would carry with it such weight that a refusal to accede to It by the powers would certainly lead up to a most critical International situation, and very probably a clash of nations. It seems to me that a direct refusal to ac cede to such a proposition would throw the mighty empires, Russia and China, together with a common interest and ra cial affinities, with vast military and other resources, and embracing quite two-fifths of the human family. In view of the fact that the attacking parties against such a combination would have to transport their armies and supplies from 5000 to 15,. 000 miles by sea, Russia, In the meantime, by means of her railroads, quickly throw ing the military strength of her empire into China, and at the same time organiz ing ai;d equipping the vast military re sources of that country, .it is not obvious what Issue such an attack would bring; "When you consider further that under the well-established rules of modern war fare the attacking party must outnum ber the defenders something in propor tion of Ave to one, while the world's na vies, representing- millions of pounds, would stand Impotent to prevent the transportation of a single Russian trooper over the Trans-Siberian or Trans-Caspian Railroads, can you wonder that European Cabinets believe that they are today face to face with the greatest problem of the Century?" NAVAL BASE IN GUAM. System of Harbor Improvements and Fortifications Planned. "WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. The Navy Department has taken the Initial steps in the preparations for the complete and comprehensive system of fortifications and harbor improvements by which it is intended to make the Island of Guam a thoroughly protected base for our naval vessels in the "Western Pacific. The Navy Department has been at pains to ascer tain just what harbor facilities other na tions have in that part of the world, and the maps already prepared show that .southward from Guam we are flanked for 2500 miles by a chain of islands contain ing 13 fine harbors, all of them potential bases of hostile powers. Some of them already are equipped and fortified. These harbors are included In the Marshall and Caroline groups, which stretch from the southern border ot the PhUIppInes east ward past the longitude of Guam, while on the north the Ladrones possess sev eral harbors, some of them as close as 40 miles to our possessions In Guam. In view of all these facts. It has been de termined to make Guam a great naval base. A mixed commission of one Army and two naval officers already has been assigned to the work of the preliminary survey, and upon their recommendations the future work in this line will be made. The officers are Captain J. F. Merry, now on duty at the naval station In Honolulu; Major Blddle, of the Army En gineer Corps, now on duty In the Phil ippines, and Lieutenant A. M. Beecher, now on duty In Washington. lieutenant Beecher is accumulating the outfit for the commission here, and shortly will pro ceed to Ban Francisco, whence ho will siil on the Solace about October 1, pick ing up Captain Merry at Honolulu, while Major Blddla will come East In order to meet the other two members of . the commission. Trial of the Bailey. NEW YORK, Aug. 25, A trial trip will be given the new torpedo-boat destroyer Bailey, built for the United States Navy 1 by the Gas Engine & Power Company, at Morris Heights. N. Y., here this after noon. It is expected that the new boat will attain a speed of at least S3 knots an hour. The Bailey is the first vessel of her type to be built In the vicinity of New York, and la one of three torpedo boat destroyers for which provision was made by Congress about three years ago. The sum appropriated for each boat was 5250.000. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS China. It Is rumored in Che Too that Russia, Ger many and Japan declared war on China. Pas-el. Large masses of Boxers are still In Pekln. Pagol. France's policy In the Orient Is explained. Pagel. The Russian Commander In Pekln forbids com munication with Chinese. Page 1. Germany's war plans in China are unchanged. Page 11. Foreign. Fr&noo is apparently preparing for a war. Page 2. The controversy between the "Vatican and the Qulrlnal breaks out again. Page 2. Fetes are organized for the Paris exposition. Page 1. Boers attempted to capture Bailer's cavalry. PageS. Political. Bryan mads two speeches in Omaha yesterday. Pag a. Secretary Gage issued a statement showing what would be the effect ot Bryan's election. Page 8. Sport. "Whitney's colt. Ballyhoo Bey, ridden by Sloan. iron the Futurity at Sheepshead Bay. Page XL The Vesper Beat Club crew won the etgbt- oared raoe at Paris. Page 3. Domestic-. The Grand Army encampment was opened in Chicago last night. Page a. The President will not attend the GL A. B, en campment. Page S. Serosal fishermen were drowned tn a gala tn Xhe Gulf of Georgia. Page 1, Census figures of several Eastern and South ern cities are announced. Page 1. Pacific Coast. Fusion situation In "Washington mired, -with Rogers controlling the Democratic delegates and the opposition uniting on Voorbees. Page 4. Multnomah Clnb won majority of the athletic events !n the last day of the Astoria, re gatta. Page 1. German Lutheran Church, of Salem, burned by incendiaries. United States District Attorney Gay. of Wash ington, recelres threatening letters from a man named Doyle, at Portland. Ex-oSclaU of Washington County make good deficiencies found against them by experts. Page . JlcSIlnnvllle's street carnival. September 2T, S3 and 2S, to celebrate completion ot TaxnhW locks. Council City. Alaska, threatened with destruc tion by fire. ConunerclaL Gold exTorts have been temporarily checked. Page IS. Discount rates very firm la London. High ocean freight continues to depress the wheat market. Local. Miss Alice Thayer was elected Queen of the Carnival, receiving 14.099 vote. Page IS. Francis Murjxhy. the apostle of temperance, will speak twice today. Page S. Marcus K. Duntley, planer at Inman, Poulsen & Co.s mill, was crushed to death. Trinity Methodist congregation burned the jrnrtKage on their church property.. Page 0. CONCERT IN DANGER Disagreement Between the Various Commanders. THE FIRST NOTE OF DISCORD Homey Reports the Czar's Officer For bids Communication "With Chinese Bfo Reply Froxa Chaffee. "WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 The diplo matic feature of the Chinese situation today took precedence over both the na val and military features. The officials of the Government were, If anything, more uncommunicative than heretofore as to the relations between the powers. THE ALLIED FORCES ARE REPORTED TO HAVE CAPTURED TIUC INNER STRONGHOLD, WHICH "WAS THE ASYLUM OF THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS DOWAGER. It was stated authoritatively that no news of Importance had been received and that the diplomatic negotiations could not be made p.ibllc. The most unsatisfactory development of the day, so far as the pacific pro gramme of this Government goes, was the receipt of a dispatch from Admiral Remey conveying the reports which had reached him of a disagreement between the commander of the Russian forces In Pekln and the other internationals. The text of this dispatch was. not. made pub lic, but it was said -on good authority to contain the statement that the Russian commander had forbidden communica tion with the CJHneso, on the ground that Rus'sia was technically, as well as prac tically, at war with China. It may be said that the Information was not con veyed by Admiral Remey as official' news, but merely as a report -from a reliable sourcewhlch he considered this Govern ment should possess for Its own informa tion. Assuming Admiral Remey's report to be correct, this move on the part of ( Russia strikes the first note of discord in the heretofore harmonious concert of tho powers. It may be said, however, that the news is not taken very seriously by this Government, and certainly will not alter our course in any way until it has been officially confirmed. It was explained that the situation growing out of the Joint occupation of Pekln by the powers was delicate, al though" not necessarily to be described as serious. The Interests of all the pow ers there represented were at least com petitive if not antagonistic, and an ill considered move on the part of any one government might easily entail disagree able Consequences, In Which all WOUld 1 be more or less Involved. j At the same time. It was explained that j all of the governments represented In China were anxious to avert any open i clash. If this could be done without sacrificing what they considered their rights in the premises. In this situation ' the United States occupied the (position j it has held all through the disturbance, namely, of being the one"power least un- i der suspicion by the others of "selfish and ulterior motives. This Government? Is exceedingly anxious to maintain this vantage ground, and retain the confidence of the other powers, so that It Is now more than ever cautious as to the next step to be taken. Instructions to Ambassadors. The decision to address Instructions to the United States representatives at the courts of the various powers was reached yesterday, after the most matured delib eration. It would have been a satisfac tion to this Government if the action could have been taken without exciting public comment of any sort. Owing to the fact that this communication was not addressed directly to the other gov ernments and that It contained merely Instructions for the guidance of our dip- J lomatic representatives abroad, it was decided not to make public either the , text or the substance of the Instruc tions, lest their premature publication should defeat tho very object for which they were designed, namely, of ascer taining the .temper of the various- gov ernments Interested, with a view to de- j termlning what form of procedure Is ' most likely to meet with general appro bation among them and lead to a speedy solution of the problem. Tho situation In China at present does not meet in any way the conditions laid down in Secretary Adee's note to Li Hung Chang on August 23 as prerequisite to peace negotiations by the United States. This communication -announced that al though the powers had been compelled to unaided by the Chinese Government still' the United States "is ready to welcome any overtures for a truce and Invites the powers to Join when security is estab lished in the Chinese capital and the Chinese Government shows its ability and willingness to make, on Its part, an effect ive suspension of hostilities there and elsewhere." This is the condition laid down which up to date has not been ful filled. The .subsequent course of the United States as outlined by the same note Is stated In the language of this Government as follows: "When this (the restoration of order) Is done and we hope It will be done promptly the United States will be prepared to appoint a rep resentative to Join with the represent atives of the other similarly interested powers and of the authoritative and re sponsible Government ot the Chinese Em pire to attain the ends desired In our circular to the powers of July 3." One ot the most serious considerations which remain prior to the opening of peace negotiations Is to determine what and who is the responsible Government of China referred to in the United States' note. It Is understood that this Govern ment is inclined to the opinion that the Emperor ICwang Hsu is the responsible head, but In the absence of any reliable Information as to his whereabouts, even the first steps toward appointing: a repre sentative for a peace conference with China would be decidedly premature. The most that this Government hopes or ex pects Just now is information as to the readiness of the other governments to par ticipate in a friendly conference over the course to be pursued by them In China after order is restored. So Reply From Chaffee. The War Department has not yet re ceived from General Chaffee his report requested of him a few days ago upon conditions in Pekln; in fact several recent cablegrams of inquiry addressed to Gen eral Chaffee have not been answered. In this situation it was found necessary to call upon General Chaffee again" for a full report for the guidance of the officials of this Government. It is supposed that the uncertainty of communication between Pekln and Tien Tsln Is- responsible for General Chaffee's silence. The wires have been cut between the capital and Tien Tsln and it Is probable that the messages were sent by courier from Tien Tsln. It Is regarded as very unfortunate that there THE FORBIDDEN CITY, PEKIN. should be such a difficulty of communica tion at this time. The department is de pending in large measure upon General Chaffee for Information to guide the Ad ministration In the movements of the im mediate future. It is not believed at the War Department that the two casualty lists, one dated at Tien Tsln the 21st and the other the 23d were sent by General Chaffee In person. It Is thought that his name was signed as a matter of form. More than a week ago two dispatches "were received from General Chaffee, but they were In such shape that they cannot be deciphered fat the department. They are regarded as very Important from the fact that they relate to condltionsrlifPeH kin, the number of persons under the protection of the allied forces and the supplies for jthe Army as well as for these "people. Orders have been sent to General Chaffee to repeat 'the messages. The War Department also has taken up the matter of cable communication and asked the cable companies to see If the Chaffee mes sas&3 caa bo straightened out and also to ascertain if the messages sent to Gen eral Chaffee can reach him, and If they cannot be delivered, why. It Is, of course, recognized that the Boxers are Interrupting tho line constructed by the signal corps from Tien Tsln to Pekln. At the same time, with communication by cable to Shanghai, thence overland to Che Foo, by cable to Taku and a protected line to Tien Tsln, It 1b felt at the department that communication should be moro expedi tious It Is stated that difficulty arises In China on account of the Interruption that occurs from time to time on the land line from Shanghai to Che Foo, nrVilMi fc imnr tho nnJrnl nt fho r.hinesn authorities. Copies of all messages pass- mgi over this line are sent by steamer 0 insure delivery, even if delayed. This ime was evidently open yesterday or the fay before, for. a dispatch dated Tien Tsln, August 23, was received by the War Department. The State Department Is taking steps to have all of the American Consuls In china return to their several posts as soon a3 immediate danger from antI-forr elgri outbreaks is passed. The attention of the department has been called to those statements emanating from various Consuls to the effect that they left their posts at the direction of the department. The officials say that is not correct; that the Consuls were merely permitted by the department to leave their posts on their own responsibility If they consid ered their lives were In danger. Now that "the danger Is passing the depart ment Is getting ready to have "them go back to their posts and take up their routine work. Half-Rate Cables. WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. The Postal Telegraph Cable Company has extended the courtesy of Its cable service In behalf of the officers and men of the Army serv ing in China and their families and friends at home at one-half cable rate for messages in plain language when these messages are sent and received through the Adjutant-General of the Army. The local officers of the Postal Telegraph Cable Company will lend as sistance In computing cost of messages proposed to be sent and the cost of the same should be transmitted with the mes sage and letter of advice to General Cor bln, Adjutant-General, Washington. CENSUS FIGURES. More Bulletins Issued by 'the Bureau at "Washington. . WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. The popula tion of New Orleans as announced by the Census Bureau today la 287.J04, against 242,039 In 1S90, an increase of 45,065, or 18 62 per cent. The population of Kansas City, Mo,, Is 163,752. an Increase of 31.0S6 or 23.39 per cent over 1S90. The population of Kansas City, Kan., is 51,418, an increase of 18.102 or 34.19 per cent over 1S90. The Census Bureau also made publlo the population of the following cities: Pittsburg, Pa 321,616: increase over 1S90, 89,999. Newark, N. J., 246,070; increase since 1890, 64.240. Allegheny City, Pa,, 129.9S6; Increase tn 10 years, 24,906. Bishop ot Corambns Consecrated. dNCTNNAn, C Aug. 25. The conse cration of Right Rev. Henry Moeller as Bishop of Columbus took place at the Cathedral this morning. Archbishop Elder and the Bishops of Indianapolis, Atlanta, Grand Rapids, Nashville, Cov ington and other dioceses, together with about 200 priests, participated in the im posing ceremony. An Immense congre gation was present. ND OF THE REGATTA Glorious Day for the Aquatic and Field Sports. ajuLtnomah first in athletics Captures Relay Rttoe, Five Firsts and Four Second Places Kerxi- san "Wins High Jump. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 25 The. last flay of the Tegatta was Ty far the pleasantest. It was an ideal day for aquatic sports. Until nearly 4 o'clock this mornlng the rain came down in torrents. Later the clouds cleared away and the weather was bright and clear. The forenoon was given up to boat races as the afternoon to the field games at the athletic grounds. Early this morning the regatta commit tee decided to carrry out the original programme as set for the opening day. The Queen and maids of honor, escorted by Admiral Edwards and suite, were taken on board tho Columbine and the royal (- yacht steame'd slowly about the bay, fol lowed by nearly every craft in tho lower river. The sight was a pretty one and when the landing was made at tho grand stand, the acclaim with which the Queen was received was almost deafening. Ad miral Edwards escorted Her Majesty to the throne and the maids of honor grouped rthemge4vesnround her. --Mayor Bergman wasujresent and again tendered the Queen the freedom of the city and wished that her reign might be a peaceful and happy one. ' - j The aquatic sports were then called, The first event was the tour-oared barge race between three California crews. The Alameda, Dolphin and Ariel crews con tested. The Alemeda crew was an easy Winner and this is Its third annual vic tory In this race. The Ariel crew came In a bad second, with the Dolphin boat close behind. The two latter crews fouled each other at tho turning buoy but the accident did not affect the result. While this race was in progress Ben Beno, the slack-wire and trapeze performer, and Cahlll, the high diver, entertained the spectators in the grandstand with numerous difficult feats. Then came a race for the. consolation prize for single scullers. Pape was, of course, barred out and the eventwas be tween Patton-and Gloss, of Portland, as Sternberg had sprained his ankle, last evening and did not enter. Gloss was picked as the winner. He led for the first half mile, when one of his 'outriggers broke and he was brought back In a launch. Patton rowed over the course and was awarded the medal. The next event was one of the most exciting of the entire regatta. The two shlp.s boat crews belonging to the light house tenders Manzanlta and Columbine have been questioning each other's ability for some time and the race -was of the kind that made the crowds cheer from every wharf alone: the city front. The Manzanlta crew won by a few1 lengths after an exciting struggle. The final In the outrigger skiff contest was between Fred .and C. J. Ayers, of the Alameda crew. They are brothers. Fred Ayers won after as pretty a race as was ever seen on the river and both men -werei completely fagged out at the finish. This completed the aquatic sports and'ended the regatta proper. The Queen and her retinue were then escorted, to carriages and after lunch were taken to the athletic grounds where her majesty held sway over the field day games. Field Events. The athletic meet here was the most successful event of the regatta. The field was In poor condition, owing to the rain of the past two days. The sun to day dried It somewhat, but it was im possible to break any records on it. The Multnomah boys carried off the majority of the events, winning the relay race, four first places and four second places. Paris, of Seattle, did fine work and won two firsts and a second. In the high jump, Kerrigan won by a Jump of 5 feet 7 Inches. He afterward made a try at the record, but the ground was too soft for Jumping, and he made only 5 feet 9 Inches. The 100-yard dash was won by Paris, who beat Dammasch six Inches. In the 400-yard dash, Paris beat Blumenthal by one of his wonderful spurts. In the 220 yard dash, Paris was a little slow in starting' and Blumenthal beat him out. The most exciting race of the day waa the half-mile run. Davis, of Seattle, and Burgess, of the Olympic team, struck the tape so near together that the Judges could not decide upon the winner. Some claimed Davis won, while other thought that Burgess crossed first, and some thought It was a dead heat. The decis ion was finally given to Burgess, of Cali fornia. The Multnomah boys won theTelay race from the start, Kerrigan was tho first Multnomah off and got a great lead on his man. The other boys all kept this lead good, and Blumenthal, the last man to run, crossed the tape a good 100 feet In the lead. The men on the Multnomah team were: Kerrigan, Murphy, Kleeman and Blumenthal. The men of the Olym pic team were: G. H. Burgess, Thomas Cutter and F. W. Burgess. Summary of the events: 100-yard dash First heat. Mlllis, Y. M. C. A., first; Dammasch. M. A. A. C, sec ond; time, 0:10 4-5. Second heat, Blumen thal, M. A. A. C., first; Paris, S. A. C second; time, QUI. Final heat, Paris, S. A. C, first; Dammasch, -M. A. A. C, sec ond; time, 0:10 3-5. 120-yard hurdle First heat, Knox. U. ot O., first; Mlllis, Yx M. C. A., did not quali fy; time, 0:21 4-5. Second heat, Thomas, Olympic, first: Murphy, M. A. A. C. sec ond; time, 0:22. Final heat. Murphy, M. A. A. C first; Thomas, Olympic, second. Time, 0:19 1-5. High jump Kerrigan, M. A. A, C.. first; Knox, U. of O., second. Height, 5 feet 7 Inches. Broad Jump Kerrigan, M. A. A. C, first; Cutter, Olympic, second. Distance, 21 feet 1 Inch. 440-yard run Paris, S. A. C, first; Blu menthal, M. A. A. C, second. Time, 0.55 1-5. Half-mile runBurgess, Olympic, first; Davis, S. A. C, second. Time. 2:15 1-5. 220-yard dash Blumenthal, M. A. A. C. first; Paris, S. A. C. second. Time. 0:24 4-5. 'Pole vault Cutter, Olympic, first; Mur phy and Kerrigan tied for second place. Height, 10 feet 5 Inches. Mile run Davis. S. A. C., first; Geddls, Ariel Club, second. Time, 5:10. 220-yard hurdle First heat, Mlllis, Y. M. C A., first; Coman, M. A. A. C, second; time. 0:29 4-5, Final heat, Mlllis. Y. M. C. A., first; Coman, M. A. A. C, second. Relay race won by Multnomah. Decision Reversed. The regatta fudges met this morning and reversed their decision on yesterday's raco for 20-foot sloops by awarding the first prize to the GIsmonda and the sec ond to the Lark. The change was caused by a clerical error In figuring the time. General Beebe, owner ot the Muriel, has filed a protest against the new award and claims the second prize for his boat. FISHING SMACKS WRECKED. Fishermen Drowsed in a Gale in the t Gnlf of Georgia. VANCOUVER, B. C. Aug. 25.-There was a high gale on tho Gulf of Georgia last night, and today five overturned fishing smacks were found with the sails flat on the water about 15 miles from Vancouver. The occupants were un doubtedly drowned. Each boat contained from two to five fishermen, but their names have not yet been ascertained. Death in An Icehouse. CHICAGO, Aug. 25. A special to the Tribune from Detroit, Mich., says: Joseph Kronke, a butcher in the Polish district, known as the "King of Poles," a power In local politics, was accidentally killed In his Icehouse at tho rear of his store. Accompanied by an employe, Frank Haas, Kronke went Into the icehouse early this morning. They had barely be gun to chop when huge chunks of ice came tumbling down upon them. The floor gave way, and the two were thrown into the space below. Haas, who is slim, managed to squeeze out between the Ice blocks after an hour's exertion, but he was chilled and numbed with the cold. Rescuers worked for two hours before Kronke'3 body was taken out. There were no external marks of Injury, and it Is believed he was frozen to deattu- Three Yonnpr Women Dro-vrned. CORRY, Pa., Aug. 25. At Findlay Lake, Chautauqua County, New York, a Sum mer resort, today three prominent young women were drowned while bathing. They are: Miss Mamie Carr,-20; years oldT-North-east Pennsylvania. Miss Pearl Palmer, aged 19, Northeast Pennsylvania. Miss Llllle Conkle, aged 19, Pittsburg. The young women were bathing In xronc or tne iaKe jhouso, zd reet from the shore. Killed by Lightnlnff. ROCKFORD, 111., Aug. 25. The hardest storm In years passed over this city to day. Many houses were struck by light ning. William Brewer was killed In bed, and his wife was dangerously Injured. ITALIANS PROTEST. Louisville Catholics Complain of the Vicar-General's Action. WASHINGTON. Aug. 25 A protest has been sent to the papal legation by the leading Italians of Louisville, Ky., against the recent action of the Very Rev. Dr. Bouchet, vicar-general of that diocese, in refusing to conduct a solemn mortuary service in honor of King Humbert's mem ory. It says that Father Bouchet has consented to offer a simple low mass for this purpose, but declined to hold any more elaborate service. The present bishop of Louisville, Dr. WHIlam- McCIoskey, was for many years with the American College In Rome, and therefore ha3 decided vlew3 on the diffi culties existing between the Vatican and the Qulrlnal since 1S70. Whether his feel ings on this question have prompted him to support Father Bouchefs attitude against paying exemplary honors to King Humbert's memory Is not known, but the fact that he sustains his vicar-gen-eral's contention leads many Italians to Infer so. Archbishop Martinelll enjoys the right in this country of disciplining ny priest or prelate for breach of duty, but since the present action of Dr. Bou chet is no infraction of the moral law, it la evident that neither himself nor his local superior. Bishop McCIoskey, will incur any severe penalty. PROFESSOR TODD RETIRED, Head of the Nerval Obserratoxy Gives Up Active Worlc WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. Having reached the age limit. Professor H. T. Todd, United States Navy, director of the Nautical Almanac, retired today from ac tive scientific work as the head of the Na val Observatory, one of the most im portant scientific posts under the Gov ernment. He will be succeeded by Pro fessor S. J. Brown, the astronomical direc tor of the observatory. Professor Todd was graduated at the Naval Academy In 1S37. He served for two years under Captain Dupont in Chi nese waters and was present at the attack on the Taku forts In 1858 and at Tien Tsln when the treaty was signed. He was next ordered to duty on the coast of Africa and took part in the capturing of thoslaver Erie with 197 slaves on board Professor Todd served throughout the Civil War as Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander, being Flag Lieutenant of the Cumberland at the Norfolk Navy-Yard when Sumter was fired on. He was In 1SS6 ordered to duty In the Nautical Alma nac office, continuing until he became director of the Nautical Almanac, which position he held on retirement. Marquis Ito's Manifesto. YOKOHAMA, Aug. 25. Marquis Ito, formerly Prime Minister, has Issued a manifesto setting forth the alms of his party, which Is called the Constitutional Political Association, and from the ranks of which the next Cabinet will probably be drawn. The manifesto emphasizes the fact that the .appointment and dismissal of thefflIInisters are constitutional pre rogatives of the sovereign, and that when the Ministers are in office it Js not per missible to their party to Interfere In the discharge of their duties. The press urges the sending of troops to Corea.. The Cabinet hesitates, but a Japanese cruiser has been sent to the vicinity ot Gensan. TO DEAL WITH Powers Trying to Find Head of China. the MAY CALL UPON THE VICEROY! Attitude of the French Government- Distrust of Von "Wniaersee De cline of the Exposition. PARIS, Aug. 25L The Vloeroya of tha various provinces of China may be con voked to choose some one of weight in the empire to deal with the powers in es tablishing such a government as will as- 1 sure the fulfillment of whatever terms tha powers shall dictate in settlement of their claims arising from the recent outrages and one who will give satisfactory guar antees of a complete change ot Chinese policy towards the outside world. Such a solution has been suggested In diplo matic circles, but with most of the corps absent on vacation, and President Loubet and M. Delcasse, Minister of Foreign Af fairs, out of town, the Idea has not as sumed a crystallized form. Hope still exlst3 that a strong central power will be found In Pekln which will constitute the best guarantee for the future, the best means of securing reparation for tho wrongs suffered by Europeans and the best safeguard against division among; the powers themselves. Now that the allied forces have entered the forbidden city, the necessity for tho maintenance of concord among the pow ers Is most pressing. Yet fears are In creasing that the strain of conflicting in terests and ambitions may cause a cleav age among the nations interested. This danger has been demonstrated already by tho Individual action of Russia in seizing the present opportunity to extend her frontier into Manchuria and the recent Incident regarding tho landing ot British troops at Shanghai. French Policy Explained. Whllo no official statement is forth coming as to the position of France, In the absence fTomTParis of tho3e in control of her foreign policy, the following, emanating from an official associated with, the French Government, expresses the views of the Foreign Office at the pres ent Juncture: "We have no revenge to seek in China, and we havo no intention to demand such recompensatlon in the shape ot Indem nities as will create resentment against foreigners. Our policy will be one ot liberal education, the effort to teach this great mas3 of people to trust and regard Europeans favorably. In the end this may result In the advancement of civili zation for the one and commercial pros perity for the other. Thoso who think that a change of government will change the character of the Chinese people have not a broad understanding ot the deep seated. Ideas which centuries have bred in 'them. To make a radical upheaval of their form of government Just at this time would do more harm than good. We shall attempt to find a suitable person ot liberal ideas toward foreigners who will assume tha reins of government. Our position follows the identical lines of tho United States in nearly every instance Commercially, we wish the broadest In ternational construction to be "placed upon foreign privileges, and it 13 a fact that had not your country declared an 'open door at the time It did. France herself would have done so. The reply made by the United States to Li Hung Chang's request for the appointment ot an emissary to act with a view to a set tlement and tha establishment of peace receives general approval here. Franco will take a similar position, for we must be assured that we are negotiating with a concrete body and not with a shadow. While we have special commercial in terests in Yunnan and Sze Chuen. our de sire to develop that region would be de feated should wa act on narrow, selfish, ideas there." The small anti-governmental papers ara still barking over tha acceptance by Franca of Field Marshal Count von Waldersee as Commander-in-Chief of tho allied forces In China, and the sincerity of Russia's friendship Is impugned, as these papers say that it waa Russia that suggested Count Waldersee as the Commander-in-Chief. The Ganlol3 calls at tentlon to tha fact that at a conference presided over by Prince Bismarck when outside of Paris, in a discussion as to whether Paris should be taken by assault; Count Waldersee expressed tho wish to "see this Babylon entirely destroyed." A serious situation has arisen, according to reports from Marseilles and Toulon, on tha French-Morocco frontier. Troops aro said to be massing In great numbers In dangerous proximity to tho Algerian fron tier, and Morocco tribesmen. It 13 asserted, ara raiding French territory. Instruc tions are said to have been received at the Mediterranean Naval Station direct ing the French naval authorities to pre pare to dispatch artillery and stores to Algeria, while orders for contingents of troops from Algeria and Tunis for the far East have been countermanded. In of ficial circles in Paris, although it Is ad mitted that the situation needs watching, it Is thought decidedly Improbable that the Morocco Government Intends to con duct hostile operations against Algeria. Fetes for the Exposition. The commission appointed to organize fetes at the exposition in order to galvan ize the show Into something like brilliancy and thus attract visitors announces that two great fete3 will be given in addi tion to the Venetian fetes already an nounced. The first will be a fete ot flowers, held the first week In September, and the second will be vintage festivities September 15. The first will be made the occasion for a gigantic flower show and a battle of flowers. The second will comprise an exhibition of French wine products and a procession of allegorical cars. Although it has been suggested that tha duration of the exposition be ex tended, It Is officially announced now that the great show will close November 5. The exhibition has given a pretext for unusual license In the display of so-called "post cards," bearing suggestive and in many cases obscene pictures. Rue Beran ger, a life Senator and a leading spirit in the reform movement here, took up the matter, members ot the opera corps and ballet representatives having protested that their features were attached to pho tographs in indelicate scenes. These cards were openly displayed In shop windows and on the boulevards. The poilca or ganized a general raid, and in one day seized 50,000 "post cards," 600 photographs and four mutoscopes on the north bank of the Seine alone. Similar operations on the south bank are affording an equal ly good and plentiful harvest. YaauM Sued for Pence. CHICAGO, Aug. 23. A special to tha Chronicle from El Paso, Tex., says: The Yaqul Indians who have been fight ing the Mexican troops in Sonora havo sued for peace. Two thousand ot tha bucks yet under arms refuse to join tha tribal negotiations, fearing that It means annihilation.