The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 19, 1900, Image 1

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    TOL. XTX, NO. 38.
Evidently Some Hard Fighting
at Pekin.
International Situation at Snansrhal
Assumes a. Dongrerous Aspect,
Mixed Troops Belnsr Loaded.
WASHINGTON, Aug. IS. The Govern
ment, now fully satisfied by tho advices
that the international troops have entered
Pekin and that the Legatloners. are
saved, is calmly awaiting detailed state
ments from its own officers. Dispatches
were received today from General Barry
at Che Foo, and Consul-General Good
now, at Shanghai, repeating' the main
fact of the capture and relief. General
-Barry wired:
Che Foo. Adjutant-General, "Washing
ton Taku, Aug. 17. Indiana transport
arrived on the Ifith. All are weU. Will
.go to the front. Pekin taken 35th. le
gations safe. BAPJRT."
Neither Oeneral Chaffee nor Admiral
Remey were heard from, however, and
It is to them, particularly to the Ameri
can commander at Pekin, that the Gov
ernment looks for advices, not only on
what has occurred, but on the local de
velopments, from which an intelligent de
termination can be made of what still
remains to be done.
The dispatch from General Tamaguchl,
giving the details of the capture of Pe
kin, was accepted by the "War Depart
ment officials as giving the most satis
factory account thus rar received. Gen
eral Tamaguchl is in command of the
Fifth Army Corps, with the rank of
Mojor-General, and is regarded as one
of the fighting Generals of the Japanese
Army. His report discloses for the first
time that the Americans shared in the
assault on the city, and that they
marched with the British troops to the
south gate, while the Japanese and Rus
sians operated against the east gate.
"What was most noticeable in the Japan
ese report was that the Japanese killed
are given at 100 and the Chines killed
at 400. This makes no account of the
wounded, and indicates that when tho
detailed list is received It will be a heavy
one, as the wounded always far exceed
the killed. Furthermore, tho report
states that the loss of the allies has not
been ascertained. This is the first inti
mation that there were losses other than
those sustained by the Japanese. The
entire tenor of the report indicates that
the engagement was a. fierce one, lasting
throughout the day of August 15, as the
attack began early in the morning, and
the blowing up of the gates did not oc
cur until nightfall.
Even with the Chinese capital occupied
by the allied forces, it Is realized that
there is still serious business for the
force inside the city. "While they have
the entire city, yet there are wallsVith
ln walls, and it remains to bo seen wheth
er an attempt will be made to enter the
Imperial city, forming a distinct section
of Pekin proper. The inner walls are
comparatively light, however, not being
ahove 30 feet high, and the military au
thorities say that they cannot even with
stand light artillery. If there is nny dis
position to breach them. Moreover, as
the allied troops have breached the great
outer wall, 60 feet high, and far more
formidable than the inner walls, they
would have comparatively little difficulty
in moving where the commanders desired
in the city.
Aside from tho question of withdrawal
of troops from China, there Is the fur
ther question of the withdrawal of trooDs
from Pekin. Both of these questions
are for the present in abeyance, pending
definite news from General Chaffee and
Minister Conger. Certainly there can bo
no immediate withdrawal from Pekin,
and the Government is yet to learn what
plans will be devised for escorting the.
Degatloners and the several thousand
native Christians to the coast.
Mr. Wu, the Chinese Minister, tonight
received an official cablegram announc
ing the entry of the allied forces Into
Pekin, tho night of the 15th. It was sent
by L.1 Hung Chang, and transmitted to
Mr. Wu by the Chlnei, Minister in Lon
don. The text of the dispatch was not
given out, but it was -explained that the
message was a simple announcement
from the Chinese Government, confirma
tory of the other advices reporting the
fall of tire Chinese capital.
The Shanghai Issue.
Tl PrwtWent, Socrctary Root. Acting
Secretary ef State Adee, Acting Secre
tary of the Navy Kackett and other of
ficials were in conference during the
afternoon. It was said afterward that
no additional details had come concern
ing Pekin, and it was understood that
the conference had to do with the situa
tion at Shanghai. Word reached the
Navy Department during the afternoon
that the United States cruiser New Or
leans, with 300 men. had reached Shang
hai, at which point the British warships
and transports are already In force,
while the French, Russians and Germans
are hurrying their men to the same desti
nation. The American Government so
far has kept cut or the entanglement,
and, in view of tho reported landing of
tho troops by some of the powers, it was
stated that the landing of American
trocps had never been contemplated.
Although the officials declined to give
out any specific information, it is under
stood generally that the Government is
in possesion of word that the landing of
the Br'tish force- war begun todav, and
it was probable that this would be fol
lowed by the landing ef German and
French forces. As these several forces
had as tho ostensible purpose of their
larding an maintenance of peace and
order, it is not assumed to be likely that
-any disorder can arise from the course
pursued. A3 a result of the conference
held today, it Is believed that a dispatch
was forwarded to the commander of the
New Orleans, advising him of the course
to be pursued.
The general situation at Shanghai,
caused by the proposed landing of Brit
ish troops, and the protests of Germany
and France, continues to be strained, al
though the authorities are rather more
hopeful of a satisfactory adjustment
than heretofore. The State Department
does not treat the matter as at all grave,
and regards it rather as a misunderstand
ing, one side holding that British activity
is confined to Shanghai, while the other
insists that this activity is designed to
cover uie whole Tangtse region. One oH
uipwinsuc omuais wno nas been
most active in the affair said today that
In any event there could be no serious
rupture. Even if troops' were landed, it
would increase the security and order
prevailing. It seems to be accepted that
if the British troops land. German and
Frrncb, and possibly Russian, troops also
will land. About 1QM French troops have
arrived at Hong Kong, destined for
Shanghai, and German ships are now on
their way to tho same point.
The German, irrench and Russian
Charge d'Affalres called separately at
tno state Department today. The sirua-
ti on was discussed, but no important
changes developed.
The general policy of the Government
toward China heretofore has been made
known both to General Chaffee and Min
ister Conger, and it was stated authori
tatively tonight tnat there was no neces
slty for sending these officials additional
The fact Is emphasised by Administra
tion officials that the policy of the Gov-,
eminent Is stated in Secretary Hay's note
of July S, and that nothing can be added
now to that document, excepfNan elabo
ration of the points stated therein.
Imbroglio Beginning to Assume a
Serious Aspect.
LONDON, Aug. IS. Whatever of in
terest might attach to the events reported
In tho night's dispatches la destroyed by
the capture of Pekin. as most of the mes
sages relate to matters preceding and
leading to the capture of the Chinese cap
ital. General Llnevitch, Commander of
the Russian troops In Pi Chi Li, reports
to St. Petersburg that August 12 the Chi
nese intended to give battle at Che Sin,
where were concentrated 60 battalions of
the best Manchu troops, commanded by
General Tung Fuh Slang, but, losing cour
age, they retreated, not waiting for an
attack to be made.
The eyes of tho world, which have been
fixed hitherto on Pekin, are turning to
Shanghai, where an imbroglio resulting
from the jealousy and suspicion of tho
powers will possibly shortly assume a
serious aspect. The British) landed
Goorkas and Bombay regiments Friday,
and France Is hurrying 1700 Tonkin troops
thither, some of whom are reported to
have arrived already. The situation in
tho Valley of the Tangtse Klang at Wu
Chang is serious. Chang Chi Tung's
troops mutinied, but the outbreak was
Russia's campaign in Manchuria seems
to bo progressing satisfactorily. General
Orlleff, chief of staff of the Russian
forces in China, reported August 14 that
he attacked the Chinese at Medua Chi
August 12 and subsequently advanced to
Tak Shi and captured an abundance of
stores. The Chinese are said to be gath
ering in force in the neighborhood of
Kobdu, from which place thef Russian
and Tartar residents have departed.
A Berlin dispatch, dated this (Sunday)
morning, says the German battalions ar
rived in Tien Tsln Thursday.
Baton for Von Waldersee.
CASSBL, Prussia, Aug. 18. In the
throneroom of tho palace here at noon
today. In the presence of Field Marshal
von Waldersee and his staff. Emperor
William presented to the Count a field
marshal's baton and made an appropriate
speech, to which Von Waldersee replied.
A dinner followed, and His Majesty toast
ed the Austrian Emperor. At 3:45 P. M.
Von Waldersee started for Berlin, the
Emperor embracing and kissing him aa
he left.
French. Troops "Will Land.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 18. In consequence
of the landing of British troops, the
French have arranged to land 150 blue
jackets at their concession.
General "Wood Aiding: in Its Recon
struction. VICTORIA DE IDAS TUNAS, Province
of Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 18.-3overnoi-General
"Wood and his party left Puerto
Padre yesterday and arrived at Las Tunas
last night in the saddle. He made an ap
propriation here for the reconstruction of
schools, charitable institutions and the
hospital, and roads to Manlta City, which
have been in complete ruin since 1897,
when they were destroyed br the Cubans.
The population was then 5000; now it is
800, as a result of the war. The populace
showed General "Wood great gratitude.
An officer of the Tenth Cavalry has been
placed in charge of the reconstruction.
The country is absolutely peaceful, and
the bandits have been wiped out. The
heavy cedar and lumber interests in the
country will likely flourish again after the
reconstruction of the roads.
Kempff Is at Cavite.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. The flagship
Newark, having on noara Admiral
Kempff, arrived at Cavite, P. L, today,
from Taku.
American troops shared In the assault on Pe
kin. Pace 1.
The Shanghai muddle is beginning to asauma
a serious aspect, international troops being
landed. Pare 1.
The British Foreign Office explains the Shang
hai affair. Page 2.
Frenchmen accuse England of dnpllcltr at
Shanghai. Pace 11.
Lord Roberts will be recalled from Africa la
October and appointed Commander-in-Chief
of the British Army. Page 2.
President Loubet awarded the prises et tho
exposition. Pace 11.
Another attempt was made to asaasslnats the
Two -person were killed in an accident at
the Paris Exposition. Pago 2.
Minister Conrer may take the stump for Mo-
Klnley. Pace 2.
Democrats are urced to organise city ssd
precinct clubs. Pag-e 2.
Caleb Powers wa convicted of complicity' in
the Goebel murder and sentenced to life
Imprisonment. Page 1.
Foreign anarchists, said to have come to this
country to assassinate HcKijiley, are under
arrest In New Tork. Page 3.
The Typographical Union refused to enter tha
political field. Page 11.
Pacific Coast.
Army will aid destitute miners at Cape Noma,
feeding there those that cannot be gotten
home. Page 4.
Contract has been let for the construction cl
the Klamath Falls Hallway. Page 4.
Oregon Hcpgrowers Association offers to con
tract to buy hops at 11 cents. Pa?e 4.
Cruiser T&coms, soon to be built at Ban 5ra-
Cisco. Is described. Page 1.
Commercial nml Marine.
Export of cold from New Torfc attended by
rising prices for stocks. Page 18.
Exports of gold from New Tork last week were
$8,341,800. Page IS.
Demands may require Bank of 'England to
take additional steps to attract gold to Lon
don. Page IS.
Shipments of lumber from Washington for tho
year Just ended amount, approximately, to
$1,500,003. Pago 10.
Paget Sound salmon pack' for this season is
about 199,000 cases, compared with 028.000
for 1689. Page 19.
British ship Fraaklstan clears for Europe
with 11S.S50 bushels of wb&t. valued at
565,030. Page 19.
Steamer Argyll, formerly British, grrea an
American register. Page 19.
Unlrrlgated crops In Idaho suffering- from
drouth. Page 19.
Xoang man shoots out the eye of a lad with
an air gun. Page 10.
Five-year-old girl on the East Side Is scalded
to death with boiling water. Pago 11.
Fund for the ransom of young VeavHIe more
than half raised. Pago 20.
Not Speedy Novelties but Sub
stantial Sea Fighters.
Tills Ship Is to Be Built at the Union
Iron Worlds Her Complete Mod
ern Equipment.
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. In the course
of about two years, the United States
Navy will be Increased uy six new pro
tected cruisers of the smaller type, of
which the Tacoma is one. Tnese six
ships were named for as many towns of
moderate proportions In different parts of
the United States, although the size of the
cruisers is in no way a reflection upon
the towns that have, been honored. In
preparing the plans for these crulserB,
the Navy Department has nad an eye to
compactness, stability, completeness, and
at the same time durability.
The old Idea that for a time neld sway
in favor of freak ships, those that would
develop wonderful bursts of speed, those
that would draw the least water, or those
that carried the heaviest guns, has passed
away, and the . ships that are being de
signed today are intended for thorough
going fighting machines, that will be able
to give a good account of themselves if
engaged, and will not be lost through
some weakness in construction or design.
Such vessels are the Tacoma and Its
These vessels are being nullt in vari
ous yards throughout the country, that
at the Union Iron Wonts being named
the Tacoma, out of courtesy to the Pa
cific Coast and the Coast builders. Work
on the first cruisers of this type, the
Denver, has progressed more-'rapldly than
on any of the others, but It is not con
templated at this time that any of the
contractors will request an extension of
time in which to comtitoro the war.
The Tacoma Is one of a dans of eItt
protected crulBers, all built on the same
lines, with the same equipment ar d arma
ment. The companion ships are 1 he Den
ver, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Galveston
and Cleveland, named for the respective
cities of those names. In one respect, that
of being sheathed and coppered, these
cruisers are a radical departure from
previous practice. It was a hard fight be
tween the Chief Constructor of the Navy,
Admiral Hltchborn, and the other mem-,
bers of the Naval Board, to secure this
feature, which Insures cleaner bottoms
for a longer time than can otherwise be
obtained. In all other essential features
the Tacoma and class are tnoroughly up
to date. For many years Chief Construc
tor Hlchborn stood almost- nlhno tn nl
advocacy of sheathing for ships' bottoms,
but "persistent argument, combined with
many object-lessons from the reports of
our ships in service, which tended to
sProve.the statements In .favor of-sheath-lngjatlas't
overcame the 'strong prejudice
against It, and all of the 12 ships au
thorized by the last, Congress, three first
class battle-ships, three first-class ar
mored cruisers, and six protected cruis
ers, are to be sheathed and coppered.
Owing to the action" of the last Con
gress In providing for armor-plate, work
on these cruisers has been greatly de
layed. The Tacoma, to be built at the
Union-Iron Works, at San Francisco, has
not yet been begun, and the most for
ward ships of the class, the Denver, is
yet but 20 per cent completed. The Ta
coma will, be about the size of the Ra
lelprh and Cincinnati, but ran mnflpm in
design and equipment. The latter ships
were designed at a time when the craze
for speed at all costs reached its maxi
mum, and to attain, this extreme speed,
which could only be maintained for a few
weeks after they were docked -and
cleaned, on account of their rapidly foul
ing unsheathed bottoms, too many other
qualities were sacrificed, and they are
now being altered to remedy this defect.
The Tacoma was designed ror a speed of
16 knots, but will make 17 knots when
pushed, while the Raleigh and Cincinnati
were designed for a speed of 19 knots.
The former will bo able to maintain her
speed practically indefinitely, while the
latter could scarcely maintain a speed of
15 knots, and that with an extensive con
sumption of coal. The horsepower re
quired In tho Tacoma is 4500, as compared
with 10,000 in the Raleigh and Cincinnati,
which means less than half the weight
of propelling machinery.
Uhe Tacoma will have a total length of
SOS feet, with a length on the water-lino
of 292 feet, and a 43-foot beam or breadth.
Under ordinary conditions she will draw
15 feet 6 inches of -water, but when loaded
to her fullest capacity coal, ammunition,
etc. this draft will be increased to 16 feet
8 inches. When so loaded, she will have
a displacement of 3i00 tons, and will carry
700 tons of coal. The propelling engines
of the Tacoma are of the vertical, In
verted, four-cylinder, triple-expansion
type, supplied by six water-tube boilers.
The main battery of the Tacoma and
sister ships will consist of 10 five-Inch 50
callber breech-loading rapid-fire guns of
the most modem type used In the-Navy.
This will be assisted by an auxiliary bat
tery made up of eight six-pounder rapid
fire guns, two one-pounders, and four
Colt machine guns. The sail area of the
Tacoma will be .greater In proportion than
that carried by most of the vessels of the
Navy, being 6000 square feet, which Is
counted as a valuable auxiliary power In
time of emergency.
rne guns win an De designed for
smokeless powder, and the five-inch guns
will be more effective than the old type
of six-Inch guns. Eight of them will be
mounted on the main deck In recessed
ports, the four forward ones having a
range from right forward to 60 degrees
abaft the beam. The four afterguns will
range from right aft to 60 degrees before
the beam. The two remaining flve-lnah
guns will be mounted behind shields on
the spar deck, one forward and one aft.
Four slx-pounders will be mounted on the
main deck, two forward and two amid
ships, and four more on the spar deck.
The two one-pounders will be mounted on
the main deck, and the Colt machine gun
on the top of tho hammock berthing
The coal capacity of the Tacoma with
bunkers full 700 tons Is sufficient to give
her a radius of action at full speed of
about 2600 miles. At the most economical
rate of steaming, probably in the neigh
borhood of 10 knots per hour, she will
be able to steam about 9S00 miles without
recoaling, or more than sufficient to take
her from San Francisco to Manila. The
ammunition supply will bo large, as It
should be to make rapid-fire guns effect
ive. For each of the five-inch guns sho
will carry 250 rounds, and for each of
the slx-pounders 500 rounds.
The wood material used In the con
struction of the hull will be reduced to a
minimum. 'All the bulkheads on the gun
and berth decks will be of metal, and she
will be fitted with a pilot-house on the
spar deck built entirely of non-magnetic
metal. "Where It Is necessary to use wood
for any, purpose, it -will be treated with
the electric flreprooling process before
being worked. A water-tight deck cov
ered with half-Inch plate will be worked
from stem to stem, the sides sloping
down to three feet below the water-line,
and the flat or midship portion rising 18
Inches above It This will be the line of
the berth deck for the greater part of
the length, but toward the ends It will
slope down. On top of the water-tight
deck at the sides, a belt of obturating
material will be worked, covering the
water-line for the whole length of the
ship. All of the propelling machinery.
Bteering-gear and magazines will be below
the water-tight deck. The rig will be
two-masted schooner, with slemal-varda
at- the foremast.
The Tacoma will have two searchlights
an eiectric signaling system and a com-
nlnfft Installation nt alm. ll,Vit- mk.
blowers for ventilattoiTaria th$c"W!'
wincnes will be operated by electricity.
She will carry one 30-foot steam cutter,
one 30-foot launch, two 2-foot cutxers,
two 26-foot cutters, one 28-foot whale
boat gig, one 28-foot whaleboat and one
IS-foot dingy. The complement will be 27
officers, 23S seamen and 2S marines.
Population Shown by Census to Be
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. The popula
tion of Greater New York, as Indicated bj
tho count. Just completed at the Census
Office, Is 3,437,202. This lnchides the pop
ulation of -the Boroughs of Manhattan
and Bronx, previously announced, and
those of Brooklyn, Richmond and Queens.
An approximate estimate of the increase
since 1S90 shows it to have been 37.9 per
Canadian Pacific Strilce.
WINNIPEG, Man., Aug. 18. The Cana
dian Pacific Railroad strikers not settled
yet: in fact, a member of the eeneral
committee stated today that, although the'
aiuea mechanics had almost come to
terms, the boiler-makers and machinists
were as far from a settlement today as
they were when they went out. It Is un
derstood that some disagreement has
sprung up in regard to the wage clause
In the schedule. The men do not look
for a settlement for probably another
'iJhp? Sf3lK$
Powers Convicted of Com
plicity in Goebel Murder.
Tno ex-Secretary Dased Toy tho De
cision of tho Jury Closing Arjrn
xacnt in the Case
GEORGETOWN, Ky., Aug. 18. The ver
dict of the jury In the case of ex-Secretary
of State Caleb Powers, charged with
being on accessory before the fact to the
murder of William Goebel. wast
"We find the defendant guilty and fix
his punishment at confinement in the pen
itentiary for the rest of his natural life."
The Jury retlred'at 1:32 P. M. and re
turned its verdict at 3:25, being- out only
53 minutes. Juror Craig stated after
ward that the verdict could have been
' -rtrtvHiasjijl6M' jsjw
.irwrf ".
returned even sooner, but considerable
time was taken up reading the Instruc
tions. The vote in favor of a life sen
'tence was unanimous.
When the Jury retired the belief was
general that ,they would not agree, and
in' this opinion the defendant was firmly
convinced. "When the verdict was re
turned, Powers, for the first time during
the weary six weeks or the trial, be
trayed his feelings. Under ill of the try
ing incidents of the trial he had main
tained" a changeless expression, the same
whether things were going favorably or
against him. The verdict of guilty, how
ever, staggered him, apparently. He was
sifting near the door of the Juryroom,
'and when the Jury knocked upon the
door summoning the Sheriff his face took
on an anxious look that was noticeable,
but did not appear to be particularly ap
prehensive. When the 12 men filed Into
the room and took their seats and the
clerk called the roll of the Jurors, the
prisoner did not appear to be more ex
cited than the throng or spectators, who
craned their necks to catch tho first in
timation af the verdict.
"Have you made a verdict, gentlemen7"
Inquired the court.
"We have," the Jurors assented, and
at the same time Mr. Stone, the fore
man, passed the verdict up to the clerk,
who Tead It aloud. Powers, already pale,
grew ghastly as the verdict waa read.
i-l'Jr-'2 "ijSifiijig! irri
and hla face betokened great mental an
guish. This was only for a few seconds,
however, and then, regaining his com
posure, he turned to the Misses Danger
field, who had been in conversation with
him, and said:
T was not expectlny that. The ver
dict is unjust."
There was no demonstration following
the verdict, and the crowd filed out of
the Courthouse almost in silence. Fpw
ers remained in the courtroom for some
time after the verdict was rendered, In
conference with his attorneys, who will
at once move for a new trial, and. fall
ing In that, will make an appeal.
The last day of the tnal found the
Courthouse more densely packed than
ever. Hundreds who applied for admis
sion were turned away. Commonwealth's
Attorney Franklin, who closed the case
for the state today, promised In advance
not to deal in personal villlflcatlon and
abuse which had characterized the
speeches of some of the attorneys.
During the presentation of the case by
Mr. Franklin, Powers sat as usual with
his counsel and showed no emotion. Just
behind him sat Mrs. Henry Toutsey, wife
of one of the alleged conspirators. Ar
thur Goebel occupied a seat with the
prosecution and Senator Harbison, the
successor of Goebel in the Senate, and
his law partner, sat behind him.
Franklin said that the state of facts
admitted by Powers showed him guilty of
treason, even prior to the murder of
Goebel. Powers, though he had taken
an oath when sworn In as Secretary of
State that he would uphold and defend
the constitution and the laws of the
state, had confessed on the witness stand
"that he and those associated with him
meant to defy at least ne of those laws,
and in furtherance of that design ho
organized a band of braves for the pur
pose of Intimidation and murder, when
both the murder and the Intimidation had
'failed In its purpose, Powers and others
had tried to overthrow tho state govern
ments The spectacle of an ex-Governor
of the state (referring to Brown) defend
ing a man who had confessed as much as
Powers, he said, was both surprising and
humiliating. In conclusion. Attorney
Franklin bitterly arraigned Powers for
what he termed his conspiracy to cover
up his own crime and let the guilt fall
upon Toutsey.
The argument was concluded at 1130.
Judge Cantrill adjourned-court until 1
o'clock, when the case was given form
ally into the hands of tno Jury.
When the Jurymen entered the Juryroom
Juror Stone, the oldest one on the panel,
was elected formeman. Juror Porter, the
only Republican on the Jury, the first to
speak, said:
(Concluded on Second Page.)
- - w - w - -vm'
Paris Exposition Award Falls
to O. R. & N. Co,
Display Conslsta of Over DO Different
Varieties of "Wheat "Wo rS; o2
Collecting tho Sane,
According to cablegrams to The Ore
gonlan received yesterday, tho O. R. &
N. Co., with headquarters at Portland,
waa awarded the first prize, or grand
gold medal, for the best exhibit of cereola
at the Paris Exposition.
While It naturally follows that the peo
ple of Oregon and "Washington will receive
the news of the award with gr;eat delight
and gratification, in reality it is a sting
ing rebuke to their lack of appreciation
of one of the many wonderful productions
peculiar to the two states. Several of the
largo Individual wheat-ral3ers, who had
pledged their attention to a proper show
ing, failed to moke good their well-meaning
intentions In. the matter, and it waa
only at the eleventh hour that the. O.
R. & N. Co., and more particularly tholr
live, energetic Industrial agent, R; C. Jud
son. took hold of the preparation of the
exhibit, which has won for Itself lasting
and highly enviable fame.
M. EL Carleton, assistant pathologist
and expert authority on wheat culture for
the United States Department of Agri
culture, was a visitor to the exposition
held in Portland last year. While ho
evinced great interest in the several dis
plays, his attention and admiration waa
most forcibly directed to that of cereals.
He regarded the production as something
wonderful, and promptly decided that it
would be to tha credit and advantage of
this Government If such a. display could
be- secured for tho great fair across the
waters. Ho accordingly arranged with
several farmers in tho Northwest for
samples of their crops in this line. Prom
ises were easily secured, but their ful
fillment proved another thing. Just at
the time when failure seemed; certain,
Mr. Carleton appealed to the O. R. & N.
Co. for assistance in tho matter. The
communication was turned over to In
dustrial Agent JUdson, and, with the
hearty approval of Traffic Manager
Campbell, ho at once energetically set
out to comply with tho request.
It may bo well to stato that among
the several exhibtta examined by Mr.
Carleton, during hla visit to tho exposi
tion, was tho ono offered by tho O. R. &
N. Co. from their experiment station
at "Walla Walla, This will bo recalled as
a wonderful illustration, of tha possibil
ities of the industry in the state. While
tho company is ever free to proffer tho
same for any legitlmata purpose, it pre
ferred' that tho Individual growers be
given the preference, and their efforts
The exhibit as prepared by tho O. R.
& N. Co. consisted of 53 different vari
eties of wheat, and a few samples of
oats and barley. "I was confident that
they would prove world-beaters," re
marked Mr. Judson yesterday afternoon.
"I had exercised great core In the selec
tion of the seed, and drew upon all parts,
of the globe for them. Tha display wa3
certainly a magnificent one, and we aro
more than pleased to learn that our opin
ion is shared by those in authority at
The grain went from Portland by ex
press in a neatly framed and pointed
package, and was thus afforded a good
reception at Washington. The story of
Its arrival at that point and the arrange
ment of the display is well told by the
annexed letter, written by Mr. Carleton
to Mr. Judson:
"Dear Slrt Tour consignment, of cere
als, as requested, for the Exposition at
Paris, received in good order. Tour sam
ples are of excellent quality, and show
to advantage tho great fertility of the
boundless Northwest. These specimens
will moke a fine display. Tour exhibit
is entirely of panels, showing grain in
the straw, and to give you an Idee of its
prominence, I will say thai we will have
45 separate entries, while there are- only
120 entries in all. Largo placard labels
will be placed over groups of your sam
ples bearing the words r 'Collective Ex
hibit of the Oregon Railroad & Naviga
tion Company, Portland, Oregon.
"One box of groin, in one-quart bags,
will be given as samples to those who
may wish to experiment with the cereals
from your great wheat fields of the Pa
cific Coast.
"In closing. I wish to thank you again
very much for your hearty co-operation
in this work. I am sure that your exhibit
will be a great csredit to the Northwest.
Very truly yours,
"Hi Charge- of Cereal Ihvestigatlona."
The box of grain. In quart bags, men
tioned in the letter, was secured by Mr.
Judson from the several wheat-raisers
along the line of the O. R. & N. Rail
road. The socks were made from goods
of very fine quality4, and carried a puck
ering string of red, white and blue ribbon,
and the following printed inscription, in
brilliant scarlet ink: "Raised along the
line of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company; headquarters, Portland, Or.,
U. S. A." In each package was a neatly
printed card bearing the name of the
grower, the variety of the grain, the yield
per acre and hs pojtofflce address. These
samples are intended for distribution In
the principal wheat centers of the United
Kingdom, and it 13 left to the Depart
ment of Agriculture to see to the success
ful carrying out of this programme.
Mr. Judson says his Idea In accompany
ing these small packages by the men
tioned data was to satisfy the several re
cipients, should they compare notes, that
the samples were from several fields and
not from one particularly favored section.
The effect of this remarkable recognition
of the resources of the Northwest will
be far-reaching. The attention of the
newspapers all over the world will not'
only be arrested, but a mighty factor Is
the direction of immigration will assert
Itself. The O. R. & N. Co. has covered
Itself with glory, and at the game time
rendered the section In which it operates
a service of great worth.
Suicide of a. Netv Torlrer.
SAN FRIANCrSCO. Aug. 38. Philip
Koenlgberger, a New Tork tobacco-dealer,
who cut his throat In a Point Loboe-ave-nue
barber shop Wednesday, died at tha
French Hospital today from the effects
of these self-inflicted injuries. The phy
sicians believe that Koenlgberger was
temporarily Insane when he used the
razor. He leaves a widow and three
grown children. Mrs. Koenlgberger and
her daughter are now traveling in Eu
rope. One son resides in New Tork. and
another in Deadwood. S. D. The relatives
have been notified. Koenlgberger was a
native of Germany, and Si years of age.
He sold his Interest In the firm, at B. Ev
N. Schwartz since his arrived hsxo six
weeks ago.