X THE SUNDAY "OEEGONIAN, PORTIAMf, rAT70UST 12, 1900. tfSEND OUT NEEDY ivernment Relief for Desti- it& Cape Nome Argonauts. RANDALL'S REPRESENTATIONS Eatl-mate TJiat 3000 Men "Will feed Aid Xctt Army Post to Be 1'amcd Davis. fASniNGTON', Aug. IL General Ran- commander of the Department of cka, has made the following report in the condition at Nome: It present there are about 15,000 per ls in and about Komc. It is estimated re -Rill he 1090 destitute hre at the se of navigation. I request that I be -rrlzed to .send all destitute persons cf the country by any vessel avali- :n cas Army transports are not se.' post site has been selected at the Kth of Nome River, three and one- f miles east of Nome. The work of Istrrrtlon now Is progressing rapidly. fceral Randall recommends that the post Ix named "Davis' In honor of icral Jefferson C. Davis, -who corn- idea the first troops in Alaska. Ho reports that he has chartered tile Iboat Meteor And has collected the des pite natives between Slnrock and Top- : and encamped them on the beacn it cf the Nome River. The command- ofQccr of that camp has been directed ifurnish subsistence and medical as rce. Reports Indicate that the na- cb all a one the coast are dying; of sashes and pneumonia Smallpox has p cherked, no new cases having been hcrtcd In 32 days. .1 the recommendations of General -.da!!, above noted, have received the broval of the Secretary of War. trCH GOLD, BUT XOT ENOUGH. bvr Miners Spread Ont Over the Cape TV'omc Country. 'OME, Alaska, July 28. An army of rTtors nas spread out over the coun--nd up to this time it must be con- sed that the results attained have been .er unsatisfactory- About Nome the arpectTS found the country staked for try rr.Jes, the large size of the claims ctcsj having made it possible for a Irparatlvcly small number of indrvld- !s, ty power of attorney and other pio-is, to secure large tracts of land. It even the hill slopes and vast ex- -s"s or tunara having been spared by i ubiquitous locator. In conseouence E-rgo pc-ccntage of claims remain un- MCC1, 'While Willlntr nrosncrtnrK -r I re c'ar for new fields. To add to the t.es a drought has niwaiini 'i creeks like Dexter and Snow Gulch r?z De worrtea. and there is not wa- enough on Anvil Creek to fumi p-r fr more than a third of the men ...... - j developments on many creeks l:o district which were supposed to r.rh have shown them to be spotted. i mo creeks much work hns hn ne, and the work proving nrofitle.! th i"-i:! hrve been abandoned, and up to """ " J,cw w-ks m tne .Nome "fri"t have made a. ronntntinn . pt on?y to a moderate degree. ' i u ouier nana gold in large quan cs has been found where least ex i ted, notably on the divide v.o. :i and Dexter, where in the past ' weeks two men nampfl Kuhon . 'kson. owing a sldohill claim near the n-.t, nave taken out with rockers -30 from a space 25 bv 25 fvt 'n ,-.,. d arc-aging five feet In depth, having ic.r water hauled in "barrels. This has o aruve prospect work on other ms on the divide and furthpr -iovL grrrnts are looked forward to with in- rcsu onouia this rich area prove to 3-rge it will aid much in rnHn.. Irdcnce in the district. Some good re t 3 have also been attained in tundra. Ic-pc-IInsr near the mouth of Anvil, ' . ."l'u,u'i "orraan &: WO. In a -nt shaft found three foot nf nnv !i.nd with pans runninc- ns hi-rh - Vcant!mo the City of Nome languishes f-j. iwnamg lurtnor developments the :r.J cf the hammer and the saw are .g est and outgolne stenmprs i pwJcl with disappointed men. That c "strict is rich in spots is beyond 'Van. but the popular fallacv that i--e was gold for everyone has been it-rrrved. It will be impossible at Dres- iit to estimate the output of the dis-Y-"t, Of the navinir creeks Anvil mNt "r'ns the lead and I am told bv fretcnt authority that even with the rs-r.t lack of water its production will fc-.l V 000,000 to $0,000,000. Since then. :wcer, a number of claims are In dnn- r -f being tied un in lltltration. ISriral of tbe outb'Ing districts have rca strikes, notably at Tonkuk. l!"rc the black sands in a short time -v-.n,i si omonA k- r,n ,. n i.. - ,vwtwvt vmv , u, c svuii nuincu -t There has been quite a stampede "'' c Kougrock. 80 miles east' of Port Jl-Tnce, and also to the Golovnin Bav .ct, but no rich strikes are as vet r"txa, nlthough some of the claims ::w promising returns. SPrlng the past month pleasant weath- s prevailed and prospecting has cn ttenled by no greater hardships zz 0' .a be round in the mountains Orvgn Owing to bad sanitary con- It "3 "hero Is much sickness In Nome. "pally typhoid fever and pneumonia. r J Jcriths are frequent. Pure water is lew lc"ng piped In from the mountains. rJ this will In a measure Improve the Sec h conditions. The care of the ln- r.t '? now receiving tho attention of authorities. The percentage of Itrsnlcl x.nd penniless men is dally in- is'.ns and moasuros must soon be ikra fT their relief. But little work be obtained and thefts are fre- -cru It is reported that General Ran lall hns received hundreds of appllca- 12KS for transportation to the States. Tho coming of the white roan has jrought woe to the Eskimo and sown tho crmps of the simple natives the seeds of disease and death. An epidemic If pneumonia and measles has broken ?ut cmJMigst them. Those who are not trl:krn are unable to care for the dead. rt-.3 !lo unburied on the sands. To add Tirv:cr to their distress the living are Sprccf-ned wltlh starvation. The mlll inxy c-Lhorltles have sent out an expe- ilt'3n to bury the dead and relieve the teffcrlrgs of the living. A c"ash occurred recently between the ..1'tr.ry and miners at Topkuk where two il factions were contending for tho 3Se'sIn of a rich tundra claim. Tho liners, numbering 109, were forced at I ho p'rt of the bayonet to quit work ia more than fi were arrested. Ten bj ho ringleaders have been brought to Mc f-T trial. A revel railroad has beon built by nar'es D Lane ta Discovery olalm on vxaII Creek, a distaace of five miles Itcross the tundra. The tios rest on rds and the ttmdra being soft and jongy the train, consisting of an cn- tno and two Hatcars. has a rolling mo rion, like a. ship is a. storm. Five round rips a. cay are xaade. the tare oesng each way. so a. wious. A 3IASTODON SKELETON. Euce Oae on St. Lawrence Island Skeleton of People Also. SEATTTE, Wash, Aug. H. While the steamer Robert Dollar was aground on :o heach at St. lwrence Island, on her trip to Xome, her jasngers dlsooverod ire skeleton of a mastodon ST feet long. iat attracted notice from Us resemblance tlie wreck of saie vessel. Inland lv miles on the island the Dollar's .wengera came upon three huts with ao remains of five human beings, who had died evidently of starvation years before. The Dollar sailed from Dutch Harbor for Nome July 2L There was some fog; and, when off St. Lawrence Island, at 11:15 o'clock on the night of July 24r the Dollar struck a reef or gravel bar off the south east cape of St. Lawrence. The vessel was almost S hours before she could be lightened enough to float her off. To ac complish this over 100 tons of coal were thrown overboard. OBJVOXIOTJS R.OVALTT TO GO. Canndlon Government Also to Es tablish Amhslt Office lit Davrson. VICTORIA. B. C, Aug. 11. It is of ficially announced that the government has determined to abolish in its entirety the obnoxious 10-per cent royalty, and to establish at Dawson a government as say office, where the gold will be taken from the miners at its exact worth, cer tificates being issued which the banks will cish at full face value. A small ex port duty will be Imposed upon the gold Itself. Two members of the Dominion Parliament are to be elected from Daw son in October. CLARK COTOTTV SCHOOLS. Statistics and Financial Condition Shovrn in Annnal Report. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 1L The fol lowing summary is taken from the an nual report of County Superintendent Evans, Just compiled, for the year end ing June 30, comparison being made with the figures for the former year: 1K9. School districts In county 77 Districts formed during year. School buildings in county 78 Erected during year. Seating caDacitv of bulldlnes 4.K2S 1900. 78 1 79 1 4,501 Value school buildings IG7.412 $79,770 vaiue scnooi rurnnure IV?1 7,917 vaiue scnooi UDranes ra) Amount Insurance carried.... E0.C53 1.098 32,95 4,543 3,769 2,374 wnimren or school age 4,376 Enroled In schools 3.fi22 Average dally attendnncs 2,31 Av. number months taught.. 6 6.3 Total No. days attendance.. 313.310 34".555 Total No. teachers employed 129 1Z7 Average wages paid men 5-"5 ?41 Average wages paid women.. SO 31 District bonded Indebtednese.t24 5T0 f24.f50 Average rate of interest paid 7?i 7 The report also contains the following financial statement: Cash on hand July 1, 1S99 512.5S7 54 Receipts From state apportionment 30,527 37 From county apportionment 55 34 From special tax I E,81 C8 From sa'e of bonds G02 00 From other sources 150 GO Total receipts J53.0J5 13 Disbursements Teachers' wages J2S.175 85 Incidrntals 3.402 53 Renair.s rente, etc. 3,955 91 Interest on bonds 1,187 01 Interest on warrants 346 36 Redemption of bonds ZOO OO Total 537.?57 75 Balance on hand June 30, 1900 15.947 38 For the previous year the receipts from all sources were ?C4,SC0 42. and disburse ments 234,375 05. Yamhill Connty Xotes. rarrNNVttLE. Or.. Aug. 11. It cost Tamhlll County J414S 18 to run Its affairs for the month of July, as follows: Roads and bridges $2,253 C8 Indigent 267 35 Officers' salaries 9S0 16 Stationery and printing 119 89 Miscellaneous 52110 Court expense 6 00 There will he a, large amount of sun dried fruit in this section tills season, all of excellent quality, as the season has been very favorable for that work. The absence of yellow Jackets Is noted by all this year. So far none have sh6wn themselves, which makes the workers among fruit happy. Wheat is beginning to come into our warehouse in good quantities, though it is yet early. Though some of it is slight ly shriveled, it is all of flinty soundness and will make first-grade flour. "Washington Connty Notes. HIL.LSBORO, Aug. 1L General Ran som Post, G. A R,, of this city, has received a set of the 70-volume publica tion, issued by the Government, embrac ing records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Teachers' examination closed in this city today. There were 22 applicants for coun ty certificates, and three applicants for state papers. Two experts have been engaged in ac counting the county books for the month last past. They will have concluded their labors by the first of the week. Their work will cover the last six years of tho county's books. J. C. Hare, the farmer and saw mill man. of this city, recently sold 300 tons of timothy hay to buyers for the Philip pine market. Knles on Way to China. SPOKANE, Aug. 11. Thirteen carloads of Government mules, en route to China, via Seattle, were unloaded here today to be fed. With them were seven carloads of harness. AVaKhlngrton Notes. Sedro-'Woolley Is promised a saw mill in tho near future, to employ 75 or more "hands. A fine dog died at Aberdeen. The own er hold an autopsy. A quantity of ground glass was revealed. aurvepors are searcblng for reservoir sites near the headwaters of the Klicki tat and Ahtanum Rivers. Two-thirds of the Indian children on the Swlnomish reservation are said to be suffering with measles. The school has been closed. A cow was washed ashore at Port Townsend August 9. Indians camping near by promptly divided up the carcass and are living high. Hamlin Garland, author of stories of Western life. Is in Spokane. He is after material for new stories, and expects to hunt up Chief Joseph. A new kind of wheat known as the Arcadian, was introduced into the Pa louse country last Fall. The farmers who fried it report It of poor quality. Spokane's industrial exposition will be held this year from October 2 to 16, In clusive. The music will be furnished by the Royal Marine Band, of Italy. At Seattle, tho Lake Washington cycle path has been closed by a man whose lot It crossed. He wanted $50 for dam ages, and has fenced his lot to compel payment. The Aberdeen Herald says that "al though the black salmon fishing season opened on August 1, hardly any fish are yet running, and it Is believed the run will be late on the harbor, as It was this year on the Columbia River." Robert Jackson, SO years old. who lived alone In a little house, at tho north ond of San Juan Island, was found dead J In his bed August 5, with his little dog lying beside nim. ie had lived there alone for many years, and little is known of his antecedents. Mrs. S. C. Roberts, wife of the School Superintendent of Whitman County, died August 9 of acute Bright's disease. The reporter adds: "They were married only last December. Mr. Roberts seems par ticularly unfortunate. This was his third wife, although he is less than 40 years old." Millions of shrimps, thrown up on the HIggins Beach by the tide, cause much comment, says the Tacoma News. Her ring followed In Immense schools. When the tide ebbed, they were so thick as to form. a complete coating and gave the beach the appearance of being covered with snow, as the little shrimps were almost pure white. C W. Wheeler, of the Waltsburg Times, finds Spokane "unusually dull this Sum mer." and adds: 'Many buildings are va cant, and tenants are complaining of a scarcity of customers. And this x Is an other thing difficult of explanation, for tho mines are being worked and with profit, and the surrounding country is fairly prosperous. But Spokane is dull, so say they all of Ueal., GREAT RUSH FOR LAND SPECIAL ACTIVITY TO GET WEMi liOCATED TEHBEK. "Where the Demand Cornea .From, and "Where It May Be Satisfied Many Settlers Coming:. ROSERURG, Or.. Aug. 10. These are busy days at the Roseburg Land Office. Filings under the timber act and the homested law are many, and it is no un usual sight to find the local hotels full of strange faces and of an early morn ing to see the stairway and corridors leading to the United States Land Office crowded with men and women, all wait ing, sometimes for several hours, their turn to file or to make proof and pay ment for ICO acres of the finest timber In the world. This activity in the timber line Is caused TROLLEY LINE J "'DALLAS-1-- ' I Ifu&jf I V X Monmouth if 1 (independence The project of building a trolley railway line to Falls City is eneatrlnff the attention of citizens of that town and Independence. Independence la on tho Willamette River, and also has the Southern Facino Railroad. A trolley line Is now In operation between Inde pendence and Monmouth, and the Falls City line Is to be an extension of that road, swinging around from Monmouth to tho southward to the Luckfamute bottom, and following up the stream to Falls City, a distance of about 10 miles from the present terminus of the trolley lino. ' The business of definitely locating the line and making careful estimates of cost Is now In progress. The Falls City country has a great deal of timber, and agricultural products, to chip. largely by the lieu selections filed by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, which under a recent act of a generous Congress Is permitted to select any va cant Government land in this state in place of that lost by It in the Mount Rainier National Park Reserve of Wash ington. Since December last this com pany has had the woods of this district full of bands of timber-cruisers, and al ready during the present year has select ed over 120,000,000 acres of the best timber land. The people of Oregon, realizing at last tho, opportunity to secure a quarter sec tion of timber and the last chance to avail themselves of their timber right, have taken many acres of this land; but it is by the people from the East, who live in states once densely timbered, that most of this filing Is done. They see the timber disappear there, and, knowing its valuo, come to the Coast, cruise the woods for the land, make tho filing and return to their homes, again to cross the continent to make their final proof and payment for the land. They Know wnat timDer is, what It has been, and its future value. This Impetus given to the timber busi ness has caused many locators to como hero from Michigan, Minnesota, Wiscon sin and other lumbering states, who have opened offices In many of the Valley towns and are deep in correspondence with their people East In regard to the greatness of Oregon timber, making se lections and locating them upon choice quarter section for a fee ot from $50 to $250. These locators seem to be for the most part honest In their dealings, and few complaints have reached this of fice in regard to fraud in the locations. This was not the case a few years back, when the last timber craze swept over tho country- Many rascals were In the business then, and the .intending pur chaser for M00 of a fine timbered claim often found it bare of trees. Then the big lumber companies of those states have their men all over the state cruising, surveying and selecting vacant lands, locating it with Cascade forest re serve scrip, with state selections, and in other ways securing large, compact bodies of timber. Their purchasers are also in the field selecting and buying tracts of the best timber, located to the best pos sible advantage with regard to streams, railroads and other means of transporta tion, so as to bring it early into market All this Is to protect their future busi ness when the lumber shall have been exhausted in the East This period, many of them contend, is already in sight Then they will come West to engage in the manufacture of lumber and to make fortunes from Oregon forests here in tho future as they have In the past Mean while our Oregonlan dreams complacently on. Another class of timber men is the Eastern firm which sends men West to cruise the lands located by individuals, who buys their land at a fair price as soon as final proof is made, and who secures large tracts In this way to specu late upon and resell to other Easterners. So It may be seen that if one is not to be left in the scramble for timber lands he must make a lively hustle for it Where is the best timber land located? This is the question constantly asked by the newcomers and by correspondents In the East with eyes upon Oregon timber. While the state is sprinkled all over with timber, yet there are four great bodies of it One Is In the foothills along both sides of the Cascade Range, another fol lows the western slope of tho Coast Rango to the ocean, while a third is along the Siskiyou Mountains In Southern Oregon, extending over into the great Klamath Basin: the other lies in Eastern Oregon. In this district the recent locations Ho for the most part In Linn, Lane and Coos Counties, although some locators have been partial to Klamath County, and others are invading distant and moun tainous Curry County, both claiming much for their respective districts. The Valley of the Siuslaw and Its tributaries has been a favorite field for purchasers, as the logs may be floated almost from the headwaters of the streams to tldi water, and thus brought upon a ready market realizing a good profit upon a short investment The headwaters of the Calapoola and the Santiam Is another fa vored region, and locations have been so numerous that an office plat of that coun ty looks like a checker-board. The aim of all Investors is to secure land In a sec tion near the railroads or on streams down which the legs may be driven, so that their timber may not long He ldlo awaiting a market Now, however, that this land Is all taken by the first comers, locations are being made wherever the timber can be found, knowing that soon er or later It will be In demand, and that no better investment may be had for so small an outlay. The amount of timber standing on an. acre, or even a quarter section, of land in Oregon Is a revelation to Eastern lum bermen, who cannot be made to believe It until they see for themselves. With locators here a tract carrying 5,000,000 feet of timber above IS Inches in diameter Is only picked up on a second cruising, while in the East 2,500,000 feet would be now considered fine timber for a quarter section of land. Much of the fine timber land of this stato will go 20.000.000, and even 30,000.000. feet to the quarter section. Many peoplo of this state and from, tho I East are now filing for homesteads. These make the permanent class of citizens. The people from the East are attracted by the fine climate and the opportunity to secure cheap land. They file and Bet tie upon the land to farm, to raise stock and to run dairies. It takes hard work now to find and clear a good tract of 160 acres of land for agricultural purposes, but for the- one who is not afraid of labor the opportunity Is great, and results await his coming. During the Quarter ending June 30, 221 homesteads were filed at this office, cov ering 31.7C0.97 acres; 76 final proofs were received on 10.S3LG2 acres; and the cash sales aggregated 22,Oill03 acres. In dol lars and cents, the receipts of the office for the quarter were as follows: Fees and commissions, $ 7.2C6 7S Cash sales of land 55,470 49 Total receipts 552,677 27 The present quarter promises to be the most active In the history of the office, arid the receipts will doubtless exceed those of any other corresponding period of time. In the 11 counties included in this land dl-trlct, 3,770,550 acres remain unappropriated and unreserved, of which TO FALLS CITY. 2,215,767 acres are unsurvey.ed. The total area of the land In the district is 11,S!)2,098 acnes. J. HENRY BOOTH, Receiver U. S. Land Office. OK THE KLAMATH FALLS ROUTE. Contractor "Who Built In the Siski yons Iteconnoiterlnc New Line. ASHLAND, Or., Aug. ll.-Tohn Hale, the contractor, is here from Portland, and tomorrow will leave In company with the engineers of the Oregon Midland Rail way to go over the preliminary survey of the road to Klamath Falls. Mr. Hale was one of tho contractors who built the Southern Pacific Company's line over the Sisklyeus, and is well acquainted with the country to be traversed by the Ore gon Midland. At the "Warm Springs Agency. WARM SPRINGS, Or., Aug. 9. Superin tendent James E. Kirk has arrived at this agency and will hereafter have en tire charge of affairs here, acting as In dian Agent as well as Superintendent of the reservation school. Supervisor-A. O. Wright who has been in charge since July 1, will now go on his regular work of Inspection. J. W. Cowan ceased to bo Agent here July 1. Oregon Notes. A Port Orford man has sent 4000 sheep this season to San Francisco by steamer. Walter Davy Is taking a drove of 200 head of horses from Antelope to Cali fornia, A Clackamas County lawyer has a yearling Cotswold which weighs 2S5 pounds. H. C. Ehlen's 116-acre farm, In Marlon County, has been sold to Fred Yeargen for 00. Luther Brown died at Oretown recently at the age of 81. He formerly lived at West Salem. Grass Valley expects not less than 200,000 bushels of wheat will be marketed there this year. William Martin, formerly of La Fay ette, died recently In Colorado. He was a son of Frank Martin. Henry Fawk has brought a big farm In the southern part of Lano County and stocked it with sheep. At Salt Creek one hop-grower will hire whites only to pick his crop, -while a neighbor will employ Indians. Two large warehouses are nearing com pletion at Grass Valley. One is 180 by 64 feet, and the other almost as large. Daniel Bundle died at Falls City, re cently, from injuries received in a run away. He was from Kansas and 76 years old. A party of hunters from Dayton re cently killed seven deer at Meadow Lake. David Seth, a lame man, bagged three of them. While hunting, Mrs. Mollle Bays, of Eagle Point, accidentally shot Mrs. Rob ert Coker in the foot, last week, with a rifle. She was "ready for a bear" in case one was met Citizens of Logan and Springwater, whose Fourth of July celebration was prevented by rain, will hold a patriotic picnic September 1. when Hon. G. C. Brownell and Governor Geer will speak. At Wlllamlna a mule resented the process of shoeing, and Jumped upon Its owner, Joe Smith, crushing him to the floor and stamping and pawing with all vengeance at his victim. Smith, some how, scrambled out. Undismayed by this year's crop returns, Henry Johnson has rented about 300 acres of the Lou Thompson farm in Yam hill County, and will raise wheat on some of the rich pasture land. Ho Is to take possession on October 1. At Molalla, J. R. Shaver was crossing a dead furrow with a bjnder, August 4, when the tongue struck the horses, ono kicked over it, the team ran, breaking the tongue short off, the stub running into the horses' hips and legs several inches, making frightful wounds, which had to be stitched. The McMinnvllle Reporter says of Wil liam B. TJngermnn, a Spanish War vet eran, who has been granted a pension of 56 per month: "He has suffered untold misery from the obstinate wound received In the Philippines, and it is a pleasure to see him get some compensation, how ever slight" Last Wednesday a freight train ran in to a band of sheep belonging to H. E. Newman & Sons, killing 200 outright and badly crippling a large number of the others, says the Ontario Advocate. The sheep were being pastured on Welch. Island, and the railroad not being fenced tho annmals got upon the track. Klamath County has 4000 people and an assessed valuation of 51,600,000, which leads, the Klamath Falls Republican to say: 'Tt is folly for Eastern people to suppose that because this county 1b re mote from markets, Its people are poverty-stricken. As a matter of fact, all axe prosperous and a large share are rich. In a county so favored and with such op portunities and prospects for the future, there is no man of good Judgment and careful management who cannot sue ceed." PLACERS MAY STILL PAY PIUTE CREEIC AND COW CREEK DIGGINGS IX EASTERS OREGON. Coarse, Ronph Gold Taken From Bedrock Searching: for Mother Lode Old Timers. STJMPTER. Or., Aug. 10. The cow Creek and Pine Creek placer diggings, located about 20 miles southwest of Baker City, have been washed since 1S62, and are still good producers. The past season is considered the best in their history. Any thing like an accurate idea of the amount of gold taken out cannot be obtained. As one miner expressed it, "I never ask any questions regarding the output of a claim, as It only Induces a man to prevaricate." Occasionally large nuggets are found, and the news is not long in spreading up and down the creek, acting as a stimulus to the others to renewed efforts. The sup ply of water Is limited to the snow waters in the Spring, and a few mountain streams of very limited flow. The claims are all opened up separately, and no overflow of tailings is permitted from one claim to a lower one, which is a short-sighted policy, and works a hardship 'on all. This Is especially true of Pine Creek. On Cow Creek more amicable arrangements pre vail, and all work in harmony. On Pine Creek, what are now consid ered the best claims were located two years ago. It had always been considered that the diggings only extended to a cer tain gravel flow, which crossed the gulch some three miles from the mouth, as re peated efforts to And pay above that point had been made without success, and It was not until the seventh pan of dirt from bedrock had been washed that the fortunate finders were rewarded by get ting three large nuggets, aggregating about 518 in value. The news caused a stampede, and the upper end of the stream was located In a day, mostly by new comers. Since then work has been prosecuted from one end of the creek to the other. Some SO men are employed through the season, which averages about four months. The gold Is all coarse, and many large nuggets are found weighing as high as 5100. The largest nugget, weighing $S37, was found last season by Patrick O'Brien, who is fortunate enough to own most of the water available. The work Is done mostly by drifting on bedrock and washing out in the Spring. On some claims the surface is removed by horses and scrapers and the gravel around sluiced off with the Snrlne waters. The values are allon bedrock, and in the lower strata oi gravel, une cnaracter or gold varies greatly. One miner, known as "Grandma Williams, who never changes his shirt until worn out" owning the top claim on the creek, finds five dis tinct characters of gold within the limits of his claim, all coarse, rough gold, the nuggets Impregnated with rose quartz. These diggings are on the old California .trail to Boise Basin, Idaho, and were first discovered by tho old California miners. As in the Stxmpter district quartz miners have recently Invaded this ter ritory in search of the source of this gold, and the theories advanced by them would fill a book. Innumerable white quartz ledges are found, but tho quartz so far discovered is of a sparry character, and barren. There is a large green por phyry dike extending across both streams, and many believe it to be tho mother lode. In the First Chance claim, owned by Isaac Elmendorf, at the head of Pine Creek, some very good values are obtained from what Is termed a mud seam on the foot-wall, and tho owner Is doing extensive development work in hope of finding a pay chute. At the head of Cow Creek, J. T. Diehl has a claim, the Yellow Boy, from which values are obtained, mostly from the foot-wall. Tho development work so far has not been done Judiciously, and the valuo of tho find Is problematical. While the country has been staked for miles around, theso are the only promising claims. Many prospectors have been over the field this season, but get disgusted when confront ed by stakes on all sides, and leave for other fields. While the locations In the main are not legal, the average prospector will not touch anything where there is a possibil ity of a contest, as mining Is enough of a gamble without that extra risk In case of success. In Dakota there is a penalty Imposed on persons guilty of staking ground on which they do not perfect their location, and such a law would benefit the legitimate prospectors and miners of Oregon and work a hardship on none. This Is an ideal mining country, low alti tude, shbrt Winters, good timber and water, and some day will be heard from as a quartz camp, as intelligent and per sistent prospecting will eventually solve the problem of where the placer gold was washed from. That placer claims may be found In other places than creek beds is illustrated by the diggings near Bonanza, where an old river channel is being mined with good success, and the Roblnsonvllle claims, located on the backbone of a di vide at the edge of the Greenhorn range of mountains. Here mining has been car ried on since 1862. Among the old timers is Mr. Carpenter, who came In 1863. In 1860-61 there was a big emigration from California to the Salmon River section of Idaho, and much travel passed through the Greenhorns. In 1861 Auburn was dis covered, and proved nearly a world-beater, thousands of dollars being taken out In a few years Auburn had a popula tion of 4000 to 5000 people, while today It Is but a memory and marked by a few remaining cabins. Canyon City was in her glory about the same time. In 1862 the placers of. Olive Creek, Granite Creek and Sumpter were discovered, and there are still many acres of virgin ground left, but the values are small, and tho ground receives little attention. It was in 1862 that a largo number of refugees from the Civil War arrived, and many were fortunate in securing good claims. In 1862 Griffen, who found the rich ground near where the Ibex mine is now located, arrived from California, and in 1863 Mr. Carpenter arrived and located the claim at the head of Greenhorn Gulch, on top of the divide, from which point Olive Creek and Clear Creeks start on their Journey westward, and Greenhorn and Snow Creek to the east. Here min ing has been carried on successfully for nearly 40 years. For the first 10 years the Carpenter ground yielded an aggregate of 5100,000, and It Is still held and worked by the original locator. It is pleasant to note that nearly all the first settlers In this section have a comfortable allow ance for their declining years, and are not compelled to exist on a mere memory of past good fortune. SALMON KNOW THEIR SEASON. Tfcey Quit Running; When the Lave Rnns Ont Patrol Today. ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. 11. The run of fish last night was not at all good, and there were more fishermen on the river than for many nights. The belief Is now most general that there will not be an other run of fish of any size this vear, so the gillnetters will not have any rea son to attempt to break the close sea con. Tho seines and traps are picking up some fish, and if they" should get enough for the canneries on this side of the river to feel Justified in paying a dally fine of $50, the canneries may con tinue to operate. Fish Commissioner Reed will start out tomorrow morning patrolling the canneries, and states that he will strictly enforce the law. A number of Sacramento River fisher men returned to their homes this morn ing on the steamship Columbia. They took with them several fish boats ana a dozen nets that they did not bring up with them. Astoria's Regatta, The plans for the Astoria annual re gatta ara rounding out very satisfactorily, and from present Indications It will pre sent more interesting features than ever before. Tho field day. will bo one of the most interesting features, as track teams from the Multnomah Athletic Club and the Olympic Club, of San Francisco, will contest 'for a handsome cup and Individ ual medals emblematic of the champion ship of tho two states. Arrangements were completed today for 23 oarsmen to come from San Francisco, Including four of the crack four-oared crews. ONLY SOUND FRUIT FOR. SALE. Board of Horticnlture Gives Warn ing ot the Requirements of Law. CORVAXXJS, Or., Aug. 11. Local fruit dealers have received warning from tho Board of Horticulture that the law pro hibiting sale or shipment of -diseased or infected fruit, was to be strictly 'prohib ited. The notification came whilo there was displayed In various stores a flno lot of peaches from a local orchard. The peaches In size, and appearance were as fine as have been grown In the vicinity; but many of them were wormy. Such of these peaches as had not been sold wero removed to warerooms and sorted, or re turned to the grower. In view of the provisions of the law, local dealers will not receive for sale hereafter, fruit that Is In any way Infected or diseased. The Benton flouring mill has resumed operations after a six weeks' shut-down. In this time a large amount of new ma chinery has been added to the plant, in creasing the capacity ,to 200 barrels per day. INDIANS TALE OF A BALLOON. Outfit Xlke Andree's Said to Have Been Seen on the Mackenzie. VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 11. Alleged news of Andree Is given in a letter writ ten by a miner at Fort Yukon to a friend at Selkirk. It says: "A short time ago some native Indians arrived here from the Mackenzie, and I learned from them that a balloon was seen to land near the mouth of that river dur ing the Winter before last Some men landed from It and made a camp. They remained some time, then got Into the car. They then threw something out onto tho ice, tho Indians say, and tho balloon rose Into the air. It was soon out of sight The natives were afraid and did not visit the camp. The natives who came here. Fort Yukon, did not see the balloon themselves, but were told of its coming by people living to tlte northward of them." TWO SAILORS DROWSED. Went Ont to Take Bar Sonndlnss and Their Boat Capsized. NEWPORT. Or., Aug. 11. The steamer Robarts, which arrived here last evening, reports the drowning of two men on Sius law bar yesterday morning. Captain Hansen, of the Schooner Lizzie Prinn. which recently arrived at that place to load lumber for San Francisco, had taken on his cargo and was ready for sea. He was not satisfied with the depth of water reported on the bar by the tug Robarts, and went out to take soundings himself in- a small boat with two of his sailors. While on the bar a breaker capsized their boat, and the two sailors were drowned. H.ansen succeeded In clinging to tho up turned boat, and drifted ashore. The names of the lost men were not known. SAW FRANCISCANS FOR ASTORIA. S3 Oarsmen and Some Swimmers for the Regatta. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 11. Tho number of oarsmen going from this city to the As toria regatta has been limited to 23. They will leave a week from tomorrow, and will represent the Alameda, Ariel and Dolphin Clubs. A crew from the Olympic Club also has the trip under considera tion. Lester Hammersmith will represent the Olympics in- the swimming tourna ment Syd Caglll, the champion swimmer, will also go. New Oreeo,n Incorporations. SALEM, Aug. 11. Tho following articles of Incorporation were filed in the office of the Secretary of Stato, during the week: fit. Joseph's Aid Society, Mount An gel; $360; Isidor Schnee, August Kllnger and Engelbert Grimm. The Perseverance Gold Mining & Mill ing Company; Baker City; 53,000,000; James E. Haggerty, William Et Sharps and David R. Patterson. Wisconsin Central Gold Mining Com pany; Astoria; $75,000; W. H. Copeland, J. B. Ferguson, D. M. Stuart and J. H. Marshall. Tahoma Mining Company; Portland; 51.COO.000; Charles P. Wright, Charles A. Marlltt and Martin S. Hart Mayvlllo Drug Company; Mayvllle; $1500; John; H. Hudson, Charles W. Cros field and D. R. Coryell. Nehalem Transportation Company; Ne halem; 512,000; C. H. Wheeler. George R. Vasburg, J. E. Dubois, J. L. Vasburg, J. K. Gamblll. Wheeler Lumber Company; Nehalem; 540,000; George R. Vasburg, C. H. Wheeler, J. E. Dubois, J. L. Vasburg and J. K. Gamblll. The John Day School & Land Company; John Day; $5000; Clarence Johnson, E. J. Bagley and R. D. Williams. Capital City News. SALEM, Or., Aug. 11. Archie and James Gleason, aged about 12 and 14 years, respectively, were arrested today for using obscene and abusive language on the street to a number of ladles. Professor J. H. Orrutt of Hawarden, la., the new president of the Drain Nor mal School, on his way to take charge of iiiu: ,ii sip: c?c-."'i"':.vH S;.wwrt .:vr SK& At least eight tours sound, refreshing sleep is necessary in every twenty-four. Do you get it, or is your slumter disturbed By restless ness? Do you lie awake counting the hours until early morning,, then to fall asleep and be awakened just as you think your eyes hare closed? The body and brain require rest. If the body does not get the repose it needs, the system is weakened, and nervous depression with melancholia follow. ABBEY'S EFFERVESCENT SALT induces sound, refreshing sleep. It goes right to the cause of the trouble. It removes the pressure of blood from the brain, and sleep is secured Abbey's is not an opiate or drug, nor does it stupify. It acts just the other way. Upon awakening you feel refreshed and strong, with clear brain and good appetite and best of all, there is no reaction of any kind. One-ihird of your life is spent in Bed, gather ing strength for the other favo-ifurds. Sold hy most druggists, or sent by malL 25c, 50c. and $1 pet bottle. The Abbey Effervescent Sail Co., 9-15 Murray St, New York. BOOKLET FREE ON REQUEST. his duties, stopped off at this city todas: and 'called upon Superintendent. Acker man to talk over the srospects of tha school for the coming year. Hay and Cordwood Burned. INDEPENDENCE. Or., Aug. 11. Flr last evening destroyed 30 tone of cholco baled timothy hay and about 30 corda of wood for Andrew Byers. whoso farm is five miles north of this city. Tho hired man was hauling wood, and he set Are to some bru,sh that was in his way. The fire got out of control, and spreatl through the field. The loss is f. Official Denial of Good Report. . VANCOUVER, B. C, AUr U. The statement that the Dominion Government had abolished the 10-per-cent royalty la the Yukon, substituting therefor a 3-percent tax and establishing- a compulsory assay office in Dawson. Is officially denied today by tho Minister of tho Interior. Skamania Connty Teachers. STEVENSON, Wash.. Aug. 33. Super intendent Ed Hollls closed the regular quarterly teachers' examination today. Mrs. Lilly Miller, Miss Clara Turner and Miss Agnes Mooro took the examination. All are well-known teachers-of Skamania County. NORTHWEST DEAD. Mrs. William Allen, of Onkr-illc. ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 31. Mrs. William Allen died at Oakvllle thl3 morning, at' the age of 86 years. She was born In Kentucky, was married when 14 years of age. moved to Missouri, and thence to Oregon In 1S3S, locating In Lane County first, and In Oakvllle. Linn County. In 1S62. She was tho mother of" 11 children, of whom six are living. Edward O'Beirne. SALEM. Aug. 11. Edward O'Belrne, aged 73 years, died last evening at tha home of his brother, J. O'Blerne, two miles north of town. Idaho Notes. The wheat yield on Eig PotlatchiRIdgi 13 running 30 to 10 bushels per acre. Burglars are operating at Moscow. They entered two stores and a saloon the- night of August 9. A heavy rain has fallen in the Pot latch country and checked the forest firea near Kendrick. Farmer Dick BIttenger was acquitted at Lewiston of the charge of assault with intent to commit murder. William McGowan is under $1500 bonds at Sliver City for trying1 to cut Nlles Mc Cormlck's throat with a razor. Canyon County's assessed valuation is 53,577,800 this year, a decrease of 5215.000. The valuo of the personal property is $558,272. INSURES LOVE AND A HAPPY HOME FOR ALL How any man may quickly cure himself after years of suffering from sexual weakness, lost vitality, night losses, varicocele, etc.. and en large small weak orcana to full size and visor. L. W. KNAPP. M. D. Simply Send your name and address to Dr. L, W. Knapp. 2S51 Hull Bid?.. Detroit Mich., and he will gladly send the free receipt wlta full directions so that any man may eo3ily cura himself at home. This Is certainly a moat gen erous offer, and the following extracts taken from his dally mail show what men think of his generosity: "Dear Sir: Please accept my sincere thanks for yours of recent date. I have given your treatment a thorough test, and the benefit haj been extraordinary. It has completely braced me up. I am just as vigorous 03 when a hoy. and you cannot realize how happy I am," "Dear Sir: Tour method worked beautifully. ResulU are exactly what I needed. Strengta and vigor have completely returned and en largement Is entirely satisfactory." "Dear Sir: Tours was received, and I had no trouble In making use of the receipt as directed, and can truthfully say it Is a boon to woaSe men. I am greatly Improved In size, strengta and vigor." All correspondence is strictly confidential, mailed In plain sealed envelope. The receipt la free for tho asking, and he wants evory man to have It "hS Fre