b: uvrrr' ttj.'jt W&"H" ir T ffV- vp"" THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND", JUJSE 17, 1900. 21 WANTED TO RC5T. i 1 "WANTED TO RENT AT SEASIDE OR North Beach, by responsible, experienced party, large furnished cottage for the eea son. suitable for a few boarders: best care guaranteed. Address U 55, care Oregonlan, BY JULY 1, SUITE OF FURNISHED -ROOMS with or without board In private famllr. within walking distance of Hotel Portland, by married couple; no children, reference exchanged. P. O. box 1053, city. BY TWO YOUNG LADIES EMPLOYED DUR lnir day, room and board at $17.50 apiece. In. private family; centrally located. E 59. care Oregonlan. WANTED 2 OR 3 FIRST-rLASS HOU6E kecplng rooms: gas and bath, reasonable: man and wife, no children. Address E 55, care Oregonlan. "WANTED. FOR SIN MONTHS OR ONE yepr Furnished bouse. 6 or 7 room!. Ad dress, with terms. X 50, care Oregonlan. W:TT.r-FI-nNIRHED COTTAGE. S OR 4 mom. gentleman and wife, no children; ref erences. Address A 55. are Oregonlan. TOUNO LADY WOULD LIKE rURNISHED rocm with use of kitchen cr housekeeping rooms. F 50. care Oregonlan. WANTED-GOOD FURNISHED 5 OR 6-ROOM cottage fr the season, at Clatsjp. Address C 60, care Orcgonlan. FURNISHED COTTAGE. OR 4 ROOMS ON ground floor; family of four; two children. K 57. Oregcntan. WANTED FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Clatsop Beach. Apply H. McGuirc. Paclflc Paper Company. WAITED TO RENT JULY 1; HOUSE OF 0 or 7 rormr. In good location. Address W R, care Oregpnlan. l'OR TWO ADULTS: THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Address A 50, care Orc por.lan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON for ofllce practice; must be a licensed gradu ate of Oregon and "Washington, of good moral habit, who Is not afraid of work; a German preferred. Address S 54, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A GOVERNMENT RE llnqulshmcnt claim In Southern Oregon; roust hae Improvements: state price and loratlon. Address, for 60 days, to R. C. Plxley, Ta coma. Wash, GIRL TO BOARD. AGED 10 TO 13. WHO would go to mountains for Summer; good care guaranteed: term reasonable: refer ences. Address S S3l care Oregonlan. "WANTED BY EXPERIENCED YOUNG woman stenographer, dictator Al, shorthand teacher preferred, one nignt aunng wecit; state price. L 52. care Oregonlan. WE GUARANTEE ' pay mors than other dealers for second-hand furniture, and any household goods. 235 Ctn. Phone Brown S53. t WANTED TO BUY DUMP CARS, 3-FOOT gauge, suitable for stam-Ehovel work. Ad dress E. C Davles. Walttburg. Wash. BICYCLE WANTED 20-INCH FRAME. met be In good condition; will pay cash; state particulars. J CO, care Oregonlan. $SG00 WAN OF PRIVATE PRTY ON IM proved farm near Portland: rx?curlty Is ample. Addrees G 55. care Oregonlan. SHORTHAND STUDENT TO TAKE DICTA tlon from court reporter for practice: state experience. Address W 50. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUI CAST-OFF CLOTHING; prjee no object. Maine Loan Ofllce. 70 Nortb Third st Oregon phone Clay 682. WANTED STRICTLY FRESH RANCH eggs, at Kruse'e Orill-Room. Stark st., oppo site Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE TWO LOTS. WEST PORT land. for pome good pieces of furniture. "Lots," care Oregonlan. "WONTED-SMALL FRUIT RANCH NEAR city: must be cheap; spot cash. Call or ad dress 74 Grand ave. $S00 ON GILT-EDGE REAL ESTATE SE curJty. worth $2000. Address Y CO. care Oregonlan. . WANTED TO BUY-SECOND-HAND TYPE wrlter deck, oak. Address C 57. care Ore gonlan. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND 12-INCH Polton water motor. H. C. Gtllam, Centralla. Wash. Cast-off second-hand clothing wanted at 87 N. 3d. Prices no object. Oregon phone Clay 513. WANTED SECOND-HAND . REMINGTON typewriter. Address D 58. care Oregonlan. WANtfP -O H'T SVND-HAND ltUGGV; mut be In good condition. 31S Lincoln st. WANTED SMALL SECOND-HAND SAFE. 2U bv 3. Address N CO. care Oregonlan. FOR. REST. Room. AT THE GOODNOUGH BUILDING. OPPO slte postomce. Fifth and Yamhill Nicely fur nished rooms; steam heat. gas. bath, tele phone, elevator service; comfortable home for gentlemen alone, or families. Car direct to depot. Special accommodations to commercial travelers. Take elevator, fourth floor. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner. Helon F. Spalding The most complete partment-houoe in the Northwest; eholc rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeenlnr oultea a specialty. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for young man, for sleeping-room, or for couple-, with use of dining-room and kitchen, for housekeeping: rent reasonable. 1H Union avenue, corner Arkeny. THE PLEASANTON. 2SSi THIRD ST. FINE furnlsh-d rooms, en suite, single or house keeping, punllght in all rooms: bath Included; mopt reasonable terms: transient solicited. 14G 11TH. BETWEEN MORRISON AND AL-der-Two nicely furnished rooms; one large alcove and one small bedroom; rent $10 and ?5; use of telephone and bath. I-IRT FLOOR OF HOUSE IN GOOD LOCA tlon, four rooms, nicely furnished: lawn, with fruit and flower, reasonable rent. 48 North East Ninth ftreet. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. LOWER floor, back parlor, suitable for two; beard It desired, bath, gajt and phone. 1S1 17th St., corner lam tun. r- THE NEWCASTLE. . E. COR. TKTRD AND Harrison eta. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modern eotif enlence: iferences. THE OCCIDENTAL. 215 FIRST AND MOR rifcen Rooms, suites. sln:l"s. housekeeping; everj" convenience: fl week and uptvards. ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, with oc without housekeeping privileges; bath, phone. 333 Clay, corner Seventh. THE MONNASTES. 2S.VA FIRST ST FUR nlshed and unfurnished suites; clean, newly papered; no children, rent reasonable. 435 ALDER HANDSOME FRONT SUITE. first floor: also single rooms; rent reasonable; b&lU. telephone; convenient. I THE STEVENS. 42C ALDER FURNISHED and unfumlMied rooms, with or without board; no small children. BRIGHT. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED bedroom, with use of bath; only $3. 300 Fifth, corner Columbia. 163 PARK ST. LARGE FRONT ROOM, BAY window and alcove: also other sleeping rooms; rent reasonable. - FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR "WITHOUT board, bath, gas and phone; reasonable. 181 17th. corner Yamhill. LARGE FRONT ROOM. BATH. PHONE, private family: quiet neighborhood; close In: cVap rent. 351 Oak. 40S TATLOR ST.-NEWLY AND NICELY fur-lshed front room, bath, gas, telephone; modern conveniences. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: SINGLE or en suite, rent reasonable: private family; phone. 200 13th. FOR RENT-JRGE. FURNISHED FRONT room, with bath; cheap. 432 East Pine, near Seventh. 1- 1G0 PARK ST NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, modem house, between Morrison and Yamhill. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg.. central; fur nished rooms. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. THE COSMOS 2GSS MORRISON. AND 10G, 4th Elegantly furnished rooms, reasonable NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN tleroen. 411 Fourth street: private family. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two. 420 Main street. DESIRABLE rURNISHED ROOM: all modern Improvements; private family. 3SS Salmon. rURNISHED BOOM FOR RENT, xnon st FOR REST. Rooms. TWO VERY DESIRABLE-UNFURNISHED rooms, with alcove. 428 Third street. DESIRABLE 'FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE family; every convenience. 189 14th. NICELY r RNIKHED POOMS IN PRIVATE family. 115 12th, near Washington. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH bath and light. 223 Wort. Park. 1C5 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED SUNN front room: modem conveniences. 175 10TH NICELY FURNISHED NORTH mom. bath and ute of telephone. 854 CLAY ONE UNFURNISHED OR PART ly furnished room. Call today. FOR RENT A FURNISHED ROOM AT 212 Seventh street, fcorrcr Salmon. Koqbib "With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH TEAR: room with board; enameled bath tubs; lis of library; Woman Excange; Industrial whuol. Address Mrs. E, C. George, auperlc troct. 510 Flanders street. HOTEL VENDOME VISITORS TO THIS City will find the comforts of home here; ele gantly furnished rooms, with fine table, at low rates Cor. 13th and Alder sts. Arthur Kohn. proprietor. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board; also housekeeping rooms, with hath. In private house. 124 North 10th, near depot and Custom-House. WILL GIVE TWO COUPLES LOVELY rooms And .board In toy pretty home; private family, lof $18. Address Y 63. care Orego nlan. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE AND OTHER rooms, with fine table.; also table board. 225 11th street "LEASANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, with board. The Sterling, 535Couch street, cor. ICth. DESIRABLE FRONT SUITE. REASONABLE: every convenience: good home cocking. 414 Main street. THE LEADER, 281 YAMHHL new proprie tor: lovely rooms with or without good board. DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH EXCELLENT table board. 391 Alder, corner 10th. ROOMS. WITH AND WITHOUT BATH; REF erences required. 343 10th st. TWO WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH first-class board. 163 11th. Honsrlceeplng Roomi. JUST REMODELED. THE NEVILLE HOUSE. 23lMi Market street, everything new. ele gantly furnished rooms, suitable and complete for housekeeping, respectable patronage so licited: rates reasonable. t. rUOJvT AND HACK 1"ARU)H, FURNISHED complete for housekeeping, reasonable; first 'floor; also two loely furnished housekeeping rooms. $1D: rffpectable people only; no chil dren. 2C5 Fourth. DESIRABLE FURNISHED FLAT Or THREE rooms; modern conveniences; in private resi dence; central location, one block from Washington street. Call 4S4 Bamslde, cor ner 13th. f- HANDSOMELY FURNISHED LARGE front room; hourekceplng privileges If de-s!re-d;modern conveniences; excellent location. 431 Main snrel. h TWO NICELV- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, gas range, use of phone and bath; no children, references. 403 Main. FOR RENT-rTWO OR THREE NEWLY PA pered and painted, furnished cr unfurnished housekeeping rooms; no children. 48SEerett- NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apartments: gas range, bath and telephone; central and convenient., 215 Tenth street. 205 MONTGOMERY ST THREE VERY DE slrable unfurnished housekeeping rooms: bath, telephone; every convenience, reasonable. 455 ALDER-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; bath, telephone; modern con venlcnces; flne location: also single rooms. 3 rURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, neat and clean; no chH"-i. The BOrkhard, East Buraioc and Grand avenue. 205U WASHINGTON STREET FURNISHED or unfurnished bouaekeeplnc roms; sleeping rooms. 1 and upward per Tssek. 135 14TH ST. LIGHT. AIRY. ELEGANTLY furnished houk?eplng rooms: bath, gas, telephone: desirable neighborhood. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, light hou-keeplng or single. Particulars of Mrs. Tershln. Phone Pink. 1091. LONDON HOUSE. 03 FIRST A2it TINE Two lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; water in kitchen; respectable. v TWO SUITES OF ROOMS, NEWLY FUR nlshed, cotnpWs for housekeeping; bath included. 3SS Hth street. TWO OR THREE Nf-ELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 427 Salmon, between 11th and 12: h streets. 3fS 13TH ST NICELY FURNISHED PAR lors, complete for housekeeping, with batlr; price $12: no children. 247 FIFTH THREE CONVENIENT ROOMS for housekeeping, very reasonable; use of bath and free phone. FLAT OF S VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. UN furnished; good location; bath, all conven iences. 347 Hnll st. 253 SIXTH ST.. CORNER OF MADISON Furnished housekeeping rooms; ail conveni ences:, best location. FOR RENT 3 BRAND-NEW FURNISHED housekeeping corner front rooms. 2S0 Grand ave.. Heller block. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent, very reasonable. No. 340 Sixth, corner Market. 429 SALMON TWO OR THREE NICELY furnlrhod housekeeping rooms; bath. gas. use of telephone. 230 CLAY. BETWEEN FIRST AND -SECOND Flat of three furnished rooms; also three unfurnished. SUITE OF FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room. 2T7 Columbia street, between Third and Fourth. 3 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for the Summer, inquire at 537 Mont gomery st. S3 SEVENTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED front alcove housekeeping room, with kitchen nnd bath. 4 NEAT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. Willi or witnout board, at 13 East Sixth, cor. Burn side. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rent reasonable. 132$ First eircet. 2tt ALDER ST . NEAR PARK NICELV furnished flat, with g-is range, no children. 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing room. 420 Fifth street; reference. h COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 40S Jefferson ftreet. 05 11TH ST. SUITE OF PLEASANT furnished for light housekeeping. FOR RENT FURNISHED BASEMENT FOR housekeeping 1C4 Park street. r"nNiF"Tr housekeeping rooms tor rent 13'4 5th. cor Flanders. lltt KrTH ST FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rm. rvo children. 3 NICELY FURNISHED room. 235 Sixth street. HOUSEKEEPING Houses. rOR "RENT A "HANDSOJIE AND COMMODI OUS ll-room houe. down town; corner; Jut the place for a doctor. David S. Stearns. 2 id Washington st. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. LONG BEACH, partly furnished, fine location, lovely cot tage. M. G. Griffin, agent. The Marquam, No. 202. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE YARD, bam. on Third-street car line; rent $14. Inquire 326 Gaines street. Very sightly; flowers. BEUTirULLY SITUATED. PARTLY TVR nlshed cottage. Ny Creek, Newport, morth July, $15. fine water. A. Sine. 546 Gllsan street. FOR RENT MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. Lo cated 5S Ella st.. with combination gas and eloctric fixtures, complete. Inquire 35 Sscond street. FOR RENT COTTAGE. BY JULY 1: SIX rooms; all modern conveniences. For par ticulars, inquire 454 Montgomery K. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. flrst-Clart.. no children The Bukbard. East Rumslde and Grand avenue. 7-ROOM HOUSE: 5-ROOM COTTAGE; BEAU tlful corner; bathr; modern; also coast cot tage. 10 East 15th st. FOR KENT. Bouses? TOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE; flne location, at 81 Kelly st.. South Port land. Key at S33 Kelly st. D. W. Hoclblag. 250 Stark st. CONVENIENT -SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. HARD flnlshed. C!5 Fourth. Inquire between 2 and 4 P. M- Monday. DESIRABLE G-ROOM HOUSE. 'CORNER. East Side; large jard; dose In. Room 5. Washington building, . FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM nOUSE: E. MadiFon su -near ICth. Apply Grant Pheg ley, 173 4th st, ELEGANT 7-ROOM COTTAGE. 407 JACKSON, all modern Improvements, yard; rent $25. Key 440 10th. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE of eight rooms. 1GS East 12th street, near Betoonrv MODERN HOUSE, 7C0 IRVING STREET, near 23d; $30. Grtndsttff- & Blaln, 218 Stark. FOR RENT NEWLY RENOVATED HOUSE. CC2 Johnson st. Inquire 40 Second at., cor. Ash. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUrE FOR RENT; VA cant July 1. A. T. Webb. J03 East Morrison. A NEAT riVE-ROOM COTTAGE: MODERN; to small family. Inquire 100 West Park. h SIX-ROOM. HOUSE WITH BATH AND basement. Ingulro 400 .Market street. 2T3 MONTGOMERY, 3-ROOM FLAT. WATER, etc; cVap. R. G. Drake; 152 First. - FOR RENT TWO HOUSE3 AND ROOMS. Call at 20 East Sixth st. north. FOR RENT A MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 7S2 Overton street, near 24th. FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH bathroom. 63 North 17th st. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. North 17th. Key at 193. FOR RENT A MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, 44 Ninth street. North. Furnished Homes. FOR RENT FURNISHED. DESIRABLE 8 room house, with quarter-block, centrally located, near car line; can be rented by desirable, pirty for 2 or 3 month?. Ad dress Furnished Hbuse, P. O. box 103. ONE OF THE BEST FURNISHED COT tages at Seavlew to let to refined parties who will board couple owning bouse for part of season In pavroent of rent; references. Ad dress North Side, care Oregonlan. $13.50 PER MONTH G-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL nicely furnished complete for housekeeping; large ground. 200 East 37th, near Taylor. ?S PER MONTH: 3-ROOM FLAT: PANTRY, woodshed; all furnished complete for house keeping. C3C Seventh, near Sheridan. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM MODERN cottage in good location, on East Side, $17. F. W. Torgler. Sherlock building. NEATLY FURNISHED B-IUXM COTTAGE, June 20 to September 15; modern" conven iences; cheap. 355 Harrison sL SEAVIEW TWO WELL-FURNISHED COT tages; first-class water. Sheehy Bros., 103 Sixth, near Washington. NICELY FURNISHED 8-ROOM. BATH. ETC; 2 months. Call forenoon. 327 East Sixth, be tween Market and Mill. VKR- PE?n Prp t UII.L COTTAGE for rent, furnished. Call Monday, 706 Ever ett; phone Tront 804. AT GEARHART PARK. CLATSOP NEW 3 room cottage, completely furnished, July or August. 617 Marshall. FOR BENT FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMS, for Summer months. 361 Yairihill; two blocks from postofllce. FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. FOR SUM mer. Inquire Mrs. Rlgby, Mann's Station, Woodstock car line. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, COM plete. 5 room?, bath; 644 Everett st. Inquire 21 Mulkey building. $10 FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE: nowly papered: large yards. 340 Water st. Phone Wo 201. CENTERVILLE, LONG BEACH. 7 ROOMS, well finished and furnished. Mrs. Sechtem, 124 IBlh. North. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF b rooms, to Sept. 1. Apply 741 Hojt. Telo pnone Black fill. DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE. FOR Summer montl.5. Apply Hart Land Co.. 107 Sherlock building. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Seavlew. for the season; $75. Address F CO, care Oregonlan. $10- FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE; newly papered, large yards. 340 Water st. Phone West 201. A NICELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE: one block from Hotel Portland. Apply 2CS Seventh street. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT AT Long Beach. Inquire R. Knoll. 370 Wash ington st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM NICELY FURNISHED flat for Summer. Inquire 421 'Second, morn ings. FOR RENT A MODERN FURNISHED house. S rooms, for rent. W 54, Oregonlan. DURING SUMMER MONTHS. HOUSE OF 7 rooms, large jard. 493 Jeffereon. COMPLETELY FURNISHED NINE house, 135 23d .st. Call forenoons. ROOM Snmmer Retorti. SUMMER ROARDERS-I AM PREPARED TO keep a number of Summer boarders at my new home. In a grove one-half mile -from depot; srler.did spring rater add mountain air. and rrices reasonable. Mrs. Ada Smith, Hood River. Or. I . SEVERAL MOST DESIRABLY FURNISHED cottages at Ling Beach, from $30 to $50 for rreyent season, M. G. GrlCln. 202 The Mar quam. t 1 AT SEAVIEW. THE GRAT-SHINGLED COT tage on the ridge: completely furnished. For particular. addre D 58. Oregonlan. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED cottage at Seavlew, Wash. Apply to J. A. Montln. Ol GItsan jtret. NORTH BEACH S-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage. by month or season. For particulars, telephone Black Gil. TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES AT OCEAN Tark. $35 and $4C. Inquire 40 and 51 Sec ond street. House for Rent Fnrnltnre for Sale. A BARGAIN FURNITURE OF 22-RCOM house, arranged for hourskp!n;r apartments and, rooming: 5 blocks of Hotel Portland; best neighborhood: central and convenient: house for rent very reasonable Address P. O. box 715. FOR SLE THE FURNITURE Or A VERT! certrablc 10-room lodging-house, and build ing for rent;. brick building In business lo cation; rent $20 ir month. F. W. Torglei ' 100 Sherlock building. 1 NR7ELY FURNISHED 0-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale. $425; rent $18: must sell this week; parties leaving the city. 205 Fourth. 3tores. STORE TO RENT WITH COMPLETE Fix tures for grocery; living roenss In -rear: good location: two blocks from stel bridge, cor ner Larrabee and Hassalo. East Side. FOR RENT-ONE-HALF STORE. 325 MOR rltoa st.; heat and light furnished. Inquire at store. FOR RENT HALF OF STORE. BEST LOCA tlon In city. Address C 55, care Orcgonlan. FOR RENT PART OF STORE, SEVENTH and Washington sts., under Imperial Hotel. 3J4 WASHINGTON ST. NEXT TO PARK, Inquire of Sam L. Beary. 327 Morrlron et. Omce. SECOND FLOOR OF 228 ALDER ST. CON talnlng large ofllce rooms and a ball 20x10; suitable for printing or manufacturing estab lishment. Apply to Chas. Hegcle. 53 and 55 Front st. PERSONALS. SEX-INE PILI.S. AS THE NAME INDI rates. are straight u the point. For an over worked system, or loss of vitalltj from any cause, they are, too far ahead of othc make 'to be questioned- .Price $1. and C for $5 Sent by mall, prrpild. on" receipt of price. Address J. A "Clemen-os. Drtlgglet. 227 Yam hill st.. between First and Second. Portland. Or. WOULD LIKE TO FORM THE ACQUAINT anc-e of refined. Intelligent gentlemen who are Judges of good whisky; ni Crown Cyrus Noble and IIII Monogram. Hunter Rye and Portland Club. 20 years old. specialties. Port land Cafe. 130 Fifth, between Washington and Alder. F. J. Htllen, Manager. TERSOXAL. FOR WOMEN ONLTHARlinTTES TURK lsh. Suppoel'oriesr positively prevents irregu larities; woman's only safeguard, a powerful irermlclde and antiseptic rot taken Inter nally; these- famous suppositories "were for merly rnsnt-facturea exclusively fcr the 'rcroen of the Turkish harem; are now of fered tb the women of the U. S.. at $1 a Inx. hy mall; send for sample, 10c, hr.d be convinced: correspoadfnee- jconfldentiaL Turk Jph Chemical Co., U. S. Branch. 17 Ccal ISxchange, Scrantcn. Pa. 17 women wanted stuttering from Irregular, painful periods; leuccrrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes Of life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. cor Second nnd Yamhill ata. 329 women called last month. Consultation free, and private, room rt'er ladlas. If can't call, write, inclosing 19 j!c stamps. Hundreds treated at horn by his 1iew aystem. HjVVE YOU HEARD OF N0N-J.tEDICINK eures? Diseases cured without medicine-nnd without coir our curs are- not performed by so-called magnetic inlluenccs, nor by faiths cr beliefs; not guesswork, but science; send for list of diseases. Non-Medicine Cure Co., Itor 174. San Bernardino. CaU 4 ELECTRIC PARLORS. lMtt FIRST STREET. treats all scalp diseases, and guarantee to restore gray hair to natural color, without dye; removes wrinkle.-) and all blemishes from face; alo removes superfluous hair from the face without pain; enlarging busts a. spe cialty. BUST DEVELOPED 0 HfCHES E 6 WEEKS; absolutely perfect d'jvelopmcht guaranteed: personal attention of specialist given by- mall until enlargement Is completed; 2000 testi monials: .send samp for sealed Instructions. Mme V. Hastings. OmahA bldg.. Chicago. RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.25: NICKEL OR gold-filled frames, with best lenses. $1: com mon glasses, from 25 to 50c Exes tested free. by competent optician ill guaranteed. Pert Hsd Jeweler and Optician. AS2rS".nt st.. be tireen Washington and Alder. ' DR. DARR1N, 265 Morrison st.. Portland. Or., specialist Jn all chronic and private diseases of men and women. Painful. Irregular cr sup pressed menstruation quickly relieved. Vari cocele or stricture guaranteed cured In ono week. Consultation free. DR1MS SUITS RENTED- ALL -SIZES. WE call for. sponge, pitta and deliver ca eult cf your clothing each weik ew on iutrrus s up rlps.-for $1 per month. Pyejr.g. steam cleaning and repairing. Unique Talloriri; Ca., 317 Washington, both 'phones. INDIAN MEDIUM. GIFTED EVDIAN. BORN with double veil, tells past, present and fu ture; heals all diseases by the use of Indian herbs., reading by letter. $1. Mrs. Professor Wheatly Howe, 41st and Section Lino road. Take Richmond cars, end car line. BLAZUSR'S CONCERT HALL BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL 218 BURNSIDE STREET 248 BURNSIDE STREET Sole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling Three-Crown Cyrus Noble. WANTED PERFOR5E3RS IN ALL BRANCH ea of the vaudeville profession; must be ver satile: to such a long engagement is assured; n objection to good amateurs; salaries must b-i low, as the same is absolutely certain. Auaress u m. uregomaa. 1 Superfluous hair, moles end other facial blem ishes removed with electric needle: pcrma nnt euro: electric massage for wrinkles. Portland Electrolysis Parlors, 15-10 Lowls b'dg.. cor. Park and Mor. Phone Brown 657. REFINED. AGREEABLE YOUNG LADY will act .as companion, or assist with children at coast this season: her board only remuner ation expected. Addro, giving full partlc u.ars, T 59. care Oregonlan. ORIENTAL BEAUTY PARLORS. 207 SDCTH street. We will give a free treatment to every lady this week to Introduce- our methods We will teach massage at a reasonable price. Call and Investigate. ILLQND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of dlnease. The beit antiseptic No failure. Sent to any address; per box, $1 CO: samples. 10c. Illond Chem. Co.. P. O. Box 974. Portland. LADY WORTH $100,000. CULTURED, RE flced, unincumbered, honorable and sincere, would marry gentleman equally so and with mians. Mrs. M., Box 33, Austin Station, Chicago, ni. WATCHES CLEANED. 75c; MAINSPRING. 75;: clocks called for and delivered. All watch and clock repairing warranted one year. The Portland Jeweler. 132 First at. Phone Black n-r ' MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's, treatment $2 3 months. $1. Sent securely sealed by mtlL Agents. Woodard fc Clarke. Portland. Or A REFINED GENTLEMAN DESIRES COR respondence with a lady of good character for pleasure, pastime and what may follow. Address S 58, care Oregonlan. DISEASES OF MEN ACCURATELY ILLUS trated treatise, priceless prescription for sure cure absolutely free upon application. Dr. B. C. Carter. Bond Hill. Ohio. MORPHINE. OPIUM. LAUDANUM. Co caine habit; myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. REFINED BUSINESS MAN. 35, (CANADIAN) seels the acquaintance of cultured, respect able lady of suitable 8ge. matrimonially in clined. S 59. Oregonlan. MARRY LOVELY WOMEN AND HONOR able men; many rich; send 2c for big list; descriptions, residences. Mutual Exchange, Karaas City, Mo. GENTLEMAN. STRANGER. EDUCATED, middle-aged, would like to meet suitable lady for company. Address N 56, care Ore gonlan. OLD BRASS. COn'S. "POSTAGE STAMPS, arrow-heads. Indian backets and curios bought for cash. D. M. Averlll & Co.. 331 Morrison YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st., bet. 1st and 2d. WE PR;NT 30 FINE VISITINO CARDS. 25c: 50. .33c: 250 business cards. $1; 500. $1.50. Brown A: bchmale. 220 First Portland. OTTO KLINGBEIL7 MAGNETIC HEALER, has arrived home, and can be found at 507 East Sixth street. Phone Scott C03. FRITZ' CONCERT HALL: largest cafe on Fa cile Coast: 240 o 240 Burnslde. Welnhard's ber on draught. Clubrpoms upstairs. LADIES A SECRET TO ENLARGE YOUR bast nix inches, free. Zanzcmetto Co., Dept. 358, Milwaukee. Wis. CONFINEMENT CASES RECEIVED AND cared for at physician's house. Dr. Arthur De Voe. 8eattle. MRS. A. LAMOTTE. 449 GLISAN. SPECIAL lt In mending fancy and plain garments for ladles end gents. BEGINNERS ON A'lOLIN TAUGHT BEST methol at 25c per half hour. Oregon phone, Scott 041. DRUGS; COUNTRY MAIL ORDERS SOLIC lted. Albert Bernl, Druggist. 235 Wash. st. LADIES. Free. Harmless Monthly Regulator. Cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. R 174. Mllw.Wis. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbe building. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 105 4TH. Phone Clny 041. Wheels called for, delivered. MRS. DR. MeCOY. olectric treatments. 133S Flrt "t . cor Aldr. rooms 58 and 50 LOST A!D FOUND. LOST FRIDAY EVENING. BETWEEN 463 Flint street, and St. Johns Station, lady's black purs, containing money. Return to 1G7 Jlonroe street. -1 STOLEN SENTINEL BTCYCLE: NO 15.071: color, green? frame. 21 Inches: 3-fork design; Morrow brake. Return to 310 Oregonlan ofllce. Reward. v- LOST A YOUNG DOG; CROSS BETWEEN ma.Ulfr and St. Bernard; called "Mascot." Liberal reward to flndr. Inquire 556 Fifth street. LOST THURSDAY AFTERNOON. A SIL-ver-covcrcd tablet, marked "T to E. B." Return to 191 First et. Reward. LOST GOLD WATCH, JUNE 13: MONO gram "C M. B." on case. Return Oregonlan office, and receive reward. LOST PONY: STRIP IN FACE. DARK BAY. Jensen's brickyard; $3 rerward. A. J. Hew itt, on Sandy road. LOST PLAIN GOLD LOCKET. DIAMOND Mttin. finder plaf e return to Imperial Hole, and receive reward. LOST A DIAMOND RING. FINDER WILL bs gjven a liberal reward If returned to Oregonlan office. LOST LADY'S TAN PURSE. VICINITY OF Yamhill anil Third, containing email change, two coupons, two photos. Return 1C5 Park. Reward. LADY'S FLACK ASTRACHAN CAPE. RE turn to 314 Oregonlan bJildir.g. Suitable re ward. FOUND GOLD NUGGET PEC. CALL O. Barber Shop, Cth and Washington sts. K. LOST GOLD NUGGET PIN. LIBERAL RE ward. Return S15 Front street. BUSINESS. CHANCES. JENNHCGS i. C6 BUSINESS BROKERS SODii MORRISON ST PHONE BLACK. 1S22 WE BO THE BUSINESS BECAUSE WE HAYE-JEHE-BARGAINS. ROOMTNG-HOUBE BARGAINS 37 rooms, ele gant furniture. $2350. 30 rooms, steam heat. $1500. 30 rooms, .brick. $1350: .23 rooms. S1OO0. 23 rooms, central, $1500. 58 rooms, $1350. 14 rooms, modern, boarding. $1000. 11 rooms, $450. 10 rooms, $42S- 20 rooms. $1250 20 rooms. $700. GROCERY STOLES. AT $1400. $1200, $550 and $350. Soma are old-established and choice lo cations. . ,, - - MERCHANDISE STORES A.T $0500. $6000. $T500. $2300 and $2200. RESTAURANTS AT $2000, $1500, $900 and $200, that are leaders in their class. CIGAR. CANDY AND FRUIT STORES AT $11W. $1200, $270. $110. $75 and $4000. Soma have living rooms In connection. SALOONS for $2100. $1700. $S00 and $2000. CREAMERIES AND BAKERIES from $150 to $1000. JOB PRINHNG ofllce. clearing $150 monthly, for $2500. COUNTRY HOTEL. $2500. BAR BER SHOP. $75. DRUG STORE AND PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE. $60. STATION ERY AND BOOK STORE. $1800. NEWS-t PAPER AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. $"1500. Half Interest in ELECTRICAL AND REPAIRING business. $1500. and many other good business openings;. '. JENNINGS & CO UJ09H MORRISON ST. SPECIAL BARGAIN OROCERY 'STORE ON Washington at.; Una trade, cheap rent,, clean stock; WILL INVOICE and reduce stock to SUIT PURCHASER; fixtures; about $200. IN VESTIGATE this at once. JENNINGS & CO.. 309H MORRISON ST. PATENTS FREE! VALUABLE MONEY maklng book on patents; tells all about pat ents and now to secure them at low cost; gives 100 meohancial movements. Invaluable to inventors and mechanics; telis how for tunes have been made Irom simple Inventions that -others have laughed at; itio" little Pocket Dime .Bank made over $250,0uo; gives letters of wealthy manufacturers who want .gool in ventions in their line; send us rough dm wings of ail jour NEW IDEAs or inventions; no charge for our' opinion as to tbetr being new and patentable; advice FREE; tells how to capitalize- and organize Joint stock patent right, companies; this valuaolo Inventors Guide liooic mailed JfitEE to any aaaress: it Is overflowing- with Invaluable money-making pat ent information. BIG BOOK. TREE, O'MEAKA s CO., Patent Attorneys, opp. Patent Office. 873 ti St., Washington, D. C OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER GROCERT, $1000. $-KW. confectionery and grocery. $&00, grocery: take- part real estate. Good-paying cigar stand; make otter. A snap Hotel. 40 rooms; Investigate. Saloon; owner leaving; bargain. S&SO, boarding-house; select patronage. Nicely lurnlsneU flat, 5700. Lodging-house, 22 rooms; bargain. 3U rooms, central. $1250. Fiat, $DU0r yj-rovm bouse', cnolca location; modern and strictly flrst-claes; can be bought- for lees Uun cost of furniture. JOSEPH M. HEALY, 200H Morrison. A RARE CHANCE THE BEST-PAYING confectionery and ice cream parlor in Asto ria, Or.; finely equipped; motor power; every thing complete lor tne manufacture and sale, of candy and Ice cream; full stock of con fectionery, material and supplies; Tufta soda fountain, a rare chance to btep right Into a good paying business; must be seen to be, appreciattd; sickness only reason selling; In voices $uuu; no reasonable oner refused. Tha Spa Candy Factory. Astoria, Or. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL UPPLUz,D. Stock Companies Organized. Stocks, bonds sold or Underwritten and guaranteed. Meritorious inventions financed. Special facilities for mining projects. DANIELS & CO.. Bankers, 6 Wall street. New York City. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES Forty rooms, brick fiat, very little furniture; steam heat; the finest In city; long lease; 22 ocens. good furniture; 15-room flat, cheap; small payment (town;. j3-room flat on Washington street; furniture new and nice: 12-room nat. elegant: bringing in over $110 per month; 10-room houa and furniture; must aell. C E. Bennett, 127H Fourth street. , j "HONEST SPECULATION" INVESTMENTS In stocks and grain made by my "Safe Specu lation Plan" have resulted In large profits In 'M days, and proved 4u value over all other ways of dealing; send for free particulars; customers and financial references. Steplten A. demons, broker. Old Colony Bldg.,- Chl- - cago. 111. ROADHOUSE $200 will buy a splendid location for a roadhcuse, grocery st6re, blacksmith shop, scale; plenty of water; on well-traveled crossroads, and two bicjele paths; a good thing for the right party. V. Schmid, lt,9 Grand avenue. East Side. -J RESPONSIBLE CHICAGO HOUSE DESIRES trustworthy man, competent to establish and carry on branch business; $150 per month and expenses, and share of the returns; lib eral conditions; must furnish $2500 cash toward carrying necessary stock of goods. William Marvin 114 Dearborn St., Chicago. BUSINESS MAN, WITH BEST MERCAN tile references, will noon commence- loading his own vessel In Portland for Cape Nome, and will be glad to entertain any business intrusted to him. either on shares or com mission. Address H 55. Oregonlan. RARE CHANCE TO BUY THE CAPITAL Jersey Dairy", a business of $135 to $150 per month; 20 cows, outfit complete; will sell property with It if desired; 1 miles from Salem. Inquire W. N. Savage, Salem. Or. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT PARTY with small means. A well-established hotel (- business; will sell at a sacrifice for certain reasons; no DroKers. .auarcas .v. sz, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A GOOD-PAYING DRUG Busi ness; well located and nice stock; other busi ness, reason for selling; cash proposition at invoice. Address Y 51. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AT wealthy farming center; no other shop for 13 mllee; new tools; owner wants to retire. W. M. Plymale. Wllsonville, Or. FOR SALE GROCERY STOCK: WILL Es' volce about $1500; first-class family trade: best location inthe city; good chance to right party. Q 51. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE location; good store building, and one acre of land: near Portland: $150; coot $750. Ad dress S 55, care Oregonlan. FntST-CLASS TAILORING BUSINESS FOR sale, fixtures Included. If wanted. Account rlckness; furniture for sale also. Address F 51, care Orcgonlan. 1 f FOR SALE $500 CASH WJLL BUY FURNL ture of first-class hotel In Valley town; house for rent; well-established business. Address B 50. care Oregonlan. TOR SALE CORNER SALOON. GOOD Lo cation, flno trade, long lease; large discount on cost pf fixtures and goods. L. E Thomp son & Jo., 4 uaK si. BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS FOR SALE: good business In a good town; one nouso and lot. Inquire at once. Address P. O. box 147. Oakland. Or. FOR SALE A GOOD-PAYING 20-ROOM lodging-house on easy terms, near the Hotel Portland. M, G. Griffin. 202 Tho Marquam. SPECULATION. $20 MARGINS 1000 GRAIN; 2cr send for our booklet. "Speculation."' free. , J. K. Comstock &. Co.. Tradera bldg.. Chicago. $8000 STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT liberal discount, for cash: good bu!neA Op portunity. Address R 57. Oregon Ian. FOR SALE CIGAR AND CANDY STAND and loo cream parlor; good location, gcod business. 322 Williams ave. LOAN OF SC00 AT 8 PER CENT. FOR S TO 5 j ears, on city property. No bonus allowed. P. O. box 073. , FOR SALE GOOD, PAYING BUSINESS; good reason for selling; cheap. 309 First st. Come quick. WANTED GOOD BUSINESS; WILL INVEST $1000 to $5000. Address Box 342, Newberg. Or. FOR SALE CANDY AND CIGAR STORE; good location; cheap rent. 12G Grand ave. . Man wrrli small capital can learn of good business chance. 1SG Fourth C PHYSICIAN WANTED AT LA FAYETTH. Or. Address A 8, care Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Ch. of Commerce. $20,000 TO LOAN AT 5. 6. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Wetrtcheater Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 821 Morrison st. MONET LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIAXOS. furniture and othr scuritle?. W. A. Hath away, rcom 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 7SI. FRANK C BAKER & COMPANY. HAMD ton building -Money to loan; state and county warrants bought; real estate agency. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM SS TO $500. on all classes of security. R. I. Ecker aon A Co., room 5 Washington building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 213 Com mercial block. TeL Grant 55. FINANCIAL. itONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm.KoU. room 0. Washington bid. 0 per cent money to loan on Clackama County lands. E. F. Riley. 008 Chamber of Com. State funds loaned 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt. fd'r Mult. Co., 4 DO Cham, of Com. $100 up. on "mortgages, coat papers only; $800, 0 per cent. See me first. Ward. Allsky bldg. WANTED PURCHASERS OR BROKERS TO take $500.000 stock In .the best Investment ever offered. Addreas Drawer 74, St. Loui. Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, F1ANOS and all kinds of security. Thompson's Cut Rata Ticket Office 128 Third st. LOANS oh chattels. Kalarles. etc.: low rts; eeo us-flrst. Mann & Co.. 004 Dekuin bldg. MONEY TO ZSj.VX vo furnitur of- good aocuri ties. S. W. King, room 4 Washington bldg. LOANS vYITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid In installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves. Mgr., 124 0th. near Wash., ground floor Tel. Green -444. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. BONDS. TOWN OF LAKEVTEW. OREGON Sealed bids for the purchase of $10,000 6 per cent water system and electric light bonds, will bo received by the recorder of the Town of LakeTlew. Or., until July 10. 1900. Said bonds are to- be dated August U 1000, and wllL be leaned In denominations' of '$100 to $1000 each, as purchaser may desire. Bid and bonds -axa payable In gold eton of the United States: 'Bonds "redeemable at the .pleasure of the town after 10 years, but duo and payable absolutely 20 years from data of Idauev Interest payable, annually Each bid must be accompanied with a straight certlfled check in tha sum of $500. Bids will be opened on July 20. 1000, at a met lng of the. Town Council, and tho right la rcoe.cved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Town Council. ' Char, ymbach, Ro corder, Town of Lakeview. Or., WATER, WORKS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received, by the "Water Committee of Baker City., Or., until Z o'clock P. M. Tues day, July 2. 1000. fqr furnishing material and construction of a gravity water system for Baker City, Or. Plans and profiles can bo ex amined at the City Hall. Baker City, Or. Copies of proposals and specifications can ba obtained from the Enlglneet or City Auditor. The Water Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. M. F. BENNETT. O. It. MILLER. WM. PQLLMAN, "Water Com., Baker City, Or. J. C. KELLY. Engineer, Attest: W. "H. BENTLY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aasayers and Analysts. J. H. FI5K. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist: gold dust bought. 204H Washington. Portland Assay Ofllce. 22o Stark Ore tested, re. ported on as to most economical method of working; gold bought. W. J. Curtis, aasayer. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYIST; gold dust bought. 229V4 Stark st. Attorneys. EDWARD T. TAGGART. ATTORNEY-AT-law. general practice. 518 Chamber of Com merce. 1 J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. Agricultural Implements. Machinery Grebe, Harder A Co.; Mlllburn wagons, car riages, farm machinery, pumps, Wolff-Amei-lcan bicycles. 1S2-C Madison. EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS, CARRIAGES arid farm machinery of all kinds. 1W Front. JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Mprrlson st. Boole Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tail booksellers and stationers. 133-35 3d st. Baths. TURKISH BATHS; also massage; lady attend ant. lo7 4th st.. bet. Washington and fctaric Brokers. PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO. tLTD.) Handle mines, buy prospects; large loans nt-gotlated. low rate Interest; mines examined, reported on. O. M. Rosendale. Consulting Engineer, rooms 515-51G Oregonlan building Cable Weatherby. Coda Bedford McNeau Correspondence solicited. Cape Nome Supplies. AT WHOLESALE PRICES CAPE supplies In groceries and provisions. & Co.. 112-114 Front st. NOME Rlchet Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. DEALERS IN HOUSE, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front at., near GUsan. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED cornices. J. C Bayer. 2G5 2d at. Carpenters nnd Ballders. RHODES & BUCKNER. CARPENTERS. OU fice fitters and Jobbers; satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Black 914. 33Q Stark. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; office and store fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 305 Slark. A E ROPER. HOUSE BUILDING AND RE palring. 3aO East 8th st. N. Tel. Pink 510. Chinese and Japanese Goods. LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Empress Bazaac. manufacturers ladles', chil dren's and gents' underwear, 12S Fifth sU Chiropodists. WM: DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY. THE only sclontlflc chiropodists, room Ml Allsky bldg.. dd unu Moinoii. Ore. phone Grant Hi. Miss Dart, chiropody, manicuring, 50 Union bk, lst-Stark, 0 A. M. to S P. M. Tel. Front 54 . Commission Merchants. I , HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, oid rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Front st., near Main. Portland. Or. Cash .advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHI BROKER3 and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duco merchants. Front & D sts., Portland. Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter XE. chickens and farm produce. Portland Dancing1. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 2C3 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. DR. C B. BROWN, dence. -White 034. Tel. Ore: Red 294G: resl-514-15-16 Bekum bldg. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. 4 th and Washington sts. f Dyeing: and Cleaning-. H. W. .TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER -and cleaner, 301 17th. Toi. Rd. 13L Electrical Machinery. AKRON DYNAMOS. MOTORS. METERS, etc Tatum i Bowen. ,29 to 35 First st. Elocution. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. SCHOOL CLOS lng, for teachers and pupils to take Summer term, now commencing. Rasmus School of Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic Art; most complete school cf expression In the West; practical stage training a specialty; office and classroom, second floor Auditorium build ing. W. M- Rasmus, principal. Fence and "Wire AVorlis. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 2S9 E. Morrison st. KlrevrorUs. FIREWORKS OF ALL iCKJDS, RETAIL AND wholesale. Lee Sang Wa Co.. 191 Second. Iron Founders. Mach'sts. Ship U'ld'rs. Wolff Zwicker iron Works; designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milting machinery: riveted steel pipe. Iron founders and Mitchlnlst. Smith & Watson Iron Works: engines and boll era: lorging engines a specialty; quartz and saw mills; mlac. machinery. Front and Hall. Job lrlnters. CALLING AND WEDDING CARDS: FINEST quality, lowest prices. Rogers. 323 Morrison street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " Harness sad Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNEMtf and sole leather, saddlery hardware, finding! and shoe-store supplies. 73 Front su THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harnesa manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front tu rce Crefcm Healers. FINEST1CE "CREAM: SODA IN" P0TITO.ND, Cc glass. Blodgett's. 131 Fifth st. laanranue. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. lt st. Boyd & Arnold, general agents. 1(& Leather Findings. J. A. REID. mfr. boot "and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers supplies- 207 Washington at. SSitsnetlo Ilealincr. MRS. C. J. MAPLE. MAGNETIC HEALEH (Weltmer method), personal and absent trtat. ments. 30S Third St.. Portland. Or. -r Liquor and Tobacco Institutes. Keeley Institute. 314 6th. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addictions. No other in state. Marble and Granite Works. Otto Schumann, mfg. marble and granite mon uments, estimates on building work. 204 3d. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 263- 1st. MONUMENTS AT COST, to reduce stock be fore moving down town. Weeks, 720 Tront. Mmuiage. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened. 1316 4th: formerly 'Tho Nelson ' tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LAD1T from San Francisco. Parlor 20. 2C84 Stark. Mantels and Electric Supplies.. FOR ELECTRIC. GA3 AND COMBINATION" chandeliers and supplies, see M. J. Walsh, successor to Frark Holcomb & Co, 245 Wash. Merchant Tailors. T1IEO. SCHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372 E. Rumslde. fine Spring and Summer goods to order. Musical. Ladles: Chichester's English Pennyroyal PII13 are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no- other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for I adles." In letter by return mall. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co . Phlla.. Pa. 4 LESSONS ON "vIOLIN. VIOLA. CORNET; music furnished for all occasions: fiddle mart. Emtl Thlelhorn. 209 Jefferson. Tel. West. 100 Medical. RHEUMATIC CURE SPECIFIC The "Greek" rheumatic specific Is a purs vegetable remedy, guaranteed to positively cure any and all kinds of rheumatism, acute or chronic- Being imported direct from Greeco. can only be had from L. T. Lewis, (is and 7a First St.. Portland. Or. Office hours. 0 A- M. to 5 P. M. For full information call or wrlt. Not for sale bv drug stores. 1 1 Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and chydren a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-518 The Dekum. Portland. Or. Mlnlnjr Machinery. Wllfly concentrator. Drake amal.. Ideal stamp mill, mining cars. Tatum &. Bowen. 29-33 1st. 1 Oregron Viavl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at. 2.50 P M. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITE 533 Marquam bldg.; acute and chronlc"dls eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will bt attended by Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduate under Dr. A T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phono Main 27. Drs. Northrup & Alklre. Osteopaths, suite 418 Dekum bldg. Investigation respectfully so licited; examination free. Phone Main 349. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Oregonlan building. Fhone Oak 4J1. Mlnlntr Iirvestment. THE RICHARDSON GOLD MINING CO. OF fcrs treasury stock at 12Vs. Buy before it ad vances. AV. H. Shtrod & Co . room 2 Cham ber of Commerce. Phono 1401. 1 , , TO MINING INVESTORS I HAVE FOR sale, in whole or In part, some exceptionally good mining property In Southern Oregon. J. W. Virtue. Imperial Hotel. We deal lr Eastern Oregon, bohemla and Southern Oregon mines and mining stocks. Davidson, Ward &. Co . 408 Chamber of Com. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS: MINES AND mining stock nought and sold. E. A." Clem .4 Co . 14G Third st.. Portland. Or. Palmistry. PROFESSOR RICHARD. PALMIST, CLAIR voyant. Egyptian card reader, occult worker; full $2 readings, this week. ladl-s 50c: tells you everything from birth till deaths Parlors, 209i Washington st. Hours. 9 to 9. Lnrscn. the palmist, scientific reading of all loading events In life; 50c. 2S5j First st. Patents. T. J, GEISLER. 010-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S Patent Office, , Photographic Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, corner Fourth and Washington. PIcIcle Preservers. WESTACOTT ff KNIGHT HIGH - GRADE pickles. Both phones. 474 East Alder st. Rldlnjg Academics. Portland Riding Club, .fine livery, boarding, saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Real Estate Loans nnd Rentnln. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB ll3bed 1SBO, 227 Stark street. -r Restnnrnnts. THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant. 245 Firyt st S torn pre. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage lates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia. 670. SAFES. PIANOS, FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C. M. OWen. 123 First. Tel. office Stain 1087; Black 501. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DE1T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, 6G 3d. Saw Mill Machinery. Christenson-McJIaster Machinery Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taj lor. ShoTTcnsien nnd Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON Sc. CO., Washington streets. FRONT AND Storacje and Transfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred BIckel's storehouse. .11 North Front. Wholesale Drncslsts. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO . WHOLESALE druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. Secl, Flower, Vegetable Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AND PLANTS AT Bowen's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. Wa sell only the best. Stoves, Hansen, Household 1 I'd ware Hardware; ole agt. Universal stoves Sc ranges; housefurnUhlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Tents and Awnmgi. Cap Nora- tents, bags, oil clothing. irap fur niture. Paclflc Tent & Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st. Spiritualist. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant and psychic life-reader: consult her on business affairs, lovo troubles, absent friends; good advice on mines; rending dallv. 50c and up. 107 First street, offices 7 and 8. DR. COLLINS. SPIRIT TRANCE MEDIUM: satisfaction guaranteed, readings dally; circle tonight. 350i Washington street. MRS. C. CORNELIUS RETURNED TO CITY, will resume work Wednesday. Allsky build ing. I 1 Mrs. Stevens: advice on all affair of life; sit tings COc 221 ft Morrison St.. room 22. MRP J. A. SMITH, mfdlum and healer, rcom 2. 254 Morrison. magnetic "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or.